Color Explosion Throw: Game On
Dear Kay,
I wrote recently about winding 11 skeins of Mohonk Light. I’m guessing you, clever minx, figured out that I was winding this yarn in white-hot anticipation of casting on my first Color Explosion Throw. (It will not be my last.)

I cast on my blanket the day that Cecelia Campochiaro turned up in Nashville for our Knitting Getaway at MDK HQ. It just felt like the thing to do, and as the weekend progressed, it felt really great to listen to Cecelia teach her two workshops while I was getting started on this project.
Early Observations
It goes fast, this throw. Knitting two yarns on a size 5 mm (US size 8) means that you can crank a foot of blanket in short order.

The marl pattern combines 11 different colors in 55 different marls.

My early marls have a sort of woodsy wonderland vibe to them, which is fine. But I’m itching to get to the Roasted Persimmon jolt of color, and to get some of the close-color marls going.

In other words: this project is that just-one-more kind of knitting that makes me really love knitting.

The random pools of color are unpredictable, because the two yarns twist and overlap as you work. I’m doing a lot of squinting right now, seeing what new color is the result of two yarns knitted together.
Yarn Thawts
Kay, I know you’re asking why I am knitting with Mohonk Light when we have four billion colors of Felted Tweed in the Shop waiting to be adopted. Do I ask why you knit a gigantic cable sweater out of completely discontinued Rowan Denim? No, I do not. I know what happens when the heart wants a thing. The thing must be had.

As I said above, this ain’t going to be my only Color Splosion. I love Felted Tweed and plan on making another one of these babies, but I could not resist the chance (finally) to make something using a bunch of Jill Draper’s colors.
This is Barnsides, Bering, Bone, California Poppy, Charred Coal, Frosted Moss, Mourning Dove, Roasted Persimmon, Sagebrush, Shell, Spinach, and Wet Bluestone. We have a very tiny quantity of these left in the Shop, if you’re in the mood for Jill Draper.
Who knows how this is going to turn out? Stay tuned.
When the heart wants a thing, the thing must be had. That is the perfect description of all my knitting choices!
Ahhhh, when the heart wants a thing. How many of us have stashes that reflect just that? And then the next totally amazing yarn/pattern comes along. We have “tag sales” here in OH when the elderly die and their chattels are sold. Someday there is going to be a lot of delighted squealing at my tag sale from all the knitters adding to their stashes! That Marlogram is doing its darndest to reel me in! Is like a darn earworm repeating, “Come on, come on…..”
“When the heart wants a thing”. Remember that when Kermit claims that throw as his.
What Kermit wants, Kermit gets. See, e.g., his water fountain rivaling Lincoln Center’s.
Yeah…I need to start some Marling because both of my on-the-needles have gone cold with lack of that just-one-more feeling. Both too sloggy. 11 colors in 55 combos would be mesmerizing in a way that “but am I SURE about this part of the gradient and will I even WANT this at the end” does not feel, presently. Also long strips seems less hard to calculate than shoulder decreases.
the mohonk color names alone are a work of art
Oooh, that’s going to be lovely!! And wondrously squishy! I love those greens, especially with the rest of the palette. I can’t wait to start mine, Cecilia’s magnificent advice makes mine so much so much better by changing just a few colors. And I’ll be basking in the Nashville memories every stitch!
I have been playing with felted tweed for two weeks, wishing I could have some words of wisdom about choosing my colors…. I tend too much to the matchy in general, and wonder whether I should put all my colors in a bag and choose 11.
You should definitely put all your colors in a bag and choose 11. (and allow yourself ONE edit afterwards). It’s a little like tossing a coin when you have an either/or choice. When it lands and you’re ok with the “lucky” answer, great. But if you feel disappointment, you know you really wanted the other one all along. Then, you can choose it and feel good!
I’m at my happiest when knitting with any of Jill’s yarns. So much happiness that when I’m knitting with something else, I long for it to be finished so I can return to a Jill Draper Makes Stuff yarn. I try, oh I try to knit with and love other yarns, but the heart wants what the heart wants.
I’m with you! And her Barnsides is one of the all time great colors of the universe!
I’m thinking of doing a marled scarf with yarn from my stash. The idea would be to use one color throughout the scarf but add different colors in separate blocks. The one color gives an overall binding element while the blocks of color add the excitement. Should be fun!
That’s one of the most excellent marling strategies. I first encountered it in the Tokyo Shawl. That continuous strand makes everything else play nice together.
Love this idea!
I might have decided to do a Color Explosion in Mohonk Light when I saw your post. It’s just that I “need” a new blanket, and had some Mohonk Light in stash, and it wasn’t so hard for a few extra colors to hop into my cart and …I guess I’ll cast on today. 🙂
Ann, if I weren’t already a knitter your Yarn Thawts would convert me. Why do we fall in love with one yarn and not another? To translate from French, the heart has its reasons that reason does not understand.
Please can you advise what weight this is – 4 ply equivalent? My knitting is quite tight so will need to adjust suitable needles. Thank you
I think I need a tattoo
Wow I just love your progress so far and the colours that you choose! It’s stunning I can’t wait to see the finished blanket when you are done! I agree when the heart wants what it wants it’s near impossible to be stopped, I am so glad to be a part of this club. This blanket looks addictive with 11 yarns and 55 combinations! Cant wait to see your final project! I absolutely love the colours you picked and I see myself copying them
Had a moment of terror this morning: I hadn’t yet put on my glasses when I read, “When the heart wants a thing, the thing must be BAD.”
Whew! I’m so glad that’s not what you really said.