Atlas Insider: Michelle Edwards + April Harrison
We have wonderful news from author and illustrator Michelle Edwards, who is also a longtime contributor to MDK. Michelle’s illustrated entries from her Knitter’s Notebook have touched many a heart around here, and with knitters everywhere. (You’ll find links to a few of them below.)
Tuesday, October 11 is the publication day for Me and the Boss: A Story About Mending and Love, a collaboration between Michelle and illustrator April Harrison.

I got a sneak peek, and added Me and the Boss immediately to my short list of beautiful children’s books about making things by hand. I can’t wait to send this beautiful, inspiring story to the kids on my gift list. And the babies too! They’ll be reading—and stitching—before we know it.

Me and the Boss is the story of Lee, a boy who learns to sew, and discovers he can mend a special thing for someone he loves.
I can relate, and so can anyone who has mended something for someone else. The story is realistic, tender, and uplifting, and the illustrations are exquisitely detailed—the fabrics!—and full of life.
As a big sister myself, I related to the character of Zora, the boss—perhaps a bit too well.
A Giveaway!
The good folks at Random House Children’s Books have invited us to give away a copy each of Me and the Boss: A Story About Mending and Love to five MDK readers!

How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: Let’s celebrate the empowerment of making. Turning a heel, grafting a toe, wearing or giving a freshly-blocked FO—the moments that give us that “What else can I do?” feeling. Share your story in the comments.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, October 16, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw five random winners from the entries. Winners will be notified by email.
IMAGES used by permission © April Harrison / Random House Children’s books
MDK receives a commission for books purchased through the affiliate links in this post. Thank you!
I love when I’m out and about in my handknits, and a Muggle (I mean, a non-knitter) says they like my sweater/hat/scarf/etc., and I get to say, “oh, thanks, I made it myself.” Not as much fun as the actual making, but still pretty thrilling!
Enough of my friends know I knit and will ask, “Did you knit that?” Mostly it is “Yes, I did!”
I’m flattered when someone realizes I’m a knitter and asks either for help with a problem they’re having or ask me to help them learn how to knit. I helped one to learn how to knit socks!
I love it when my family asks, “will you make me this?” Toys, sweaters, socks, it’s really good to make something that is full of your love to give to a loved one. Although it’s a little sad when a project for myself has to keep getting put off lol.
it was the first time I made a visible mending on a moth eaten hole. So fun and the recipient loved it.
Nothing better than being asked to repair a beloved teddy bear with new paw patches and a new sweater.
Too many in my family never use what I make as “it’s so beautiful and so perfect” and they don’t believe me that handmade knit and crochet are part of life and whatever wear adds to their beauty. Such as my own hats and sweaters that I’ve used over many decades, they look gorgeous!. So now I make lots of hats and give away for charity.
Some of my longsleeve cotton tees seem to be holing-out in the elbows lately. I mended the first one (grey & white stripes) with grey wool felt sewn on with red yarn…I love how it looks and have plans to mend the other two tees….for some reason it’s always the right elbow!
Last year I made 16 hats for Christmas! I didn’t know that I could really accomplish it, but I did! There are fourteen in my immediate family: husband, kids and their spouses, and seven grandchildren. I made one baby hat as a gift and one for my sister. It was a great feeling of accomplishment and the joy in which they received their gifts made me so happy. I love the work of Michelle Edwards. Her book A Hat for Mrs. Goldman is one I gave several of the children in my life.
I am mending a moth hole in a lovely silk and wool cable knit sweater my deceased mother knit for me. I think this book will do very well in the Washington Waldorf School library, where all the children learn handwork from grade 1 through 8. I will order a copy or two. Thank you!
The mentor “made time” to teach Lee. We can’t make time but we can take time.
I have taught many people to knit, crochet, and mend. And gift many with craft goodies! It fills my heart with joy!
I try to mend the holes in the lives of my students who are struggling with the big questions of becoming an adult.
Last year all the adults in my immediate family got socks for Christmas. This year I’m working my way through Knitting the National Parks. I love Michelle’s work
I’ve only knitted the Glacier beanie so far, but there are a bunch in the queue for fall/winter gifts. The book was my birthday gift from my youngest.
I am currently knitting blankets – one for my granddaughter and one for my grandson who have recently moved to the Boston area (half way across the country from me). Each blanket is being knitting to fit their different personality. There is so much of my love being poured into each stitch that they can’t help but feel it as they wrap themselves with the blanket on a cold winter’s night.
My son’s beloved “Bobby bear” who was his constant companion, was torn to pieces by a rambunctious puppy. We were all heart broken, as “Bobby bear” was part of the family. I couldn’t bring myself to toss the pieces, so I washed them and pieced them back together by hand, added new stuffing and sewed on new eyes. I will never forget my son’s face when he opened the box and saw his Bobby bear, a little wonky, but restored! That was the most rewarding project I have ever done. My son is now 44 years old and he still has that bear.
I knit one pair of socks for my (adult) children for Christmas. I’ve let them know how much work they are and they appreciate them. Recently they started getting holes. I never thought I would be a sock knitter, let alone mend socks. I’m just sorry I didn’t save my grandmother’s sock mending tool.
As others have mentioned, the look when you return the beloved stuffed bear or mouse to it’s owner after the surgery is completed and the damage is repaired. That smile gives you the feeling you can do anything!
From time to time, my eldest daughter Kara, now 39, requests a repair to her beloved Neenie, the baby blanket knit for her by Sylvia Zwick, late mother of Carol, my friend of 57 years.
Neenie, faithful blanket companion,stitched and restitched with love, offers comfort, connection and blessed memories.
Repairing a quilt I made my brother-in-law more than 15 years ago. It’s so well lived!
What a sweet book! I am thinking through how to repurpose wool socks I don’t wear anymore. Unraveling the tops for repairing other socks and knitted items or as patches, sewing the tops into ear warmers, etc.
Sewing the pieces of a knitted sweater together. That moment of the last stitch is heady stuff
Fixing a beloved heirloom, or making the thing they can’t find. Or creating the new beloved item. The baby blanket that must never be forgotten, as is needed everywhere.
Just this spring I was visiting my 30 year old son in Seattle. He had torn a hole in his favorite climbing pants, and they were a bit loose in the waist. He wanted to mend them as well as take them in. He borrowed a sewing machine, we discussed how best to accomplish the fixes – I’m no expert! – and with a little guidance he mended and took in the waist of his pants. He was so happy and thrilled with the repairs! Warmed my heart to have played a small roll in his satisfaction. Another special bonding moment for us. 🙂
I had a similar moment with my 26 year old son this fall. He wanted jeans hemmed and he’d bought a sewing machine at the thrift store ($25 for an almost new, quite nice, basic machine!). I’m not much of a sewer but he wanted me to teach him how to hem, so we spent the time and he did a very serviceable job of it. It made me feel so good to have him want to learn something so mundane but sustainable, and to be so sure that I could teach him 🙂
I recently took a spinning class and plied my singles for the first time. Recently seamed a first sweater and have plans to start my next sweater! I love getting to try new techniques with knitting and love making for myself and others.
Mending is one of my Mimi superpowers. Every time I’m planning a visit to see my children and grandchildren, I get a call…”while you’re here can you fix—-?”
I’ve mended favorite garments, over-loved stuffed animals, doll clothes, handknits, blankets, lovies, you name it. Now when I go I just pack my mending kit next to my toothbrush.
This year as the grandchildren are getting older (and I’m getting older) I’m teaching them to mend. During Mimi Camp they sewed on buttons and learned to hem. We will keep adding skills.
