Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: Improv Joy
I joined the MDK team just after Field Guide No. 5: Sequences was published, and this sequences and log cabin knitting mash-up by Ann has been in my mental/emotional knitting queue ever since:

Photo by Sara Remington and Styling by Alessandra Mortola for Field Guide No. 5: Sequences
In “The Joy of Improv” on page 38 of the Field Guide Ann writes:
I began a log cabin blanket, applying just a couple of rules: Every patch had to be 3″ (7.5 cm) high. And I was not allowed to study any of the pictures of the sequence swatches.
Just the right combo of guideline and free-for-all.
Happily for me and my family, the expectation of a new baby niece gave me just the right project to flex my MDK improv joy. I ordered up four skeins of Lichen and Lace Superwash Worsted in Sugar Plum.
At the heart of the blanket I wanted a … heart! I used the intarsia swatch chart from Skill Set: Beginning Knitting, subbing reverse stockinette for the different color yarn that is called for to form the motif.
After casting off my heart swatch, I propped open my copy of Field Guide No. 5: Sequences to the Corrugated Shawl table on page 14 and followed the principles of log cabin knitting from Field Guide No. 4: Log Cabin.
The first four “logs” are the same sequence—broken 2 x 2 garter—framing the heart. From there, I mixed it up trying different sequence patterns in no particular order. Part of the joy of this is in choosing sequences as you go. Hot tip: Make sure you pick up an even number of stitches for each new block—multiples of 8 will exactly match the way each sequence knits up for the Corrugated Shawl and multiples of 4 will throw in a happy variation. Just see what happens! I threw in blocks of seed stitch and moss stitch and a wide rib here and there. I finished with a border of garter stitch blocks.
I wanted to end up with a small blanket just right for laying a newborn down on the grass for tummy time and to get her Vitamin D, or to tuck in neatly around her in her stroller.

mission accomplished! More details and the backside view on my Ravelry project page.
A Giveaway
The prize? We’ll get you started on improv joy with Skill Set: Beginning Knitting, Field Guide No. 4: Log Cabin, and Field Guide No. 5: Sequences!
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: Which MDK designs are in your mental/emotional (or actual Ravelry) queue? Let us know in the comments.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, June 12, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw random winners from the entries. Winners will be notified by email.
I’m currently planning on a Cocoon Top from Nancy Marchant as soon as I can get the yarn and the Field Guide. After that, a Shakerag Top because it is a perfect summer knit!
On my needles: Cushiest Cowl.
Next up: the scarf from the latest field guide!
Brioche Cowl, Honeycomb scarf, corrugated scarf, and a couple of the Kaffe designs are all planned. Just finished the Parallelogram scarf. So much knitting fun!!
Brioche cowl
Ooh thanks for reminding me if shakerag top!
I’m thinking of the corrugated shawl from Sequences #5 but doing several strips & turning it into a blanket.
I’m looking forward to working on some wash cloths as a house warming present.
I’ve dreamed of making the jacket with the quotations on it. I think of that when I come across pithy sayings that should be immortalized.
Sets of washcloths for gifting and my first log cabin blanket.
Mood cardigan
Kay’s Stripey Baby Blanket from last year is in my memory bank. Finishing the second blanket now.
Everything from sequences!
Destination pullover
I received No 21 in the mail and the Honeycomb Scarf has grabbed my attention! I ordered some vividly saturated yarns for this project, can’t wait!
Trying to expand my skills so am thinking one of the sequences would be a good place to start…
Some new was cloths!
Cockleshell Cardigan, Shakerag Top, and Appleseed Mitts, Stranded Diamond Hat.
Cushiest cowl – debating colors in Atlas. This is the summer to complete the picket fence afghan relishing Rowan denim
Color explosion throw, cool color way
I’m still planning to make a petula pullover and one day I’ll make a log cabin blanket with my scraps 🙂
A wonder to behold!!! Now my mind is scheming!
I really should be doing Sequences and so this give-a-way has really caught my attention. Usually I don’t enter these, since I have way too much knitting “stuff”. But maybe, if I won this, I could learn sequences.
I’m still planning to make a petula pullover and one day I’ll make a log cabin blanket with my scraps 🙂 and probably another marled blanket because that one was a lot of fun to make.
Looking for an A-line shape sleeveless top for the summer. Any MDK recommendations?
Not an MDK pattern, but I just started Cloverdale a two-colour linen slip-stitch design that plays with lines and rectangles. It’s A-line. Another I have made and really like, also in linen, is Iris by Ririko.
How about Trellis Top from FG #14? Not really a-line but it has nice drape and could probably be modified pretty easily.
The watercolor cowl is in my cue!!
My newest MDK project in my mental queue is the Cushiest Cowl. I’ve been wanting to try brioche for the longest time and receiving the Brioche field guide in my first ever field guide subscription is like a gift from the knitting gods. The technique is so clearly explained it removes any trepidation.
I too dream of brioche projects. A good guide would be critical for me.
Picket Fence Afghan is next, then Honeycomb scarf and Trellis Top. That Honeycomb Scarf is irresistible! Currently working on my first brioche knit, the cowl. Brioche is such fun!
Picket Fence, Main Squeeze, Cityscape. The colors and the wool! Cannot resist.
Honey comb scarf. I already have the Freia Balls waiting.
Doing something with the log cabin squares I knit in the start of Covid.
