Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: Latte Sketchbook

Happy Sunday, everybody! Today marks the Atlas Insider entrance of MDK’s graphic designer/Snippets queen/Tidbits tsar: Hannah Jones. While others knit, jot, or cook up spread sheets during our daily team Zoom (called Morning Latte to make it sound even! more! fun!)—Hannah sketches. We are always uplifted by her lyrical documentation of the outer and inner landscapes of MDK World Headquarters, and hope you will be, too.
—Ann and Kay

If I Were a Floral Maximalist; If Landscapes Were Knitted

Modern Daily Views from My Downstairs Desk; Books I’d Write if I Wrote Books

Honey, I Shrunk Hannah in a Floral Field; If Landscapes Were Thread

If Landscapes Were Pop-Up Books; Felt Like A Grumpy Moody Orange

Sideways Landscape of Blues; I Don’t Even Like Turkey That Much
A Giveaway
This week’s prizes are Hannah’s tools of choice: a set of Brush Pens and an MDK Journal.
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: Leave a comment on this post telling us your favorite moody fruit, or another real or imagined object for Hannah to draw if she ever runs out of inspiration during Morning Latte.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, December 26, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Avocados are the moodiest of all. From am I ripe? No. To I was ripe but you missed it and now you must compost me.
I feel this way about bananas. There’s a really narrow window of opportunity for peak banana ripeness: too green and they’re super starchy; too freckly and well, ew. Mushy.
I think starfruit are moody because no one appreciates the magic they hold. They’re odd shaped when you buy them, but once sliced, they transform into the most perfect stars. They also have a surprisingly perfect sweet and tart combination no other fruit has.
A dark and juicy plum
I agree: avocado. Guacamole, in a smoothie or on it’s own, avocado is delicious!
So many great moody fruits here, I will offer a moody vegetable: shishito peppers. Sometimes mild, sometimes explosively hot, no way to predict until you’ve tried it.
love the shishito peppers!
Laughing. This is so true!
Moody fruit — peachy peach
The noble clementine!
Perfect purple plums!
Raisins. Small dry, shriveled and brown. Former grapes. Sigh.
The perfect Bartlett pear, the soft yellow hue with a slight rosie blush. An easy bite, a bit grainy but not mush. Ah. The Bartlett pear.
Raisins: they aren’t even allowed to taste like raisins!
A moody pomegranate or branching into moody veggies, an eggplant or mushrooms. Inspired to begin my own doodle journal!
Auto correct messed up my comment! Should have been Craisins aren’t even allowed to taste like raisins.
Cats. Cats and snow, cats and the Christmas tree, cats and other cats. Cats have very expressive faces and will let you know what they are thinking!
Oh, yes! They come in so many colors! And their eyes tell us everything and nothing simultaneously. I love nothing more than to have one of my cats crawl into my lap and purr at 90 decibels.
Pears jumped immediately to mind. Maybe that’s just because I want to eat a pear. But I think they can be pretttty moody.
I was definitely thinking pears as well! A very moody color for sure!
I think Pears can be the most disappointing of all the fruits. To the point where I only eat the Harry & David crazy expensive ones. And that’s if I get lucky and someone gives them to me because they don’t like pears.
Bananas go from green to yellow to brown to black quickly. Please sketch MDK patterns as they are being test knitted. Elizabeth Zimmerman, artist and knitter, sketched for her knitting books. We would welcome your contributions.
100% Bananas! Like me on a bad day, look at it wrong and it’s got a bruise. Yet! Such sweetness on the inside, even when the outside is battered and worn!
Yes, I was thinking bananas too! Loved seeing EZs sketches in the Opinionated Knitter among other publications. But bananas. Love them, but yes, they can turn so quickly. Although when you want them to ripen for banana bread, it seems the ones you’ve purchased will just NOT ripen!
Bananas. So secretive, so moody. You have no idea how much time you’ll have with them.
Kermit the Great.
Kiwi, ugly, gray and rough on the outside but beautiful color and juicy on the inside. Many moods at the same time.
Hi would love to post to enter in the contest my moody fruit is jackfruit with its outrageous shape texture and colors plus the challenge to get to the delicious fruit. please post for me
So much great detail in your drawings, Hannah! The sweatervest on a co-worker, stitches on the knitted landscape. I enjoyed the bedroom themes & books. How about Books Everyone Tells Me To Read; If landscapes were Lace; Houseplants I Had the Talk with; or Kale Hoping for a massage.
Bananas. They’re not ripe yet, they’re not ripe, they’re ri…oops, they’re mushy. Time for banana bread.
Pomegranate on Plane (as in Southwest, American…)
Sweet, red raspberries!!! So fun to look at-all bubbly and bumpy!
Hannah, I especially love your landscape sketches. I hope to see more, perhaps of snippets from a botanical garden.
magic carpet knitting
Dragonfruits are beautiful, expensive, healthy and awesome. And EZ had lots of photos and paintings in Knitting Around, and avocados are moody, definitely!
Okay yes Dragonfruit – the “teenager mood” of fruit. Stunning, expensive healthy, but Whatever – It tastes like Meh …nothing much.
It’s true! Try it.
person walking a dog while knitting (as some of us do!)
Berries with cream. If we’re going to be moody let’s make it a sweet mood!
I admire people who sketch ideas in meetings. I am a note taker with a few doodles thrown in.
I am thinking a clementine is a moody fruit. Usually they are sweet and easy to peel, but every once in a while you get one that is much more tart than expected. When they go bad, they want to make everyone else in the house suffer (smell).
Moody fruit? Grumpy grapes!
I like farmers’ market apples that come in odd shapes with creases, swollen bumps, scars, etc. Those features make them beautiful and even more appetizing. They say the “ugliest” fruits are the most delicious!
It’s Christmas time so I suggest the Clementine. They are on my kitchen counter for the next couple of months.
Persimmons. Sensuous shape and flavor, with bright color on the outside, brighter inside, and a black soul (the seeds)
Wait. That’s not a persimmon. It’s….um… Papaya!
Pomegranate. From the outside it appears to have a dull personality, but once inside . . Ooh la la . . . It is all shiny and sweet!
Pineapples! Talk about moody – prickly on the outside, sweet in the middle, and an untouchable middle. The moodiest of them all!
Pansies softly flowing in the wind with its delicate petals.