Luv this and it is so needed now!
I knitted a baby blanket for my niece and my mom put the blocks together. A true collaboration. I have since knitted a baby blanket for all the babies in our family. My mom passed away when my oldest was only 4 months old, so my niece’s blanket is the only one we worked on together. But she is in my heart whenever I sew or knit something for someone.
After not knitting anything complicated for decades, I revisited cables by trying a Cat Bordi piece with my handspun and dyed yarn. What a delightful challenge. With Cat’s clear instructions, cables renewed their friendship with my needles.
I knitted a teddy bear out of faux fur for my first grandchild. When it was done, even I couldn’t believe I’d made it. The most fun think I’ve ever made!
I had set knitting aside for awhile, for lack of something. Energy, vision, motivation? But then I made a Cecelia Campochiaro sequence cowl from a zoom workshop. (This was before the MDK book was published.). It was rhythmic, soothing and satisfying to work on and complete. And people complimented me on it! It helped me remember all the wonderful aspects of making.
Thank you for telling us about this book. I will be adding it to my collection for my future grandchildren! And, as a children’s librarian, adding it to our collection. In terms of making, I have a colleague who learned knitting the last few years and she wants to make a temperature blanket. I sent her all the MDK links. And am helping her go down this rabbit hole. I fear I may join her!
I received a call today asking..” Mom will you have any white thread at the cottage ? “…seems my Grandsons Teddy had a run in with the dog . I love the fact that my son and his sons ask me ( need me ) to do their mending .It fills my heart with joy .
From time to time, my eldest daughter Kara, now 39, requests a repair to her beloved Neenie, the baby blanket knit for her by Sylvia Zwick, late mother of Carol, my friend of 57 years.
Neenie, faithful blanket companion,stitched and restitched with love, offers comfort, connection, and blessed memories.
In 2017 I finished an afghan I started making in 2000. Square by square. Every square a different stitch pattern. I taught some of my friends to knit by having them knit this blanket too. It was a skill builder. I kept putting it aside for the shiny new project. I was very proud and happy when I finally gave it the time it deserved and finished it. I look at it now and think, I can’t believe I made that! It reminds me I can do hard things.
Wow! There are a few I can think of, but I’ll share the quilt and pillow I made for my mom after my dad died. She had given me a couple of my dad’s well-worn cardigans. I cut them up (saving the sleeves for a jacket with knit sleeves) and interfaced the pieces to include in the quilt. Because she prays quite often each day, and just as often falls asleep while praying, I used one of the pockets on the back side of the quilt, up at the top, so she could insert her rosary beads. That way, they wouldn’t fall on the floor where she had difficulty retrieving them. Not my finest quilt, but one made with loving intent.
That sounds perfectly lovely, & thoughtful.
My daughter’s raccoon stuffy saved over the years, spotted in my storage by her daughter. It smelt a bit musty, so I decided to gently wash it in my machine. Big mistake!!! It totally fell apart, stuffings everywhere. I deemed it hopeless, but Granddaughter was mortified….”Grandma, you can fix it. Just try. Let’s just try.”
So try we did. We got it put together, restuffed it and ‘Rack’ never left her side for months.
Moral for me, you don’t know what you can do until you try!
Had to do brain surgery on my son’s beloved Winnie the Pooh that got into a squirmish with our husky. Didn’t matter if the stitches showed, he just needed that ear sewn back on. 47 years later Pooh is still surviving on a shelf.
I was an aide in the Home and Careers department of a middle school for over ten years. My favorite thing to do was help the students with their hand sewing. I still have former students tell me that I taught them to sew one is a college student who is taking set design courses and use her sewing skills to creat beautiful sets.
I just turned the heel on a Christmas stocking for my youngest granddaughter I treasure the stocking my mother made for me 65(!) years ago, and hope my children and grandchildren will do the same.
I love knitting for my older sister who loves to wear my handknits and has a special drawer for all of her Roonie-knit treasures.
It warmed my heart when my 4 year old granddaughter asked me to mend a favorite dress up dress for her preschool class. She told her little friends “ my grandma can fix that”.
Awww, that is so adorable!! It feels so good to be able to fix or repair something you made fir your grandchild. Or anyone you’ve knit or crocheted for. It makes it even more special for everyone.
Lately I’ve bee doing LOT of mending or darning. Suddenly socks have holes, slippers, etc, I’ve discovered a sort of perverse pleasure in the slow mending.
I knit a 4’ x 6’ throw, square by square, for someone who has been a good friend beyond measure to me over the years. Each square was a different pattern that was sown together. That gift of love made me feel good while knitting it and sending it to her. It was a valuable experience.
In the spring, I taught two friends that are expert quilters how to knit. They have become exuberant knitters! I look at this as paying the empowerment forward. My dear Grammy did this fifty years ago when she taught me to knit. I still remember turning the heel on a doll bootie when I was eight years old and the accompanying pride that gave me.
I recently repaired a “Pussy Cat” hat I had knit for a friend when we attended the first Women’s March in Cleveland, Ohio. She still wears it with pride!
I recently made my first sweater for myself. When I put it in and looked in the mirror I was truly amazed that commented proudly “it looks like a sweater!”
When I first learned to knit as a child, my mother gave me a stitch dictionary. I was excited to try the different stitches, explore cables and figure out how to change a basic pattern using these stitches.
Things sit so long in my mending and ironing piles – when I finally get it done it’s like getting new clothes!
Oh yes! Occasionally, when I take the tags out of shirts, I end up with a hole. These tiny repairs, usually to new garments, sit in that pile.
My daughter began her freshman year of college this fall and I managed to finish her sweater before winter
Doing two color ribbing, throwing with one hand and picking with the other, and not taking my hands off either needle, just like my Scottish great aunt taught me decades ago!
I made a “wonderful wallaby” for my grand daughter and she loved it. She’s a “hoodie” wearer and she loved the sleeve with the thumb opening I learned on MDK. The knitting was an adventure, but her loving it was the reward!
My son’s just went off to graduate school and it felt like the perfect time to sew together all the wool squares I had knitted years ago when I only had time for short portable projects. They formed a lovely afghan and I really jazzed it up by covering the back and “framing” the edges of the front by hand sewing on fabric of complementary colors with a pattern of flowers, branches, leaves and bugs! It is sophisticated and fun. He loves it!
* My son…
I received confirmation that I was contributing to comfy clothes slow fashion when my grown children asked me to knit them hiking socks. And I am able to offer mending as needed.
I’ve done a lot of knitting in my life, and now feel that there’s nothing I can’t tackle, but I have the knowledge and experience to know what I want and don’t want to take on.
Of all the knitted gifts I’ve given to loved ones, it’s the baby things that give me that feeling the most. I often hear from the mom that the baby wears my sweater the most, or that they wore it until it had short sleeves. Blankets, however, sometimes end up draped over the end of the crib for display. Which is fine, too.
My Mom spent the year before she married making a white cotton bedspread made up of 8″ 3d octagonal roses. We lost my Mom when I was in my 20s. My Dad kept that spread on his bed for 30 more years. After he passed mending that spread mended more than just the fabric for me.
Striving for perfection
I delight in mending shawls invisibly for my daughter. She gets then caught and just can’t do the repairs as well as I can. It’s so incredibly satisfying to make the hole melt back into the patten!
I love planning sewing projects that all-age groups in my faith community can help with. Currently cutting out and sewing small fabric hearts from scrap that a group next Sunday will stuff and stitch up to give to school counselors for students. It’s part of a workshop we’ll have on advocacy for children that day.
