Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: They’re Here!

Arne and Carlos have arrived!
We’re having a swell time this weekend in Nashville, welcoming the legendary pair from Norway.
And we’re welcoming knitters from all over, who have come to learn, laugh, and hang out together.
There’s much to celebrate, and we wish you all were here with us.
The big news we have had a hard time keeping under wraps?
We’ve been at work on a new Field Guide with Arne and Carlos!
It’s going to be the first Field Guide 0f 2023, and we think you’re going to love it. Up top, you can get a sneak peek at what they’ve designed for this Field Guide. You also get a taste of why their YouTube podcast, Sit and Knit for a Bit, has a huge and devoted following.
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So much fun ahead! Starting off with Arne and Carlos is going to be epic good fun, and gorgeous knitting too. We hope you’ll join us.
A Giveaway!
The prize? A swag bag from our weekend with Arne and Carlos.

How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set. We have a new option for texting, so if you’d like an occasional text from MDK, click on that link to sign up—and you’ll get a coupon code good for 10% off your next MDK order.
Step 2: What is your favorite snow memory? Let us know in the comments.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, November 27, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Ann and Kay
Getting snowed in for a couple days during a college RA retreat at a hotel in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. We started to run low on food but cabin fever-related shenanigans were in high supply.
Memories of Edinboro. I also went to school there and got snowed in more than once during the early 70’s.
Sledding with my family!
Getting snowed in, watching movies, making cookies, drinking hot cocoa, keeping cozy. I wonder who did all the shoveling? Not me!
Oh wow! I went to college at Edinboro. I don’t often hear of anyone mentioning this town. We had mounds of snow when I was a student there!
As a child, I lived in a very snowy area. We loved making caves in the big berms that snowplows build up on the roadsides. Only on the yard side of the berms, not the street side!
Our only white Christmas occurred in the mid-70’s in Springdale, AR. We woke up Christmas morning and there it was, lots of wet snow clinging to everything! It was a wonderful day with all of our immediate family there, and a first for all of us!
Playing Frisbee in 8-inch deep snow with my brother and dad (we were all adults)…. I have never laughed so much or had such a good time!
Growing up in Cleveland have lots of snow memories! My most magical was wishing for a white Christmas one year and babysitting looking outside and seeing it start to come down for Christmas!
There has been exactly one white Christmas here in Savannah. It was 1989 and my oldest was 3. It was a magical day. Even though the snowfall was only 2” we managed to build a snowman. A friend’s teenaged brothers earned a good bit of cash pulling drivers out of the ditch along the curve up by the mall. (Snow is a rare occurrence here and most people don’t realize different driving is needed.) I thought our daughter was too young to remember but the next Christmas she didn’t believe it was the right day because there was no snow.
I have other snow memories but this one is the best.
A blizzard on Christmas Eve and making snow people on Christmas Day.
One of the best snow memories I had was when I was a child. It snowed so much that school was cancelled and my siblings and I made a snow fort in our backyard.
My daughter was 5. It was March in Tennessee and we had a blizzard. At our mountain home it meant 4 ft of snow, downed trees in the driveway; we were stuck without electricity for 5 days. We cooked and kept warm with a wood fire in the fireplace. My daughter was great. Stories, songs, dancing-we kept busy. My favorite photos show her romping on our side of a glass door with snow reaching above her head outside.
Well, in these parts if you don’t know where you were–or where your forebears were–during the Halloween blizzard of ’91, you might as well move. My favorite snow stories are the ones people tell and retell about that storm. Have a great visit and thanks for another fun giveaway!
Snow is rare here in Alabama, but we did get a few inches in 2015. We had fun building a snowman and a snowball fight with one of the daughters and granddaughter. And we also got some during what is now called the perfect storm in March 1993. So my kids got to experience that too.
Although it sounds a little scary now, when I was 4 and we had just moved into house in the suburbs, I remember the snow was so high against the door that my dad had to shovel his way out from the inside. To my young mind, it was amazing and my dad was Superman.
Late night walking in the falling snow with my sister when we were teenagers.
I missed a huge storm because I was visiting my Mom …. arrived back in town only to find I had to wait a few hours to leave the airport as our neighborhood had not been plowed. The last miles of the drive were tricky and I was never so glad to make it home and see my DH who had weathered the blizzard alone.
When it snowed for Christmas 2020!
Our three daughters had gone to Huntsville, AL to spend the weekend visiting the grandparents. It snowed, big time. My mother didn’t have appropriate snow-wear for an unexpected huge amount of snow (not knowing, nor did I send any). But my reliant Mother put garbage bags on their feet, and layers of clothes on their bodies, to make a fun snow event for them. The garbage bags were slippery nonetheless!
Removing my full-length storm door, grabbing my snow shovel which I had stashed indoors, and pushing/shoveling the snow out. Whilst shoveling the front porch, I watched my son, hip deep in a snow drift, clear the windows and shovel himself out.!
My favorite snow memory is right now—I have a new puppy, and watching him bury his head in a pile of snow, then ZOOM around the snow covered yard is a delight!
Laying behind the back seat of my parents VW beetle in the 60s while my father followed a snow plow home during an epic storm in the Great Lakes. Laying back there watching the snow swirl and swirl (and drift) was magical. No seat belts in those days!
January 2009 – snowfall in Jackson Tennessee. Snow only happens every so many years — very rare. We had just adopted a new dog. We took him out into the back yard. He got so excited he would spin around as fast as he could then jump real high in the air (poodle so jumping is beautiful) . He just kept doing over & over . Occasionally he would run in wider circles & he had a big smile on his face. He would toss the snow up in the air. We laughed & we were so blessed to see our Bayley enjoying his new life with us.
Every year while growing up we would have a snow picnic. A campfire to cook hotdogs over and there’s nothing like a s’more cooked to perfection for dessert.
The year we had a blizzard for Thanksgiving, I was around 5 years old. We had to walk to my aunts house for dinner and I remember the snowbanks over my head.
After a big snowstorm, all schools and businesses were closed for a week. Roads were closed to nonessential traffic. My dad was a surgeon and the hospital asked him to pack for the week and they sent a Jeep to take him to the hospital.
My brothers and I got out our cross country skis and enjoyed having the roads all to ourselves. There were no cars on the roads but we would come across other skiers. We even made a surprise visit to my dad as he was caring for patients at the hospital.
many snow memories from childhood in Colorado; I don’t think this happens these days, but they used to put road blocks up so traffic couldn’t go thru (except neighborhood cars) so kids could sled down the really great hills around my childhood home
My very first winter on the East Coast, in NH, the big Blizzard of 1978! So much snow!
Having college closed due to the Blizzard of 1978 and allowing us a long weekend
Like Deb, our neighborhood put up road blocks so that kids could sled down the hills of some streets. A favorite memory is walking the neighborhood at night during a snowstorm with my husband and son.
Walking in a field behind my brothers when I was five. The snow was so high they were acting as a snowplow for me.
When I was a senior in hs we experienced the Blizzard of ‘78 (1978; I’m not that old!). We had five feet of snow, no school for a week, hosted people who were stranded – the whole town came together while everything came to a halt. It was magical.
The Blizzard of 1979 in Chicago. I remember watching the snow piling up on the balcony up to the top of the sliding glass door.Transportation was snarled for several days. I was a resident at Cook County Hospital at the time and we had to delay discharge of several patients because their parents couldn’t pick them up.
We had an ice storm and were without electricity for 2 weeks. We played lots of board games and camped out in our living room. It brought us together in an unexpected way.
Years later my son returned home from his deployment on Christmas eve and that was the best Christmas gift ever.
Walking in snow that was up to my armpits.
An unusually big snow in Tulsa in the late ’40s when everyone in the neighborhood dragged sleds up Reservoir Hill for starlit slides.
When I was in university, my young cousins from Alabama came up for Christmas in Canada. We had so much snow that year. We outfitted them in a mashup of winter gear then spent the holidays tobogganing, building forts and having snowball fights. One of the best holidays ever!
Playing for hours in the snow, with our sleds, saucers and even using cardboard boxes to fly down the hill in our yard. We built a jump at the end of the run and would soar onto the frozen lake.
Arne & Carlos are the best, aren’t they?!? I’m very much looking forward to their Field Guide! My favorite snow memory is sledding with my boys when they were little. There was one huge hill in town and one year it finally snowed enough to pack down a nice sledding surface. We laughed and cheered and had a wonderful time going up and down that hill!
My family leaving church after a late Christmas Eve service to witness the first snow of the season. Snowflakes the size of quarters were falling against the black sky. Silent night, holy night.
My first year of teaching in Carleton Place, a small town outside of Ottawa, Canada we had 180 inches of snow. They never closed the schools but they did send the bus kids home early a couple of times.
On my 60th birthday, my husband surprised me by flying in my oldest, dearest friend and my sister. There was also, unbeknownst to me, a surprise party at a favorite restaurant, but we got snowed in and had a beautiful evening in front of the fire. Somehow, my husband managed to reorganize the party for the following night, and still kept the surprise!
Being able to walk all the way to school without getting down off the huge snow piles that had been made by the plows clearing the street. They would remain there most of the winter in Nebraska.
I have snow-filled Nebraska memories, too. I remember some of those snow piles in the street being so high that we couldn’t see over them. They lasted a long time and it made it tough to turn left!
Throwing snowballs and chunks into a stream with my eldest son and seeing how long they took to disappear
The Blizzard of ‘78, and being stranded in a hotel just outside of Boston at a conference for a week, but it was mostly work friends. We swam in the hotel pool in paper bathing suits, hung out in the bar until they ran out of bitters 5 days in, and walked down the high speed lane of Rte 128 for miles because the road was closed and we needed to get outside. Had a blast, loved the hotel staff which was stranded with us, and I think about those 7 days with great warmth and fondness.
My favorite snow memory is watching my rescue puppy experience snow for the first time. She’s originally from warmer climes, but my little girl loves to do snow zoomies and chase snow balls.
A blizzard on New Years Eve, the day before my daughter’s wedding! It caused mayhem with guests and parking but the photos were spectacular!
November 1977, first snow of the season in Massachusetts. I bravely asked the cute medical student to come out and play in the snow. We threw snowballs at distant cars.
Still together….
We were out of town on a work road trip to Johnson City, TN. Bedtime weather was cold but clear. i woke up the next morning to 6 inches of snow on the ground. it was Beautiful! The hotel restaurant was open. They served our breakfast and sent us to our rooms with a full pot of coffee. My husband and i walked outside, built a snowman and had a snowball fight in the parking lot.
When I was a child, our one white Christmas here in southwest Virginia!
I grew up near Niagara Falls and one of my favorite memories is visiting the falls in the winter after a snowfall. It was truly a winter wonderland…snow covering the ground and ice crystals from the mist on the lamp posts, benches and railings. The water going over the falls had a sheet of ice on top extending out for yards…absolutely beautiful!
Living in Minnesota, I have many many snow memories, but one of my favorites is building multi-roomed snow forts with my siblings!!
Snow in the south is always exciting!
Right now spending first night in my new home in new state of Wisconsin and waking up to a winter wonderland!
Going to a silent retreat in a rustic place in northeastern Maryland and awakening to discover we were snowed in. Beautiful silence all around
Making an igloo and snow angels with my late father.
I was 10 for the blizzard of 1978. My dad piled all the snow from the neighbors’ driveways into an empty lot next door. We made the best ever snow forts.
My kids built a great snowman ☃️
The sound of my skis on new powder.
My favorite snow memory took place in Wickliffe, Ohio 76 years ago. A really big snowstorm hit the Cleveland area and we had drifts over 3 feet. My sister and I built a fort or bank of snow and had lots of snowball fights with neighbors. My dad drove home from work in Cleveland and got partially home by car, walking the final distance. His car was then covered by a snowplow cleaning the roads. I’ve been living in Florida for the past 34 years and miss those days of fun in the snow.
Seeing actual snow flakes falling once in Ft. Lauderdale, FL in the mid 1970’s!
My favorite snow memory is helping my father locate the mailbox and scooping snow away from the flap so it could open.
Enjoying every puppy’s reaction to their first snow. Also the effort and joy of building a huge snowman with my 3 brothers. It was 12 foot tall!
Watching an Indonesian student at college (in 1958!) see snow falling for the first time!, Surprisingly memorable for her and us!
I’d never seen a significant snow storm until I moved to NY. I was in awe so many times. The vivid memory is a corner of trees lit for Christmas and freshly fallen deep snow, the trees were bare, the lights brought them to life and it was magical. The quietness, that dampening of sound, is the sound of snow!
My grandparents’ yard had a big hill with a rock wall at the bottom. I used to sled down the hill, roll off before the drop, and my grandfather would snag my sled with a ski pole before it went over the wall. It felt wildly dangerous and I loved it.
Well this past week Toronto had its first snow, but the gingko tree out front was still shedding its yellow leaves. So everything near me looked like a cake with fancy decorations – yellow leaves on top of fresh show.
Thanks for the contest!
Blizzard of 77 in Western NY Stranded in school–some kids didn’t get home for a week. Not exactly fond..but a memory at sure.
I grew up in upstate NY. My favorite snow memory is the year we had a surprise Thanskgiving snowstorm (maybe 1967.) We had planned to go out to a restaurant that year because my mother was often not well enough to cook. There was so much snow we could not go out and the power had also gone out but we had no Thanksgiving food in the house. My ever resourceful father saved the day with toasted cheese sandwiches made in the fireplace. It was a great day!
A memorable snowfall was the time me and my high school boyfriend went sledding with our dads. My dad fell out of the sled onto some ice. Blood everywhere, as he had connected with his face. I was wearing my mom’s coat for some reason and luckily she had some tissues in the pocket. We ended up in the ER where my dad got a few stitches. It was a bit traumatic, but I ended up thinking my dad was pretty cool for sledding with a couple teenagers.
A huge 1967 snowfall. The drifts went up to the roof of the elementary school down the street so my brother and I climbed up on the roof and jumped off into the snow.
Childhood sledding at the city park!
My favorite memory is getting bundled up and heading to the local mountains to play and sled in the snow as a kid for the day.
Anytime there was enough snow for a snow day it was magical!
We adopted our dog while living in Atlanta and brought her north to Philadelphia one Christmas to visit family. It had started snowing (and sticking) and I took her out for a walk not realizing that potentially she may have never seen or touched snow before.
Always exited for a walk she came barrelling outside straight into snow covered grass. She then leapt three feet in the air in absolute shock from the cold snow. The poor thing! Though I couldn’t help laughing a bit. Luckily she got over the cold and quickly loved playing and frolicking in the snow!
When I was a kid and it snowed enough to close schools -everyone in the neighborhood would end up at this one house with a HUGE hill in front, sleds ready. We would spend all day out there or until our parents made us come back to thaw
With the snow hitting the east this week, it reminded me of when I was a child living in Watertown New York. That winter, boy did we get snow – so much so that we have to dig out of our house. That was a winter to remember!
I grew up in Kentucky where winters used to be colder and snowier than they are now. We had several big hills in our small town that became sledding spots when it snowed. The two we went to both had creeks at the bottom of the hill. So your sledding skill was to sled down the hill without going into the creek. We would sled for hours!
Every winter we take the kids to a “meet Santa” event hosted by our local village. It’s always so much fun to watch their faces when the jolly man himself arrives. And, of course, it’s always followed by a hot chocolate!
Last year we had a light snow during the event and it was magical!
Riding my sled down the neighbors hill with my friend. I was cold but having fun. Cleveland got lake effect snow and we played in it whenever we could.
When I was about 16 (so 1999), it started snowing on Christmas Eve and didn’t stop until Boxing Day. It made Christmas so magical. (I also remember my dad’s delight at not having to visit my maternal grandparents due to the snow.) We had a lovely homebound Christmas with lots of hot chocolate and cross-country skiing, and despite being a moody teenager I was still happy to go outside and play in the snow with my family.
When my future husband and I rented an apartment on a side street in Reading, PA, one year there was a 2-3 foot snowstorm that paralyzed the city. Along our street each block pulled together and totally shoveled out the street and cars in that block. Looking back on that I have no idea where all that snow went because we also had to clear the sidewalks. Later we walked to a neighborhood tavern that was filled with people we met while shoveling that day. You couldn’t drive anywhere but everyone was in a festive mood!
