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A quick hello to remind you of a couple things, should you be lolling about during this holiday weekend and wishing for some MDK fun.
Thing No. 1: Free U.S. shipping on your $50+ order. This is extremely straightforward, and applies to every single thing we sell. In particular, we hope it will send you over to the MDK Shop, which you’ll find right here.
Seriously, we have hundreds of dazzling products in our shop—yarns, bundles, bags, notions, tools, books, oh wow. It’s all stuff we personally adore, and turns out, a lot of knitters love it too.
Shop now through Monday night for free U.S. shipping with your $50+ order. This is a great deal.

Thing No. 2: Our Amaryllis Kit doorbuster. Only $39 (a savings of $6 off the regular price!). You’ll have a live, verdant, flowering garden wherever you’ve got a sunny windowsill and a craving to connect with the beauty of nature. It’s an eight-week drama playing out before your very eyes. Order yours right here. (Adorable watering can sold separately, right here.)
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Plus: A Giveaway!
We have a genuine MDK Amaryllis Kit to send along to a lucky random winner.

How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for MDK emails, right here. If you’re already signed up, you’re all set. We have a new option for texting, so when you sign up for those, you’ll get a coupon code good for 10% off your next MDK order.
Step 2: We’re all about holiday eats around here. Leave a comment about your favorite holiday cookie.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, December 4, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Love Date Nut cookies. They are so good with coffee or tea!
Pop my favorite are snickerdoodles!
My mother always made date cookies at Christmas with and without nuts. This will be my first year without them.
I hope you make some for yourself. It’s a difficult time of year to miss someone you love very much.
Mexican Wedding cookies, melt in your mouth goodness! Also, love Molasses Crinkles.
Very dark chocolate plus very dark rum equals my family’s and my favourite rum ball!
Frosted and decorated cut-out sugar cookies. Time consuming to make, but it wouldn’t be Christmas without them.
I make several different kinds of cookies because everyone has a favorite. I thinknmy favorite is Pepparkakor rolled out real thin.
Always love a good gingerbread cookie this time of year!
Peanut butter cookies with a Hershey Kiss
Spritz cookies!
Peanut Butter Blossoms are only one favorite.
Sugar cookies with rainbow sprinkles, made by someone no longer with us.
The comments reminded me she made amazing mincemeat cookies, too.
Yes! Peanut butter blossoms are terrific!
Spritz cookies are my favorite.
Chai spiced Mexican wedding cookies.
It is a good up between a sugar cookie I decorate…snowmen please….and a 7-layer cookie….please, I can’t chose! Happiest of holidays to you all!
Love making traditional Pfeffernusse (Peppernuts) this season and gifting to friends:)
I made them once—in 9th grade. I got the recipe from the Home Ec teacher. I did not realize the recipe made hundreds. She thought I’d know to cut it down but I just started measuring and mixing. I filled pans; bowls; then shoe boxes lined with waxed paper and foil. My family reminds me of it EVERY year, though it was > 50 years ago.
Molasses Crinkles!
Gingerbread men made with dark molasses was the one on which I learned baking skills as a child. Still my favorite Christmas treat.
Mexican wedding cookies. So easy to make and the powdered sugar covers any mistakes.
Mama made a simple shortbread-like dough and let us cut out shapes or shape our own, decorate, and bake. They’ve always been my favorites.
Cut out Sugar cookies from the spattered, well-thumbed church lady cookbook from my granny’s kitchen
Rose’s crescents (Rose Levy Beranbaumin)
Every year our mother made us the most delicious buttery sand tarts. She would spend hours painstakingly rolling the dough to paper thinness, use holiday cookie cutters to make festive shapes & allow us to sprinkle each with colored sugar. Truly a treasured holiday memory of the baked cookies melting in my mouth!
Eggnog cookies are my favorite Christmas cookie.
Spritz cookies with all the colors and sprinkles
Raisin Molasses Gems!
Russian tea cookies…so delicate!
Lumberjacks. A soft molasses cookie.
i have 2 favorite cookies. i make pecan sandies with a hershey’s kiss inside then roll in powdered sugar. And i m are peanut butter cookie with a piece of baby ruth inside. Both are just delicious.
A classic gingerbread cookie!
Thumbprint cookies! Making them with my mom is one of my earliest memories.
Classic gingerbread
Buttermilk Bars. Holidays were the only time my mom made these, and I couldn’t wait!
Molasses cookies made from my grandma’s recipe.
Mom and I used to make dozens and dozens of different Christmas cookies including the traditional Swedish Krumkake. My favorite is still the Swedish Snowballs, as I call them, also known as Russian Teacakes. Yummy, nutty, buttery goodness
gingerbread men or reindeer!
Thumbprint cookies are my favorite, apricot!
Gingerbread cookies are the absolute best!!!
5-spice cookies – love the sweet, savory mix
Favorite cookie? Gingersnaps- hands down here. We all love them, they are perfect for dunking in coffee or milk, and are a great way to start the day. Wait, did I just say that? 🙂
My dad used to make buck-eye balls when I was a kid. They were peanut butter dipped in chocolate. He didn’t generally spend much time in the kitchen, so they were a special treat.
Buckeyes are my favorite treats this time of year, too.
Gingerbread! I can’t wait to bite their delicious little heads off!!!!
Hermits, from The Canadian Cook Book recipe, but with currants substituted for half the chopped dates. Bliss.
Chocolate peppermint cookies. Though I wouldn’t turn down a peanut butter blossom.
so many choices… date bars are are yummy!!
Cranberry pistachio biscotti!
Anything I don’t have to make! Who has time to bake when there is yarn in the house?? I usually reach for the chocolate chip cookies when given a choice.
I know, right!!! Favorite cookie is one that someone else baked for me 🙂
Molasses ginger cookies sandwiches around dark chocolate
I don’t make them much anymore , but I love my grandma’s Italian fig cookie, cuccidati.They were made for every religious holiday in my fathers family. Now my kid’s favorite of mine is a chocolate chip cookie dough , but you roll up a Hershey kiss inside instead of using chocolate chips. Then you frost with powdered sugar icing and sprinkle nonpareils on top.
Oh my. I have a bag of sprinkles I’ve been wondering what to do with, and this just might be the answer. Why I have a 1lb bag of sprinkles in a house with nothing but two 60+ years olds with no grandchildren, is beyond me.
So funny about your 1 lb bag of sprinkles!
Date pinwheels. Delicious
Very very thin molasses cut-out cookies with a hard white glaze and then red or green sugar.