Garter Stripe Afghan if only I had enough felted tweed.
The One-Piece Baby Kimono, Blu, Linoleum Dishcloth, Moderne Log Cabin Blanket and Ballband Dishcloth.
The Station Wagon Blanket. Why? Because it reminds me of my dad’s station wagon. As kids we rode in the “way back” laughing and of course waving to people. Good memories.
The “way back”. Life was so simple then. Thanks for triggering a wonderful memory.
The stitch variety will provide a lot of interest for tiny fingers — beautiful idea. I want to make another 10-stitch blanket/afghan with stash
I’m still hoping to make a Shakerag Top. I did start awhile back but had difficulty carrying the not-in-use yarn up the inside to the next section. Not sure why as I’m sure it’s simple, but for some reason it appeared on the outside of the top! But I will try again!
In the final stages of completing my first Log Cabin blanket (36″ x 36″) using up those odd balls of yarn left over from other projects. Love this way of knitting and have a new project already in mind for some of the other odd balls I have.
Oh how I dream of the swoncho
The Trellis Top is waiting for me to finish my current projects. Actually, now that I think about it, I think it will be my vacation knitting when I leave this Friday.
I’m thinking of the Mitered Square Blanket, with I cord boarder.
It is full summer here. I need a Shakerag top or two.
Go to’s include stranded diamond hat – great stash buster and about to start another summer of wandering socks. (Which is still my go to for sock recipes!) i’ve had my eye on all three of these books so it would be a really fun win.
Anker’s Summer Shirt
Petula pullover has been on my list for a long time!!
Transom Cardigan
The Kiki marenko rug: I am envisioning it in 2 blues and a grey or two grays and a blue.
Color explosion throw, marked throw … and after today a sequences blankie for some future someone!
What a lovely blanket! We are expecting our first grandchild in August and this gives me so many ideas! I have already knit a couple of baby blankets, but you can never have enough! One more won’t hurt!
Mentally I am dreaming of the Old Friend Pullover but have to start and finish two pairs of socks and a blanket in the Shift pattern first.
I’ve had the Shakerag Top in my “must knit this” list for a very long time!
Sequence knitting and Kaffe Fasset. A sequence block blanket with my Felted Tweed stash may be in my future.
lots of log cabin cloths & want to attempt brioche
The stitch pattern in the Parallelogram or the Anywhere Shawl (also by Cecelia Compachiaro is meditative and just right when in need of a soothing knit for a tired/anxious/sad soul.
That would be a project to definitely keep your brain engaged!
Transom cardigan
Old Friend Pullover
Several simple (and small!) MDK designs are in my que: squad mitts, linoleum dishcloth, bodhi leaf washcloth, scrap tote, Village/Cityscape Scarf, and Cockleshell Cardigan.
I want to make the honeycomb scarf but as a cowl.The cocoon top, The scrap tote , and just about everything else that has been mentioned ! Not enough time for the things I dream of making.
Love log cabin anything !,
I’d like to make a Shakerag top.
The Hadley Sweater from the 2nd MDK FieldGuide on Fair Isle evokes special memories. It was my first KAL experience, first sweater after learning to knit 6 months before when I taught myself to knit TAAT socks and then felt those skills might have prepared me to knit sweaters. It was also my first experience with good quality yarn (Brooklyn Tweed).
I ordered the yarn kit MDK put together and feel in love with the colors used in the Fair Isle yoke.
That summer I used one of the colors from the Hadley Sweater to knit two Guersey sweaters with the green and rust colors and a Norwegian Marius Sweater with the ochre yellow as an accent for my three sons. My husband and I rode our Tandem Bike seen in the photos to go the the lys that carried Brooklyn Tweed. The bike bag could hold a whole sweater’s worth of yarn!—steeked-neck-and-armholes
I love Log Cabin! It can (and does) incorporate into my three favorite hobbies, quilting, knitting and collage (art journaling)
I have a new grandson due this summer. This log cabin sequence blanket tickles my fingers to make for him.
It’s an ancient one, but I’ve always wanted to make a Belinda Wrap. My sister brought me mohair from a small farm in France, but unfortunately she threw it unprotected into her bag, and by the time I got it it was so felted I couldn’t pull apart the skeins. But one of these days….
Trying the Shakerag top now. Loved doing the Daytripper Cardigan KAL. And want to do another.
Anything log cabin! I miss quilting due to lack of space. Now, my growing yarn stash is taking over!
So many!!! I have several Destination sweaters to make before winter comes again!! The bibs from your book are probably the most frequently made.
Next, I’m going for brioche! Starting with the Dotty Wrist Warmers in Field Guide No. 21.
Log Cabin cloths
Simple Swoncho!
Just got the Brioche Field Guide and can’t wait to learn and get started.
I don’t know why I haven’t knit a Shakerag top yet… I have meant to for years but get distracted by new shiny objects.
A Dotted Rays shawl and then a bunch of linen washcloths.
The accessory patterns in the Lopi guide are in my mental queue. I have plenty of Lopi left over from the Daytripper!
Your blanket is absolutely lovely! Last year during the pandemic time I used all my cotton yarn scraps to make
Blocks from Field Guide 4 Log Cabin, it really got me through a difficult time. In my quest are 1) put my log cabin squares together into a blanket and 2) the Honeycomb Scarf from the new Field Guide 21!
Too many to count.
Shakerag top, petula pullover, main squeeze cardigan and pullover.
