Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: Best of Atlas Insider

Yes, I’m as disappointed as you are not to see DG’s name in the byline.
But when one of the MDK caps you wear is “the one who figures out what to do when a writer is too busy applying stickers to yarn” you write a little something yourself. So here I am.
And here you go! Three of my personal favorite peeks into the goings-on at Atlas:
Turn on the Yarn Spigots

Let’s Do Lunch

The Mysteries of Knitting

A Giveaway
The prize? Two skeins of Nua Sport in Angry Monkey, plus a copy of Field Guide No. 14: Refresh—to make an Arcade Cap by Carol Feller.
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: Leave a comment letting us know what you’d like DG to dish about in an upcoming Atlas Insider (cryptically, he dropped these hints in our editorial SlackTM channel: punk rock … roller derby).
Deadline for entries: Sunday, October 3, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
The meaning of life 🙂
Is the MDK shop located in the warehouse or in a separate location? Either way, how does that affect daily operations?
Susan, since we’re not open to the public, there’s not a physical shop per se…just a warehouse from which all online sales and shipping go out unto the world. But for the Big Event, there is a “pop-up” element where attendees will be able to shop in person. As to how it affects daily operations – well, everything is a big mess right now! But it’ll all be shipshape by Friday.
Knitting haiku — poems “found” in yarn descriptions, patterns and books. Or original poems
What would yarn named “42” look like?
DJ’s favorite playlist.
How many cats must a knitter own? What is the limit for “crazy cat lady”?
I have a neighbor who does not knit who owns 8 cats. I know this because she lost one and I found her in my gated back yard looking for it. She does not knit. That makes her the crazy cat lady.
So if one had a lot of cats, and was also a knitter, then one would be the crazy knitting lady, not the crazy cat lady? I’m asking so that I know how many cats I can have when I get just a bit older!
i hope it is not mandatory to own a cat. some of us are allergic.
Ditto to being allergic to cats. I am not allergic to dachshunds, however and there may or may not be four of them in my house!
We know there are Olympic knitters- are there punk rock knitters?
I only knitted with and wore black for years; my knitting buddy back in Ohio still does all black, and her son is getting black socks for Christmas! She and boyfriend have some purple accents on their “punk socks”!
I would love to read about DG roller skating to punk rock. Or was that not what he had in mind?
best thrift store finds. I feel like DG would have the best stories.
How to design a logo for a plumber.
Alternate uses for all of those long straight knitting needles. I knit exclusively with circulars and have for a number of years, but can’t bring myself to discard the others. There must be some creative and (possibly hilarious) ways to use those old needles.
I found a local women’s shelter that was very happy with my donated straight needles.
Someone used to make bangle bracelets out of them. I would love one.
Instead of ‘yarn art’ (or maybe ‘yard art’), what would DG make from ‘needle art’?
Yes!!! There should be some way to knit little flowers to attach to the end buttons on the old straight knitting needles to make them look less like dead flowers, Colleen. Maybe a a pattern contest for straight knitting needle decorations?
I just donated a bunch of straight needles to a couple of public schools who were teaching kids how to knit and crochet. Added some yarn and wished them well.
Mine are in a Tanqueray Gin cannister.
Definitely yes! would love to see some suggesstions!
Best way to tell the doctor you injured your shoulder knitting…
I had a huge argument with a patronizing osteo doctor once who would not believe that knitting injured my shoulder. Doing 7 scarves for Christmas presents simply did not register on his radar. Found another doctor and kept knitting.
At age 64, I told my doctor I had a rotator cuff problem caused by playing Ring Fit Adventure. He took it totally in stride so I agree, find a new doctor!
Well I would love is a post on how to get exercise while knitting
Elbow! I have something like tennis elbow from knitting
Yes please. I have a collection. What to do besides put them in a mason jar like dead flowers?
A virtual tour or field trip through MDK world headquarters, a peek behind the curtains….
Virtual tour would be great!
Roller Derby at the MDK Headquarters listening to punk rock
The psychiatric diagnoses at play when somebody decides, “Gee, wouldn’t it be fun to get your own sheep to source your wool/yarn instead of just buying it?”.
If you can’t roller skate in a Buffalo herd can knit in a Buffalo herd with bison yarn?,
Oy, you nailed it. 10 years ago I won a flock of angora goats…then added a llama, some sheep, some cashmere goats. It’s nuts. I’m down to just sheep now, but boy it’s nuts to work so hard for my own yarn! As for DG and punk rock…I was a punk rocker, complete with shaved head and combat boots and I was still knitting…sometimes even on roller skates. Life is crazy and I rise to meet that crazy every day! Knit ( and spin) on!
Basic insanity?
So far I only have two. My first shearing is Oct. 26. I will be interested to see how many skeins I get per sheep … and how much I would have to sell a skein for to recoup my investment once all costs are factored in.
Is wanting all the yarn but not knitting it a problem for everyone?
Yes! I have more yarn than I can ever use. And I bought more yesterday for a beautiful cowl. My LYS loves me.
Definitely some sort of insanity. I was able to get about 10 skeins (200 yards/skein) per sheep.
How many skeins per sheep? That is something I would love to know. And don’t forget labor with your costs. I would love to see and heard more❤️. Do you have an Instagram account? Would you consider starting an Instagram account? .
Went to a roller derby several years ago for a friends birthday. it was great fun! We were at Municipal Auditorium
Downside? The only beer they had was PBR tallboys, and they were $8. yikes!
The nervousness I suffer from while nearing the completion of a(craft) project.
Venn diagrams of music tastes/sport of choice and knitters.
Would love to see that poll and resulting data. The psychic toll of do I go out for a long ride or get some knitting done! Both are healing, just in different ways
Ideas for dog sweaters that don’t make them look like miniature grandmas.
Yes, really anything about dog sweaters. Did everyone see that Stephen West got a puppy? I am very much looking forward to seeing what he comes up with for dressing his new family member!
