Knit to This
Knit to This: A Third Season of All Creatures Great and Small

Dear Ann,
DG calls it “mumsy”—like there’s something wrong with that. I call it must-see TV.
If you’re brand new to All Creatures Great and Small, the Masterpiece Theatre series based on James Herriot’s enduring and beloved books about life as a country vet in the Yorkshire dales in the early to mid-20th century, there’s a brief recap here.
I love All Creatures, in all its variations—books, movie, 1970s TV series, and the current revamp. I do have my critiques of the new series. It compresses and collapses parts of the story, which I more or less forgive—the books are long and the animal health scares do repeat themselves. The new series focuses more attention on pets and racehorses, less on farm animals, but there’s plenty of all of them to go around. The farmers are also less brusque in this production; they don’t hide their good hearts as well as they do in the books and the earlier series, where James had to suffer more and longer to earn their respect. I’ve gotten used to Mrs. Hall the housekeeper being youngish and so, so lovely, but I miss the matronly Mrs. Hall, stooped over and stomping around in her apron—she was awesome. It’s OK to be old!
This production also injects the mores of the present into the past. Example: to my recollection (which may be wrong but I don’t think so), the books do not have a heartwarming story about a young Jewish evacuee bunking up with the dogs, cats, and vets at Skeldale House, teaching them about Hanukkah. It bugs me that other stories from the books were displaced by this one, which is a little too sweet and simplistic.
But these are cavils. All Creatures Great and Small is good storytelling, it’s stunningly beautiful, it’s lovely to knit to, and I was absolutely thrilled to binge the whole third series in a couple of happy evenings. I’ll go back to the first series and watch it all over again, with nary a neigh. I mean: Fair Isle vests and good-looking young people, come on!
Right now the third series of All Creatures Great and Small is airing on PBS stations in the US, and all three series are streaming on PBS Passport.
P.S. There will be a fourth series.
A Giveaway
The prize? It’s a great yarn in both senses of the word: two balls of Big Wool and a copy of Field Guide No. 12: Big Joy to make a Jen Geigley Striped or Rubble Hat!

How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for MDK emails, right here. If you’re already signed up, you’re all set. We have a new option for texting, so when you sign up for those, you’ll get a coupon code good for 10% off your next MDK order.
Step 2: In memory of Dame Diana Rigg and in honor of Tricki Woo the Pekingese, leave a comment naming the most spoiled animal you’ve known or heard of. (Tricki Woo is an acceptable answer. He was the spoiled-est.) Leave your answer in a comment.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, January 29, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
My most spoiled pet was my lamb, Rosie O’Grady, who I saved from slaughter because her mother rejected her. Her part Clun Forest breeding gave her such soft wool for me to spin. Rosie lived with us for 17 yrs., an age most unheard of by her wonderful vet, John Andresen.
My min pin/ chihuahua Ziggy. I have pics to prove it. Lol
Mac: the user-friendly cat. He was my mum’s first pet and joined the household when the kids were older. Although he was an older rescue cat, he became the new baby. She pampered him to the nines. Miss that round, peaceful guy.
My shiba inu, Cooper!
My budgies
My dog Pooh bear is the most spoiled animal
Any of mine!
My niece’s teacup Chihuahua, Gunner is a spoiled but well behaved chap. I’m new to the emails so I will have to catch up on Tricki Woo lore.
The most spoiled animal? Without a doubt my three cats, Molly, Sasha, Koa!
I absolutely love tricki woo.she should be in first place.
Tricki Woo for the win- he is very spoiled! Although I have some friends who spoil there dogs a LOT and I have been one to spoil my little Prim.
Well, I would say my two dogs, but I know for sure the correct answer is Tricki Woo!!! Oooohhhh so spoiled
Tricki Woo is the very most spoiled-est. Even besting my very spoiled boxer who gets everything she whines for 🙂
My Pembroke Welsh corgi, Wallie. Like every corgi of my acquaintance, he is accustomed to getting his own way.
Trickie Woo – without a doubt!
Our teeny tiny, smaller than a cat, neighbor dog Charlie who outbarks all other dogs on the street is definitely a contender. He is ferocious. Until you see him and hold him in one hand. Lol
Fritz, a Boston terrier, was terribly spoiled. If he didn’t get what he wanted, he’d throw an epic tantrum by kicking his bowls (heavy pottery dog dishes) all over the kitchen. One day, when for whatever reason, his bowls were sitting in the bench on the deck, he threw a fit and kicked his bowls over. They fell off the bench and broke. He never kicked his dishes around after that!
Love her name!
My aunts dog Lucy is so
Spoiled. But also is Tricki Woo!
My pup…Marvie
My sweet, wonderful tricolor Collie Teddy:)!!
Tricky Woo has got to be THE most spoiled little dog….still laugh at flop-bot!
I used to dog sit for Ernie, a tiny spoiled mop of a dog. His food had to be microwaved for exactly 17 seconds. I always wondered how they settled on that number, but I never deviated because he loved his food so such that I didn’t want to ruin his joy.
My beloved Aunt and Uncle never had children, but their terrier Mr. Jiggs also had his food heated to just the right temperature and he got my uncle’s cocktail olive every evening!
My daughter’s cat Midna
My beloved cats, Fireball and Kittycatrat!
My Himalayan Rag Doll: Samantha Fancypants.
Yes…she will drink your coffee if you turn your head.
My Shih tzu Vincent Van go go… he’s 2 and will let you know how spoiled he I’d. Lol
Definitely Tricki Woo!
My little Hawkeye, he’s 10 pounds of ferocious Chihuahua, and he runs our house. ❤️
Certainly my sweet dachshund Roxie is THE most spoiled
Any cat in our household!
But of course … Tricki Woo
Ulchabhan King Louie IV, the most spoiled rescue cat!
Annie my shih tzu/poodle. She sleeps with me and follows me all day. I am sometimes not sure who is the most spoiled, Annie or me.
Hands down, Tricky Woo!
I also love All Creatures Great and Small in all its forms! My husband thinks I spoil our cat Bella just as much and maybe more than Tricki.
My cat Pansy was very spoiled and was a perfect cat. I’m going to have to disagree with your assessment of this adaptation of All Creatures Great and Small. I think that it is perfect in absolutely every way – especially Mrs. Hall. She actually has a life in this ititeration instead of being a grumpy housekeeper.
We have two very spoiled pets, Rocky and Louie. But they wouldn’t do well as wedding guests, ha ha!
My dogs are the mist spoiled in the world Jewel lil Gem ( who have past) Chrystal Kneesa. and Charley. Go yo the groomers weekly and basically run out house. My bus at and I feel like they are out world
I read The James Herriot Series to my kids, decades ago-some of my fondest reading memories. The most spoiled pet was my beagle, Lilly, whom I rescued in 2010. Soon after, she became lady of the house, demanding that we attend to her every desire (notice, I did not say need) from treats, to unlimited walking, to moving from a place on the sofa that she had declared as her own. There’s a reason they call ‘em hounds, BUT, wow, how I miss her.
The most spoiled pet is our 13 year old boxer Mr. Bentley…bacon grease, short rib drippings, cheese, he loves it all and we give it all to him. He stays in the kitchen with my hubby while he’s cooking dinner each night waiting for his treats!!!!
Felix. My grand old cat.
Well seems I missed the give away. Tricki Woo is the most spoiled TV dog, of course, but my 3 Siberians Boo, Blu, & Izzie plus Sky Kitty are catching up. So spoiled those animals.
Tricki Woo was quite spoiled but my other SIL’s dog, Leonard might trump Tricki Woo. Leonard stays in a 5 star doggie hotel, complete with deluxe specialized meals, playtime and treats! when he’s not traveling with my SIL (there are some trips that he just can’t go on). ☺️
Tricki Woo, nearly spoiled to death.
Can’t think of anyone more spoiled than Tricki Woo, though my husband would say our late and much lamented fox terrier, Harpo, ranked right up there. My reply, borrowed from a local wise man in my village, was always: “You can’t spoil a good dog.” Thrilled about season 3, and 4!
Margaret- I love your quote, borrowed from a local wise man, “You can’t spoil a good dog.” My pup has been saying that all along, as he politely asks for yet another treat!
I would say Tricky Woo wins!
Daisy Crockett our pit bull was the most spoiled human I mean dog. . She passed away 2 years ago but the memories will never leave❤️
Max and Paisley , who recognize the Starbucks sign and know that they are getting a treat ( a puppuccino) .
My cat, Molly June Hammond! For 13 years she would never take a drink unless it was from a running faucet that we had to turn on for her after we lifted her up to the sink! She ruled the house with an Iron Paw. She died this past July and we miss her so.
Tricki Woo for sure but our little rescue, Mabry is a close second. The first part of his life was pretty bad so we are making up for it!
That would have to be Gus.
My only sibling Roxy, who was a dachshnud, ate an egg yolk daily (yes, we got a lot of Angel food cake as a nice result) and never slept anywhere but in bed with a human, usually my father.
My sisters Pekingese -Kobe- has his own pillow too
My 3 cats – Gracie – Ash and Lily are 3 seriously pampered ladies! I get up at 5:00 am just so I can have alone time with my girls. Douglas the Dog isn’t allowed to invade until 6:00 am. We play fetch (yes – the kitten plays fetch). I drink coffee. And tons of petting and purring happens. Sometimes I get to knit – but not always . . .
My friend’s sister’s dog feet never touched the ground. I’m pretty sure his name is Paco
My great aunt and uncle had no children. Their poodle, Josephine was the most spoiled animal I’ve ever met. I used to babysit her, making the same amount I’d make babysitting 3 kids. She had matching collar and leash for every day of the week….all with rhinestones!! Loved that little diva
Our Bedlingtons whom we all loved so dearly and were great companions. They were a part of the family.
My sweet Bullmastiff, Dexter, was the most spoiled dog I’ve ever known and he deserved every minute for all the loyalty and devotion he showed me.
I used to think my dog Dora was the most spoiled, but then I Charley McBuckett came along…
I love All Creatures Great and Small. I think Tricki is the most beloved pet I know. Except maybe for our sweet cat Lily.
Probably Tricki Woo. My aunt spoiled her dogs, but not to that extend. And my sheep lead a pretty nice life: they are so used to getting treats that they follow me around the pasture and into the barn in the evening. (I have three Shetland wethers. They are good boys and make lovely wool for me to spin.)
My Granny’s Chihuahua, Arthur or Arty or ‘tur or as my brother called him, Turd. He was a character for sure, as was my Granny.
I have loved the all creatures books, previous tv series, and especially this new series. I do think Tricki – Woo is the most spoiled- going to the wedding was an excellent example!
My mother’s dog Holly was very spoiled.
A friend’s dog, Crickie.
Tricki Woo is the most. However, my husband will say our dog Bailey is a very close second.