I, too, am a fan of spritz cookies. Our elderly Swedish neighbor made them every year. Nothing better!
The buttery goodness of Russian Tea cakes!
Iced sugar cookie cut-outs. Favorite cookie ALL the time.
My husband’s fav iOS definitely pfferneuse. I like just about anything, but I am fond of the toffee squares from the Elegant but Easy cookbook. That also has the perennial favorite Plum Torte, which couldn’t be easier and is always delicious.
Favorite Christmas cookie is my husband’s grandmother’s German sugar cookie recipe called speculatsi. Not sure I spelled that right but it’s basically flour, butter, and sugar rolled wafer thin and baked just until it’s golden brown and crisp. Heaven!
Whipped shortbread for me…used to roll them out with my mother when I was young but this is much easier. Sometimes add mini chocolate chips to them.
Not just for the holidays. Oatmeal raisin cookies made with raisins that have been soaked in rum.
It’s a toss up between baklava or gobs made the size of quarters to pop in your mouth!
My Mema”s peanut butter balls, made with chocolate. These were a lot of work and only made at Christmas.
My favourite is my Great Grandma’s old-fashioned ginger cookies – soft & molassesy. The recipe is written in my Grandmother’s handwriting – also special. Not my favourite but my brothers make their great snack – garlicy nuts & bolts: (cheerios, shreddies, pretzels, peanuts, Bugles (if they still exist), butter & spices.
Gingerbread people, of course, even the ones from Trader Joe’s, maybe especially those
Sour cherry dark chocolate chip cookies dusted with sea salt. A clipped recipe from the Washington post maybe 20 yeas ago. It will forever be in my repertoire when it comes to baking holiday cookies.
Pfeffernusse Had to look up that spelling!
Not really a cookie, it’s known by a few different names: Christmas Crack, Faux Almond Roca, saltine Almond Roca…
Rum balls. When I was a kid it was my job to hand chop the walnuts in a jar w 4 blades. And I hand crushed vanilla wafers w a rolling pin between 2 sheets of wax paper. I loved the process! We only made one small jar. Treasured. Then as a young adult I got a food processor and made them to give along w other treats on a cookie plate. They were the favorite of everyone. What I realized many years later was a jigger of rum did not mean 1/4 cup.
My grandmother’s date pinwheel cookies.
Peanut butter cookies with a Hershey’s kiss in the middle
A favourite Christmas cookie of mine is Shortbread.
Sugar cookies in all the lovely Christmas shapes and colors!
Gingerbread men or World Peace cookies which are made with bittersweet chocolate a recipe of Dorie Greenspan.
Year round, all-occasion, and no-occasion, everyone at our house always asks for lemon bars.
My childhood and forever favorite is the Moravian spice cookie made in Winston-Salem NC. Cinnamon, ginger, molasses and rolled impossibly thin, it is perfect with coffee—or anything else!
Donna, me too! Growing up in Charlotte, we had to import our cookies from Old Salem, but now that I live in WS, I order from Mrs. Hanes and have them shipped to friends and family. So good!!
Lemon ricotta “cakes.” They are soft little pillows of a cookie, finished with a lemon glaze.
It has to be the coconut macaroons with a smear of chocolate on top that my cousin makes, superlicious!
Hungarian Butter Horns – flaky pastry rolled out into triangles, filled with a meringue and hazel nuts. Each cookie individually rolled into a present shape. Melt-in-your-mouth wonderful. I haven’t made these in many years – maybe this year!
Crescent shaped cookies or potato chip cookies. Can’t decide
My Mom’s Sand Tarts (I can never roll the dough out as thinly as she did!). Also love Welsh Cookies.
Cutout cookies with the grandchildren.
Not a cookie, but I love these amazing nut cups that a friend once brought to an outing. I hounded her until she shared the recipe.
Mexican Wedding Cookies for us!
Snickerdoodles! And my mother’s brownies, covered with a layer of melted marshmallows and top with chocolate ganache – heaven!
Ginger molasses cookies rolled in sugar before baking for that light touch of frost
Snickerdoodles!Or my daughters chocolate chip and nut cookies!
Fruitcake cookies
Oh there is not just one, but if I need to tell you one. It must be a new magic cookie bar I made. Cranberry Bliss Magic Cookie Bar. Yummmm!
Greek wedding cookies leave a sprinkling of snow everywhere!
Soft sugar cookies with just a hint of nutmeg.
My favorite is Peanut Butter Hershey Kiss cookies. When they are freshly made I could live on them. Although I never think of them as a holiday cookie as I didn’t grow up celebrating Christmas. I once had a friend in college tell me I ruined those cookies for him because I made them at another time of year.
My grandmother’s butter cookies! A family favorite that gets made for many holidays now but she always made them at Christmas. I’m happy to share the recipe so it can continue to be enjoyed. (In her words)
1 c. Butter
2 c. Sugar
2-3 eggs
3 1/2 c. Flour
2 tsp. Full baking powder
1 tsp. Scant cinnamon
Cream butter and sugar. Beat eggs and mix well. Sift (I don’t sift) flour, baking powder and mix together. Chill 5-6 hours. Roll thin, cut, brush tops with yolk of egg mixed with a little milk and bake in medium oven.
Thank you!
My mom’s recipes for almond crescent cookies and cream cheese dainties. Yum! Oh and can’t forget my dad’s peanut butter fudge. Those all remind me of Christmas and the loving family I grew up with
Shortbread! With the best butter. My friend makes a whipped shortbread cookie that melts in your mouth.
My favorite holiday treat isn’t a cookie, does that count? It doesn’t feel like Christmas to me without marzipan. My favorite incarnation: dark chocolate-covered loaves made by the Niederegger company in Lübeck. My grandparents used to ship them to us from Germany every year at Christmas. I’m thrilled to be able to find them locally now.
Frosted cut out sugar cookies!
Biscotti with pecans and chocolate chips. They go well with a nice cup of tea for a relaxing afternoon break.
Gingerbread truffles dipped in white chocolate – too good!
Nothing says Christmas at our house like Date Pinwheel cookies. 🙂
I can never decide so I have to make an assortment. Shortbread, Nutella cookies, Spritz cookies, gingerbread cookies, pecan cookies-however many varieties I can make because they are sooo good to eat.
Gingerbread cookies!
Fruitcake cookies!
“Sandwich cookies.” Two very thin, flaky disks with a little frosting in between.
