The Yarn Tarot

Today we give a big MDK welcome to Suzan Colón as she gives us her first piece for MDK. Hello, Suzan!
—Ann and Kay
My former roommate, a Wiccan high priestess (because that’s what happens when you live in New York City), recently told me she stopped reading tarot cards for people—a fairly lucrative side hustle. When I asked why, she said, “People keep asking me to tell them about their future. They don’t understand that what they do now, in the present, is what shapes the future.” She’s a very pragmatic priestess.
Tarot’s past is somewhat mysterious. The cards may have originated in 15th-century Italy as a game, but since then, tarot’s pictorial archetypes have been used as a fun and fascinating way to gain insight and perspective. Whether you want a deeper look at today’s emotional weather or a long-range forecast, using tarot with imagery that resonates always makes a reading better. So when tarot combines with all things fiber in The Yarn Tarot, well …
Chocolate, meet peanut butter.
The Yarn Tarot for Crocheters, Knitters, Spinners, and Weavers is a classic tarot deck. In this incarnation, though, the suit of Swords is visually represented by knitting needles, Wand cards show crochet hooks, Cups are spinning spindles, and Pentacles are woven pieces of cloth. Cute! And, thankfully, not kitschy. Made by people who love people who love crafting, the theme never feels overdone.
Another change from better-known decks is the inclusivity of The Yarn Tarot. All members of the royal court in the Major Arcana, along with the regular folks in the Minor Arcana cards, appear in a wide variety of races, ethnicities, and gender choices.

The Yarn Tarot illustrations are by Katie Ponder, a graphic artist whose interests include quilting (you can see the influence in her work here) and tarot. I’ve never been one for the more occult-y looking divination decks.
The Yarn Tarot is a perfect deck for all seasons, for beginners, longtime readers, and everyone in between, and especially for those of us who love a yarn-themed anything.
A Giveaway
Want to know what’s in the cards for you? We’re giving away one copy of The Yarn Tarot for Crocheters, Knitters, Spinners, and Weavers. Here’s how to enter:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, here. Already subscribed? You’re all set.
Step 2: Leave a comment below about what you’d like to see in your future. More yarn? Using up at least some of your stash? Completing all your WIPs? (We can dream …)
Deadline for entries: Sunday, January 2 at 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from entries. Winner will be notified by email.
In my future I’d like to see more time to craft. Or maybe time to move slower while I’m crafting. 1 hour becomes 2 hours but the clock moves 1 hour.
My fondest wish is to have the fiber festivals open again so we can gaze starry eyed at all of the newest things!
In my future is a yarn-loving partner – love me, accept my stash 🙂
This!! This is PERFECT!!
Art and the “mystique”! What a combination!
In my future, I’d like to see more knitting projects that creatively combine yarn from my stash:-)
Amen! Wouldn’t it be nice to creatively wrestle the stash down to a manageable size.
My future sees a few finished WIPs ( a twin? maybe full sized blanket, cabled sweater, crochet butterfly dolls and giant snowflakes) all while using up all my stash (by making more sweaters). Now, if only I didn’t need to have a full-time paying job … . At least I’m thoroughly enjoying the holiday season! ❄️
Ths is fairly rediculous.
In the future, if you want to play the crititc, it would be helpful to learn to spell “ridiculous” correctly.
My thought too.
Kits for small projects so I can learn /practice techniques. New color combos.
Oh dear. Your inner eye giving you some trouble? This is harmless and entertaining, at the very least, and what beautiful art work is on these cards. Brava to the combination of art and textiles!
In my present I’d like for this deck to not be sold out. I am intrigued by tarot and this article had me going straight to Amazon. It’s probably for the best. I am intrigued by a lot of things that I don’t have time for.
Since it doesn’t appear to be in the MDK shop, I checked with my local bookstore. They had 3 — now 2 — in stock.
Perfect for my fiber-loving, tarot-reading eldest.
Me too!
Bess, you’re my soul sister!
To return to my weekly knitting group.
A charity knitting project to spread warmth and beauty. Many gorgeous creations, in use by my friends family and random strangers. Knitting friends to share the yarns and joy.
In the future – a more structured (but flexible) schedule.
Amen! I’m retired and find I can’t get out of bed because I don’t have work screaming at me. I would love to be able to structure my day myself and stick to it (mostly). 🙂
Same here! Any success or helpful suggestions?
In my future, I would like to see more time to knit marls. So much fun!
I’d love for my fibre future to include getting through all 6 years of the master spinners course I started.
I’m a teacher. I’m at my classes max capacity. Covid cases are rising quickly in my area. I dream of my class being split.
Yes. My classrooms are stuffed! I can’t walk across the room. So much for distancing.
Wishing you the best. Stay safe.
My preferred future would have more live, in-person yarn-related get-togethers: knit groups, local shops (NOT CLOSINGS!), friends with yarn. Soon, Universe???
I’m my future, I’d like more time to tell tarot, like Suzan, I do a multitude of things, plus hand felting. Did I mention finishing all my WIPs too? ❤️
I’d love to learn more about Tarot
In my future, I would love to be able to figure out what yarn from my stash was intended for which pattern! And then there are those yarns I bought just because I loved them…..
I’m my future I’d like less time working and more time doing the things I love, knitting and quilting. I’d love to learn tarot and crochet.
Knitting faster to complete all of my UFOs, and I mean I have zillions of UFOs!
My dream for my future is to retire so I can knit and read full time.
I would like to become a more dedicated and less distracted knitter in the future!
In my future I would like to inspire others to explore themselves through knitting.
In my future I’d like to finish the jumper I’ve had on the needles for over four years so I can actually wear it 🙂
In my future I will be able to master ‘cast on 9 stitches across 3 dpn’s, join and knit round 1’. This will require magic!
In my future I’d love to see more intentional knitting, knitting things I need instead of things just to use my stash that I’ll never use. I’m picturing lots of charity knitting too.
In my future I would like in-person yarn gatherings.
I would like to see my knitting and crafting supplies organized. I guess that means I’d have to organize my life! Oh to dream!
Amy, if you lived near me I’d offer to help you organize your knitting and craft supplies! I’m actually helping a girlfriend with that this weekend.
My suggestion from far away is to store like with like (all your knitting needles in one spot and paint brushes in another). You can get more detailed from there, but at least starting with all the same item in one spot is easier than hunting all over for something when you want it.
me too!
I would love a future where I help people learn to knit and share my obsession!
In my future I would like to be able to knit more of my stash, I keep plugging away at it and then I see something new I can’t resist. I would like my arthritis to go away so I could knit longer.
Knitting-wise, I hope to finish the sweater begun in 2019 in between the current 5+ WIPS, not counting darning tons of socks. Otherwise, I hope for world sanity (having given up on world peace).
p.s. I also hope that MDK will sell The Yarn Tarot; I’m boycotting Amazon these days. I’ll have to mention it to my LYS too.
I’d like to see more time to create things!
Hoping that in my very near future I finally knit a sweater for my husband and that he actually loves and wears it.
I have a sweater for my hubby mostly done. I had to remove part of the front panel to adjust the size. Never did rain it it. I hope to get it done so he can wear it this winter and that it still fits. Then make another sweater and a hat for him. ( I started it 3 or 4 years ago….and he has asked about it.)
What I most want in my future is to be alive when the cure for T1D finally reaches my grandson. Beyond that I wish my hands will continue to craft beUtiful things
Time. Just more time to do everything that brings me joy!
I would welcome more weaving in my creative future.
In my future, I’d like to be Inna place where I can squeeze a bit more time in for knitting!
In my yarns future I learn how to use the knitting machine that has been sitting on the table in my studio for the last 2 months!
My future needs to show a lot of my fiber and yarn stash transformed into useful/beautiful objects!
I would like to complete more color work projects.
My tarot reading would see me finishing all UFO’s and then skipping to my local yarn shop to fill up all my knitting work bags!
There are a few things I would like: a return to a more accessible life (no Covid), my family to remain happy AND more time to knit, crochet, use my cricut, and WIPs to be done.
I would like to see more community time with my knitting friends — this involves travel, and I’m up for it!!
In my future, I’d love to see a clean organized craft studio and more completed wips.
I’d like to finish 2 stash projects for every new project I buy
In my future, I see hours of relaxing knitting but perhaps with a more organized approach. My notes will become clearer and my skills will become more advanced.
I’d like to use more of my stash – instead of planning to use it only to buy more yarn to make those plans work!
My dreams for the future seem to mirror what most of the comments say. I want more time to knit, actually complete all the wips I have stashed away and use up most of my stash. I know it will outlive me–somehow it keeps growing!
My future will hold FINALLY receiving my Yarn Tarot deck after purchasing it in the fall from Amazon. It seems that some if not all of the decks went to Vogue maybe?
Oh, and continuing with MKALs, collecting yarn, and learning to spin with a drop spindle.
The future…a new year brings time for me to focus on a few projects for myself after pouring efforts into Christmas gifts for others. It’s a relaxing time to choose a yarn that suits my mood and soothes my soul.