Smoothie of mixed fruits – colors mix moodily
Kiwi = some folks feel like slicing in rounds to peel & eat; some (me) slice in half & eat w/ a grapefruit spoon; some, maybe the fewest, my dad, eat the whole thing, skin & all
lemons and limes always put me in a good mood
A bowl of berries. The strawberry looks so uplifting-“Eat me, I’m sweet!” The blueberry is bored and maybe a bit sad. The raspberry shows off its curvaceous shapes. And the wild blackberry is a hippy-living in the wild and doing its thing. But they all get along.
A ripe banana being eaten by a moody monkey. Or, you’re a barista making beautiful designs with the foam on top of a morning latte!
Wild strawberries, they seem shallow and fleeting but can be bold and satisfying if you can get them on their best day
As much as I enjoy fruit, moody or otherwise, I’d love to see Hannah sketch of Goldie (the dog, maybe with the dishcloth)
I vote for pomegranates, especially wonderful for their color at this time of year. They are the “Dickens” to seed though.
No so, cut in half, turn cut side down and firmly tap the skin with a wooden spoon, out pops the sweetness
Persimmon seems as moody as one could possibly be in fruit land. Pursed lips, persnickety, parsimonious, are all words that come to mind at the mention of persimmons.
Watermelon is my moody fruit. That exterior of rippling green lines disguises the unpredictability of the interior’s color, sweetness, seed cntent, and ripeness. Each melon is a mystery!
Quince they smell terrific and can lift your mood when you walk by them. But to enjoy them you have to simmer them for a long time.
Mangoes and papayas. But I don’t think Hannah will ever run out of inspiration.
oh please, bodies of water – the landscapes are indeed gorgeous…but oceans or rivers or lakes or creeks, oh my…and please keep sharing!
Mango. With or without sticky rice.
Love these sketches! I vote for pomegranates, definitely…I crunch and eat the seeds – surely they must be good for me (hoping no one tells me they’re toxic!).
Hmmm, how about star fruit; both a whole one and one or some cut into stars tumbled onto a blue plate or tablecloth? Starfruit mood offers a quiet, pulsating, but radiant pale yellow. So pretty.
If landscapes were pompoms…
Bananas are the moodiest. They go from green under ripe to black speckled ovet ripe in a blink of an eye.
Good one!
I have a few moody fruit I count among those I think about most often: Bananas are my go-to favorite snack! They taste so yummy when they’re two days past yellow and j u s t beginning to think about making some spots. Free stone peaches that are available fresh the middle of August are so juicy I eat them over the sink! Their fragrance is overwhelming and the flavor exceeds their fragrance! The fruit that is the stuff of dreams, though, are sweet, local Oregon strawberries! Their season in the middle of June is short, but they are worth every moment of gluttony to eat as many fresh berries as you can buy or grow for yourself!
A big bowl of berries
The northern lights on a snowy evening!
I thought of a couple! First is happy. The peach! Weird fuzzy skin, beautiful colors, incredibly juicy and flavorful inside. Fresh off the tree, juice running down your arm and your chin…. Or in cobbler. Or in jam, with peanut butter and crusty bread.
But how about the prune! What a sad thing. Definitely has a reason to be moody! Wrinkly. Dark brown to black. Labeled as a ‘digestive aid’. They do taste pretty good tho.
Lemons – they may taste sour and make you pucker – they also are the color of uplifting sunshine.
Bananas. Such a small window of time between perfect ripeness and reticulated like a giraffe and inedible.
I think a magic carpet with all its brilliant colors flying over…a desert, perhaps? Or over the ocean with the waves peaking up to say, “Hello, good friend!”
How about cranberries, they are a glorious red both whole and as sauce.
Happy Holidays and Knitting. Thanks.
Raspberries are my favorite fruit. Aside from the delicious taste (especially fresh-picked from the ones in our garden that my dad planted before he died), they remind me of my wedding. My best friend took amazing care of me that morning: took me out to a local greasy spoon for a proper English breakfast with loads of tea (I was married in the UK), then back via Sainsbury’s to stock up on water and snacks. We ended up with loads of Scottish raspberries, which I snacked on all morning while getting ready for the wedding. Raspberries always have that extra sweetness for me from all the happy memories.
(Why can’t I ever give the short, simple answer to these questions?!?!)
I think an interesting sketch would be the stuff spilling out of someone’s bag or purse. It would be an exercise in the law of probability. Would the same stuff fall out first every time? Or maybe just a sketch of car keys…where people stick them/lose them instead of putting them back where they belong. This would be both beautiful and a service to mankind. Don’t ask me why I think this would be good drawing fodder.
I would love to see Hannah’s sketch of a peeved pomegranate!
I was a clandestine knitter on conference calls (pre-zoom). I have to agree with other commenters that avocados a pretty moody. They are at their peak for about an hour (usually around 2:00 am).
The craisin. Still too tart, even with all that sugar.
Pink grapefruit for breakfast puts my taste buds in the happiest of moods!
i get in this mood occasionally and draw parts of the pomegranate.
A bowl of perfect berries.
A bowl of perfectly ripe berries.
If I was a cat. If I was a dog. Christmas tree.
Heirloom tomatoes come in so many colors, each a mood all by itself, the browns gloomiest of all!
Yes, heirloom tomatoes! You’ve got the big ones with all the folds like draped fabric, the lumpy bumpy ones, the variegated color ones that would make a terrific yarn colorway…
Caribbean pears full of color and joy
My favorite moody fruit is – grapesI would suggest drawing mourning doves – I have some that come eat seeds I put out in my yard and I could watch them all day – they are so cute
Pears. The color emerges. Sometimes a blush.
A branch of a flowering dogwood tree.
Geranium plant, or aloe. Not grumpy but maybe fun to draw!
Lovely soft orange persimmon with its wreath of green leaves
A very moody pomegranate (I have one on my counter).
Wild pawpaw’s. Look like a potato on the outside, creamy and delicious yellowy orange in the middle with big seeds.
Not really a fruit but my favorite dreamy drawing is a winding grape vine. We have so many wild vines here, many of them are Concord grape!
The Osage orange. Wouldn’t you be moody if you were inedible? Cut it in half and draw the inside. Magnify the seeds, then leave those out for the squirrels. Then imagine the sated squirrels knitting. And maybe try dyeing yarn with the Osage orange parts. But wear gloves. Wear gloves for all of it.
Bananas are so moody. And I’m sure a bunch of people said that (see what I did there).