My mom’s Finnish fruit tarts – only at the holidays.
Linzer cookies.
Shortbread cookies are my #1!
Love Mexican wedding cookies with my Christmas coffee and Peanut butter blossoms any time of day.
I love my orange chocolate chunk hazelnut cookies. I hand make the candied Orange rind, and they are, in a word, divine!
I love Mexican Wedding Cookies!
In India we make nankatais for Christmas.They taste so good and look very pretty too with just one tiny piece of a chopped green or red glace cherry on the top.
Instead of traditional cookies, bite size peppermint brownies. They are my best friend’s favorite!
We recently had to go gluten free so still searching for new favorites. But we have perfected our decorated sugar cookie!
Still love the holiday spritz cookies best!
Gingerbread cookies!
I made some dreamy chocolate rugelach last year.
Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies!!
Snickerdoodle the best when my mother in law makes them and they are fresh out of the oven
Everyone else calls them Mexican wedding cakes. We call them Mothballs because that is what they looked like to us as kids.
My mom makes the best chewy molasses ginger cookies, rolled in red and green sanding sugar
Chocolate Crinkles are an old family favorite
My favorite holiday cookies are spritz cookies, a buttery Scandinavian cookie-delicious!
Gingerbread cookie. I’ve been on a lifelong quest to find the perfect one.
Rosemary Chocolate Chip!
I love them all—unfortunately.
Pineapple Madeleines
Walnut butter cookies. My father used to tell me they were better if I cut them by hand rather than used cookie cutters. His thought was that if they weren’t as pretty, fewer people would eat them and there would be more for him! (It’s no wonder I still miss him every day.)
Ginger rye shortbread! Yum!
So many to choose from…brown sugar with slivered almonds icebox cookies would be my first choice 🙂
Peanut blossoms are my favorite – although it’s not Christmas without cut-out sugar cookies.
Grandma’s butter cookies!
The NYT just put out an orange spiced crumble cookie. I think that will be my favourite. Otherwise it’s Jaffa Cakes.
My mom’s soft molasses cookies . . . or her cutouts – a delicious cross between shortbread and a sugar cookie . . . or Peanut Blossoms . . . . I miss her the most at Christmas when I’m trying to replicate her recipes.
Gingerbread is my favorite holiday cookie. But I learned during the pandemic that my husband had never made cookies. Seeing him learn the cookie press to make spritz was so much fun!
For many years I’ve been making almond biscotti flavored with anise to give away to friends. I’ve been searching for the best soft ginger cookie recipe and might have found it a few years ago – browned butter ginger cookie with lemon icing – but I don’t use the icing.
Absolutely Christmas cut out sugar cookies!
Which cookie? I cannot choose. My mother made a 25 gallon crock of cookies that sat on our enclosed back porch. Each layer of was separated by a sheet of waxed paper. I could slide my hand down the inside edge to reach fudge, or a Santa sugar cookie or a maniamo bar.
I make a spumoni biscotti with chocolate, macadamia nuts or pistachios and dried cranberries that can’t be beat!
Rugelach. Raspberry coconut, chocolate walnut, and apricot jam with vanilla bean from my backyard tree.
Love gingerbread cookies!
Spritz cookies. Not my favorite but the extended family loves them and expects them so I make them! My favorite is the Italian rainbow cookie – so festive.
just love gingerbread cookies!!!
Peanut Blossom with a star!
Pizzelles with their lightness & crispiness are a holiday favorite of mine.
Brownies with candy cane topping.
Holiday ginger cookies! They have beat out all the other cookies in our family get togethers
Spicy gingerbread cookies, the roll-out kind, are my favorite. It all starts with the aroma from the oven and continues through frosting and eating.
Mexican wedding cookies
Snow drops or pecan sandies
my favorite cookie for Christmas was always my aunt’s chocolate snickerdoodles. they were amazing!
Fatballs! (Mexican wedding cookies made with Hazlenuts)
Lemon thyme Christmas tree cookies, Dirty Chai Earthquake cookies, Rugelach, and Brown Sugar Anise cookies
Apricot filled butter cookies
Butterballs. Like the name implies, they are full of butter! Also chopped nuts, cardamom, cinnamon, and other spices then rolled in powdered sugar. Twice.
I think it’s called wedding cake cookie. It’s rich and buttery with ground nuts and a confectioners sugar coating. Delicious.
I cannot remember if I left my favorite on here (German shortbread) but having come back to read so many more posts, I am FREAKING OUT from all the varied and many cookies are being mentioned.
Can’t choose just one! Sugar, gingerbread, shortbread, iced fruitcake, spritz, snickerdoodle, chocolate, and a friend’s cuccidati cookies, to name a few.
It’s not really a cookie. Butterscotch scotcheroos are my favorite.
Favorite holiday cookie: the rolled sugar cookies from Rose Levy Berenbaum’s Christmas Cookie Book. They are thin, delicate, kind of challenging to make, and the cookie everyone looks forward to!
Gingerbread cookies! Yummmm
Mexican Wedding cookies! They were one of many cookies my mom and aunts would make for the holidays.
A Dutch butter cookie my mother always made, that I have made every year also. It has almond flavoring to give it that extra something. My kids, who are all in their 30s, expect them every year. I never did know where my mom got the recipe, and I wish I could ask her.
I love Peanut Blossom cookies and can’t wait to make some next week!
Ginger molasses cookies are my fave!
Peanutbutter Blossoms – can’t go wrong with a peanut butter cookie topped with a chunk of chocolate!
Empire cookies! Two layer of a sugar cookie that’s less sweet, stuck together with jam, frosted with a 1/2 cherry mon top!
Chocolate crackles. Rich chocolate dough rolled in powdered sugar before baking. Delicious!
Speculaas – spiced windmill cookies – eat them on a sandwich.
Supremes from the Maida Heatter cookie cookbook. A layer of oatmeal cookie and a layer of chocolate/condensed milk mixture topped with dabs of more of the oatmeal cookie dough creating islands of cookies in a sea of chocolate. Plus they are a tray bake which gives you a lot of cookies for not as much work.
Rugelach. I use Maida Heatter’s recipe. Lots of work but worth it!
Toasted Oatmeal & cranberry cookies! Oh my!
When my kids were little we always made Mama Lee’s Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies, a family recipe made special by a hint of grated nutmeg, for Santa. And everybody! Now I make Sand Tarts, a somehow more adult tasting cookie akin to Mexican Wedding Cookies. With lots of pecans! Ohh, that’s what I’ll take to my DnD game next week!