Been working on 2 big projects for what seems like forever. I’d love to see a pair of socks in my knitting future- and SOON!
In my future i would like more of the peace joy and calm that every stitch brings me.
In my future I’d like to use up some of that 15 year old stash that’s sitting around!
Getting together without fear. Decluttering my house, including all things knit. This would enable some guilt free new projects. Mastering toe up socks. Being patient enough to knit a simple shawl or blanket. Hugging loved ones again.
The tarot readings I have had have been all too accurate. My most recent reading helped me sort through a “work event.” (I quit a job over massive safety issues. In hindsight I saw that the risks were to my mental wellbeing also.) The reading was prior to the event, but only afterwards was I able to understand how accurate it was. It clearly showed relationships playing out like a chess match. It helped me to see that the final decisions I made were necessary for me to move forward. In my future I see more connections with others through knitting and fiber. And it would be most appropriate to finish Foolish Virgins. There is so much temptation for me to knit small, quick projects because I like the satisfaction of being finished. I need to learn to appreciate the process itself. If MDK does not carry this deck, I hope that the LYS in Salem, MA does.
What a fun post! In my future I’d like to have more WIPs (I only have one thing on the needles at a time) and be happier with my final product—so what if one sleeve length is a few inches longer than another or that mitten has an extra thumb . . .
In my future, I want to happily start and maintain a yarn no buy (year ?). I have too much yarn even thought there is nothing as too much yarn. I’m not the one for New Year’s resolutions, and here I am.. Never done that, and I was thinking to look for a deck that would help me through this, your newsletter arrived on point !
In my immediate future I would like to be able to accomplish all my Christmas knitting in time. In a little bit of a longer range future I would like to be able to complete the blanket and sweater I started in November. Hearkening on your Priestess friend I would like to remember the now and breathe and live in the moment.
More love, more laughter
Less pressure to do all the things right now!
I would like to begin designing projects on my own, and find homes for all of the items I’ve made.
I’d like to see more projects and a healed wrist.
I’d love more yarn, for my knitting and crocheting business to bloom, and to find Mr. Right.
In my future, I would love to see more time for peaceful knitting.
My future sees me finishing a knit along I started 2+ years ago these cards are so cool, I love me some creative tarot cards!
In my future I’d like to cut down on my stash. I’ve been trying for a couple of years and it never seems to shrink …
Perfect timing. Santa has been looking for a new deck for me. I have been reading tarot for myself for years! What I’d like is time. Time to relax & indulge in the things I want for no other reason than I want to. No deadlines. No other things I should be doing.
A ball of yarn, a set of needles, soft music, and a comfy chair.
My future sees stash reduction through many hours of creative fun!
More time would be nice.
What excellent timing! I’ve never given much thought to the tarot, but my tween daughter has been curious about them lately. Which makes me curious. Lol I always lumped them in with ouija boards – slightly spooky party games. But I guess that’s not the case. What do I hope to see in my future? Lots of knitting time with friends – in person!
A world without fear.
Patience, tolerance, and joy
In the future, I’d like to have more time to knit (of course) and I’d like to have the fortitude to Kon Marie my stash…because really, it needs it, it’s at def con sable several times over.
In my future, I’d like a new apartment with a room I could set up to work well for crafting–room for stash storage, comfortable seating, good light, a table for layout (like blocking or cutting cloth)–you know, a place to create what needs to be made!
Ah, a whole afternoon to just knit. Preferably with a cat.
In my future, I’d love to learn to crochet. I love the patterns by Lilla Bjorn. Very beautiful. Like living art for one’s home.
In my future I’d like to outlive my stash while my eyes remain clear and hands nimble.
I would like in my future to have all my fleeces washed! And have them all prepared and then spun. And then even though it’s likely not possible to knit every bit of it!!
Love to use up the yarn in my stash before I come upon another skein that I just have to have.
My future involves depleting my yarn stash of twenty plus years.
To start a small Covid 19 safe knitting group in my area that could also incorporate the yarn tarot card experience ( its history and use) and to find a beginner friendly sock pattern.
Isobelle, have you ever checked out Winwick Mum’s Sockalong? It’s excellent for beginners with very detailed tutorials taking you through the whole project.
The first thing that popped into mind was that I would like my dog to forget her past abuse and be happier. It’s happening slowly…..
I usually use the I Ching for mind clearing, but those cards look pretty nice.
I’d like to continue to add to my stash and patterns in the future. But also would like to have time and energy to make things that have inspired me to craft. I love Tarot cards and if I were able, would have way more decks than I do.
In my knitting future I’d love to get my stash room under control and unearth some of the buried treasure there!
I wish for more peace, justice, and tolerance on earth on behalf of my grandchildren and all creatures. Tall order, but hey….
My future in knitting is all about finishing my vertices unite, knitting sweaters for my granddaughters, then it will be sweaters and socks for the entirety of 2022. I’m so excited. By the way, I have read cards for about 30 years and whether or not I win a deck, I’ll be buying a deck for certain!!!
In the future I’d like to see a smooth transition in all my projects… beginning, middle, end… did I say, end? Yes, finished projects.
I just bought a tarot deck but now I wish it was this deck! I’m great at starting projects but not so much at finishing. I’d like to see more completed projects in my future!
I would like to see my yarn stash organized.
I’d like to see winning The Yarn Tarot in my future!
In my future I would like to see more opportunities to sit and stitch in person with other knitters. Will we ever climb out of this pandemic hole?
In my future I’d love to knit sweaters for all my nieces and nephews. Trying to knit faster than they grow!
I would love to have more time to knit in my future, to use up my stash I can’t seem to part with, and to find a warm and welcoming knitting group to attend in person.
Welcome Suzan;) The cards are beautifully illustrated!
Thank you so much, KC!
Good health and more time to knit!
I’d love to see a cardigan’s worth of good solid worsted-weight wool in my future! Preferably somewhere in the color range of moss, or olive.
I see imaginary Make Nine projects to compensate for all the mania around finished items. Less stress.
In my dreams for the future I would like to retire so my day can be spent however I want, mostly knitting, paper crafting and reading.
I would like a future where checking the news seem optional again. For the last few years, it feels like every morning you have to double check that there was no zombie apocolype while you were sleeping. And I would like to knit through my stash without being distracted by new bright shiny projects!
My knitting future would include learning Brioche and becoming more fluent in Fair Isle. Bonus points for taking on (and completing)projects in Field Guide 13!
I have a vision for my future: Working down all those WIPs and reclaiming the knitting needles, yarn markers, needle gauges, little scissors, and tape measures!
I’d love to have more room to hold my yarn stash.
In my future I’d love to see my little girl to grow up as crafty curious as I am.
I’d like to see all my knitted gifts finished by Christmas!
I know so little about reading tarot cards. But while we are talking about reading, in my future I’d like to read my knitting better, sooner. Then I can make more progress and not spend so much of my valuable time re-knitting!
Effective stash busting would be a dream.
I wish everyone lots of lovely yarn and a big comfy chair to enjoy the lovely work we all do! Peace and love for 2022!
Nice! Although I’ve beome partial to round Tarot cards — check out The Motherpeace Deck.
Less stash!! Meaning it’s been knit into things. Then I can get off this damn yarn diet.
I just want more time, to craft, to spend with family, get things done, etc.
In my future, my wish is for more time to knit and create all the wonderful projects I have been dreaming of.
Getting the stash categorized, organized, inventoried! Would be lovely to be able to “shop” it when I find a pattern I love.
My future? Retirement (soon!) which will leave me with unlimited time to become a fiber artist knit designer extraordinaire!!
My knitting has been a bit feeble lately. My goal is to finish two wips before starting a new project. Do-able. This deck looks very cool. Will MDK be selling it?
I foresee making use of MDK resources to knit more accurate sleeve depth (shoulder to underarm) in sweaters. And winning this deck, which would make the best gift for my daughter or sister in law!
My own swift!
There are so many projects in que for me. I want to continue to enjoy the process and also complete many using stash.
I’d like to start weaving & quilting
My wish for the future is a new dog
I would love to see myself using up the tub container that it full of yarn for 4 sweaters. I guess I should print those patterns, take some measurements, and get those skeins turned in to center pull cakes.
As a reader of tarot and collector of tarot decks, this deck would be absolutely perfect for me to start using in 2022. I plan to expand my knitting repertoire to include more complex patterns and fibers. Such a beautiful deck. You all do a great job.
In my future I see more time to spin and to read about spinning.
Welcome Suzan! I so appreciate the (gift of the) reminder that Now shapes the future. xo
Thank you, Nell! 😀
I’d like to see a future where we breeze maskless into a fiber store or alpaca fest with no fear of infection and gleefully buy and use the products simply because we love the process and the products–no longer partly to fill the time indoors while we try to stay safe and protected from the virus and its seemingly infinite variants.
