Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: A Tale of Two Dickies
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. The MDK staff holiday party was mere weeks away and I found myself, through no fault of my own, knitting not just one but two custom dickies.
Let’s rewind a bit. You see, Atlas yarn had been in the works for nearly a year already, and we finally received a large enough shipment to disperse amongst the team for the final round of sampling before launch.

Which yarn is that you ask? Tynd held double. Shade 25.
One day I walked into work wearing a freshly blocked dickie, and Ashley and Hannah (my desk Clump Crew™) decided they needed dickies too. But they couldn’t just be any old dickies, that would have been too easy. Hannah requested a lilac (Whisper) one with her illustrated turkey leg on the front sans turtleneck, and Ashley—professing her undying love for lobsters—wanted a red lobster (Barn Red) on a green (Wintergreen) dickie with a turtleneck.
I told them, “ABSOLUTELY not.”
Reader, I didn’t mean it.

So there I was, two weeks before the party and I not only had to knit, I also had to create intarsia designs for two dickies.
Easy! I started with Terrazzo from PetiteKnit—the design I was wearing on that fateful day.

I did some math to figure out, with decreases, how many stitches I had to work with on the front panel and then got to mapping out the color work. I had Hannah’s illustration to work with but I had to simplify it quite a bit and adjust the shape in order to translate to knitting. For Ashley’s lobster, I had already knit a lobster vest for my husband from More Maine Sweaters by Helene Rush so I started there.

not a lobster bib, a lobster dickie
I love a challenge when it comes to knitting, so the hardest part for me was not the intarsia, but actually being unable to knit these on my lunch breaks, lest my Clump Crew™ notice.
The night before our big Holiday party (Day of the Dickie), the second one was finally off the needles and laid out in front of a fan to dry. The next morning I checked the “It’s Kind of Damp, Is That a Problem?” box on my MDK Last Minute Holiday Knitting Bingo card, the final one to complete a diagonal row (BINGO!!) and sent the dickies off on their way.

Next up in my knitting queue is my own color-worked dickie—after the two sweaters, scarf, and bag due next week, of course.
A Giveaway
The prize? Six skeins of Atlas in six shades selected by Allison, plus a copy of Field Guide No. 20: Atlas for a Scrap Tote (or make it the starting palette for your own intarsia dickie)!

How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: A slice of pizza? A halibut? Allison wants to know what you would knit on your motif dickie. Let her know in the comments.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, March 13, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
It would have to be a green tea shave ice with mochi balls and anko (sweet red beans) with a rainbow straw.
ooh, so many possibilities. I think probably a flower. Or maybe a vegetable.
Clouds and rain (we moved to Portland)
A cat or kitten
A bright shining sun
Home is where the heart ❤️ is, so I would knit our little (TINY) summer cottage that my parents built themselves. My father ( a plumber by profession) designed it and they cleared the grounds and hammered away in their spare time. Any assorted collection of relatives who came to visit chipped in with a nail or two, or by shifting a couple of wheelbarrows worth of soil, and my grandfather on my mother’s side of the family did the twin open fireplaces and chimney stack. I was two weeks old when I came there for the first time. It has been the centre of my universe ever since, incongruities and all. That is where I am “home” in the world, irrespective of where I live…
I would knit a mug of coffee.
A moose with big antlers ~~/\~~
A ball of yarn with two needles happily sticking out of it … of course!
Blue and Gold intertwined hearts!!
A snow capped mountain range.
Linda, can you tell me how to get a photo in the circle here; I can do it in the Lounge but I can’t figure out how to do it here. Thanks!
This time of year I’d choose daffodils or crocuses!
It would have to be an owl
It would be a sheep!
A Ukrainian motif
Sunflowers, their national flower.
A giraffe, and give it to my granddaughter. Of course, then my other granddaughter would want a sloth, and then…
Definitely a chocolate chip cookie! I’ve never met one I didn’t like!
A couple of barbecued spare ribs and Cole slaw on a white dickie would be fun.
A line of Border Collie motifs!!
My Border Collie would like that, but I think a knitted paw print would be easier, and also would blend in nicely with any he left in the course of an overly joyful greeting.
Paw print would be great, close to the heart. Or a crow Cuz they’re so dang smart.
The Seattle skyline because I just moved away and will miss it, or a hare. I’m not picky.
A horned beetle for my entomologist son.
T Rex or pterasaur
An oyster with a pearl for me.
A bird! Tweet tweet! I think I’ll try duplicate stitch.
I am a great admirer of the octopus. This would be a challenge , but worth the effort
I like the octopus too! Good idea.
A spring bouquet tied with a ribbon.
Knitting needles and a ball if yarn of course!
I would do a sheep.
Love it!
A curling rock! I’m Canadian lol
Definitely a golf club and golf ball in white on a black dickie!
That is what I would want but with an argyle dickie
Love that I dea
Right now? A sunflower in honor of everyone in Ukraine…
Yes, this.
… encircled in a map of Ukraine
I concur.
A palm tree!
A dark purple pansey on a whisper background.
I think I’d have to go with a cup of brown liquid. Is it coffee? Is it tea? You decide! ☕️
A 2-lane highway heading for a Smokey Mtn. sunrise!
Flower- or perhaps bouquet
My horse of course
Of course my horse! Or a sunflower…
a cup of tea with a slice of lemon
A bunny, since I live on Bunny Run!
Cat face
A sprig of Heather!
A border collie and some Shetland sheep. Possibly pretty ambitious given the size limitations, but why not?
A bluebird for me!
I would choose a llama.
A dogwood flower or two, with leaves.
The motif on my dickie would be a cat. No, wait, a glass of red wine. On further review, a chunk of cheese. Yes, but really maybe a big old spruce tree with snow. Hmmmm. I’m beginning to see the problem.
My motif of choice would absolutely be our family’s gray kitten – but dickies make my brain itch! Something about them . . . hmmm . . . not sure what it is . . . But that is the awesome thing about knitting and fashion – to each their own! Anyway – a kitten – most definitely a mischievous – yarn chewing kitten.
I have a yarn-chewing puppy! My 4-month old black lab has got hold of my Shibui Silk Tweed project at least twice in the past week (I have to be more careful when I set it down) and miraculously, no damage to either yarn ball or the project. I think he needs to be on my dickie 🙂
A cat
A sheep for me 🙂
Definitely a wooly sheep! I am planning it in my head already….!
One of those lovely producers of wool…a sheep!
Mine would be a dog dickie!
Hmmmm, I’m a knitting librarian so it would either be a book or a cat! I’ll go with black cat!
A rendition of my cat. Of course,
Mt. Katahdin in Maine, the glorious end of the AT.
Oh, good one – me, too! And Katahdin is also very sacred to Indigenous people here in Maine. So to honor both the mountain and the people who once lived in what we call Baxter State Park.
A black cat on barn red.
Radio signals would be my motif.
I think I would like a sheep
Oh, a cover of a book for sure. Choosing which cover would be the hard part—that’s like choosing a favorite child!
I like this one! There’s a pattern on Ravelry to make a sweater that looks like a Penguin Classic book, that could be adapted. But yes, which title would be the problem…..