Note: I was mindful in what would normally be an excessive use of exclamation marks. But, cookies!!
Poppy seed cookies – from an old electric company (WI) Christmas cookie book – poppy seed dough with a chocolate thumbprint instead of jam
Chocolate chip. I might be a bit boring…
Home made ginger snaps, still warm from the oven.
Easy. My favorite holiday cookies are cutout cookies in the shape of chickens. Grandma only had a few cookie cutters so she made Christmas chickens (and trees and stars and lions.) Mom made chickens because her Mom made chickens. I have a terrific selection of chicken cookie cutters. My daughter may only make one token chicken (she prefers a cowboy boot shape) when she bakes them, but the tradition lives on.
My mother made amazing Russian teacakes that I have never been able to duplicate. She’s been gone 25 years but I keep trying!
Nothing says Christmas like Pizzelles!!
Cut out sugar cookies. The fun getting together for the decorating!! Lots of laughs.
Good old sugar cookies
My favorites are krumkake. A thin cookie cooked on an iron or special waffle maker and shaped into a code. Growing up, we only had them at Christmas. We make a filling of whipped cream and raspberries but I have also coated the edge in melted chocolate and roled them in sprinkles or finely chopped nuts.
My favorite holiday cookie is a shortbread butter cookie made with a cookie press!
My favorite Holiday cookie is a gluten free Anise shortbread that my friend Wendy makes.
Cut out sugar cookies that are made with the family. Memories that go on.
My great grandmothers sugar cookies made with buttermilk – really like a small sugar cake. She had 11 children and we are now down to the first – and 2nd cousin generations and we all have the recipe and make them. I prefer white sugar on top but for Christmas colored sugar or sprinkles can be used.
Recipie from my mother-in-law, filled mincemeat cookies. Not sure of the name. time Consuming but wonderful
My friend gave me her Italian grandmother’s recipe for anise cookies I love them so much, that I never end up putting icing on them, I just gobbled them up
My new favorite cookie is the 411 Shortbread from this very site. Fast, foolproof, delicious! If I’m really going whole hog I put cacao nibs in them.
Chocolate crinkles are one of my favorites!
I adore sand tarts and snickerdoodles! And pumpkin rolls, even though they aren’t cookies…
My grandmother’s German anise cookie, Springerle.
Chocolate chip cookies, fresh out of the oven, chocked full of dark chocolate chips, walnuts or pecans and a little coconut. These are always my favorite!
Chewy ginger cookies!
Old fashioned cut out shortbread cookies decorated with icing or sprinkles, etc. Recipe from The Birmingham News many years ago. A fun family activity to decorate them together.
Best of all worlds, my best and oldest friends Gingerbread cookies! They are fabulous and I did not have to make/bake them!!
I love macaroons any time of the year!
I still love the frosted, decorated sugar cookies the best. Besides eating them, they are a tradition to make with the children in the family .
Can’t beat authentic Scottish shortbread!!
I was a foreign exchange student in Sweden so my favorite cookie is Swedish spritz. I took four Swedish recipes and two American recipes and, using American flour almond flour, and European style butter, came up with my all around favorite recipe. So good.
Butter cookies. My mother’s recipe, she would sprinkle them with red and green sugar for Christmas, but they’re good any time of the year.
My favorite holiday cookie would probably something I don’t know how to spell, the sandbakkel. It is a family recipe that my sister always makes. I guess I should try making it because I would learn how to spell it.
Pecan snowball cookie
My mom discovered a new cookie late in her mom “career”. Called Santa’s whiskers. It’s a sugar cookie containing red and green candied cherries then rolled in coconut. So pretty and tasty.
Another great cookie! My aunt introduced us to Santa’s whiskers cookies in the 1970’s…delicious and versatile. We make them with red and green cherries for Christmas, red cherries for Valentine’s Day, and green cherries for St. Patrick’s Day.
I loved my mom’s sugar cookies – she used to make them for every special occasion, but I make them now at Christmas time and enjoy the memories when I use her cookie cutters – stars, quarter moons, Christmas trees, ‘gingerbread men’ and more. My Mother-in-law makes cookies every Christmas, and my favorite is the Russian Tea Cakes – I can’t make them myself because I would eat every last one!
My favorite holiday cookies are M&M cookies (using the red and green M&Ms, of course).
Hmmm, a y cookie w chocolate will do.
Chocolate crackle-tops or cucidati, the Sicilian fig cookies that my sister now makes.
My favorite Christmas cookie is from a recipe handed down from my Grandmother. it is called Pecan Balls and is somewhat similar to Mexican Wedding Cookies. Only better! It is not Christmas at my house without them.
love, love love shortbread. . .simple and yummy!
coconut cranberry chew. Gotta love a cookie recipe that requires 3/4 pound of butter
Love frosted sugar cookies! They just feel decadent to me.
Almond biscotti w/ a bit of chocolate on the top. So crisp and just right with either coffee or a glass of wine.
My favorite cookie is a cream cheese frosted sugar cookie. A friend shared the recipe, and I think of her whenever I make them.
Snickerdoodles – and peanut blossoms.
Pfeffernusse and Russian tea cakes are my favorites.
Fruitcake cookies and pizzelle.
Russian Tea Cakes (or Mexican Wedding Cakes – whichever you prefer to call them). But also Christmas chocolates.
Frosted sugar cookies!
Mom always made Jan Hagel cookies at Christmas, I’ll continue the tradition with her old cookbook.
I send the rum balls! ,but also chocolate cookies with candies mint melted on top. My Mom always made at least 25 -30 varieties of cookies to be able to share platters full. She insisted on having something to please everyone, and to make it colorful. She had some rolled in powdered sugar, some with, some without nuts, some chocolate, some decorated with red – like cherries, some green. She made them all really small so you eat around the platter. Friends and family looked forward to her cookies every year. She baked them through her 97th year!!! Cherish the memory.
Another person for frosted sugar cookies.
Coconut cherry macaroons.
Chocolate crinkle cookies. But really, it’s the variety of special cookies that’s so great!
Chocolate rum balls when I was little, but now I would say Empire biscuits or raspberry almond squares. Mmmm…
Gingerbread. It isn’t Christmas around my house without gingerbread. Even though everybody goes for the fudge first.
Classic Gingerbread cookies are the best!
I love Krokaner cookies! These are Scandinavian “bridge” cookies.
Gingerbread cookies dipped in white chocolate get my vote.