Here’s the fruit to draw in the sunniest of moods: a pineapple. (That’s what I used to tell my kids to draw when they complained of boredom)
Or, a challenge: can you draw a moody pineapple? Does such a thing exist?
Pineapple and tropical fish.
Raspberries are moody, surprising. Everyone expects bright summer flavor, but they don’t always cooperate, and they will mold or simply flop into raspberry goo if left for even a moment too long uneaten.
Star fruit, prickly pears, or ugly, bumpy papayas.
Dragonfruit. Cuz what’s moodier than a dragon?
She can draw whatever she wants – just keep ‘em coming!
Wow, I really love the doodles. Does hannah have a page big enough to doodle all the yarn in the warehouse?
Isn’t every fruit moody in it’s own way? Like teenagers? You have to guess whether ripe or not. The outside can look beautiful and perfect and when you bite in it’s actually mealy and gross. Peaches have disappointed me more than any other. Maybe because when you get a good one it’s heavenly!! Limes never let me down.
Passionfruit. When we were in Portugal many many moons ago we would buy them at the local market, cut them in half and eat them with a little espresso spoon.
Hannah, draw a comfy sofa full of needlepoint pillows of every color!
Horseapple. Incredible texture visually.
Crenshaw melon, persimmons, sliced open fresh figs
1. Everyone’s pets
2. If my morning coffee were yarn
“Morning Latte” got me thinking about, well obviously, a latte because a good latte always boosts my mood. But instead of the usual heart design in the foam, how about a sweet little sheep!
All fruit is sort of moody—you never really know what’s going on with it. Things look sweet and juicy but then when you get in to it it’s not what you were expecting.
Apples I live in the Hudson Valley surrounded by apple orchards and the cider making place called Angry Orchard yes apples can be moody!
The blood orange has extreme mood swings, from sunny groves to mass murder!
Tomatoes…understandably feeling misunderstood by both the fruit and vegetable communities!
Farm animals — sheep, alpaca, cows, etc. I’d live to see her sketches of those because I love all the farm animals themselves.
Pomegranate: best fruit to draw, ever! Kiwi fruits a close second 🙂
There’s nothing moodier than a pear that looks so ripe in the bowl and then you go to pick it up and aargh, it’s gone past! So now, the pear is sad because it prob won’t be eaten and you are upset that you didn’t notice it in its glory.
Dragon fruit. Exotic, Fun.
Cranberries! The mood changes faster than an adolescent.
So tart.
Then hey presto!
Sugar and heat, and they are sweethearts.
And always pretty.
Pineapples are definitely moody. Prickly on the outside but so sweet on the inside! I can’t eat them raw anymore, but I still love them.
A persimmon, cut in half. Love the color.
The view out her kitchen window, if she doesn’t have a window, her dream view
Perhaps the prune is pretty moody?
Brussels sprouts on the stalk! I was so surprised the first time I saw them at a farmer’s market. Had no idea what they looked like “in the wild”.
I didn’t either until the first time I saw them at Trader Joe’s!
Kiwi comes to mind, fuzzy, but sweet and lovely color inside.
Windmills making energy They are beautiful on the horizon!
Raspberries, in my salad 🙂
All the places people knit. My strangest was probably standing in line to vote. The sketches are so beautiful. You’re so talented. I would love to see more.
Oh, how lovely to drawn your thoughts…or let thoughts simmer while your hand skims over the page. I am envious.
If potted plants were yarn.
Favorite moody fruit: the Margarita. It puts you in a happy mood.
Plums get to me. They look so purplish ripe but they are hard as rocks. So I applied my sweetest peach philosophy and waited two weeks! YES, sweet dreams juicy plums. They just are devious to taunt me.
Bananas. Gotta catch em just right or bleh!
Figs. They’re wonderful fresh, but completely different dried. They won’t ripen off the tree, so you have to pick them at exactly the right time. Once picked, they need to be eaten or made into jam pretty much within a day. They don’t travel well. Definitely moody.
Love the colors and individuality of Bosc Pears.
Please draw a mix of apples- so many colors to play with!
The blueberry – even it’s name suggests it is moody.
Ditto avocado! When perfectly ripe, heaven! Otherwise … .
Dragonfruit maybe isn’t moody but feels like a good fruit to draw if you run out of inspiration.
Strawberries, summer sweet with fresh whipped cream or dipped in chocolate
I laughed out loud with the book titles. Please do more of those or anything else that is on your mind. All of these are great! Love the variety of topics!!
An apple after you cut through a bruised piece and find the color change goes almost all the way through one side. Very moody.
i love sketching pineapples, with their interesting texture, fibonacci spiral, and fun spiky leaves. what sort of mood is a pineapple mood? grouchy on the outside, but sunny on the inside.
More “Honey I Shrunk Hanna in the Garden” pictures!
A banana. It can be a smile or a grump.
Moody bananas!
Moody and fragile raspberry. You took my sister out of the box and looked sideways at me. I will now disintegrate into a pulpy mess.
Pomegranate– hands down.
I think Hannah should draw her dog as if it were suddenly given control of the Morning Latte Zoom meeting.
A joyful strawberry! My granddaughter loves strawberries and has such a joyful spirit. She challenged her grandpa “to try at least one” when he admitted he didn’t like strawberries.
A furry green kiwi- just what secrets is it hiding?
Without looking at any other comments… favourite moody fruit is a mandarin orange because we only get them at Christmas, and when we open the first box in early December I feel as if it is Christmas morning. Love your sketches, Hannah, and looking forward to seeing more of them!
Prunes! Because calling them “dried plums” doesn’t make it any better.
No idea what a moody fruit is, but I’d love to see Hannah draw ugli fruit.
Inspiration … a tidal wave of yarn and only 1 pair of well loved knitting needles
Moody fruit? Must be a star fruit. Green and then, brown. Rarely ripens evenly. But when it does… SO PRETTY AND YUMMY!
Apples left in the bowl too long.
All the moods of a banana
Deep purple figs, so ripe they are drooping on the tree and even starting to cry, “Eat me, eat me NOW.”
Blueberries. You never what you are going to get ……a sweet or tart response
An Ozark Orange. Always to stumble over one in the park and bring home to sketch.
Mangoes! They start out bright green & transform into beautiful variegated colors.
A dragon fruit!
Relatively new to a job I went to a training that was so boring I was drawing AND NAMING alien families. Yes…it was that bad. An older, distinguished gentleman sitting behind me told me watching me do that was what kept him awake. So alien families?