Dreaming of the Knight Hood in cashmere!
The brioche honeycomb looks like just “enough” to be a project on the not quite back burner depending on the rest of this summer. Love the pattern so it may get morphed beyond a scarf!
I’m currently in the middle of a log cabin baby blanket. This one has a deadline of early August, so I’d better get it finished soon. (It’s for my baby. I think I’d never live it down if I didn’t have anything knit when my son arrives, although as the second child it’s probably something he’ll need to get used to.)
In my queue are two more Daytripper Cardigans, one for me and one for my mom. I’ve ordered the yarn from my LYS but it’s backordered. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish one in time for my mom’s birthday in October. (Although see above paragraph re new baby in the house, so I’m not going to stress about it.)
The Shakerag Top for sure!
I’ve been mentally planning a Daytripper sweater forever. The Ravelry plan is coming soon!
I looked over the field guides yesterday. Log cabin and Stripes peaked my interest.
Honeycomb scarf. The Freia balls are in my bag, waiting.
The Easel Sweater would have been my first choice, until I saw the Cocoon Top on the Nancy Marchant chat.
In my cue are ALL of those designed by Kaffe Fassett. I’m stockpiling Rowan Felted Tweed and will start as soon as I finish about 5 other WIPs.
So many! Kiki Mariko rug is top on the list.
Parallelogram Scarf (double wide), Trellis Top, … and so many others!
In my mental and emotional queue are Kaffe Fassett’s Village and Cityscape scarves from Painterly and his Stranded Stripe Throw from Master Class.
The blanket is beautiful, Cristina.
I plan to knit the Marlogram. Just need to decide on yarn.
I’m so happy to have found MDK ! My Color Explosion is nearly complete. Currently knitting dishcloth and Log Cabin and am curious now about brioche.
I love this mash up of Log Cabin and Sequences. So beautiful! I am doing a log cabin mash up myself with colors inspired by the infamous Dr. Who scarf. My big improv joy came from learning the art of random color selection after The Kaffe Fasset Master Class Field Guide was released. I have embraced random stripes on many things since then. I can’t wait to try the same thing with texture.
Ann and Kay spoke deeply to me on their knt stars advice talk…saying “fall in love with a stitch, we are in love with garter stitch” probably no words can top these words, other than EZ’s “keep knitting!” The other most inspiring talk was their interview with Cecelia. I am so drawn to the Spectra sweater, and next year I want to do my temperature blanket in her marled blanket. Or, maybe a log cabin temperature blanket like your baby blanket! We will wait to see! Right now my 2022 temperature blanket is in garter stitch and I’m having a blast with it. Thank you thank you!
Carol Feller’s Trellis Top
I am currently working on a Picket Fence Afghan (from Field Guide 7 – Ease) and have just ordered and received yarn for two projects in the new Brioche field guide. I also must mention I have a couple of almost finished projects that are from MDK. Can you see a “pattern” here? Almost all of my knitting projects are from MDK!
Skills! Am not yet a knitter, just a lurker here.
After knitting two marlogram scarves, I will knit the cowl.
The Shakerag top, Picket Fence, oh, and the color explosion throw which I actually have the kit for…so many projects and wish list projects, such a slow knitter. But I’ll keep on dreaming while I knit away
I want to (finally) finish my Mood Cardigan. Next up is a Honeycomb scarf and a Shaker top. And someday I’m going to knit a Calligraphy Cardigan.
Shake rag top and log cabin blanket
Stepping stone throw, brioche cowl
Honeycomb scarf from leftover spincycle
Marling!! Love, love, love watching the colors change! It’s so relaxing.
Pink Fizz by Andre Mowrey
Mood cardigan!
Trellis Top
I’m looking to build log cabins. Still on a de-stashing rampage. Clear out the old, bring in the new!
All the designs from Field Guide 18 and 19!
Calligraphy Cardigan has been calling my name for a while now.
I see that I am not the only one dreaming of the Shakerag top. ‘Tis the season with humid OH summer in full swing. I can actually see myself in this!
Gorgeous! I am now doubly inspired to do one! Thank you for posting
The Old Friend pullover is swatched and ready to go.
I just finished my first ever Log Cabin project (a shawl designed by Norah Gaughan) and now I am obsessed. My stash has never been so appealing!!!
Most everything in the painterly field guide!
The Parallelogram has been in my queue forever! I even have the Freia yarn for it. Just need to get off the test knitting train for a bit, haha.
Honeycomb scarf is my next project.
Love the baby blanket. Article is saved for next knitworthy baby.
I can’t seem to stop thinking about the Swarf, & how cozy it would be
I love Log Cabin, I’ve made a few projects with it. One is a pillow cover just for my seat in the car, cooler in summer and warmer in winter. I’ve also added it with ten stitch squares to make a large blanket. I have however, all of the field guides so far and the skill set.
It’s whatever is in the new Field Guide, and this time it’s the squishy cowl to learn a new technique and a chance to try out Atlas!
I love this Sequences Improv baby blanket! Now I’ve added such a blanket to my mental list of future projects. Thanks for the inspiration!
That is a beautiful baby blanket-
Just finished the Transom Cardigan from Field Guide 14 Refresh. The Nua yarn was so fun to knit! Will be my favorite sweater to date!
The Knight Hood from Field Guide 20 is on my list! Anxious to try the Atlas yarn.