If I do not win (statistically unlikely), I will be ordering this for my grandson’s birthday. I always feel like a rock star when a stranger admires my hand knits, particularly when they are on someone other than me. My daughter wore her new crocheted leg warmers to her ballet studio for the first time the other day and said everyone raved about them. When she told them her mother made them, several asked if her mother could make them a pair as well!
My. Can we see a photo of those leg warmers. Pattern. I have 3ballet grands children.
My daughter is going to send me a photo of her wearing them at some point – I keep reminding her but it is Nutcracker season so it is crazy for her (she is training out of state for high school).
Mending holes in my grandchildren’s stuffies! Simple act of stitching love!
My 4 year old granddaughter loves to sew. Last summer she was having a meltdown over something and when I pulled out a little sewing project I soon had a like voice asking if we could work the project together. She sat quietly and worked the project to completion, really helping her find her calm again. She would love this book.
I have a pair of my husband’s wool socks sitting on the edge of my chair waiting to be mended. They’re store bought, but nice heavy socks, and they’ve only worn thru in one spot, definitely worth mending. I love being able to fix something in this throw-away world of ours.
I have been knitting for decades, but the thrill of seeing my grandchildren wearing what I make for them is beyond compare.
I love to give away finished objects while on vacation. I tell my family members, who are very knit worthy, that I do not need to take things home since I need the space in my suitcase for shopping.
Finding a snuggly lacy unfinished angora scarf (I actually met the bunny!) with no notes/instructions, figuring out the stitch pattern and finishing it. To whom will I gift it??
One vacation, while visiting my grandparents, my grandmother asked me to help her clean out the closet under the stairs. It was packed, and as we got closer to the back of the closet, I saw eyes looking at me! Turned out to be a well-loved old stuffed puppy, and my young son fell in love. The puppy needed some embroidery to restore his nose and a few holes repaired. The next time we saw my Dad, he exclaimed, “Who gave him my dog?!? My 41-year-old son still has his grampa’s dog.
Every time I go to my daughters place, the granddaughters tell me there is something else to be mended. Gladly. Even my SIL had items to mend.
Making and mending reminds me of my Granny and the generations of women who sewed, and mended and taught us to value frugality and well-made products.
My youngest son had played varsity football for all four of his high school years. Quite the accomplishment. When December of his senior year came around, I had the idea to design and knit a special hat for him for Christmas, commemorating the team, the numbers he wore, and the positions he played. It was a surprise, but of course, when my other 2 children saw me knitting it, they answered in the typical, “Oh, because he’s your favorite…” of other children, and so I designed and knit up 2 more (+1 for the husband). They all loved their hats, and so did I. I have a picture of them in their Christmas pajamas in front of the tree, all wearing the hats I had made. One of my favorite “making” photos ever.
I love when my hand knits are fought over by my loved ones! Now I’ll just have to settle it by knitting more!
I come from many generations of makers and menders and would love this book for my two grandsons to continue the art of working with hands.
When my daughter was in the 5th grade, I started an after school knitting club at her school and taught them how to knit a scarf. It was so nice to see how proud they were of all of their work! They did a great job making chunky scarves. Later, I began a prayer shawl ministry at church where each knitter in our group worked on the shawl. They took turns taking it home to pray and knit for the lady needing prayer. It was so nice to see the recipient’s face light up when we gave her the shawl! Some knitters would gasp at the thought of sharing a project because of tension and gauge in the knitting, but this is what made the gift so special. Many hands and many prayers! “Me and the Boss” will be a GREAT book to add to any school library and home children’s book collection. So nice to see this!
“Teach me to knit Grammy! We should knit “ That’s what I hear from my three year old grand daughter. Obviously, she is too young to knit but what a love to even suggest it. That’s when I get out a colorful ball of yarn and quickly crochet up a little chain stitch bracelet or necklace. Then we are off to play hide and seek or store. I can’t wait to teach her to knit.
The moment when the newly finished garment is set on the blocking pads. I step back from the pins and wires to admire the work I have just completed and enjoy walking by it all day while it dries. And later, to slip on the new sweater or wrap the shawl around my neck — so satisfying!
I buy many of my games for my students from Goodwill. Together, my students and I make or repair any missing or broken game pieces.
My sister said “Barb, you have holes in the seat of your pants.” Crushed, I had loved and worn them to near death. What to do? For the first time I had the courage to de-construct them, make a pattern from the pieces with the tissue from another unused pattern, cut and recreate them exactly from new fabric I love, including pockets! I was so proud and wear them all the time. Can’t wait to do it again with a cool tunic I bought that got premature holes in the underarm.
When I’m tired, I go to Ravelry and look up something I would like to make. It can be something I absolutely love but know I will never make. It can be what I might make next. I might search a yarn, a type of garment or a designer. My favourites folder has many categories, and tee shirts are grouped by gauge. When I seriously think of making something I scroll through the photos and comments of people who have already made it. I find gorgeous work by knitters and designers in far away places who generously share their successes and frustrations. I’m hooked by the colour, the cleverness and the possibility.
My 21 year old daughter has just finished a gorgeous visible mend on her favorite jeans, and seeing her pleasure in it takes me back to my own feelings of joy the many times I dressed her in handmade garments and as I eventually taught her to knit and sew.
Blocking Shetland lace! It goes from a snarled-looking mess to a thing of beauty, like magic!
My 3-year old granddaughter lived in her sparkly, stary, pink (of course) Walmart princess cape, until yesterday, when her she and her mom brought it to me hanging by a thread from it’s shiny stand-up princess collar. Yes, I will, fix it! It might look a little different (the gossamer fabric is unravelling as we speak), but she will spin and see it float around her again.
I just asked a friend to mend a sweater that my mom knit for my niece who at 37 is expecting her first child. The color work of “rain, rain go away” with umbrellas just needs a wee bit of fixing. Can’t wait to give it to my niece. Knitting has eased my pain many times thru the years and oh how it adds to the joy of preparing for this new addition to our family.
Friends who ask if i can fix socks i gave them in the past get change! I make heels and toes in crazy colors where they get replaced. Friends who want sweaters repaired get the opposite in that i try to make those invisible.
The moment I realized that the cables that looked so daunting were simply stitches knit out of order made me a braver knitter. I tried everything after that, and succeeded.
I love to knit for my kids and grandkids. My grands wear them to church and they always reported the rave reviews. Someone asked my son if I would knit for them. Josh said, “Nope.” Makes me smile every time I think of him hogging all my knits for them.
When I made my first pair of socks, I didn’t notice I had dropped a stitch on one until I was wearing it. So I took a piece of bright red yarn, wove it through the dropped stitch and its neighbor and tied a bow. Since the socks are too big (first time, remember?) and I wear them as slippers, the bow doesn’t get in the way of a shoe.
I try to learn some new skill every time I begin a project. The newest skill is spit splicing which I have made my own by combining Russian join and a spit splice. Still practicing on a swatch which will turn into a scarf…
I knit a baby blanket for each of our grandchildren when they were born – 10 boys and 1 girl. Now I am making an afghan for each grandchild as they go away to university (college, if you’re speaking American). As each one begins this exciting and challenging part of their lives, they know they are wrapped in love no matter how far away they are or how challenging things become.
When our elderly dog was rehomed to us (he was 16 at the time) he came with a lot of stuffies but Sylvester the Cat was his favourite. In one particularly energetic playtime, Sylvester’s stomach ripped open and his innards ended up all over the floor. The dog was so upset even though he was the culprit. I gathered up the stuffing and dug out a needle and thread and set to work. The whole time I was working on it, Angel was pacing and whining like a nervous dad. When I threw the (badly) mended toy for him, he was so excited that he immediately ripped it open again in a different spot. At the age of 19, he still loves that toy even though I can no longer fix it and the only part that still has stuffing is it’s head.