Isn’t his puppy cute? I think he named him Brioche? I imagine will be seeing some fun dog sweater patterns soon – can’t wait!
My favorite yarn shop dog was in a shop in Virginia Beach, VA. His name is Hank. Get it?
What are the best stitches for variegated yarn?
Why uh “a knitter” has several finished objects that I’ve, I mean they, have never blocked. Is it some kind of mental health disorder? Or maybe because I, I mean they, don’t rollerblade?
Yes this! And more broadly, how to best pick yarn for types of patterns. I tend to buy yarn on vacation, and then have to match up my stash with appropriate patterns.
Yes, please!
Amen to that!
How did DG end up at MDK?
It’s not a column length story, unfortunately! I used to work for Fringe Supply Co in a very similar position. MDK was just across the hall and when Fringe closed, MDK felt sorry for me so took me on as a charity case.
Yeay, so glad they did! Fringe’s loss is our gain…
Yes! I’d love to hear about that!
closest I’ve been to roller derby was tv watching w/ friend in college who was OBSESSED w/ it.
Would love to see more pictures of yarn and accessories in the Atlas warehouse.
Punk rock knitters, roller derby stars knitting! (Not while actually roller derbying-that would be dangerous)
Haunted/spooky stories from the MDK headquarters…we’re only a month from hallowe’en!
I would love to join the tour of MDK headquarters. I’d also like to know what’s on everyone’s needles.
This is a great one…we usually know what’s on Kay’s and Ann’s needles, but what about the rest of the Atlas crew? And what were some of their best and worst fiber experiences?
Speaking of roller derby. We have a woman in my knit night group who is a referee for the local derby. It is still here and people still skate.
Also, the most unusual place you have taken your knitting.
How do you decide on the next topic for the Field Guides?
I’d like DG to dish about using roller derby skills to fulfill orders at the MDK warehouse in an upcoming Atlas Insider.
How are designers found for the field guides?
Ditto , here! It would be a satisfying and illuminating read.
I enjoy just all your topics and joyful writing style…so look forward to a Sunday morning read. Thanks
My first job was movie theater too. Free movies, popcorn….loved it at age 14. Retired a few years ago and could not wait to nap, sleep in, read books. That was the life, for about 6 months, then that got old. Then I picked up knitting in 2012. Need I say more? I now have more yarn than I will ever need and will no doubt buy more today…..headed to spend the afternoon with MDK. Yippeeee!
I love your articles. I worked on Sidco for many years and your dang right about all the food choices. Good problem to have. Fun times having lunch at such diverse places making great memories
How about an article on how we can find more time to knit? Knitting aprons should be a “thing”. I’m waiting for the day when we have self-driving cars so I can have more time to K N I T.
See you in a bit. Save some of the angry monkey (nua, you know). I’ve gotta cast on a ‘Tabouli’ quick since I have no wips (said no knitter everrrrrrr)
How does knitting in the South differ from knitting in the North?
Soup. I want to hear about DG’s favorite soup.
My favorite!
How about thisvgreat soup recipe.
He can let us in on the ambient music choices at MDK so we can visit vicariously. I mean, surely there is SOME music playing, right?
How many people find a thrill playing “Yarn Chicken”?
I’ve actually just completed a yarn chicken sweater. I have exactly 2 grams of a skein of Felted Tweed left of my contrast color.
Yarn chicken? Inquiring minds want to know!
How to take care of your knitting hands…stretches, exercises, meditations to rejuvenate tired hands after an evening (day…weekend) of knitting.
Ways to display yarn and finished garments and keep it safe from dreaded moth
Roller derby knitting!
How to pair your knitting with music (and a glass of wine!).
Wine pairings with different types of yarn and knits.
Merlot and white lace do not pair well at my house
Yarn Acquisition: Distinguishing between collecting and hoarding.
DC has a roller derby and so does London. But where else is it a “thing” and do characters like Marion Barricuda knit?
I would like to know what ” Atlas Insider” means or why it is used by DG.
Isn’t MDK’s address on Atlas Drive? And DG works there, so is therefore an insider?
I would never stifle an artist’s creativity by making them write about a specific topic, but if DG is running out of ideas: life in Nashville, from roller derby to running out for groceries.
How come I can’t stop buying yarn? I’m insulating one wall of my house with wool.
The best knitwear for aspiring a Punk rocker-
Yes! I second this idea. Yarn choices as well. I feel that punks would be picky about yarn.
Why is the sky blue? Of course weighting about roller derby is good also
I’d love to know what DG is knitting! It’s so great to hear from him about what to listen to or watch while knitting…I look forward to it every week.
The secret life of lost skeins
More about the mysterious hut….
I’d love to read DG dishing on how much is enough….applied to yarn and other things in life
Bluegrass/folk music festivals and knitting
One of the best settings for knitting! I can’t wait to get that part of my life back.
I would love to know what DG does when he gets in a knitting funk, how do you get going again?
Yes. And how to finish a badly written pattern you now hate but promised a granddaughter.
A roller skate tour of MDK
Great audio books for knitters!
His current obsession–be it roller derby, punk rock, documentaries, commentaries, or Netflix/Prime/MHz/Britbox/whatever seriers.
how in the world did dg make it to mdk?
(and so happy he did!)
I’m new here, so I’d like to know about the items I’m finding confusing: what’s a daily letter versus a snippet? I had to sign up for two different feeds? Is that right?
(Oh you meant knitting. All of the above sounds lovely. 😉 )
Roller Derby is a THING in San Diego, CA.
I’d like to see DG come up with one of those lists… “The first letter of your latest knit pattern’s designer’s name and the last thing you ate” to find your Roller Derby Name!
Maybe not today for me… There’s no ring to “B. Turkey Burger”.
The problem of too much time spent trolling for patterns and pawing through the stash to come up with nothing definite instead of just doing a nice project someone else has already figured out.