So many projects, so little time!
Master class colorwork blanket and destination sweater!
Which designs ‘aren’t’ in my mental/emotional or actual queue?!
Honeycomb scarf! (And probably a third Marlogram at some point.)
Log cabin in any way possible is my go-to and has been ever since the first MDK book! I love the sameness and diversity that log cabin offers all in one. And the name…who doesn’t hear log cabin and think warm and cozy?
I was thinking about trying a log cabin, maybe a temperature log cabin, but seeing the sequences version…wow!
Right now I have a Daytripper in timeout (no fault of its own – 3 new babies expected in September). After that, I have another Daytripper planned.
I have yarn for both of Isabel Kraemer’s sweaters in the Downtown FG and just purchased a Color Explosion bundle (Marls FG)! Now I’m working on a Shakerag top from the Transparency FG.
Old Friend pullover, although I think it is above my skill level at the moment
The ballband dishcloth, because I need some. The Oldfield Pullover,
Marlogram and log cabin. Love this combo of log cabin and Sequences!
Shakerag tee
Oh that’s a hard question. There are so many and reading the comments did not help at all! So many great projects. I think right now, I’ll stick with the Old Friend Pullover but that could change any minute!
Working on Old Friend Pullover currently (Guide # 20) want to make up Colorwash Scarf from (Guide #3) with kit I purchased that long ago…
Love the heart!
The Scrap Tote: Learn to Entrelac has been open in my browser for days!!
The Picket Fence Afghan from Field Guide #7 is in my cue, along with the Petula Pullover from Field Guide #10, the Watercolor Cowl from Filed Guide #16, and finally, the Daytripper Cardigan from Field Guide #17. I wish I had more hours in the day!!
I have done two sweaters and am working on a pair of trinket mittens from Mary Jane’s field guide. There are more mittens to come once this pair is done. I am also making very slow progress on Kaffe Fasset’s blanket.
The bobble cardigan that Ann mentioned a few weeks ago.
The Swancho and the Shakerag —- both on my list
I just started Cushiest Cowl so I will go with that one! I like the term “improv knitting” and will use that instead of “off pattern”.
Cushiest Cowl, for sure!
shakerag top
Looking forward to making the Scrap Tote from Atlas and the Honeycomb Scarf from Brioche.
This is adorable!!! And sounds like the most wonderful kind of fun – how did I miss this when Sequences came out? I’m excited to be nearing the end of my Spectra sweater, because that means I can cast on my Color Explosion blanket! But now that I’ve read this, my squirrel brain is saying I need to make an improv blanket first …
The honeycomb scarf. Have a brioche sweater pattern I’ve been wanting to dive into but don’t know how to do the stitch. I think the scarf will be a good place to start and learn
I’ve been thinking about the wrap in Sequences for a while, but the Log Cabin/Sequences combo really has my interest piqued!
Two of the designs in the field guide Atlas. The girlfriend sweater, and the hood/helmety pattern.
Kaffe, Kaffe, Kaffe…looking at his designs sparks immense joy, and it’s been that way for 30 years…the garter stripe throw will be my next splurge( after I knit down some of my stash?)
The nine patch blanket!
Currently working on Thea Coleman’s Bee’s Knees. I love your baby blanket, Ann. That may have to be next.
Many Bodhi leafs (leaves?), all the socks in Wanderlust, and from wayback, warshrags and at least a couple more linen hand towels are in my queue. It’s summer. I need small portable projects.
I’m almost ready to knit the Steppingstone Blanket, and an improv of the Color Explosion Throw and Swarf. Now the Sequence – Log Cabin blanket has me intrigued.
Shakerag top and finish Day Tripper
Your design is very beautiful Cristina! I’ve never done any log cabin knitting so that’s up next for me
Cushiest cowl. I have done one color brioche, but not two, so looking forward to the project.
Lopi projects especially the destination pullover
My mindless, emotional go to is the 10 stitch blanket. I use up leftover yarn, have an excuse to buy new yarn and I am never quite sure what the finished product will look like!
Love the blanket!
I was going to say honeycomb scarf, but now I’m intrigued by the sequence log cabin… many projects!
for now, dishcloths, next up the cocoon top.
Destination pullover is my next destination after Hexagon Quilt Island!
I just finished the Mood Cardigan, which had been a wish ever since I made one for my daughter. Next MDK will be the Cushiest Cowl. I’ve never done brioche knitting before, so it will be my entry ticket.
I’ve had Kiki Mariko in my queue for the longest time.
Beautiful blanket and explanation. Knight Hood soon.
The Bodhi Leaf washcloths (Field Guide 7, I believe).I don’t know what it is about them – maybe it’s that photo with all the different colors. What a nice way to decorate a bathroom!
A shakerag top for me. So…why am I knitting for someone else right now??
I am still discovering sequence knitting and love the idea of this blanket. Log cabin is also fun to knit. Very nice blanket!
I dream of tackling every single pattern in Painterly as I plod along with my pandemic project: a log cabin throw from the froggings of a longago marled jacket. Also the Leif Cowl and the Station Wagon blanket.
I’m about to start some ballband fun.
I absolutely love THIS blanket! It goes to the top of the list.
Another log cabin blanket. Always another log cabin blanket!
So many designs from both Sequence Knitting and Log Cabins are on my wishlist. I love the textures in the mash-up of the two – there are some lovely solid yarns in stash wanting to be showcased.