My favorite snow memory is of my dad coming home from work and taking me out to play in the snow in the dark. He used to pull me on my sled up the street in the dark and it was so much fun!!
A blizzard in the 70’s in Iowa. We didn’t have school for a week.
My parents as young people left the hills of WVA and moved to Detroit to make a better life. As children it was an idyllic childhood- we lived across from a golf course which in the winter was a spectacular sledding venue. We stayed outside for hours with 5 of us that was a lot of wet clothes for my mother to deal with so once we came in that was it!
Xcountry skiing down a busy Chicago street during a blizzard in 1999!
My favorite snow memory is cross country skiing with my family- I wasn’t great at it but it was so beautiful skiing along wooded trails with ice and snow covered trees.
As a young teacher in the ‘70’s I was living and working in suburban Washington DC. One year we had so much snow that school was closed for over a week. I just remember a week’s worth of glorious knitting (and binge-watching tv before that was really a thing!).
The first snow of the year is my favorite memory. It is always magical. My husband was an elementary school teacher and he loved telling the story about when his students were deeply engrossed in a fun classroom science project. But when one of the kids suddenly yelled “Look! It’s snowing!!!” they all dropped everything and ran to the windows to watch the first flakes of the season. The first flakes of the season are magical and trump everything.
I grew up in eastern PA. I remember when I was very young that we would get big snow storms every year. When the snow was deeper than a foot my mom would send me and my sister out with cookie sheets to “shovel” the top layers off so my brothers could follow with the actual shovels. I probably only worked for a little bit before quitting to go play but I love to remember those big snows and how much fun we all had.
Growing up in Western PA, we had many severe snow storms. My sister and I would be glued to the radio in hopes that our school would close for the day. Oodles of school closings would be listed, but NEVER the Monaca schools. Our Mom would bundle us up and off we walked…she was a firm believer in getting us to school every day. Thanks, Ma!
Snowman building!
Growing up in New York City, snow days when school was closed were magical. My brother and I would get our sled and cross the street to Central Park, where we played for hours! Such freedom for city kids.
My favorite snow memory is from a blizzard that happened when my daughter was 9 years old. The entire family was chipping to get everything dug out from under the enormous white blanket. My daughter and I were clearing the front steps and she stepped off the landing and began sinking into the snow on our front bank. I know this is a very dangerous thing to have happen but I don’t think I will ever forget the expression on her face as the snow slowly swallowed her up to her waist and, of course, we laugh it about it now but is wasn’t funny then.
That time my husband thought he was backing up into a snow bank but it was actually a car covered with snow.
My favorite memory is building snow forts with tunnels on the corner of our street that would last for days! Great fun, snowball fights to defend it, wonderful memories!
Blizzards coming off the lake with the snow piled up to the roof!
The blizzard of ‘78 in New England
Working in the woods during a winter of deep snow, I saw many things that stay with me a decade later. One example: stepping over a fallen log and seeing a depression in the snow atop the log. Taking a close look, I found the spot where a bobcat had rested. It was clearly a bobcat, because within the body-length depression, it’s warm toe-pads had melted the snow, leaving footprints in ice.
Living in Michigan we do snow! We have beautiful snow scenes this morning to enjoy in a winter walk ! I love seeing the animal tracks in the snow as I go. Life is good !
My favorite snow memory is actually the one with the least snow. I grew up in Virginia and we had snowdays and snow ball fights every year. But when my husband and I moved to Houston, we left snow behind. My kids had never seen any snow that wasn’t created by a snow machine until they were 3 and 6 years old. We got half an inch of fine snow. They scraped up every flake from our yard and built the tiniest snowman. The picture of them laughing was our Christmas card that year. Now we’re in the mountains of southwest VA and get ample snow, but I loved the yearvthecflakes we’re so small my kids had to catch them on construction paper to even see them. And that tiny snowman was so well loved!
I think my favorite snow memory is down hill skiing in Winter Park CO with family when I was a kid. I also love any huge snowstorm. Don’t tell anyone! Seeing my kids happy because school is canceled due to snowfall is the best!
I wish I was closer to Memphis and could visit MDK head quarters but since you have this excellent Blog and Snippets it is almost as if I am there.
My best snow memory is from when we lived in Newfoundland and I had my first full moon cross country ski tour. The local cc club would ski at night when it was clear and a full moon. It was quiet, clear and crisp, while the moon made the snow light up and sparkle. I will never forget that, it was so peaceful and beautiful.
71 years ago (when I was three) I eagerly awaited my grandmother’s arrival. When her car pulled up out front, I opened the north-facing storm door. A gust of wind caught the door and I went flying into a snowbank next to the steps. It’s a “favorite” memory now, but probably not so much in my childhood.
When I was about 10 years old we had a blizzard. We lived in the country so no snowplows came through for at least a week. My uncle was able to get to the main road and dropped off groceries at the end of our dirt road. My dad took a sled and walked a mile through that deep snow to get them. He dropped off some groceries at each house on the way back.
Snowmageddon 2010 in DC. The city was shut down for days. The only thing to do was trudge to the market on foot, make soup and bread, keep the fire going and read and knit. A perfect interlude from real life.
When I moved to Buffalo, it snowed 15” a day for a week! Amazing for a California girl!
I remember when I was young (a long time ago) being pulled on a sled by my dad in his truck down the street after a big snow storm.
When I was a kid we lived on a hill and we had a toboggan so we built a jump. We would fly down that hill, catch some air on the jump and then land and continue – into the street. Yeah. No brakes, no stopper – just the flat road. No one died so it was a miracle every day.
My freshman year of college we had a big snow storm and they canceled classes.a bunch of us got trays from the cafeteria to use as sleds and spent the day sledding.
A blizzard on my 17th birthday. Walking down one of the normally busiest roads in my city with the snow banks at least 10′ on either side. Like a snow tunnel. Magical.
Snow days are my favorite memory-they we’re special gifts often involving baking or making rice pudding. When I was teaching snow days before Christmas we’re extra specials whole day to get caught up.
Living in Chicago gives many opportunities for snow memories. A favorite has to be when I was driving home from a day of teaching and came to my mother stuck in the snow about two blocks from home. I stopped to help her. She drove off, and there I was stuck and without help.
Loved the huge snowstorms where school was cancelled. Once it was for 2 weeks!
Watching my dog and her friends bounding in the snow in NYC when we lived there. Cannot help but make you smile.
Living in Michigan, there are so many memories! Hard to choose which one is my favorite. During one of the storms, my husband and I cross country skied into the radio station where he worked because roads were closed. It was magical and so quiet.
Living in New Orleans and waking up to a slight quarter inch of snow. My neighbor’s children were thrilled!
When I was about 5 or 6, we got one of those huge blizzards that hit Buffalo NY this week. I remember the snow being up to the roof of our ranch-style house. My dad had to tunnel us out after opening the sliding glass door to reveal a wall of snow!! I’m sure it was terrible for my parents but I had the most fun all bundled up in my snowmobile suit!
Digging tunnels in the snow. We lived in Wisconsin and got at least 3 feet of snow. We lost power and my mom made hotpot in the garage with a pot that had a chimney like center and a donut shaped cooking pot that surrounded the chimney. You built a fire in the chimney. We used charcoal briquettes. I also remember filling the bathtub with water before we lost power so that we had a water supply.
Snow on Halloween on Pittsburgh in ‘93. I wanted to cancel it with toddler but husband did the trick or treating
I remember that year! I have a photo of our Jack o lantern sitting in the snow. We got a surprising number of bundled up kids for truck or treat, too!
When the kids were grown but our new puppy saw snow for the first time, it was just like have the little ones back again. Even better, our dog reacts the same way every year to snow, becoming a puppy all over again!
When my little brother was 5 months old, my family moved from Montreal to Bombay for 3 years. Us three older siblings had told him how much fun snow was. When we arrived back in May my little brother was so upset that there was no snow. To our embarrassment (and amusement!), he had a tantrum on the airport tarmac. He had to wait another 7 months to see snow.
One Christmas there was so much snow at the cabin we rented we found an igloo building kit in the garage and built an igloo!
We didn’t get many snows with significant accumulation when I was growing up . But the time we got almost 10 inches, my sister and I made a snow horse!
Cross country skiing when my kids were young. One cried going up the hills and the other cried going down the hills. Needless to say that wasn’t a sport our family adopted!
My 89 year old mother reminded me last night of the big snow(Michigan) of 1967. We were kids and actually built igloo type snow forts. The snow was so high, we could sled right off the back porch.
I can remember standing in front of a huge snow bank with my two sisters. My father had a snow shovel. It was a simpler time.
Snow days instead of school days in East Tennessee: my brother and I would drag our sleds across the fields in search of the longest hills with the best snow. As I recall, this usually took hours, and Mom would have hot cocoa on the stove when we finally returned. I think she enjoyed the peace and quiet while we were out and how delightfully tired we were for the rest of the afternoon! Little brother and I enjoyed the adventure!!
I love how quiet it is when walking after a storm.
Huge snow in college that slowed everything down and made Washington DC very very quiet.
First it rained, then temperatures rapidly dropped and a few inches of snow fell. When we bushed the snow away every street and sidewalk was an ice rink.So we put on our skates and skated on the sidewalks.
The blizzard of ’78 in Boston. The snow was over the top of cars. We were shut down for days. To this day people still flood the stores for bread and milk at the first forecast of flakes.
My favorite memories are playing in the snow in the back yard for hours, then coming into the house, red-cheeked and half-frozen, wet mittens, cold toes, and leaving all our snow gear by the door as we came in to warm up.
My favorite snow memory was when, as a teenager, I was shoveling snow one dark night. As light filtered down from an upstairs window, the flakes sparkled as they drifted down. It was magical.
My favorite snow memory is walking at night while the snow is still falling with my dad. It is quiet, peaceful, and beautiful plus I am with my dad.
Trick or treating in the snow was fun. That’s always the first thing I think of. And, no, despite our reputation, this is pretty rare even in Minnesota!
My granddaughter twirling in the snowflakes at a local festivity… Moonlight Magic, the lighting of holiday lights in our village.
Making snow angels at our respective homes, while on the phone, when dating my (now) husband!
Winter, 2009. In DC we called it “Snowmageddon.” Everything was shut down. My son, 11 at the time, holed up in our tiny finished basement for a week with a slowly increasing group of friends who trudged through 2+ feet of snow with their sleeping bags to play nonstop video games and dungeons and dragons, sustained by ramen (“MORE RAMEN PLEASE Mrs. F!!!) and oreos. After a few days it smelled like a den of wild animals had made a nest down there. They emerged once to make a snow fort but apparently it did not compare with the comfort and joy of our warm dry (by now rank) basement. Happy boys. Happy memory.
I was 15 when I first saw snow and was not impressed. Too cold, too wet. We were transplants from Florida to Chicago. My parents bought a house that winter and it wasn’t until late spring and the snow finally melted that we discovered we had a patio. I’ve been back in Florida (after living in several places with snow) and after 20+ years home again I still don’t miss the snow. My 11yo granddaughter told me yesterday that the 90s are her favorite temperature. (But I’m very excited about an Arne and Carlos field guide!!)
Growing up near the Buffalo snow belt, snow was a given in my childhood so not often a memorable event. But we lived in London for a year when my husband was in grad school (1970-71) where snow was less common. It snowed only once that winter, an inch on Christmas Eve…..enough to be gloriously beautiful especially since few people needed to drive the next morning. I realized then that it was the rarity that made it so special…an inch back home wouldn’t even have made me notice!
Friends of ours from the Midwest were visiting us in upstate New York when a massive blizzard hit the area. I awoke the next morning to my then five year old son squealing with joy as his “ Uncle “ gleefully tossed him into the backyard snow banks.
We had so much snow in upstate New York we had to get a bucket loader in to plow. We had a great time sledding on the mounds of snow from plowing.
I live in New York City, where dogs must always be on leash when walked outdoors. But one day we woke up to a huge snowstorm where the streets were completely impassable to traffic. So when we stepped outside our apartment building, I took Mandy’s (my Labrador Retriever) leash off. She looked up at me with surprise, but then realized she could go untethered and immediately started bounding off in the snow. It was a joy to behold!
My favorite snow memory is “The Blizzard of ’78”, it brought 27″ of snow to Boston over two days, but the fact that we already had 21+” of snow already on the ground made things much worse. It shut schools for 2 weeks, and keep cars off the roads for a week. Was a great time to be a kid, my siblings and I had a ball.
My mother grew up in central Texas, where snow is rare. One year, it snowed. My aunt is still angry (over 70 years later!) that she wasn’t allowed to play in the snow because she had a cold. We have a picture of her, bundled up on the porch with a scowl on her face.
A beautiful, gentle Christmas Eve snowfall when we visited my partner’s family for the holiday ten years ago. Having lived in Phoenix my whole life, it was the only white Christmas I’d ever experienced.
My favorite snow meme porky – we were in Yosemite for the weekend (pre child) and it snowed. A lot of snow. The next morning we were driving into the valley – the scenery with the pristine snow was breath-taking. There was also an animal walking on the road where it was easier going (can’t remember if it was a wolf, coyote, or fox).
Blizzard of 1978, University of Bridgeport School of Law, Bridgeport, CT: Law students only on campus, we had a different schedule than everyone else. Trays from the cafeteria were used as sleds on the huge mountain of snow created by those who plowed the parking lot. So much fun!
Ah, snow. It is complicated for me. I guess my favorite memory is from 2009 or 2010 when it snowed south of Dallas. We live in Austin, and I drove my kids north to visit a friend who had a foot of snow. It was glorious, and my kid’s first party in the snow. I still have PTSD from February, 2021 though, and get super nervous about snow here.
As a nearly life-long Mainer, I have lots of snow memories. Perhaps my earliest is waking up on a winter morning in the house my parents were fixing up and that we were camping out in (hello 70s! Back to the land with four kids!) to a deep quiet—and at least a foot of new snow. I was sleeping in a down sleeping bag, and I was warm and toasty, looking out the window at the snow.
I had just moved here to NB Canada and it snowed for several days and I kept shovelling as well as the snow plow coming. I was trying to facetime my daughter to show how much there was and all I could say was “It’s beautiful”.
Favorite snow memory has to be taking my five year old son to the mountains to see snow for the first time.
My favorite snow memory is when my two grandsons and I made snow horses….. they were so much fun!
Big snow storm in NJ one fall day while my brother was visiting from the Philippines and he gets to experience it for the first time. Had fun frolicking outside with nephews and a dog, and so much food to enjoy!
Even though it’s over 60 years ago, I still remember being a little kid and making snow angels for the first time! I thought it was magic!
Best memory of snow was the April Fools Day Blizzard of 1997 in Boston. People were skiing to work and everyone was helping each other, great camaraderie and team spirit!
Blizzard of ‘76. My best friend had been sleeping over and she had to stay an extra night. We played outside for hours and hours
It would have to be the snow storm in Chicago in 1967. Snow almost to my waist and no school for a week!
This may sound a little crazy but my favorite snow memory was the first heavy snowfall after buying a new car. There was so much snow many big 4 wheel drive vehicles were getting stuck, My new car went through the snow without a problem. I have a long history of troubles with winter snow and ice and my cars, so this was amazing.
Growing up in Iived where snow was rare. The one time a year we might have a heavy frost, my dad would try to make us ice trees.That was our winter wonder land.
Sledding at the hill in the neighbor’s field with bonfire, food, cocoa and all the generations has to be one of the happiest times of many in snowy northeast winters. Back then less driving was required and things seemed ok to be moving a bit simpler.
My then 80 year old mother-in-law seeing snow falling in real life for the very first time.
One year during our annual RV camping trip in the desert in SoCal over Thanksgiving weekend. It snowed all day. We had to put the Eze Up over the campfire to keep it going. Riding motorcycles and UTVs in the snow. And in that area! It all seems like a dream years later but I have the pics.