I don’t watch All Creatures, but my cat, Mocha, is pretty spoiled. When she’s on my lap, I can’t disturb her, so I’m trapped until she wakes. Most times I’m knitting when that happens.
I’ll go with Tricki!
I loved the original series and watching it with my granny in Scotland but I haven’t enjoyed the couple of episodes of this version I have watched. Mrs Hall is all wrong and everyone is too nice. Maybe I need to give it another chance. Can’t think of any other spoiled pets other than Trickie Woo. I can only think of all the feisty clever ones like Snowy, Dogmatix, and Lassie
Tricki for sure, but our Ned is working hard to catch up.
I recall that the corgis of the late Queen were from a line of a corgi named Susan. That being said, this Susan prefers mutts.
My little Sammy! Spoiled rotten Malshi. Love him forever
That would have been our (my brother’s) dog, Star. He wrote her letters from camp and rubbed them on his body so they would smell like him. “Dear star, Wooff wooof bark bark!”
It’s Gus, the orange guy who has his own cat castle, who sleeps all day, and then fusses in bed all night.
A dear friend of mine fed his dogs roasted chicken and grilled steaks of the highest quality. Left important events early to get home to be with the dogs and never went away, even for a weekend, because of them. I’m more of a cat person.
Tricki Woo for sure
Every cat and dog we’ve ever had the honor and privilege to be part of our family. Spoiled rotten, all of them! Currently, we have GusGus, George, and Bob.
I have enjoyed reading all of James Herriots books and both of the TV series. I agree with Kay that there are modern attitudes written into episodes -like the inter racial couple in the first series but the production values and knitting are splendid! The fair isle vests that Tristan and James wears and Helen’s twinsets are fun to see. I wonder if anyone has tried to publish cthd patterns.
Hmmm, well there was Fred, Sam, Tigger, Katie Scarlet O’Kitty, Smokey Josephine, Max, Jack, Emma, Op, Buster and now Gus. Why wouldn’t they all be spoiled!!
Definitely Tricki Woo, such a super little dog with all the home comforts he chooses.
Lola,Finnigan ,Pixie and my donkey Junebug are pretty spoiled but not at the Tricki Woo level. But when She said that he – fills every room in the house with such joy( or something close to that!) I thought yes ma’am you got it!
I’ll go with my neighbor’s dog. Big fluffy golden curls of something or other- she has a winter coat AND a separate rain coat. This is in southcentral Indiana, where it doesn’t necessarily get that cold- and I imagine she is sweating every time I see her in that coat.
Tricki Woo
Our Basset, Boo. She was a gentle, loving, quiet creature.
Clementine, the Hall cat.
Well, my ShihTzu…Rudy the Devine is the most spoiled pup I have ever known…and he’s mine! I am a LYS owner but he’s the BOSS! He works so hard at the shop to get his treats, several customers bring him bags and bags of treats! He is 14 years old so his treats are given to him in small amounts, after all a fella must watch his waistline!
Tricki Woo
I agree, Tricki woo!
I think Trickie-woo is the perfect spoiled boy.
My most spoiled animal was our dachshund Snooker. My grandmother loved her so much that she kept Snooker’s gallstones in a jar on the buffet in the kitchen. Mawmaw said Snooker was a marvel to be such a little dog and to produce such big stones!
Thanks for the update! I loved the first two seasons and didn’t know the third was out. I signed up for PBS just for this show, though Magpie Murders and Sanditon were tempting me too. Tricki Woo is definitely at the top of my spoiled pet list. We love our cats, but there are limits.
Tricky Woo takes the honor of most spoiled pet ever! I’ve had a bunch of pets over the years but none were as spoiled as Tricky
I’ve long said that in my next life I’m coming back as a pet in my house- Angelo the dog and Sally the cat were we’ll loved
I’m absolutely enjoying All Creatures Great and Small. I know a man who treats his two Rottweilers as pampered princes. There is a room in the house specially for them, complete with their own people-sized beds and TV
I think the most spoiled cat belongs to my mom. And why not? p.s. his name is Prince.
Animal trainer Frank Inn would rescue animals from shelters and train them for movies like Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Benjamin, Bell, Book and Candle, Diary of Anne Frank, Thin Man, Petticoat Junction, Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies, Our Miss Brooks, My Three Sons. He was from the same town that my Mom grew up in and when I stayed at my Nanny’s house in the summers I would sometimes see Frank visit the church across the street with the dog that played Benji.
When my aunt was a young girl, she spent the night at his family’s home and Orange the cat, who was in the movies Rhubarb and Breakfast at Tiffany’s, slept on her bed.
His animals were rescued, became stars, and lived as well loved and pampered pets.
My son’s cat, Ghost, is quite a spoiled little girl. She was abandoned by her alley cat mama in his backyard. She even gets birthday and Christmas gifts from his friends.
My niece’s pouch, Guinness is the most spoiled. His daddy cooks green wise chicken for him every week. He has little booties to keep his feet clean when he goes out for his walks. He has special oatmeal shampoo for his frequent baths. But he is so sweet and cute.
Tricki Woo definitely takes the prize as most spoiled pet! I have the original series of All Creatures on dvd, and my husband and I have watched them many times over. The new series is better than I thought it would be, and I agree with you, Kay, about Mrs. Hall. I also miss Robert Hardy.
My daughter’s dog Coconut . I can’t resist spoiling her because she is the best!
I think that all pet parents would love to be able to spoil their kids like Mrs Pumphrey does Tricki. That’s why we all recognize ourselves in the story! My toy poodle, Tiffany , was certainly a member of minor doggie royalty in my eyes, anyway!
My mother’s dogs Belle and Pollux, who among other pampering are given Brita filtered water while us humans drink tap water.
Kofi and Henry, my sister’s mini golden doodles, are more human than animal, if she and her husband have anything to say about them. Love the new series. All the knits are fabulous.
Our pets may be spoiled, but look at all the love they give back.
We loved the books, the 70s series and now the new series. The young Mrs. Hall fits in and balances Siegfried. This Tristan isn’t as much of an instigator as Peter Davison. I just wish there were more episodes in a season.
Tricky Woo, for sure! And I do so enjoy the PBS series, which is all about her. (Shhhhh, don’t tell her any different.)
Tricky Woo takes the cake.
Koko. My sweet boy. How I miss him. Best dog ever
My late uncle’s dog Trixie was extremely spoiled.
My beloved grand dog Maya — spoiled, but now having to compete with the grandkids!
I have to go with the man who feeds his dogs high grade meats and arranges his schedule around them.
Cookie. . .my parents dog. . .
Each of my Weimaraner Princesses. They did not have to earn their honorary titles.
Our dog Rory (yes, our little Gilmore Girl) is exceedingly spoiled! Her upcoming pup-a-versary celebrating one year with us (she’s about 3 1/3) will no doubt be a big shindig!
My Maine Coon, Finnegan Hooligan, is quite the handsome guy. I’m sure he doesn’t consider himself spoiled, rather he just expects that his pampered life style is one he’s fully deserving to have. LOL
Tricky Woo no pet more spoiled
So many lovely stories of the importance of animals in our lives! We bought a king-size bed because our queen just wasn’t large enough to accommodate my husband, me, and our two Flat-coated Retrievers Indy and Mia. We’re quite sure Indy believed he was allowing us to sleep in his bed. All of our dogs, as members of our family, have been spoiled. It’s the least we could do in return for their companionship and love.
No one can top Tricki.
Tricki Woo, more spoilt than my cat.
My husband would say my bird Bilbo is the most spoiled, to the point that his new name for Bilbo is “my precious.”
Ok then Tricki Woo. But the spoiled-est pet I know was a dachshund named Baby!
Considering my socioeconomic ties and lack of friend pet owners, the most pampered pet would have to be Tricki Woo. If you view it from a personal view, the most pampered pet would be my daughter’s dog Marley.
All of my sisters Britany dogs. They are super spoiled
My brother and his wife had a very small dog named Ruby. She would always nip at ankles and was allowed to wander around the top of the table with the food! I expect it cut down on the number of their dinner guests who came more than once!
Miniature chihuahua named Ivy
No pet could top Tricky Woo! Toby the lab was most loved, but not spoiled at all, so Tricky Woo it is!
I love this show too, especially the relationships—both animals and humans. I’m sure others exist but Tricki Woo is quite a pampered dog.
My brothers dog. It was ridiculous! And I’m a dog person!
Tricki Woo is very spoiled but he doesn’t seem to notice. I think he’d do just as well in life if he lived somewhere where he wasn’t so spoiled because of his plucky nature.
My mother in law fed her Siamese cat Blue Boy lobster. Yes, I was a little bit jealous.
I loved this series! And yes, Tricksy Woo was obnoxiously spoiled. My aunt had a couple of shiz tzu dogs that would’ve been right up there with Tricksy.
It has to be Shadow. He lived a long and comfortable life. He earned his name because he followed me everywhere when he first came to live with our family. He was snuggled by both kids and loved to snuggle on my hubby’s lap in the evenings. He lived with us for eighteen years and became the king of the house.
It was my boy Jackson, a pot-bellied pig. He would share a cappuccino with me from a cup and never spill a drop!!
Trivia Woodlands by far.
My Mom’s dachshund, Bob, was a very special dog. He was really her baby, she could get him to say “Mama”, no joke. My Dad, who normally didn’t believe things like this, admitted “he really did say it!”
My late mini schnauzer Chloe. She owned the place.
Pick any animal that’s ever lived my house. That’s the most spoiled animal ever.
Tricki Woo takes the cake!
Malcolm our cat who lived to 21 was the most spoiled & loved cat ever.
My black cat Badger who I picked up off the streets of Spain. He’s the best!
Our rescue pup Cosmo is the most polite little beggar! He is sweet but bossy!
Four to five times in each episode, I say to my husband, “Oh! Look at that vest!” I dream of an All Creatures pattern book.
Haha. I do the same—to someone who couldn’t be more indifferent. There’s some fabulous knitting in Magpie Murders as well. I basically just watch movies and TV for the sweaters.
I thought I was doing a good job of spoiling my little poodle, Cocoa, but it was nothing like Tricki Woo!
Love the series, the books, the stories in every form. Spoiled? Tricki Woo Wins with Corgis I know running a close second.
Our (now deceased) family cat, Ghosty.
Social media is full of endless feeds of over-the-top spoiled pets. Still, Herriott’s Tricky Woo stories will always be my favorites.
I love love love All Creatures!! I enjoy it’s sweet simplicity and how nothing too bad ever happens (I haven’t read the books). Tricki Woo is most definitely the most spoiled after my sweet Toby.
Our very expensive rescue—Hoover!!!
Tricky Woo, for sure. A close second might be my mom’s beloved shin tzu, Casey.
