Two Roads Diverge from Knitting

The beloved Crafts Table at MDK World Headquarters is a place to clear out mental clutter by spending a few moments trying out a new kind of handwork. It’s also a laboratory: a way to test out what’s fun, what makes a beautiful thing, what knitters might like to do with their hands when they’re not, you know, knitting.
Today we present two MDK Holiday Shop kits that we think you will love to try.
Fun with Cyanotypes
MDK’s house photographer Chris Sharp knows his way around the history of photography, so when he started playing around with cyanotypes, we paid very close attention. We were wowed by the images that we can create, so simply, with just a sunshiney day and a pack of Cyanotype Fabric.

Each pack contains 10 squares (8″ x 8″) of cyanotype-prepared cotton fabric, plus detailed instructions for making your cyanotype images. Making cyanotypes is simple and safe, so it’s a great project to do with kids.

Pair a pack of cyanotype fabric with Anna Atkins: Blue Prints as a gift for a special maker in your life.
What to do with those beautiful blue prints? Cristina has serving suggestions. Sew or glue Cyanotype Fabric patches to blank cards! Sew a laptop sleeve with fast, unfussy exposed seams. Cristina wrote up instructions after whipping one up in about an hour and a quarter. Download the free instructions here!

Our Favorite Kind of Stitching
Both Ann and I are longtime friends and fans of Alabama Chanin’s exquisite, sustainable handmade garments and accessories; we’ve both stitched multiple projects, and had a great time. For the Holiday Shop, we’ve brought in the perfect introduction to Natalie Chanin’s brilliant way with running stitch: lovely scarf kits from The School of Making.

We’ve got three colorways that will suit any wardrobe.

Each Slim Scarf Kit comes ready to sew with all the fabric and thread you will need, and is hand stenciled with the Anna’s Garden stencil. Your order confirmation email will include a downloadable PDF of clear, detailed instructions from The School of Making—so you’re all set. Any questions? I’ll be standing by at! Spreading the love of Alabama Chanin stitching is one of the great pleasures of my life.

Trust me: sewing in the label on a project from The School of Making is a moment of sublime happiness.
I ordered both of these items the first morning they were available.
The Cyanotype Fabric for our niece and nephew. They are young (age 4 and 2). This seemed like an easy and engaging creative experience. It might just be magic.
The scarf is for me–some meditative, relaxing post-holiday stitching. Much as I admire Kay’s jacket, I am starting the New Year with a realistic intention of finishing a scarf.
You will be amazed at how fast it goes!
My sister was a photographer and worked with cyanotype a lot, it has always fascinated me. I may need to play with those, even though just last night, when someone offered me some modeling clay, I said “I don’t really need another craft.”…
I bought 4 packets of the Cyanotype fabric. I plan to give 3 for holiday presents and then offer to make something for each recipient out of their creation. I plan to use mine with my granddaughter— she will love the magic!!
Princeton Architectural Press has beautiful Anna Atkins notecards. Of course you don’t get the thrill of making them yourself.
Seems like you could combine the two somehow! Maybe some white stitching around the images…
Great idea!
The stitching looks so beautiful. Unfortunately this type of activity doesn’t give me joy. So I must pass
It’s funny. Most crafts – except for knitting – don’t give me that much joy even though I sewed many of my own clothes for years. Loved the clothes. Not the sewing, particularly. But with a grandchild…maybe that cyanotype might jump into my cart. Will have to confer with her mother. Chloe
I ordered 2 of the Cyanotype fabric kits.One will be for me that I plan to use with my 4 year old grandson. Another for a gift to my granddaughter who knits and crochets and other fiber crafts. She loves things that are different so I’m interested to see what kind of objects she might use on the fabric. And I ordered Thursday morning and tracking shows it will arrive today! Such fast service. I also renewed my Field Guides for next year . I enjoyed them this year , a nice little surprise throughout the year.
I ordered the scarf kit as soon as I saw it in the look book. Too early, it turns out, for the pdf instructions to be included. Could you please. Send them. Thanks MDK friends.