Pineapple is so moody. As it ripens on the counter, it decides to make you crazy. It looks perfect on the outside and then….you cut it and…hahaha, it went further than you think and it’s bad. On the other hand, you cut it and it’s perfect, and you bite into it and… blah! No flavor at all.
Thank you pineapple for always keeping us guessing!
Sour grapes since they didn’t get what the wanted.
Bananas are so moody.
There’s always the Apple of Discord from Greek mythology. Not many fruits I know of have started a war. But I agree with others, more landscapes! As posters? As tea towels?
Pomegranates. Fiddly, messy fussy things. But so worth it!
Persimmon for the fruit.
For Hannah, you are super talented—maybe next year we can have holiday dish towels with Hannah’s doodles?
Pomegranates being peeled and seeded–those glorious ruby kernels!
Ah Rhubarb! Beautiful, delicious and unappreciated.
A sleeping cat. On top of something. Or a cat and a cup on a perch, about to meet its doom.
It’s the holidays so I’m thinking kumquats are quite the moody fruits. So pretty, with a bright but bitter skin and a sometimes sweet, sometimes tart flesh. Delicious but always a surprise.
Pears. They have one perfect day then mush sets in.
Knitting notions landscapes/interiors or posing as fruit.
Wild blackberries – one moment they are green, then red, hard and tart and so full of promise, hope and anticipation. Then a few days of the perfect moments, delicious, sun kissed fruit, and then suddenly shriveled, moldy with a delicious scent of their by gone glory.
At meetings, when I’m not responsible for recording, I sometimes write my notes backwards….mirror image. This morning I was thinking I might keep a journal in 2022 after many years without one. Maybe I’ll write it backwards.
Kiwis are moody. They hide their joy with a rough, dull exterior.
I love this peek into Hannah’s sketchbook.
The papaya. Many are so protective of their very special juicy selves that they let their pit grow hairy and make it difficult to enjoy their sweetness.
Avocados are my all time favorite to eat with just about everything. I’d love to see them in a sketch!
Dates. Wrinkly and brown on the outside, sweet on the inside. And then the pit…
Definitely the avocados planning their ripening to evade the sandwich!
Peaches. Another moody fruit. You put them in a brown paper bag, and you wait. And you check on them. And they’re never ripe. And then they laugh at you, because then they are rotten.
Bananas. Always playing the catch-me-while-I’m-ripe game. However they do lift a mood when joined with peanut butter.
My Collection of Reusable Bags
Strawberries are the moodiest! Plump and ripe in stores, molding and shriveling on the way home. Maybe if I sang to them.
Moody fruit? Gotta be moody blue blueberries!
Tuxedo cats, like Kermit. Black and white cats with green, brown, gold and even blue eyes! Cats sitting, sleeping, leaping, etc.
Moody fruit— fresh figs!!! ( and so delicious with cheese…)
Apples are moody; the flavor and sweetness depends on the mood of the selected apple.
Sketching her little dog would be sweet.
Pomegranate! Beautiful color and complex structure.
Life of a banana, green-yellow-black.
Was texting grocery list to husband and autocorrect gave us unrepentant avocados.
Dates, definitely dates.
Pomegranate because no matter your mood when you open it, it bursts with jewels of crimson…
Felted watermelon – full-sized would be a stash- buster!
Moody fruit…an overripe mango.
I’d like to see Hannah draw a view of Christmas aftermath: a pile of rumpled Christmas wrapping paper!
Being a dog person, I would love to see the many moods of Spot and Goldie
Concord grapes, which I like to eat fresh (when I can find them) and alone. All that seed spitting and the pile of skins when I’m done.
Definitely persimmons! A persimmon tree is moody and beautiful loaded with fruit!
Moody fruit??? For me A pomegranate is so sexy, so beautiful, so promising and tempting.
Ok, I’m in love with this healthiest and moody fruit!
If Kermit and Olive were knitted
Christmas cookies!
I agree that avocados are the moodiest, but I’d love to see her draw all those stand up bags that are in the shop!
“If Bags Were Houses” or “Landscape With Bags”
& Please share more of this great talent!
I love fruit soup, a Scandinavian favorite in my part of the world! Around the Yuletide my Norwegian Sister in Law made the best . . (RIP, Joan S.)
Mangoes, hard as a rock and then suddenly too far gone. And I was so ready to have a sweet treat!
Dragonfruit are great for drawing, weird shapes, bright colours, white flesh with black seeds. And for moodiness, they taste really bland given how extravagant they look
Trying to think of something would/could use all the colors, and that leads me to grapes–dark, light, and everything in between those green leaves
My moody Red Fox Labrador Max if he were made of yarn…if only I could sketch.
Figs…dark, mysterious and delicious….and so appropriate for the holiday season.
A landscape of all the fruits mentioned here in their glorious colors trailing on a counter. I can see their shapes, distinct colors, varied with ripeness or overly ripened. I love all fruits in their moodiness at all times!
Pomegranates! They’re labor intensive, but oh, so worth the effort. Like a lot of stuff, knitting included.
Persimmons can be moody. Waiting, waiting for them to be ready to eat.
Cats, cats, and more cats please!
How about cranberries. Seasonal this time of year and lots of uses. A string of cranberries hanging on a tree outside feeds the birds and looks festive.
How about the humble fig?
Dragon fruit! So tasty and fun looking!
Figs, definitely figs.
My favorite moody fruit is the fig; tender, sweet succulent and so ugly.
A honeycrisp apple
Draw Goldie please Hannah! And cats.
Golden pears in a red dish – love that in my mind’s eye
Love the drawing of the turkey leg! The moodiest fruit has to be the cranberries that have been turned into wobbly cranberry jelly: “Really? This is what I have become?”
I think “If landscapes were lace” has days of possibilities….
I love Hannah’s sketches! I’d like to see the ocean if it were knitted.
oooh my favorite “moody” fruit would be the pear – so many different shades, the perfect organic shape…
Bananas are pretty moody, changing overnight from “eat me!” to “uh oh, we better make banana bread!”
How about a bashful banana?
BTW Ashley your sketches are space. AWESOME!
Plums. From perfect to mush before you find the time to preserve them.
I’d like to see her draw a Christmas Cactus, my favorite flowering plant this time of year.
Hannah, draw some animals that you see outside your workplace window! Mary in cincinnati
Figs, so mercurial….