My current companion Eddie is the most spoiled dog I know. He gets 24 hr attention and it is not enough.
The most spoiled pet I have ever known was my in-laws tea cup poodle, Tipper Rae. She would only eat chicken but not any chicken. It had to be KFC original recipe chicken breast. My father in law hand fed her while singing to her!
Our most spoiled pet is our current oldest dog, Sophie, or I should say Princess Sophie. She rules the house. She’s a rescue – mostly American Bulldog, so not a small dog, but my husband carries her up and down the stairs. She yells at us to go out to eat snow – 2 minutes after coming inside. She *must* be petted when she wants, no matter what else you are doing! But we love her to pieces and wouldn’t have it any other way – she’s 13 and we hope will have many many more wonderful years.
Tricki Woo, I have to laugh at how spoiled that dog is.
Spoiled animals are the norm in the US these days, but Tricki Woo seems the most spoiled I’ve ever seen! I so love watching All Creatures, and the knitwear is part of the reason!
My MIL’s dogs, 3 german shepherd/beagles allowed on all furniture (people get relegated to the floor). Wouldn’t mind as much if properly trained not to jump, lick, scrabble, etc. They are also always underfoot. I trip over them all the time, especially in the kitchen! I know I sound like I don’t like dogs here, but I do. I have some of my own, who have been well trained and won’t go in the kitchen, and will lie on my feet to keep them warm.
My family will tell you the most spoiled pet is our own Gracie, the Australian Labradoodle and that I’m the main source of the spoiling. But I come by it honestly, as my Dad’s beloved black Lab, Millie, had a better life than either my brother or I did.
Whichever dog I am fortunate to be living with is spoiled! I feel like I am not doing my job as a mom if I don’t spoil my sweet, furry friends. P.S. I am also loving All Creatures Great and Small! Aren’t the knitted vests and sweaters amazing?
Our dog, Jasmine, May have rivaled Tricky Woo for most spoiled animal. We loved her so and grieve her loss daily.
I’m so thrilled to hear there will be another season! Tricky Woo, on the pillow at James and Helen’s wedding takes the cake for most spoiled!
We’ve spoiled all of our rescue dogs but considering the rough start they have had in life we feel they deserve everything we can do to make the rest of their lives happy.
My mother-in law’s dog Heather, a Westie. She treated that dog like she was a human
My sweet Himalayan girl, Lulu. With her big, blue eyes and her velvety paws, I couldn’t deny her anything.
Does my husband count as an animal? If so then he is the most spoilt.
Tricki Woo, for sure. Although our dog gets two walks a day most days, he has to eat his own food!
I read and re-read the James Harriott books as a child, and it inspired me to follow a career in veterinary medicine. I’ve worked with some pretty spoiled pets over the years, but I fully admit that my own are the most spoiled. God forbid you move the cat when he’s taking up a spot on the chair, and special “gourmet” worms for the chickens, ordered from out of state!
What pet could possibly be spoiled more than Tricki Woo?!
If it’s the MOST spoiled, then, yes, Tricki Woo!
My Scottish Deerhound, Mr. Burns, who decided eating wasn’t his thing. I often resorted to sitting on the floor hand feeding him. The only dog I knew who would walk up to a bowl of freshly cooked hamburger gruel, take a sniff, then turn and walk away…”not today, but thanks for the effort.”
Daphne , my first standard poodle, took command of every situation and trained us in do her bidding.
My grandcat,Bear,is right up there in the “most spoiled” category.
Our most spoiled pet is our farm yard cat Pinstripe. He was orphaned early and bonded to my farmer husband as his “dad.” He comes to a whistle and behaves more like a small eager dog than a cat. He has learned to unlock himself out of a pickup twice.
I agree that Tricki Woo is probably the most spoiled kept I’ve ever seen. However, I understand Taylor Swift’s cat is worth millions, so guess it’ pretty spoiled, too.
My dog Charley is pretty spoiled.
My friends opened an animal sanctuary where they take in all sorts of critters. Every one of their animals is spoiled rotten until their dying day.
We have a month old Aussie and she is SPOILED!!!
I did once know a Cocker Spaniel who would bark in the bathroom because he would only drink from running water from the bathtub.
My lug, Bo, a St Bernard/Great Pyrenees. He was “rescued” from a college age girl who worked and went to school full time. He was 6 months old and weighed 85 lbs. I too worked for a veterinarian and she brought him in to update his vaccinations so she could turn him into the Humane Society because she could not potty train him. He lived in a bathroom, in an apartment. I said if you want to get rid of him, I live on a farm and he need room, she handed me the leash. He is the sweetest, most loving animal. He now takes meds twice a day for a thyroid issue and lives his best life. Since we lost his best friend, Bella, a Westie, he now follows me everywhere until my son is home. I am amazed how animals show us how life should be lived with such unconditional love.
My sister worked at a restaurant in Manhattan years ago that had a big long haired orange cat. He would sit on a barstool, and the bartender would serve him cream in a shot glass, which he would lap up without spilling a drop. They he’d just sit there the rest of the day, king of all he surveyed.
First place: Tricki Woo. Second place: Avi – a rescued Doberman.
A dear, sweet pug named Hazel. She belonged to friends and I would have taken one of her puppies if given the chance.
The most spoiled pet I know is my dog, a Great Bernese named Lily, aka Her Majesty.
We have an African Grey parrot named Gracie who is spoiled. She has trained us very well.
Tricki Woo was almost ridiculous and I miss Diana Rigg as his owner. In my family, Charley was the most spoiled. He became blind early on and when my dad couldn’t take care of him, my sister took him on. For many years, their house was staged so he knew where the furniture was, but he was mostly carried from place to place. He lived his last several years as a king.
Foggy my son’s Labradoodle.
My mom’s dog Jed would not drink tap water, so she started hauling spring water from my brother’s property. Mom decided the dog might know something that she didn’t and now hauls spring water for herself too.
Our current cat Lucy fills the bill as our most spoiled pet. Currently she’s on her FOD ( feline observation deck), chortling at the birds outside at the feeder. CAT TV!
Lola the Miki!
My father’s cat Clarence. My mother was a mental health nurse and the cat was abandoned by one of her ‘clients’. Clarence had his choice of chairs, even if we were squished together on the couch. He sat on the table at breakfast so he could share my father’s eggs. At family meals, a small plate was prepared for him (at least it was on the floor) before we sat down for dinner.
My daughter has a dog who rivals Tricky Woo in being spoiled! He actually sits on her lap at the table during meals!
I had a very spoiled white Persian cat growing up named Barkley. He would drink water from a teacup; a very Fancy Feast lifestyle. My friend Emily had a cat named Princessa who I believe was an actual princess. She was truly the fanciest. (Then of course, there is Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy, a chihuahua owned by Housewife Dorit Kemsley. The name alone speaks volumes.)
Ricky and Micky
My cousin’s little “pound” dog Frannie is the most spoiled pooch ever. I realized that when Barbara, my cousin’s wife, sat on our couch kissing Frannie.
I Love the series. The most spiked pet I knew is Tricki Woo but my brother’s dog come in 2nd!
Tricki Woo! I love that he attended James and Helen’s wedding in episode 1.
My 6 cats. It’s not my house. It’s theirs.
Tricky Woo wins, but my Grand dog Lincoln has more toys than any dog I’ve ever seen, and someone cannot resist buying them!
Tricki Woo without a doubt.
My boy Roy❤️
Love spoiling his big heart!
I am new to All Creature Great and Small ; I am loving everything about it!! The most spoiled pet I know is my grand dog Eloise she is the cutest little Frenchie on earth and deserves to the best life!!
Don’t tell her I told you but my mother’s late Bichon Frisé Bailey. She ate things like buttered toast and canned peaches and if she wanted a spot on the couch we, the adult children, would have to move.
Woopsi poo a cocker spaniel owned by a great aunt. I believe woopsi poo was a nickname but I don’t know his real name
I nominate my mother’s laye siamese cat Boo. He positively thought he was human and even say at the dinner table.
Tricki Woo
I too have loved, “All Creatures Great and Small” since season 1. They feel like family to me. And Trickie Woo has got to be the most spoiled animal I’ve ever seen!
My kittie Millie is the most spoiled animal ever! Simply put, what Millie wants Millie gets.
Our two mini dachshunds, Leo and Liberty. They are always on our laps, by our sides and in our bed!
James Herriot’s books assisted as a segway from So. Cal living to rural Midwest living. Our Sally was a Siamese who was declawed by a family who didn’t understand a base need of cats, and when she came to our home she was treated as a grand monarch. I knitted a Cat Bordhi mobius bed for her, after she selected her choice of natural yarns.
All of my animals are spoiled!!!
The most spoiled pet I have ever seen was my Aunt Lola’s Chihuahua, Sandy. She was a lap dog in every sense of the word. Even my non-pet lover grandfather let her nap on his lap.
It must be my dog Millie and Annie who have helped me get through the death of my husband and moving to a new state. They are my constant companions providing love and laughter.
My aunt’s poodle, Lucky Pierre. My 4-year old nephew called him Yucky Pear.
My sister’s sibling cats, Lewis, aka “Bean,” and brother Pete. They were feral cat kittens, rescued and bottle-fed from tiny kitten-hood, growing into the 20-pound meaty cats they are today. Both enjoy their own personal cat slings, primo window views of nature, toys galore, carry-walks around the yard, and posing for multiple Snapchat photos every day.
Rocket, my now deceased, heart cat. He was a beautiful boy who caused lots of trouble but we loved and spoiled him rotten.
Lucifer. The aptly named cat from my teen years. Spoiled, in that he was allowed to live, despite stalking us down the hallway and ripping our legs to shreds. He especially targeted my sister who walked with a limp.
Trixie Woo of course! But my memere’s two pekingese were right with her. They were both brats!
My mother adopted me and then my grandmother moved in. She was British. I love for her to read to us. One of the things she read was All Creatures Great and Small. I still have the book and I love it. I have spoiled (Loved) all my pets but the most spoiled is my current Gnarly Dude (aka BearFace and some unrepeatable names). He is aging and afraid of so many things have been adjusted in the house so he can get around.
My cousin Delrose had a very spoiled, fat chihuahua named Tinker. That dog didn’t like anyone except Delrose!
My pup Ginger, who also answers to Gigi Bear, Baby G, Snookums, and G-Love.
The most spoiled pet I know of belaoged to y brother in law. His dog would not eat unless someone stood nearby and watched him.
The most spoiled pet I knew was my sister’s Maltese Eddie. My brother-in-law Bert and Eddie shared a long standing bromance during which Bert cooked Eddie’s meals and then went to the floor and hand fed him each bite. When Bert became ill and hospitalized Eddie sat in front of the front door until he returned.