I repaired a hole in Icelandic sweater that was a special momento from a trip – they knew I was a knitter, so they asked if I could do it. I didn’t know how, but I learned and they were thrilled.
I like mending, it makes me feel like I’m getting away with something in our throwaway society.
I have a particular reputation for fixing toys. My favorite thing is to be able to say yes to “Grandma, can you fix it?”
While in northern Wisconsin a few years ago motorcycle riding, my husband and I went to a knit shop in St. Germain. They had the Norrland hat on display and my husband wanted me to make it for him. It’s a beautiful pattern, although it’s shown on a woman, he didn’t care. It came out beautiful. I had never done any color work before so it was a learning experience also.
Repairing Bearie who has belonged to my youngest daughter for 30 years. It even went to college with her. It is loved and worn in many places.
Looking forward to giving this book to a few loved children.
A woman in my book club had a well-worn and loved quilt hanging on a chair. I sat in the chair for the meeting and couldn’t stop admiring the quilt the whole time. I asked her about it – it was handed down through the family but was falling apart. I took it home, mended it and returned it to her with a little bit of history of the pattern used and the types of fabrics. She was flabergasted to learn about the quilt and that something old and mundane to her would be special to another quilter!
I have always mended much loved items. Last year my daughter asked me to teach her how to mend. I gave her a vintage darning egg for Christmas and we are now ready for lessons to begin.
When I don’t know what else I can do I give something homemade. To those I love so much I’m hugging them with warmth and love. To those with a horrible illness, I’m also trying to keep them warm and let them know they are not alone. We all need to feel connected and cared for. Even my “anonymous” charitable knitting is to hopefully let the recipient know that someone cares.
The young child of a non sewing friend brought me her “blanket” to mend. She watched as I stitched it back together. Over several years she brought that blanket back for repairs. The last time was just before she entered kindergarten. The blanket was now only a scrap – maybe six inches square – but it still gave her comfort when she needed it. I had forgotten about that until today. She is now 18 and a senior in high school. I will have ask her if she still has it. Something tells me she does.
Just returned from Shetland Wool Week and now I think I can really learn how to use the knitting belt, that’s a big accomplishment for me. I tutor kids with reading and would love to have this book for the little boy I’m working with this year.
I am passing on the joy of making (painting, sewing, knitting, weaving) to my five grandchildren! I have banners on the backyard fence, poles in the garden, a set of beanbags and blankets and many, many drawing and art projects all around the house. I get to celebrate creativity again and again!
making and remaking provides a thread across time. i altered the prom dress my mother made to wear for the wedding rehearsal 5 and a half years later. recently, i remade the wedding dress (that i originally made) for our 40th anniversary. it gives me comfort and perspective to be able to wear my handmades across time.
I am almost finished with an oversize brioche sweater and already have received many compliments on it.
I’ve done some creative mending and conservation sewing …as I also work w clothing in a museum context. I’ve seen such loving repairs … and all those pieces tell a story. Some we know. Some we wonder.
Sounds like a delightful book!
I love it all— turning heels, easing in sleeve caps, bust darts and waist shaping—-all the ways increases, decreases snd short rows can turn a flat rectangle into architectural shapes that house our bodies!!! And I LOVE sharing children’s books that expand our sense of what is possible. Looking forward to tracking down a couple copies of this one to give to young families in my orbit…
I am spending October knitting gifts for special people in my life and then some knitting knockers and hats for local teenagers at risk My little way of saying thank you.
“Memaw, can you fix my stuffy?” It’s a question I get many times when I visit my grandchildren. How wonderful it is to be able to repair their beloved friends!
Years ago I made a blanket for my ailing mother. She received it with so much gratitude. I received it back after she passed and I wrap myself in it each morning while catching up on my emails. I feel she is never far away. Making and sharing is such a wonderful thing.
It’s started to be sweater weather a few days ago. I don’t have any light handmade sweaters, because I don’t like to work on small needles. So I’m wearing an old Patagonia sweater that an acquaintance designed. Has a big hole over my heart, which has been giving me trouble lately. Makes me think of Raggedy Ann, and her red heart. So I will get around to this and mend with a small red heart. Why not?
During covid lockdown, I got out my sewing machine and began dusting off sewing skills from Junior High, and from watching my Grandmother make clothes for my generation. I began making pjs for the youngest generation of my family, saving the scraps for patches of clothing in need of repair. I feel like a bridge between my Grandmother and my great-neice & nephews. I hope they remember that making and repairing are things we can do for ourselves.
Someone complimented me on a cowl I knitted and I added that I had knitted my sweater and hat, too. And more and more I can add socks to the list.
Lost count of the number of times my son’s lemon bear was mended. Head falling off was the worst.
Not exactly a mending story, but a making one – I finished an Alabama Chanin T-shirt this summer (from a kit – the bird one and my first) and realized the color was terrible for me. Yesterday I overdyed the t-shirt (Jacquard iDye) and it looks wonderful! I’m so proud of myself for taking the risk.
I’m learning how to mend invisibly, and visibly. I hope I’ll find a vendor with one of those “mending looms” at Rhinebeck this year.
This book looks wonderful! And if I win it, I’ll donate it to our local public library. I am a former preschool teacher, so it would make me very happy to see children learning from and enjoying this book!
I always feel clever turning a heel. I’ve made many socks, and it never fails to bring a smile.
I have knit at least one pair of socks for all my friends and family. (What a joy it is to make a new “sock-worthy” friend and add to the list!) Even my fashionista sister gets a new pair every year. When asked why she gets new ones annually, she says “I wear them!” The gift I get back is when I visit these loved ones, they often wear their socks with pride and I get to visit my “sock children” who have been spread far and wide.
I have found something that gives me greater joy than knitting scarves. And that is giving my knitted scarves to flight attendants on the plane taking me to my destination and again on the plan bringing me back home.
The sense of accomplishment when something is mended, given a new life and it becomes a one-of-kind treasure.
I made my grandson a Superman doll, which he slept with every night. When it needed mending, it came back to me. So satisfying to give another some pleasure from a skill one has that not everyone can claim.
Thanks for the chance at what looks like a perfect gift for a child!
I check all my handknit socks when I wash them. If I see a thinning spot I duplicate stitch the thinning spot and keep on wearing them.
Today I’m going to help my friend with her Italian bind off. as a newer knitter, I love that I can help someone else. getting my grand kids interested is still a work in progress.
Was at TAPS one year and had just finished a monster when a teen girl walked by, spied it, snatched it up and SQUEEED! So nice to see my work loved!
My grandsons would refer to me as Dr. Stuffy when I performed surgery on their stuffed toys.
I love Michelle Edwards words and illustrations and will be ordering the book for the little ones in my life.
Mending the heels of my first hand-knit slippers changed my mood from crushed to gleeful!
Some years ago after we married I found a beautiful wool sweater in in my husband’s clothes That I had never seen him wear. He had bought it on a trip to New Zealand before we were married, and said that it was far too baggy around his hips, and too long so so he didn’t like it. I cut off the bottom of the sweater, much like steeking, Unraveled the ribbing and 2 or 3″ of knitting so that I had a lovely skein, and was able to put a smaller and more snug lower ribbing on so that he now wears it every winter. He still thinks I’m a magician!