I totally grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere with fun uncles who came up with ideas to entertain us that did not involve discussion with any of our mothers. Most memorable were the times that a random car hood was somehow chained to the back of the tractor and then pulled down the snowy road loaded up with cousins. There was no controlling that thing and it always ended up sliding off the road and dumping us in a giggling pile in the ditch.
A late April Blizzard dumping 19” of snow when I was a teenager.
The end of January in 1967 in Chicago. I was in 8th grade. Bought milk from a milk truck stuck in the snow.
As a Wisconsinite, I have many snow memories. But the one I remember from my youth was 1959, when the snow banks were as high as the telephone poles. My mother was pregnant with her 5th child and she worried about not being able to get to the hospital if she needed to. All was well and he waited until after the storm to arrive.
My favorite snow memory is when the Chicago area was shut down in 1967 from a blizzard. There was no school and the kids were building snowmen, snow forts, igloos and tunneling under the snow drifts, not to mention the snowball fights. It was so much fun and when we were called back in, we got hot chocolate and cookies before dinner.
When I was a little girl, my parents were going to take me to my first movie in the theatre. On the way to the movie, the country road was blocked by a snow drift from a recent snow. I was so disappointed. However, my dad knew of an alternate route, and we finally made it to the theatre.
Four foot high drifts behind our house when I was a child The ultimate snow fort.
Skiing with Young Life in Detroit Lakes as a teenager. Bus trip then hills to ski on – a big deal from a girl from the prairies where we can see for miles due to the lack of hills.
Anytime it snows and I get a day off is wonderful, but my best snow memory was living in Birmingham when we had snow and ice that shut everything down for a week!
My favorite snow memory was the Thanksgiving it snowed so hard we couldn’t get the car out of the driveway, so we all walked to my grandmother’s house: Dad carrying my youngest brother, Mom with baby sister, and me, brother and sister each carrying a pie.
That’s a great story.
Being about 9 years old and experiencing a massive blizzard in Cleveland, which shut down everything. After things calmed down I remember being bundled up (think Ralphie’s brother in A Christmas Story) so I could go over to the neighbor’s house.
Catskill Mountains of NYS,blizzard of 1977.I was 17 years old.We were snowed in for 3 or 4 days,I think.We had to remove the glass panel from the storm door so I could climb out and begin to shovel us out.I am 5’8″ and I stepped out into snow that came up to my chest.We had a driveway that was 3 or 4 car lengths out to the street.I think I spent a good deal of those 3 or 4 days shovelling a path as wide as a snow shovel out to the street.
Being with my grandchildren as they experienced their first major snowfall!
Favorite snow memory; I had just had our first son 3 months prior to Christmas and we were heading to my dads for Christmas, just 15 minutes down the road. The biggest snow storm in Denver happened that day and we finally made it to Dad’s about 2 hours later. When we got to Dad’s the snow was about 5’ tall covering his garage door. It was crazy!!! All 5 of my brothers families were there and we ended up spending the night. Gigantic slumber party- it was a blast!
My fondest snow memory is hiking through Rocky Mountain National Park with my family and walking out into the middle of a frozen lake, with snow-laden pine trees all around. Beautiful!
I grew up in California, where it doesn’t snow. One day when I was in third grade, though, there was just a tiny sprinkling of snow and so we were all allowed out of class to experience it! I remember it being thrilling. (Later went to college in Minnesota and realized exactly how little snow that was, haha!)
The snow of ‘67 in Illinois when my father pulled me 2 miles on a sled to get a gallon of milk at the local gas station.
Ice skating on a snowy evening. The pond was smooth as glass and dark black. When the snow subsided a full moon appeared lighting our way. Beautiful and romantic ❤️
So many, but one that stands out was a day spent sledding in the cow pasture at my grandparents’ farm. There was a glaze of ice over the top of the snow and we flew down the hill and across the pasture on old runner sleds. All the cousins came and it was so much fun! We slept well that night.
Living in the Hudson Valley I have many snow day memories but I think the best was the first snow day with my granddaughter.
During the winter of 2020 and into 2021, my husband and I would walk very early morning, 5:30am-ish, before having to log on to work. One morning, we spotted a great horned owl, Magnificent!
I loved the patterns of frost on the inside of windows!
As a child growing up in Minneapolis, I have lots of snow memories — but the best has to be 5th grade when my dad helped me carry water outside to the big pile of snow left behind by the snow plows. We poured bucket after bucket over the snow pile until the outside hardened in to the perfect shell. Then, we carved out the inside and made a tunnel that stretched the full width of our lot. Good times. Our mom knitted so many pairs of mittens for us that year because we were constantly getting them soaked…. and came running in for a dry pair.
The NC mountains – we’d taken our toddler & dogs on vacation there. I’m not sure who was more excited by the snow – the kid or the pups.
Ah, just the clean beauty of a freshly fallen snow! Time to play outside, ski, sled, snowshoe…..
One of my favorite memories though is making a snowman on our deck, just outside our glass sliding door for our month old Granddaught visiting from California. Her Mom was none to pleased when I dressed her for outside for a picture with ‘her’ snowman. The picture has now become one of our family favorites over the years.
The blizzard of 78. Snowdrifts were taller than me and as a kid that was amazing!
Grabbing our skates and walking to the park to skate on the tennis court and adjacent woods which they flooded with water to make a skating rink! So wonderful to skate while the snow is falling.
I grew up in NYC and we did have those winters where school was closed and we played outside as soon as we could get dressed. (Plastic bags on your feet before you put your red rubber boots on.) Years later as an adult, living in Minnesota, while walking the dog I loved standing on the sidewalk or in the street at night listening to the snow fall.
I made snow angels in the middle of Lake Shore Drive during the Chicago blizzard of ‘67.
Best snow memory has to be Christmas Eve as a child, when my cousins and I had to wait for the lights in my grandparents’ house to go on to indicate Santa was in the house-then go off because he had left! Only then could we bundle up in snowsuits, mittens and hats to run down the lane for our family gathering. In Montana we could count on snowflakes most years that added to the magic.
When I was little if we had a good snowfall the town would close our street so we could sleigh ride down the hill at the end of the street. We would all be outside for hours. It was wonderful!!
It was 1987 & I had moved to NC to get a new start. But first up was babysitting my nephews while their parents were on a short vacation. I grew up in the north & was blasé about snow…until I was in a town that rarely saw snow days “because it just doesn’t stick down here.” It started snowing the day I arrived & didn’t stop until there was proof that this time, all that snow stuck. With few snowplows, all businesses & schools shut down. My nephews & I spent the week making snowmen, holding snowball fights & using a little red wagon to cart home groceries from the one supermarket in the area that opened. Others thought the blizzard a disaster, but to us, it was magical.
Sounds like FUN!
and sledding … still have my ‘Flyer.’
My Dad (Army) and my great friend/boss (Navy) had an annual $5 bet on the Army-Navy football game. Since Dad died (the day before Thanksgiving, 1997), the bet has continued with me. When I retired in 2013, my boss got us tickets for the game that year in Philadelphia. The day started out cold and sunny, but before half-time, we were sitting in a whiteout and could barely see the field! Highlights from that game are still shown periodically. Having lived in Southern California my entire life, my only other snow experience was a ski trip in the late 1960s!
About snow memory: Cross country skiing on a single track trail through a thick pine wood. A blue jay flew ahead of me flitting from branch to branch, moving ahead as I got closer.
We live in a non-snow area. Seeing my son’s face the first time he played with snow. It was only a dusting, and he wanted to do all the snow stuff
My favorite snow memory was the year I came to New York and saw snow for the first time. I was ten years old and staying with my grandparents, as my parents were still in California wrapping up business before they also made the move east. My grandmother’s nephew, Gus, came for a Sunday visit with his wife, Noni. They were expecting their first child. It was very cold, and snow lay on the ground. Gus invited me outside to make a snowman, my first! Grandma and Noni watched us from the kitchen window, and kept telling us to “make it rounder, make it rounder”. Gus was saying, “fine for them to say, they’re not freezing. They’re inside where it’s nice and warm!”. The way he said it sent me into fits of laughter. Gus had a way of being able to do that. I always remember that loving gesture of Gus guiding me making my first snowman. It was the best day, and Gus was the best. ❤
December 25, 2010 was my first and only (so far) White Christmas! It was as special and magical as the classic song!
My favorite snow memory is the winter of 1977 (maybe 78, it gets fuzzy after a while). It was a big Chicago blizzard, the snow pile in our yard was as high as the roof, it compacted enough to carve out a cave. Sledding, snowball fights, and it seemed like a whole week of days off from school.
Snowed in Texas 2 weeks after moving there from MN. Made us feel right at home!
Living in Western NY, it is very hard to find just one favorite snow memory. But the Blizzard of ‘77 was pretty crazy, we got stuck trying to get home and were lucky to be taken in by a kind family. We watched Roots together and waited for the snow plows to make a tunnel through 6 feet of snow!
I grew up on a farm in ‘snow country’ but as a toddler I couldn’t wrap my mind around the concept of how deep the snow was – and how important that information was! One morning I wanted to follow my dad to an area behind our house. Good thing I was being watched as I took one step and disappeared into the snow up to my neck!
My first year working at a school on Park Point in Duluth Mn. A massive storm came in off of Lake Superior and covered homes with drifts. It was unbelievable.
Growing up in the woods, in northern Wisconsin in the 50’s, we always had plenty of snow. Walking next door to Grandma’s house with the snow well above our knees was always an adventure for my brother and I.
Definitely making snow angels!
We don’t often get much snow here in Texas, but one year when my kids were young we actually had a blizzard! We were snowed in for three or four days, an had so much fun playing together!
When my children were very young we lived in Ireland. a snowfall there is so rare and unique. It was magical to see their surprise of how cold the flakes were and how the disappeared when held. We froze little snowballs in the freezer and would pull them out for fun drinks!
My snow memory is really a photo of long ago of me and two friends in snowsuits getting pulled on a sled.
My favorite snow memories: watching my sons build snow forts and have snowball wars. We’re Minnesotans so it was a big event! Thank you for brining to mind these fun times again.
First snow memory was when growing up in Bakersfield, a small central valley oil and farm town in California. We never had snow! But one year, magically, we did. Ha ha. Just enough to scrape some from the fence ledge to make a tiny snowman and keep in the freezer.
I grew up in Virginia and we would have snow sometimes, but not a lot and it usually didn’t stick around long. My favorite snow memory is the time when there was enough snow that the entire neighborhood of children took over one of the steeper streets for sleigh riding.
Being caught in a blizzard in Nebraska when I was a little girl. Two cars of relatives holed up in a motel to wait it out and played cards. It was warm and safe and so much fun. My introduction to Hearts.
My favorite snow memory was when, about twelve or thirteen years ago, it actually started snowing on Christmas morning. Here in Georgia this is extremely rare and an occasion I can only remember this once in my lifetime, it was spectacular!!
Constitution Plaza in a snowstorm!
The few times snow dusted Baton Rouge when my kids were small and seeing the joy and wonder in their eyes.
I live where snow doesn’t come every year. I was six and sick with measles. My dad made a snowman outside my window, since I couldn’t go out and play.
A winter cottage week with my best friend, complete with campfires, walks in the snow, crafting, mulled wine, reading, and naps! Lots of naps.
Love Arne and Carlos and SAKFAB!! Don’t know how to “like it”. Can’t find a button for that.
I remember going to Yosemite NP many years ago staying in the cabins in the valley with snow all around. The raccoons came to the windows begging. I was young and this was a new experience and almost magical.
Learning to ski when I was 12 with my dad. He had grown up in New Hampshire and had skied to school–I was a northern Californian learning to ski for fun!
The night after the first snowfall when we moved to our new house. There was a full moon and the backyard and woods behind us was lit up in a the most magical way that I had not seen before (former city girl).
My first winter in Ironwood, MI, which is on the far western side of the Upper Peninsula and smack dab in the middle of lake effect snow off Lake Superior. Ironwood gets mountains of the lightest, fluffiest snow I’ve ever seen. Winter starts early and goes late and we loved it. The most amazing cross-country skiing ever.
Big Snow Country! I spent much of my teen years at the Porkies
I had just moved to Denver from Mississippi (where a big snowfall is 1” at best) when the blizzard of ‘82 dumped almost 24” of snow. We were completely snowed in for 3 days before the snowplows could get the streets cleared. It was my very first experience shoveling snow and I had to single-handedly dig my car out. I loved every minute of it!
Winters in Upper Michigan brought lots of snow. Between the plows and the snow blower, we would have mountains of snow to play on and slide off.
We rarely get snow, only about once every ten years. When it does happen it is hilarious to watch the reactions of the cats and dogs. “What is this strange cold white stuff?”
This Florida gal at college in Iowa, walking back to campus after a movie, small town, crunchy snow underfoot, glistening fat flakes slowly descending in the quiet. Magical. Oh, and years later watching my children sledding.
Sledging down ‘pace egg hill’ as a little kid. It actually felt like flying!!
Hot tubbing in a snow storm!
Many memories as I live in the great frozen north. Best are the sheer joy my then 4 yr old daughter had playing in the first snow of the year.
Sledding on a street that was blocked off just for sledding.
Hello to Arne andCarlos.
My favourite snow memories are of learning to ski in B.C. Going up the mountain on Christmas Day, not knowing how to ski and then learning the hard way. Such fun in the powdered snow. Family and friends around for dinner after the day skiing.
The blizzard of 1978. My bio exam was cancelled. We drove around in my roommate’s bmw 2002 and colkected firewood on the ground. Big branches sticking out of the trunk! Did d not know there was emergency no driving order from the governor.
Walking on a bright sunny day in a pristine field with newly fallen snow. It sparkled like diamonds!
Growing up in Delaware, we wouldn’t get much snow very often but on a Christmas eve many years ago, when I was wobbling between belief and non-belief of Santa Claus, a big snowstorm hit. When I looked out the window towards the road I saw a little Volkswagen bug get stuck in the snow and watched Santa himself jump out. I was a firm believer that Christmas.
Favorite was when I was too snowed in at home to go to work! Had to call out and have cozy knitting day at home, blissful.
When I was twelve my family walked on the shortcut road to get to a store called Sodie’s Donuts. It was a dark Sunday evening at about 5:00 and there were big snowflakes just starting to fall. We were getting ready for a big snowstorm and anticipating a snow day. On top of it all, “You’re so Vain” came on the radio. Perfect day. And I even had sprinkles on my donut.
I lived in south Florida most of my childhood. I moved to Syracuse, NY in high school. I was so fascinated by snow. A boy I liked took me sledding at night on New Years Eve. We had the neighborhood hill to ourselves, and he kissed me.
As a Wisconsin kid, I have so many snow memories. One winter we had so much snow people put flags or scraps of fiber on their antenna so their car was visible approaching intersections.
Making snow ice cream with my kiddos ❣️
One year my mom had the flu and my dad had a great idea to build a snow woman outside her window. The snow woman looked just like a human size Barbie. My mom was not a pleased as we were with her. It was my favorite snow build
Sleigh riding with my much older brother down the hills when I was 10. Totally exhilarating!
Walking around downtown Chicago’s magnificent mile at night during the holidays and it starts snowing.
My absolute favorite snow memory is when I was around 8 ish years old making a huge snow tunnel after a snowstorm. What makes it so memorable is that it’s around 1965 and my beautiful collie Bonnie helped me dig it out. Of course it was on the corner by the road made from plows going by, quite dangerous by today’s standards ♀️. But we lived in the country. And I have a photo still. Best times ever.
We woke up one morning to 3 feet of snow when I was young! Some might not think that’s a lot but in southern Kentucky it was a record. Lots of great snow cream that year!
Building igloos in our backyard big enough to sit in and sledding courses with banks and turns around the yard. My talented brother grew up to be an engineer.
Wow this is hard to pick one blizzard, I mean snow memory!
My favorite snow memory is waiting for my grandmother to arrive on Christmas Eve, my sister laughing, chasing me on to our front porch , snow gently falling and the church down the street playing Christmas carols on their bells.
I will never forget the joy and happiness I felt that snowy night!