I would like all wips to turn into fos
in my future I would like to learn new knitting skills, better organize my stash so that I can find things and then do a better job of using the beautiful yarn I have. Peace to everyone as we move into the new year
In my future I want to use my knitting to stay grounded in the present moment while exploring my future in color and stitches
In my future, I want to see more projects using yarn from my stash. I’m know I’m going to buy new yarn, but I do need a place to put it.
I would love to work down my substantial stash of yarn to the point that I can look forward to acquiring new yarn without a sense of guilt
All my yarn organized, in a dedicated crafting room!
In my future I’d like to see more time to craft. I have been in a knitting slump this year and I’d like my mojo to return full force.
Future wants – time, yarn, time…
I’d like more time to try new things and learn new skills. Although in the past when I thought that, we got the lockdown, so be careful what you wish for! I have improved my color work skills since the pandemic started, so…
I would like to have a group of makers in my community. And I’d like the community in which i live to be a friendly, beautiful place.
So many designs/designers, yarn and projects and so little time. Love the artwork of the Tarot deck but also the inspiration. Kudos to the artist!
In the future I want to see more time of spinning yarns that are designed specifically to enhance a particular knitted or woven project.
I want to see lots of knitting in exotic locations!
Well, all you people who work and would like more time to knit, I hate to disappoint you, but I’m retired and STILL don’t have enough time!
Pick me! These look beautiful. In the future, I’d like to finish organizing my craft room and actually start making some things – especially MDK patterns I’m behind on. Plus – get a head start on baby gifts.
I would love for my future to include more people in my life that share my interest and joy in knitting. I also need more people to take my finished objects off my hands….
I definitely would love to use up some of my stash, and more crafting time:)
Oh, I would love to gift my fabulous Godchild with this giveaway. For her, I see many years of yarn adventures as she travel’s her life adventures.
My stash (both fabric and yarn) is more than I’m comfortable with. In the future I’d love to see it used up!
I’d like to see more of my local friends take up knitting.
Must one pick just one??? Slowing down time, finishing WIP, organizing my needles & yarn. Too many interests and not enough time. All of the options
sound wonderful to me.
Joining the more time to knit club, with the caveat that I want it to magically happen while I still have a full-time job and a rich life.
I seriously need to use up some of my stash. It is huge. I went on a Felted
Tweed journey after your Kaffe Fassett knit along and purchased dozens and dozens of colors. Those on top of all the other yarns I have in my stash equal a mountain of projects I’ll never get to.
I’d like my future to include organizing and using my stash, and sending the yarn that no longer has a place in my life off to make someone else happy.
I started learning to read tarot cards this past summer so this feels incredibly serendipitous. The art on the cards above is gorgeous.
In my future, I’d like to to ensure the well-being of all fiber-producing animals, and win this beautiful deck of tarot to do readings for my knitting group.
In my future I see more time with family, camping and hiking and travelling but mostly enjoying each other more.
I would love to use up more of my stash! My daughter will be overwhelmed when my time comes!
How delightful! I would like to finish a number of my WIPs and then work on reducing my yarn stash… could you clone me? Add octopus tentacles??
I would like to decide on my next sweater,keep changing my mind. And of course more yarn. There’s never enough.
I would like to see the Edinburgh Yarn Festival again.
In my future, I would like to see more focus and finish more projects.
In the new year I’d like to travel, find LYS’es, and meet people on my travels. I will be knitting, to be sure, and I might bring a couple of drop spindles for fiber tasting.
Will I live long enough to use up my stash? ♀️
These are amazing and lovely, never thought I’d say that about a set of tarot cards but there you go. My future holds knitting and traveling for sure!
time to knit with friends!
I see a knitting cruise with friends old and new.
In my future I hope to knit the patterns I have been purchasing.
I hope my future includes lots of travel to yarn destinations like Scotland and Ireland. And plenty of time to knit with other knitters.
I want to see finished WIP’s! Well, we all need goals.
I need stash busting ideas!
Tarot is perfect for me, then. I’ve always believed “live in the present.” In the present, I knit every day and in the coming year I will knit every day from my stash. By this time next year I will have used a fair amount of my beautiful yarn and have many gifts for my lovely friends and family, and for myself.
I’d like to see projects underway for every mood and situation so I always have go-to options on the needles/hooks
I would like to knit up some of my projects-in-waiting. And this giveaway sounds like so much fun!
The future: It’s not just about yarn … I have to be able to weave more music in there, too. If only playing the harp and weaving or crochet would fit together somehow and I wouldn’t have to choose one or the other for how I spend the precious time I have!
This is really unusual and interesting
I’d like to see the Spouse & I move to our retirement home soon. It involves a room just for craft storage!
I see myself finishing at least 3 of my UFO’s by June of next year.
Although I’m an avid knitter I would like to see some weaving and more dyeing in my future. Perhaps winning the lottery so I can retire early to do all the things I want to learn to do!
i would like the gift of time to enjoy my crafts as well as space for fine art. limited time is more frustrating now but maybe my future will open some up!
Knitting faster so I can use all my yarn.
I dream of time spent in person with all the delightful people I’m seeing now on Zoom, knitters and other friends.
Heart, heart, heart.
In my future, I want to see health and strength for myself and all my loved ones.
I’m hoping to only work from stash in at least 2022, especially for sock yarn!
My close friends and family have been recipients of my handknitted sweaters,hats, socks, scarves, pot holders,and washing cloths for over 6 decades. In my future, I would like to provide items for displaced people, like the Syrians and Afghani that are starting their lives with little.
I have so much I want to learn. I want lots of time
In my future I see either a finished sweater or a ripped out one with the yarn used for another sweater pattern (better written). But I am giving my experience a go. . . .
I would like the patience to take on and complete a complicated knitting project.
I hope my future is full of time to knit with my fiber posse and enough time to tidy up my crafts room!
Beautiful artwork! My wish? Well, using more of my lovely stash – or reveling in new, lush yarn will do too.
Ah, my fondest wish for the future is “time”. Feeling settled enough about the chores and work in my day being done so I can relax and do some knitting truly guilt-free. This feels impossible to me right now, and maybe it is impossible. I have a strong feeling that it comes about from more of a mindset than actual accomplishment and “getting things done”. So for now I’ll work on my thinking and work on making sure there is knitting time in every day of my future!
I would like to be a faster knitter in the future.
In my future I’d like to use up/move on the yarn that doesn’t exite me as much as it used it and replace it with yarn that really speaks to me.
In my future I’d like to see a whole lot of completion of WIPs.
I see teaching my 10 year old granddaughter to knit!
I put aside my knitting in 2021, except for the last couple of weeks where I’ve been knitting a set of mittens for my future step son. I realized I missed knitting. I need to find a way to incorporate the practice back into my daily life in 2022.
In my future I would like to see me having a dedicated space for a studio. It would make life so much easier.
In my future, I’d like to see embroidery in my knitting. I would love to use all manner of fibers in my daily creating. Even mending well-loved pieces would bring me a quiet, peaceful satisfaction.
In my future I want more time to craft and finish all my WIPs and UFOs as well as start new and exciting projects – I secretly would love to have Hermione’s Time Turner to help with getting all I want accomplished.
I would like to return to Tarot in my future. I used to read but let it slide.
I’d like more organization in my life and the arthritis in my hands to not get any worse so I can keep on knitting. Could also throw in a year or two of not adding to the stash
My future holds learning new skills
What a great idea for a tarot deck! I have been on a mostly successful “no-buy” for years and have been focused on using stash yarn and finishing WIPs. I love the endless possibilities of the life-long journey that is knitting for me.
In my future I’d like to focus on NOT buying new yarn until I use up at least some of my stash. Whew.
These are great. Definitely on my wish list. In the future, I’d like my family and friends to be happy and healthy!
In my future, every stitch I make creates a positive action in the world, a stitch of kindness leads to someone getting a meal, binding off a project brings closure and resolution to someones heartache or trauma….changing the world, one stitch at a time!
Lots & lots of yarn & more time with my grandchildren!
I’l love to see all the finished items I’ve knit and sewn in the hands of people who use them!
A past, present, and future of relentless creativity
I want to start a Elizabeth Zimmerman Pi shawl.
I would like to be more organized in general and a tidy craft room would be a great start!
I’d love to use up more of my stash! And now that I have discovered the pattern “Honey I Shrunk the Stash,” I have the funnest (yes, that’s totally a word) way to use up remnants of fingering/sock yarns!! #2022goals
Working through my stash over the next two years. Two years seems manageable. One year gives me the heebeegeebees.
I want to slow down and make more of an effort to knit and really be in the moment so I can truly savor each stitch.
In my future I’d like to see more time for yarn and other leisurely pursuits.
In my future I see a lot of knitting for a new baby 😀
In the future I will still be trying to use up my stash — but continuing to make that impossible by adding to it.
More time to knit! Also making new connections with other knitters
Oh my how to choose a yarn dream! I guess #1 is using up some stash so I can buy more new yarn!!!
In my future I’d love to see more time to spin. I love my knitting, and it has kept me sane throughout the past two years of . . . things . . . but I would love to spend some time just quietly spinning and honing that craft. And just some rest. Time to do nothing. That’s what I want in my future.