I often make things because I want to try a pattern out. Over the years, I have made baby hats and sweaters for the fun of it. This year I have a grandchild and great nieces born. It has been exciting to see the hats and sweaters on these children. Especially my favorite- the pumpkin hat.
I am looking forward to picking up this book to read to my granddaughter. Maybe she will enjoy mending and knitting more than her mother.
About 15 years ago, I had an image in my head of the sort of cardigan I wanted to knit. After a thorough 5-minute check of the internet, I hadn’t found a pattern that ticked all the boxes, so I designed it myself. And knit it. And wore it out of the house, and people told me they liked it. I still wear it, and still get the occasional compliment. Thrilling!
Sitting in church listening to the prelude and wearing my shawl made with yarn in a “shipwrecked” colorway. I tried to find a pattern that looked like waves on the sand.
wonderful sounding children’s book. Pleased to know of it
Using a washcloth double knitting pattern with hugging bears I knitted a lapghan with bulky yarn for my bearloving granddaughter. She said to me could you please make three more. Sew them together and that way it’ll be a full blanket.
She’d love this book.
One of my first projects was finishing a wool blanket done in Tunisian crochet. It had been started by the mother of a family friend who had died of old age. 52 years later it remains the warmest, most comforting piece I have made. I didn’t choose the colors or the wool, nor did I pay for it. It is for me full of meaning and I hope the person who designed and started it would have been comforted to know that it has been completed and loved. I hope that if I die with ufo’s at least one will be picked up by someone who will think of me.
Oh I didn’t realize she also wrote A Hat for Mrs. Goldman! I had a lot of fun with that book.
In terms of feeling very clever, it’s really hard to beat turning a heel for me. But my all time knitting moment of greatness was when my friend’s newborn (only a few hours old, wearing a hospital issued cap) was crying, crying, crying and they couldn’t get him to stop. They put on the little hat I had knit him and he stopped! To this day the highest compliment ever paid to my knitting.
I recently learned how to do the Roositud inlay technique. I thought it was pretty magical!
For some reason, I wanted to learn to darn while visiting my grandparents at age 7. I was given my grandfather’s socks from the rag bag to use for practice. They turned out so well that grandpa proudly wore the socks! This was 60 years ago. Never looked back…
This book reminds me of the many stuffed animals I repaired for my grandchildren, including a rebuilt nose for a Bunnies by the Bay stuffed duck. The duck’s nose had to be matched with the perfect shade of orange floss while an anxious 3 year old stood by. Luckily I saved the remaining floss because that duck was so well-loved that the nose had to be rebuilt at 4, 5 & 6 years old as well!
Stitching a beloved stuffed animal together for one of my daughters.
Knitting and crochet allow me to turn moments of anxiety and boredom into wonderful objects and gifts, like hats, slippers, scarves and whole sweaters.
Watching my daughter take her first stitches with a crochet hook.
Seeing that a baby blanket I knit (gifted to my friend’s then-expecting daughter-in-law) has become a lovey, a cape, and whatever else that a little girl’s imagination makes it.
I’m turning a lot of heels for a sock class. Samples for me and teaching others how.
I know how to sew and mend,I am part of the generation who learned these things from our mothers. What give me the most pleasure is knitting. As an adult I knitted for myself for many many years. Now what brings me joy is knitting for others, most of all my granddaughters. It is a craft/hobby that allows us to continuously learn new techniques. What could be better than that?
making and mending has been a part of my life since my grandma taught me how when I was about 5 — yes, I can darn a sock, turn a cuff or a collar and create a colorful patch on just about any textile — my hand made gifts come with a “guarantee” — if you use it, I’ll mend it, and in time, make you another one if need be
Years ago a work colleague brought me a cherished knitted baby blanket that had a hole in it. It has been knit by her grandmother who had passed away. At the time I only crocheted, but I figured out that my crochet hook was the perfect tool to repair it. I studied the knitting and thought “I can do that”. I picked up knitting needles shortly thereafter and am now bi-stitchual!
I will teach anyone who is interested – knitting, spinning, weaving, mending- grand kids, friends, neighbours, strangers. I love to pass it on!
My best mend was when my 2 year old’s Bunbun AKA Bunbittie was decapitated. He was hysterical and I dropped everything I perform emergency surgery. He’s 29 an his pal still lives at my house.
I have a very old black cashmere sweater that I now wear to bed in the winter.
The holes kept expanding. I ignored them.
Then I took some red sock yarn and mended every hole I could find.
The sweater has a new life! And I feel even warmer when I’m wearing it.
I had some old sweaters with holes languishing in the closet, and decided to try mending a grey one using some bright yellow yarn. Now it’s one of my favorite sweaters again! It seems every time I wear it someone compliments me on my clever visible mending. Who knew?
In 1983, Mom crocheted a blanket for my newborn niece C, and C has been attached to it ever since. Yes, C is now 39, but the tattered blankie is still on her bed. Over the years since my mother passed away in 1995, I have been the designated repair person, doing what I can to keep this treasure together. The blanket is now stitched on to a fleece backing since it is too well-worn to survive on its own.
A couple of years ago I knitted C a ‘replacement,’ although I know it will never have the same place in her heart as the original. That’s OK.
Having learned the knitted method of mending a hole I am looking forward to the next time my sister asks me to mend a sweater. I can show off my new skill!
My moms partner always had hand knit heavy winter wool socks from his mom. About 8 years after she passed away his last pair of socks were worn threw and his met my mom. He bought socks from a random person online hoping they would be good, they were acrylic and didn’t even last a winter. I found out the next fall about his problem and made him 3 pair right away and another 2 followed! The joy on this man’s face when I was able to recreate something from him mom, based on a description, years after her death, was thrilling to see. I love to bring people joy with my hand knits.
One of my most thrilling knitting experiences was the first time I joined the sleeves to the body of a bottoms-up sweater
I sewed up the seams of a beloved thrifted flannel a couple days ago. It was starting to look a little *too* raggedy, but now I feel like I’m so much more in control of my clothing’s lifespan.
My daughter was asked to mend a beloved1950’s era Christmas stocking complete with Santa Claus at the fireplace. She was frazzled and I offered to take on the fix. It took patience to un-tie multiple short yarns that were knotted and woven through each other to give Santa a face lift that will last for another 67 years.
When my son was about 2-3, I made him a stuffed crocodile that became his favorite stuffed animal. When he had bad dreams, I told him that Croc ate bad dreams and he LOVED that! Naturally, such a well-loved animal got a lot of use and needed help to keep going. My son still has Croc and he’s now 36! My son, not Croc.
My daughter’s family usually has some things saved up for me to mend when I visit. They think I can fix anything!
I’m excited to read the book! I am recalling the first time I knit a patch on the elbow of a sweater. It turned out better than expected and extended the life of that sweater. It was a really good feeling. I very much enjoy those types of efforts and keeping gently worn garments out of the landfill. Here here to the author and illustrator!!
I love it when my 50 + daughter says can you fix this sweater/blanket/toy and then say Wow, a a I can’t even see where it was!
Sounds like a winner!!!thank you. I love mending.
My daughter’s SIL asked if I could please make an eyepatch for her childhood teddy – somehow he was missing one eye! I did that and then surprised her by making him a cute cardigan to match. He was adorable, if I do say so (and a little fierce).
I teach a mother-daughter knitting class Saturday mornings. It fills my heart with joy.
Being asked by one of my sons to sew or knit something for him is a pretty great feeling!
The last few summers I’ve been doing Art Camp for the older grandsons. This year I should add sewing/mending!