I wouldn’t use the pens and book; don’t have that talent. But, would love one of these sketches. Does she have a website where she sells????
Pomegranates! Beautiful color and interior. Sometimes deceiving in that they may look ripe but in actuality may need more time on the tree to fully ripen.
p.s. Love the doodles!
My sourdough loaf once I slit the tops; they always look like grumpy old men.
I would love to see you draw an artichoke. I love all the different greens I see when I look at one. Your drawings are wonderful!
I want her to draw a sloth hanging in the meeting!
Please draw a llama. They can be moody or not. Emphasize the eyelashes.
Raspberries. Plumb and red one day, mouldy edges the next. ☹️
If she could draw sorrow knit into joy, that would be great. Or the tears of a pomegranate. Or the misunderstood, overlooked but totally delicious kumquat, small and happy
Hachiya persimons – oh the punishment if you eat them too soon! And what a delight when they’re just right.
Cranberries…takes a lot of cajoling with other ingredients to make them palatable. I’d enjoy a sketch of a yarn swift or other fiber “tools.” My swift sits on a shelf and I think it might be judging me – it goes quite a while between uses because I don’t finish projects very quickly.
Mango. There is nothing more interesting than a frozen then thawed mango. This fruit becomes shriveled on the outside and when cut shows the edge that was frozen. It never ripens and is not juicy or tasty. I have a box of 5 waiting for me to be brave & cut them open.
Welll a spotty overripe banana comes to mind….
Obviously, the most moody fruit is the blueberry! I always find flowers to be very inspirational for doodling.
Lovely sketches! I have a pineapple on the counter and I’m finding it very moody.
Love the drawings! Great mixture of funny & poignant.
Bananas. They change so quickly!
Bananas!! Both the fruit that goes from green as grass to ‘I guess we’ll have banana bread’ like zero to 60, and that feeling that I’m going a little … bananas. So a banana going bananas?!
Any segmented, easy to peel fruit with a great fragrance: clementines, oranges, even oranges.
I’d say a bruised pear is the moodiest fruit I can think of
Instead of moody fruit, how about some hysterical fruit.
You all seem like so much fun. What an office? Can I come work for you? I’ve only been knitting for less than a year, I’m retired and I live in Los Angeles. But I’m sure we can work something out. I have a friend in Nashville and could stay with her. You make my mornings. Thanks.
I meant, What an office! And I’d hang that bedroom sketch up for sure. How about an English garden scene?
Grumpy Granny Smith with her pursed and puckered mouth!
I think pears are the moodiest fruit. “Too hard. Too hard. Still too hard. Too – OKAY NOW I’M PERFECT YOU’VE GOT THREE MINUTES no wait, too late, I’m squishy.”
I love pears when they are perfectly ripe…but that’s the hard part, picking the perfect moment!
Have you read “How are you peeling?” Full of all sorts of moods!
An idea if you are stalled could be a Flower dragon or a flower which turns into a dragon.
Pomegranates look like a bomb filled with juice filled jewels. I guess thats kinda moody.
We live in peach country and love to get them right off the tree and eat them right then!
Moody Fruit: Figs, which I love and whose fresh season is fleeting, which makes me moody but only briefly.
Inspiration: Self portraits at your meetings with thought bubbles.
It has to be Moody Blue(s)berries, of course!
An “almost wormy” apple!
How about the fruits we call vegetables? Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, avocados… so misunderstood.
Old bananas …. Destined for banana bread…
Bananas. You forget they’re there until it’s too late and the whole house stinks
That’s when you make banana bread or muffins! I purposely over buy bananas just for those things. Bonus, the muffins freeze nicely for a treat later!
A dragonfruit, part prehistoric, surprise exciting inside!
morning sunrise.
Lychee, they play hard to get. “You can have me only if you travel to some beautiful tropical spot. Or, very rarely, you may find me at a produce market but you may not have me unless you are rrrrrich!”
Pomegrantes! Moody in–how hard are these seeds going to be to get out?! And also the mythical moodiness of them, from Persephone to Eve! (Some people think Eve had a pomegranate!)
Here’s one for Hannah: If Christmas season was calm, and knitted.
Moody fruits- a toss up between bananas and avocados- are they ripe? Not yet…and all of a sudden- enjoy! Or…oh no, too late!
I would like to see a bowl of curing pomanders for the holidays. They always hit Thea funky stage before the end but it’s worth it.
I would love to see a sketch of a platter of citrus slices with pomegranate seeds sprinkled all over. And maybe a garnish of mint leaves. Now I’m drooling just thinking of it.
Hannah could draw what mugs would say if they could write their own sayings to be printed on them.
Goldie’s dreams in Technicolor. It’s only fair that dogs get to dream in color!
I suggest star fruit
Bananas, esp once they get a bit brown… or maybe an overly soft pear…
My favorite fruit for a quick snack is a kiwi fruit.
How about drawing dogs who look like their owners…or dog owners who look like their dogs. Draw the pair of them together ❤
Kumquats! Underappreciated!!!!
As a knitter I love the idea of sketching the natural world as if everything was made from knitted material
Moody strawberries, moody persimmons
I would love to see Hannah’s version of a pomegranate, or a basket of yarn!
Eggplant. So purple.
Oohh. The moody passion fruit. If left to over ripen (why did I do that and let it get past it’s ideal interior?) it becomes a rumpled, purplish, thing, “ripe” for drawing!
Goldie’s escapades would be welcome! Dogs are always doing something interesting – even if it’s just sleeping!
Persimmons! Smooshy-ripe stage or crisp and firm. They look really cool when sliced open to reveal a starburst of seeds.
And I’m a sucker for new notebooks and pens. Just to have and to hold, til death do we part.
A tangerine straight out of a 1950’s Christmas stocking…no stocking complete without it!
I’m thinking pomegranate. It’s got moodiness coloring than an avocado.
If I had to guess, pears are the moodiest fruit. They’re all perky, then, WHAM!, teenage angst all over the kitchen counter.
A lovely big blue-grey marina di chioggia squash, the wartier the better.
Ooooh! I really like sketchbooks and pens.
moody fruit…pomegranites… much going on..
Crabapples come to mind. The name is moody to begin with, . . . .but I remember some crabapple jelly that my grandmother made. Conservative gaga, as my husband would say. Subtle but sublime.
With regard to sketching, LATTE-related knitting comes to mind. THANKS!
Kiwi fruit. They are moody.