Still thinking about Shakerag.
I have all the felted tweed to make a cityscape scarf upsized to a blanket. I’ve had it in my queue since the field guide came out I’m just daunted by all the ends I’ll have to weave in! Brioche cowl and a shakerag top. Plus I may just have to try a baby blanket similar to Cristina’s. That’s really adorable!
I am fascinated by the Bodhi wash cloth. I love its ogee curves and I want to try knitting it in linen to create ‘a fabric for the ages’.
Marlogram scarf
Log Cabin Blanket with NORO Ito. I can’t make enough of these!
The honeycomb brioche scarf has definitely caught my eye!
mariko rug
Certainly the infamous Shakerag top. In fact, I’d better get knitting! I have the Sylph yarn already…
Sequences patterns! Decisions…
I’ve had the Destination Pullover in my mental que for some time now, as well as the Watercolor cowl.
Someday a second go at a log cabin blanket with more attention to detail than the first one I did. It is a blanket only a son can love
Beautiful blanket! Hard to pick just one but I would like to make another Leif Cowl, loved knitting the first one so much.
Sequences & Marls are my go to but it was the Log Cabin Field Guide that drew me in. I’m hooked. I love these small portable guides.
Love your blanket, the soft colour and the textures. Baby is lucky. Thank you for the chance to walk through the Field Guides again. So often it’s not a good time to begin a design, and it’s easy to forget the many that appeal to me.
I’ve just discovered I’m drawn, over and over again, to the cowls—though I don’t wear them. My absolute favourites are the Leif Cowl from Wild Yarns and the Watercolor Cowl from Painterly. I suppose I haven’t committed to making them yet because—the Spincycle yarn cost for Leif, and for the Watercolor, it’s intarsia!
This could be the summer of log cabin! The design as knit intrigues me and it looks challenging enough for summer (camping, backyard knitting, car knitting) but not too many fussy details.
Knight Hood and Old Friend Pullover were just added to my Want To Do list. Such a LOOOONG list now . . .
The Don’t Ask Again cardigan is next up!
That Corrugated Shawl for sure. And the Felted tweed color combinations are deeply imbedded from Master Class— was that #13?
I love the blanket!!! I have a log cabin WIP on my coffee table to pick up while watching television (just garter though) I am ready to change it up now!!
Something from Revolution (Norah Gaughan is a genius), Daytripper, a log cabin something, and always mitred squares for blankets.
What a cool idea, Ann’s blanket is going in my queue.
Another parallelogram scarf. I did one as a prayer shawl. It was lovely but itchy…
The Shakerag Top has been on my front burner for awhile now.
The cowl from Big Joy, prompted by a MDK Gem offer. The digital copy gave me time to try the cowl in spare yarn. When the real yarn arrived I was confident with the pattern. It has become a fave. Double joy!
Not in the Giveaway draw, wanted to share anyway 😉
Ever since I made the kid one for my daughter. Should wind that yarn!
Log cabin blanket and everything in Isabel Kramers publication.
The Kites Throw from Painterly MDK #16
Mood cardigan
Today, I’m looking at the Destination Pullover. I love the pockets. Yesterday I started pulling yarns together for a Temperature Blanket. Tomorrow….
Working on the colour explosion throw between other projects.
Ok I am befuddled and in awe!! I’m currently working on different Log Cabin Gems and in some bag around here is the Corrugated Shawl WIP….now I want one of these beauties!!! Inspiring!!!!
Diagonal mitts
Mash up of sequence knitting with Moderne Log Cabin Blanket! I’ve bern wanting to do a 2nd queen size Moderne Log Cabin, but honestly those huge blocks of knitting do go on and on. Thank you for a wonderful solution!
Now I’m wondering what a Sequence log cabin afghan would look like if it was done using a gradient colorway from center to edge.
I’ve had my eye on the Parallelogram Wrap for quite some time…but what’s actually on my needles right now is a Picket Fence afghan, being knit with a Freia Yarn Bomb and a box of Minikins!
Gosh I seem to be all about field guide no. 14, I’m in knitting lust for the sweater and am currently knitting the shawl (or maybe we should call it the swanket).
Since my stash is taking over my house, I decided not to buy any more yarn until I use up some (a LOT) of my leftovers. The log cabin blanket intrigues me and fits the bill.
Sequence dishcloths!
The honeycomb scarf has been in my queue. Sequence knitting has intrigued me.
I have both the Nua Sport yarn and Field Guide 14 on hand for a
Trellis Top.
The marlogram scarf (which spell-check tried very hard to change to marjoram!) I’m often staring at the different color possibilities.
You guys are a wondrous supplier of fabulous (and envied!) ideas!! I drool over most everything that I see in the daily email. I ooh and ah over so many of the projects but reality sets in and I just don’t have the the time with all the other demands in life. However, dreaming is essential so I will keep this email for the next baby blanket that rears it’s head in the future!
Always intended to do a log cabin knit but the sequences concept opens up a whole new world.
I have two in my mental queue. I’m forever thinking about color combinations for the Star-Eyed Julep Throw and today’s post added texture to the equation – thanks! And the subtle stripes of Shakerag Top would make an easy-wearing, elegant tee for everyday.
I like the idea of using different stitches in one project. Fun!