After buying Sonia Philip’s The Act of Sewing last year and trying a couple of patterns, I was inspired to take an online sewing class to fill in the gaps in what I learned as a kid from my mom. It was a free course offered through my library, so it only cost me in materials. I finished a few weeks ago, and feel like I really stretched my skills and stepped out of my crafting comfort zone!
The Japanese formal kimonos I made in 2 days for my sons’ prom
I start a project without necessarily knowing the intended recipient…but by the time I’m finished, I inevitably know who and when this gift will make its way to their heir apparent
Several years ago I took a class with a group of friends and we all made a quilted zip top pouch with 2 zipper pockets on the outside. It’s the perfect size to fit both my (ancient) iPad mini and my kindle fire, and the bigger outer pocket can hold all of my chargers while the smaller, divided pocket holds earbuds and screen/ glasses wipes. This makes it perfect for travel and for carrying daily in my knitting tote. Unfortunately, the daily use results in tears and worn spots which I visibly mended yesterday with bright, coordinating fabric patches (for the second time, different color patches and thread this time). I think it’s better than new and can’t wait to casually pull it out of my bag at knit group tomorrow. 😉
The season is turning here in Michigan. My 89 year old mom was visiting and felt chilled. I gave her a cozy wool hat I had just finished serendipitously in stripes which she loves. She told me once again, as she had since I was a child, how much body heat we lose out of the top of our heads. “Yes, Mom”. ❤️
When it comes to mending and hand stitching, I stand on the shoulders of some great women. Mending beautifully was just a weekly task. My maternal grandmother was a prolific quilter. Each of her ten children received a quilt at birth and marriage each of us 39 grandchildren got birth quilts. My mother made most of my clothes even when I was married, into my 30s and living in another state. Button holes were often hand bound and even zippers hand stitched because she didn’t like the stitches her machine made. I’m not nearly the stitcher they were, but I’m happy to be able to mend and handstitch because of them. Teach the kids! It’s a generous gift.
Recently, I was contacted by someone who I barely knew about mending a special sweater for a 94 year old woman. I was excited to have the skills to be able to mend it for her. Small acts of kindness are beneficial to the soul.
I love to make and give and also do my hand at mending. All babies in our family get gifts that I’ve made with my heart sending it’s love. Our first grandchild was born while I was working on her first quilt. I was waiting on news of her arrival and busy sending love. I knit with love for charity with the hope that the warmth they receive is partly from the love they feel.
I spent a week with my son, his wife and their two little boys. Caleb (18 months old) had chewed a huge hole in the knitted blanket my mother had made for him! His 3 year brother has a small hole in his GreatNanny crocheted blanket that he slept with every night. I was able to repair both… a marvelous brain challenge on the knit repair and Ben’s favorite pink for the simple crochet repair! I received lots of hugs!!
I always thought that turning a heel and doing a short row sleeve cap were magical and full of wonder. This past summer I learned to can. I made several kinds of pickles and felt both inordinately pleased with myself AND connected to my mother, whom I remember canning when I was growing up. She cooked and sewed like no one else and doing those things make me feel close to her since she passed away two years ago.
Seeing the joy on the grands’ faces when they put on a new hand-knit! Makes every moment, every frog, every knit and purl worth it!
Re-stitching seams on my husband’s awful “workoutside” shorts that should have been thrown in the trash bin long ago. He is so grateful.
For me, it’s finding a lovely skein of yarn in a pile or cubby at the yarn store and being able to picture what it could grow up to be. It doesn’t always happen but when it does it makes me smile!
When my kids were little, we often had tie-dye days in summer when beloved items that had become stained or otherwise unfit for public consumption were revitalized. When they were very tiny, I did it for them but as soon as they were old enough to choose colors or decide where they wanted the bullseye’s to go, I included them in the process.
Many years ago my niece told her Mom to give the popped balloon to me because I could mend it!. Wasn’t successful with it, but I have mended other things over the years.
My young grandchildren regularly ask me to mend or fix their favorite clothing items and toys. Their requests fill me with joy in knowing they trust me with their precious possessions and that they truly expect me to do some magic. No matter the quality of the outcome, they show their appreciation with words of thanks accompanied by hugs and kisses. It is something only I can do for them. Now that they live out of the country, they save up their items for my visits. The love goes both ways and around the world.
I do enjoy comments on things I have made,but last week I did some serious alterations to a dress for a friend to wear to her daughter’s wedding. She was thrilled with the changes I had made and said she received many comments about the dress. It was good to know that something I had done for someone else had made her happy.
I love that sense of excitement and anticipation when I finish winding my skeins into cakes and get another burst when I finish the decreases for the gusset of a sock. Also,…I could go with n and on.
Two (very short) stories. 1. As a former children’s librarian, a knitter (and now a mender) this book will be shared with the almost ‘grands’ in my life in whom I am fostering a love of reading and 2. I recently took a workshop in ‘slow sewing’ and absolutely LOVED it and will also get a copy for myself.
Congrats, Michelle! I recently cobbled together three hand sewn/decorated pumpkins made entirely out of scraps and odds and ends…a combination of needlework skills, sewing, and creative reuse. Without many years of mending, I might not have been able to “see” pumpkins out of all those scraps! Now I have the perfect “made from nothing” decorations to celebrate harvest this time of year.
Returning his tail to Kola, my husband’s stuffed dog from Marshall Field’s. He and Kola were about 50 at the time and there were some leaky eyes when I handed Kola to him. I also enjoy teaching my grandkids how to match thread to see on a button, and then to get the button sewn.
Nothing better than turning a sock heel. 🙂
My great-grandmother was the mender of jeans in our family for many, many years. Not fancy stitching like we see today – just good old fashioned sturdy patching. Now I have been mending jeans and other clothing, mostly for a friend who has is rough on their clothes working outdoors mostly. I think of Great-Grandma a lot while mending and would love to share the colorful hand stitched patching with her. I think she would really get a kick out of the trend.
Learning a stitch pattern and not having to reference the knitted pattern ( momentarily)
After I learned to knit in 1997, I started a tradition: I knit baby blankets for all of my grandchildren when they were born. My oldest grands came to me when they were 10 and nine years old and asked for new ones as their baby blankets were loved to pieces. So I started a new tradition: I also knit each one a blanket when he or she became bar or bas mitzvah (13 and 12 respectively). I have now knit many of these blankets, and it is still a thrill to see them in use all the time. The older kids get to pick their own pattern and yarn colors, and the looks on their faces when they receive their completed blankets makes every stitch worth it. Thanks for the chance to win this book; I love Michelle’s work!
I also love fixing things for friends: a shawl the cat got hold of, a messed up graft, a miss-crossed cable. So satisfying.
Knitting socks was my turning fifty project (almost 18 years ago). I learned from a dear friend who was knitting like crazy when she had joint replacements and became housebound for a few months. I was visiting her for a week when she gave me my first lessons, and then returned to my home over the Rockies and 1000 kilometres away.
The second sock seems straightforward – until I go to the heel. Suddenly I was lost. We didn’t have Zoom or FaceTime then, and she tried giving me directions over the phone. I made a complete mess and ultimately mailed her the sock. She turned the heel for me and mailed it back. We did that for two more pairs.
I finally became determined to figure it out on my own, and went to the library in search of directions I could understand. Fortunately a number of expert knitters/makers had provided directions in plain language and I mastered the heel turn. I will never forget the sense of accomplishment those first few times.
Now I am a perpetual sock knitter and show others the miracle of turning heels. It is probably my favourite part of making socks.