I took art classes as an undergrad. I think my favorite was a mixed media class, we tried out ceramics and wood working among other things. The one I struggled with most was a painting class. One day we had to paint a realistic pear and I just couldn’t understand what the teacher was getting at until my friend reached over (with my permission) and started adding colors to my green pear. It came alive with the oranges, yellows and browns – colors I’d never thought of adding! It was amazing to see my friend bring life to my 2D pear.
I’d love to see Hannah paint a lively orange. They brighten my world during the winter days, both seeing them in a bowl in my table and enjoying their fruit as a snack or as part of a meal.
This has been the year of the mango at our house. We relish each one and it is a moody fruit because it inevitably improves our mood!
Thin skinned pears that are getting over ripe have got to be some of the moodiest fruits.
yes, avocados because who really knows and more excuse for moody greens
Pineapple. It is working so hard to protect its sweet sweet insides
My favorite moody fruit is blackberries
If landscapes were moody fruit…
Oranges! They always put me in a great mood.
I think she should draw her morning Latte! As for fruit, I suggest kiwi, growing on the vine (vine? who knew ? We stopped along a side road in New Zealand, to view the grape vines, I thought. It turned out to be kiwi’s. What a surprise.
The ever so moody (and touchy) banana. Near ripe when you bring home a bunch and brown spots appear as soon as you put them on the counter. Store them in a bowl with other fruit and oof the whole bowl over ripens.
How about a moody kiwi? Maybe in a newly invented color with velvet skin instead of fuzz? Or a landscape of the moon?
Avocado for sure but maybe a couple of persimmons for color and texture. Not to mention taste!
Crab apples. We have a tree full of them in the backyard and the deer love them.
moody fruit…Apples! Yes, everyone considers them happy and pure – HOWEVER, the moodiest of fruits is due to the apple’s mystery. From the outside, the fruit could be the perfect tart/sweet, firm and juicy fruit. The one you want to eat right to the very core, OR it could be a disappointment as soon as you sink your teeth into it. It could end up being mealy, dry, soft, and flavorless. It all depends on the apple’s mood. Unless it is rotted and bruised, you would have no idea that the apple you crave will be there or not when you finally bite through the skin (which, btw could be very difficult to bite into if it is too firm)
My moody fruit is an underripe peach. They are supposed to smell wonderfully sweet and be so juicy that one ends up a mess eating them. This is the kind I get at the orchard in the late summer. The moody one is from the grocery store and as hard as a rock. When it finally seems ripe, it is grainy and tasteless heading off to the compost with the previously mentioned avocado!
I think she should try drawing a sad banana.
Moody fruit? Blueberries, of course… it’s right there in their nam!
Melancholy mangoes. They never know what color to be, green or ripe, you just never know!
I love pears on my granola with yogurt but other that that they are kind of meh. They are my moody fruit.
Fresh Pineapple, it is so hard to tell when they are ripe. Definitely moody!
A perimenopausal banana
moodiest fruit I know is a pomegranate……they are lots of fun to draw as well – love looking at op (other peoples) sketches – great inspiration.
Oh, my beloved grapefruit. Why so moody? Sometimes you’re sweet, sometimes so sour.
Imaginary creatures living in MDK offices.
Tropical yellow fruits like bananas and papayas. Just a brief glorious time of bright yellow and then there is a descent into brownness.
A banjo
A cat that resembles a meatloaf.
I don’t like to say goodbye to my favorite pencil stubs.
Eggplant. Moody color and variable shapes. The shape can be a starting point for fun doodles.
Kiwifruit. Moody on the outside, party on the inside.
This post has generated some comments, that should keep you in subjects for a while.. I suppose we all want to be able to sketch like Hannah! I’m not sure about moody fruit although sketching moody amigurumi fruit would be fun. I like to draw from life, especially my hand (A la Betty Edwards) or a coffee cup is fun for intricate shadow shaping 🙂
Pears have a calm beauty.
Blueberries, just a little sad and wrinkly
Pineapples wearing sweaters!
Raspberries ! Love to stock up when on sale and then….. suddenly they’ve turned black or fuzzy!
Thank you for the opportunity to win this set. I think it would make an excellent addition to our travels this year. Thanks again. Blessings
Hannah should envision “life as a sheep” – the land scape, bonding with her fellow sheep, that pesky dog that rounds them up, and of course, the “haircut”. LOTS of opportunities her delightful imagination to take hold.
If you haven’t seen Henry Moore’s drawings of sheep look for it. Not as funny as Hannah’s would be, but captures the characters. Love your idea.
I feel like blood orange would be like a teenager moody fruit. “Mom, I’m called a BLOOD orange.” while peering through long emo bangs.
There is something moody about the contrast between the jewel like seeds, leathery outside, and rather utilitarian interior of a pomegranate.
Gosh I wish I could draw. I know, I know–just draw! But it doesn’t feel that simple as my doodles mainly look like harlequin motifs–triangle after fitted triangle….i.e., dull. you glad we have this glorious group.
Banana’s have a definite mood from one day to the next.
My family always has a cheese tray at parties. (I’m from Wisconsin!) How about a drawing of a knitted cheese tray?
Dried fruit……that’s pretty moody when all dried out
Moods can be cheerful!! Lemons and limes always seem sunny and happy, ready to lend a little tang to the most mundane dish. I always keep a few on hand, in a bowl on the table so they can cheer me up.
Watermelon. It’s not moody in the sense of broading, but it is a happy fruit!
The embarrassed apple. Who asked for these goofy names, honey crisp, tango and envy?
The Moody Bluesberries
Being a cat person and having recent watched The Electric Life of Louis Wain, I would love to see Hannah’s exploration of cats
Hannah can certainly sketch her way out of a dreary corner! I smiled through all of them ☺️ My favorite fruit for any mood is grapes: black, green, red, tart or sweet. I do not know their inner lives, and therefore am clueless about whether they are moody in and of themselves!
Until my life crashed and burned about 10 years ago I had too much money to play with and knitting camps to go to in any place I wanted. I can still have $1.00 and I will buy yarn So have a Merry Christmas and 2022 will be the best year ever
Blood oranges. Varying intensity of color moods from dark to bright, and sweet, but not too sweet, with a bit of earthiness.
Hw about a picture of various kinds of winter squask on the vine and in the basket.
Apples are the moodiest fruit… they’re so “rotten” to other fruit that they must be stored separately!
Pomegranates are the original goth fruit.