I hope for a lots of FOs in my future.
I want gatherings with friends and meaningful volunteer work in my future.
In my future I’d definitely like to see more yarn!
In my future, I’d like to see more time to craft!
In my future I would like to see more time for crafting and using my supplies of yarn and other wonderful things!
my future? more finished objects, making room for more works in progress, making room for more yarn stash and patterns…easy peasy!
I’d like more yarny gatherings with friends in the future.
In the future I’d like to knit more sweaters.
My future would include a knitting retreat.
I’d like to see retirement (at least by 70 in a few years but preferably sooner) so that I can wake each day and dive into color and texture – whether knitting, quilting, spinning or weaving. I have been accumulating the materials, now I would like the time to enjoy them and create.
In my future, I’d like more freedom to explore my creativity.
I am hoping my Tarot reading sends hoards of new yarn crafters into the universe.
A Yarn Tarot? For an old Tarot reader (and longtime knitter and crocheter, of course), this combines the best of both worlds. I definitely see this deck in my future…along with a renewed desire to knit all things beautiful.
In my future, I see spinning. Weaving and more knitting. I may even toss in some wool & linen embroidery. Merry Christmas All and Prayers for those in the tornado zone.
I would hope my future includes getting together in person with my dear friend to knit and visit. Daily emails have been wonderful, but a real visit is like nothing else.
In my future, I’d like to see myself focus more on one craft. I seem to get caught up doing a variety of crafts and could make some fantastic projects if I focused on only one. But then I get bored.
In my future I see teaching my grandchildren and friends’ grandchildren to knit, crochet and sew. Nothing would please me more than sharing my skills with another generation!
actually completing the projects I have waiting for me
I want my future to hold more of the sense of peace I feel when doing fiber arts–the zen of spinning and knitting and weaving…
In my future I would see all my knitting, crafting and painting paraphernalia well organized!
i long for the days of getting to sit around a table with fellow knitters without masks and mandates. just hang, chat and enjoy our knitting. always felt it was special, but now even more so.
I hope a new sewing machine that helps me move past the terrible machines of my teenage years is in my near future!
I want to combine the photos I have taken of finished projects with the final revised patterns, print, and organize in a Portfolio Notebook.
More time for me to knit. We just moved house and state and all of my free time is spent setting up our new life.
I hope to slow down and enjoy the knitting process more and not speed through my projects, and also realize that it’s ok if I never have a “perfect project” with zero mistakes.
In my immediate future more knitting time. Long term more tolerance and kindness.
In my future I would like to be able to be with the people I care about in person. Of course, we all want to have more time to do the things we enjoy and to finish projects!
My bucket list for the future.. learning new skills, finding a new yarn to work with, making socks, making a sweater, learning more about fiber, knitting, knitting and more knitting.
looks wonderful and very special
I would like to see time to spin up all the fiber I have prepared, then time to knit it all up! Thanks for your inspiring posts!
In my future I would love to see more time to knit with my son (33 yrs old) who has recently learned how to knit and to spend time knitting/crafting with friends.
Weird. Thank miss the cute attraction to this article
So happy to see Suzan as a guest writer for MDK. I love her interviews during Virtual VKL monthly, always so insightful and interesting!
I would always love more yarn of course, also find more ways to use up my stash.
Thank you so much for the kind words, Beth!
Wow, this is the perfect gift for a crocheter in my life! In my near future, I’d like to finish a pair of gift socks and start something for me. 🙂 In the long future, I’d like a knitted blanket for my bed.
I would love my future to show me getting more making time.
I would love love love to use up a lot of my stash making fun projects. And to give myself permission to give away yarn that I no longer love.
Hoping my future includes more time to get back to my spinning!
What does my future hold? Finishing one of my WIPs- perhaps the one that was started in 2001?
Wow, this is right up my alley! I’ve always had a thing for tarot cards, although I’m not much of a believer, I just love them as art! I have a few in my collection, but my favorite is Edward Gorey’s Fantod Pack (not a classic tarot deck at all, but wonderful and strangely accurate…). What’s in my future? Hopefully more beautiful tarot cards!
I’d be happy to finish my wips!
I would like to hold the pragmatic wisdom in my mind. What I do now will make my future.
My cards say that, following the mad maker rush of the holidays, I will lovingly adopt the cast-aways in my stash and free them to become articles of beauty in the new year!
In my future I would like to be free of guilt when I sit down to knit. So often I begin to look around and see “things” that need to be done – cannot wear blinders, can I?
I want my tennis elbow to heal so I can finally knit again!
My future might hold more focus on any project in process.
Retiring the mask safely is high on my list.
I’d like to see myself finishing sweaters to gift to my loved ones!
For the future, I would like to be stuck by wisdom and to become a better pattern reader which would equal finishing many UFO’s.
Love this! I would love to see myself following through on my intention to complete 1 big project from my list, then complete 1 palate cleanser; repeat until stash is entirely used up or consists only of skeins for donation.
More peace overall and less division. For me personally-just grateful for now.
More time to use up my bounteous stash!
I read Tarot, so in my future, I would love to see myself using this deck to read for my knitting, weaving, crocheting and spinning sisters and brothers.
In the future – I’d like to truly master brioche, including two color and lace brioche. Also more opportunities to KIP with my friends.
It’s not knitting related, but in my future I would like no more shrews in my apartment–they’ve been a problem off and on since Labor Day weekend.
I am so proud that I used yarn in my stash instead of buying some gorgeous new stuff to make myself a Christmas scarf. Maybe this tarot deck will show me owning less yarn and more completed knitted goods by this time next year?
Marling up some stash!
When I retired I was so excited by the prospect of more time to do the things I love – knitting, sewing, quilting, reading, gardening, cooking, etc. I was saddened to realize how true it can be that in retirement what used to take a few hours to complete could take days. In my future, I will have a house that magically keeps itself clean, laundry that magically washes, dries, irons and puts itself away and meals that magically appear. All so I will have more time for real life. In my real future, I will continue to find ways to keep things orderly, plan and prepare easy meals that are nutritious and delicious and get the details of life handled in a way that does give me more time for the things, and people, that I love.
I’d like to see more simplicity in my life.
In my future I want to learn to weave Bronson lace
My future includes more time for all my passions: knitting & sewing (equally ranked), Toastmasters, finally creating a blog, jewelry making, photography, working out, and exploring every idea that MDK puts in front of me! MDK is my guilty pleasure at work daily!
The first tarot card set that has ever appealed to me (love the cat!). I would definitely like to read that some stash clearing is in my future. Especially by weaving lots of useful things.
In my future, I’d like to get my craft room organized so I can actually get to all my yarn!
In my future, I’d like to see this deck of Tarot cards. What a fun idea!! Also, more time for natural dyeing.
In my future, I would love to take yarn and history related trips (adding to the yarn stash of course) with no need to be concerned about the next variant of any virus.
I would definitely like to see myself using up stash and limiting buying. I have several sweater quantities so would like to knit sweaters this year and limit gift knitting.
in my future, I’d like to visit more countries and yarn shops. Collecting more beautiful ball of yarns (promised). Enjoying my new Yarn Tarot and hope to knit faster as now.
happy holidays to you, thank you Susan for your amazing Tarot Cards (love at first see) and of course MDK for this gift.
More yarn retreats!
My future must involve large stash-busting projects!
In my future I’d like to meet more likeminded knitters. I love the women in my weekly knitting group and have recently learned about another group not far away.
By the way, MDK giveaways are always fun and interesting! Thank you for doing these.
Happy Holidays!
how wonderful. Hoping to really make a dent in stash
I definitely need to use up more of my stash — so I can buy more yarn.
I would like to organize my stash
I would like to continue pushing myself in new creative directions with my fiber arts (knitting – of course, weaving, art quilting) and experiencing the pure joy (and at times confusion and frustration) that comes with exploring in a much more intuitive way.
In my future I dream of colour, joy, family, and lots and lots and lots of fibre goodness.
The forecast for my long winter crafting would ideally include lots of pattern inspiration to set off a flurry of startitis – just finishing some larger projects and ready to cast on a bunch and see where it leads me…
I always want to see more beautiful, soft, squishy yarn in my future, but for now, I’d just be happy to not have to worry about whether my cancer has returned…
I’d like to knit a fair isle sweater and find the right design for my mini skeins!
These are so awesome!! I’d like to use up my combined stash with my mom. But we might have to give up our yarn buying hobby first.
I’ve had this little knitting dream: when I meet someone — family, friend, or just a random lovely human — I can whip out a happy little scarf out of my bag and give them a little knitted joy. Benevolent knitting bestowed everywhere. I would LOVE that in my future. My process knitting heart would be thrilled.
In my future I’d like to see health, happiness and new projects that will help use up my stash!
More time to knit without it being called procrastination or something haha
Using up more of my massive stash would be nice but that would mean not buying new yarn.
Ah! My fiber future? Yarn, finished objects (hopefully) and mostly…learning. This is what I enjoy the most about the I spend with my projects and with knitting friends.