I’m still fixated on the Kiki Marika rug. Just can’t seem to get to it. I plan to make it for myself but my grandchildren and family keep me busy with ever growing list of other projects for bdays etc. So guess what? I get pushed to the bottom of the list.
Working on a shakerag top now, another in the queue. Finish my mood cardigan then start a Kiki Marino rug and and pick out yarn for my Old Friend sweater.
Something with log cabin , scrap tote and entrees tote. Currently need to graft 5 pairs of socks and sew up soap sacks. I’m an expert procrastinator, unfortunately.
I too have had log cabin on my mind. I’ve never tried it but I love the little dishcloth squares and think I’ll dive into that this summer 🙂
Old Friend Pullover is what I’m dreaming about!
Would love to make this Joy of Improv blanket for a friend’s daughter who is expecting her first child
I want to do the scarf in the new Field Guide but am intimidated!
Curently doing a Kikki Mariko rug for stress reief and a multi motif scarf from the Kaffe Fassettt Bok for fun
Just bought log cabin to start working on a supply of Christmas dishcloths. Wish list includes thea colman, wanderlust and sequences.
Destination pullover
Taking some Kaffe Fassett designs to make into a sweater… sigh
I am looking for inspiration to use up all my odd bits of sock yarn. A sequence blanket would be perfect.
Jen Geigley’s designs in ATLAS are in my TBK. queue. Can’t wait to get some ATLAS when the budget permits and get started.
Just saw the honeycomb scarf from field guide 21. Love it!
The “Kites Throw” from Field Guide Painterly is one of my absolute favorite projects!
Shakerag top
I’m lusting after the Swarf, the Old Friend Pullover and the Trellis top…just have to make a decision!! So many patterns so little time…
I would love to knit a Kiki Mariko rug one day.
The baby kimono from the Modern Daily knitting book. I’d like to make 7 for each day of the week for my little grandson.
I am completely taken in by field guide 21 and may take on the Cocoon top first.
Love both versions of sequence and log cabin blankets.
I did something similar last year, before the Marls FG 19 came out… Using leftover felted tweed, I used double strands and made each log cabin block with a different stitch pattern. I started with patterns from Sequences, but also picked pattern stitches from Barbara Walker to have multiples that fit my current stitch count for that block. For each new block, I changed one color so that one color continued to the next block. It was so much fun, and I LOVE the result! I even won a ribbon at the county fair!
So for my next MDK pattern, I will be making the entrelac bag from FG 20, in leftover worsted superwash wool from previous log cabin blankets I made for a grand nephew and his grandma, my SIL. But I still have to finish my Daytripper cardi – I’m on the 2nd sleeve and can’t wait for the steeking (my first time!) and the borders.
Thank you for so much great inspiration!!
Four log cabin placemats using Rowan Handknit Cotton. I’ll be using “Betty” from your log cabin cloths kit. I plan to make each placemat different following a log cabin pattern, but the same size. Should be interesting and fun.
Shaker Rag for sure!
After knitting two of the long cardigans by Jen Giegly, I want to make a shorter one. Pretty much everything from Sequences by Cecelia Campochiaro. And there’s so much more I want to make, but then there is that darned ‘time’ issue…….
I just love Kaffe’s kite throw. His designs really inspire me.
The different washcloth designs are in my mental cue.
The brioche cowl, and a throw blanket of Rowan Tweed, but not sure if I want to go with a real pattern or take it easy with garter stitch stripes.
Corrugated shawl for sure- but now log cabin is too!!
In my mental queue are the Picket Fence Afghan from number 7 and the Slip Stitch Cap from number 8. But the Brioche patterns are trying to take cuts to the head of the line!
Oh, so many! I just got some fun dishcloth cotton, and my dishcloths are on terrible shape, so it’s the iconic ball band.
all of the sock variations in #11!
I love the Spectra Sweater. I’ve had it in my Q since it came out.
Everything in Field Guides 4 and 5! The honeycomb scarf in the latest Brioche field guide.
I would love to make a log cabin blanket!
I just bought some Rowan Felted Tweed for some Kaffe Fasset improv.
Destination Pullover from Field Guide Lopi. Yarn and needles awaiting two other projects getting done. Well, one project, no harm starting another and laying that other one down for a bit….right?
I’m planning a Lettlopi cardigan or pullover; not sure which yet!
I would like to learn anything log cabin. When I was taught to knit, my friend only taught me a baby hat in 2×2 rib. I taught myself baby blankets I make for hospitals by playing with various stitch patterns. I regret never learning the basics, like picking up stitches. Maybe a log cabin washcloth would be a good start!
Every summer I start to think about the Shakerrag Top– it just looks so simple and cool for those humid southern summer days!
So many, but closest to the top are destination pullover and daytripper cardigan!
Easel sweater and Leif cowl
Honeycomb scarf, dishrags
The brioche cowl is very much on my mind!
The Log Cabin is actually the one I’m going to be working on at some point. I have several quilts completed and would love to add their knitted counterparts.
Trellis top MDK field guide 14 refresh, calligraphy cardigan MDK field guide 9 revolution.
A scarf inspired by Sequences
The Liberty Tree Pullover and Mood Cardigan have caught my imagination.
All the blankets. They’re all in my mental and emotional queue. I just don’t have time for blanket knitting at the moment – but someday I will!!
Hmmm… my list is long but I want to make the log cabin, finishing a vest for my baby grandson that is due in July plus booties, hat mittens for him, baby items for my new niece that is due in July and then finish some work in progress I have going!