My favorite moody fruit is a fig. There’s something about the shape and what’s inside …
A majestic pomegranate!
Sweet and juicy pears, when they’re so soft that when you bite into them you can’t help but dribble loads of the juice down the chin
LOVE Hannah’s doodles. What about a kumquat?
Just returned from a tour of a friend’s henhouse. One elegant pea-goose, one noisy, strutting rooster, 24 hens, all of them in the most amazing colors. Reminded me of the leftovers of yarn all jumbled post wpi.
It fits the parameters of a fruit so I’ll go for the humble corn. Seemingly plain and boring it can come in so many colors and do so many things – kind of like the wool and cotton that we all love. Add a little fire to the dried kernels and watch the party!
Passionate plums
Hannah – I loved your sketches! Thank you for sharing them with us! You are obviously talented and I love your style!
Passion fruit-purple outside and wonderful yellow pulp and black seeds. Hashtag mood
Sckechbooks are very personal “notes” on someone’s take on a subject.
Dried figs—so much pent up angst!!
A bunch of bananas!
I would say peaches are my moody fruit, living in the upper Midwest you either feel like you hit the lottery when you bite in or it’s a dud…you just have to roll the dice!
Peaches – they start off oh so happy, then take a turn…
I’d like to see more of those books you’d write if you wrote book.
I love if landscapes were knitted!
Bananas always seemed pretty moody to me, particularly once they go spotty and black.
Beautiful drawings!!
I try not to use my just sucked on a lemon look. Oh beautiful lemon, so sunny and bright, you fooled me. You are wonderful in pies and cakes. A sweet summer beverage, of which I like to partake. But oh, dear lemon, when it is just you alone, you are too much for thee.
Soursap comes to mind. I’ve never seen it except at ou home in Hawaii. It’s kidney shaped, about the size of a soccer ball, insides are layered white spongy “meat” with seed.
Sour sap. Kidney-shaped, about the size of a soccer ball, spony white “meat” surrounding each black seed. As I remember as I’ve never seen it anywhere except at my home growing up in Hawaii.
Jackfruit! I don’t know if it is a “moody” fruit, but it certainly is strange. My nephew’s partner adheres to a vegan diet and since I like everybody to be able to eat the things I cook, I tried jackfruit for the first time in a vegan stew. If I hadn’t told everyone ahead of time, I don’t think they would have noticed that it wasn’t weird tasting beef!
Sketches of landscapes with the textile eye are amazing – “thread” “yarn” – WOW. This is how I often see the world. Honestly I hope Hannah just keeps it up! What a great addition for all of us. Thank you.
hmmm I find quince to be a moody fruit, never quite sure what it will become, will it ripen and soften even a little bit, probably not, although it looks enough like a fruit that should… in the end, one the ground, with a disappointing bite taken out by a disillusioned squirrel. There you lie quince, hope fading, then weeks later, a softened mush on the ground, just right, ripened.
A watercolor palette.
Personally, I love painting cakes but figs are super fun to draw
Hannah could doodle Goldie into various scenes, with and without dish cloths.
Hannah could include Goldie in the doodles; with and without dish cloths.
Oops, didn’t think my comment showed up. Thought I backed out to another page without submitting.
A blushing tomato.
Cats, of course! Cats make the most entertaining subjects, with apologies to Goldie.
Passionate plum
Bananas. Even when they’re pretty green, saying “don’t eat me” they’re still soft but not as sweet. Then when they’re older (browner) they’re still soft yet sweeter.
I feel like a pear would make a perfect moody fruit, perhaps done in the style of “the scream.”
I would love to see doodles of places/rooms to knit in or made of knitting, like all of the trees or furniture, etc are knitted.
Bananas are moody and have a mi d of their own. When I go to the kitchen to get a banana, it has turned spelled and brown. Paying me back for my too long neglect? Into the freezer you go to make smoothies later.
Fruit bowl with plums and bananas.
Definitely a moody grapefruit.
Bosc pear, Cutie mandarins, ugly fruit. Beautiful work, by the way. Such talent!
Definitely like to see a watermelon.
I have sky vines hanging from my outdoor balcony, beautiful blue flowers against lovely green leaves! For a fruit, I’m thinking cheeky cherries. Great red, attitude, with dimple and stem on top…
Peas, please. They’re not really moody, unless overcooked. Then they are really sad!
Peas, please! They aren’t really moody, unless overcooked. Then they are really sad!
Peaches. Juicy ripe peaches.
Dragon fruit is a moody fruit I’d like seen drawn by Hannah. Fuschia red and white, with a black-peppered interior. Maybe some love towards skyscapers, Chrysler Building or Woolworth in NYC.
Bitter lemons!
A fresh strawberry with a bright green leaf attached.
Concord grapes
Moody fruit – dates — what do they look like before they are dried gooey things in bags or boxes? I think maybe vibrant pinky orange?
OMGOSH! Hannah, I just love your sketches! You and your art have brightened my day beyond what MDK normally does, which is immense. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Oops. Forgot my moody fruit info. Umm, peaches for sure. Quite temperamental little pixies.
The moodiest fruit has to be the banana. I could knit an entire mood scarf with bananas.
Ground cherries. So secretive and hidden away in their little husks. (The sketches are all breathtaking, by the way.)
Peaches are my favorite fruit, and, since they’re not available year round I get moody longing for them.
Moody mango, please
has to be the pomegranate. Persephone must has been pretty moody as she ate those six seeds
A persimmon is a pretty mood fruit. Usually sweet, it looks like the lovechild of a tomato and tomatillo. It is beautiful, smooth and can seem “prissy”, but when not ripe is can be….well…. prissy without the ‘r’.
Wild blueberries on a mountaintop. Unassuming shades of blue peeking out on carpets of green tucked up against pink granite rock with craggy evergreens overlooking the beautiful sight. The happiness they bring when they hit your tastebuds during the mountain descent.
Drawing trees is my favorite.
Was going with avocado, but since so many others did, I will say bananas. Not only do they come in shades of ripeness from green to bright yellow, to brown splotchy to oops! it’s too late even for banana nut muffins, but everyone I know has a different idea of what constitutes “just right” in a banana. Love the drawings!
Sketch my fruit bowl please: lemons, oranges and bright green avocado.
And pears are almost as moody as avocados. I’m too hard to eat, still too hard, still to hard, now I’m mush.
Passion fruit! How could you know that fresh off the vine, smooth skinned, mouth puckeringly tart, they improve with age as they wrinkle into delight?