My favorite cookie by far is the sugar cut-outs.
Santa’s whiskers are a favorite in my home. The coconut toasts around the cookie and looks like whiskers.
Swedish pepparkakor
So many great favorites brought up in the comments. But its not Christmas without Gingersnaps!
Hands down, cardamom shortbread cookies.
Our family has a dear friend, originally from Latvia. At Christmas time she always made the traditional cookies of Latvia that were very thinly rolled out and had Christmas sprinkles on top. Her cookies were in different Christmas ornament shapes. As her sons got older, she taught them how to make them. She also passed the recipe on to my daughters and a couple of years ago, one of my daughters made some for Christmas as a surprise. Unfortunately, my friend now has Alzheimer’s/dementia and she doesn’t know what a wonderful treat and surprise that her Latvian cookies have been handed down and how tasty they were.
My all time favorite cookie is chai snickerdoodles with cinnamon chips. Yum!
Yup, can’t go wrong with Mexican wedding cookies (or whichever name you know them by). But if I had to really choose, it would be my mom’s recipe for oatmeal candy cane cookies, suitably iced to look like candy canes. It’s been years since I made them (and many more years since my mom made them) but I can taste them still on memory’s tongue. Baking (and giving away) a batch or two would be a nice goal for the holiday season!
Gingerbread people decorated with red hot candies are my favorite.
Love anything with almonds!
Does shortbread count? My mom has a colleague who makes a giant shortbread cookie for each of them for Christmas, so that’s my food association.
My grandmother made the BEST Spritz butter cookies. She died when I was 6, and my mom does not have the cooking gene, but my aunt showed me how to make them when I was about 8. That is about 52 years of making cookies for me. 🙂
Peanut blossoms. That is all. <3
Almond crescents or any homemade cookie that I can get
What a treat to wake up to a lovely post from some lovely ladies! Happy SUNday, Ann and Kay!
easy nut thins are my all time fav at the holidays!
Chocolate crinkles!
My favorite holiday cookie: plain old decorated sugar cookies!
I love dark chocolate on anything!
Is “all of them” a cookie?? 😉
I love the good ole Christmas cut out cookies. The decorating is so much fun.
Homemade Pecan Sandies are my favorite cookies
Frosted sugar cookies will forever be my favorite! So many memories stored in those cookie tins, I will never outgrow them! (Except maybe in girth if I keep eating them to excess!)
Molasses spice cookies from America’s Test Kitchen
Snowballs – AKA Mexican wedding cookies, Russian tea cakes, and more.
My favorite and the one that always disappears first from the cookie plate.
Joe Froggers! They’re a molasses cookie spiked with rum!
Ginger snaps with big chunks of crystallized ginger.
Finnska Kakor – just butter, sugar, and flour – how could you go wrong? Makes a very light and crispy shortbread.
Oatmeal carmelitas—it’s a bar recipe on the Pillsbury website. So good!
Date filled cookies are a wonderful holiday treat!
In my house, there are 3. Non-snapping gingersnaps, oatmeal raisin made with fruit bits (think small diced dried apple, peaches, cranberries, blueberries and currants) as well as the called for raisins, and chocolate-peanut butter swirled cookies. (The chocolate-peanut butter are made with a chocolate cookie dough and a peanut butter cookie dough that are made separately and then swirled together.) These three cover all the bases .. spice, fruit, and decadence.
Definitely the cutout sugar cookies, with or without frosting.
Mexican Wedding Cakes – a !omg time family favorite!
Gingerbread cookies!
Thank you and Happy Holidays ❄️
Love the cutout cookies with a hint of anise flavor added.
Although I have never met a cookie I haven’t liked, my favorite hands-down are my parents’ Chruschiki (aka Polish bowties). So delicious…as are the memories of helping to make them!
We make what we call Lace Cookies. It’s nothing more than quick oats, brown sugar, and butter. They melt on the pan into a super thin sheet with holes, hence the name “lace cookies”. They do not harden up well in humid weather so winter is the best time of the year to make them!
Russian Tea Cakes, aka pecan balls, aka pecan snowballs. Sugary, buttery, nutty. Yum! I like buckeyes too – but I think those are not technically a cookie?
It’s hard to choose a favorite but I’d have to go with the cut out sugar cookies with homemade icing and sprinkles.
Well, it’s not really a cookie, but I love bourbon balls! My mom used to make them when I was a child and I’d occasionally get to eat one. I would pretend to be “drunk” on the bourbon. Now I can eat more than one if I want. LOL
Bourbon balls for my family too. Mama only made them at Christmas and she always took some to her doctors.
My favorites are my mocha shortbread cookies with one half dipped in chocolate. Also a comment about the amaryllis bulbs. I bought two last year which bloomed beautifully. I moved them outside for the summer where they bloomed again. In the fall I moved them to a cool, dark place to rest. I brought them out about two weeks ago and they are sending up shoots again!
cookie press spritz cookies with red and green sprinkles. loved making them with my mom and family as a kid, and still make a batch every year!
My favorite holiday cookie is the standard, kid decorated, sugar cookie.
Favorite cookie that my grandmother used to make only during the holidays (I haven’t had one for a couple of decades) Sanndbakkels. Yum. My neighbor makes Christmas candy – her toffee is the absolute best. I look forward to it every year.
Dorie Greenspan’s World Peace cookies. Best cookie ever. Best name ever, because wouldn’t it be magic if a cookie could achieve world peace?And best holiday baking session ever… my daughter brought the recipe home when she flew half-way across the country to return home after her First Year fall semester. I’ll never forget the excitement of seeing her come up the ramp! And she and her younger brother and Dad and I all laughed and caught up over cookie dough.
I have sweet memories of making paintbrush cookies with my children when they were young. Very tasty too.
I have sweet memories of making paintbrush cookies with my children when they were young. Very tasty too
My favorite holiday cookie is Snicker Doodle with a mini Snickers inside!
Hands down, my favorite holiday cookie is Almond Shortbread! While it’s delicious on its own, the addition of a powdered sugar, green tinted glaze topped with a toasted almond sliver takes it to the next cookie level! I have no will power around those decadent treats!
Crispy Crescents, recipe from Aunt Mae in St. Louis during my parents’ cross-country honeymoon trip in 1947! Basically shortbread studded with chopped nuts, shaped into a crescent and rolled in powdered sugar!
Mexican Wedding Cookies made with chopped toasted pecans.
Favorite cookie is apricot kiffel with sour cream dough my grandmas recipe
molasses crinkle.