We had a snow storm when the kids were little that knocked out the power fir three days! We all slept in the living room floor in front of the fireplace cuddling under knitted woolly blankets and made s’mores
two different Christmas days when 5 ft of snow was on the ground ,but it didn’t stop the celebration
Snowshoeing on virgin snow in the Flathead Valley in Montana, after retiring!
Snow tunnels and snow fortd in the big snowd in Oklahoma in my childhood!
My favorite memory of snow was drying my wet woolen mittens, scarf, and hat on the radiators in my home.
The Halloween Blizzard of 1991 — Dumped over 2 feet of snow on Mpls-St Paul and kept us snow-locked in the house for several days, while crews tried to clear the streets. My family just hunkered down with our tea and hot chocolate, and enjoyed the unexpected time we had together. I was extremely grateful that everyone was safe and we didn’t lose power or heat.
Favorite snow memory: seeing my California son see snow for the first time on a family trip to Boston. Priceless!
The quiet of snowfall at night.
It doesn’t snow that much here in Tennessee. Last winter was our first living here, and my husband bought sleds for the grandsons just in case. It wound up snowing twice, and they had a grand time sledding down into the back pasture.
When my boys were little sled ridding and building snow men.
When my kids were young we headed to an off the grid cabin for Thanksgiving week. We had plans to visit friends that live nearby. Then it started snowing. No problem, we were there to snowmobile, snowshoe, snowboard, cross-country and backwoods ski. By day 3 we realized the snow never stopped and we could not hear the usual traffic from Hwy 89. My kily, I always overpack, we had stocked our shelves and the wood pile very well, and had few plans for the next week because driving would not be possible and our 5 day stay turned into 10 days! The funniest was the kids willingly doing schoolwork in their sleeping bags in front of the window!
Making a snowman with our daughter when she was young. We don’t get snow here very often, so it was a special day!
Snowshoeing in Grand Tetons National Park in January! ❄️
First time sledding with my kids!
We had a shorthair dachshund and he hated cold of any kind. We rarely got snow and our daughter bundled up and went out to play in it. The dog was frantic, going out to her, running back to me. I swear he wanted me to force her inside and save her!
Watching my kids sled down our back porch steps. They had so much fun!!
It wasn’t that long ago:
We had a house fire, and right after, I had a massive stroke and almost died. Ten months later, we moved home, August 2015. My husband began taking me walking, just small walks, to get me used to being outside; I went from using a four-pronged cane to using the standard cane I use now in just a couple of months.
That winter, we were walking companionably arm in arm. The air was cold, and the clouds were so low it was as if they were preparing to cover us…which they were. As we walked, it got quieter and quieter. I glanced at the eggplant-colored alpaca cape over my shoulders, and there it was: snow. Faint, but snow. “We’d better head home, honey,” said my husband. The flakes began falling in earnest, and by the time we got home, the streets were just beginning to disappear. The air smelled crisp and exhilarating. Snow.
An unexpected snowfall on Christmas Day several years ago. We usually get a little snow every year, but this was not predicted and it was wonderful. We spied several deer just outside our back fence and our lazy Christmas (my husband and me) was just right.
We had a snowstorm when my child was 3. He slid down the slope of the driveway on my no-stick plastic Tupperware pastry sheet — such a rosy bundle of delight!
The first snow of every year! The pavement is all still
Warm so no accumulation on sidewalks or roads. The snow just piles up on the grassy spots and it’s gone before it can turn to dirty snow. It’s perfection every year❤️❤️
Snow comes early here in Saskatchewan and stays late. We already have had a lot of snow in November and expect it to melt away in April. A favourite memory is watching our dog, Pepper, roll around in the snow and cover himself with it. This was many years ago. Our present dog doesn’t even want to walk in deep snow. If there’s a path, he’ll walk in it.
I was 10 years old and living in Maine when the Blizzard of 78 hit. Incredible, as a kid. We didn’t care about power outtages and unplowed roads. My siblings and neighborhood friends had no school for a few days – we took our plastic sleds everywhere there were hills around us, sledding, building snow forts, snowball fights. Sledding down roads without worries of cars or plows. Snowshoeing through the forest that surrounded our neighborhood. My father and I snowshoed logging trails through the woods at night, without flashlights; we just let our eyes adjust to light from stars and the moon. Nothing will top that.
Skiing with my Dad in Germany where I grew up.
We had snow up to the eaves in north Idaho one year. It was wonderful!
We don’t get snow every year but did last year on Christmas. We are surrounded by large Douglas Fir trees and there is nothing prettier.
Best snow memory is when I lived in Iqualit Nunavut – we had a blizzard it was – 60 c with the wind the whole town closed – it was a knit day !!!! and lots of tea my cat was comfy and my dog was happy that “mom” was home for the day
I love seeing snow here in the high desert Southwest. The combination of red rock formations, outlined with white snow against a brilliant blue sky is just gorgeous.
I lived in Fairbanks AK for many years so, needless to say, I have many, many snow memories. What stands out is the Volkswagon Slide. We had an old 1960s Volkswagon Bug (a terrible car for Alaskan winters) that mostly sat on a curve to the side of our driveway. Our two young children loved to clamber up on the roof of the VW and when it was almost buried in the snow, slide down. They had a wonderful time and both remember well the Volkswagon Slide. We all enjoy looking at the photographs of them enjoying their sliding down their unique run.
The year my daughters built a snowman on the deck to scare their brother who had just watched the movie Krampus. Fortunately, he wasn’t scared—he knew right away that they were behind it.
Babysitting my nephews while they played in the snow and their parents went skiing!
Favorite snow memory is getting three feet of fluffy cold snow in 24 hours and for two days the village roads were closed while the plows helped with the regional highways. Everyone cross-countried skied on the roads. We skied to a coffeehouse and sat inside, sipping hot mochas, like we were in Switzerland or Scandinavia.
But actually, I’m writing to ask, are you really letting them set off to rent a car in NYC, with a ‘brand new driver’s license’ and no idea of what it’s like to drive there? That seems literally like an accident waiting to happen! Tell them to be safe and get an Uber!
Snow days from childhood. Sledding in our NC back yard.
my favorite snow memory?? I was age 5-6-7?? wrapped up like a sausage in my pink snowsuit, my face covered by gramma’s knitted scarf & my feet in too-big hand-me-down galoshes, On a silver saucer I zoomed down the snowy hills at Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis, trekking back up like mini sherpas with my cousins, over and over til near-exhaustion!
Growing up our school district had no bus routes. Meaning everyone lived close enough (<2 miles) to walk. When nearby schools had "snow days" it was because the country roads weren't plowed for the school bus to travel. Then it finally happened. We had a MAJOR snowstorm, in April no less. For the first time, in over 20+ years, school closed for snow. My friends and I had so much fun playing in the snow that day knowing we were missing school.
My favorite snow memories are of the blizzards in the DC region when my kids were little. I loved all the snow days the kids had off and the days of wet snowsuits and hot chocolate.
My birthday fell on Thanksgiving day, we had a hearty snowfall, and I was able to use my new, saucer-shaped sled!
Snow forts!
Snow storm on New Year’s Eve. Plans cancelled and my husband and I walked to the local movie theater.
When I was 14 or so, we moved from Houston to Michigan. It was April, so already pretty warm in Houston, but there was snow on the ground in Michigan! We were shocked and amazed—we knew they had snow in the winter but had no idea winter could last so long.
Fast-forward a few years, I’m sitting in a classroom at U of Michigan. We had had a big snowstorm the night before, but we all lived on or near campus. No instructor, we’re all just waiting for the required 15 minutes. The instructor bursts in at ~14 minutes after the hour and says “Don’t you people have snow days?”
A snowy childhood day when my dad, who farmed orchards, took us all to a wonderful sledding hill on a country dirt road. He’d been scouting out places to do this. The snow (not THAT common), no school, and my dad taking a day off to play with us, and then cocoa afterward in front of the fireplace, are all part of that happy memory.
Also very excited to knit from the next Field Guide! Hurray! (Maybe it’ll snow ❄️)
In college, a group of us went sledding and wore chocolate colored snow pants. We used relics for sleds and took our lives into our hands. It was memorable for many reasons!
My favorite snow story is when I was living in Salt Lake City and we had over 4 feet of snow on our front walk. My husband managed to get it shoveled and I and my 16-month-old son took a walk. The snow was over my head! But my son was ecstatic about his tunnel.
I love Arne and Carlos! I’m making their Christmas balls right now for friends and coworkers (and me!). I came across them at the start of the pandemic and their Sit and Knit for a Bit podcast got me interested in doing something besides doom scrolling.
My dad digging tunnels in the upstate New York snow for us to crawl in.
Abou 4” snow in ABQ, german shepherds playing in backyard and we have some great photos. Also, first snow of every year. The dogs love it and we love seeing them play in it. So happy.
When my children were in grade school we had a blizzard that dumped 3 feet of snow on the ground. This was the week before spring break, so they had an extra week to enjoy the snow. The snow drifted up against the porch rail in the yard, so they spent much of that time sledding off the porch rail.
Cross Country skiing in Acadia National Park!
Snowpocalypse in Maryland and watching my daughter walk down our waist high, unplowed cul-de-sac to get a ride to work.
We live in the woods and have many holly trees and cardinals. When it snows it looks like a Christmas card. Can’t wait for the new Field Guide!! it always feels like a present when it comes.
Shoveling the driveway with my dad in January 1979…over a foot of snow. Halfway through, he very calmly asked me if I really wanted to get married in January. Wise man. (We changed our wedding to Thanksgiving weekend, and there was no snow to deal with).
It rarely, rarely snows in San Francisco and with all our hills that is a good thing! In February 1976 there was a snow that stuck for a few hours and I’ll never forget trying to get up a steep hill in a VW bug. We would get almost to the top of the hill and then slide back down again backwards!
Getting picked up by the RI National Guard to report for work at Women & Infants Hospital after the Blizzard of’78!!!! My then 3 yo son was amazed!
It was during a blizzard and I was working night shift as a nurse. I got a ride to work from my future husband. It was the beginning of the entire relationship.
The first time I went sledding as an adult–I bought my own sleds and didn’t mind walking back up the hill.
When I lived in the mountains I could wake up and watch the snow falling outside my bedroom window, peaceful.
Living in Boston I have quite a few but far and away are memories of the Blizzard of ’78. Top among those is getting ready to squeeze the youngest of my three brothers out a window because all the doors were blocked by snow just as one of my brothers’ friends showed up wondering why they weren’t out shoveling already. A promise of pancakes had Mark forcing his way through the snow to the back door in record time.
I have great memories of a blizzard during Christmas week with snow drifts over 6 ft high.
Making angels! Then I moved to OR, much less white stuff!
Watching cats encounter snow for the first time. Also, the years it snows and stays on the ground in Christmas Eve. And snow with sunshine. There’s three!
Snow is rare along the Texas Gulf Coast, so all of our snow events are special. We’ve had memorable snowy Christmases visiting other parts of the country, but our one and only Christmas snow at home was in 2004. Just as Christmas Eve church services finished and families walked to our cars, the snowflakes started falling and magically, they “stuck.” Throughout the night and into Christmas Day, our city had a small, lovely, and unforgettable blanket of snow – enough for photos, a delightful morning walk, and some Christmas snowball fights.
Favourite snow memory – skating at night last winter with the snow falling softly all around. So peaceful.
The first time I saw snow falling from the sky in New Mexico at 11 years old. I grew up in Southern California and had seen snow on the ground when we would go up to the mountains, but, had never seen it falling. Now, years later, I can still see it. I was fascinated.
As I am writing this, I’m sitting here in Buffalo NY. with a record breaking snowfall. Stuck in our house with 4 ft of snow in the driveway. But I can watch my Knitstars 7 and knit another ranunculus sweater!! My favorite memory is when I was young we would dig tunnels and build igloos in this deep snow.
Yay – I’ve hoped hoped hoped you’d have Arne and Carlos do a field guide!!!!
Best memory – cutting my own hole in the ice to catch a huge (to me) rainbow trout when our family visited a mountain cabin to cut our Christmas tree in a snowy white wonderland.
There was a huge snowstorm the winter of 2004, just after I turned 11. Schools were closed for a few days, as there was no power. My grandfather spend his time without power building my little brothers and I an amazing snow fort! He dug out a drift and built couches and chairs and shelves, then took candles can a torch to ice over the interior, making it stranger and safer. It was tall enough for him to stand up in and play with us too! We were there an hour after his country road was cleared.
My favorite snow memory was from when I was a little kid and we had a blizzard. My brother and I dug caves out of the snow that were us-sized, since the drifts we’re taller than we were.
At boarding school in England I remember the rare snow days when we were allowed to take metal trays from the kitchens, to use for sledding, completely unsupervised, at the large parkland area down the road. The hills were steep and long and high speeds were easily achieved. We had the best fun but it was a miracle none of us were ever seriously injured.
Our family dog, a boxer, would ride on the sled with my brother and me when we were young children. It was down the hill in the street in front of our house. The accumulation was fresh; it was dark, and the snow coming down hard. The snow was crunchy, the sky was heavy, and the cold was on our cheeks.
When I was about 9 or 10. The snow was so deep we made a cave under neath the snow to play in at my Grandparents home! What fun we had!
When I was about 7, my dad and his buddies made home-built snowmobiles. This was before commercial snowmobiles were available. Cruising around town at a top speed of 5 mph, Dad trailed by 4 of his kids, was a delight captured on super 8 movie film.
When I was a kid we had really bad snow and ice storms that would cause power outages for days. Our house was the only one that had an oil stove and heater instead of electric. I remember my mom making huge pots of soup, wrapping blankets around the pots, and then put the pots on our toboggan. We would pull that toboggan throughout the neighborhood delivering hot soup and somehow there was always enough for everyone.
I grew up in California and “snow” was only a thing that I saw on TV until one day – it was a Sunday morning, sometime in the 1950’s, we woke up with snow on the ground in Palo Alto! I realize now it was only a “dusting” but it was SNOW!! My parents quickly drove to the store to buy some camera film (remember that?) so it could be documented. And I recall having to use all that had accumulated on the lawn to make a snowman. Little did I know what snowfalls were in my future when I moved to the East Coast.
In Kansas after a big snowfall, we let the dog out into the fenced back yard. When she wasn’t back at the door in a few minutes, we went out to check on her and couldn’t find her. She had walked over a snowdrift, across the fence,
and was wandering through the neighborhood.
I think it would have to be year my town in CT got 40 inches of snow in one storm. This was at the end of a season when we had had multiple 12, 18, 6, 10 inch storms. We ran out of places to put the snow. At one point I had to go up on top of a pile to shovel snow off so we could put more on. I hate shoveling snow.
I never liked winter much until I discovered cross country skiing. It was a difficult time in my life and I needed something so a friend and I signed up for lessons. It was just the thing- fresh air and cold but the exercise kept us warm. I even joined the Sons Of Norway ski club and went on an overnight ski trip. It was a favourite winter activity for many years with family and friends.
Enjoying three weekends of cross-country skiing right in Central Park thanks to the 20+” of snow over New Year’s in 2000.
Our family celebrated Thanksgiving the day after one year and we had a big snowstorm. The grandkids were outside playing and built snowmen I could see from my knitting chair after they left.
Growing up in Wyoming makes for many snow memories. Cross-country skiing is probably my favorite. But the very best memory is from 2020 when my then 18 month old grandson went sledding for the first time. He wore us out running and zigzagging around the field. We’d stop for a rest and he’d shout, “More, more!” Finally, my son hooked the sled up to the 4-wheeler and slowly pulled him all over. His sheer joy, happiness, and giggles were priceless.
Not much experience with snow. But on one trip to Chicago I looked out the window and thought our car had been stolen from in front of the motel where we were staying. Turns out it had only been covered up with snow during the night! That’s what happens to a southern California girl when she goes east.
Back in the ’70s, our school board woould wait till the snow was already knee deep before they’d decide to close schools (lake effect snow can be unpredictable) so we’d have to trudge home through some pretty bad weather. One storm came with really bad wind and my best friend would have had to walk home into the wind so I invited her to my house. Her birthday and St. Patrick’s day was the next day so we decided to bake a cake. We ended up with the most hideous shade of green icing that my mother refused to eat it. That was okay – left more for the rest of us.
white christmas 2 years ago in Seattle!
