How To
Video: Kitchener Stitch

Kitchener Stitch
In this video tutorial, Jen Arnall-Culliford teaches Kitchener Stitch, the classic grafting method to achieve a seamless join at the toe of socks, the tips of mittens, and the ends of cowls.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that of all the Kitchener Stitch tutorials in all the gin joints on the internet, this is the best one. Come at me!
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I agree, this is an excellent demonstration of Kitchener Stitch. It would be even better if she showed us how she finished off at the end. This is the bit that always looks a bit ‘lumpy’ even when I have the rest of the stitches neat and even.
I agree. The last bit is always a problem
I just shortened a sweater coat for my daughter by about 5” and used this video to reconnect the two separated pieces. This helped tremendously, both the visuals and the KSP, PSK mantra I followed. Both edges are aligned and smooth. The only mistakes are my own, not paying attention! Thanks so much for this!
I wish I could see things before they disappear!