MDK Gems: The Marled Scarf of Your Dreams

What is an MDK Gem, you ask?
It’s that special moment when we shine the MDK sunbeam on a favorite Field Guide design and yarn, and offer you a quick special deal. This month? Marl fever!

This is the Marlogram Scarf/Cowl by Cecelia Campochiaro, starring Ombré Merino Lace by Freia Fine Handpaints.
The deal?
Order any quantity of this extraordinary laceweight yarn (two balls make a perfect Marlogram), and we’ll provide a free PDF download of Field Guide No. 19: Marls, which includes the Marlogram pattern. This offer is good through Monday, December 5.
The idea here: hold two strands of yarn together and work a simple knit-and-purl pattern. When the two strands are gradient yarns, the color game gets fun really fast.
We see two basic color strategies here.
Strategy 1: Wild contrast. We haven’t seen a bad combo yet. Extremely vibrant Freia calms down when marled like this. Colors that you think wouldn’t go together actually marl up in fascinating ways.
This is Dahlia and Woodsman. Amazing result.

Strategy 2: Two balls, one color. The color shifts are tonal and subtle, and sometimes there will be moments of colors colliding for a perfect solid. This is the sort of low-stakes drama that we love: what’s going to happen next???

Blue Velvet and, yes, Blue Velvet, wound in two ways
The result here? Tone on tone on tone.

If this sounds like fun, hop on this deal—we’ve got delicious colors in stock at the moment. (See them up top.) Order by December 5 to take advantage of this MDK Gem—a free ebook of Field Guide No. 19: Marls, in a download link that appears in your order confirmation email.
One of my favorite knits, on the NETFLIX knitting scale I give it a 10. I used 2 contrasting colors of Freia and loved the results. It seems to coordinate with everything.
Currently pondering if the Freia would work with mohair for an Albers Shawl.
Oh wow, Lucy, that’s such a cool idea. Would you do the rectangles in mohair or Ombre Merino Lace? It would be gorgeous either way!
Oh I like that idea! It would be off the chart as far as softness and warmth, besides being beautiful!
I’ve been working on the Marlogram scarf/cowl for a few weeks. Don’t have a lot of time to devote to it, but the anticipation of color change keeps me going. I think it will be wonderful when it’s done. I chose Woodsman and Starfish and they seem to play nicely together.
Would like pattern for this scarf
Hi! The Marlogram Scarf pattern is found in Field Guide No. 19: Marls. You can read all about it right here: https://www.moderndailyknitting.com/shop/mdk-field-guide-no-19-marls/.
I adore the Marlogram— I’ve been wearing my cowl with Chinook + Pt Reyes all fall, and my mother has been doing the same with the 3-strand version I made for her
(in Orchid, Damask, and Lucas; the last two colors I got directly from Freia Fibers).
Aside from socks, it’s the only pattern I’ve knit more than once.
Just wanted to put in a suggestion for my “knitting” community to read
Michelle Obama’s new book treasure,,,,, Chapter One is a gem!!!!!!!!
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