Amazing work Allison: really lovely symmetry in the lobster, and who would have thought there could be beauty in a cooked piece of meat. You are a designer. For me. A midnight blue tiled background covered in words, like the Concorde subway station in Paris but reversed, in shiny, shiny yarn, fine enough to show the same serif font.
oh dorothy, one for me too please! 🙂
Oooo, I’d want mine to rock a reproduction of VanGogh’s The Starry Night. Hmmm, or perhaps Edvard Munch’s The Scream. Yes, definitely The Scream!
Love this!
A ball of yarn
How about a book? It looks perfect for curling up on a couch on a cold day with a good book!
A book and a cup of tea!
A flower crown!
A plesiosaur
A Deerhound of course.
I would knit an image if my beloved Airedale Zapp.
Mt. Rainier
Definitely an Italian greyhound-although a camo dickie would be a fun knit too
A puppy, maybe a Golden or a Weimaraner
a blue jay for my husband…he feeds them every day…and he already has socks in blue colours.
A sloth
When you love set them free, go plant based for your health, loveliness and the planet.
Sunrise over the ocean
Snow on the mountain, on white background. See where I’m going with this?
a peacock
A picture of my cat?
So many things to choose! I think I’d pick a ball of yarn.
My sweet puppy’s face.
Cherry blossoms
A loon mama with chicks on her back.
a string of pearls
Definitely a ball of yarn
A Shamrock for St Paddy’s day ☘️☘️
My grand-dog Pickle!
Mabel – my kitty cat!
Definitely a cat – black for simplicity, or orange tabby, if I’m feeling the need for adventure.
thanks for the fun story.. .for me it would be a paisley motif!
A pile of books!
a dandelion blowing out it’s tiny seeds
My home state of West Virginia with a heart in it.
I’d put a steamed blue crab with a can of Old Bay seasoning on my Dickie!
A loon, of course (living on a lake in Maine)
A peace symbol with sunflowers
Cup , or should I say mug, of black coffee !
A Bee!
A kitsune or a Sasquatch.
I would love a dickie with an apple on the front.
A red apple.
I’d knit my black and white bunny on mine
Beyoncé. Not the singer, but the big metal chicken that lives in author Jenny Lawson’s backyard.
Yaaaas, queen!
A dragon.
A cardinal. Barn red would be perfect.
I would have to go with the sweet face of our black lab Ben.
2 balls of yarn with some knitting needles!
Mine would have to be a ball of yarn with needles
A springer spaniel
My bichon frise, Molly.
A black poodle
A likeness of my dog
Faces of my canine companions:. Daisy (a Lab/pit mix) and Gambit (a Husky.)
A sheep
A toddler’s hand holding a simple flower.
A book
A basket of heather. :0)
The outline of my beautiful state, New Hampshire!
A seahorses
The Grand Canyon. Too much?
I would use the first character of my Chinese name, Ai Lin, Ai meaning ❤️
A Ginkgo tree with a single golden leaf remaining.
A lighthouse!
A cat
A big fluffy lemon meringue pie!! Yum!!
A smile or a thumbs up – too hard to choose
A shooting star
A blue crabbed but cooked so it would be red!
A Labrador Retriever, my favorite breed. No food on my clothing please.
A dragonfly if it were for me, a horse for my granddaughter, a black cat for my niece, or a seahorse for my sister-in-law, combining her love of ocean and horses (that works, yes?) I quite possibly would not ever finish them, however, unlike Allison. Beautiful job on these!
What we all want the most – peace. I would like a peace sign or two palms together (OR peace sign and heart)
A sunflower
Since I’m “the cat lady,” my motif would be a cat or two.
i think a beautiful red poppy would be nice
I would not be fussy on colour, but would love an apple!
A cadeuseus (the ancient symbol of medicine) or a stethescope
Those small powdered donuts made by Entimens (sp?)!
When my son was in grade school, I would tuck into his lunch box a daily sketch of a pig doing unusual things (such as a flying like a costumed super hero) with a matching caption. A favorite was “Pig Roy Was Here.” I think that would make a fine dickie decoration.
White dickie with a red maple leaf! O Canada.
A kitty!
Some kind of flower, Kaffe Cassette style
Damn sneaky autocorrect! Kaffe Fassett.
I would make an otter on mine.
You are an impressive knitter Allison!! I’m in awe;) I’d like a unicorn on my dickie, but I could never design and knit something like that. Maybe duplicate stitch the design on?
A bright sun shining.
Hersheys kiss-and with a silvery yarn, for sure
I would knit a quilt motif on my dickie. My two life passions would be as one.
Snow shovel, since March is our snowiest month
A mushroom- Armillaria – Honey mushroom
A knitted dickie needs knitting needles with a project attached, maybe a partial red mitten on a white dickie?
Meta!!!!! I love this.
Not a fan of intarsia, so nothing.
A kitty cat.
A dickie is perfect for catching yummies that drip (like poultry holiday meals or sea cockroach rolls — with butter please!!!!) …. So my motif would have to be a bottle of ranch dressing—-/mmmm, wings!!!
I would knit an Echinacea pallida, Pale Purple Coneflower. Assuming of course that I learn intarsia.
Definitely my dog Bear – surrounded by a heart halo – he is my knitting buddy and spends most of his time on my lap.
A big snowflake! No, not crazy, i just like winter.
I would knit a bight yellow Sunflower
I would put a fleur-de-lis or a sea lion. Obviously, there are different reasons for the two choices!
A sunflower
A Brindle Boxer!
Dearest Allison,
Can we ramp up the adventure quotient for this nifty knitting party? I say “Go Wild” and, in so doing, I nominate a silverback gorilla for decorating the dickie. Imagine the shading gradients possible in that little project! I am an inveterate gorilla lover and have, in fact, tracked them in Africa three separate times. My claim to fame is being smacked on the behind by a 400 lb. male who became a bit smitten with me in the jungle. My husband almost had heart failure witnessing the gorilla charge. But I had the time of my life. Thrilling!
So, it’s a big boy gorilla for me.
Your admirer,
Cathy Gronewold
Wayland, MA
My Golden Retriever
a border collie
I would make a blue crab on mine! I live in Maryland!
A black dickie with either green or yellow cat eyes looking at the person in front of me.
My dickie would have a Brittany dog on it, with a blue background
This Grandma is always up to a challenge, the latest ones being hoodies with zippers. One had to have puzzle pieces and lego on it and the other “my dog on the back” which involved several different photos of said anmal, photocopying to exactly the right size to fit the knitting graph paper, sticking it onto the window in order to trace around (never mind what the neighbours said)before coming up with the final garment. Yes it’s a labour of love!
A mermaid!
I’d keep it simple. The Big Dipper.
It’s back in our skies and I have missed it.
softserve twist ice cream cone
A Boston Terrier.
A tree.
Right now? A sunflower for Ukraine.
If not pizza, then a big bowl of spaghetti!!
A cardinal in honor of Buddy who knocks on my back door every day for a year now.