Actually Turkey Burger sounds like a great name. Rough and tough yet better for you.
Whatever DG wants!
What to do with those stash skeins that just aren’t as beautiful now as they were when they were acquired. We all have them.
Office chair aerobics- and roller derby
How to care for our tired hands and forearms……
Movies/TV shows that you can’t help asking yourself we’re you can get that sweater pattern.
It’s maddening! I have a screenshot from an episode of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel (season 2, so what was that, thirty years ago?) when Midge went to a party and a background player is wearing a black/grey/cream zigzag sweater. I’ve bought the yarn for it and figured out the best existing pattern to sort of “graft” the idea onto but haven’t yet taken the plunge. 1. Because I really don’t wanna knit a sweater right now (or for the past decade, apparently) and 2. I really don’t wanna find out I can’t do it and never HAVE the sweater.
I’ll bet if you contacted the costume person for the show (there was an amazing costume staff!!), they’d be happy to share with you where the sweater came from.
Is this a roller derby in the MDK warehouse with a punk rock band? Otherwise, I wouldn’t presume to suggest what DG should talk about as I wouldn’t want to restrain that imagination. (And I so wish I could join the yarn night festivities but alas, it is not to be)
Personally, I would love to see a cardi designed for a punk rock roller derby. With matching knee pads, of course.
An exploration of the brain chemistry involved in purchasing yarn vs knitting. Surely ‘curating’ triggers pleasure in the brain as dopamine is released in anticipation of reward.
So, short on time to actually knit? Buy a skien or two to hold you over!
His choice is always interesting. Continue on.
I’d like to hear about making gifts for Christmas (not just knitting).
DJ… does anyone wear hand knitted socks to the Roller Derby? Miss you!
Knitting for the Nature Spirits of Fall 🙂
Yarn addiction,and yarn dispersal instructions for wills, since ethereal yarn surely exists in unlimited quantities in the afterlife!
Roller Derby! Cause a good friend is working on a documentary about it called “Don’t Be Dainty”. Keep an eye out for it!
A Nashville take on the inexplicable (to me) British love for bunting. Knitting at Graceland. Covers for the spare roll of toilet paper, knit punk rock style. (Because I cannot – at the moment – imagine roller derby style.) What would DG knit? Does DG knit? Which is the best taco? Does ripping out burn more calories?
The foods of Nashville and is it wise to knit at lunch. … and on the question of straight needles too long to be chopsticks, what to do
What are the best / surest ways of identifying the details of single skeins of yarn when you’ve lost their ball band label? (Maybe I have a few of those!!)
Wondering if different breeds of sheep have unique personality traits?
Might be fun to knit by temperment. I’d like to have a stubborn sweater or reach for a cowl from a docile sweet-tempered contributor!
Also, a shout-out for the suggestion on repurposing straight needles!
At onetimeI thought I wanted to be in a roller derby ,
DG is great at pointing us toward great telly programming. I would like to know about his childhood TV fascinations. I picture him as a little, bespectacled boy engrossed in Dark Shadows, but that may have been before his time. He may also have been a Mayberry RFD kid.
Roller Derby is a very close second!
Kudzu. It’s a mystery and fascination to me and I’m sure to DG as well.
I like the idea about an article on cats and knitting!!!
Best podcasts for knitting
The oldest skein in the warehouse? I’d love to hear about the least-loved item in stock.
I am happy with anything D.G. comes up with!
Creative suggestions on how I could get more knitting done, in spite of my full time job.
The best way to organize yarn.
Thanksgiving food traditions and when to go rogue.
How to organize knitting supplies at home.
Why he would never wear a mask while knitting…unless it’s Halloween, of course.
Great media must sees
How to make your colorwork tell the truth and other useful interrogation techniques from the MDK Branch of the Knitters Bureau.
Why we shouldn’t feel guilty for harboring a huge stash collection (and creative management of it)!
Punk rock roller derby? Sounds like that weird James Caan “Rollerball” movie that I used to watch on Saturdays. A big knitted jersey with skulls and roller skates? Coool. I’d love information about the best cardigan/waistcoat pattern with pockets that work, and don’t sag.
How do all of you finish objects so quickly? It takes me months and months and months….. 🙂
I would like DG to dish about color – in fashion, in interior design, in cars, and Panetone’s predictions for 2022.
Timer management at the MDK warehouse.
Ok, Roller derby would be nice!!
I would like to hear about the people who are Atlas Insiders. We are told little bits about the people involved in your delightful enterprise, but don’t really know them. Maybe that is intentional? Who knows. I would love to know how they evolved into the knitting person or support person they are today.
DG could write about dryer lint and make it funny. So that’s my vote – the Mundane, Mendacity of Common Household Chores. OR How the Ballband Dishcloth is The Road to Hell.
What about how to make crafts from dryer lint?
Do you have a favorite sports figure?
How about the advantages of knitting while participating in roller derby. Which needles give the best poke.
I want to know more about why cats make messes of my project basket
What are the criteria that determine whether a potential recipient is knitworthy?
It would be great to brainstorm about creative ways to utilize old, family heirloom straight needles. I have been in the circular needle camp for some time now and don’t anticipate going back to straight needles
So brave to step in and carry on. Well done!
The latest on Nessie. Or Sasquatches. I am always on the lookout for a sasquatch
A roller derby with punk rock as its music? Will he be in it? I do want to know
Please write about Nashville!
A behind the scenes look at MDK headquarters!
I’d like to hear how and when you came to be a knitter. Who taught you?
Good podcasts to listen to, personally I like Ologies, Completely Arbortrary, Lore, and True Crime and Knit
What jobs he held before becoming a part of the MDK family!
Thanks for the nice giveaway.
I want all the dirt and pictures to go with it about the epic party going down at MDK world headquarters next Saturday! Don’t leave out a single detail! I hope everyone has a great time. I would love to be there but sadly I can’t make it. Enjoy and take lots of pictures!