Preparing my refugee / immigrant students for weather they have never encountered and then watching them experience the magic of snow for the first time!
Growing up in New York, every once in a while we could talk our father into pouring water over piled up snow at night. The next morning, we could sled down the back porch steps, through our half acre back yard, over the stone wall, and through our neighbor’s yard to the next street. We went so fast it was delightfully scary and thrilling!
My favorite snow memory is a 10 ft. tall snow dragon that my sister Beverly, and the Crockett kids-June, Donald, and Doug-created on the wide front lawn of Alvin C. York Agricultural Institute. At the time, it was the only state owned high school in Jamestown, TN- home of the York Dragons!
I live in Michigan so I’ve experienced some epic snowfalls. The blizzard of 78, stuck in the house for a week and having to “crack” my car off the garage floor where it had frozen. The most life altering was in 1980 when my new husband and I got snowed in at my in-laws house because my mother-in-law taught me to knit after she got tired of me being restless and unable to sit still.
I remember the blizzard of ’78. We were out of school for two weeks and it’s Boston. We are used to snow! The National Guard had to come in to plow!
When I was a little girl, we had a blizzard which shut down our school in the middle of the day. The buses could not get through to take us home so we either stayed at the school or waited until someone could pick us up. A kind neighbor took me home but I remember that it was hard to pick out my house.
My Florida born son seeing his first snow at age 5 and making snow angels with him,
Lots of memories of being snowed in, one year my son and I were snowed in at work (we worked at a hospital). We slept in my office for 3 nights, while my poor husband and daughter were home with no power. My favorite memories are being snowed in at home WITH power!!
When I was 11, Chicago was hit with over 36″ of snow in 1 day. Of course it was hell for the adults, but we kids were in heaven. No school for a week! No cars on the streets and nowhere to walk on the sidewalks! Mountains of snow taller than we were! It was a blast.
I am so stinking excited about A&C doing a Field Guide! I’m a big fan of theirs and I’m subscribed and waiting with bated breath. Like most in the American South, my most impressive snow memory is the Blizzard of ’93 that brought much of the southeast US to a screeching halt. Power outages, frozen pipes and more snow than we had seen in a very long time. Jeeez, I sound like such an old-timer.
The day it snowed and Baytown Texas which is on the Gulf Coast and my mother came to school and got me out so I could play in the thing it was only like an inch high and lasted only a few hours but it was cool.
Thank you for this question – it made me realize that I have many more happy snow memories than I would have thought! I think my favorite is when we lived in Lake Placid, New York, and my husband was interviewing candidates for his trail crew. A spring blizzard hit, and we ended up putting everyone up at our house for a few days until the roads were passable. We were glad to have them – we had a whole crew of energetic, hard-working people who spent a whole day helping us shovel out our very long, very steep driveway!
Snow days, when school buses don’t run, were favourite days of course. I grew up in a small village, so snow days were perfect days to ride my pony bareback through town. No traffic, everything pristine white, and sound completely muffled.
I was 17, tobogganing one starry night with a bunch of new friends. Someone had brought a big innertube, which I had never tried before. After being warned that you needed to bail out at the bottom before you hit the creek, my boyfriend, his best friend, and I piled on and headed down the hill. When it came time to bail, we found we couldn’t get ourselves out of the middle hole, and arms and legs flailing, over the banks we went. The creek was frozen solid, and we landed hard, but except for having the wind knocked out of us, we were all otherwise unhurt. The thrill of that ride — and the sudden drop — has never left me!
We had an unusually large amount of snow for the Seattle area a few years ago and took the kids sledding and snowman making and snowfort building and generally made some wonderful family memories.
After growing up in snowy Wisconsin, my favorite snow memory was the first snowfall I experienced in Georgia. A five inch snowfall canceled work and school for five days, until the snow melted.
The polar vortex of 2012/2013, when I was in the British Virgin Islands with my kids, my brothers, and their families. We had no end of “glad we’re not there” chuckles together. Of course, the snow was still 2 foot deep when we got home, but it was fun while it lasted.
Cross-country skiing with my family.
Christmas Day snow with a new puppy who was so small he had to use the tire tracks or he couldn’t get through the snow!
I remember my mom making snow cream when I was a kid- when we weren’t so worried about the snow being too polluted for consumption! I only made snow cream for my kids once during a gigantic snowstorm in Colorado.We thought maybe the 3rd foot of a 4 foot snow storm might be clean enough for snow cream!
Oh! My first and last winter in Chicago. I was alone during Christmas. A
Sad and beautiful experience at the same time.
1966. Easter Sunday blizzard shut down Jersey City, New Jersey. Was so disappointed that I couldn’t wear to church my Easter outfit featuring the Patty Duke boat hat!
Coming out of midnight mass on Christmas Eve in St. Paul, MN. The drizzle when we went in had turned to big, beautiful snowflakes. Magical!
Getting snow in Memphis, TN and the city shut down. Thus I had a lovely day off with my father.
My favorite snow memory is getting out of the office 2 hours ahead of a massive storm heading for Chicago. I got home (with a stop for supplies) in good time, and started to make a shepherd’s pie. I noticed it was getting dark – and then realized that the snow was coming down thick enough so that I couldn’t see the nearby buildings. Pretty sure that my daughter’s favorite was her first snowball fight – she couldn’t get the hang of compressing the snow into balls so just flung loose snow at us with great energy and delight.
Blizzard of 1978.
Favorite snow memory: being snowed in my myself with my baby who suddenly became mobile. Strapping him into his high chair and positioning him in front of the storm door so he could sort of see me while I tried to keep the snow cleared from the front door. It blew in so high I couldn’t open the door. I escaped out the back and trudged around to the garage to get a shovel and free us. I had the baby monitor in my parka pocket so I could talk to him while I worked. Needs must!
Favorite snow memory is the time it snowed in Tampa, FL during Sunday School class and the teachers gave us sheets of black construction paper to go out and catch the snowflakes!
They are we were running around in our church clothes having a wonderful time.
A delightful memory!
Building a snowman with my grandchildren!
sledding when I was a kid
My favorite memory is walking through untouched snow as a child. My parents’ two acres felt just big enough that I could explore and feel adventurous pulling a sled behind me through the quiet, but able to retreat inside as soon as I was ready or just frozen.
It was the time I tucked my 2-year old in the car and drove to Houston to visit my college roomate to escape a winter storm in Austin. Her son was 1 year old and just walking and starting to talk. The surprise came next morning when we found several inches of snow covering the ground. We dressed the boys in snow suits and they went outside and played for a bit and then decided to build a snow fire truck ! A good time was had by all.
My favorite snow memories are from my childhood. (I don’t really like snow any more.)
My brother and I would bundle up in all of our warm woolens and go sledding with our great aunt in the woods behind her house.
We worked to avoid the trees along the paths and came home covered in snow. I don’t remember ever being really cold.
My husband and I both drove pretty far for work and one day there was a storm in the city and the highways were closed so we couldn’t drive in. It was all clear in our town so all three kids went to school just fine!
I grew up in Houston and Los Angeles. When I was a senior in high school we moved to Denver. The first time it snowed was Halloween night. It snowed 18 inches overnight. School was cancelled for the next 2 days! I had to ask my mom if they cancelled school every time it snowed.
Seeing snow fall for the first time at Stephens College in Columbia, Mo! Coming from LA, Ca snow doesn’t fall except in the foothills upon occasion. I was so excited to see snow fall I ran outside and danced around! All my dorm mates thought I was totally crazy!
1980s snow days on the lower east side of Manhattan. Blissful quiet descends and as dusk falls, every light has a sparkling halo. The only movement on 14th street is a Chinese Food delivery guy on a bicycle.
I can’t pick just one memory about snow. Every snow fall is magical to me!
I enjoy living in the Midwest, where we have all four seasons – my favorite memory of snow is the ability to gaze out the window as the gently falling snow blankets my surroundings with white beauty. The feeling of being cozy in my home to witness the beauty is something I don’t take for granted!
My favorite snow memory was when my kids experienced snow for the first time, probably when they were 2 or 3. Such joy, mixed with a little terror at this cold white stuff!!
I grew up with an area where it rarely snowed, so anytime it happened was super exciting!
Making snowmen with my family when I was young. Especially if it was still snowing!
My uncle tapping his maple trees and my aunt boiling the sap. We would pour it on the snow and roll it up on a spoon to make tire d’erable (maple taffy).
Walking my border collie on a bitterly cold and sunny day, the snow is glistening and sparkling and the world is quiet except for the crunch of the snow.
My parents visiting us for Christmas after we moved to Nashville and watching big fat snowflakes fall on a peaceful Christmas Eve. So unexpected and delightful!
Living in South Dakota, I saw a lot of snow. My favorite memory is when I called a service to come plow my place after a big storm, and a guy showed up, plowed everything as I directed him to but left without getting paid. When I called the service the next day, they said, “What guy? We were short-staffed and didn’t send anyone.”
Turns out it was the neighbor’s grown son who came to plow his mom’s place and did mine just out of kindness. I felt so embarrassed after ordering him around! He wouldn’t take any cash, but I did bake him cookies.
I grew up in the Rockies of northern New Mexico. Most years there was a lot of snow. My favorite memories are skiing in the sunshine, feeling on top of the world!
There were snow flurries, unusual for Texas, one day soon after we moved here. A young boy in the neighborhood ran outside in shorts and no shirt to try to catch the snowflakes with his tongue. ( As is typical, the snow didn’t stick and was gone later in the day.) The incongruous sight has stuck with me for many years.
Seeing moonlight on snow for the first time…magical!
Growing up in Minnesota, I remember how beautiful outdoor holiday lights hung on fir trees or shrubs looked glowing beneath a blanket of snow. Blue lights were especially pretty.
I think it was 2015 and we were living in Bath, Maine and it just kept snowing! We had it piled up 5 feet on either side of the driveway and then had to start blowing it into the backyard! On Bill Greene’s Maine TV show, was an episode about snow caves, so we dug a 3 room cave out of the snow in our backyard. We had built-in bench seating with cushions, hung artwork, and invited a neighbor couple in for happy hour. I figured we’d be out there a half hour until the novelty wore off, but they brought warming bevs and snacks and we enjoyed 3+ hours in the cave. The snow didn’t melt until mid-April that year, but it sure was fun.
I have had too many wonderful snow adventures. One was winter camping in Iowa where we had to snowshoe to get to a cabin unheated and with no electricity. We split wood by moonlight so we could have a bit of heat and light in an enormous fireplace. Half of our supper ended up in the fire when the cook pot tipped over. That was a cold night despite our down sleeping bags. But snowshoeing down the middle of a frozen river with snow cover trees arching over the river and with the bluest sky possible was magical. Thankfully there was no wind and the snow blankets on the trees were left intact. That night we snowshoed out for a real treat. We drove to a restaurant for a very hot meal and snowshoed back to another cold night at the cabin. It was a very special weekend but we were shocked when our friends told us that our first night it was -25 and the second night it was only -20. Foolishly we didn’t bother to check the weather on the rare weekend we had off from work but I have no regrets.
Michigan blizzard 1978! About 4ft of snow, unbelievable!!
My favorite snow memory is skiing as a child and teenager. I loved the feeling of going down the hill. It was a very freeing moment.
i grew up in Minnesota and some of my earliest memories were sliding down a beautiful virgin pasture hill on my sled! So much fun. Then cocoa and rusks to warm up once we had been dragged inside!
The Chicago blizzard of January 26-27, 1967 when 23 1/2 inches of snow fell across Chicago and suburbs. My son was born on January 27, 1966, so all that I could think of when we woke up with drifted snow blocking our doors and halfway up our front picture window was thank God this isn’t last year. There were many babies and toddlers in our neighborhood and it was days before we could drive our cars. So, a few neighbors got together with sleds and we trudged through the snow to get to the store to buy milk and supplies for as many as we could. We helped each other shovel out. Instead of being a disaster, the experience brought out the best in all of us. We worked together, shopped together, and ate together. Truly memorable.
Cross country skiing with friends on trails in the woods when the moon was almost full! It was SO beautiful, almost like daylight; and so quiet when we weren’t talking!
When I was a kid I loved to make snow angels! If you’ve never made a snow angel – you lay in the snow, sweep your arms up and down for the wings and your legs back and forth for the skirt of the robe…it was great fun!
I had taken lessons and learned “Stem Christie” on our Holiday vacation to Yosemite. There was a downhill race which involved all the parents in this beginners class. When I won my kids were besides themselves! They couldn’t believe their dorky mother could win anything. I still have the trophy pin.
As a child making snow cream with my mother. Yum!
There was a blizzard in Colorado Springs two days before Christmas. My parents arrived the day before, my sister, brother-in-law, and their two children arrived just as it started snowing. We awoke Christmas Eve morning find to a couple of feet of snow with more coming down. The men shoveled snow, the kids got out the sled and were sliding down the hill we lived on. In the house cookies were being baked and preparations made for special Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners to come and there was a fire in the fireplace. Everything looked like a story book description of a perfect Christmas. It actually was a perfect Christmas.
Cross country skiing years ago when I worked in the woods: One weekend I took my loveable big yellow lab/shepherd mutt with me to ski on the logging roads. Rhett kept running right behind me, stepping on my skis, and every time I tumbled down into the deep snow he then would jump with joy right on top of me and my skis. I would laugh so hard, it was impossible to get up until I could throw a snowball for Rhett to chase and free up my skis. The snow was icy cold but soft to land in, the sun was bright and the sky was clear blue. Beautiful day!!
Wish I could be in Nashville with you! Happy sitting and knitting with A&C – love the photo!!
Getting snowed in on Christmas. We had food, drink, music and gifts and no company! It was awesome. Lol
When I was young in SW Connecticut, a blizzard dumped so much snow our mighty Rambler station wagon was under cover in the driveway and the power was out for so long that we slept in the living room floor with a fire in the fireplace. It was a great adventure for us kids but now I realize it must have been a real challenge for my folks!
Snowshoeing up a quiet, sunny trail in Oregon heading towards a mountain lake.
Snow days in IL-,fond memories of having day off from school and playing in snow with siblings. Lynn B
Building snow forts with my Dad.
I can no longer remember why we were all visiting my parents, but my family, with our two small girls, and my sister’s family, with her two small boys, were there. We must have been having fun because no one noticed that it had started to snow and the snow piled up. Piled up so much that my dad opened the front door and the kids were able to use our old “flying saucer” sleds and sled right out the front door and down the hill. Even better, the snow plows didn’t come for hours so they had a long time to climb back up the hill and slide down again, over and over. It was a magical night for everyone and my parents talked about it for years, still do.
When I was a little girl, we used to have quite a few big winter snows here in South Central PA. I remember huge piles of snow plowed up to the sidewalks. As I walked home from school, I pretended to be queen and each huge pile was a part of my own castle. Funny thing, my feet and clothes were soaked by the time I got home. But I never felt cold!
We went to the Oregon coast to celebrate an English friend’s birthday on New Years Eve. My now-husband asked me to marry him when we got back to the motel after dinner and dancing. We woke up to snow on the beach on New Years Day. None of us had never seen snow on sand before so the whole weekend is a beautiful memory for many reasons.
My new husband wanted to impress me with his sledding expertise. A girl from So Cal never saw anything like that midwestern man-boy child go flying head over heels so fast as he mounted the old fashioned wooden sled of his childhood and set off the hillside terrain. He had forgotten the momentum gained in the size difference from growing up. He definitely did impress but I couldn’t stop laughing when he emerged from the pile of snow with a very perplexing look of a dizzying daredevil!!
Blizzard of ‘78 in Providence, RI! Snow was falling, but I did not leave work because I had office hours for my college students. Must be responsible. By the time I left, the streets were nearly impassable. Although I had only to drive across town, it took about 6 hours. I finally abandoned my car downtown, as it was clear that traffic had halted. Walked the remaining mile home. Everything was closed down for a week, and it was that long before I was able to be reunited with my car.