Ice cream cone…mocha swirl in a waffle cone
I would have to knit a bowl of ice cream.
A ball of yarn with knitting needles stuck in it
I would want a Simpson style donut.
It will be an eye.
A cup of tea.
A 4-leaf clover for a stroke of luck!
The Welsh Dragon
My sweet puppy Sonny’s face!
I am not ready to knit this yet, but a dickie with a Celtic knot – a triquetra – would be lovely.
A girl doing a cartwheel!
A person frantically knitting a dickie, of course!
Something simple that would be easy, but I don’t know what yet. Or, a love letter so my sweet hubby could read it every time he hugged me.
An anatomically correct heart.
A snowperson with knitting needles for arms and yarnballs for buttons.
A sunflower.
Glass of wine with hunk of cheese and bread on the side
A scottie dog with the words “Beam me up”
Most definitely a copy of the amaryllis that I now have blooming on my window sill.
a ball of yarn with straight needles, posed a la skull and crossbones.
I would have a dog or a deer on a sage green color
After reading the news this morning, I think I need a yellow peace sign on a blue background.
I like this idea. I think I’d copy you!
A pair of socks. Always my go to.
I would knit Hello Kitty in my dickie, with hearts and bows.
Lightning bolt!
i don’t like pictures on my clothes so probably knit in a variegated yarn – maybe one that pools.
Martha’s Vineyard
Either a sunrise, or a daisy. In honor of my late daughter who loved daisies and her name was Dawn.
A Pekingese
Mt Rainier!
A steaming cup of coffee or tea if I’m going for a bib look or a small ladybug on the petal of a sunflower.
A sheep! And you have beautiful eyes – the color of your dicky brings them out perfectly
Rooster! Or a sunflower… I’m partial to both.
My favorite dog. A Scottish Terrior.
Red Poppy on a Teal background
Three butterflies
A large star with a few scattered small ones!
A Junonia seashell, AKA the holy grail of Sanibel shells.
The words “MDK” along with some yarn and knitting needles. And a sheep!
I would knit a fern leaf, to match my fern tattoo and my name.
A cat and a ball of yarn.
A wedge of cheddar cheese.
My motif would have to be a book!
I think it should be a winter scene so I say an ice boat sailing on the frozen river (in front of my house).
I would need a the face of a Scottish Highland Cow. But wouldn’t that be too easy?
I think a smiling sun.
I would add a tulip
A sugar skull (Día de los muertos )
A Birthday Cake…because sometimes I don’t get one. 🙁
Cup of tea!
I think I would put my cat on it. He wants to be with me all the time. I know because of all the fur he leaves on me…
For this time of year, I would choose a four leaf clover for St. Patrick’s Day!
My Havanese Max!
Thank you
A vacuum cleaner, because my husband used to joke that if I ran out of things to knit, I could make a vacuum cleaner cozy.
A coconut palm, to remind me that this cold weather will also pass.
If you had asked a month ago, I would have responded “a crab,” but I now want a sunflower.
A tandem bicycle.
If I were to knit an intarsia dickie it would probably depict a hummingbird, a fish, or a Maltese puppy. Hmmmm…….
A coffee mug OR a ball of yarn and needles !!
Well- maybe a leaf logo or a goat or today- a peace symbol.
A sheep of course!
A slice of pizza for me thanks.
Australian Shepherd or Wolf
Probably my dog’s face, or something floral.
A rainbow fish. Hahaha, no seriously a sheep.
The sun setting into the ocean !
If food, pizza. Otherwise, a bluejay
All 6 of my cats and maybe my 2 Guinea pigs on the back.
A food item? I don’t have a clue. Probably a dachshund – in the colors of my doxie, Penny. Chocolate brown with tan highlights and a graying muzzle . . .
A hippo or jellyfish for my daughter. She loves creatures who appear friendly and are actually quite deadly!
Alas, a peace symbol or a dove in flight with an olive branch in its beak.
A few bands of colourwork designs across the bottom.
A sunflower for Ukraine and because I also love sunflowers
A beautiful Cornish Pilot Gig! Only problem would be that I could not wear it around my rowing club pals, because they would each want one!
Pasta of course 🙂
I love me an argyle vest so I’d make it an argyle dickie. In gray, white, blue and red.
A sleeping cat curled up around itself, which would have the added benefit of looking vaguely like a ball of yarn.
A lighthouse on a cliff.
A doggie paw print – I’m a dog mom.
A sheep. Black or white, depending on the color of the dickie. Maybe three? Mix & match.
A set of knitting needles!
A pickle, just because .
A mug of beer
A 10-key (adding machine). It’s tax season & I’m over it all.
A duckie – so I could have a duckie dickie!
Donuts! And I’d give it to my hubby who eats them and makes crumbs!! 🙂
Omg everything about this is fabulous.
I’d knit a persimmon on mine.
A piece of layer cake.
cup of coffee!
I think the whole dickie needs to be intarsia flowers and leaves like those fabulous 1980s Vogue sweaters I always ogled but never committed to. Maybe I will actually do this 😉
I’d knit a Boston Terrier face
A rainbow!
A cat. Or perhaps several, lol!
I think I would knit a large sunny-side up egg, with inspiration from the egg sweater from the Wit Knits book!
Your dickies are amazing! I think mine would be a Joshua Tree!
years ago when I was doing cross stitch, I tried to make a pattern for my Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. But it never got done. Sometimes still sad.
Dave Grohl. No, wait, the Snarky Puppy logo. Or a typewriter.
Knitting needles through a ball of yarn
A pickle!
Probably a yarn ball or a sheep for everyday and if it was for a party, then it would have to be a glass of white wine
I would like a Flamingo!
A terrapin
A ball of yarn!
A golden retriever! The loves of my life- after my husband of course!
A Seashell
My first choice: a Keith Haring image
So many ideas… Frida Kahlo, Pacman, a bunch of cherries, a pear, broccoli, a carrot, a cow, a crab, a crabbie patty, Mr Crab, a landscape, a cityscape, a flower bouquet, a big fat flower, an anatomical heart or digestive system, more.
Wow, we could spend forever knitting motifed dickies 🙂
Either a milk bottle or an iris. Maybe both!
A penguin or a hummingbird!
A sunflower.
A cup of coffee
My motif would be the word “Smile”
peace sign
Agatha Christie book, any would do but how about “Murder on the Orient Express”?
Some sort of sea critter, halibut or other fish. In white on blue I suppose!
My dog (assuming it doesn’t have to be food!)
I would put a leaf motif on mine- on a flower.
Lilacs, somehow…
Probably a whale.
Puppy paw prints or a big tire track!
A sheep. Or two. Or three.
A cup of coffee (a latte?) or maybe spaghetti and meatballs (on white or cream of course)
It would either be a couple of cats in different positions or a couple of sheep standing around! Either would be cute & fun to knit!
Fleur de lis
A perfectly ripe Colorado peach!
The head of an orange tabby cat, I have been owned by a number of orange tabbies, my current one is Liam.
A Lenten Rose for a reminder that spring is coming.
A bar of dark chocolate
A sailor’s Celtic knot.