Time management to maximize my knitting time
When the lights turn down, when the cameras are off, when the hoardes of adoring fans go home, what are Ann and Kay really like?
Dishing topics: Favorite projects, best aspects of work besides lunch 🙂
Punk rock AND roller derbies. Surely there is a connection and DG can find it! Or make up one!
The ordeals of being marooned on sleeve island
I’d love a peek in random boxes in the warehouse 🙂
A day in the life of DG Strong at work.
Yarn or patterns pared up with his favorite musicians or pared up with his favorite locations in Nashville.
DG could write about a stick on the ground and it would be a good read! His topics are always a fun way to start my day. Thanks for sharing your talent.
Oh so true. Good observation!
So enjoy the articles!
Do you have a Fantasy Football League?
Nua Sport!
Roller Derby! Or, why are you applying stickers to yarn instead of writing
I’d love to read DG’s take on the World Heavy Metal Knitting Championship.
Sure, I’d be happy to hear about roller derby; I’ve seen it in Salt Lake City. I’m also ready for Halloween stories: haunted Nashville, podcasts, and movie recs.
What does he most enjoy knitting and to what kind of music
Tips to make sure I get my Christmas knitting done in time to mail.
How many hours do Ann, Kay, Cristina and DG devote to actual knitting on an average work week?
Anything he wants, I read them all
Well, if he needs a copy of the limited edition chapbook “Punk Rock Haiku” from the turn of the century, he can drop a line. Also, the NYTimes just had a drooooool worthy picture story of a roller skate factory.
Shoes, we want to hear about what orthotics or classy things or the horror of Crocs that folks are wearing who pack the orders.
I find myself, as I contemplate the winding down of the pandemic, how knitters connect and form knitting groups in rl. I’d appreciate profiles that gave me a feeling it’s possible even though we’re all so busy
I just reread the Mysteries of Knitting. Please oh please tell of where you heard the word ,lollygagging. My dad said it allll the time when I was a child. Gave me a little nostalgic tear of joy. Blessings!
The best knitting themed novels.
DC’s thoughts on klezmer tango music!
Wow, The Best of Atlas!
Do not oversticker him please!
We need him on Sundays to muse on crazies!!
Knits with skulls
Projects gone wrong?
How to resist buying more yarn when your stash is already huge.
really am fond of the nua sport and have admired that hat design. cats on roller skates?
I’d love his riff on eating cheesy snacks with chopsticks to keep your knitting clean. (I saw this on Instagram . . .)
Ways to store/display your yarn stash, please!
What’s everyone’s favorite pattern they know by heart?
Roller derby!
I’d love to see the inner workings of the warehouse and what’s involved sending out an order. More movie, video and book reviews would be great.
How you decide what yarns to stock and DG’s favorites
DG’s strategies for shopping Rhinebeck. I have visions before I get there, but when I arrive, my mind becomes a tangled ball of yarn. I become overwhelmed with matching the yarn I lust after with a project I can complete. 911, please help!!!
Love Nua yarn and have knitted several Carol Feller patterns. What about talking about MKAL? Those can really be very surprising.
I really enjoy a free book and skein of Nua Sport–tell DG that my freebie would be my next project
good books on tape to listen to while knitting something a bit more complicated
Where did you find this guy, DG Atlas, and how was he lured in? A man of obvious talents -putting stickers on yarn, a finger on the pulse of popular culture, gifted with words of wit and wisdom… He cooks? He knits? Cats? Wow, what a guy.
Matching yarn color to a favorite lunch . Be it in the work refrigerator or A favorite food trucks. Yes condiments are included.
I’m for your choice, DG! Your writing about anything makes me laugh? Think? Scratch my head ? Recognize my need for more yarn projects!!
Maybe DG can give an answer/reply/shut-down to this question: “I love your sweater. Will you make one for me?:
Thanks for the chance of the giveaway.
How do you pick authors for the field guides?
Extreme knitting
Choosing the right hat for the occasion (seeing as the prize is yarn for a hat…)
Oh, Roller Derby, please. And alternative uses for common knitting accessories 😉
Funnest places to eat in Nashville.
Roller Derby please. I remember attending a show(performance?) as a child. Didn’t inspire me to participate but never forgot the event.
Please oh please answer the question What is the meaning of life? It sure would be helpful in these times…especially if knitting is involved!
How to incorporate 2nd breakfast into the day while not gaining an ounce ?
Oooh that’s tough! The fun part of DG’s columns is the random surprise topics that we couldn’t have predicted. And great entertainment options in books, tv, music.
Let’s see…
– the concept of a junk drawer. What’s in it, and what’s the story on what’s inside?
– if you could invent a new sport or competition in which you’d clean house of all top honors, what would it be?
-most memorable and cherished item of clothing?
Let’s have him “dish” on his favorite meal with 3 of his favorite knit designers. Looking forward to it
How about an insider scoop on MDK staff meetings? Is that somehow related to roller derby?
I love DC’s knit to this recommendations. Books, music, videos… please do more
Put all the suggestions below in a hat and draw one out. Works for me.
The psychology of various sizes and types of yarn stashes.
Forget punk rock, what are DJ’s thoughts on bluegrass?
When I was a kid my dad worked in a Duracell factory. One of his supervisors was having a bad night, and turned on Dire Straits Industrial Disease on over the intercom system. Has anyone ever done that at your warehouse?
A tour of MDK headquarters might be fun. I once worked with a former roller derby queen, whose derby name was Dirty Diana. Some talk of roller derby might be fun. Her stories certainly were.
Ideas for the “workshop” space. That tiny house encourages knitterly dreams. Get started!!
How about a article on how they come up with naming yarn colors and how that affects the buyer’s choice in purchasing it. We see such a variety of naming choice from pantone colors to chickens.
I’d like to know the podcasts you all listen to when knitting?