Absolutely more yarn in my future, please!!
In my future I would like to finish my scrap blanket without deciding to make it larger (all ends woven in and an edging attached) – a couple of sweaters and a shawl or two – an abundance of caps for charity.
I would like good health and well-being in the new year. After spending a month in the hospital, that’s what I would love.
I’d like to see more crafting time in my future! It’s amazing how much time work takes up!
I want to see more yarn and more time to knit in my future.
I’d like to find the balance between work and home, and have lots more time for needlework!
In my future, I’d like to be able to read cable charts with ease.
I wish I could walk and knit better at the same time getting my 10,000 steps in per day. ( I will kept working at it.)
To finish my WIP and knit a Marie Wallin beret.
In my future, I’d like to continue to challenge myself to learn new stitches and methods while keeping my frustration level low. I need to finish some WIPs and tackle some projects that might be a little intimidating. Happy holidays! ☺️
Future present knitting practice
More time for more people and things I love.
I would love to find a perfect toe up sock pattern.
In my future I would like to knit myself a sweater that fits me
More time to knit.
more hours for more knitting!
In the upcoming year I would like to do more charity knitting, and do one prayer shawl a quarter.
I would love some time management to finish all my projects
Absolutely more yarn, and also more great Tarot decks!
oooh! I would use up the pretty yarn in my stash I have been saving, by finding the perfect pattern to match it!!
Here’s a very serious answer to a light-hearted question. It’s been a hard year for my family, aside from the pandemic. My husband hasn’t been well for over a year now and every specialist he sees gives him a clean bill of health. (Nice, but not helpful.) We’ve been struggling with infertility and have had six unsuccessful treatment cycles. And my sister died of breast cancer earlier this month.
But even in the worst of times, there is hope for the best. A week before I lost my sister, I found out that our seventh round of fertility treatments worked. I’m seven weeks pregnant and have my first ultrasound tomorrow. Between grief for my sister and worry for my husband, it’s hard to feel excited and I’m filled with fear that something will go wrong. Right now, what I’d like to see for my future is a healthy pregnancy with a healthy baby at the end of it, and a healthy husband to go with it. I won’t even mind that I’ll have even less time to knit than I do now!
(And apologies for being such a downer. No one but my husband knows I’m pregnant. I clearly need someone I can share all this with, so thank you, dear knitters, for giving me the chance.)
Explore more fiber festivals and experiment with knitting techniques that are new to me.
In my future I see a Bohus sweater kit and the time to knit it, don’t I? (She said in a hopeful voice.)
Give what stash I don’t love to friends who will, use my remaining stash with pleasure AND buy more yarn!
Win the lottery (so I can retire, buy all the yarn, and have lots of time to knit it)
I would like to see the clear note of science drown out the garbled noise of hate
Hoping that my future will give me the motivation to dive into all the projects stored in who-knows-how-many bags & bins in my closet & elsewhere. Resist the new! Shop the closet!
I see a cold, snowy outdoors and TIME spent knitting in my favorite chair while gazing at the natural beauty in my future. In the meantime, I have five quilts to bind before Christmas!!!!
Among many things in my ideal future, including sweater knitting, my stash will be half its current size. One quarter of it will be given away and the other knitted up!
My Solstice present to myself is a complicated cardigan by Baby Cocktails. I have never attempted a cable sweater before. I see me wearing it by Fall of 2022, and I am so looking forward to this project. I can do it!
I want to knit faster! My eyes are always bigger then my stomach and I start so many things and plan (and buy for!) even more – I starting to approach (reach??) SABLE!
I would like the strength to be able to use my stash. Otherwise, I need a bigger home!
All I really want is more knitting time!
I’ve always been mesmerized by Tarot cards. The art on these is really beautiful and well done. You can see the artist’s influence of quilting in her design. Lovely
In my future I want to see the Yarn Tarot.
I’m a writer and my dream has always been to open up a small yarn shop in Maine for knitters, writers and readers to gather and share their creativity. I get my best ideas when I’m knitting, and whenever I’m stuck on a scene I wander over to good ol’ MDK and read a snippet or two to clear my head. Yarn, patterns and colors are so inspirational, and so are all of your essays. Thanks for keeping a procrastinator occupied…
In the future I would love to be able to knit all the zillions of skeins of yarn in my stash. I’m good at buying and planning, but I never have enough uninterrupted time to actually finish what I start.
Lots of time to knit so I can use up lots of my stash.
More naps, more cookies.
I’m a simple person and a cheap date.
I wonder if I’ll ever learn to knit in the round without ladders!
What I would love to see in my future is the spinning wheel I purchased 4 (or maybe more) years ago at Sheep and Wool actually spinning yarn. I had such lofty expectations for myself I even bought a decent amount of roving and asked for (and got) a blending board! Maybe when my she-shed (b!#^% barn) is finished I will be able to sit outside and spin to my heart’s content. Or knit to my heart’s content.
I would like to get back into knitting.
I’m looking forward to finishing my personal Christmas orders, getting back stock done for a February craft show and starting my January custom orders, oh and staring and finishing my kids requests and my own lol
Even more ideas to use stash would be great!
Bright and audacious. Next year I’d like to experiment more with color and color combinations.
This was a very interesting article.Those are very nice cards.
A comfy chair to knit or crochet in
Wish List for the Present to prepare for the Future:
Yarn, and fiber to spin, fiber tools and equipment, patterns, explosive new ideas to explore, fun fiber friends, and people I love (or even Strangers) to give gifts to for all the things I make
All in my wish list for the future since I can NEVER have enough of it all!
I’d like to see more time for knitting so that I can get to the projects that are calling me from my stash!
Heck, I would like to see the Yarn Tarot in my future. Beautifully done.
I see myself decoding the Yarn Tarot in the future.
Learn how to knit well instead of just muddle through.
I’d like to see my crafty business expand! I just started teaching.
Oh my, what would I like to see? The energy to organise and catalogue all of my crafting stash & supplies!
More knitting! I can’t get enough.
More new-to-me yarns, especially breed specific or new dyers!
In the future I would like to learn how to knit really lacy shawls 🙂
In my future, I want to actually be more in the present! Knitting is a perfect way to slow down and be present with my young daughters…both of whom I am teaching to knit 🙂
Oh, to finish my WIPs!
In my future I’d like to see my crafting room organized and my gift WIPS all finished and given, and me knitting happily on some selfish knitting projects to my heart’s content. Maybe finally have some time to spin, too.
In my future I would like to see love and appreciation for the small and slow things – knitting, watching the bees, hearing a tree grow, smelling snow – we cant heal the world right now but we can live with the awe and wonder of the smallest of joys close to us now, this is what I want to cultivate in 2022
That the yarn I want to spin for a jumper (sweater) goes to plan!
How fun! This is my kind of tarot deck. In the future…I’d like to see better health for the world. A freedom from the fear of viruses. A chance for the world to take a breather. We could have a time to work on self compassion so that we’d be more kind and civil with each other.
In my future, my house is clean, flowers bloom year round, I have used up my stash, and all WIP are done. If I keep saying this to myself it just might happen.
Using up every single yard of yarn in my house in beautiful shawls!
Definitely wish for more knitting!
I would like to complete my WIPS and then move through some of my stash creating projects with as much interest in the yarn as when I first acquired it.
I want to wear the sweaters on my needles and finish the afghan already. And no moths.
In my very near future I’d like to see me take the leap to knitting my first sweater!
I think I need to knit down my stash over the next seven months. I found out this week that I’m pregnant with twins!!!! (All those baby sweaters and hats and socks and two special blankets should help.)
I intend to knit some sweaters that actually fit me in the future. I seem to always have something go just a little bit wrong and they are never quite right. I hope to change that!
I want my future to include – soon – a nice, long international trip, so I can knit on planes and trains, then replenish my stash with yarn I can’t get at home.
I would definitely LOVE to see more WIPs in my future!!
I’d love to win the Yarn Tarot. In my future, I’d like to use two-thirds of my current stash in new projects. (Have to buy SOME new yarn!)
In my future I see yarn tarot cards framed and displayed in my home. In my future I see a more appropriate work life balance, more time for knitting and exploring weaving. Fiber arts are life! A happy rich life.
I have just discovered tarot reading. These would be fun.
In my future I will be at a knitting retreat in a glorious location with old friends and making new ones. I miss the in person creative sparks.
In my future I wish to see a world where peace and love rule.
I’d love to complete all my WIPs in 2022. Now to find all of them ….
I would love to have the focus to finish a project without being tempted to start a new one halfway though.
In my future I’d like to learn to fair isle with both yarns in my left hand. And purl faster.
I’d love more chances to travel and study. In 2019 I went to Harrisville Designs for two full weeks and it was glorious.
Future? In terms of yarn, I just bought a loom in hopes of getting stash used up quicker, but … The year of the sweater for me, I hope.