My cat
Mine would be a heart, since that’s my favorite motif
A redwood tree with the branches as needles
Seashells and beach glass to remind me of warm weather during dickie season
I’m also a quilter and I’m from Ohio, so I’d add an Ohio Star motif.
A sunflower
Musical instrument- maybe a guitar or violin
Definitely a sunflower….it’s my favorite flower and it honors Ukraine.
My old cat Tiger. He was my knitting helper for 15 years.
Definitely a cat
I’ve just completed my first (and last). intarsia project and if it wasn’t such a huge pain, I’d maybe consider a grapes motif on a grey background.
I would make this a shell, with pictures of shells. Though the idea of a dickie as a cropped sweater, which it rather resembles in the lobster version photo, is also appealing.
And if you are wearing red pants to the holiday party, Nantucket reds (seen in the background) are the way to go.
I can’t choose between a daisy or a map of my home state, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
I would want a pizza slice.
A newt
I would knit a bumblebee. Or a sand dollar.
Coconut shrimp
a Squirrel of course, to compliment philosophy!
So many great ideas! I guess I would go with the lobster. He’s cute and you’ve already figured out how to do it!
My sewing machine!
We are allowed to raise chickens within the city radius. We have had 5 chickens for about 9 months. They are so rewarding, clever and quite hilarious. I would think one of my red hens on a brownish green background
Mt. Everest would be awesome!
A green chile! From Hatch, New Mexico.
I have an emu named Casanova. He loves to be petted. He’s getting up in years so I’d knit his image into a dickey to have him around for a good long time.
Those dickies are marvelous! I’ll knit mine adorned with a martini. Cheers!
A peacock feather
Beans of course!
A taco for my daughter! Definitely a taco. I love what you made and am looking forward to knitting that tote-already have the Field Guide
I wouldn’t knit a motif- the simple dickie pattern is perfect – let the yarn speak for itself and let my interests remain a mystery.
Flowers to remind me of spring
I would like a pine tree!
I’d knit a cat.
Mind the gap!
Something from the outdoors, like a couple of fir trees.
A Swallowtail Butterfly
I actually think if I added a picture I might wear a dickie. That might require some thoughts. But gah now you want to know what it would be???? Well maybe I need a holiday one with maybe wreath or some such. But then if you knit a wreath dickie you will probably need a Halloween one to go with it. And once the Halloween one is knit you will probably start thinking that you cant wear the wreath one in the cold January and February months in Michigan so you probably need a third one as well. And if you knit three dickies in one year you probably will need some more thoughts about dickies. I need a nap. 😉
A bolt of lightening just because..
a beautiful parasol mushroom (preferably a Macrolepiota – google it!) on a dark green background!
A ginko leaf in golden autumn glory.
One single beautiful daisy!
The face of a cat wearing cats-eye glasses. In mid-century modern graphic style, of course. I can see it now!
A little house. I did once graph a buffalo and knit it onto a hat at my husband’s request.
A heart and 5 stars and a crescent moon, too!
The moon and the stars.
A bowl full of yarn with knitting needles that double as chopsticks?
A ball of yarn with needles
I would knit a large yellow sunflower on a blue background.
Gardening is my second love, so I would like to have a beautiful Rose on my dickie – A Peace Rose.
A frenchie for my daughter. A dog on a dickie. You can’t go wrong.
I would love to add a mossy cup oak tree
A snowflake.
A douglas fir tree. I’m a fan of forests
I would knit a chicken motif on my dickie.
I’d love a celtic knot on mine.
A sunrise over the ocean…..
Two llama faces, based on a photo of my own 2 llamas, Dolly Llama and Llana Turner Llama.
I would like a map of the British Isles on my dickie. Though I would not enjoy knitting that myself. If I am knitting it myself, perhaps a square.
The face of my harlequin Great Dane.
What a great idea!
A bright red cardinal
I guess, right now, it would have to be a sunflower.
A bird!
I would like a bicycle
A lightening bolt
A medieval dragon or an angel
My intarsia will have to be a hibiscus flower — so fresh, so colorful!
Starman and Roadster, with our planet rounding (ahem) out the background
what would i knit on a dickie? starlight mints! sprinkled here and there on a green background. OR would it be a bird – a swallow – on a sky blue background. OR…a MOOSE!
Not really into intarsia. But if I have to choose, my cats’ faces. A flame point and a grey tabby.
a frog!!
A volleyball to gift to my granddaughter!
a zipper illusion, as if it was a sweater open over another sweater.
Hmmmmm, a frog? Maybe a tree. Possibly a bromeliad. Really depends on what’s currently in the stash….
I love popcorn and I think that would be fun to design and knit!
I’d do a row of shrimp for my daughter.
I’m insane and so because it’s what I want, I would intarsia a birch sapling with the leaves they have on them over the winter. If you’ve ever seen one (or, better yet, heard one) you’ll know why. Magical.
The motif on my dickie will be little Grogu. This is the way.
A ball of yarn with knitting needles!
Indigo blue with a white/cream/natural sheep coloured Celtic knot, like my ankle tattoo and on my “business” card. And a mock turtle neck. Thanks for the chance!
I would knit a black and white tuxedo cat!
Excellent shading on the drumstick! I would probably go for a flower motif.
I like a plain garter stitch Dickie front (and back), tucked under a shirt…
A dragonfly. What else?
A block using the six colors of the give-away Atlas:)
A dragonfly
A glass of champagne complete with bubbles.
A violin or a film camera
yellow sunflower on blue background. ’nuff said.
Tulips in Tutu; background to be determined.
Several pieces of popped popcorn. On a pale color background. Subtle. (I don’t usually wear pictures on my clothes.)
A Schnauzer face
Purple Iris or bright yellow Daffodils
I’d knit an ice cream cone with fun colors of ice cream like bubblegum, raspberry, cherry vanilla.
A buffalo!
A shooting star!
I love owls, so there should probably be one on a dickie!
Totoro, or maybe the cat bus
A book – for snuggling up and reading
I’d knit an orange Bird of Paradise
Godzilla. Maybe with some extra embroidery for fierceness
A peacock showing off his tail – probably use some embroidery over intarsia.
A sunflower in honor of the people of Ukraine.
I would knit a black and white chicken. I think it’s a French Hen, nice and plump.
A groovy sunrise – like wearing a name tag for me!
A Kracken (not an octopus)
A Christmas tree with sequins and beads for ornaments.
A penguin. Every year I have a penguin Christmas!
A chihuahua
A heart!
I would knit a heart on my dickie
A weeping willow.
a daisy!
I would want either a hydrangea flower or a peony flower.
I would make it a Christmas Tree.
It would either be a chocolate chip cookie or a treble clef. I’m very multi-faceted.
I’d make two dickies — one with a fall leaf on it, and one with a nice big sparkly snowflake!
Puppies! All the puppies!
Definitely a chicken – a live one, that is.
Since I live in Buffalo NY, a buffalo chicken wing .
A penguin!
A container of Chinese food with a pair of chopsticks hovering over it and the splat of shop suey that already spilled from them.
I’d go with a crab, though not sure if I’d do a classic red one or try for a little yellow ghost crab in a fighting stance, claws upraised!