I do enjoy this series so much. The nods to Scotland also. The scenery is gorgeous. Yes it’s idealized but so enjoyable. Our 4 year old Lab mix is so spoiled. Every night after her dinner, she barks at me until I give her a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Tricki Woo
My own babies, delightful Fireball and Kittycat Rat, who dine on top shelf food, sleep on heated cat beds on hand built bunk beds, and have hugs and scritchies on demand from 2 doting human servants!
My friend’s Shelty named Harper! Diminutive, so well-trained and spoiled like an only grandchild.
My cat Monkee is the most spoiled cat I know. (Outside of Taylor Swift’s cats.). She goes outside through a pet door into a wooded area (a cat heaven), has all the canned cat food she wants. If she doesn’t like what I’ve put down, I’ll even open another can. She also loves getting a saucer of milk. And she sleeps on a soft, comfy bed, aka my bed. She has a nice warm and dry place inside when it rains and when it’s cold. So she’s the most spoiled cat I know.
Like most, I think the pets we have had were the most spoiled. Tigger {a dog named by our children, because she bounced as a puppy} and later, Sunny.
I have loved “All creatures great and small” I did not read the series as a kid nor was I really aware of the story/premise/author. So as a stand-alone tv series I find it absolutely delightful and visually stunning.
We had a miniature poodle named Izzy who lived to be 11 years old. In her later years she could not hop up on the couch because she was so small and a bit arthritic. So with one look at us, she wanted to be lifted up on the couch. If it took two looks, whimpering ensued.
I do think tricksie has her beat for most spoiled.
Thank you for highlighting All Creatures. All the knitting I’ve done in the last few months has been to the background of adventures in the Yorkshire Dales. Yes, the knitted garments, but the music, the scenery, James’ Glasgow accent!
I have friends who spoil their dogs relentlessly by treating them to acupuncture, dental cleaning, allowing some to jump up and smother owners’ faces with kisses and refusing to leave them with dog sitters to take vacations. How we love our pets!
Abby, my Westie, was a very spoiled little pup!
Our most spoiled “pet” was a bullfrog, raised from tadpole stage, in an aquarium. We used bottled water to fill the tank, and it became the size of a dinner plate before we donated it to the local nature center. A more indulged and monitored little critter never lived!
Think that Tricki woo is the perfect spoiled pet, deservedly so.
The family Bichon, Lambkin. Adorable, but insistent, he’d sit and stare us down, until a biscuit was provided.
Rodgers, my son’s “rescue”dog.
I definitely can’t beat Tricky Woo level of spoiled, but all of our cats have been treated like royalty around here! Namely, Bacon and Moxi (we called her Shrimp), who have since passed but still have a huge presence in the house.
I definitely say Tricki Woo!
Tricki Woo takes the cake, however we have always treated all our pets as additional children. Love our beasties!
It’s obviously Tricki Woo!
The most spoiled pet was my sister’s dog, Peanut. He was part Bichon Frise, part Pug and he was truly their child for 14 years ( they had no children). They had to put him down last year. He was known throughout the neighborhood, especially for his Halloween costumes.
My cocker spaniel “Chummy” was ridiculously spoiled. He would stamp his feet at our dinner table unless he got something to eat from the table!
Our own dog Pearl, of course!
My son and DIL’s Habibi Bear (google it — a designer dog bred in Washington state that looks like a Ewok) who is never more than 3 inches from one of her humans and has a gorgeous wardrobe.
My dad’s much loved Sheltie, who he rescued, pregnant, from a neglectful home, was a supremely spoiled little dog, and her only puppy even more so. Joey and Mindy had very happy lives, with daily car rides to long beach walks. They accompanied him everywhere. I watched, bemused, after an overnight visit, as my mum made and buttered a perfect slice of toast which she cut into bite-size pieces and fed to Joey one at a time.
My mum was equally committed to the thoughtful treatment of their pets, mostly rescued animals. And they repaid her care. Through the early and mid-stage years of Alzheimer’s her dog and her cat walked the kilometre to the beach with her twice a day, the cat shadowing her from one piece of cover to another, and shepherding her safely home each time whatever route she chose.
Tricki Woo – must be the most spoiled pet ever! Although I see pets in strollers frequently and wonder why? Will powered scooters be the next thing for spoiled pets?
DeeDee the Dandie Dinmont ❤️ !!
My neighbor feeds her dog Bongo poached chicken breasts because he’s a picky eater. I buy him beef jerky from Costco. Even now at $14 a bag. Last night he was laying in front of my fridge so dinner’s remains didn’t get put away until after we all watched a movie…
tricki woo
Those 2 series and 1 documentary are among my favorite shows!! That plus being knitters well, we’re practically related!! Lol.
Tricki Woo is the most spoiled I can think of
My sweet Daisy.
I’ve loved reading the names of beloved companions.
Grandma Annie’s Petie the parakeet lived his life cage free in the middle of the household. He loved the back of the couch when the humans piled up to watch tv, and snacks of Grannie Annie’s roast chicken and brisket, and anything else the people were eating.
Oh yes, and Trickie-Woo!
I am with you that I will love every version of All Creatures – books and every series produced. The current version, compared to all the others, is pathologically nice – but is that really so bad? I watch so many dark mysteries, comedies, family dramas, war dramas – the current All Creatures is a comfort I’ll take. And the knitting! I want to make myself a Fair Isle vest everytime I watch.
The spoiled-est animals I know are mine, of course. 🙂 My current familiars are Napoleon (taking over the world, one stolen spot on the couch at a time) and Zora, famous for her zoomie attacks several times a day.
My dog Sherman. I peeled grapes for him!
The most spoiled animal in my world is, most definitely, my Suki Sue. She is a most precocious little dog; 8 lbs of doesn’t know how big she is not. I love her dearly.
My mother’s dog Tommy. My twin sister and I were teenagers so my mother got a dog who would give her unconditional love.
My next door neighbours dog…if his toy is ripped and I’m entrusted to fix it, the dog whines until I’m done mending it lol
Tricki Woo for sure; carried around by a butler in a silk pillow and eating all those yummy delicacies.
My daughter’s first dog, Luke (may the knitting goddesses rest his soul). He came to her (actually she, my dog, and I had to drive from Massachusetts to North Carolina to be vetted—no pun intended—by the shelter where Luke was residing). Luke peed on the rug on entering my house, then chewed my knitting the next day. Luke and daughter went off to grad school, where he was treated like royalty, slept in her bed, followed a special diet of home-made food (for his allergies, of course), enjoyed outdoor adventures everyday, and was the recipient of thousands of dollars of specialized vet care for his many ailments. When daughter had to travel for her grad work, Luke returned to my home where I followed all the instructions I was given for his care. Luke has gone to The Great Dog Park in the Sky, but he has his own photo album, and even shares Beloved Status with my dog as the screensaver on my phone.
My dog Ginger – she gets all her walks in even if we aren’t up to it at the time – she insists!
Our dog Hershey, who has passed. We were at least her fourth home and we were her last. She was probably about 5 when we got her, She ran our home and family for over 10 years.
We love All Creatures Great and Small! And while Tricki is the most, our kitty Sofie is pretty spoiled too but we’d have it no other way. She is also the sweetest and well deserving.
The most spoiled animal was Miss Priss who lived next door to our house growing up. If you called her a dog her owner would correct you quickly and tell you she didn’t know she was a dog.
Ruby and Violet equally. My two spoiled pups. I can’t show any favoritism!
Our two pups, Rosey, and Ringo!
My dog Bodie – I would love to try Big Wool. I have just the pattern!
Our dog Jamal. He was an awesome companion, as well!
Lonnie (cat)…my mom never liked pets (she was raised on a farm). She would let Lonnie in when it would rain. Lonnie ruled the house.
Our tuxedo cat Molly, in her 18th year now, fulfilling the claim that tuxedos are the most intelligent cats, per google. Such a doll.
I’ve never been able to care for a pet…I would likely spoil one, if I ever have one.
I love this show. I call it The Sweater Show and I make an appointment with myself and my knitting every Sunday night to watch. My husband calls all of my PBS Masterpiece shows “Murderton” and I’m fine with that. My family knows that I am officially off-duty Sunday nights.
Most spoiled animal is undoubtedly Tricki Woo.
Tricki Woo
I also love the series. The most spoiled animal I knew in person was my DIL’s mother’s dog. He was blind, mean, viscous, and wouldn’t accept treats of any sort. He would only drink water if it was ice water.
Oh, it’s definitely Tricky Woo! Never even met another close to that one.
Good morning, my mom had a fat Chihuahua, named Uno. That was one spoiled dog.
Tricki Woo was pretty spoiled and we all should be treated so well., including stays with the vets
Both my dogs, Copito (means little snow flake) and our adopted/rescued Levi
Definitely Tricky Woo
I love this new adaptation. I save the episodes to watch after I’ve had a stressful day; they’re so soothing! The knitwear of course is wonderful. I’m thinking of knitting an all over colorwork sweater just to pretend I’m out at the Dales. Tricki is definitely the most spoiled, but I’d say my own dog Roxy is working her way up there. She’s managed to convince us that she needs to sleep up on the bed with us, and after I get up in the morning, she worms her way up to sleep on my pillow.
The thing about this new series is the voices! I could listen to the actress who plays Helen forever. And then Mrs. Hall. I think as my memory of the original books has faded a bit (I read them in the 80’s and early 90’s) the lapses from the Canon bother me less.
Ah yes, and most spoiled, to her own detriment, must be Tricki Woo.
My grand-dog, Nugget. SPOILED ROTTEN!! But we love her anyway!
Tricky Woo!
Hamish MacTavish. My parents’ beloved late cairn terrier. He was a real bad a$$. The spoiled younger brother I never wanted. I used to tell them that all the other dogs they’d ever had were looking down from dog heaven asking who the dilly does that one think he is? R.I.P.
Tricki, definitely! Love that show.
Our dog Duke. He’s taken for rides, loves people food and has my husband well trained.
American household pets are pretty spoiled to begin with…and getting more so. I think the next generation that is waiting to have kids, and having dogs instead that seem to be their children. I was watching a house rehab on tv and every third word was how the revamp will affect their dog. So… remodeling a house with lots of dog features has to be the most spoiled.
I’m too young to have seen the original tv series, but I love watching the new series on PBS. The most spoiled animal is my orange tabby cat Lasagna.
Our family pet, Scamper. Our entire small town knew she was deaf, and would slowly drive around her as she napped in the middle of our quiet, small town street. That book series is a favorite. My mom would read them to me before bedtime. ♡♡♡♡
Trickie Woo is definitely the most spoiled animal I’ve ever known.
I’m pretty sure it’s my current neighbors dog
I’m sure there are more spoiled animals out there, but my brother and sister-in-law do not make the bed in the morning until the cats (Lacey, Astrid and Kamea) vacate the warm bedding. If I could be reincarnated as a cat, I’d like to be in their household, with their good hearts.