A good frosted sugar cookie, decorated for Christmas, is the best cookie!
Molasses krinkles
Absolutely cut-out sugar cookies – frosted and decorated. A family tradition since I was a child – and continued with my children and grandchildren
Oh dear, I have to choose?? I guess I’ll pick good old Rum Balls – made with crushed vanilla wafers, cocoa, nuts and, of course, rum. The hard part is waiting a few days for them to mellow.
Hmmm this one is hard … my mom’s chocolate hay stacks gingerbread and sugar cookies are my favourites
Just one? How about 3? Snickerdoodles (becuase they are yummy and I have very fond memories of making them with my sister when we were kids- when we were left at home by ourselves because my parents were busy working); gingersnaps (because I like ginger and all the spices that go into a good ginger spice cake;) and chocolate chip (chocolate!!)
Have an awesomely Merry Christmas!!
My personal favorites are cocoa crinkles: deeply chocolate dough that’s basically box mix brownie in nugget form, rolled in powdered sugar!
cranberry orange cookies. to die for!
My great grandmother’s peanut butter drop cookies with a Hershey’s kiss masked on top when it’s right from the oven! We’d always get a ton of those in December.
Chocolate covered pretzels.
Candy cane cookies are always great to make this time of year and love making them!
Union Square chocolate biscotti with hazelnuts mixed in and yes, that chocolate glaze!
It’s got to be lemon squares. Nothing better than lemon curd to start the holidays!
I love gingerbread cookies.
Mocha nut Butterballs and thumbprint cookies. So tasty, and they remind me of my mom and my aunt, and baking together for the holidays.
Butter Riches, a lovely butter cookie with browned butter frosting. Easy to make, top with sprinkles or chopped nuts to fancy up a tray of cookies. From Pillsbury bake off about 1963. Almost lost when flour insert became tattered. Revived in a church cookbook.
Oh I love 7-layer cookies but Christmas isn’t Christmas without Gingerbread cookies of all shapes and decorated with icing and all the candies.
Gingerbread with actual ginger in it! Not the house variety.
Oooh, I love snickerdoodles! Happy holidays!
Chocolate dipped macaroons!
Rolled out sugar cookies. The secret ingredient is to add just a dash of nutmeg to the dough before you roll them out, cut and bake them.
Would not be Christmas without leaving a plate of Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookies by the Fireside for Santa on Christmas Eve ~ finding the crumbs that remain all Christmas Day!
My grandma’s sugar crisp cookies are a holiday tradition. She used to mail them and a bunch of other treats to us every year. I continue to make them myself every year. Simple, sweet, savory and so good!!
Gingerbread with red hots. Fannie Farmer. Can’t go wrong.
Oatmeal, pecan, craisin dipped in white chocolate!
It wouldn’t be Christmas without sugar cookies- rolled out thin- cut into shapes with Christmas cookie cutters and liberally decorated with sprinkles by grandkids….yum!
Definitely Naniamo bars!
It’s a tie for me: gingerbread men and frosted “heavenly cutout” Christmas trees. I have adapted the family recipes to successfully make them gluten free. Would not be Christmas without them.
Love those cookies with a whole chocolate Hershey kiss in the middle, but I’d make it with a white peppermint kiss!
Nut roll! I could eat the whole thing in a day but of course I don’t. It is so yummy.
Frosted sugar cookies made by someone else. It appears the ability to use a rolling pin skipped a generation.
Cookie crack! Actually it’s my gramma’s shortbread recipe, but since it’s mostly butter & sugar…..mmmmm cookie crack!
I like chocolate crinkle cookies!!
I love pfeffernusse cookies. They are often hard to find but this year I scored three bags. They won’t last until Christmas.
Jam-filled Thumbprints
We never really went in for Christmas cookies much at home, but I’m thinking of making Deb Perelman’s Double Coconut Meltaways a new tradition. They’re delicious and they look like snowballs, which is all the encouragement I need.
Homemade sugar cookies made from a family recipe. Perfect for dunking in tea or coffee.
peppermint chocolate chip
Today (and it changes frequently), my favorite homemade cookie is actually a biscotti, Chocolate Chile Biscotti. I have been giving them as gifts for a while and everyone raves about them. Recipe is fromthe New York Times (yes, I know there is a paywall. The staff there have to get paid.)
I love Peanut Butter Blossoms – is that what they’re called? – the ones with the Hershey Kiss in the middle. I’ll never eat enough of these, even if i live to be 100!
Soft molasses ginger cookies. My sweet sister makes them every year!
My mom found a recipe for ginger snaps made with fresh ginger online. It’s so good, it has become our go-to cookie.
My favorite holiday cookie are thr “soft ginger molasses cookies” (recipe found on the King Arthur Baking website). Our dogs love these too!
We’d always visit family in the NYC area over the holidays. To me, holiday cookies means any of the varieties of butter cookies sold at NYC bakeries, but always and most especially a giant black and white.
It’s nearly impossible to pick one, but I think krumkake has to be the winner!
Cut out sugar cookies with sprinkles on top, but I also love a good frosted and decorated sugar cookie.
My favorite holiday cookie is my chocolate bourbon balls.
Hermits – spices, raisins, nuts
Lebkuchen and peanut butter/Hershey’s kiss
Lemon squares are my favorite- somewhere between a cookie and cake!
fav treat is a newfoundland snowball, a treasure I grew up enjoying, learning to make and then gift to others each year. A mixture of gooey hot chocolatey sauce poured over a waiting bowl full of oatmeal and coconut, mixed well, then rolled into balls, then rolled into more coconut. The mixture is the right balance of sweet, chocolate and coconut. Not so full of coconut that it chokes you to dry-mouth status, but easily melts with a mouthful of hot beverage. A tradition in our house.
Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. These are so yummy hot out of the oven. This year I’ll add crushed peppermint. ❤️
There are also bite-sized Pecan Tassies, like a pecan pie but a cookie! What’s not to love?
Shortbreads are my weakness.
Iced sugar cookies
My most favorite holiday cookie is a jelly cookie my grandmother would make for me using damson plum jelly she would make herself. The cookie recipe is simple, and the secret ingredient is solid Crisco!!!! I think I need to go and make some now…..
I love gingerbread cookies, all kinds. One of my very favorites are the Gingerbread cookies they make in Colonial Williamsburg.