A dove or a peace sign
Since I’m from Maine and lobster is my favorite food, I’d go for the lobster!
So many options but today my choice is a sunflower, Ukraine’s national flower.
A zinnia or sunflower I think. Definitely a flower!
Steaming cup of cafe au lait with whipped cream and cinnamon sprinkled in top
A Doxie dog (black and brown) on a light blue or green background
Two black labradors eating the last homemade (from my very favorite recipe) carrot cake cupcake with maple cream cheese frosting. (not that this has evvvver happened in my house…) OR, a lemon bar.
A cat
I would choose a kingfisher…very graphic bird (and very bossy).
A cup of tea! 🙂
A book and a cup of tea — that would put all the best things together!
My two Shiba Inus on a lovely orchid background. They provide their own fur in everything I knit! Haha
This time of year, it would be a daffodil.
Folk harp, or a Clumber face.
A bluebird!
A dachshund! Always a dachshund. Maybe one for each holiday LOL! Easter bonnet, santa hat, pumpkin halloween costume – the possibilities are endless.
A heart within a heart, symbolizing my late husband, the heart of my heart.
Sunflowers on a peace symbol
My red poodle Gemma, because I would be wearing it while walking her!
A pig with wings in honor of my father. He always told me I could have anything I wanted, “when pigs fly.”
Probably a cat
My group of knitting buds and I are all in STEM fields so we call ourselves the Knitting Knerds. That definitely needs to be on a Dickie!
Ooh, I hope I win this one! Allison, following your lead of turkeys and lobster, I would try a beautiful silver salmon swimming in Alaskan waters. That could use at least six colors, I think! Second choice (and easier, I’m sure) would be a fluffy sheep with a wreath of flowers and pine cones around her neck. Thanks for sharing your tale of the dickies – they look great!!
A hedgehog
A uterus and tubes with ovaries.
3 pine trees in honor of one of my favorite murder mystery series!
I love that series!!!!
Me too!
I would do a black cat with a small white patch on his chest. (Bow tie). Just like Mikey.
Noah’s Ark with the rainbow and Dove…. We need peace on earth
For a Day of the Dickie? La Calavera Catrina, of course.
Since I’m thinking that coffee beans would probably be seen as animal droppings, I’d have to go with a skein of yarn, in lovely shades of blue and teal, on a coffee-bean brown background.
Umm I love that green with with a bouquet of posies.
I’d knit a ball of yarn on my dickie!
It would have to be knitting needles and a ball of yarn.
Oh I would definitely attempt to create a design of my sweet Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier on my dickie. On a background of green because these dogs are originally from Ireland. But I have a feeling the design would elicit the same comment my dog does: “Is that a Goldendoodle?”!
I would knit a simplified airplane. Since my drawing/intarsia skills are minimal, it would need to be simple.
Since I’m a Texas girl, I would have to make it a bluebonnet!
A horse. Not because of food, but because of love.
Why, a sheep, of course. Well done on the dickies!
The Superman S or Superwoman W logo
Hmmm… I’m thinking a little heart over my heart!
A peony.
Oh my, I would dearly love to win this giveaway!
I love monogrammed things so I would put a “m” on it!
Spring flowers!
Probably a raven OR a ball of yarn and some needles!
A Big Cat Head!!!
I would want an anchor (I’m a Navy vet).
A shamrock!
I think I’d have to knit a sailing boat! I can imagine it looking awesome with a blue or green background
A beautiful black cat!
hot dog on a bun
A cuttlefish wearing a crown.
The dickies are fun! Wouldn’t have thought of doing a picture on a dickie! I think I would do a picture of a Scottish thistle. But so many things have run through my mind… A raccoon, a smiling dog, a Lenten rose, heather, a hawk, our kittens, a skein of yarn. We may need help designing these motifs, though!
Dickie Motif #1: A sunflower on a sky blue background. Dickie Motif #2: My Netherland Dwarf, Jasper, with his liquid, scaredy-bunny eyes. Dickie Motif #3: A portrait of my dahlias.
I’m stealing this a bit from a shirt I already own….but the knitted pattern of the world and underneath it “Master peace”
Googly eyes. Yep, I said it.
A birthday cake with candles. It’s my birthday this week!
Allison, you are the bee’s knees!! A Ukrainian flag for sure!
I would add a sunflower or daisy.
A rainbow!
A baseball. I love in hope that there will be a baseball season this year.
My goofy Bernese Mountain Dog Juniper.
I would knit a cup of steaming coffee!
Spaghetti and meatballs of course in a bowl with a fork
A dachshund!
Lemon meringue pie. On a navy blue background.
A crab! ’cause I can be crabby!!!
The color “pear” in Atlas made me think a sweet Anjou would look great knitted on a background of med or dark gray!
A downhill skier!
A runner because I spend so much time watching two grandsons run cross country and track. Go Zach and Jake!
Of course i would knit my darling companion of 12 years, my white poodle, “Kukui!”
So, I have to admit I would knit a glass of wine, Drunk Knitting with one of my oldest friends —separated by distance, but bonding over our mutual love of knitting and wine via FaceTime !! ♥️
3 Little Gnomes in colors suitable for wear year round. A wee thing to bring smiles any day of the year.☺️
What do I want on my Dickie? A sardine! This little fish is a treasury of omega 3 fatty acids and makes a tasty lunch or snack. Try sardines in tomato sauce or sardines Mediterranean style. Arrange them on a nice slice of Italian bread, top with your favorite Italian cheese and run it under the broiler: Sardine Parmesan!
I would probably put a Selbu star on it because I like Norwegian designs.
A liver spotted dalmatian!
A slice of watermelon
I think I would let the yarn shine, no motif on mine
An Orca for my great grandson. Oh my …he would love that.
The Pisces Fishes swimming in circles in oily-purple-blue on a light sea-greenish-blueish no turtleneck Dickie!
A poodle, so I could make it like my little girl Maddy. Or maybe just a big red “A” LOL
An owl. Or perhaps a sunflower. Tulips? Too many ideas; I will have to make a dozen.
A poodle.
A steaming cup of tea.
a maple leaf
I think a chickadee or a cardinal, my favorite birds.
A star
Mine would be yellow hearts on a field of blue for Ukraine
I’d knit a pile of nachos. YUM
I would knit a dachshund, of course!
A Zinnia!
Love this! A Corgi butt!!
Peace symbol
A cupcake
A vintage sewing machine
A snake or a lemon tree!
A coffee mug with a snowflake design and steam wafting from the cup.
Fried eggs! I get yolk everywhere
An over stuffed taco.
A bicycle
A mug of coffee….not a caffeine addict, just love the stuff.
Most definitely a Peony.
A cup of steaming hot tea. Ooh, or a jar of Vegemite!
My dear cat Bertie, in white angora, with blue eyes and a pink nose.
A waffle ice cream cone, 3 scoops with sprinkles.
I love all pumpkins definitely would do a pumpkin
A sunset
Pizza or shrimp for me!
A dandelion ready to make a wish.