My mom had a friend who had the most spoiled dog I have ever heard of! He ate his meals in a high chair, and when he rode in the car he was strapped into a car seat.
Candy, the terrier mix we used to feed water from a doll spoon!
Love Tricki Woo going for a “walk”!
It is such ‘comfort’ viewing … w gorgeous scenery.
And yes, the vests!
I haven’t binged series 3 … something to look forward to on Sunday nights. (Then catch the awesome sets and costumes on ‘Vienna Blood.’)
Tricki Woo takes the cake!
I once worked in a barn where one of the boarding horses needed to be lead to the phone once a week to have a session with his psychic. The psychic would then translate to me the needs of Innsbruck the thoroughbred.
Isn’t the most spoiled pet always your own? So, I’ll say my first dog, Georgia, was the most spoiled; but in all the best ways, of course!
My brother and sister-in-law have really spoiled every dog they have ever had and the one they have now is the most spoiled. His name is Tucker and he is a cross of poodle and Burmese mountain dog. They schedule their lives around him and every time you visit them and you are carrying a bag he thinks you have brought him a treat and that you came just to visit him. He is a very large dog and very smart, so there is no ignoring him.
My Mom’s cat Kitty was so spoiled. She would only eat Friskies sliced turkey in gravy canned food. Sometimes my Mom would (happily) drive to several different grocery stores to find it. Kitty was so loved.
My retired preschool chicken, Thelma, was an only chicken after her friend Cookie was killed by a neighborhood dog. Thelma was terribly spoiled, though she never was invited into the house!
While Tricki Woo is very spoiled, my beloved Jack Russell Charlie who spent 3 years living in the Yorkshire Dales is the most spoiled animal ever. We did a 14 mile walk along the Dales Way one day in the summer of 2015 and the next day he ran straight to his leash when I woke up as if saying “more walk please!”
Tricki Woo is without a doubt the most spoiled but only because I lack Mrs. Pumphrey’s financial resources. The most spoiled in our family is our current dog, Angel (named because he was the only puppy in the litter that survived). He was re-homed to us more than 3 years ago at the age of 16. Because I didn’t expect him to live much longer even though he’s very healthy, I started out giving him way too many treats. He’s very fond of fruit and vegetables and will sit at my feet while I’m cooking making strange noises that are somewhere between Mom and Ma’am. His favourites are sweet peppers and apples. He’s too small to jump up on my bed so he gets lifted up every night and sleeps by my feet.
My friends dog. She gets whatever her heart may desire
Watson, a giant Bouvier. Totally adorable but totally spoiled! He’s one of my clients- I’m a dog walker- but I just get to play with him once a week, no walking- lucky for me since he weighs more than I do and I’m not sure if he’s leash trained 🙂
Tricki Woo hands down! Cutest pup ever!
While my dogs are pretty spoiled with their own heating pads on my bed, & freshly made yogurt with their dinner, my birds are even more spoiled!
A rotating list of warm breakfasts, homemade toys, & their treats (including unsalted cashews, grapes, nuts in their shells) make them the most spoiled of all
My two dogs….sometimes meals ate better than their humans!
My sister’s dog Keolani is a spoiled pooch! She is a rescue English lab mix (adopted when they were living in Germany) and lives a pampered life with her two moms in Hawaii. Sleeping snuggled in their bed, waking up for morning walkies on the beach and a quick kayak ride out to watch the sea turtles followed by a fresh, raw, organic food breakfast and then a morning snooze on her custom cot (slightly elevated to catch the breezes) on the shady back deck with the best ocean view. Helping out with Meals on Wheels deliveries in the afternoon and accepting pets and treats from the clients as her due. Playing with the neighborhood kids when they come knock on the door. She’s living her best life!
Queen Elizabeth II corgies we’re alliwed to pee all over the castle. I think that’s pretty spoiled. Shameful actually.
Ohhh that is interesting. How come they didn’t put THAT in “The Crown”???
Cody, our son’s dog. He was pampered to his end just this past Spring.
No pet is more spoiled than tricky woo—but my chocolate lab Gus is a close second!
My rescue chihuahua mutt, Sadie, was not as spoiled as Trikki-Woo, but she was spoiled and loved every minute of every day. I still miss her terribly even though she died in 2004.
The most spoiled animal I have ever heard of is undoubtedly Tricki-Woo! Good grief, what an annoying little dog!
Who could surpass Tricky-Woo! But my daughter and son-in-law’s GSP “Merry Christmas Dog” might be second in terms of her ability to get just about any one to sit down and pet her, just with a look! (Their then four-year-old daughter bestowed Merry with her name, in honor of the season!)
Tricki Woo, of course. But also my sister and Bill’s dog Sassy (long gone).
I think my past and present cats were/are spoiled, too. But they probably rhought/think I’m a meanie.
I can’t believe the excesses in spoiling Tricky Woo.
I like the new Mrs. Hall, too. Also both Siegfrieds.
I have to say that Tricki Woo may top them all. I’m not sure I know any humans who eat like he does.
I must say that Tricki gets my vote, and we have some incredibly spoiled dogs in my family!
Where do I begin? Most spoiled? My granddog Tatum, our late beagle, and my current spoiled hound baby Sam. Each spoiled in their own special way.
My cat Waldorf this with Trikky Woo!!!
Penny – a family member’s teeny tiny dog. She’s a very spoiled pup.
My Brittany dog named Betty. We’re so afraid of ruining her (our first family dog), that we’ve completely spoiled her. She rules the nest!
I loved the books when I was young but haven’t watched many of the series’ as I have to borrow them from the library – I may have to invest in another streaming company. My daughter’s cat, Ella, is not as spoiled as Trickee but close. She was abandoned at about 4 weeks old – old enough to survive but young enough to have a few issues. She has food allergies so gets special food, she demands intense cuddles that MUST involve both hands and an adoring gaze, she is persistent like no other cat I’ve ever met so she still jumps on the counters and table continually at 2.5 years old, and she demands play time wherin we throw a plastic hair coil thing and she fetches it if we throw it right. Otherwise she is all rough play if we disturb her!
I love the show and so does my 97 year old Dad. Trki Woo is certainly the most spoiled dog we know.
I loved the first series, but I also love the new series! And once again Tricki Woo rules, even attending the wedding!
My Maddie, lived as an angel.
May sheer RIP.
My Uncle John’s dogs! They would sit on the floor (or in his lap!) at the table and it was “a bite for me, a bite for you.” My mom always said that when she died she wanted to come back as one of Uncle John’s dogs!
My childhood pet Zeke, a Chocolate point Siamese, was spoiled mostly by my mom. He had his own stash of raw chicken necks she would dole out once per day, which he ate behind the bush by the back door to the kitchen. When my mom died two years ago I found Zeke’s favorite toy, the plastic head of Mrs. Beasley from Family Affair fame, still in her jewelry box over 45 years since he died.
My sister’s Tiger? He had his own ice cream cones. He’s also my Tiger’s namesake. Finally, after 40+ years, a worthy namesake. Whose Aunty spoils him as much as the original!
Tricky Woo indeed! I remember the story in which Mrs. Pumphrey is afraid he’s unwell when in fact he is simply always too stuffed with food to move. Herriot’s cure is to let him “tough it out” with five other dogs so he’ll have to get to his food bowl himself quickly if he wants any of it. A week later, he is active and “cured” and Mrs. Pumphrey thinks it’s nothing short of miraculous.
I have to go with Trickie Woo
Tricki Woo, of course, but our 14 year old Aussie ranks right up there! Love All Creatures Great and Small and the follow-on books. Read them with as a child many years ago!
My rescue dog, PoppyLu is the most spoiled princess in all the land.
Tricki is pretty spoiled, but our present Stella Shepherd is more so. We have not taken a trip away because we can’t stand to board her or have a stranger with her
All four of my cats were spoiled, but that is part of the joy of these companions. Thanks for the opportunity to remember Savu and Ione, and Luna and Josie. Have been enjoying the current All Creatures Great and Small for the scenery, characters and the sense of community.
The mist spoiled animal I know is a Chihuahua named Queenie, who lives down the block. She’s a demon from hell, and her owners lets her act abominably, but she has the best wardrobe. The last few days, she’s been walked while she wears a tiny coat with a fur trimmed hood. Cute as all get out, but a tiny monster.
My sister’s papillon, Courage had his own psychic, homemade food, and was rarely left in the care of anyone for the slightest amount of time. And he lived 18 long and happy years. ❤️
Tricki Woo. Also, how have I not one a Giveaway? I mean I’m usually only up against say 600 other people!
won not one! Oh how dearly I wish there were an edit option!
My grandma Dory always spoiled all of her dogs and I think the most spoiled was her last dog, Sandy. The things I remember best about Sandy was that he got fatter every time I saw him (Grandma used to make him special meals) and his gas could clear a room.
I’m honestly not sure I can think of terribly spoiled animals either in my life or in fiction. The thought that is coming to my mind is my most beloved pet ever who is Lilly, our incredibly sweet, shy, not-quite-all-there yet deeply beloved kitten (she’s ~11 years old but always a kitten in my heart). She is the most doted-on animal I have ever experienced, and she brings such joy to all of us here in my household!
Andy, my King Charles Cavalier spaniel that passed away unexpectedly last month. I really miss him
I started reading James Herriot’s books when I was 10 years old and have reread them many times. I cry at the same stories every time. Tricki Woo is probably the most spoiled critter in the world second only to cats that live in my house! I have 4 rotten little beasties.
Tricki-Woo perched on the pillow at the wedding definitely takes the prize for most spoiled! Our Vizsla, Bodhi, has to sleep under the covers with us, but won’t be attending any nuptials soon.
Well, no one animal in particular comes to mind, but I do have a great expression from my mom for such creatures: “they fell into a tub of butter (the day they became their human’s charge)”.
Really, is it possible to spoil a beloved pet too much? I think not.
My Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Archie. Gone now, never forgotten. We had to hold an umbrella over him when raining in order for him to set paw outside…
DAME Diana Rigg and Tricki- Woo were absolutely marvelous. We have two beloved cats, Silhou and Pinot grigio, who look pretty spoiled to folks who visited.
My brother had a chihuahua named Wee. He carried her around inside his jacket. She barked or snarled at everyone except him.
All of my Cocker Spaniels have been rather spoiled, but the spoiledest was probably my Murphy, who helped me knit the socks that made me an award winning sock knitter! A few summers ago Murphy and I won a prize as a Debutante Sock Knitter, awarded by the ever-so-smart Kay Gardiner.
Murphy was very spoiled because he had cancer. Not that we need a reason to spoil our animal companions! Just ask the current Spanarchists, Doc and Happy!