What everyone wears to work at MDK.
What’s the best thing about Nashville? I’ve never been there but of course it’s on my list.
Hearing from knitting groups from other parts of the world. Whats buzzing? Also suggestions of audio books to listen to while knitting.
Never get tired of country music. Does Dolly Parton knit do you think?
I want to hear about Power Roller Blade Knitting as an Olympic sport.
I’d enjoy short stories about tours of US sheep ranches that produce knitting wool and to US dyers…. with a few scenic pictures.
Best way to wind skeins without a helper nor a swift nor a ball winder.
I drape the skein round my neck.
Your thumb
How do you decide what to knit next?
Knitting on the back of a motorcycle. I find socks are the best. Any tips and tricks?
What is the most unusual or strange knitted item that you know about?
I’d like DG to talk about decorating for Christmas.
I’d like DG to dish about domestic (US) knitting cruises – are there any?
Fiction that considers knitting
Strategies for keeping good tension when finding oneself knitting an adult man’s Aran sweater in a hot humid car—other than chose a different project!
Sweater completion had a deadline and the golf and swimming practices lasted 2-4 hours per day! I did experiment with different ways of holding the yarn as needed.
The Bay Bombers!!! Hell, yeah!!!!!!!!!! 😀
(San Francisco Bay Area in the 60s!!!!)
Mystery Knit Alongs. I’m always afraid it will end up being something I don’t like.
I am really not sure as I am a recent reader of these e-mails but I really want to enter.
Count me in for the virtual tour. I’d also welcome suggestions on how to make my husband refrain from asking me a question when he can see I am frantically undoing a complicated knitting project on multiple needles.
Roller derby: we grew up crowded around a black and white 12 inch screen in a giant“mahogany” case watching roller derby, and swearing we would grow up to join.
Does DJ like the music of JSB?
Of course I mean DG (sorry about that!)
A printed guide to happiness for knitters. A must read for a knitter’s spouse!
Roller Derby/Roller Skating
Swedish Death Cleaning!
Behind the scenes dishing on the open house event for those of us who can’t be there!
Why cats only eat expensive yarn.
Smart animals, like the ones that count, or speak with buttons, or predict the winning teams!
Roller derby!
Proper roller derby attire!
What would he make with all the new yarns coming in?
Partying with Jack O. Lantern. Witches’ brew.
I’d like him to discuss how people read something on the internet and then are offended when it doesn’t apply to them and complain vs just getting on with their lives.
I would like more info on knitting sweaters with brioche. I have made a couple of cowls with this technique, but want to expand my knowledge.
Pretty simple – if DG writes it, I’ll read it!
I’d gladly read anything DG dishes about. Yarn skein stickering has to have birthed a myriad of topics in that writer’s mind of his!
Books and their film adaptations. Best and worst!
Pumpkin spice craze . Why so many products? Pumpkin spice Cheerios? Pumpkin spice beer?
My favourite thing jn a yarn shop is the basket of odd balls; I love trying to work out what I could create with them. Does the MDK warehouse generate odd balls?
So why is yarn named Angry Monkey and Unexpected Macaw and Frog on the Wall? Sounds like DG could write a mystery post based on these! Or perhaps they’ll just be the colors the Punk Rock Roller Skaters wear!
How about something regarding our silly takes on Hallowe’en and other Fall holidays?
oh, Definitely Roller Derby! …. or Shakespeare.
Please write about angry monkeys. The animal, not the yarn.
I loved knitting Carol Feller’s Arcade Cap for my granddaughter and would love one for myself!
As far as DG Strong, I love everything he writes!
What will DG be doing for Halloween?
I’d like to hear about unusual or crazy questions when ordering or craft orders. Might make me feel a bit less yarny. I look forward to the variety of my M D K email every morning.
Best places to knit outside
So….is a lentil a bean?
Who haunts the little hut?
The “slice of life” reports from the office are great. I work in a doctor’s office and it’s so comforting to know that there is a warehouse and office where people pour all their energy into the procurement and organization of yarn. Is it real? Don’t ever tell me if it isn’t . . .
Favorite video of a Jane Austen novel.
Do you have any Non Knitters in your organization? Any Converts?
More on yarn spigots, please.
Do you wear knitted garments?
If so, what are your favorites?
Hey DG, Please share with us about Roller Derby OR share yarn recommendations to knit a beautiful Winter Sweater. Thanks
Tell us what will happen to the small house on the MDK campus.
As I have nothing to contribute to the topic of punk rock and I am amazed as anyone that roller derby is even still a topic in the 21st century, I would rather like to know his thoughts on the next great show to stream. My husband is amazed by the recommendations I get from of all my knitterly sources and friends!
When project yarn balls go missing
Best used book store find
Anything DG wants to ruminate about is always superb and gets a good giggle from me! 🙂
Would love suggestions on clever ways to say No to “non-worthy”friends/acquaintances.
1970’s. LA Thunderbirds. The Olympic Auditorium. Now that was an evening’s entertainment!
Second only to Speedway. That’s Speedway motorcycle racing at the Orange County Fairgrounds. (S.Y.O.B.F. – Smuggle in Your Own Boone’s Farm. Don’t judge. We were in high school.) Fun fact: Billy Grey who played Bud on Father Knows Best was a speedway motor cycle racer.
Yarn storage ideas! I realize the best answer may be, a warehouse.
After reading the comments I had to go back and look at the question. Does DG use roller skates while listening to punk rock to put stickers on yarn? Seems like an interesting way to get things done.
By the way I could not come to this Knit Night (afternoon) but I do hope you do it again. I will drive there someday but it is 8hours and I could not come this time.
How about a history of punk rock, or country rock or just rock. (Could be Rockers or music folk that knit?) I know knitting has been mentioned in “Murder in the Building”. Someone was stabbed with a knitting needle in one of the episodes. I won’t ruin it. (Tip: For straight needles hair foornaments or weapons for self defense.)
