New and Blue: A Fresh Bundle of Joy

Dear Kay,
When the idea of working out a second colorway for Cecelia Campochiaro’s Color Explosion Throw came up, the idea was: blue.
We love blue. Everybody loves blue. And Rowan Felted Tweed has a fine set of blues.
Kay, your desk became the command center for Operation Blue Colorway. We laid out a lot of Felted Tweed with the idea of figuring out 11 new colors that would make for a nice Color Explosion Throw.
We shifted, swapped, ditched, and retried colors until we arrived at what we thought was a pleasing array that would play well together no matter how they are marled.
This process left me with a pretty strong urge to try the colors out. So I was the one who scooped up the 11 colors and ran home so I could work the first strip of the blanket.
It was so fun. It went so fast. I had strong energy for this experiment, even though I had just finished an entire Color Explosion Throw only the week before.

This is 18 marl combinations. There are three more strips and another 37 to come in this project.

So: here it is. We humbly present a new bundle for you, a bundle of blues (plus a few greens and a lilac) for a Color Explosion Throw.

We call it the Cool Colorway. It’s a bundle of 25 balls of Rowan Felted Tweed that is priced at 10% off the single-ball price. It includes the ebook edition of Field Guide No. 19: Marls, where this pattern lives. And this bundle qualifies for free U.S. shipping.
We’ve built what we think is a solid number of these bundles, but then, we are sometimes wrong. If this looks like this might be your kind of thing, you are right: it is big fun.
I am so tempted by this bundle! I have to do some serious thinking if it makes sense for and my umpteen UFO’s.
A beautiful combination! Very tempting.
I love a collection of blues (and greens). What a gorgeous throw this will be…
What a beauty!
I cobbled together my own cool color way using my stash of Felted Tweed (and, of course, a few additions.). I am almost finished joining all the strips and it is beautiful and cozy. If you are sitting on the fence about this one just jump off and start knitting!
Where can I find instructions for sequencing this colorway? I ordered the yarn the moment I saw it and it’s sitting here waiting for me to finish the last Xmas gift. Can’t wait to start it!
This colorway is beautiful! I am just finishing the second strip of my pulled from stash pallette–the project is addictive. Easy to pick up and knit but hard to put down
The lilac is an unexpected touch and really makes it sing!
I love these cool blues!!!! So tempted…. But, I already own the Marls Field Guide – could that be left out and discounted from the total? Teresa