I’m probably the last person living who still despises dickies, so I wouldn’t knit one at all. BUT, if I were doing a motif on, say, a sweater, it would definitely be the emblem of the Rebellion. Possibly with the words “Rebel Scum.”
I’m so boring. It would be a heart for me.
A flower – not sure which one – but a beautiful flower.
I’m a quilter also and would do an array of Hexies or a pink flamingo
Visiting friends in California (from Vermont), my design would have to include March blooming flowers…maybe the iconic California poppy! The Atlas pack would have all the colors I would need for sure.
Peanut butter cookies
My pussy cat, Paxton!
A stack of books – reminders of Covid quarintining.
Thanks for the chance at this lovely yarn.
A trail of cats’ paw prints!
Hi! My dickie would have to include an Iris. Blue. My favorite flower even if it only lasts a short time…Ahhh.
A very cute fat cat!
Hawaiian sunset … it would remind me of home during cold winter days.
My sweet little schnauzer, Boris.
a rowing shell and/or oar from my rowing club
A cardinal. When I’m chosen I’ll need the Barn Red.
An orchid – my daughter in law’s favorite flower/plant
I would definitely put a sunflower on the front.
I would have to knit a big mug of coffee!!! In my new “If I’m sitting I’m knitting” mug of course!!!!
Jamaican rice and peas!
My dog!
A seashell.
Pink roses and lavender.
I haven’t read all the comments but someone must have said a yarn ball and knitting sticks! Or – my spirit person – Beth from Yellowstone – I so wish I was her!
Ooh, I think it would have to be daisies.
I am going to knit a dandelion. I live in a sea of chemically treated lawns but and our dog Louie would get so excited when he saw one blooming.
I would knit add a bouquet of lilacs.
A “baby Yoda” would be pretty exciting in my family lol
A cat or a sheep
The head of Medusa, like my favorite version by Caravaggio. (I already have a magnet and a Christmas ornament…)
A ball of yarn and knitting needles
Or a martini glass with olives
A sunflower!
I would knit the Marquette High logo – AMDG – Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Pick any color for me, then sticking to the food theme, I would like some drips and splotches knitted in to closely match what always falls and makes stains on my sweaters!
My Airedale terrier, side view/profile.
A colourful licorice allsort – that’s what we call them in Tasmania, hope it translates to American!
Can I do color work instead? Not very good at intarsia!
I would knit a spindle on a background of Sashiko stitches.
A sea shell
I’d knit an intarsia cupcake…chocolate with raspberry buttercream frosting.
A pair of quail, in detail
The little orange cottage that I live in.
I think I’d do some kind of geometric design.
I would like a glass of red wine on my dickie!
Love the article I totally felt like I was right in the mix!!! Love the Dickie’s too the turkey leg on the lilac is stunning the colours play off each other nicely!! The pinchy is soo cute love it!!
For me I would put my morkie Ollie on it he loves yarn as much as I do and he’s beyond adorable his most notable feature is his huge ears that just scream adorable!!!
A ball of yarn with needles
Oh my! Choices – a daylily of course!
Mine would be a multi-color beach umbrella against a background of blue (sky) with tan at the bottom (sand).
I would have an airplane. I would never wear a dickie. However, if my father was alive, I’d wear one with an airplane to make him laugh.
A bouquet of sunflowers, as viewed from above, on a Ukrainian blue dickie.
An anatomical heart, natch!
(maybe a little hidden at the corner)
(insert “sunflower” between “little”& “hidden” 😉
A dish of gelato. Of course it would also need to include lettering so people would not mistake it for ice cream.
I think I would knit the Texas flag or an outline of the State of Texas.
How about a nice tri-color Collie to celebrate my puppy. And another with a sunflower-
I think I would like my design to feature lots of different size hearts in deep jewel tones. Different sizes and different colors but still the same thing just like people come in different sizes and different colors.
I would love a map of Iceland.
A pineapple
A butterfly
I see a snow person there. Obviously not on a yellow dickie though
I would love a cowboy hat or a sprig of bluebonnets. I am a Texas girl!
I think I might do a stylized COVID virus, to commemorate this era….
A banjo for sure
A steaming cup of coffee!
I would knit a small birds-on-a-wire motif
An avocado
A sweet little kitty cat face
I’m thinking a moose….. or a musk ox:)
A heart or hearts
I would have to do a fox!
A black cat on teal background!@
The outline of my hand! My personal symbol.
Swim cap and goggles with chocolate everything is better with chocolate
Of course, it would have to be a sheep, as I am a spinner.
A bee
A sheep, definitely a sheep
A susnflower for Ukraine.
An evil eye!
A sprig of moorland Heather x.
A map of the London Underground
Coffee mug with a flower on it.
Guess this has all left me hungry. I’d do a slice of pizza with arugula and basil leaves.
Love the idea of personalizing it! This doesn’t seem out of character for a knitter but I’d do a sheep! I love sheep and when we went to Scotland I ended up with more pictures of sheep then of my husband hahah!
An eggplant of course!
I would knit our province’s “steak”, Maple Leaf Bologna!
A cup and saucer filled with steaming hot tea! (Can’t you see the little swirls on top!)
A daisy
A sweet little lamb!
My dog Rocky!
an ice cream cone
I need a chicken dickie in the worst way. I can’t wait to get my hands on this yarn!
a stalk of rhubarb or a slice of pumpkin pie
A spider. I already have a spider yoked sweater. A spider dickie would be perfect and maybe a hat and mittens to complete the look. Spiders are our friends. One of natures pest controllers, along with snakes, opossums, and bats.
I would probably put a cephalopod on mine. But then my niblings would both want dickies with cephalopods on them. And then they would want dickies for their stuffed cephalopods. (This road would be long)
This time of year, definitely the sun! I miss it!
It would have to be pizza – the one food that seems to escape my fingers and wind up on everything I wear!
It would have to be a black-capped Chickadee
I would put a peace sign.
A heart necklace with my grandchildren’s initials “engraved” inside.
I’d put a beach scene on my Dickie! My favorite place to be.
I would knit a loaf of fresh bread on a cutting board. There’s not enough space on a dickie for knitted butter.
Hmmm…the sweet face of my mini schnauzer! Of course!
a puffin for sure!
Should I have the tLent, a gnome.
I wouldn’t put anything on the dickie, just knit it with a lovely variegated yarn or just plain.
some daffodils then I might be ready for St David’s day next March
My sweet Romeo, last of my dogs and very much missed, best walking companion ever.
An eastern painted turtle. The kids love them!
How about the face of my chihuahua, Hawkeye!
A ball of yarn with two needles sticking artfully out of it… of course!
A coffee cup!
Definitely a flamingo!
A tree frog of course, after the tat on my shoulder
The dickie needs no embellishment.
I would leave it a single colour (no extra ends to deal with or intarsia).
My horse!
A book and a mug of tea!
Ooooooh! I would have to do a yarn ball and then have the yarn string wander around the neck and edges. If it has to be food? A big cup of coffee!