My favorite cookie from my childhood is my mom’s sand tarts. They were paper thin, cut out in all different shapes and decorated with colored sugar. Until I became an adult, I didn’t realize how much time, energy, and love she put into these holiday favorites!
Pepparkahar has become my family’s traditional Christmas cookie. This Swedish ginger is a thin cutout cookie that keeps ever well.
Sugar cookies thickly frosted with buttercream laced with orange zest. Nomnom
Sugar cookies frosted with care!
I love springerle!
Christmas celebrations are much smaller these days, so there is not much cookie baking. But Panettone is our favorite Christmas baked good food tradition.
Thumbprint cookies with
Strawberry jam are a happy memory from my childhood
Haystacks, hands down.
Thumbprint cookies with apricot jam!
Shortbread. Pure buttery heaven in your mouth. ❤️
Mom always made potato chip cookies…great holiday Emory of my mom xo
It’s always ginger molasses for me.
Mmm. Oatmeal Lace is my favorite, but good old-fashioned sugar cookies with icing and sprinkles is a close second.
White chocolate cranberry shortbread. List of ingredients is short and so easy to make.
We all love a chocolate chip with tahini cookie
What a great list–definitely some that are new to me that I want to try!
I am jumping on the spritz bandwagon, though. If I only have time to make one, that’s it. (although grandma’s icebox cookies are a very close second.) Buttery deliciousness!
I love to make, yet better consume, Mississippi Mud Bars. When I create these bars, I like to enhance the chocolate/marshmallow goodness with frosted green leaves and red flower buds on each square. What a festive look at Christmas time!
I love Spritz cookies made with a cookie press and sprinkled with colored sugar. They’re buttery and delicious!!
Peanut butter blossoms-I made a huge batch in years past!
Chocolate crinkles
It’s gotta be classic gingersnaps.
Mexican Wedding Cookies or Polish Chrusciki (which isn’t really a cookie, but I have to put in a plug).
Spritz with chocolate sprinkles. This year I purchased crushed candy cane to sprinkle on my Spritz cookies.
Melt-in-your-mouth whipped shortbread! The ultimate Christmas celebration.
The holidays are awash in sugary treats, so I make savory treats for family, friends & neighbors – small onion rolls, hand-made cheddar & romano cheese crackers, buttery TV snacks with hot pepper flakes & pecans (or hazelnuts, almonds, whatever), 5- herb bread loaves, cinnamon bread. Then, I give in & make a huge batch of shortbread!
My mom’s sugar cookies. Simple, crispy on the edges and soft in the middle, they’re perfect.
Each year my mother made dozens of holiday cookies to give away and so do I. Most of her cookies were a little too sweet for me but a half dozen recipes, all written on beat up index cards, have made the cut for my own annual baking. Three are in my mother’s writing but three are in writing I don’t recognize but suspect was her aunt’s. My mother was born over 100 yrs ago which means these three cookies almost certainly have being baked in my family every December for over a century. They are wonderful: one a brown sugar nut refrigerator cookie, one a thin delicate chocolate wafer, and one a wonderful three layer bar cookie that is unlike any other cookie I’ve ever had, homemade or commercial. These are my favorite holiday cookies.
Peppermint bark! (Unless that’s not a cookie…?)
All of them! Though I will say butter cookies are a first choice on a plate.
Pecan tassies. My former mother-in-law gave me the recipe, but I enjoy the memories of making them with her.
Snowballs-can’t get enough
My favorite cookie(s) are Swedish Chocolate Truffles, and Chocolate/orange pinwheels.
Maida Heatter’s Palm Beach Brownies: https://madaboutmaida.blogspot.com/2011/12/palm-beach-brownies-with-chocolate.html
They are outrageous. I cut them in very small pieces and only make them once a year otherwise I would live in a sugar-coma all year long.
My favorite holiday cookie is a white chocolate chip cookie with died cranberries and pecans,
My favorite holiday cookies are Chocolate Crinkles, but Peanut Butter Blossoms are close second.
Almond biscotti. I make a large batch and freeze them.
I love a chocolate chip and pecan cookie but it must be dry and crisp! No soft cookies!!!!!’
Spritz cookies with all kinds of random sprinkle decorations.
Favorite “cookie” is dried apricots dipped in milk chocolate that has a hint of peppermint.
Gingerbread with lemon curd!
We make ginger snaps and shortbread in December but no matter the season, oatmeal chocolate chip is the fave of the house!
Pecan sandies. So much buttery goodness!
Candy cane butter cookies
Old time molasses cookie
Snickerdoodles – I love their spiciest.
Gingerbread angels
My favourite holiday biscuit remains shortbread. When I was a child, my Swedish grandmother bestowed our family with a giant ton of shortbread that was meant to last the holidays. I don’t think I was the only one who snuck extra cookies from the tin kept cool on the uninsulated back porch!
Ginger cookies! I need to try the NYT gingerbread latte cookie.
New favorite Christmas cookie: Grandma Gigi’s Persimmon Cookies. Oh. My. Chewy, caramelly, and winter-spiced. These rock.
Favorite cookie… Pretzel Cookies…. Almond flavored shaped as a pretzel rolled in cinnamon sugar.
How about Spritz made with a special tool that presses the dough out in a shape formed through a disc. Unfortunately I lost my spritz press in a move. Maybe I should buy a new press….
We make Jack Daniels whisky balls. Not for the children, but they love the On-top-of-the-stove cookies (or no bake cookies).
KAF’s Holiday Butter Cookies. All time best cut out cookies!
Family recipe gingerbread, long process to make but so worth it! add in kids decorating using wax paper cones–priceless!
Gotta have homemade Date Bars!
Kiffles, especially those made by my sister-in-law. Yum!
Mexican snowballs melt I. Your mouth and not too sweet. Gingerbread in any form!
Anything that my stepdaughter makes. I know she baked love into every bite.
Real thin roll out sugar cookies with sugar sprinkles on top.
peppermint bark
Chocolate covered peanut butter balls are my favorite!
Rolled dough sugar cookies cut out in cute shapes and decorated! Cute and yummy!
Peanut butter balls, sometimes called buckeye balls. Yum!
Gingerbread, the soft kind, either plain round or gingerbread people.
I didn’t even have to overthink this: favorite holiday cookie was/is Mom’s “candy cane cookies”. Real butter probably has a lot to do with it, but almond extract too. When baked, they were dipped in crushed candy cane “sugar”. They were a lot of work to make, but so worth it!