Being Canadian, I have plenty of snow memories!! The best is probably my Dad taking my brother & I tobogganing in High Park in Toronto. I was quite little and started howling halfway down the hill. Dad didn’t realize until we got to the bottom that my boots had come off. My poor wee feet were freezing!! Not fun at the time but it became part of our family lore and oh, how we used to laugh about it!!
17 years ago we moved to the mountains of New Mexico … our first snowstorm lasted 4 days and accumulated 3 feet of snow. Neither my husband nor our 4 dogs had ever seen snow before; we spent all 4 days playing outside, playing Fetch with snowballs, building snow creatures, sledding … It was wonderful!
My daughter was born during the blizzard of 78. My doctor had to walk to the hospital to do his rounds. It was hard for family to come and visit.
When I was in grade school we lived in Baltimore and there was a big blizzard. It snowed for 3 days. The snow was over the fence in the backyard. My father poured water over the top to make it hard and dug a cave. We had so much fun in that cave for about a month before it melted
Ooh, maybe I am commenter #401! Favourite snow… once upon a time I was living in Cambridge, England, and it snowed! Like, a centimetre! And all the kids were out at the riverbank trying to sled. Cambridge is about as flat as an ironing board, so it was difficult, but they were very earnest!
In Michigan l was “snowed in” for the weekend; a gracious woman taught me to knit and changed my life!
My favorite memories are those of my cats playing in the snow.
Building snow forts in the backyard – then mom making homemade hot cocoa
When my daughter-in-law joined the family, she suggested going bowling Thanksgiving Night. We bowled a few games as a family and walked outside to find everything buried in over six inches of snow! It was so beautiful and we had a lovely, peaceful drive home through the winter wonderland.
Going to sleep at winter camp listening to snowflakes landing on the tent.
Growing up in Michigan there are so many wonderful snow memories. Playing in the snow with our daughter and dog is still the best fun. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Having never seen snow, and never even seen it come down, as a young child we took a drive into the mountains and I got to see little tiny patches of cold soft ice. Big wow! I still have never seen it come down. I’m old and live in Southern California. Running out of time!
After a slow, slippery drive home to our house in the country, I finally got on our gravel road and when I got to the woods next to our house, there was a group of six deer standing in the middle of the road. I stopped and they gave me a look like “What are YOU doing here?” I apparently disturbed their afternoon meeting.
Making snow angels with my sister when we were kids.
We had a rare snow fall in Tucson many years ago where it actually accumulated a bit and stuck around for a day or so. I think it was around 2005-6? And my parents had a Black Labradoofus named Chessie. He was a big, goofy, sweet boy, but the brain fairy never really showed up, so he stayed that way, his whole life! Anyway, he loved water, loved the pool and then one day it snowed… First he went outside and barked at this weird stuff falling from the sky. He didn’t seem to like the cold on his paws at first. He tried chasing it the way he chased bubbles. (We would blow bubbles to entertain him, it was great!) and finally, we had 5-6 inches, and it stuck for a while. He went out, discovered it was fun to play with, and then lost his damn mind, running around and rolling in and chasing snowballs we threw for him. He was so joyful and happy. And cold and wet and a bit muddy when we brought him in, but it was so worth it. He loved snow. The next year, we took him up to Mount Lemmon to play in the snow a few times. He always had a blast.
When I was very young, we were living in upstate New York. After a snowstorm, my siblings and I went outside to play. When we stepped off the back porch, my youngest sister disappeared! The snow was taller than she was and she was completely buried. We were laughing so hard it was difficult getting her out! No harm came to her and she was a good sport about it. We were more careful to check the depth before stepping out after that!
Living in southern Louisiana, it does not snow much here but I do remember one time when I went outside with rubber rain boots and an umbrella.
I’ve lived thru many snow storms growing up in the Midwest. One I will always remember as a child was on thanksgiving it was also my birthday.. I had turkey (stuffing is my favorite) and birthday cake for desert. And just watching the snow falling and while asleep dreaming of playing in all that snow the next day with my sisters.
I was born & raised in the Central Valley of Northern California. One day when I was in high school we got snow that actually covered the ground. It was unbelievable & so much much!
Taking my daughter to Big Bear, CA to learn how to ski.
My favorite snow memory is the very 1st time I went skiing!! I had a blast (BEST TIME EVER)!!
Sledding with my siblings and the neighborhood kids. Snow days are always a gift!
One of my best snow memories is The Blizzard of ’79. My daughter had a sleepover birthday party that started before we realized just how much snow we were in for. In the morning we were totally snowed in, no cars could go anywhere, and I had 8 little girls, one loaf of bread, and one jar of peanut butter after feeding them breakfast. But most of the parents drove as close as they could and then walked the rest of the way to pick up their girls.
Snow memories! One of my favorites is from grad school in Charlottesville, VA. We had so much snow that classes were cancelled. We still had power, thankfully and believe it or not, the grocery across the street was open. We got the fixings for a bodacious meal and I fixed fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade biscuits (or was it homemade rolls?) and more for my suitemates and their friends. Afterwards we went out and had a snowball fight. What fun!
My favorite snow memory is seeing my 4 month old daughter’s face as she reacted to the first snowflakes she had ever seen or felt. That was 30 years ago!
I grew up in upstate New York and loved playing in the snow, but in 1978 I was living in Providence, RI when the Blizzard of ‘78 hit. It took a week for the roads to be cleared and opened for driving. The National Guard was driving through the city on half tracks. It was an adventure.
Living in Minnesota I have so many snow memories! I think one of my favorites in lying in bed in the morning listening to WCCO, hoping Roger Erickson would soon name our school as being closed for the day.
The Blizzard of ‘78 in Delaware. 7’ of snow (at least that’s how high the drifts were that I played in) and a week off of school! Much better than 2014’s Snowmageddon in Atlanta being stuck at home – which was still better than all those people stuck at work or on the road
Building a snow fort beside our driveway after dad had plowed, and there were big piles of snow, perfect for digging a play hovel! I was probably 8 or 9. Snow is always like a fresh start… everything white!
My favorite snow memories was a few years ago in the month of February when Boston received 8 feet of snow in the month of February! 108 inches, it was piled up like a fort around the house. My husband made tunnels around yard for the dogs, it was like a snow maze. We had snow mounds till June! No water ban that year!
I was in New Hampshire during the famous blizzard of ‘78. My childhood friend had gone into labor and I was asked to attend the home birth of her second child. As children, snow storms were the most fun and exciting moments of our lives. If one of us had had awakened in the night to find snow swirling outside, the other would wake to snow balls smashing against the bedroom window and we’d be out on the sliding hill in a flash. That winter in 1978 a different kind of excitement was in the air. Coincidentally, my friend’s sister was also giving birth in a hospital in Massachusetts. Unforgettable memories.
Dogs and snow! Whether it’s the one who loved it and leapt through the snow with joy or the ones who have not so much loved it and had to be bundled and cajoled and coaxed down little shoveled paths to find some grass beneath the snow – there’s so much laughter entertainment when you mix the two 🙂
My dad taking us sledding when we were kids. They hill looked so giant!
Living in the mid-west there are so many favorite snow memories…when grandpa took the tractor with the scoop backwards down the hill to flatten the perfect sledding hill, and then he was the first one down belly whomping on his runner sled; when all the favorite cousins came for the holidays, uncle drove the tractor with all of us kids tied on our sleds yelling for him to go faster; the Chicago Blizzard of ’79 was a great time to be a kid (but not so much to be an adult)!
As a desert rat, I was thrilled to see occasional snow on a distant mountain top. So pretty!
Sledding. Sledding. Sledding.
Mostly in Oregon. Always with my dad and 5 brothers. Until we were so wet and tired we could not stand up. Mom had hot chocolate for us when we staggered home. 🙂
I grew up on the Eastern Shore of MD which didn’t get large storms often. When I was six, we had a blizzard. I remember building forts out of the plowed snow drifts for snowball fights.
The first time I saw snow i did not know what it was. It covered everything. My mother put on all the clothes we owned and we went out and mostly fell down. It was fun in its own way
I remember when in high school, the snow was so high here in western NY that we were able to climb up a wee snow hill to the top of the one story garage and sled down into the back yard. So much fun!
I love snow, so I have many happy snow memories. Galloping thru snowy fields on horseback with friends as a teen (and thawing out sitting on the big radiator in the barn after); first snowmen, snow angels and sledding with my kids and now grandkids; XC skiing in a vineyard near Heilbronn with my husband (each of us with a baby in a pack); years later shoveling snow off the roof with husband in AK (and arriving home a day later to find my black lab and the neighbor’s Rottie proudly sitting on the roof, having trotted up the great pile of snow); also in AK that same winter- reclining in the front yard snow fort built from the roof snow watching the Northern Lights dance across the sky; watching the older dogs turn into puppies again, zooming in giant figure 8’s thru deep snow in the back yard and popping up out of snow banks like breaching whales. But the best is coming back into the warm house and knitting on the couch with family all around, a movie on the TV, kids and dogs sprawled on pillows and blankets with hot chocolate and popcorn and watching the snow fall outside.
I grew up in Michigan, so I have many memories of snow. For several years, my dad made us a small ice rink in our back yard. Lots of fun not only for us, but also the neighborhood kids.
Favorite Snow Memory? Moving to the SF Bay Area so I never have to deal with snow again!!!
Being in Boston for the BIG Blizzard and having to harness the dog and lower him out the second story window so he could do his business!
My most memorable snowfall was a blizzard in 1987, I think, that shut down the Midwest. My friends mostly lived in the same neighborhood, so it was easy and safe to get together to make food, play games, and try to stay warm.
Blizzard of 1978! I live in the Boston area. I can still remember people skiing down our street while we were shovelling (ok, it was well over my head as a child but Dad was shovelling and I was trying to be helpful) and reporting back that they were almost out of bread and milk at the store.
When my parents were still living, they retired in South Dakota, where Dad grew up. When they had snow and wind, the wind created gorgeous drifts on either side of the houses. It looked like the houses sprouted angel wings overnight.
The lake effect snow storms of my childhood. They were epic!
climbing to second story of our house in order to see approaching school bus
Western NY is great for a few blizzards, but the most memorable was ’77 when we got about 4 feet! By the time the plows came around, the piles on each side of our street were over 1 story tall – so fun to climb and carve caves into! We didn’t bother shoveling the drive way between ours and our neighbor’s house for a couple of months.
We got a snowmobile when I was about 12. My brother and I were allowed to ride alone on a frozen lake. So much fun zooming long by ourselves. My have been the only time we were allowed to take it by ourselves.
I grew up in Western Michigan, so snow was a given in the winter. However, some years were definitely more snowy than others. We have pictures of the six of us kids standing on snow “mountains” created by the plows: our heads are above the power lines stretched along the side of the road.
Sitting by the radio waiting to hear our school code to let us know we had a snow day!
There seems to be a favorite snow memory every year when I go outside and discover something special –sun on the snow-covered mountaintops, snow blanketing tree branches, a cardinal flying around against the snow tipped white pine branches.
Cross country skiing in Eastern Washington.
We had just moved into a house on Long Island after living in an apartment in Queens and had young, small puppy. Huge snowfall overnight and when my Dad shoveled enough to (barely) get outside the puppy stood on the front steps a moment looking at the snow before diving in and getting lost in all the snow. Thank goodness she was almost completely black so we could find her! After that we dug small tunnels for her to run up and down the yard.
My greatest snow memory is when I was in college and we had snowmagendon in 1983 – it snowed enough to have to cancel classes and we made trays from the cafeteria in to sleds and built forts, had snowball fights and generally mucked about all day. Great fun.
Family sledding and ice skating, included bonfires, cocoa, smores, hotdogs, etc, We always tried to load as many people as would fit, including the grannies who in my young mind were quite ancient, on toboggans, which were at times airborne and usually tipped at the bottom of the runs. So much more snow when I was a kid….it was never too cold and we were outside for most of our free time all winter.
The 1991 snowfall in MN will always be memorable. My NY boyfriend, now husband, had never experienced anything like that. We were snowed in for days.
Every snowfall is magical to me and I still love to shovel.
The Denver blizzard of 1982. We got snowed in at my boyfriend’s parents’ house, whom I had only met once before. We’ve been married 38 years now!
Well, I wouldn’t be a Minnesotan if I didn’t mention the Halloween Blizzard of 1991, or the Dayton’s Monkey Blizzard of recent memory. I’ve got two children who are Nordic skiers, which brings lovely memories of races and competition. BUT my favorite snow memory is sledding with my father, who stood 6’5.5″ and who would lay down on his old runner sled with both myself and my sister stacked atop him, and we would speed down the big hill, only stopping when we hit the plow ridge that kept us from entering the busy street. Oh what fun!!!
Early 1980’s, HUGE snowstorm left giant mountains of snow for my siblings and I to play in. We had the best time climbing up and over snow for hours.
Hard to pick just one, but I guess the hike on a trail above Lake Baikal in Siberia in 1992.
Easter vacation with my two boys to Woodloch Resort in Pennsylvania. The first day there we went out for an early dinner and found ourselves in the middle of a snowstorm. Driving back to the resort was a little scary. But the next morning we woke to a beautiful snowy scene and spent the rest of the vacation enjoying the cozy cabin.
Playing Fox and Geese with my dad. It’s a game of tag. You make a large circle in the yard or field with a + through the center (That’s the fox’s den) The fox tries to catch the geese and the geese try to free the caught geese. As you play, the track in the snow gets really slippery and you end up falling and laughing more than anything. Memories from over 60 years ago.
My favorite involves an unexpected snow day on my birthday, which just happens to be in the middle of May! Even for the Northeast, it’s a little late for a flurry, let alone enough accumulation to keep us off the roads. We live in Albany, NY. Our plans were to travel over to Stockbridge, MA and visit the Norman Rockwell Museum. As the plows were already stored for the season, the roads were a mess, especially in the Berkshire Mountain area. My kids decided we would have a movie day, complete with boxes of movie candy and popcorn. That may have been lunch . Lots of hot cocoa! We still talk about what a special day it turned out to be.
I remember the Blizzard of 1978 here in Massachusetts, USA. No power for a week or so. My Dad & I had to shovel out my neighbor. He called & said when he opened his door, all he could see was snow. The snowdrifts were up to the roof (this part of the house was 1 story tall) & he was elderly & couldn’t shovel his way out! He was so grateful when he could step outside! My Mom & I had to walk to the grocery store, on closed snow filled streets, & pick up groceries for us & our neighbors & then we brought the groceries home in a red plastic sled! I was 13 years old in 1978 but I will never forget that Blizzard!
Arne & Carlos! Exciting news!
One of my favorite snowy day memories is ice skating on the frozen Des Moines River as a child when school was cancelled. As an adult, I love to stay in by the fire and watch the snow fall while I knit and sip tea.
The blizzard of 1979 in Baltimore, MD. I was 8 and my sister was 6. We had never seen so much snow, and we made the most of it. Lots of sledding, snowmen making, hot chocolate sipping, and all around fun.
Being snowed in on a farm in the Illinois countryside over Christmas with my husband, mother and stepfather. We had no place to go, and the electricity (and water) still worked, so it was a festive time. After the snow stopped, temperatures went down to 20 F below zero
4 years at Univ of Buffalo. Lots of snow, never a cancelled class. (Read as, they’re very prepared!)
Waking up to new snow and a winter wonderland!
My favorite snow memory is sledding with my husband and kids.
We had an unusually heavy snow in my small Western Washington neighborhood several years back; no one could drive, but everyone was out sledding and skiing thru the streets to play and visit their neighbors. It was such a sweet picture of community in the middle of being snowed in.
When I was a child, we built a vacation cabin in the Poconos. It was off a graveled road up a long driveway. We had electricity but no TV. We were up for a weekend and a big snowstorm started late Saturday night and snowed most of Sunday. It was snowing too hard to drive home to Brooklyn.
Sunday night we slept in front of the fireplace at my aunt’s house. We drove home on Monday, and we went to Coney Island. We had hot dogs at Nathans, while ecveryone else was in school.
Staying in the family cabin in the mountains of Colorado in the winter as a child was magical. With no electricity or running water, my grandparents and I would play cards or board games with the fire keeping the single room warm. The night sky was beautiful with no street lights and the snow reflected the moon and stars with a shade of blue that was out of fairy tales.
