2 Superspecial Deals! (Free U.S. Shipping Is One)

Today marks the start of many folks’ holiday shopping. We don’t call this Black Friday. We call this Superspecial Deal Time.
We have two Superspecial Deals, in fact.
Superspecial Deal No. 1: Free U.S. Shipping
When you order $50 or more, we’ll cover your shipping costs. No coupon code required—it’s like magic! In a world of rising postal rates, this is a juicy offer. Runs through end of day Monday, November 28.
Settle in with our beautiful Holiday Shop lookbook, right here. Handmade things, tempting yarns, the best tools. It’s all in there!
Superspecial Deal No. 2: The MDK Amaryllis Kit
Save $6 on the best gift you can give anybody. Now only $39! Order your MDK Amaryllis Kit right here.
We are on a mission to get everybody to grow an amaryllis. Watching an amaryllis grow right there at your desk is a heartwarming, mood-boosting, life-affirming experience.

We’re seeing folks order up a batch of our kits, and we suspect these to be smart shoppers who know that an amaryllis kit is possibly the most perfect gift for anybody: a parent, a sibling, a child, a friend, a teacher.
In terms of quality, these amaryllises are jumping out of their husky little skins. They want to grow. They need only to be put into the soil (included) in a pot (also included) and watered a bit. (Our cute little watering can is sold separately, and it’s a winner.)

Do you hear what we’re saying here? Do not hold back. Get yourself an MDK Amaryllis Kit. Hop on the amaryllis love train! Before you know it, you’ll be in the club car dancing and waving your amaryllis around.
Ann and Kay
Although they say amaryllis bloom and are done, my husband (bright green thumb, unlike me) has some that must be close to 20 years old. He never cuts them or put them to rest, they just grow huge leaves year round, then every 2-3 years they put out masses of flowers. They are amazing plants!
Good to know that they may only flower every few years. I have kept one over and it regrew, but did not flower. I’ll keep the faith!
Do all the amaryllis kits flower in the color shown or is that just a sample of how they might look?
Yes, that’s the color of all our amaryllis bulbs. ☺️
My amaryllis bulbs bloom every year in sunny FL. (And in upstate SC.) I leave them in the ground year ‘round and divide the bulbs every few years. They put on a show everytime!
Please remind people that Amaryllis is toxic to cats and dogs.
Cutout cookies made with the grandchildren. Lots of frosting on the cookies and all over them and the kitchen. What fun!,,
Gingerbread cookies are the best! Especially with that sparkly sugar dusting. In cute holiday shapes. ❤️