Staycation! The Best of DG Strong
Welcome, knitters!
In the interest of a bit of fun during these dog days of August, we declare this week Staycation 2021.
We’re going to lay low and hang out and find joy in the things in our own backyard. Like Dorothy clicking her heels and discovering “there’s no place like home,” let’s all look around the house and find the good times right here.
Ditch the housework, order a pizza, commit to knitting a ton this week with us. That laundry will fold itself, if you leave it long enough.
Each day this week, we’ll bring you highlights of the MDK writers who make us laugh, think, cook, and knit.
Today, we shine our camp flashlight on DG Strong, our newest columnist.
Many readers tell us that DG has become an instant habit. His omnivorous consumption of books, movies, music, and TV means that we are all now getting a pipeline of amazing stuff to listen to, to watch, to read. His taste is unerring. We trust him totally. We would never tell him this ourselves, of course.
Start your Staycation with these gems from this star in the MDK firmament.

Whitman, Alabama. Crisscrossing the state and asking people to share a part of themselves through the words of Walt Whitman.

Fran Lebowitz. Pretend It’s a City is the Netflix series that feels like we’re across the table from this legendary writer.

Obscure. An improv genius makes audiobooks. Hilarity ensues.
Staycation Home Shopping Festival
A part of hanging out at home is doing a bit of online shopping. You know: souvenir hunting, retail therapy, shoputainment, stocking up for the long winter ahead, whatever you want to call it. We call it fun. We love getting a box in the mail and we know a lot of you do too.
Each day this week, we are going to feature some choice MDK items at a great price, and we hope you’ll find something you’ll love and can use. You can see them on our Sale page, right here. Or scroll down to see exactly what items are suddenly on sale today. All Staycation deals will be available through Sunday, so shop now if you want to be sure we don’t run out. Or wait and take yer chances.
I’ll be forever in his debt for getting me to watch Pretend It’s a City.
And it’s early, raining, and I couldn’t make up my mind which Destination scarf bundle to get so I had to get both of them. Two scarfs? Something else entirely?
I wish I could knit faster so I could buy more kits, but I have a backlog!
We just had an 11 day paintcation. For all that time, it seems like we should have gotten more than 3 rooms done, but! The house is 200 years old. There was patching. I did my first whole wall skim-coating. We did the ceilings, we did the patching, we did the trim. We taught the children how to cut in and how to roll and how to look for drips.
I want a staycation now, but now it’s all school prep. Allllll the laundry, the slow shifting of schedules to get children out the door at gawdawful hours of the morning.
I fully agree with the above statements about DG Strong, I look forward to his posts all week. I just bought the new Yola album!
I do love Snippets and DG Strong and read every single post. I am so tempted by your yarn and accessory offers, but the Canadian dollar and the cost of shipping stop me. When I lived in Phoenix I ordered from several American online sites (didn’t know you then), but since moving back home it just doesn’t compute. Wish it wasn’t so… I’m not asking you to change anything, just wishful thinking here!
I’m hoping you all are safe from hurricane Henri on both ends of the east coast Nashville and New York. We’re hanging out in the smoke & are way too close to the Caldor Fire. Highway 50 is closed one exit above us. I’m looking forward to browsing the Staycation goodies and participating
in all those other fun events. I’ll be knitting away because the air is horrid. Be safe and well. Prayers to those in the flooding.
Ohhhh, yes, permission for a staycation. Thank you. Working on the little mitts from Beginnings, a first attempt with teeny, tiny yarn and teeny, tiny needles. Have ripped out and restarted multiple times (slipped stitches, odd little “fixed” stitches, split yarn) but I think I am finally in a groove. Love it.
Fran is fabulous! As a NY”a”- my pronunciation, I have her essay book. Met Ann and Kay at my first Rhinebeck and just found you on Insta. Now to scout DG. I’m a bookseller!
I love all of DG’s recommendations, and I also enjoy his articles here at MDK!