Definitely Tricky-Woo
My dog “Bug” aka “ladybug”
As a vet, I see many a spoiled pet! Yesterday it was Pumpkin Pie, a 15 yr old mutt spoiled by her salt-of-the-earth owners with a half cup of beer every day! I did tell the owner this is perhaps not a great idea (as it’s an amount more like an adult person having 3-4 beers)…
My dog Rodeo who is recovering from back leg injury and is being carried everywhere and has his food and water brought to him.
Daisy, our daughter’s Cavapoo
I read “All Creatures Great & Small” in Jr High & High School. The series was a favorite. Since then, I’ve watched every TV series when it comes out. I’m in my 60’s now & it never disappoints. It’s still a favorite.
Our current dog, Porter is the most spoiled animal, we have ever owned. I have to chuckle though, because the spoiling has gotten worse, with each animal passing through our door. Porter is a 1 year handsome Bernese Mountain Dog. When I bought him a stylish baby blue raincoat with a funnel neck, and made him pose for photos, I’m positive I heard Ralphie’s voice from “The Christmas Story,” complaining about the bunny sleeper!
Tricki Woo most definitely
Hamlet. a friend’s pig. This pig has free roam everywhere in the house, outside & is definitely spoiled.
Our three kid’s pets are pretty darned spoiled! Two cats and a dog, three cats and a dog and three cats — All “humorously” referred to as our “grandchildren” (insert eye roll here!)
I have to say Tricki Woo is definitely the most spoiled, but my “grand-dog” Nala is a princess also
I love All things great and small. The knitwear is amazing. 1930s knitwear is so pretty.
All my animals are rescues and we spoil them all. But I would say my dog Bo is the most spoiled of them all.
Tricki Woo for sure!
My beloved cat Sam I Am who at his own bedroom and an IPod to watch.
Without a doubt – Tricki Woo
Our dog is pretty spoiled. My husband has taught her to count to three because he always gives her 3 treats at a time. Should she only receive 2 she barks until the mistake is corrected but if given 4 she eats 3, gives him a look like he is losing it and then indulges.
While my mother’s cat Rachael wasn’t nearly as spoiled as Tricki Woo we did call her Rachael Woo because of the similarities.
Our dear Sabrina – the poodle who ate my Mom’s Jackie Kennedy-esque mink pill box hat, and ate an entire plate of Christmas Bourbon Balls and was so drunk we thought she was dead! The Alabama vet said, ‘My Lord, this dog is druuuunnnkk” in his heavy southern accent! She lived until she was 17 and slept in the bed everynight with my Mom and with her head on her OWN pillow!
My elderly dogs, Mowgli (15) and Oliver(14). They get us up at 5:30 in the morning for breakfast and a walk and then sleep for hours.
Molly, my parents’ border collie when I was first married. She was a regular at McDonald’s and knew she’d get a cone at the drive thru.
Our cat and dog rescues, Ping Pong and Biscuit respectively, tie with Tricki Woo.
I have never heard of Trcki Woo, but I’ll go with that.
definately Tricki Woo the Pekingese in the show. I loved in the wedding show when the aher of the bride called the dog ugly and had to apologize to Tricki Woo
My childhood dog pets were called Toto and later we had Gilligan. I love to hear the names people give their pets. Pets have “therapeutic” value whether they are certified therapy pets or not.
I loved to spoil my rescue German Shepherd Ayla. People would tell me that they wanted to reincarnate as my dog!
Definitely our 22 pound Aussie Labradoodle named Foster. He has a second home with our next door neighbors, empty nesters who love him to pieces. He always stays with them when we travel and sleeps at the foot of their bed when he spends nights there. Pretty pampered over here too. I’ve almost finished knitting him the botanical yoke dog sweater.
Yes, it has to be Tricki Woo.
There could be none more spoiled than Tricki Woo….
Taz, my mother-in-law’s rambunctious young poodle, gets hand fed fresh bison and chicken livers. He definitely eats better than she does!
Hard to top Tricki! Although my furry sister, Sheila (7th in a line of Pomeranians my parents have spoiled over 66 years of marriage) comes close. We share a middle name – Marie – but when I hear “who’s mom’s good girl?” there’s no doubt who deserves that honor!
I love All Creatures too!
My husband and I spoil our 3 yr old Brittany Spaniel, and she knows it!
Tricki Woo for sure. Spoiled to the point of harm, but saved by the intrepid,
trusty vets!
Not to the extent of Tricki Woo, my grand dogs Esme and Varrick get homemade dog treats on a regular basis.
Tricky Woo is so marvelously named, as well as gloriously spoiled! But I think our cat, Mr. Zigs, could be a contender.
I had 2 pygmy goats who insisted on being served their second meal at 4pm every day. If i was late the entire neighborhood knew it. Only alfalfa and sweet horse feed would satisfy them.
Tricki Woo
Tricki Woo takes the cake-and the ice cream! Oh, the pounds!
Although my Stella and Buoy are a bit spoiled, it is hard to think of any animal being as spoiled as Tricki Woo.
The most spoiled creature is my Granddoggie. Lucky is the Luckiest doggie in the world
My vote goes to Maru of “Mary the Cat” YouTube fame, even though “spoiled” isn’t quite the right adjective for him or his two feline companions, Hana and Miri. “Extremely well-treated and well-behaved” might be a better description. So enjoyable to watch. I’ve learned a lot about cats from them.
My best friend forever Victoria. A loyal and chubby tabby cat who lived to 23 years old. Such a sweet and funny girl.
Any of my friend’s dogs. Training, classes, all of it useless because she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings, aka prefers them spoiled. I totally get how love seems to lead to spoiling! I am besotted with my cat, & he is, as are most cats, not trained. Except to come for dinner.
Our dog sprocket who always was in charge of all the attention.
Our Dodger is loved by all! She even has a place at the dinner table when we visit Robin in Nova Scotia!
Tricki Woo is by far the most spoiled. I had an aunt who cooked a supper for her little chihuahua but I can’t remember the dog’s name!
Toby, my 16 year old Pekingese beagle mix, conjures Trickie Woo’s spoiled ways.
Tricki Woo for the win!
Love All Creatures Great and Small! Most spoiled pet would be my own!
Izzy, my husband’s lab/Rottweiler mix. I finally lost the key-her-off-the-couch barker I suppose there are worse things….
Tricky Woo, obvs, but followed closely by our pitt-lab mix, Charlie 🙂
I loved Lassie, but alas was 2 young 2 ever know if he was spoilt, but me thinks having the young laddie playing fetch and fishing days and most days with Lassie, I would say Lassie was spoilt 4 attention. Cheers
The most spoiled dog was Asta from the series The Thin Man.
My neighbor’s dog.
My 5th child Katie, a beautiful Golden, was our most spoiled child. She loved to be on the sofa, the bed with us, at the table and wherever the Grandchildren were. When they left after a visit she would pout, cry and refuse to eat . She would be like that until I would feed her by hand. This would go on until I would call the children and they would talk with her. Spoiled!
My poodle/mutt mix, Bradley Cooper, is so spoiled by my husband!! He’s way to good for even the best dog food. It must be people good, fed to him right from hubby’s own hand! Sheesh!!
My new husband came with an older Lab named Jake. Hubby made that dog 2 pieces of toast and a scrambled egg every day every morning until his death. I think Mr. Jake wins!
Our cat, Aspen
I love all creatures great and small -in fact three of us at work compare notes on Monday mornings ! My spoiled pet was my Bleu the best he rules the roost I just paid the bills loved to go on journeys ! a drive to the pet store going to see his Nana 3 hrs away or just having the knitting group over he loved life and loved people – especially knitters who he could sit on your lap or right by you and play with you wool or needles ! I sure miss him when I knit !!!
Our late, rescue Cocker Spaniel, Ginger, was a very spoiled girl, as she completely took possession of my husband’s giant recliner, with no protests from him at all! That was her comfy spot until the day she passed.
My Wirehaired pointing griffon, Independence Marsanne Gem of the Vine (Marsa).
My daughter’s cat Hobbes
Bud my dog for many years was the by far most spoiled dog.
I do love spoiling my dog Colin. I cook chicken one day and steak the next to add to his dry dog food. We watch All Creatures Great and Small together. It’s a great show on Masterpiece.
Any dog we’ve ever owned, including the mega mutt, Baxter Black, who rules the house these days!
Her name was PITA. I’ll let you figure out what the letters stand for 😉 She was a very small chihuahua whose broken leg I repaired when she was a puppy. Only 1.5# P.S. – I am a veterinarian
Any Milligan cat is so very spoiled .. by ME :). I love a purring kitty by my side !!
It has to be Tricki Woo although I spent time yesterday baking dog treats for my canine pals.
It may just have to be Tricky Woo.
I read All Creatures when I was a kid and still have my books! I fell in love with Tristan, my first “love of my life” character.
I’ve so many tales of all our five cats, Charlie and Digby, then Silvester, Jack and Maxx, and now my rescue ex-racer greyhound, Spook.
: Chas and Digby extruding together through a cat flap as they were being chased by a butterfly.
: Same two cats watching my husband chase a little mouse round our bedroom and barely blinking an eye whilst cheering him on from our pillows.
: Silly, Jack and Maxx being our lions at the front gate, welcoming everyone as they went by morning and evening.
All loved and given everything they all desired.
Tricki Woo!
Molly, a dog who is gone but not forhotten. Should have spoiled her even more.
A bull dog name Eleanor
Oh my gosh-our feline named Bubcat. He has us well trained. Paws at the window when he wants out, pesters us when he wants treats. He so adorable and lovable tho
Our cow, Maisey Oats, was super spoiled, but not as much as Tricki Woo!!
Tricki Woo was, of course, the spoiled-est.
My cats
My ride or die Chi/Jack Russell, Chuck Bass! He is named after the spoiled rich boy in Gossip Girl and he sure lives up to his namesake!
Well I’ve been told that the most spoiled animals have been cats. Like, “if there is reincarnation, I hope to come back as one of your cats.”
Tricki woo for sure! So pampered, even came to the wedding!
My Jack Russell dog Sparky Joe. He was spoiled almost as much as Tricki Woo.
My cat Beckett. Such a sweetheart…. Most of the time!
Tricki Woo for sure.
My son’s dog, Lucy.
Leona Helmsley’s dog, Trouble!
We only have one pet love, and that’s our Lacey girl Chihuahua.
She was rescued from abuse. We brought her into our home & we treat her like a little princess
Tricki-Woo is the obvious, and easy, answer. The correct answer, however, is Tristan Farnon, whose lack of discipline is often forgiven by his simpering groveling and pleas for forgiveness, followed by little or no effort for real improvement. (I’m channeling my inner Siegfried here, LOL!) But, darned if he doesn’t rock those Fair Isle vests!
Sweet 15 year old JunaBear our chocolate lab. She has us well trained.