Is there a yarn counterpart to pumpkin spice season? By that, as we move into fall, is there a specific yarn that automatically flies off the shelves?
How to respond to someone who says, “Ohhhh, could you knit me one too? I’ll pay you for the yarn.”
“My expert artisan skills are $200 per hour, plus yarn. That plain, super bulky hat will be $500.” OR “Hahahaha! You’re hilarious.” OR “My project queue is 834 items, mostly sweaters, so it’ll be at least the year 2156 before I can get to that.”
What does DG stand for?
I would like to hear about a typical day at work for him.
Oh, roller derby!!!
Which comes first, the pattern or the yarn?
Lovely ideas …. how about the craziest questions you get asked, or have any of your delivery drivers shown any signs of wanting to learn to knit?
Mosh pit, please. The image of a mosh pit has been on my mind ever since a young colleague told me she and her family went to a show and “took every precaution, wearing face masks the whole time, except in the mosh pit.” Because Covid doesn’t rock a mosh pit? To be fair, they were enjoying heavy metal, not punk. I sure miss the old punk scene.
I love everything he writes, so will leave the choice up to him.
An answer to this question: why is it that one color that I’m not wildly in love with in a varigated yarn is ALWAYS the one color that pools?
Has DG listed his desert island CDs/albums/movies yet? If not then I would love to know more about them.
I second the call for a virtual tour of MDK!
How much stash is too much stash?
I’m curious about his take on roller derby!
Lunch. Show us what you’re eating today.
Famous knitters in history/ literature/ music/ movies… you get the idea. Real people or fictional characters.
How about some real life solutions for yarn storage – or my stash has swallowed my spare bedroom?!?
Knitting in the rain with lyrics.
Definitely roller derby. My older cousins would take me to see the Kansas City Bombers in Madison Square Garden when I was about 10. I’m still a fan.
DG . . . How about some scary yarn bombs for Hallowe’en.
Oh please please dish about punk rock!
The differences between knitters in different parts of the US and World. Do they order different things? Is there a pattern?
Favorite roller derby movie
If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 yarns would you take with you?
This isn’t exactly what you asked for but it would be entertaining. DG could share 2 truths and a lie and we could guess which is the lie, which could also be another contest with prizes!
I want to hear about fall knitting or at this point even Christmas knitting. I’m one of those lunatics who wants to be reminded at every turn that it’s fall because it somehow makes it easier to soak it up before it’s gone.
A virtual tour would be great, especially for those of us who live overseas from you (I’m in the UK).
Can we pretend we’re in the Cotswolds for a moment? My goal is to make hats or wristlets for all my friends with my own hand dyed stash while dreaming I’m in the English Countryside….ideas?
Ratio of cats and plants to the yarn stash.
May I add that my husband’s new nickname is “Angry Monkey”!! LOL!!!
I’d love to hear about any of these things in an upcoming Atlas Insider: books/literature, travel, autumn/changing seasons, yarn stashes, normalcy (is it all it’s cracked up to be? and does it exist any more? did it ever?), yummy foods, music that transports, transitions
I love DG’s articles, always informative and entertaining! I would love an article exploring the various (and I’m sure creative) ways yarners store their stash!
Yes! I vote for this one! Someone keeps sneaking more stash into my closet.
Why the knitting groupies are so awesome
Where is DG’s favorite place to go when he slips away instead of writing the weekly Insider? (Is it to a roller derby or punk rock concert, or an escape from town to the forest or the sea shore… camping in the wilds, or a great eatery and show downtown????)
New to Atlas. The world is my oyster!
I don’t really care what he talks about. Every dish is extraordinarily entertaining. Best of was great but I miss the real thing.
I would like DG to dish about Knitting with pets!! Yarn Gifts For pets- knitting around pets, etc…
Cool free things to do in Nashville
Why do some companies spin “scratchy” yarn, what causes it to be that way and why does it bother some people, but not others?
Roller derby
His favorite fall activity
What is your favorite yarn weight?
How to deal with a developing yarn addiction when I’m a really really slow beginner knitter?!
How to knit colorwork with yarn that might bleed.
How about an expose on sports that can accommodate knitting? We know Tom Daly does it while waiting to dive. What are some others? Or has anyone tried paddle board knitting? (Like paddle board yoga?)
Yes, yes, I want it!
Would like to see article on patterns to showcase the color. Thx
At what temperature is a sweater appropriate to wear?
Is it better to have knitted and stopped or to have never knitted at all?
knitting in pop culture . . . movies . . . books . . .
Please dish about punk rock!
How to convince a husband to build his wife a knitting studio.
Your favourite Hallowe’en venues and any special fall must-dos, knitting and touristy.
What is a knitting skill you haven’t tried but want to?
Yarn stash. What’s a normal yarn stash? Can there be too much of a yarn stash?
My lys is hosting a buy back acrylic yarn event to help empty your yarn stash. $1 a pound (up to 25 lbs) for in store purchase and all the yarn goes for charity knitting. Would you all ever do this?
If you were once in the Roller Derby, is the Roller Derby always in you?
What color is 42?
I would be happy to read his thoughts on roller derby. I’ve recently discovered that some folks I know are roller derby-ers. As in, people who participate, not spectate. Would never have guessed! So, yeah – interested in his thoughts on roller derby!
Has DG ever yarn bombed
Can’t quite finish a project – itis (particularly as it relates to blocking and seaming).
What was decided about the small building on the property?
Best new songs/artists.. new or new to me!
Best audiobooks to listen to while knitting?
Garage sales and yarn
Does he knit/crochet and why or why not
Are you ever too old to start a band? What is the perfect food for when you are marathon knitting? What’s this about stand up paddle boards? Best country song ever?
I would love to learn what DG would pick for the roller skaters to wear — and also what “punk rock” colors would be chosen! Happy knitting, y’all! ❤️
Does DG knit? If not, what made decide to work with all that glorious.yarn?