Anything with cocoa and chocolate
My mom’s snowball butter cookies, which was a long tradition in our family. Every time I see one I think of her
We’re not cookie people we do a GF nut torte for the holiday with orange and chocolate bits.
Russian Tea cake cookies are my favorite. They melt in your mouth!
I love gingerbread cookies . . . especially this time of year.
Molasses Crackles are buttery and crisp. Great to dip, too. Yum!
Drommar, a Swedish sugar cookie with ammonium carbonate. Melt in your mouth goodness.
Hmmmmm. Butter cookies! Not too sweet. Perfect for holiday munching.
To eat and not to bake it would have to be Linzer Tart cookies, small ones with raspberry jam….If I was baking with my kids and/or grand kids, it would have to be homemade sugar cookies with lotsa cookies cutters around and lotsa icing and decorations!
Pfefferneuse, made with a recipe that came from a friend’s German grandmother–heavy on the spices! So good.
My childhood home daycare “mom” always made spritz cookies, usually the tree and wreath shapes, with green food coloring. The tree sections were EXACTLY the right size for biting and I still remember them fondly, 40 years later.
Swedish oatmeal cookies
cranberry pinwheels from Joy of cookies AND snickerdoodles! of course.
Russian tea cakes. These have always been my favorite even as a child. Of course who doesn’t love frosted sugar cookies and I do as well, but tea cakes are my number one favorite cookie for Christmas.
Love making peanut butter kiss cookies with chocolate kisses!:)
My mom made sandbakkels. I haven’t mastered them yet – they also are putzy so I need to set aside time.
they have to be the iced sugar cookies and must have one red cinnamon candy on them. 🙂
My favorite holiday cookie isn’t a cookie, it’s a nut roll. Nobody knows the origin other than southern Italy. It’s an anise heavy pastry dough filled with pignoli, walnuts, candied fruit, and chocolate chips, rolled into a circular shape, baked, then drenched in honey. Heavenly!
Russian tea balls/Russian tea cookies/Mexican wedding cookies. I don’t care what you call ‘em!
Krumkaka a cone shaped cardamom cookie baked in an iron flat then rolled up. Stick your tongue in to eat it or it just breaks to crumbs.
I just got back from a charity gig where we were giving out boxes of homemade cookies to families. They gave me three boxes to take home in thanks for my help. I just ate a whole box, almost a dozen cookies, all different kinds, just kept on sampling. I don’t want to see another cookie for a week. Well at least a day.
I love a really crisp and flavorful sugar cookie!
Cream cheese spritz cookies! They’re my kids’ favorite, too!
I can’t choose….there are two. My mother taught us how to make them both. Her peanut blossom cookies with a chocolate kiss in the center. We loved helping with that final step of pressing the kiss in the center. Then the her ginger cookie. Better than a ginger snap, soft and chewy. Both tastes of Christmas i will never forget. My mother now has dimentia and parkinsons. I do my best to make these cookies as she taught me The smell as they bake and with each bite remindes me of Christmas cooking with her.
Sugar cookies with vanilla frosting decorated with 3 holly leaves and a single berry in the middle… everyone loves them!!
It’s a tie between gingerbread and spritz cookies.
My favorite cookies are hidden kiss cookies.
My grandma’s soft sugar cookies
Love my mom’s Springerle cookie, rectangular crisp on outside, pillows inside made by pressing with German wooden design molds.
Gingerbread or shortbread – it’s a tough choice!
My favorite are the little Norwegian kransekake rings my great aunt used to make! I hand blanch and grind the almonds for a batch every year to remember her.
I love cookies but oatmeal raisin will always be my favorite.
My mom’s date nut bars.
My favs are simple Spritz cookies. I remember my mother making them and U was in awe of the cookie press. Simple butter cookies… yum.
My favorite will always be gingerbread!
My mom’s sand tarts, especially if she bakes them. No Christmas is complete without them!
Almond thumbprint cookies with jam. Or walnut. Or pecan.
My alltime favorite holiday cookie is the italian anisette cookies with the little colored sprinkles on top. But not one that I have had since my mother-in-law passed has ever compared with hers.
My Favorite cookie to make and eat are Cresent Cookies, made with butter and peacans (and a couple of other ingredients). They are so addictive that I can’t keep them in the house, I have to give them away because I can’t trust myself to not eat them all, lol!
Love shortbread cookies!
My fav goes by many names: russian teacakes, maurines, Mexican wedding cookies. A bit messy with that powdered sugar coating, but buttery goodness.
We honor our Northern heritage & grandmothers by making my faves at the holidays: sandbakkles, krumkake, fatiman, lefsë, and rosettes!
That should say Norwegian! Autocorrect strikes again. Technically, I guess it is north? Lol
Sugar cookies
Favorite holiday cookie is a very short dough with a thumbprint filled jelly in Christmas colors.
Gingerbread cookies dipped in white chocolate — they’re incredible!
Soft pumpkin cookies are the new fave of the neighborhood kiddos.
Biscuit cookies …my grandmother’s recipe.
I always make my Mama Elsie’s sugar cookies. So soft and delicious and covered with icing and sprinkles. Now that says Christmas and reminds me of my sweet mom who taught me to bake.
Thumb prints loaded with a teaspoon of my mom’s homemade strawberry jam
Gingerbread men
my mom would make the real german stollen. it was great. i liked the dough that was rising and then the frosting on top. that was it. i was always in trouble for that. she also make a great cheese torte. that was it. she was not a cookie maker or any of that stuff. those were our christmas treats. i never learned to make the stollen but i can make the cheese torte and i do so rather rarely these days. i just had my 3rd surgery in the last year and a half. it was ulnar cubit release syndrome i think, they move the ulnar nerve out of the elbow bones so they do not compress the nerve any more. i had myelin sheath and nerve damage. all from the first 2 surgeries where i had extended use of a walker and canes to walk. my right hand has 3,2, or one fingers and part of my hand numb off and on and it is getting better and will continue to improve with a lot of time. so no baking, raking leaves, vacuuming or dishes. i can knit and crochet in small bursts. so i am working on a lovely thread crochet shawl. but if you think i am whining i am not. i am so grateful to be walking you have no idea. that i can use my hands! the only downside at the moment is that our child did not invite me to the wedding party. that, i cried about all day and night saturday. but i will survive that as well. my husband was invited. just not me. so embrace your children. love and hug and hold them for as long as they let you. i should have never let go i suppose. merry christmas to all.
Nanaimo bars!
Snickerdoodles all the way!
My grandmother’s biscuit cookie recipe