Petie the Havapoo
Hi! My name is Buttons and I am not spoiled, just very well taken care of! It has been a tough road to training my human. It must have taken a good 10 minutes! You see, I was a rescue from Puerto Rico- before the bad hurricanes, when there were so many dogs that the authorities would throw a batch of 40 at a time of us off a bridge thinking this was animal control. Uck!
Reminding Mum of this trauma is the key to melting her attempts to limit treats. When she reminds me back that she rescued me from 2 horrific hurricanes, I ignore her and give her my best puppy face. I nominate Tricki…paws down!!!
Jess! The sweetest Golden Retriever ever
My sons dogs. They are taken everywhere and need someone with them all the time. They are sweeties!
Any of the pets I have owned. Currently it’s Ernie our cat. As I write this he’s sleeping on my lap.
My sister’s Poodle, Sienna. When my sister goes away, she has 2 sitters for her, one for days and one who spends the nights.
Tina the dachshund. Every night my dad had ice cream and there was hell to pay if Tina didn’t get her portion!
I just love Tricki! Loving the good life.
Tricki Woo
I hope all of my puppy/dog children have felt spoiled. Our last went everywhere with us. She had three beds plus an ottoman and couch. We built a ramp so she could keep camping, and another ramp to keep the couch attainable. We lost her several years ago and haven’t had the heart to adopt again. I like to say all of our pets trained us well.
My morkie Oliver who runs my house knows where Grandmas live abs bosses his auntie around. He even has supper with us he gets a small portion of the meat cut up and he loves spaghetti (also cut up), he showers with daddy. He has a wardrobe which includes my first doggie design Dino sweater with a hood!!!
My dog, Adi. Such a princess! She’s a boxer. Looks fierce and is so very loveable. She just can’t understand why everyone else, besides us, is not in love with her.
Most spoiled pet is Tricki Woo.
Tricky Woo definitely takes the prize for “most spoiled” pet!
Yoyo was perhaps our most spoiled dog, but she DESERVED every bit of attention, treat and kindness after spending the first 7 years of her life as a breeder in a puppy mill and be de-barked (before she was rescued). She was a precious, sweet, gentle soul. Miss her so much!
My in-laws’ cat, Muffin, ruled the house when she was alive.
My sister’s elderly rescue dog, Duncan, was spoiled, but rightly so. His owner had passed away, and my sister and her family took him in. As Duncan got older, they made sure that he got whatever he wanted to eat – from chicken pot pies to bacon to meatballs and rice. He was a very special dog.
My little Sniggy Woo! The sweetest but most ferocious sounding Maltese-mix that thot she should’ve been born a German Shepard. She’s been gone quite a few years now & miss her still.
My most spoiled, Daisy the Aussie. Also, ultimately sweet and beloved!
definitely Tricki Woo!
My 20 pound tabby cat. Scratches furniture and carpets for food. But never his scratching post!
Definitely Lucy who has crossed the bridge. She was a boar red smooth coated dachshund. She demanded my lap always. I would knit in the truck while towing our 5th wheel across country. She had the entire back seat with multiple beds, including one in between our seats in the front, full of cozy blankies, but she would much rather entangle herself in my yarn on my lap!
Tricki Woo.!!!! Also love All Things Great and Small. Wonderful show.
That would be Creatures not Things. Early in the morning for me
My little pup Brie is the most deservedly spoiled dog I’ve known! We rescued her from a puppy mill so we feel like she deserves to be spoiled.
Most spoiled? My Grandmother’s chihuahuas. Those little guys had chicken cooked and bones for them everyday. Leftover chicken just wasn’t good enough for them. 🙂
I remember Paris Hilton having a Chihuahua that she spoiled
My most spoiled pet is my designer rescue – Duggy! He just had cashew/cardamom almond butter straight out of the jar : ) But he brightens my days & makes me smile! So he’s not really spoiled… I just show my appreciation often! Happy knitting – S
While all my dogs have been a bit spoiled, my current Sheltie Harpo being in the mix, I agree, Tricki-Woo wins as being most spoiled.
Triki Woo for sure. How many dogs attend a wedding on a satin pillow?! And I agree the little girl staying with them for the duration of the war was not in the original and was far far away from Herriot’s style.
Trickie is certainly a spoiled pup! I always love seeing episodes with Trickie in them.
My beloved 3 kittens (well, really adult rescue cats), Cinders, Ashes and Sassy. Cinders passed away last spring and I miss him every day.
There are so many pets who have inherited millions from their companion people; the money intended to spoil them all their days. In my case, I have held dear so many pets that I personally have spoiled even though I’ve tried not to do so. My daughter had a leopard gecky that seemed too lazy to chase her crickets so my daughter would take long surgical “tongs” and pick up each cricket, dip it in water, then in a vitamin mix and feed them to her gecko one by one until she was full. Her name was Ducky and I’m sure in gecko world her life was just perfect…in fact probably all was Ducky for her.
Call the Midwife with sheep. (written with complete love)
Triki Woo for sure but oh his loving heart is as large as his oversize furriness. He puts up with so much. May he live long!
Caesar, my childhood next door neighbor’s English Mastiff. My neighbor fed him 5 pounds of cooked onions a week!
We have a cat who enjoys being fed from a spoon. And gets a slice of turkey every day. Maybe not Tricki, but certainly spoiled!
We went to the premiere of Season 3 at our local PBS (GPB) station’s theater. They had a lovely reception and it was fun to sit with ‘the gods’ (ie:nosebleed section) with other ACG&S fans. I wish it had been recorded, the way those musical oldies shows are with live audiences, and we’d be in the dark, standing and applauding our approval. I do remember the first series and old Mrs. Hall! Did you know that there is a present day reality series now called The Yorkshire Vet, with one of the vets being a trainee of Dr. Herriot, and narrated by Christopher Timothy, who starred as James in that first series?
Well, Tricki-woo is certainly spoiled, but my daughter’s cat Shadow comes a close second. I mean if you can’t spoil your furry children, who can you spoil.
I would say our sweet boyo Sirius, but I’ll be honest and concur with Tricky Woo!
While Tricki woo is a good answer, I would have to say that my dachshund Rocket is pretty spoiled. So spoiled in fact, that we got him a puppy for his 3rd birthday one year!
All of our cats have always been spoiled, but the most spoiled is Morgan, our flame point Siamese. He’s just 2 1/2 years old, but he’s insufferable! He broke his leg at 4 months and had to have surgery and a long recovery, so he got very spoiled. But he is a good boy!
Absolutely Tricki Woo! And I LOVE All Creatures Great and Small.
I have never met a pet who was not spoiled (luckily). No names to share – truly all pets!
Tricki-Woo for sure. Even Pasha the pampered Maltese who got his food cut up in small pieces by my sister’s old ex, has nothing on the Tricki-Woo!
Trickie Woo for the most spoiled pet! He definitely got some extra special treatment. I’m so glad the new season is playing.
Tricky Woooooo of course ❤️
My Red Healer Rosie acts like the princess that she is
My crazy Yorkie, muttley dog. He eats salmon, chicken and anything else he wants. When sleeping in my bed, he barks at me if i move or roll over , because its his bed. I just get to sleep there. Spoiled rotten.
Currently the most spoiled pet is our black lab Lewis Angus Burns the Notorious LAB bka Lewie
Tricky Woo is the winner!
My most spoiled pet was our dog Rocky. From rescue to a crate from which he cried to downstairs only to spooning me in my bed … he’s only been gone a few weeks but I miss him so!
My Guinea fowl, Baron von Deudel was definitely spoiled. He sat on my lap while I fed him carrots but Tricky Woo takes the cake!
Of all creatures I’ve known real or imagined, Tricki Woo is hands down the most spoiled! Pate snd biscuits and cake—oh my!
Ophelia Fancypants MacStomperson (aka Purl) was my brindle boxer. Her big brother would bring her toys.
Samwise the Brave
Most loved whippet boy
December 7, 2005 – February 11, 2021
The most spoiled animal I know is Bagheera, my daughters black cat. She dresses him up in hats for special occasions, example, this past Advent he wore daily handmade hats, and then treated to some delicacy.
We have a Havanese dog that thinks he came from royalty. He is very sweet and loving but he is spoiled.
We had a family in the neighbourhood who appropriately named their dog Boss. Enough said. (He was super cute those though!)
Theodore Tiberious Roosevelt- our Big Brown Flooofy New-fy. Spoiled and loved, a lovely boy!
It’s tricky — Tricki Woo must do.
Tricky Woo has to take 1st place in being loved and spoiled.
Definitely tricki woe
Tricky Woo is quite spoiled indeed. My most spoiled pet was my cat Orphan. I treated him like a King!
I have to say it’s definitely Tricki Woo. Love the cushion Tricki sits on
My mom’s teacup poodle Sophia.
“Cat” was the most spoiled animal I’ve ever seen. He originally came with a home that my son and new wife rented. They feel in love soon became their child. When they bought a home, Cat came with… of course. 🙂
Our gray tuxedo cat, Earl Grey!
My sweet little 5 pound bichapoo Bella! She was my mom’s dog,my dad’s last anniversary gift to her before he died, and became mine when my mom got to be too ill to care for her. Now that both my parents are gone Bella is like a little bit of them still with me. How could I NOT spoil her!?
My grandma’s cat Abbi who was fed ice cream on a saucer.
Since Ive had the pleasure of not meeting enough spoiled pets to stand out, Im gonna have to say Tricki Woo was the spiled-est animal.
My most spoiled pet is Portia, our Pomsky Such a Diva! And verbal too. If you are a minute late with her meal, she ket’s you know it. I’ve never had a dog that “talked” so much. If you do or are not doing something she likes or dislikes she’s the first to let you
Well, all of my dogs have been spoiled, and each in their own way. My first Cocker Spaniel, Goldie, ate from a fork, curling her lips as she pulled the morsel from the tines. My second Cocker Spaniel, Chloe, drank from a sippy cup with a built in straw. My current fur baby, Pippa, insists on her food being warmed and served with a napkin over the dish. I think my fur babies have Tricki Woo beat for spoiledness.
Tricky Woo hands, erm..paws, down!
Definitely our springer spaniel, Dougal. Not another to compare.
Trigo, the one-legged bulldog from Dr. No, Percival Everett’s hilarious latest book.
Tricki Woo and Merlin.
My Molly dog,she’s the best company,poodle Yorkie her so❤️
My neighbor, a lab named Raven, is most doted and loved pet I have seen!
When Miss America (why, my lovely cat; who else?) and I would sunbathe, laying side by side on a beach towel in the yard, she would command the lion’s share ( so yo speak) of the towel, leaving me the edge and some lawn. With men, she’s always win the Miss Congenuality award as well.
I hate not to be original, but Tricki Woo. I have have many spoiled pets, but never one with his own basket of treats and pates.