Anything car or transport-related
How time is measured at headquarters. Is it by the stitch? The row? The FO?
I’m new to MDK so don’t know too much about DG. How does his day start? Is he a coffee drinker or tea! Have any pets? Basically give an account of an average day of his life at MDK. Thank you!
Definitely roller derby. I still put on my skates once in a while but all my bruises are gone!
How knitted socks do not feel good to wear
How about holiday shopping in the midst of supply chain issues?
Some more suggestions of what to watch or listen to while knitting.
All those scraps. Inspiration for turning those left over bits into something fabulous.
Why? DG’s MIA ! He’ll have to regale us with where he’s been and why he left us.
You do a lot of posts on great things to watch but the peek at your Ingmar Bergman book shelf made me wonder what does DG read? Show some snaps of other parts of your book shelves!
What to watch this fall on streaming services. I always get such good ideas here. Thanks!
Honestly, I love all of DG’s musings. I like the behind the scenes columns, but to be honest, I read his stuff first every Saturday!
DG always make me laugh out loud. His great sense of humor and attention to detail are fun to read- love his ‘knit to this’ and the last movie review was classic! Maybe a podcast about MDK and his work and life there? Or you tube videos?
Knitting-related Halloween costume ideas- I feel like there could be some punny ones or just something really scary, like a moth. It would also make for a fun comments section with everyone’s ideas!
I would like to hear his option on why there are so many color choices of yarn!
Why do we have to have multiple names for needle sizes? Can’t we just settle on one method of identifying sizes?
Roller derby. Pretty please, with arnica gel on top? In my head, it is a bruising endeavor.
DG’s review of that great film with a punk rock roller derby women’s team who kick ass and definitely aren’t shy of bruises … can’t remember what it’s called, need him to remind me! … and what he’d knit while watching it XXXX
How to engage a non-knitter to visit a yarn store with you
Hi- Angry Monkey? There is a great children’s book called Grumpy Monkey. The only problem is that the “monkey” in the book has no tail, and we all know that monkeys have tails.
The perils of knitting & kayaking
I’d like him to review the many ways stash can be stored… and his favorite. Thanks!
What would DG make if he could knit.
Editor’s choice! One of the fun things has been the random nature of the topics, and not knowing what it’s going to be.
Why are the “weather people” on local news so annoying?! Everything but what you really want to know – do I need an umbrella ☂️ or not.
Knitting as a metaphor for life, or … Does chocolate permanently stain silk
I would like to know what DG thinks about his newly acquired celebrity status.
Everything DG writes is entertaining, so wherever the muse leads him!
For sure roller derby, and specifically is there a senior league? It’s always been a secret dream of mine. Also, what’s the best Halloween costume each of the MDK crew members have ever donned?
Would love a tutorial on the best short row methods – fastest and cleanest Thank you
Is there a difference between commercial yarns made in China or Turkey. Is there a difference in quality or is that a myth?
What do you guys REALLY wear to work in that big warehouse? As a work-from-homer for the pat year and a half, its been ages since I’ve worn anything but yoga pants and house slippers paired with a zoom-friendly tee shirt.
Hi How about some bee themed patterns
Also some ebooks downloaded from the library to listen to whilst knitting
Ted Lasso!
Butterflies, bees and other pollinators. What do we do that helps them and hurts them. Something more than growing milkweed in your backyard is necessary. How does the yarn industry affect the environment?
What are the best unusual places to knit in public? (Thinking of the knitters at the U.N. general assembly)
How about the joys of rollin on the river – I live on the Sassafras River
Knitting at various stages of his life’s journey….
How to effectively combine cotton and something else not wool or acrylic, for the warm blooded among us.
Favorite lunch dishes?
The collision of past and future and knitting
Punk rock bowling (and knitting)
color and its meaning
Selfish knitting (or how to get through Christmas like a normal person)
We know about the Fridge and The Hut and the new UPC inventory system, but did I miss your wackadoodle Atlas Insider take on the Always Important Gathering Spot, the coffeemaker? This is where the MDK community meets the MDK Insiders. Please let us know the most hilarious shipping mishap, the most hilarious customer comment / thank you, and the most hilarious “wait until you here what happened last night” story that was shared among the Insiders, as you poured that fragrant bev so beloved by all knitters into your awesome orange MDK Ballband thermal mugs. Come on, let us Outsiders in on your coffee news!
I second the request for a piece on creative uses for unused straight knitting needles! Another idea might be to riff on (ok, make up) knitter “personality types” a la Myers-Briggs. Or what about “Knitted Things That Make You Tilt Your Head Like A Confused Dog?” I nominate hand-knit COVID masks for that one. OMG, all those little air spaces among the stitches.
What is life like in Tennessee in the Fall? Is it ever really sweater weather there before winter sets in?
What is your favorite knitted item that you own, who made it?
The best way to avoid work and still look busy in a way that results in everyone feeling sorry that DG has to work sooooo hard! Of course I am sure this will be a fictional piece of writing.
An archeological dig of sorts, what old and odd things are hanging around. Like an old item from several years ago, or some party plates from something several years ago, or one mitten sitting around in the warehouse.
No one can own cats, they own you
I’d like to needle him to tell us a yarn or two about his early roving days…
I’d love to know if DG’s tried knitting, crocheting, or anything with the fiber arts.
I’d love to hear about roller derby especially any possible roller derby/knitting intersection. Also, knitters and their cats/dogs.
If for some reason you can’t knit for a few weeks, what is an acceptable substitute? Something that almost makes you feel like you are knitting. The peaceful and comfort part.
Polish pierogi making is a good topic related to knitting by braided bread and yard the color of kraut and roasted kielbasa for fall and reds the color of beets horse radish
Have you ever knit something for roller derby costume! I’ve seen knitting rainbow socks
I’d like to read DG’s opinion on things we are told we are too old for. FYI – Korean hip hop is for everyone!