In my future — figuring out how to modify the bust so I can actually make sweaters that fit, trying brioche, making knits for my baby
In my future I hope for continued health and gatherings with my knitting buddies. Nothing brings me more joy than to laugh, knit and cry with these ladies.
Rainbows on roses and whiskers on kittens…. No? Already used? Well, then, I look forward to losing my mask and finding my travel mojo again. Knitting on a plane!
I’d like to have my weekly knitting group get back together.
I’d love the return of my knitting & crochet mojo
Visible mending is in my future.
In my future, I see a beautiful yarn inspired tarot card deck.
More time to craft and finishing three sleeves to have two new sweaters. Love these tarot cards
This is awesome! I would love to know if I will finally make a sweater that fits me
In my future I’d like to see more purposeful stash and pattern acquisition, and time/energy to craft.
In my perfect future I see less worry, more time spent making for others, and more chocolate!
Definitely would like to work down my stash- which doesn’t seem to stop me from buying more yarn!
So I just quit a very lucrative job… first time I have ever quit a position with no back up plan… so in 2022 I hope to restore peace and sense of self to my soul and keep my “eyes wide open” to life’s future possibilities!
More knitting time with a corresponding decrease in the stash’
Ohh, more time to knit my stash and learn more about tarot would be lovely ☺️
My future — I would like to see me wearing my three hand knit sweaters. The one that’s already a few years old waiting for me in the drawer, the one on the needles that’s been 85% finished since 2019, and the one that is many skeins of Shetland yarn, sitting in two project bags.
Loved this piece, and all the writing you share with us. Thank you!
Knitting with my knitting group inside. It’s hard to hold knitting needles when it’s below 50°F outside.
Retirement! And more yarn of course.
Definitely using up some of my stash and learning not to be such a creative procrastinator (i.e. getting through those WIP). Definitely too much sensory stimulation when it comes to yarn and it’s possibilities…
I would love to use up a large portion of my individual fingering weight skeins. A friend suggested using then to knit a sweater then overdying the result. But they are each so pretty!
Looking forward to the “end times” of COVID so that I can join an in-person knitting group. Hope that is “in the cards”!
I would love to reclaim crafting time, and more importantly, energy, daily in the new year.
I’d like to find more simple yet satisfying projects. I have a sweater that’s been dragging on for two years… I want more simple cowls and shorter projects like that. I don’t have much time for knitting, so I would like to feel like I’m making progress.
I would like to read more about maybe the production of yarns and the associated supplies. Like how they are made and how that matters to their use.
In my future I want to manage getting up the stairway to my yarn stash! I had extensive back surgery in March, and had to relearn walking. Stairs are still impossible. And sending Hubbie up to hunt for anything is mission impossible!!!
I’d like to see a new tarot deck in my future!
What an amazing deck!!!!
In my future…. Having this deck.
Hmmm…. Future… continued strength, health & happiness for family, friends.& myself.
I love these cards! I would love the time to use more of my stash! I have way y
too much!
I’d like to see a lot of my stash used up in the future. It is SABLE already.
I would like more time for knitting!
What I,m hoping to see in this New Year? Well, a significant drop in my “mountain o’ stash and ufos”! Then I’d want to recapture my creative spirit and settle in for some fiber experimenting. I’ll actually settle for organixing my stash- it’s pretty ugly hot mess.
In my future I’d like to see my kitten as a full grown, non yarn eating, snuggle bug.
A deck of The Yarn Tarot
I see more color! Knitting more and learning new skills has greatly increased the use of color in my wardrobe. All the beautiful colorful yarns are begging for my attention.
I see many more knitting projects on my needles for my 7 month old son! Got to deck him out!
Always love more stories!
Definitely needing a little more time to knit!
More mindless knitting with no counting, cables, or conundrums!
This has been a busy year of asking care of my father who has cancer and my son who is getting ready to go to college. So my knitting time has been seriously compromised 🙂 Next year, I am hoping to tackle a few patterns that require mental concentration and a chance to put together the yarn cabinets for my craft room!
I’d love to have enough TIME to get through my stash before I die. Another 50 years ought to do it.
I would like a future for everyone that is free of carpal tunnel, arthritis, and all RSIs so that no one ever has to stop crafting because of pain.
More time to get thru my stash.
In my future I’d love to be more adventurous and take on a Kaffe Fassett project.
more sock yarn
I envision myself, and aspire to be, someone who can actually follow directions. May it be so.
My future involves using up my stash so I have room for me yarn!
Using my stash so I can move ahead and support more indie dyers
More time to knit and read about yarn. I’d love to learn to weave, too. I’ve been saving my pot holder loom for this weekend as I’m finally on winter break (I’m a middle school teacher). I love this deck. Where can I get one?
I would love to have all my knitted items blocked and finished but even more, I want to finish my daughter’s blanket I am crocheting!
She is an out of the box artist who picked out one of the most complicated patterns I have ever dealt with. I have re-crocheted more sections than I care to mention and finally, I rewrote the pattern as it should be and now all pieces lay flat. There were too many fastening off of colors resulting in much weaving in, as well the constant change in technique that I started to question my skills!
I started this blanket last November for last years Christmas present. I may be a year off but at least I see a completion date and a very colorful, geometric blanket in the near future.
And, the blanket lays flat!
My future sees using stash yarn, finishing projects, and using my new tarot cards for intuition about my projects!
My future is to keep using all those treasures that I have stashed away for years. I’ve been on a mission, and it is so satisfying to get wonderful materials out of a box and into a finished item.
I long to connect with other fiber artists again — safely, IN PERSON.
I see a slowing down of working hours and an increase of knitting hours.
I have 5 skeins of dk weight yarn in varying speckles. What was I thinking! I’d love ideas of what on earth to make with them.
What a beautiful tarot deck!!! I’d like to wear my knits more. Now that I live in a colder area, I have the opportunity. I need some long sleeve shirts for layering under my vests and cardigans. I knit what interests me without thought of how it fits into my wardrobe… I’d like to change that.,
My knitting life is so amazing, can’t think of anything to wish for. Knitting help group has grown and each member a new friend. Social knitting group elevates my knitting and my heart. Who could ask for more.
This is the year I retire and have more time to use up my yarn stash. Then get a part time gig to buy more yarn.
In the future I would like to see my UFOs magically complete themselves!
I want to see more time to KNIT in my future!! Not yet ready to retire but would love an extra hour or two in my day to just knit.
In my future I’d like to see that I’ve completed TKGA’s three-plus year master hand knitter certification. Almost there . . .
To finish my make 9 projects
I wish for more kindness and patience in the world, and of course, more yarn to create with.
I’d love to see fun projects that would help use up all those odds and ends of yarn (especially sock yarn) where there’s not enough to make anything by themselves but there’s too much to throw away.
Now that I am retired, and settled, (mostly) in my new home, I hope to start using up my stash and spending more time knitting. Tend to procrastinate so have a lot of projects swirling around in my head.
The cards are beautiful. I would like my future to toddle on about as it’s been for the last few years-home life with a sweet husband, lots of friends and dancing (though distanced, those), crafting and cooking, and let’s all get vaccinated, be careful, and be done with this pandemic.
The tarot cards are beautiful. I love the art work. I would like more insight of how to use my stash.
I’d like to see more finished projects in my future!
I would like to indulge all the knitting whimsy and skip the angst of deadlines!
I want to make another Petula sweater this year!!!
This might make me finally check out tarot! I’d like to divine — and remember — what my stash should become!
I see a larger space/home where ALL my yarn, fibre and supplies are seen and accessible.
I see knitting a sweater a year. I love little projects, but there are some yarns that just must be made into a sweater.
I would love to finally find all the pieces of my Doctor Who projects (yes, multiple!) and finish them.
In my NEAR future I would like to be able to say I have finished all of my “UFO”
I think I would like to continue what I began last year, the using of stash first and purchasing as a last resort. I managed to get rid of nearly a bin of stash yarn in the past year. Here’s to more of the same!
My wish is to be more present, learn to prioritize a bit more knitting time, and these tarot cards!
I’m with everyone who would like to be able to safely have in-person fiber festivals and knitting groups again!
I would like to finally feel settled in my new space- then I can craft to my heart’s content!
Yes, I would love to finish some of my WIPs.
In the year ahead I hope to knit up some adorable baby items for my very own munchkin. My partner and I are trying to conceive.
I absolutely love this deck! If I am entered and don’t win, I would certainly purchase it! My “present” to myself 🙂
Don’t we all want more time to finish projects? Oh, and world peace…seriously.
In the future, I would love to see my family healthy and my son-in-law safely returned from his deployment in the Middle East.
Finishing my WIP pile!! A girl can dream….
I hope for more yarn and time to knit in my future
Love any patterns that use up leftovers. Thanks!
Doing my art full time and traveling.
In my future I hope to find a project for everything in my stash
I’d like more knitting and gardening time in my future. And travel to new places.
My wish is to learn double knitting and fair isle techniques- and of course, to finish some WIP’s!
I would like to have room to organize my yarn and a yarn fairy to put it all away.