Betty Boop or my dog
A narwhal on rollerskates
A pink electric Stratocaster guitar, to match the one that I play ❤️
A sidgil
A black hole. So it would absorb all the dickies in the universe. (I really don’t like dickies)
Comic book style BAM it’s my initials and I love to put it on everything.
My first thought would be an intarsia ball of yarn. My next thought was to make an intarsia tree. And then I thought a book. So I really think I’m excited to try this! Good luck to everyone in the giveaway!
Unicorn? Corgi? Circular needle in a heart shape?
I would put a picture of our dog on it.
This cracked me up-I love it so much! A slice of pizza would look cool too
A Celtic harp with a ball of yarn
Definitely some large, luscious flower like a peony to bring on spring! Hahah…as if!!
A peanut butter cup.
A piece of chocolate and a cup of coffee!
I’ve been wanting a Maine Rocky coast motif on a knitting project. A Dickie would be the perfect project to test it on
Snow flakes, as I’d wear it in winter.
Knitting Needles of course!
From WNY…..a Buffalo of course
given the current state of unrest in the world, I would knit a sunflower in honor of and solidarity with the Ukrainian people
A daisy!
I think I would love a peace sign. I do love the way the lobster motif turned out though.
Nothing too crazy, maybe a snowflake. Or maple leaves.
My dogs’s heads
I have two cavachons and a Boston terrier/Husky mix.
A pair of embroidery scissors
A paw print. And I love the idea of wearing dickies on the outside of clothing instead of underneath!
Green chiles!
A sprig of lavender or a lupine.
A flamingo – I love flamingos!!
I would k it a puffin
Cherry blossoms! It’s March and I live in Washington, DC!
I love the idea of a flower like a pansy or Tulip
A wee bit o’ plaid. Or is it tartan?
A tuba, specifically, my tuba. Her name is Tuuba Jane (yes, that is the correct spelling) and she is a lovely old gal.
In anticipation of fresh veggies from an early spring garden, a small bunch of carrots would be fitting for me
A sailboat!
A work in progress, 2 hands, 2 needles and a free floating piece of knitting (like a swatch that’s no longer needed) showing itself off.
a moose with the typical antlers
I would have a cardinal knit on my dickie. As I love to watch our backyard feeders and marvel every time at their beautiful color!
I would definitely knit a bird– a bluebird. Or maybe the Ace of Spades to wear to bridge.
Totoro. For my daughter. She loves that movie.
A unicorn. I’m an OG unicorn fan, I put them on everything!. If I ever got a tattoo (not happening ) it would be a unicorn. And yes, they do exist, I refuse to believe otherwise!
A bird: maybe a dove, cardinal, or blue jay.
A rose, red most likely.
A cat!
A bear — an ode to my daughter that lives overseas that I never can hug enough, that LOVES black bears!
Hi Allison – I’d knit a crow, perhaps on a striped background if there are several colours included in the prize. Or even two crows, offset, with beady eyes. Thanks for the chance!
Since my name is Anita and I’m sorta mischievous, a scarlet letter A, of course.
I’d put the 1960’s peace symbol in blue, with the dickie in yellow, yes, Atlas has those colors with fancier names. Enough said!
A turtle.
I recently returned from a trip to New Mexico and I would knit the dickie bright yellow with a vermillion sun motif.
a steaming cup of coffee
a rainbow trout
I would have 4 aces, spade, heart, diamond and club.
Doggie paw prints
A sprig of Forget Me Nots. They are a sure sign of spring.
Ha! My glasses, my keys, my phone!
I think i would knit a moose cup. Every time the subject of a dickey comes up I remember the scene in Christmas Vacation where Cousin Eddie is wearing a dickey under a see-through sweater and drinking eggnog from a cup with moose antlers. So there you go. A moose cup dickey.
I would add a sheep!
A grumpy octopus.
A flamingo!
I am a collector of anything polar bear since going to Churchill years ago with my daughter for the return of the bears from hibernation. So a cute mom and cub for me.
A hummingbird.
Well for sure a cat. One of mine, either lolling in front of the fire, or perched on top of a speaker looking as if she belongs there (which she thinks she does and my partner thinks she does not).
An orca for sure…for my husband who is developing a sanctuary in Nova Scotia to care for captive orcas from marine parks . Winter in Nova Scotia? He might need two!
I think it would be a coniferous tree.
A skull would look fine on a dickie!
An owl, tho I love the lobster!
I am torn between a reflex hammer for work, or something floral, because winter has to end. Now.
Crossed knitting needles with a ball of yarn. Maybe not so original, but it’s what I would want.
I’ll knit Mr Maroo on mine- it’s the high school mascot and it’s a weird little puffball guy
I think I’d truck my hand at a sloth
A great white shark, grey, light colors. I know this isn’t a typical gender norm selection, but they are my favorite animal in the world. An apex predator where the females are much larger than the males – what’s not to love. I have both a drawing for the dickie (already) and have been cage diving with great white’s near San Francisco (known to locals as the blood triangle). Happy to regale with more stories of this amazing fish.
A knitting motif…
A seagull w a piece of bread in its mouth! haha
I think I would like a Scandinavian-type pattern on a pocket. Could slip my glasses in it. Or my phone. Or a tissue. Or my cable needle. Or a cookie. Or a piece of chocolate. Or a tea bag. Or…
Women’s clothes have stupid pockets, if any.
Oh, my Dickie would definitely need a magnolia flower. But, to be honest, I would prefer no motif. Love the thought though!
Hmmm. So many ideas. I think, rather than the cat or hedgehog that were my first thought, I would have a fine, big, “?” for Doctor Who. It would be red with white accents on blue, for the tardis.
so many ideas swirling in my mind… but I would want a big sunflower!
Knitting needles and a ball of yarn of course!
LOTS of sheep.
A pug! My favorite doggie!
What else but a ball of yarn with knitting needles!
hmmm…mine would be a steaming cup of tea in a red tea cup on a blue saucer.
It would have to be my three legged German Shorthair Pointer because obviously.
I would have a tall glass of iced tea!
A steaming mug of coffee
A cup of tea!
A cactus or maybe a beautifully geometric succulent (like sedum)
I love saltwater fish, so I think a Hippo tang or a yellow tang would be awesome!
Margarita glass with salt and straw for my friend Jeanne, Snowflake for my niece in New England, but red heart for my best friend Sandy who is always chilly around her neck.
A parrot!
Definitely red hot chile peppers!
I would love a tulip or hyacinth on my dickie
A four leaf clover, and I would give it to my mom.
A chickadee! 🙂
A beach scene- sun, sand and a palm tree. Oohh, to dream
My choice for the intarsia…a red shoe.
A robin or daffodils! Thinking Spring!
My dog’s face
Mine would need to have a sheep on it with green background to signal grass of Spring
A duck or a cup of coffee
I think an Irish knot would be lovely.
For me, it would have to be a TARDIS!
Not feeling terribly clever OR terribly ambitious with intarsia, so I choose a dove.
I would add a flower tulip or a rose ??!
I’d probably pick a Japanese Kanji character or maybe one of the characters from Totoro. Ha! The soot Sprites would be appropriate since I knit too much and clean house so rarely.