Does Bigfoot exist?? If so, would he wear socks, hats and sweaters?
Derby names for participants on the MDK derby team, please!
Love Fanny Keaton’s idea of Knitting haiku, it reminds me of book spine poetry, a program a lot of libraries do during April, National Poetry Month. The books are stacked up and the titles read as a short poem. I think we could all make some great poetry with yarn color names and the stacks or lines of skeins of all colors would be beautiful.
I think DG needs to discuss “emergency knitting” projects.
I would love to read DG’s comments about Roller Derby and Punk music….To bring a sense of humor when both involve expressions of styles emotions. Then to add to the mix….Knitting. All 3 can show how better to express our own taste, style and expressions of who we are.
Greta Garbo and wearing men’s suits.
His favorite dishcloth pattern & yes, what to do with all those 14” straight knitting needles!
Punk ‘n derby, now you’ve got my attention!
Get dishy with statistics about newly minted knitters during the pandemic.
Whether it’s okay to own only one outfit (black) but also 200 different hand knit shawls. Asking for a friend.
One full day at MDK!
I’m a huge fan of ridiculous made-up gossip about the MDK team! Particularly fake scandal about their knitting habits – would you believe who never bothers to weave in their ends?
I would love to hear about yarn and knitwear on the runway.
Love the comeback of the dickie
His week off, hopefully a vacation!
Once a year I empty out all of my bins, sort my yarn, think about culling, think again and decide to use it all in some kind of a crazy quilt way. This time I have actually started knitting squares in various patterns and sizes and plan to somehow puzzle them together. Is this totally insane? Has anyone tried this? I would love to hear crazy lady suggestions for using the not-enough-for-a-project-but-too much-and-too-loved-to-get-rid-of-yarn
Can one knit while participating in a roller derby?
Well known people who knit, e.g. Joyce Vance, actors, actresses, politicians, etc.
A little bit about food – what is the best breakfast food that is the worst when eaten for another meal?
How about for roller derby – knitted knee & elbow pads!
I would like him to talk about meaning of life=42 and then does that mean Mariano Rivera #42 Yankees is the meaning of life?
Audio books with a knitting theme (or at the very least, mention knitting. Or how about a discussion of robots that knit.
Punk rock knitting playlist
I’ll go with Roller Derby!
Famous people from history who were knitters
Like to hear about field hockey.
How is it possible to knit while physically moving? I see/hear about people knitting while walking, running, roller skating! How is this possible? How can one manage the knitting without losing track of where they are?
I would like to read about hand/finger/wrist exercises to use as a warmup or cool down for knitting. Or possibly knitting ergonomics.
Casapinka meets Roller Derby? Casapinka pens a new design called “Roller Derby’?
I’d like to hear more about audiobooks DG might listen to while knitting, please.
It’s your call
I’d like to hear about punk rock roller derby….overlapping genres, yes?
What are we to do to get ready for a long winter’s nap.
In my younger days I thought I’d be a writer but alas, it was not to be for unlike DG who always produces interesting reads I would hardly produce two sentences on punk rock.
I am way too fascinated by roller derby so yes please.
Yarn and cocktail pairings. Or even project specific cocktail pairing!
While not necessarily punk, the left hand knitters are a unique group of their own. Some thought goes into knitting and life as most instructions are from a right handed perspective. I’d like to see DG write a column totally on the left handed knitter.
Helica knitting
DG what are the pros and cons of going on vacation and being away from MDK? What do you do to prepare to make you triumphant return?
I’d like to read about exercise you can do while knitting.
Describe his memories of the best vacation he had as a child.
Get your needles out and give us the scoop on all your coworkers! Come on sweetie! Dish!
I love roller derby! DG should absolutely write about derby.
Analogies (or similes, I suppose) that illustrate knitting versus crochet, or wool versus cotton
Topic: Why every member of the US Congress should be required to learn to knit and demonstrate their progress by knitting during all their meetings!
How many cats do you have?
I would love it if DG told us common crossword puzzle clues and answers from the world of music from the year 2000 til today.
How does knitting jive with the Punk subculture based upon anarchist, anti-government ideals and a do-it-yourself attitude?
How to overcome stash guilt
How many knitters walk while knitting? I did that in a store recently when my spouse was looking for something and I had nowhere to sit. He was highly amused! I was grateful I’d brought my project in… Instead of just cats, how about number of pets per knitter?
That moment you finish a project and panic because you don’t have ready to go knitting. I mean you actually have to look at a pattern. When all your projects are at that stage or else some kind of complicated part but you just want something to grab and take to the roller derby to knit on while you watch.
I’m sure he’s mentioned it, but I haven’t seen it. Is DG a yarncrafter? Or just someone who appreciates yarn and the creative people who work with it?
The reason why, when you’re close to finishing a project, you feel an overwhelming need to look at yarn and patterns instead of finishing said project. (Asking for a friend.)
How does yarn reproduce? I am pretty sure I didn’t buy all that stuff.
I would actually love an intro to punk rock for the Gen Xer who overlooked it the first time around.
DG – “What I Did On My Summer Vacation”
Sure to be an intriguing read.
Driving habits
Best snacks to eat while knitting, and how they evolve with changing seasons. If I were a more restrained person, I guess the subject could be: Should you snack while knitting? But for me, that’s like asking Should you breathe while knitting?
Would you rather (while knitting):
•Knit or purl?
•cast on or bind off?
•drink hot tea or coffee?
•dogs or cats?
•drink wine or beer?
•knit indoors or outside?
•watch Netflix or listen to music/podcast?
•eat spicy or sweet food?
•use large or small needles?
•use cotton/linen yarn or wool yarn?
•use big or little needles
•use straight or circular needles?
•knit alone or with friends?
•sew in ends or block finished project?
I want to learn weaving on a rigid heddle loom.