I would love to get my hot little hands on this deck! In the coming months, I hope to see myself weaving in ends, blocking, and then WEARING some gorgeous items that I have finished knitting and are sitting in a bin waiting for me to bring them to life.
I *know* my future is filled with yarn … the Yarn Tarot will help me know which project is in my present (pun intended) and the likelihood of seeing it to a satisfying conclusion.
I would like to add crochet to my skill set…and maybe Nålebinding too
In my future a diminished stash (so I can resupply again)
In the future, I’d love to be able to attend the Taos Wool Festival again and to finish the very fine linen shawl from a ball of linen I purchased there a few years ago!
I’d like to have more sock knitting in my future. I have cold feet all winter. Wool keeps me warmest.
Tarot tarot, tell me why, sometimes my knitting makes me cry. Will the sweater I cast on today, bring me joy or languish away? Which of the projects in my queue, should rise to the top, to be something new?
If only I had these crafty cards, I’d know which project might not be too hard.
Ha!! I love it! Are there little illustrations to go along with your lovely, funny poem?? If not, you need Quentin Blake to draw some for you! 🙂
Wow! These are beautiful. I’m hoping Susan will share some about her MedKNITation system, this sounds like something I’d be very interested in. Welcome Susan.
Beautiful cards! I’d love to finish all wips and organize my crafting space. That’s reasonable, right?
Of course, I’d love new yarn in my future! But I really would also like to whittle down and find projects for some of my beautiful stash. And visit some new yarn shops- Pacific NW? NM?
Time to finish up WIPs and get patterns and tools organized..And hopefully getting the library yarn group back together.
Decrease my stash!
I’d love to have more time.
It’s about time for us to believe in magic. Two sticks and string can make many things. A simple tool like a spindle can make yarn from fluffy stuff. Thanks for a chance.
I love tarot cards. I have alwasy been drawn to the art in them. I have even thought of making my own deck but look, a birdie! In my future I see days of making things, painting with friends, lots of snacks and peace on earth.
I would love to see more sustainable knitting, and more crafting that is milder towards mother earth
I would love to learn steeking in the future and feel confident performing that technique/method.
I dream of visiting Sanquhar, Scotland to buy some handmade gloves knit there for my daughters-in-law and myself.
Yes to more time for knitting!
Love the new deck! The art work is beautiful! My future would be to combine my interests knitting, crochet, weaving, and beading in the same project.
I completely knitted a shawl. Then I completely ripped the whole thing apart. Now I’m reknitting it in another pattern. I would truly like to see this thing completed, done and kept!
Better fitting sweaters
These look amazing! Love the inclusivity/diversity! In my future would be stash-busting and more finished projects.
my future I see lots of warm snuggly projects for me, I would really like to try a sweater that is custom fitted to my body shape and health issues, and for someone to invent a washer that gently washed and blocked our garments…lol and a machine that starched and blocked out crochet doilys and snowflakes.
See more yarn in my future.
I’m transitioning away from a very high-stress, office work life into the beginning stages of an art-based business. I’m craving the flexibility for personal projects, but also know that I need to practice my art in order to grow & learn more. So in my future I would like to create a schedule that balances both.
I’m taking 2022 off from buying yarn & committing to using up my stash…ok, i said it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In my future, I would like to see more knitting time!
I’ve been knitting the same sweater the entire pandemic. I finished the body and one sleeve, but the sleeve was too tight and I decided the body could be tighter, so I unraveled to the yoke…I knit the yoke longer. I decided to frog the entire thing. I tried knitting a different style of collar, hated it, and frogged that. In-between I did some embroidery, a Kiki Mariko, a marled scarf, some Jojo baskets…My wish is to both complete the sweater AND have the desire to wear it when finished.
In the year to come, I would like to be healthier to give me enough time to knit through a part of my stash and continue to learn about fiber arts almost every day. This is my prayer.
Retirement in a good enough position to continue to afford to buy good yarn.
I’d like to see patterns that use up stash.
I would like to see steering!
I would like to hear everyone speaking of Covid in the past tense.
In my future I’d love to see a past where I had been knitting for far far longer than the 1 year in which I have been thrilled to be learning this craft. Think Tarot can turn back time– or is that only Cher?
Love this! I’d like more finished projects in my future.
Happiness and a sense of inner peace for my kids, a path forward for myself that’s true to my soul and that will give me a chance to be stronger, healthier and more connected to the community around me. I will be ok.
In my future, I want to learn how to knit socks and sweaters that fit better.
Yarn plus books please
Colorwork. Stranded colorwork! Can’t get enough!!
What a cool idea! I used to read tarot cards years ago. I’ll have to admit I love Suzin Hall idea of needing time for one hour because two
I retired and moved to a different state a year and a half ago. I would like to find a knitting group. I miss the one I left in Texas!
I would love to be able to use up my huge stash, before I get too old & feeble to manage the needles–or even to get it organized in a logical fashion! (Handy to be able to shop at home, though–with strategic additions!) from MDK. Maybe tarot would help with decisions!
WIPs. Yep. Finishing WIPs. 20 and counting….
It is hard to imagine having even more yarn fun than I had in 2021, but I bet I will find à beautiful yarn display case and find more time to knit or at least knit faster in 2022. I will find a wonderful group of knitters that meet weekly and want to talk about yarn more than about their grandkids! I have used tarot cards in the past and foresee myself returning to them again!
INn my future I would love to see a dedicated studio space where I can multi-craft my way to happiness!
I would like to have more time to knit, more zoom knitting meetings, & would love to use up more stash than I add, lol.
I’d like to complete some projects from my stash
In 2022 I am trying to make more time in my life for yarn. From lamb to needles. My goal is to raise my flock into the most beautiful fiber and spend the rest of my time with needles in hand. This goal is becoming closer and closer and I feel like this is the year it will start.
Loved this…my classmate is the High Priestess in Nashville; no joke! On to my knitting future. I’m knitting my first sweater, a cardigan. I have reversed knitted more than I have forward knitted…that magic loop thing was a pistol. Then there’s gauge and lifelines when I had to remove my sleeve; ribbing up to shoulder; because it fit like a sausage casing. It has been a huge learning experience from mechanics to not getting caught up in competitive knitting. I like this craft, I’m really enjoying it. I’m hoping for the death card, transform, moving forward. I’m seeking knowledge and growing my skills. Understanding of knitting; techniques, yarn threads and how to recognize them, acronyms and who the heck figured out all these twist and turns. That in its self is amazing. It’s all in the cards
What I’d love to see in my future is knitting some of the projects in “Sequences” field guide. I’m really intrigued and can’t wait to get started. Debbie
I would like more TIME!
I would definitely like to use up some stash in my future! And I think I’d also like to see more WIPs on my needles – just without the too-many-WIPs anxiety!
In my future, I want to be more disciplined about completing projects, and having the nerve to start a knitting project that is harder than what I have done before.
I hope my fibery tarot reading would show me yet another craft I can learn in order to help me use up my stash!
Just to keep finding little joys in my life and fiber practice.
I’d like to see the end of COVID so that we can all safely spend time together again!
I’d like to find a balance between work and getting to pursue my fiber crafts
Aside from good health for everyone, I would like to see more justice, peace of mind, and peace on earth.
Finding constructive outlets, such as knitting that helps channel self nurturing and nurtures others with our gifts, is one way to build these values.
I would like to teach my daughter (20 yrs. old) to knit. She stubbornly believes she’s “all thumbs.” I think knitting could be therapeutic for her.
I’d love to see more space in my future. More clean, spare, blank space for the sheer enjoyment of the quiet and calm that comes from a room or a view uncluttered by physical, and metaphorical stuff. May all of our futures hold something even better than we can imagine.
My wish for my future is to gain new skills while whittling down my ever-growing stash.
In my future I’d like to see more finished projects, not just lingering UFOs, .
I’d like to see an end to this pandemic! Wouldn’t we all…
And yes, MORE YARN. Of course!
I’ll knit up what the fiber winds bring me.
I’d love to know that I will have a fiber studio where I can have my wheel, loom, stash and knitting supplies all set up to use and share with others.
I would love time to be creative…just to sit with my books and then actually follow through in my ideas.
Can the cards tell me why I have a hard time finishing what I’m knitting?
I will have the time to knit and learn, learn and knit.
I would love to finish up all my started projects!
I hope to make a dent in my stash in 2022, the result being more completed projects!
I would love to work through my stash… or have the cashflow to buy all of the yarn that catches my fancy!
I wish for all of my handknits to fit properly, including those made with superwash where the arms are now fit for a gorilla.
I would like the future to be continued calm and openness. ♥️
I have been learning about Tarot and reading cards, mostly for myself, for years. The Yarn Tarot sounds like an amazing deck which I’d love to explore.
Thank you,
I rehomed a number of dyes from an artist friend who passed away this year. My hope for the near future is to get enough time to use them soon.