I’ve knitted and am knitting 2 blankets for each of our 10 grandchildren. I’ve needed to repair one of those precious blankets twice, and the look on my granddaughters face watching me fix her blanket just filled my heart.
This week I drafted a pattern from one of my daughters-in-law’s favorite dresses. Next step is to test the pattern on some fabric & make adjustments. Sweet treat!
I’m almost ready to begin the heel flaps on the pair of socks begun while Mom was dying this past summer. The socks were to be Mom’s Christmas gift. I finished her rainbow socks while she was in the hospital. Dad said she didn’t want to take them off her feet once she put them on.
It’s hard to pick up knitting now. But with every time I knit a few rounds, I can feel her presence, and recall her teaching me needework and knitting when I was a young girl, just as mothers have done for centuries and generations.
I miss Mom and grieve hard. Keeping on with knitting grounds me and gives me strength. I will finish them for Christmas and perhaps gift them to myself as a reembrance.
Melanie’s beloved Elmo was more patch and less red fur over the years…then every patch became beloved in its own way…
I had a great time when I took charge of my knitting group’s entry in our public library’s Festival of Trees—the annual tree decorating contest at Christmas time which raises funds for the library.
We decided we would knit hats—members knit any size and any style of hat that caught their fancy. The hats were for sale for a donation (minimum of $10.00—more $$$ welcome) to the Friends of the Library. Together we knit more than 100 hats (we are not a large group) and raised several hundred dollars for the library.
We hung the hats on a bare non-evergreen tree was so pretty with tiny white lights and beautiful hand-knit hats. Sit and Knit won first prize that year.
I hate to sew buttons on knitted sweaters. So I am very pleased with myself for having sewn all 12 buttons on my Gossamer vest the same night I finished knitting it!
I bought some ‘hokey jeans’ that are a bit too hokey for my liking. I plan to do some visible mending on them. I have them outlined and they are in my cue for a quiet winter project!
My 5-year old grandson asks me to knit things for him. First he asked for an eggplant. I made that and an apple for his little brother. Next he asked for a giant squid. As luck would have it, Cate Carter-Evans has a pattern for a realistic giant squid on Ravelry. Hardest thing I ever made but I did it and felt a great sense of accomplishment. After that he asked for a carrot—easy after the squid. Now he wants a Baby Yoda with a coat that can be removed.
When I learned to read my knitting, my world opened up.
Just after the death of my mother on New Year’s Day this year, I began to knit bunnyhugs (the local term for pullover sweaters with a hood and pouch pocket) for my 6 grandsons, a couple (for the 2 newborns) with tiny bunnies, in matching striped sweaters, peeking out of the pouch pockets. 3 months later, with some emotional equilibrium regained, all were complete and gifted. Within a couple of months, the six-year-old’s bunnyhug was demolished. He wore it everyday and the lovely fine merino was no match for the life of an active little boy. I have decided it is beyond mending—there are more holes than sweater—so I will have a new one on my needles before the month is out. How can I not? He is the most appreciative knitwear recipient you could ever imagine.
I am the go-to person at me school for mending things… I have fixed ripped seams while girls hid in the bathroom and seams in favorite hoodies. It has helped strengthen relationships with my students, who frequently hate English class because reading and writing are difficult for my students. I’ve taught several students to crochet. It becomes a fidget toy that they can create with. I’d love to teach knitting, but crochet hooks are less likely to become weapons in moments when they lose control.
For me it was the first sweater I steeked that was a game changer. I will be finishing up sweater 4 soon that will be steeked
A baby blanket (Colorful Wedges pattern) that came out beautifully — the grandma to be helped me pick vibrant, primary colors — became the favorite daily blanket, seen in many photos of said baby. Makes me, and the baby now a toddler, feel all warm inside!
Last weekend I passed along a pair of socks I knit for my son to my little niece. She immediately wanted to try them on and when given the choice, opted to keep them on for the rest of the day. A 3 year old’s seal of approval is just the best!
when i first became a knitter, i recall being terribly intimidated by cabling. i would see the beautiful intricate designs and think to myself, ‘one day (in the far distant future) you’ll be ready to tackle those tricky beasts’. and then one day, perhaps within my first year of knitting i did try out this confounding technique, found it ridiculously simple, and thought to myself, ‘oh, OH. i can do ANYTHING!’
I made nothing but straightforward rectangular scarves for YEARS after I learned to knit. The first time I branched out (fingerless gloves) felt so exciting, like a new world of knitting was opened to me.
I have another – several – inches to go in my current sweater. Today, I get to meet my Goddaughter’s new baby with a pink knit dress in hand and long-sleeved onesies to go under it. And I have not one but about 100 next projects!
I am going to learn to knit cables next week!
Elbow patches should be more of a thing!
Taking an old quilt from a friend and mending broken threads and squares is a joy!
I am an avid knitter and this year learned (and taught!) the brioche stitch…love my Honeycomb Scarf. Last year I purchased one of those little weaving looms used to mend holes. I have created some lovely and unique patches for a pair of worn, but much loved jeans.
I’ve loved to knit sweaters for my two granddaughters. It was quite a thrill the day I picked them up early from school and the principal came out of her office to tell me she “had to meet Carolyn’s Nona who makes all her lovely sweaters”. It seems Carolyn would announce to all the staff each day she wore one of my handknits.
Christmas giveaway of knitted hats. I don’t usually make for a specific person, unless asked. So a big batch of hand-knits is placed out at the family get-together. If you see one you like, you take it. Seems people are more likely to wear it when it’s something that speaks to them!
Any time I finish something I’ve knitted I have that happy feeling of accomplishment. But I think the best feeling is helping someone else learn to knit. I taught a good friend who has taken to knitting like crazy and that’s rewarding. My 33 year old son recently told me that he wants me to teach him too! As an aside, I work in an elementary school and cannot wait to show my librarian Michelle’s book. We need it for our library!!!
Repaired my sister’s pink hippo I had made her,, after the dog pulled of the eyelashes and tutu.
Making my first sock was such an empowering moment! I love showing my young daughters my passion for knitting, and I hope to teach them someday!
Must have been a afghan good karma repair day – I was asked to repair 2 well loved afghans in 1 day! I loved contributing to the love in all the stitches from days gone by. It is a true labor of love to be privileged to repair a work of another knitter.
My sister and brother-in-law are missionaries who live in the hills north of Mexico City. They interact with and minister to the indigenous people of the area. I sent a box of shawls, scarves and hats for them to distribute, sharing warmth, comfort and love.
Learning to knit took me 3 tries and 40 years. My sister taught me to cast on, knit, and purl one snowy sunday when i was in the 3rd grade. My interest melted as quickly as the snow. The second time was right after college. I had started my first job and a group of women i worked with got together for weekly stitch and bitch sessions and always wore these beautiful sweaters, so i signed up for an 8-week knitting class. After 6 weeks i had about 6 inches of a sweater in a dk weight yarn. By that time spring had come and i decided knitting could wait until i was too old to backpack and mountain bike. Then when i was forty a friend was knitting mittens in the round on DPNs. I had never seen knitting in the round of any kind and was fascinated so i dug out my book and needles and retaught myself to knit. I made a simple cabled mug cozy and was so proud of myself i went out and bought yarn for a lace and cable hooded cardigan (with a zipper!) I haven’t put my needles down since and that was 12 years ago. (And i still go backpacking and mountain biking. I just bring smaller projects along).
I think the moment I truly appreciated my ability to knit came during the six weeks my Dad lived after being diagnosed with an inoperable and aggressive brain tumour (GBM). He was bed-ridden and his feet were always cold. I grabbed my needles and some natural, all wool, heavy worsted, and made him tall socks with owls cabled on the sides from the old dishcloth pattern. A life long birder and owl nut, my dad lit up and wore them in bed until he died. That was almost twenty two years ago and I keep them in my sock drawer.