Want to do some brioche from the current field guide. Yeah!
I also keep mentally returning to the Shakerag top – someday it will happen!! In the meantime, that blanket is just lovely and has now been added to my mental queue! Thanks as always for the inspiration.
The one longest on my MDK queue is the Kiki Mariko. I keep thinking I just need to start with whatever I have and go forth from there….
I still have dreams of a Station Wagon Blanket – all this time later.
Log cabin. After reading the post I’m re-energized.
Trying to order
I have Joseph’s Blanket of Many Colors on my list as a way to use up my scrap yarn/a visual diary of various projects I’ve made!
Ann’s sequences/log cabin mashup is definitely in my queue.
The Picket Fence Afghan is on my dream list.
I love this idea for a blanket- of any size! I need to stash dive!
Oh, I LOVE the SHAKERAG TOP! . Thanks to everyone who’s commented on it . This is my choice. Thank you for the opportunity to win your fabulous prize!
Thinking Log Cabin but the Brioche is tempting too
Sequences speaks my interest, but they all look like good. I am expanding my skill set with each new project.
Right now I have on repeat the Bodhi Leaf Washcloth from Field Guide #7 Ease.
just bought year for the the MDK Field Guide 22 Honeycomb Scarf (Nautilus and Canyon) but the Wrist warmers are calling to me ,,,,
Admiring the Cocoon. A fan of cotton — an ear out for the dishcloth knit-along.
I’ve had a hankering for brioche but haven’t learned it, so the cowl and mitts from Field Guide 21 are on my queue!
The Old Friend Pullover is high on my list! I will NEED this for fall.
There are quite a few mdk patterns I want to make, but I long to finally gather the perfect combo fo Moderne Baby Blanket. An oldie but goody!
I want to IMMEDIATELY cast on a new log cabin like the one pictured!! I’ve done a couple of log cabins but this looks like such fun. And something I might keep for myself!
I’m still trying to figure out how to do sequences. Any body got a hint?
The Picket Fence Blanket worked with the background in oyster the picket motifs in sage green and dark bottle green with an occasional contrast bar is in my mental queue to work up.
I want to make everything in Field Guide 21! I love to knit brioche so I will be giving something in there a try!
The blanket from the Marling field guide
The Kaffe Coins blanket. It’s happening next winter!
Everything Painterly!
I’m looking at those log cabin style blankets, & can’t wait to start in on one!
I think the Perfect Sweater would be the perfect project!
The Old Friend Pullover!
The Shakerag Top
Well, I tried “picket fence” for the first time, but still love me some “ball band” and “log cabin”
In my queue is something Fair Isle.
Can’t wait to start the Cushiest Cowl – small size for my intro to brioche – with Atlas Lapis & Whisper! Hope to learn lots in the KAL!
Brioche!. Starting with the cowl
Definitely the Parallegram Scarf with the Freia balls. I love to watch the slow color changes.
Parrallogram scarf in Sequences.
Bodhisattva leaf washcloth, Log cabin blanket, and Temperature blanket. Many other I can’t begin to name. Thank you for the bounty of options!
I have the yarn for a shakerag top, and a mood cardigan. Just need to finish my current WIP.
I’ve been meaning to make the Love Still Wins socks for my husband’s birthday… it didn’t happen so it’s in the queue for this year. Given my baby girl was just born and there’s a lot of cute small quick projects in the queue for her, I have a feeling this might be next year’s gift…
I’m so excited about the newest field guide! I watched Nancy Marchant’s class on Craftsy ages ago and she made brioche seem so approachable. The cowl is on my TBK list.
Log cabin blanket!
I would like to learn 2 color brioche so I will give the cowl a go soon, and save it as a gift for my mom.
The log cabin blanket you just made is now on my list.
I have knitted 2 sweaters from Interchange and Painterly is also in my library on Ravelry. I absolutely love the baby blanket idea. I knit gifts for For the Babies and Beyond charity here in Ohio.
Log cabin blanket!!
a pair of socks using FIELD GUIDE 11: WANDERLUST
Looking forward to attempting log cabin designs
I want to get back to brioche, so the Cushiest Cowl is on my list.
Really I can’t wait to get any project onto my needles with Atlas yarn, but the Old Friend Pullover has really been calling my name. That, and now an improv log cabin blanket for my baby niece
Log cabin has been in my mental queue forever. Think of the possibilities-from dish cloths to blankets to beyond!
I love to try different marls, but struggle with the color choices. This is in my queue to learn and accomplish!
log cabin and brioche
Im looking forward to knitting the main squeeze pullover!
A honeycomb scarf!
The Garter Stripe Shawl has captured my heart—those colours!! And what could be more scrumptious than Garter stitch? Swoon!
The Destination Pullover is in my queue. I am hopeful that it will fit and look nice on my first pass.
I have many Field Guide patterns in my Ravelry queue with Squad Mitts at the top. I’ve already made one pair and keep thinking of all the infinite color possibilities for the next pair and beyond.
Honeycomb scarf, Shakerag top and wow, that baby blanket is a stunner but alas, no babies in our family–ballband dishcloths are always in my mind —-
I am knitting a Shakerag top, in Rowen cotton.
I liked the mood cardigan so much I’m thinking of doing another one, maybe with a different lace pattern.
Stripy Baby Blanket for new cousin and fresh squad fingerless mitts for me.