Three snow memories all best
My daddy taking me out on Christmas Day teaching me how to ride my new
20” huffy bike on our snow covered street.
Walking the snow covered streets of Mt Adams with my boyfriend at the time. It was a beautiful silent night.
Watching my husband saucer ride down Sharon Woods steepest hill with our daughters. Drinking hot chocolate sitting on a fallen tree log with my family.
Having several rare big snows in Texas in one winter. Our daughter was in first grade. We built the requisite snow man. After the second snow, we built another snowman. And then we had s third snow. So we built a giant snow anglerfish. I don’t remember the inspiration, only that it was hilarious and we had a total blast and confused the neighbors.
The storm of 1992 – 163 cm (about 6ft) in 24 hours. The world was transformed!
I live I Alabama and when I was a child, it snowed about 2 feet in April.
Waking up to a white world was my childhood delight. I would turn on the radio and hear that school was cancelled, snuggle under my blankets and go back to sleep. Outdoors bundled up to play in the snow with neighbors and my dogs. Back inside for hot chocolate and time by the fireplace! Pure joy!
Taking our sledges (toboggans-this being the 80s, they were made of plastic) to the park. My sister and I colliding with each other, missing trees by fractions of inches, the sledges running fast because my Dad had waxed the bottoms- happy days.
Favorite snow memory? Why, the blizzard of 78 of course! I was three months pregnant with two little boys in Harvard, MA. My husband was in Tullahoma, Tennessee for business. I just barely got home from a doctor’s appointment and my mother sent over a pot of stew when the storm intensified mightily. When I woke in the morning the snow was up to the middle of the windows! (Bedroom was on the first floor!) The boys loved the snow, and I had to ask a friend to drive out from Boston to dig my car out. I’ll never forget it. Around here, when it snows a lot, everyone asks you where you were in ‘78!
It snowed the day we adopted our beautiful black Lab Mimi (age 5). We went outside and she went nuts, leaping and rolling, sledding downhill on her back, the epitome of joy!
Being snowed in with several friends at another friend’s house. Sledding the next day and figuring out meals with what was on hand.
Driving snowmobiles through my family’s woods.
These comments are such fun to read! My favorite snow memory is daydreaming out the elementary school window and seeing the first feathery flakes start to fall. One person would stage-whisper “It’s snowing” and all concentration was lost for the rest of the class. Would we get to go home early?! I also found the Arne & Carlos Hurtigruten “forest bathing” excursion in the snowy hills above one of our stops in Norway to be magical.
Growing up in Wilmington, NC, snow was not a frequent occurrence. But one time, somewhere around the 5th or 6th grade for me, we got a really huge pile of snow in April. School was cancelled, snowmen were built, all the things. It felt like snow I’d seen on tv, and it was fantastic.
When I was in middle school I lived 5 miles from town on a back dirt road. This was back in the 1950s. We had a blizzard an were snowed in for two weeks. Dad had to dump all of the milk as nothing got in or out. Very hard winter.
Favorite? Not sure, but most memorable was a blizzard in Denver in the early ‘80s that started just before Christmas – a couple feet of snow! Shut everything down and made everything inconvenient for quite some time!
I remember collecting snow to make snow icecrea, as a kid.
Two of our grandchildren live in Florida. Some of my best snow memories are having them home for Christmas and introducing them to snow. We have a small hill behind our garage that they love to sled on. Some years, there isn’t much snow, but they go out anyway. It brings joy to my heart.
Classes at UM being cancelled for the first time in more than 100 years due to snow. 1978.
There was a big hill for sledding across the street from the house where I grew up. I just remember the whole neighborhood coming out to sled and build snowmen and have snowball fights.
So much snow had fallen! Our tribe made igloos and castles for days.. giving our mom a much needed break I am sure! Lots of wet clothes and hot chocolate!
Oh man, snow. One time as a young child we had friends visit from an equatorial country. They had never seen snow before. Years later I went to college with one of the daughters, and she still remembered it!
My favorite snow memory was a very early snowfall in Vermont in late September when fall foliage was at its peak and the view was spectacular with the trees showing pastel color due to the snow coverage
The first real snow fall every year. It just delights me, every year. A feeling to treasure.
The first time I met my big brother (I was 50, it’s a long story! Come to
Maine and I’ll tell you the whole thing!) But we met in MA in 2009 and there was a huge snow storm. He loves in Louisiana so they don’t see a ton of snow. We got snowed in so we got extra time to visit and get to know each other. And he hated shoveling! Hahaha!
Many snow events living in Wisconsin and Minnesota. The Halloween blizzard 91, the collapse of the Dome and snow shoeing to get picked up to attend a work class, but I remember one in 8th grade,1968. Getting out of class by 10 am and leaving the school but couldn’t tell which way the steps went and stepped off the edge into A drift, pushing my dress to my waist but nobody saw anything. I have been 5 ft 3 since age ten so rhe drift was near 3 ft. It was an hour bus ride on a good day so a parent with a station wagon took about 6 of us that lived in one direction. We were the last ones to be delivered safely home. A drift choked out the engine but he calmly got out, scraped the snow from under the hood and restarted the engine. We thought it was great fun.
The first big snow we had at our home in the mountains, even snow blowing was fun that first time.
We grew up in rural southeast Ohio. My fondest memories are if 4 of us trudging through the snow down a hill and then up the next to catch the school bus. Half way up the second one of us would slip and we would all end up at the bottom. We had such fun, but the bus always seemed to wait for us. I guess that is why it could not come to our house, fun ice.
The blizzard of 78. It came so fast and hard. They let school out early the snow was up to my waist as a first grader by the time my mom picked me up. We had weeks off from school and lots of sledding.
Expat assignment in Switzerland. Knitting at a warming hut in the alps! Postcard views.
making snow angels, then years later, skiing in the Catskills with my friends.
My first car, an old VW bug, got the name Snowball after a very heavy snowfall when I lived in Aspen. I thought she was stolen then realized she was the big ‘snowball’ in the parking lot.
The first blizzard AFTER I retired! After 40+ years working in a hospital lab, it was awesome not having to worry about getting to work.
That’s like picking a favorite child! I have so many – from building snow forts as a kid to watching my own kids build huge snow slides, to getting snowed in with 3 feet accumulating outside. I love snow.
Many years ago I got snowed in with some friends. We made pizza and sat by the wood stove. The next day we had the most epic sledding excursion. It was amazing.
Making “snow-tmeal” – adding a scoop of fresh snow on top of a hot bowl of oatmeal. A fun seasonal celebration that my kids enjoyed.
Memories of my boys building snow forts, more elaborate each year!
Any winter In the early 1960s when I was smaller and the snow (seemed) taller.
I have a hill in my backyard…my favorite snow memory is the first time my kids were able to go sledding on it
The Halloween blizzard of 1991. The temperature was mild and the snow globe snow fell. Our children were the Queen of Hearts and the pirate and all the Minnesota children dashed from home to home laughing and enjoying the adventure. By the end of the next day we had 3 feet of snow.
During an enormous snowstorm, one of our daughter’s friends was stuck in our house with us for six days. We ending up eating pretty much everything in the house. I especially appreciated clearing out the freezer and being able to start fresh restocking the pantry and freezer.
Snow in 1967 in Chicago let us build snow forts!
I live in the Lake Ontario snow belt. The first winter we lived here, we didn’t have a snowblower. A lake effect snow event set up and we got 54”/137 cm in about 3 days. The two of us were outside shoveling nearly constantly. We would do the driveway and the front steps, go inside to rest, hydrate, and dry the outdoor gear, and head back out to do it all again. After a while, we had to stand up on top of the snowbanks we’d made on the edge of the driveway and shovel them down behind where they were, so we had somewhere to throw the snow we were clearing off the driveway. At one point the town snowplow came by and offered to help; they were able to use the backside of their wing plow to drag back and out of the way the head-high pile of snow they’d just pushed into the mouth of our driveway. (The mailbox post was a casualty, but we didn’t care!)
Eventually it stopped snowing. And by the next winter, we had a snowblower!
I’ve only been once in a blizzard. The sound of silence as all traffic stopped and humans hunkered down in their houses was astounding.
As a child growing up in Northeastern Oklahoma, when our parents mentioned the possibility of snow, I remember the anticipation, excitement and joy of running to the window at daybreak to see the world covered in that cold white fluff. It meant snow days from school, snowball fights with our friends, creating snow people, and mom making snow ice cream.
Growing up in Rochester, NY we had some terrifically large snowstorms. I remember one time when our snow pile was so large that myself and each of my siblings (4 of us in total) made a fort where we each had our own room connected by doorways or tunnels. It was legendary!
One February I took my daughter to a ski camp for adaptive skiers in the PA Poconos. Overnight it snowed 20+ inches. We were staying about 10 miles from the camp in the home of a friend of a friend of a friend. The divided highway looked like a trail through the woods, but she was eleven years old desperate to get to her camp as it was her annual chance to fly down the hill and forget about limits. We made it!
Blizzard of 1978, getting to school anyway
My favorite snow memory is during the Blizzard of ’78, when I lived in Boston. People were walking around in the streets at midnight exploring the snowdrifts and greeting strangers. There was no subway or traffic for about a week, so we all took advantage of that and just had fun in the streets.
OMG are you kidding? I grew up in Minnesota. That said, a few days after my baby was born we had a big snowfall. I looked out to see my neighbors shoveling our driveway. I stood there with baby in arms watching appreciatively.
One Christmas, I was at my parents’ house with my siblings and my brother had to leave to drive several hours back to where he was doing his medical residency. It was such a nice family together time, we were all very disappointed he wasn’t able to stay. He kept delaying and delaying his departure and it had begun to snow. The storm turned out to be a major nor’easter and eventually driving conditions became so bad that he really couldn’t leave. We ended up sledding on the hill behind my parents house in the storm until the wee hours of the morning and it was a magical night. We still refer to it as ‘the Christmas miracle.’
Sledding. Didn’t get to do it often because we live in Georgia, but loved it.
I’m not a huge fan of snow generally, but my husband and I honeymooned in Germany at Christmas so we could see the Christmas markets. It was magical walking around with a hot cup of gluhwein and seeing the lights reflect off the snow.
The magic of snow as a child. My mom dressing me up in my snow suit and boots to go out and play in new fallen snow.
Having a snow day off from school and building a snow house in the yard with my sister
My favorite snow memory is from 48 years ago. I was at my junior high school in Kirkwood, MO and it started snowing. And snowing. And snowing (that was back in the days when we got real snow storms, thanks climate change). by about 10:30 it was getting DEEP. I don’t know how it happened but my friends and I decided to … just leave. We walked to my house and even tho I was a total rule follower and NEVER did stuff like that, my parents welcomed us in and started making grilled cheese sandwiches for everyone. By the afternoon, MANY more junior high schoolers started showing up to sled on the hill in our back yard, drink hot chocolate and play games by the fire. It was THE BEST DAY. And no one even got in trouble at school. It is one of my fondest memories of my parents.
My mom making snow ice cream when I was a child- over 50 something years ago. 🙂
It was the first time I can remember listening to the radio early in the morning before the sun came up to hear that school was closed because of the snow. And that was something because I am old enough to tell the story that school didn’t close for just a snow storm and that if the bus couldn’t get on the road, you put on your boots and walked…. if the teacher’s couldn’t get there you’d stay in the cafeteria with the principal and the janitor LOL
Getting 2 feet of snow and watching our dog hopping around in it like a bunny!
One of my favorite snow memories is delivering Xmas cookies to our neighbors by pulling our son through the snow filled streets by sled when he was young. Snow was lightly falling, Christmas lights were glowing and at each house we sang, “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” as we handed a box of home baked Xmas cookies to the smiling recipients.
Along with my older brother, putting water onto our sledding path to ice it down and make our trips down the hill go faster and farther.
One evening when I was about 18 I was walking to the local grocery store with my mom who would’ve been in her late 40s then, and not very athletic, and we saw a giant snow hill and I said “come on let’s slide down it!” And we did only to land at the other end right in front of a man that she worked with. She was so embarrassed and I thought it was hilarious! Mom is 90 now, and she still remembers that!
March 1960 it snowed every Wednesday in my usually un-snowy small town in NC. It was so cold that the nuns let girls wear pants under their dresses. And after the last snow, the drifts against the screen doors were so high that my dad and I had to climb out of a bedroom window to get to the doors and clear them so we could leave the house in a more usual fashion.
I live in NE Ohio, so I have lots of good snow memories, like sledding down the hill in my parent’s backyard with my sister.
Cross-country skiing or snowshoeing with my family is great!
Blizzard of ‘78 in Michigan, digging tunnels all around the yard with my sister and neighbors. Magical for a kid!
My favorite snow memory is crawling up to the top of the snow piles left by the snow plows near our country home in Wisconsin. We had so much more snow back then. I remember being almost able to touch the telephone wires!
My Egyptian sister-in-law making her first-ever snow angel here in MA during an actual white Christmas. Years ago, now, but a lovey memory.
After a huge snowstorm neighbors got together and we made snow angels.
The Big Snow of 1967. No school for days!
My favorite snow memory was the first time I went cross-country skiing by myself, at night, in the woods of Michigan, as a teenager from South Carolina who had hardly ever experienced snow. I had no idea what I was doing, but I still remember the magical quiet and the freedom, and the beauty of the woods at night.
Years ago, younger and more energetic, walking in Chicago snow wearing a striped knitted cap (not made by me, alas). Some local youths walked by muttering “Dr. Seuss,” and hit me with a snowball. I was younger and more energetic and harangued them until they apologized, but because I griped when they said it in a singsong, they pelted me with snowballs and ran off.
Building snowmen with my preschool son the winter we lived in Syracuse, New York.
Coincidentally, also the year I taught myself to knit!
Definitely snowmobile rides with my neighbors and friends on our farm!
It was a rare thing growing up in GA but I loved collecting a cupful of flakes and transforming them into snowcream!
My favorite snow memory…hmm that’s hard; At 59 there have been so so many. I think my favorite is a hike in a Washington state forest with our “boyfriends”. It’s hard to explain but it was hilarious, like snot bubble making, tear creating hilarity. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it. thank you and happy holidays!
The blizzard of 1978! I was a regional nurse consultant for a group of skilled nursing facilities in Ohio. One of the facilities was in the small town where I lived. The blizzard shut everything down and the facility staff were snowed in there. I found some friends with SUVs with 4 wheel drive willing (actually begging to have an excuse to get out and challenge the snow drift covered roads) to pick me up and get me to the facility. I spent 3 days there before we were able to get the director of nursing there to take over.
The first time I experienced snow was in my 20s when my husband was stationed at Sierra Army Depot in Northern California. I remember being excited that the news was forecasting snow. I stayed up late. It started snowing at around 8 pm. I ran outside, in shorts and a tank top (I’m from Southern California) and started dancing around. I made a snow Angel in the driveway, then ran back inside to make hot cocoa and sit by the window playing Christmas music. I stayed up well past midnight just watching it fall.
Getting snowed in for several days. Life just slowed down
Getting engaged to the love of my life in the middle of a freak March blizzard.
Tons of snow memories, but I love big snowstorms when the city stops and is quiet and then some neighbor comes down the whole block with their snowblower just because
Taking the dog for a walk in the snow is so much fun. She really enjoys it.
Sledding as a child in Cleveland. We sledded down the hill with all the other kids on our wooden sled with metal runners. We had to be careful not to get hurt!
I was in class in high school in Phoenix when it started snowing. It was so surprising that our teachers let us go outside to experience it. It didn’t stick on the ground, but it was magical.
Snow in the 80’s when the boys would slide down the hill.
A late winter snowstorm dumped wet snow, cut off electricity. My dear husband fired up the grill and made morning coffee for me. Then the rest of the day we huddled in front of the fireplace until electricity was restored.
I grew up in Russia, snow in the winter was time to go outside and enjoy ice skating, cross country skiing and lots of sledding. And, yes all of that in the neighborhood, there was no need to drive anywhere.
Trying cross country skiing for the first time with my dad and brother. So much laughing and falling over.