I love to be able to mend the favorite stuffed toy of my nephew. He was so excited to have the stuffed pup back and all in one piece!!!
One year for Christmas, I knit a dozen Gaptastic cowls for friends and colleagues. I’ve had other years where I knit everyone a hat. The years I choose a theme and make the gifts are always the most satisfying.
Knitting blankets (a favorite is a simple garter stitch log cabin, always gorgeous!) or sweet little dresses or kimonos for babies is a favorite and always so well received. Truly a joy to knit and give with love.
It brings me joy when I get a compliment on something I am wearing that I knit and it starts a fun conversation.
I made my new husband a pair of socks 15 years ago and at size 13, they were truly a gift. They are his favorite winter socks and I have reknit the toes and heels several times plus lots of sole/soul mending. It’s now a tradition. I have moved on to sweaters with a 7’ wingspan ;v)
Good Morning,
I enjoy waking up Saturday mornings—even before coffee—to the Weekly ‘Saturday Snippets’. Many thanks for your newsletter. Making begins with a beautiful—personal as well as functional space. This week while my family was away I packed all my daughter’s processions she left behind—she’s married and has had her own home for sometime and sent them to her. Done. Next I purged my sewing room of outdated publications, fabric, clunky furniture, and cobwebs. I’ll be ready for new paint soon…it can wait while I knit a few rows. A new desk and furniture rearranged will bring in room for sewing and knitting. Currently I am knitting the addicting Honeycomb Scarf from Nancy Marchant in MDK Brioche.
It was an epiphany once I was able to fix the mistakes in my knitting. So much less stress, so much more joy! Another of the great life lessons from crafting . . . mistakes can be fixed, don’t let making a mistake keep you from doing something you love or trying something new. The book looks lovely.
My friend, who has been fighting for her life for a few years now, very courageously I might add, needs my hugs…and we live states away from one another. We are longtime, decades-of-years friends, so I knit her a jacket sweater in a trendy color-blocking overall seed stitch pattern, for her 55 birthday this year. It’s the least I could do…
I loved knitting for my son when he was younger. The joy on his face when I presented him with a Wonderful Wallaby sweater knit with yarn that he picked out was priceless.
I learned that ripping out mistakes made me love knitting more! One year I was traveling every other weekend between my Maryland home and my mother in Maine and a sister in Florida, both of whom were in hospice. With lots of airport waits and keeping vigil in hospital and hospice rooms, I started knitting after a numbers of years off due to work and 2 children with special needs. I decided that I had all the time in the world while waiting, so if I made a mistake I would fix it. I began to love the chemo hats, scarves, blankets I made, proud that they had no visible errors so I felt good gifting them.
My grandchildren asking for hand-knits.
I love wearing items I’ve knit myself, and those that I’ve fixed too. I had an irish knit sweater I’d found in a store that had really big icky cuffs. I could remove the yarn and reknit them so they actually fit my wrists and make the sweater look so much better. But most fun is seeing a friend who I encouraged to begin knitting, start to take on more and more advanced projects and really commit to knitting! That is really fun.
I recently made a crocheted object at the request of a coworker and she loves it, others have admired it and even my mom commented on how “perfect” it is. It feels good to make an object and it is appreciated. I love reading and this book looks rally good and up my alley! And I have a grandchild on the way, js.
Spinning yarn is a crazy moment of revelation!
Repaired a family heirloom crocheted lace tablecloth for my niece’s wedding. Since I’m not much of a crocheter, it was a challenge.
Teaching my 6 year old granddaughter to knit. I think she’s making a bookmark, but she’s calling it a scarf for her mother!
I have a new granddaughter and another on the way. I also have a closet full of yarn and this summer I have made 3 baby sweaters (with ceramic buttons form England!) and 4 hats with more on the needles. I love it and want to share my love of making with my grandchildren as they get older. I would love this book!
Finishing my first sweater was an empowering feeling. It was just stockinette seamless raglan but the world was opened up!
I’m learning I can knit while restrained by an immobilizer sling treating a broken upper arm bone of my dominant side. Where there’s a will….
Wow. This brings back memories. Memories of my grandmother – and mother – lovingly mending. Favorite teddy bear, clothing, socks (I have the “egg” in my egg collection) and so much more.
The closest thing involving me sharing by mending is embroidery classes — beading and with thread.
For Christmas a few years ago, I made matching socks for my six grands and got a picture of them on our couch. Love keeping others cozy!
I love finishing a project. I feel such a feeling of accomplishment!
There’s nothing better than being able to make something just the way you (or a loved one) likes it. I’m also really into saying, “Thanks! I made it,’ when anyone compliments my knitwear. The equivalent when it’s another knitter giving compliments is being able to tell them you just improvised the “pattern.” I mostly improvise accessories, but one day, it’s going to be a whole sweater!
Wearing a knitted item — “Did you make that? Really? GET OUT!” love it.
I knit a pink baby sweater for my first grandchild. Can you imagine after raising three boys and having eight brothers that I would have a granddaughter. Bless my daughter-in-laws heart that she made sure to dress her little girl in the pink sweater made by me. I adore that little girl that is now three. She’s a lover of stories and books and I’m sure she would love this new story.
I love teaching children how to knit. Usually a curious child will approach me at the park, at church, etc. The best thing is, they always believe they can do it, and they can! Unlike grown-ups who admire me knitting, but are afraid to try, instead telling me they wish they could knit but…”I just don’t have the patience!” I don’t know why but they all say the very same thing. It’s kind of sad really. But I am very happy to keep teaching children how to knit- apparently they have loads more patience than adults!
Fixing a beloved toy for a child is a sweet memory.
My grandaughter asking me to repair the now wobbly (from all the love she gives it) neck of a handmade doll. Priceless!
As a little girl, I remember my grandmother coming to visit and always asking to mend my fathers socks. I somehow knew it gave her great joy to do that for my mother, who didn’t like that job and my father, as well, who was happy to get his socks back. This year, as every year, I am making my grandson his yearly sweater. By his own request, I will also be making him a pair of red mittens! I think I will be giving him the Jan Brett book to go with it.
Knitting makes my heart sing!
My son’s wife went back to school to become a nurse. Her instructors criticized her for wearing non-white socks with her nursing clothes, but her feet get cold and she wore hiking socks. For Christmas a couple years ago I knit her a pair of heavy white socks (two strands of sock yarn held together) with rainbow-colored toes. When she opened the package with the socks she burst out laughing — she knew why I had made them. Now she can have warm feet and at the same time chuckle to herself at how she is fooling those persnickety instructors.
I made my first sweater when I was 10 years old (over 40 years ago). My grandma taught me to knit and helped me start the sweater and the neighbor lady helped me finish. I’ve been knitting ever since!!
The first time I turned a heel and actually completed a sock was mind blowing! Also when I learn a new stitch/technique I think,
“ how did they come up with that? Brilliant!”
My son took the blanket I knit for him to the hospital so he could wrap his newborn daughter in it and she could feel all the love I put into knitting it
It’s just about connection; we create and we share. It’s part of who we are and why we do what we do. The fine art of a visible and tangible love.
I had been knitting a few years but was intimidated by the very idea of knitting socks. About a year after my mother passed away I realized she wouldn’t be knitting me anymore socks and I just needed to bite the bullet. I did and I never looked back. Many socks later, I know I can knit anything.