Flower’s ❤️Tulip or a rose
So I am absolutely boring, and I like things to be plain and simple. However, if forced, I could go with some Breton-style stripes or multicolored cheery polka dots.
I might knit the state of Michigan
A mixed bouquet of roses!
I would knit a snowflake! I love snowflakes, though more in knitting than in person. I have fled to AZ from MN and figure I’m beyond blessed to be able to do that in my life. I put them on cards. I’d love to knit a snowflake on a dickie. My sister, nieces and I were talking about things from the 60s last summer and the subject of dickies came up. The youngsters (now in their 30s) didn’t understand the point of a good dickie. Or is it dickey?
My dogs…or if that’s too hard, just a pawprint!
I would put a flower or rocket.
I’d knit a ball of yarn with some needles!!
A little green parrot
This dickie is such a great blank slate for ANYTHING! A flower would definitely be on my cowl, likely an iris since it was my mom’s favorite.
A mask- liberated!
If I could draw…I would do a cute turtle
A penguin. I love penguins.
Since it would be the first time trying intarsia, I would probably do a simple (?) flower outline.
My little white fluffy dog!
I would maybe knit a fox with glasses!
Probably a ball of yarn lol
A shamrock ☘️
A ball of yarn just because!
I think I would like a picture of my dog.
A couple of decades ago I was in a LYS in Minneapolis and they had a sample boxy sweater with 3″ intarsia circles in various colors around the hem and sleeves. It was a fun sweater, and it’s still in the back of my mind all these years later. I’d use all the colors that come with this prize to knit circles at the bottom of my dickie. Simple designs are sometimes the best!
A sunflower
I would put a cute sheep on my Dickie.
My motif would be a glass of red wine or a mug of beer. Either would look fantastic on a dickie!!!
Dragon on mine!
A taco
A highland cow
My peaceful side says bluebird. My funky side says “Hell, yeah!”
So many choices! A dragonfly? Ball of yarn and needles? A portrait of my dog? Much to think about,
Having recently become cat-less and due to other life complications, will probably be so cat-less for quite a while longer, I have surrounded myself with more cat motif things. So, I think a sleeping ginger kitten would be my choice.
a set of knitting needles, looking like chopsticks would be good on the dickey
It would be half of an avocado.
I would have to go with an animal, but it would be tough to choose which one. Maybe a cat, dog, elephant, gorilla, chimp, dolphin, or whale.
A whole crab
Bowl of hot soup
I’d knit a tulip … because it’s almost spring!
A Dissent Necklance with RBG underneath
Something sheepy, of course!
A tulip. Or a cat. maybe a cat next to a vase of tulips?
Buttercups, as in “suck it up buttercup”
A Maple Leaf with beautiful fall colors! 🙂
A puppy paw
A crow. With shiny black bead eyes.
I’d try an alpaca or husky
A ball of yarn with two criss-crossed knitting needles.
My granddaughter suggests…
A unicorn!!!
A star!!
Oh love the idea of a graphic dickie – I would knit an Open Book – the perfect partner to a good book crawl or a cozy read.
Definitely need a tree of life dickie!
Either sushi (to eat and adore) or a rabbit (not to eat, to adore).
I would knit a thistle on my dickie! My people come from Scotland.
Ice cream cones!
A dove. I know I need not explain my choice.
A graphic of the Mac’s spinning rainbow of death that pops up when my computer is thinking. I think it sums up how I am socially at the moment.
I’d knit an angel, so I’d always have an angel with me!
I would not knit anything on my motif dickie but would knit a 3-D flower that could be pinned on as a corsage.
That’s easy. I would knit a buffalo on my dickie! Definitely a . They’re my favorite animal. I have a soft spot for those big beauties. One year my husband took me to a buffalo ranch on Wyoming on my birthday. We rode the train out to their habitat and got to hand feed them. Bought some buffalo yarn even. What a happy day it was. Would love to try embellishing a dickie with a buffalo or two!
Probably something simple, like a heart. I’m not great at intarsia.
Asparagus, after all it is almost in season!
I’m obsessed with gnomes currently, so it would have to be a gnome!
I would knit a cat!
A superman S
Pizza slice or apple? Mug of coffee? So many ideas!
Definitely a cup of steaming coffee 🙂
A hermit crab in decorated shell of course
I would really love to win this yarn, although enough yarn is not really a problem at my house. For a motif, either a protective rune or a Ukrainian embroidery design; I’ve put on called Kyivan Roses on a shirt or I have others I’m sure I could adapt. Thank you.
Well that’s not a hard one at all. A Ukrainian flag please!
I am so boring—-an apple. I live a good crisp apple so having one on a dickey seems perfect
Either a dragon or a unicorn.
I think it would either be a red kite in silhouette (a bird that rides the thermals near where I live. They were re-introduced a couple of decades ago after near-extinction and are doing pretty well now) or a tiger. Because, you know, tigers.
i would knit a seashell
Definitely a sweet little bird of some kind . . . I’d love to be able to say it was a dickey bird. 🙂
I would knit the beautiful face of my brave Corgi girl, Dakota. She is battling bladder cancer and so far so good. She is my very good good girl.
A yellow lab face with big soulful eyes and a touch of pink tongue!
Sparkly unicorn, of course!
Pole beans. I miss gardening with my dad.
I would knit some fun sunglasses.
a mug of coffee. one of my favorite things to see in the morning (and any other time).
I will put a winking smile face on my Dickie
A dog, an elephant, or a dragon.
I would add an alpaca motif on my dickie
A poodle prancing!
Most definitely a rugby ball, still holds so many memories and nostalgia after all these years post-college!
I’d either have a book, a yarn ball (hard to differentiate, I think), or a cat, lol. So probably a sleeping, curled up cat.
My dog, or a bird, or a mug. Somebody said moose and that’s a good one. There are too many options!!
I would knit a mouse on Mouse Atlas!
Ukrainian embroidery patterns
Definitely a duck. My dad did a fine duck imitation, sometimes in surprising circumstances, and thus it is definitely a duck, always a duck, nothing but a duck.
It would have to be a squirrel (West Coast) with a VERY fluffy tail. Munching a nut–perhaps a walnut or a filbert. I feed an entire multi-generation family of very fluffy tailed squirrels. They’ve been showing up morning and late afternoon every day for 4-5 years! They are keeping me sane in this insane world!
A chicken!
A picture of my cat
daffodils.Spring is coming!! Also, a plain one because that’s who I am.
A slice of watermelon… when I was a sophomore in high school I knit a yellow halter with a slice of watermelon on it (duplicate stitch). My dad wouldn’t let me wear it with my hip hugger red jeans because my belly button showed.
Hot Fudge Sundae!
A big black jelly bean
A pair of chopsticks with noodles hanging from them.
A chicken, hands down, no thinking about it. But the breed…that one I will have to ponder.
A lotus
I would do a yellow rose for my mom.
Mine would have a Pickleball paddle and a ball.
Always, always, ALWAYS a horsehead or horse, depending on gauge: Friesian or Arabian.
Chocolate truffles, or maybe a jar of Nutella.
Tacos and a glass of Margarita
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