Blueberries – for times when you’re a bit sad.
The tomato, of course…a Southern staple and the basis of amazing salsa!
Am interested in starting a journal in2022
Plums always seemed moody to me. Delicious, but moody.
Pear me your sympathy
I’m at the peach, not wintery.
Namaste away from moody
And just go straight for tutti-fruity.
I would like to see inside of the mind of an MDK customer when they know they do.not.need.anymore.yarn.ever but a dopamine hit from a purchase is a powerful drug pulling them towards the abyss.
blueberries, I am an addict.
I’m thinking the avocado has a whole spectrum of moods that requires exploration.
Bananas are moody! They are not ripe and then if you don’t pay attention to them for a second they are too ripe.
Moody mangos. Just saying it makesr me smile, and salivate, and long for a ripe mango. Not to brag, but my sister has 23 varieties growing in her orchard and, thank the goddesses, sends me some all summer; good sister indeed!! And now I’m moody, wanting one….
Blues berries
Rasberries are moody. One day they a ripe and delicious, the next they are moldy!
Wild, low bush blueberries. That you pick yourself! The best blue food and however you eat them…your mood improves.
Outrageous flowers! Zinnia, snapdragons, roses
Pomegranates! So beautiful, so seasonal, so hard to deal with as they wait to splash red juice on your festive clothes! Love the sketches!
How about Mandarin oranges.
A Comice red pear, of course!
Moody fruit: figs. Are you sure you should really be eating them?
Haha! We’re on the same page with figs. I posted, then saw you were thinking the same. Love it!
Figs. Moody colors, interesting shapes.
A Buddha’s Hand – that great citrus smell from a prehistoric looking fruit. What was Mother Nature thinking with that one?
Pineapple. Definitely pineapple.
Pears from a Harry & David basket
Bartlett pears – Accurate reflection of humans. Perfectly on the outside but mealy inside, looks good and firm on the outside and rotten inside, bruised but sweet, looks a mess but still fresh, and gone to mush.
Not a moody fruit…snow bent bamboo. Exquisite
Passion fruit—for when you’re in the mood(y). The name says it all.
I would love to see a drawing of a big mutt dog with 2 little girls dressed in clothes from the 40s. I have a children’s book I wrote that needs an illustrator.
Deep dark purple plums
Pomegranates! They sometimes look moody, but they are all sweetness and beauty on the inside!
I love pears–the shape, the colors, the taste, and they won’t wait for you. You have to wait for them.
I am enthralled with everything Persimmon. The whole fruit, color, beauty of the sliced halves, my grandma’s persimmon cookies from my childhood.
My brother on the other hand gags just thinking about them. We had to rake under the huge tree and overripe fruit was involved. Ahhh memories…
Kiwi – so much potential!
I love microwaved pears and blueberries.
Moody mangoes for sure!
My fav moody fruit is the fig of course! Who doesn’t agree?
Moody fruit—banana that was almost banana bread ready but you ate it anyway and now regret not saving it for banana bread
mumbling mango!
My favorite moody fruit/vegetable? Eggplant. Brooding dark color and bitter interior.
Draw a cat having a temper tantrum because you are once again on zoom.
Artichoke – it’s prickly and sweet at the same time, with a beautiful flower when you let it bloom!
Sulky strawberries. They can go bad so quickly.
I’d love to see a bowl of mini yarn balls–sort of like a bowl of fruit in. the middle of a table.
A deep red beautiful pomegranate so sparkling and delicious on the inside.
Bananas! Will they be happiest in a dark cupboard? The unused oven? Not today? Not tomorrow? Then .. too late!!!
A barely yellow banana with just a very few tiny black spots…
MDK employees as dogs! Or cats, but I really love dogs.
Pineapple. So many books and cranny’s for moodiness
I feel like a tired banana.
Blood orange. Fickle yet delicious.
My moody fruit is the tomato because I can prepare it in so many way and it is wonderful all by itself
Grocery store peaches have to be the moodiest fruit. You never know if they’re going to get ripe before they rot.
If aerial views were patchwork quilts!
Moody mangos are my favorite along with five o clock shadow kiwis
For a challenge, how about the least-moody of fruits–clementines. (But who knows, maybe they are silently resentful of that patronizing brand name “cuties.”)
Banana. Turns from from most vibrant yellow to black like thunderhead obscuring sunshine (though much more gradually)
Someone suggested pears. I agree. When I buy them they are beautiful tones of green and yellow, sometimes with corral cheeks, but the are still too solid to eat. As I wait for them to ripen all their flaws show up. The bright colors fade and the brown scars appear. But with that aging they soften and sweeten inside.
Please draw a jar of jam made out of the fruit in season. My favorite jam is made from dark-purple prune plums transformed into chunky sweet-sour jam. The jar is decorated with a label with the cook’s name and topped with a lace or fabric or paper jar lid cover held in place with yarn tied in a bow.
I would love to see how Hannah sketches cacti.
Quince! Moody and inedible off the tree (unless you love way down south) but suddenly fragrant and delectable when cooked.
Pears. Pears are one of my favorite fruits to draw. What is so pleasing about pears? I’m not sure, they are just so fun and cheerful. Sort of like gnomes are fun and cheery. Draw some pears 🙂
A Peach!
My fruit mood is ‘Orange you going to smile’?
I see a lot of fruit mentioned here. How about a series of fruits at various stages of ripeness-to- overripeness? Like a phases of the moon, but instead phases of fruit? That ought to take up some mornings! Thanks for the inspiration. I’d love to start hand-lettering to boost my own inspiration!
Oranges I forgot in my fridge… they look great from the front but then you grab it and there’s a mushy spot in the back.
Avocados for sure!
Pineapple…difficult to get into (sharp knife required), and quite messy!
The bumpy shape of a Satsuma tangerine…all sorts of perfect oddness!
Heirloom tomato’s in glorious reds and greens and a little moody in between! Happy Holidays!
A juicy joyful watermelon delights, but a dry, drab, and dreary watermelon kind of ruins my day.
Moody fruit – would have to be persimmons, having waited for them to ripen and then too busy to bake, so they get even squishier. Hoping they will be just right for cookies if I can find time to make them tomorrow afternoon!
how about a peach? so many dishes and drinks are made with peaches.
Apples people! Look at a Honeycrisp! The shades and color variations are endless. If you set it down and look at it, then give it a quarter turn you get a completely different personality!