This is a wonderful column slower pace and better health
I would like see less error-prone knitting in my future! 🙂
wow i’m new here and your selection of yarns is wonderful. My dream is for more yarn and the time to make a beautiful creation. Thank you kate
In my future, I’d like projects to have to spend less time in the magic closet after finishing (that’s the place they go into a kind of time-out until they look good to me again). Definitely want to lose the post-finishing dysphoria!
More yarn more yarn more yarn – and fewer WIPs!
I look forward to trying out this tarot deck. But what I need is how to not feel guilty when I take time to craft.
In the next year I’d love to see more of the people I love (and hopefully some new friends too)
In my future I’d love to kick the tendonitis in my hands for good! I love knitting socks and right now can’t use needles smaller than 8’s. The good news is I am able to knit some shawls – my second favorite : )
I’d like to get back the knitting mojo I had before the pandemic.
Finish all my gift knitting each year before the due date. Now that would be an awesome future!
Enjoying your information! Alpaca forever!
In my future I’d love to see a continued balance between life, work, and the hobbies I’ve fallen back in love with during my time being jobless.
I see a future where I can learn and become proficient with two new knitting techniques in 2022.
I’m hoping to get a new job I’m interviewing for.
time and energy and the mood toward progress…….Lots of sweater designs in color on my needles.
I’m waiting for the Snippets signup page to load so I’m commenting first. What I’d most like to see in the new year is my 20 year old deciding they want to be the boss of their anxiety instead of the other way around… I’d give these cards as a gift to a friend if I won them, I think she’d love them.
wI’d like to see the completion of some of my WIPs!!
My future hopes are to stay healthy to continue to learn and create whatever road I travel.
I plan to knit from stash in 2022. many beautiful yarns and not enough time
Yarn Tarot! Who would have thought.
In my future, I would like new friends to knit with in a robustly joyful environment. I would like to find new ways to share the pleasure that knitting has brought me.
I just started learning the tarot! I’d love more time for both that and knitting in my future!
In my future I would like to see more crafting with friends. I love my couch and podcasts or TV during knitting and crocheting but I’d prefer more time in the library or coffee shop or together on the couch!
What a great idea! For 2022 I’m intentionally making time to knit, or to just do something creative that I ha e badly neglected over the last couple of years.
This year I’d like to use more yardage in yarn than I bring in. I also want to lose weight.
More time and energy for yarny pursuits.
Completing ALL my WIPs this year!
Yes I see yarn in my future and charting and knitting and the Zen of this lovely art as well as much Love as I take a Fools journey into unknown knitting territory!
For a while each year I’ve set myself a knitting goal. Not a number of items to finish, but with each pattern I pick I need to learn something new.
I’m endlessly surprised by how knitting surprises me. I’ve been knitting since I was 5 or so – good old Brownies taught me how – but yet a sock pattern can still confuse and delight me.
I’ve had to rip those herringbone tweed suckers out three times!
This year I’d like to see myself knit a few things again a second time, to see if I see anything new in the pattern. And I’d like to use up my “special stash” as you can’t take it with you!
I’d also love this tarot deck as I have always been interested in what tendrils of fate we can divine with the cards.
Thanks and have a happy new year!
I would love more motivation to knit etc
I’d like to see something on what I call blended fabrics . Really they are unfinished projects, all good work, meant to be a blanket, a shawl, sweater, etc.but are not destined to a finish. Beyond WIPS!
I would love to be able to knit faster. I see so many projects that I want to do. Knowing what is in the cards will help me focus.
This has me intrigued! I can’t say I ever had my cards read, so I don’t quite understand them, but if it involves yarn & crafting, it must be a good thing! Here’s hoping for more crafting this year, for us all!
In 2022, I see me teaching my granddaughter, Alix to knit. We are starting on New Years Day inperson. We will continue by zoom or facetime after she returns to LA.
I’d love to see the perfect matchup of patterns with the yarn I’ve fallen in love with sitting nicely in my yarn bins; I’d also love to better develop my sense of color and trust it. And just be more creative and open
Try new techniques and projects (and knit faster!)
In my future, I’d like to see more FOs so I can buy more yarn!
For 2022, more time to be creative. I’ve got an idea brewing about a temperature project + Kaffe ….
I’m looking to use up my very large stash in the new year . That way I can enjoy all the yarn of years past.
My hope for 2022 is even more stashbusting, knit worthy patterns than we saw in 2021
In my future I want to use up some of my sizeable stash and get over the fear of warping my rigid heddle loom, thus using up stash!
Small projects for scrap ends of yarn.
I’m hoping to knit only things that make me happy for some reason!
In my future I wish to have the time(which eludes me at the moment) to just sit for me and not hear the other voices in the house from the cats/dogs/bird/adult child and husband to be able to craft(needlework of all kinds) or just read. But I digress….. (such is the life of a wife and mother during a pandemic or anytime)
I would like a trip to MDK World in my future to meet and greet the great group of yarniacs who have given me so much pleasure over the years!
My friend designed a great tarot deck as well (outsiders) and between these two, I can see myself really getting into the idea!
I want to better at appreciating the moment, and not getting stuck in the weeds. Crafting helps, but even then, I could do better. Happy New Year!
I would love to see a collaborative project that is free to everyone, that uses up stash bits and bobs, and involves something magical….
Hoping to learn to knit cables in 2022!
in my future I’d like to see more things made out of yarn rather than just yarn piling up in my stash! I’ve got about 12 sweaters’ quantities on my shelves that need to be turned into sweaters before I can buy more yarn!
I am looking forward to improving my spinning and to finally knit a sweater from my own handspun!
More yarn? Yes. Using up at least some of my stash? Yes. Completing all of my WIPs? Yeah, . . . ummm, sure . . . if I can find them all, yes. Also, I’d like to see more fiber folks interested in breed specific wool, especially breeds on The Livestock Conservancy’s Conservation Priority List.
I would love more time with family and friends.
My goal for 2022 is to knit more than I acquire. A lot more. I might have to cold sheep. It’s bad.
Hi Suzan,
I would like to finish my many WIP in knitting ,quilting, rug braiding and lots of other fiber arts projects. Many walks with my dog Rio. Build my strength mentally and physical. Enjoy life and laugh often.
I’d like my future to hold more nurturing myself through crafting and sharing my work.
Oh, in my future—-a really organized house so I can knit and quilt with an easy mind.
Ah, the future already looks brighter with a YARN TAROT!!!! The Yarn Goddess has been pleased by my monetary sacrifices for beautiful yarn skeins and cakes and hanks to display on my work table, ahem, her altar of knittiness.
Hoping the future holds that spark of kindness and optimism for each of us. (The yarn afflicted are optimists aren’t we? Yarn chicken, it’ll block out, of course both sleeves are the same….)
Happy 2022 ya’ll!
I like to see learning new skills in the New Year. I am starting with some intention toward that by casting on my first cardigan, and I have a project bagged up for my first brioche.
In my short-term future, I’d like to figure out how to get all my stash, books, and knitting implements into one room, and off the floor (a special necessity since I just got a new Labrador puppy for Christmas!) I’d like to finish at least half my WIPs, and use the yarn I bought last year to make hats for my four 2- and 3-yr-old grand nieces to make.- guess what – HATS for the girls before the winter season is over.
Finally, I need to commit to use the new yarn I just ordered from MDK (irresistable) before it gets lost in the stash or added to my long list of projects waiting to move up in the queue. And I would love to know if the Yarn Tarot cards could tell me that all this is actually doable in a year!
Finishing at least one of the 6 projects on the needles. Baby steps.
I hope for building more guilt-free knitting time into my life.
I would love to have more space, more peace, ease, and serenity in my future! That means more time for knitting, crocheting, and sewing alike. I’d love to make a quilt, even if it’s a small one. I’d also love to keep pulling from my stash.
I wish I could learn to weave…. And had space for a loom.
In my future I’d like to see a combination of using up stash for knitting and getting new yarns for weaving
I want to keep learning new things.
I am planning to crochet and knit myself an Elf Coat.
Just discovered your site….have been following Franklin’s move to Paris, and found his Letter…
Very funny and very apropos…and your endeavor is perfectly charming. Merci!
I was asked why I don’t buy yarn and needle/hooks, I’ve gotten my mom’s stash, patterns and tools. I swear she’s going to come back, she left enough work and supplies for 2 more life times.
I’m still looking for her ‘love seat’ sized floor loom, it’s got to be here somewhere. maybe she’ll come back and she’ll show me where dad hid it?
I love to read the inspiration we went to see Kaffe Fassett at the Minneapolis art institute, she was wearing his lotus coat she made from his pattern.
maybe the cards would tell me what she’s up to?
Hi everyone Am here to testify of a great and powerful spell caster called Dr Tunde I was so confused and devastated when my husband left me without a word, I needed him back desperately because i loved him so much. So a friend of mine introduced me to this powerful spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so i contacted him and he promise that in less than 72 hours he will come back to me. After i did all he asked to my greatest surprise my husband who had refuses to speak with me came back home and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, if you have any relationship problem i will advice you contact him Below are his contact details via email babatundesolutioncentre1 @ gmail . com