Shakerag Top, for sure!
Honeycomb scarf!
The stripey baby blanket…I always think about it. It is classically elegant!
The log cabin blanket, pictured above is lovely! I just signed up to try the brichoche cowl on zoom. I have always liked the look of that stitch.
Just bought a field guide bundle with brioche, socks, and fair isle. Lots to look forward to!
The Shakerag top!
I am in love with the new Honeycomb scarf! It’s probably going to be my birthday present to myself. 🙂
I would like to try the log cabin square.
I am dreaming of a Village Scarf and the Watercolor Cowl! Colors to swoon for.
I’ve already made the Shakerag top, wear it and love it. Despite the monochrome look of it, I’m anxious to do some Kaffe Fassett colorwork. Just finished and gifted a colorblock scarf, coveting the Watercolor Cowl from Painterly #16.
A log cabin blanket for curling up with a cup of tea and more knitting!
I have knit all the pieces for the denim log cabin blanket but have lacked the wherewithal to put it all together! The knitting was so modular and portable, perfect. Now… the finishing.
I love the Picket Fence blanket. In the colors shown. I keep putting it off because fear, but I want to do it.
Corrugated Shawl
Shakerag Top
Taking the leap to try Brioche knitting!
I wish a log cabin temperature blanket would happen, but I don’t think it is in me (yet). Maybe someday when I have more time/space/energy.
Honeycomb Scarf!
Mittens in the summer so I don’t have a hot project on my lap. Leftover Lopi and Lettlopi are absolutely perfect! Thank you!
I’ve been wanting to make a Log Cabin blanket for years! For some reason, though, it intimidates me and I have yet to start one.
I love the striped mitre squares. It would be so easy to just do a couple while on trips.
Still hankering for a Watercolor Cowl from Painterly (Field Guide No 16)
Ohhh…. I’ve had socks on my brain thanks to The Crazy Sock Lady and I need to dig out my Field Guide 11 and some sock yarn soon. But the brioche top is calling my name this week! I keep picturing it in a two tone blue, right up my alley! I just need to clear some stash space to buy the yarn and get the gumption to knit a top! I’ve yet to knit anything but accessories…..
For me, it’s the Sommerfeld shawl. I’m developing quite a number of odd bits of laceweight and I think it would be just the thing to tidy them up. Also, log cabin anything (it’s habit-forming).
Honeycomb scarf
A brioche cowl, of course! My first time with this technique. Love knit-a-longs!
I signed up for the Brioche cowl knit along. Now to find some worsted weight yarn to use!
I’ve been in love with the Stranded Stripe Throw by Kaffe Fassett since I first saw it. But I want it in the original yarn and colours, and that is a big investment, so I won’t let myself buy the yarn until I am sure that it isn’t just going to make a very attractive addition to my monumental stash.
Looking forward to delving into Parallelogram Scarf now that I finally snagged some freia yarn. Also want to add to my Kaffe cushion collection. Just love the tactile felted tweed, feels like a pet 🙂
Mood cardigan to start with …
I have the marl blanket on my bucket list. Maybe my first project when I retire!!
A Fairest Isle of All stole, knit in the round and steered with a felted steek. That is my dream mind project.
Log cabin! I’ve wanted to make one for a long time. I’m took a class today, in fact, and now that I kinda get the concept, I want to make more. I’m also starting a baby surprises sweater today… maybe.
Oh so many, many choices – up next, Ann Budd’s Après-Anything Socks from Field Guide No. 2, followed by Isabell Kraemer’s Bottom Line Pullover from Field Guide No. 10.
Two off the top of my head are the Picket Fence Afghan and any one of the Bang Out sweater patterns. Alway have a Ballband dishcloth on the needles.
Mine is brioche. I am looking forward to the knitalong!
ball band dish cloths
The Log Cabin blanket has always intrigued me ❤️
Anything from the Kaffe Field Guide. I tend to shun bright colors but the joy in those patterns is calling to me!
Learning brioche has been on my list for a while- super excited about the brioche cowl knit along!
I have two designs in mind actually!
I already have the Field Guide’s Corrugated Shawl and have Carbeth sweater in my Ravelry queue! Not sure which one to make first.
would love to learn Brioche
I love all of these. But I am drawn to the multi color shawls and just fellin love with the log cabin design
Honey comb scarf and dishcloths
Still have quite a few patterns of the lopi issue in my queue.
Loving the “Honrycomb Scarf”!
I have many and one that is at the top of my list is Mood Cardigan….although this may be topped by the honeycomb scarf:))
Debut pullover woo who!
Several! I have yarn set aside for the Debut pullover, but I also want to try the Entrelac blanket from the Atlas field guide, log cabin knitting, and the Lopi fair isle.
Ball Band Dishcloths -ready for summer KAL
In my emotional queue is a throw based on the Corrugated Shawl–it looks like a project that will take all the sharp edges away from life right now, both in the knitting and being sheltered by the throw.
In my emotional queue is the Corrugated Shawl, done up as a throw. What a wonderful shelter both to knit and to enjoy.
Village/Cityscape Scarf but maybe into a blanket or pillow.
I’m excited to be doing brioche after attending the Nancy Marchant Zoom presentation. I currently have the honeycomb scarf on my needles.
A shakerag top
Parallelogram wrap
Wonderful project! I can’t wait to cast on for a new baby nephew expected in January!