The Halloween blizzard of 1991 in Minnesota, for sure! First snowed in, then frozen ruts on the streets that went on for months. Unforgettable!
Living in the Dalls area 20 yes, it has snowed 10” two times. It shuts the city down for about two days. Everything is so quiet and peaceful and then the snow melts. Two glorious, gorgeous days!!
My favorite snow day was the day I was born—it snowed 10”—a first for central Texas back then. My parents weren’t sure they could make it to the local hospital 15 miles away.
My favorite snow memory is the time we had a school vacation and went out to see friends in Avoca, NY. I watched out the window as a possum wandered through the yard and into the woods. When they got home from school, Stephen came with me and I tracked the possum through the snow. We wrapped it in his coat—mine was brand new—and I carried it back to their house. After their initial horror, our mothers let me keep it in the garage until we went home. But they made both of us strip and put everything we were wearing in the laundry immediately! The poor possum was covered with fleas. I fed it dog food and gave it water and loved it for two or three days until I let it go in the woods.
My favorite snow memory is actually an adult one. A good friend, Ben, organized a meet-up in Prospect Park after a really big storm, and though we were fully grown adults in our 30s, we had a wild snowball fight. (Thank you to whoever came out much earlier and built snow forts and walls we used to hide behind.) Random strangers shared their sleds, so some of us went sledding down small hills, and we ended it all with hot toddies and lunch and in a nearby restaurant. It was like all the magic of childhood and adulthood wrapped into one lovely day.
When my grandson was four, I was walking him home from our house and he wanted very much to go down the “big hill where the snow pile is”. He climbed all the way to the top of an enormous pile the plow had mad and proceeded to slide down on his hind end. The pile was bumpy in places and super slick in others and he slid a ways and then tumbled end over end the rest of the way. His snow boot flew off and he ended up upside down in a smaller pile of snow. He popped out of it with the biggest grin and declared “that is not exactly what I planned”.
Favorite snow memory from my childhood…. Working with my brother and 2 empty dog food cans to ‘dig’ an igloo into the snow bank in front of your house. Didn’t really work… and we had fun trying!
Thank you! My favorite snow memory was in Ann Arbor at university in 1978 when we had a crushing blizzard that shut the snow-savvy city down (hey, it was in Michigan, no stranger to snowfall) and the usually frenetic campus abuzz with noise was blanketed in near-total silence for some days. We made snow angels on the Diag instead of going to lecture.
I grew up in Jamestown New York, recipient of plenty of snow. My favorite memory is listening for the bells on the horses that pulled mini snowplows on the sidewalks to clear the snow. Unfortunately, the sidewalks were still icy. I fell once and made holes in my new angora gloves. Seventy years later I still have these memories of snow. (School never closed for snow.)
I am what a friend called a “hothouse flower” since I grew up mainly in the south. But I do have some memories of snow: a snowball fight with my dad and brothers the year we lived in Bedford England (I was three) and long days outside in the snow because everything stopped in Texas when it snowed. Now we mostly get ice, if anything.
We grew up in a house on top of a hill, and we always had lots of snow in the winter. One year we had so much snow that it created a clear run down the hill to the farmer’s field below. My mom and dad hosted a toboggan party for all their friends! We had six-person toboggans that went super fast, they put smudge pots for lights along the course, and my dad used an old Jeep to pull us back up the hill at the end of each run. It was totally magical, and 60 years later my brothers and I all remember the toboggan party as the best winter party ever.
As a Los Angeles native, recently transplanted to Portland Or, I don’t have many snow memories but I so enjoyed watching my adult acclimate to life on the east coast in Rochester, NY – specifically remembering to completely dry her hair before heading out it the freezing air. Her bangs took a bad hit one year.
A snowstorm when I was a child living in Washington DC… making “igloos” on the sidewalks and staying outside for hours… fortunately having snow pants and good jackets but still coming in soaked for hot drinks.
We lived on a street with a hill. When it snowed heavily and schools were closed, the town would close off the street so kids could go sledding.
Blizzard of ‘78. Boston. Wowee!
Went with the family to see ice castles in Wisconsin. Very beautiful and a fun pre-electronic-devices outing.
When I was young, we had a forest of pine trees near our home. The snow melted and froze again making paths of ice around the forest. We would skate through the woods after brushing snow of the ice we tree branches. It was a fairy tale memory.
XC skiing in Montana nearly every day all winter. Beautiful, serene, and a great workout!
Living in northern Idaho, it’s hard to pick just one! I love remembering the year we gave all of the grandkids (all small then) snowshoes for Christmas. I took them all out on a “walk” in our neighborhood as it was snowing hard and all of the parents needed a break. Teaching 4 kids at the same time how to use them was more than I bargained for! We laughed and fell down more than we walked. The final moment was showing them how to catch snowflakes on their tongues, of which I have a wonderful picture in the snowy moonlight.
Best snow memory – being snowbound at a Vermont country inn for a 2 days past our intended stay. Heavenly!
When our third child, William, was 9 months old, my family was living on a very remote acreage. It was a magic experience for a girl from the city. Our home was on a hill overlooking a shallow valley with a small pond. That year, the pond froze smooth (a rarity) and my husband cleared the snow from the pond so that we could skate. Christmas Day dawned bright and warm (as in, not the usual -35 C, but not much below freezing) and I was able to go skating in a beautiful richly cabled sweater that I had knit years before. With the two older children on skates, I dawned my own pair and pulled William around the pond in a sleigh. I will never forget the beauty of the crystal white snow against the fir trees and the joy of watching my children enjoying a very special wintery Christmas Day.
Best snow day memory? A storm in first grade that gave us three days off from school! The snow days came to the rescue of my stressed class—adjusting to school was not fun!
One year we had a blizzard and a tree next door came crashing down and pulled down the utility pole. Very dramatic but luckily we only lost power for about 18 hours. When my daughter returned to school, all the students talked about the power loss and my daughter had the dramatic story of how it all happened.
I went to college in central NY, where “lake effect snow” is a four letter word. Most of my memories of snow involve digging your way to class, as they certainly weren’t canceling for a mere 3 ft of snow. Getting to the observatory in winter was always fun, and might have included snowball fights.
Lol. I walked around my first home after the big snow. All easy going until the south side. The snow was up to my waist. I layed down on my back and “swam” my way around and rolled into the road! My neighbors thought “what a nut”.
I love getting out in the mountains and snowshoeing through fresh snow. Add a sunny day and a thermos of hot cocoa, and it’s just about perfect.
An April blizzard in Iowa, 1972? It was measured in feet – I recall two or three feet total! So sunny after. My sister, five YO me, and the entire neighborhood were thrilled to have two solid days of sledding down the street of our steep hill until the plows were able to get to the neighborhood. Sunny sledding with Mom’s cocoa after. That memory is matched only by hubs and me trudging home from the train 10 blocks in an unusually large Portland, OR snow in February 2014. After returning from an anniversary weekend trip to San Francisco, we decided not to risk a cab on the roads and caught the last train into town. It was around midnight and not a soul in sight as we walked home – an oddly eerie and peaceful end to our trip.
Watching my son shelving snow at around four years old. He was enjoying being a big help.
I recall we had what was considered a significant in our small town near Seattle. I was scheduled to work. However my 3 daughters were home for the day since school was canceled. I got about 2 miles away and thought this may be the only chance to have a snow day with my daughters at our house, so I turned around and went home. We had so much fun with our sled going down the hill in front of our house. They don’t recall this so much but I will cherish the memory as long as I live.
My favorite memory of snow is from about the late 1990’s–sounds like a looong time ago now. In the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, our school district was out for a snow day (extremely unusual for our part of the world). My husband with another neighbor dad walked our elementary school kids (4 total) and some others from our school to a nearby hill (part of Woodland Park) which was very long and at a good slope for sleds and saucers. The photos from that day are still imbedded–the laughter and joy abounding. Even though I was at work, it was a great pleasure to know of their unexpected holiday which delighted the dads as much as the kids.
One of my favorite snow memories is when we had three feet of snow, my husband was out of town (Arizona), and none of the streets were plowed. They were rationing bread and milk at the grocery store. My neighbor was able to get to the store and had to beg the owner to give her an extra gallon of milk for me and my two small children. I put the kids on a sled and trudged over to her house to get the milk. What a feeling of accomplishment. Sounds like a small feat, but our neighbor was our hero!
Pulling my daughters on a sled on frozen Lake Erie.
So much snow, snow many memories…one winter when I was a teenager, we had an unusually large snowfall and the neighbourhood kids decided we would roll an enormous snowball. Onto our lawn. That then became a snow tower. It was magnificent: ten feet tall and easily eight feet wide at the base. It stood as a celebration of winter long after all the other snow had melted.
Watching my puppy get the zoomies when she first saw snow. So darling!
I have lived in snowy places most of my life and appreciate being able to experience the change of seasons. Still, one of my strongest snow memories is from when I was a child on our farm in southern quebec… there had been so much snow and wind that the door of our tractor shed/car garage was completely snowed in, and my brother and I could climb the solidly drifted snow almost to the roof line to toboggan down!
My first semester of college…it snowed the entire first week of December to the tune of one foot. It was no big deal there, so everything continued as normal. I couldn’t believe it
Snow is always more fun when you’re a child, don’t you think? Growing up on Long Island, NY, I loved the way the snow drifted up against the house in one spot and left us a small valley to sneak out the front door just a short distance away. Aerodynamics, I suppose. Now that I’m an adult, I like a light covering best. When it first falls, it covers everything evenly and is undisturbed by even a bird.
Big snow in Burlington, Vermont around 11 pm, went outside with my x-country skis only to find many others with the same idea, skiing the streets with strangers in the snowy moonlight.
Growing up we’d spend Christmas in the mountains with snow. Getting bundled up to play outside couldn’t happen fast enough – snow angels and toboggan rides weren’t going to wait! And when we made it back inside there was always a warm fire and hot cocoa eating for us.
waiting for us – not eating.
I was on a singing tour in Florida during the spring blizzard of 1993, and it was snowing on the beach! We had to take the choir to the local mall and purchase clearance winter clothes and coats for the singers as we were expecting to wear shorts and t-shirts…On the way back to Georgia, the bus was advised to use caution and perhaps not go on at the Alabama/Georgia border because the roads were treacherous. The bus driver drove on and got as far as Hartsfield International Airport where we had to pull over and go inside. We used pay phones to call parents of the singers and asked them to spread the word and send anyone with 4-wheel drive vehicles to pick up as many children and possible, and to take them home until their parents could pick them up. This was during our spring break at school, and we were snowed in for an additional week. This was and is very rare for Atlanta!
Along with my siblings, Making our very own snow house with tunnels to enter the main rooms!!! So. Much. Fun!!
Our adult sons built a 15 foot snow creature in our backyard, and it lasted for a long time! We lit candles around it at night – beautiful!
Teaching friends in Eastern Europe how to make snow angels in the forest after a BIG snow. So fun, beautiful, and gloriously peaceful.
A favorite snowy memory … after a long year managing a business unit through the 2008/2009 downturn I “signed out of work” for vacation the weekend before Christmas on a Friday night. A few inches of snow was forecast for the following day but I thought I could still sneak in a few hours of Christmas shopping. I woke early Saturday to a blizzard and a healthy accumulation already on the ground. So instead of shopping, I lit a fire, made a pot of tea, pulled out my new knitting project, and enjoyed watching the evolving landscape through my window. It was one of the most relaxing days I’ve ever experienced!
We used to have a great yard growing up with a gentle slope from front to back. It made for some awesome sledding! I also loved when they plowed the street after a big snow because it caused huge snow banks along the front of the property. We created some awesome forts as we carved our way into them. So many hours outside with my siblings playing. I miss those simpler times!
Thanksgiving 1956….. I was little and everyone got snowed in at our house. It was really fun to have all my cousins in one place. They divided us up by age and we slept many to a bed. Since there were only 2 boys at the time, they got twin beds.
Making angels in the middle of a main road in New York City. Snow was too deep for vehicles. Those days are long gone.
My Harry Potter obsessed son calling himself a “sledamagus” and throwing himself down a hill!
One year we had so much snow, our parents sent us teenagers up on the roof to shovel it off. We had a single story house so after we shoveled the snow off the roof it was piled high. We decided to jump off the roof into the fluffy pile of snow below. It was so much fun. It wasn’t long before my mother glanced out the window and saw her kids jumping off the roof. She put a stop to it thinking we would break our necks but it was big fun.
I remember building a snow igloo with my children.
I’m a teacher so in the days before cell phones were ubiquitous you would get a phone call from a sleepy colleague telling you there would be a snow day! Then you would snuggle back under your covers with a smile on your face.
My son at 4 years old, outside on his own, first thing in the morning when he saw we had a foot of snow in the back yard, starts hollering: his boots got stuck and when he took a step he ended up in his sock feet sunk in the snow. I ran out in my slippers and robe to rescue him and we got locked out of the house!
Making snow angels with my dad. We were both adults and he had never done it (grew up in Texes). We wandered around the neighborhood looking for spots that seems to want some, and dropping down to fill the voids.
Making snow angels with my wonderful neighbor across the street.
Big blizzard in the 80’s while I was in high school meant either a 5 or 6 day snow vacation while we all shoveled out and had fun in 8 foot drifts of snow. It was a bit scary when it first hit as my Dad got stuck on the highway and didn’t make it home until the next morning – no cell phones in those days. But then it was all fun and games for me!
Finally mastering driving in snow. I learned to drive in southern California, but spent my adult life in New England and Montana. I feel so accomplished.
One wintry day we met up with family friends at a trail to a lake near Sterling, Alaska. We pulled our sleds and gear to the frozen lake and we 4 adults and 4 elementary-age kids built an igloo on the lake. Such fun!!
Sitting at a Green Bay Packer game on a 30 degree December eve and having a gentle snow turn Into a near blizzard. The players were making snow angels & throwing snowballs. The snow added an inch of froth to our beers. It was a magical night.
Going house to house on cross country skis for a progressive dinner.
I grew up in New England. I have many snow memories. Always hoping for a white Christmas, super happy when it happened
Snowshoeing with my dog off leash at the nearby golf course – every winter!
Every time I shovel I remember the time I had to throw the snow off to the side above my head as I made a path to walk. So. Much. Snow.
Snow drifts that reached the second story window in Kansas.
Anyone who lived in Minnesota during the fall of 1991 has stories about the Great Halloween Blizzard that dropped over 2 feet of snow that night. It was pretty cool (as long as you didn’t have to go anywhere the next day!)
Sledding as a kid down crazy steep (so we thought) hills with neighbor kids and hot cocoa when we were frozen to the bone. Love, love!
I live in Ohio. You may have heard about The Blizzard of ‘78. I was 11, and my best friend got snowed in with us. We drove Mom nuts! When the snow and wind finally stopped, Mom kicked us all out to play. We were in snowmobile suits, all bundled up like Ralphie’s brother in A Christmas Story! We carved out tunnels in the snow drifts in the driveway. The drifts were tall enough that we could stand upright in most of our tunnels. We would come inside periodically to warm up, but went back to The Big Dig as we called it. When we finally got back to school, we made trails across the snow piles that lined the parking lot. I still have that best friend. Our winters, however, have become milder and snow is inconsistent.
My favorite was from my Buffalo, NY cousins…. Mom, an RN was at work, Dad a teacher was watching 3 children, who amazed him because they were in their bedrooms reading. Mom walks in house screaming that her children are lucky to be alive with the worst babysitter ever. The kids were jumping out a second floor window into the snowbanks below. (My Aunt was transported to hospital and home via emergency services.)
My favorite snow memory is from my childhood. My dad would take my brothers and I to the mountains to find and cut down our Christmas tree. We would have snowball fights, hot chocolate and a great time together.
Making snow ice cream at my grandmother’s house in Pampa TX. It always made the holidays that much more magical!
Cross country skiing on a beautiful sunny day after the snowstorm, and stopping to just experience the loveliness of the woods. As the wind gusted a bit, I could hear the trees “crackling” as the frozen sap in them flexed, and the brilliant sunshine made rainbow refractions from the fresh snow crystals on the ground.