Tricki woo takes the cake! But my 2 golden retrievers aren’t far behind.
The most spoiled pets I know are all the cats,dogs,chickens,ponies,sheep,pigs and all the animals my family have own over the years…. I just love all animals❤️
Our Chiweenie Caesar is why my MIL dubbed our home Caesar’s Palace.
This week it’s our cat Coco, who vanished for a day. We thought she’d gotten out and been snatched by a coyote. After finding her cold and hungry and scared—but safe—in the garage, I can’t spoil her enough
My neighbors dog Homer
My red Standard Poodle Abby is by far the most spoiled.
My family’s dog Ginger who had to be hand fed and had only people food. Steak was often her meal. She was spoiled and lived to 15.5.
Kona, my angora rabbit, who eats only organic greens and the very tip of your banana. And at 4in the morning when you make a quick trip to the bathroom, demands (and receives) a 20 minute head rub. Also if her dinner is not ready at exactly 5:30 she throws her dishes around. She is the queen of the castle in the best sense!
If cartoon characters count, I pick the lasagna loving Garfield
Our dog, Tanner, is pretty spoiled. My husband cooks his special meals instead of dog food and walks him on the beach every morning and to the sound every afternoon here on the Outer Banks. He sleeps by my husbands feet all day while hubby works remotely. Nice dog life.
I have to say, our Golden Retriever Gilly is pretty indulged. Sleeps on the bed, regular treats from the snack drawer, constant belly rubs, daily off-leash romps in the woods or on the beach. But why else choose to have a pet if you aren’t going to love them like mad and give them the best life possible?
Rosie the dog was very spoiled. She took all my favorite things as a child!
My dog Fezzik is the most spoiled because my husband takes him to Starbucks for a pup cup every single day no matter what. At about 3:30 pm the dog starts looking for his ride to the coffee shop, or staring him down if we are already home from work.
my friend’s cat Remy–he gets waaay too many treats!
The most spoiled animal that I have ever heard about was Willie cat. He was a Siamese cat who seemed to rule my father’s home when he was growing up. The Siamese cats he had while I was growing up never seemed to be as spoiled as Willie.
My grandma’s dog Teddy was the most spoiled dog I knew. My grandma feed him mainly boiled chicken, but he also got “bites” from her plate. He ate alongside of her…AND she and fed him everyday.
Definitely or previous cat Loki, he was a more than lap filling Tom cat who verbally communicated like no one had ever heard. We miss him!
Or current cats, Bastapas and Melitta, are working on being spoiled, and can’t get enough of my knitting time to either lounge or try to assist with the project!
MikaChan Yamaguchi, Roy Yamaguchi, my favorite chef cooks for her. It would be heaven to be reincarnated as his dog.
Aya, my red hen❤️
Nella, my neighbor’s Chihuahua. Everyone orbits around her world. She is worthy of all the attention, giving each of us so much love in return for our doting. Dimensions for the winter sweaters I knit for her change each year along with her ever expanding waistline from everyone’s treats!
My dog Jack, a cavalier spaniel, is pretty darn spoiled…. but Tricki Woo still wins!
Izzy our 1 yr old Goldendoodle is so spoiled by her “Grandpa”, my Dad.
A (now departed) Border terrier belonging to a friend of the family. Her owners (who believe that training a dog “crushes its spirit”) never left her anywhere and they spent more on her grooming than I spend on my haircuts.
Blue is my most spoiled, 30 pound cat whom I rescued from my car engine when he weighed about 1 pound. He loves cheese sticks.
Our sweet old girl Lucy is pretty spoiled. She is elderly, and the best dog EVER so she definitely deserves a lot of pampering.
Tricki Woo Always makes me smile!
Murphy – my Golden Retriever “nephew”!
My Airedale, Harvey. Named after the cocktail (Harvey Wallbanger). He’s now a distinguished old gent but was once an unbridled whirlwind of energy. He is so spoiled it’s obscene . Fifty pounds of nothing but intellect and attitude…..
Peter-Bob, my sister’s Jack Russell, could easily win the prize.
Tricky woo!
My grandparents’ German Shepherd, Leo. Way back before everyone started doing it for health reasons, Grandma would buy meat just for the dog, cooking it up (with butter, salt and pepper) in his dedicated frying pan. Black licorice was always keep on hand as a treat just for him. And taking a “doggie bag” of leftovers home from a restaurant was taken very literally.
Lady Chewbacca, who had far too short of a life. She overcame so many hurdles, and we spoiled her mightily to try to show her the good in the world.
My most spoiled animal is my current cat, Kitty, or Mr. Kitty, or sometimes Peckerhead, as my husband calls him. His demands are few – food, snacks, door open, affect – but constant. He’s 16 years old and we dove on him like we’re being paid.
Oh, Nugget is the most spoiled dog I know. She was a mangy street dog and now is a proper house dog with a collection of toys, bandanas, and endless cuddles
All my pets!
My most spoiled pet was Scotty, my favorite parakeet. I miss him so much.
Tweed, my brother-in-law’s dog. He once told me that I was visiting and Tweed lived there!
My chickens!
Any of my pets!
All my cats- Charlie, Lola and Hook.
My sister’s 5 Chihuahuas have been the most spoiled animals–ever! Words fail me on this one–indescribable.
Morris the Cat
Tricky Woo is the most spoiled pooch I’ve ever come across.
A dog named Fish! Spoiled and wonderful
When I was in high school lo so many years ago I worked at a vet clinic / kennel, and one of the dogs who would occasionally board with us was a delightful dachshund named Jeremiah who was to receive a heavy splash of grape soda in his bowl every night at bedtime.
Tricki Woo for sure!
So happy that so many people love All Creatures! I think this version is the best thing on tv. Absolutely fantastic! As for the most spoiled, I think Tricki woo wins, but not by much. My two cats are extremely spoiled and rule the house! I’m
Our current corgi dog – Leonardo- is the most pampered dog that we have owned.
I can’t think of any pet more spoiled than Tricki Woo.
My niece’s chocolate lab, Alfred (for Alfred Hitchcock), is the cutest and most spoilt dog I know.
For sure it would be my friend’s cat, Clementine. She even has to be lifted up to her food dish (not because she can’t jump, but because she insists on it!)
My parent’s dog, Billy. He herds his humans together to take him on a ride in the truck.
My China was the most spoiled of all the dogs we have had. She was so tiny and delicate. A 5 pound chihuahua who was queen of the house. Our 60 pound boxer mix would sleep on the floor next to his bed when she occupied a small corner of it.
My mother’s dog Suzie, a Pekingese. Never left my mom’s lap.
My cat Tutts. He is almost 18 and we let him get away with lots of stuff, because he’s old, and we love him.
Our Ivy Brittany dog is so spoiled! Tricki woo is a wee bit more spoiled!
My sweet goldendoodle Huck!
Our cat Hazel.
Love this show!!! Arrange my Sunday evening so I can see it!!!
Tricky-woo is definitely the most spoiled of any animals I have known! His little grunts on the show always make me laugh.
I love, love, love the PBS series, All Creatures Great and Small! Tricky woo is definitely the most spoiled on that show, but my little papillion, Duke takes the prize at my house!!! Lol
Has to be my rescued boxer/beagle, Flo Jo. In addition to her gluten-free dog food, I food process all kinds of veggies with either rice or oatmeal to supplement her meals. She also receives beef liver that I cook in a crock pot with beef broth. And, of course, she sleeps with us!
I have to admit Trickie Woo is the most spoiled, our 2 cats and dog have trained us to be their body pillows and cooks extraordinaire! Love your emails, and thanks for this opportunity.
Any of my cats but currently Dolly.
The most spoiled pets in my neck of the woods are Ivy Grace, a lovely golden who lives with me when her owners travel. Such joy running around on our walks. And, my own little fluffball, Ariel (Pom/pap), who hangs with the big dogs.
most-spoiled-est–Tricki Woo
Trick Woo – because, as you said, he was the spoiled-est. 🙂
Definitely Tricky Woo!
The most spoiled dog is the one living with us-Penny, the standard Poodle. She insists on sleeping on our bed, must go on every car ride and will stare you down for a doggie treat.
My Grandmother had a little dog, Sam who was so spoiled. After she lost my grandfather, Sam became her focus. She was blind to his bad behavior…he barked at everything and bit anyone who came to her home. But she loved him to pieces. I am grateful that she passed before he did.
My beloved dog Sadie Grace was our most spoiled pet! Even with children to care for she sometimes came first…oops!
Loved that dog ❤️
Not sure how spoiled he was in real life, but the first animal that came to mind was Solomon… the White Turkish Angora featured in 4 early James Bond films. Definitely pampered on screen.
Tricki woo for sure
Our ivory Labrador – Birch. Best boy ever! Love All Creatures Great and Small. Such a joy to watch ❤️
Tricking Woo
Our cat Milton was very chill, but sometimes he just had to have attention. If this happened to be in the middle of the night, he would tap us on the shoulder until we woke up enough to pet him.
I have long said that anything that draws breath in my house is totally spoiled… the kiddos, the pets, the whole shebang! So here’s to our beloved current-and-past pets, Rocky, Coco, Apollo, Goldie, Max, Spanky and a few strays and class critters that came in and out of our lives!
My friend’s dog Guinevere learned to open the refrigerator. Her owner did put a lock on it, but would often leave it unlocked for poor little Guinnie.
All of My GrandPets are super spoiled when they come to GranMa’s
My husband 🙂
My sweet cat Shimi is spoiled but can’t compete with Tricki Woo
The most spoiled animal I have ever known is my current cat, Phoebe. If I said she was an entitled creature that would be being nice. I have never had a cat so self centered as this one. And we humans orbit around her as she knows we know she rules 😉
Most spoiled pet was my friend’s dog, Sweet Pea, who had special food cooked for her. It took J two hours to make a batch!
My Shih Tzu Homer was very spoiled. He died relatively young of heart failure and his chronic illness is my only excuse. He hated my other dog and over time the entire household had to be adjusted to work around his antipathy. It became a lot of work to keep them apart. I did love that psycho dog.
I would have to agree with Triki Woo but my cat Penny is probably a close second LOL. I will contort myself in awkward positions while sleeping so as not to disturb her highness as she snoozes on my pillow at night. And I wonder why my neck is perpetually sore!
The most spoiled animal ever in my life is our elderly lady cat Abby, who is 20 years old and whose bathroom habits leave something to be desired. We put up with puppy pads and a litter box in the dining room and puddles as they occur, because she is sweet and loving, and nobody is more comforting as a lap cat. Yes, before you ask, the vet is on board with her care.
It would be hard to beat Tricki Woo. My cat wishes he was so spoiled!
Most certainly – Tricki Woo
Every pet my Mum ever lived with could claim that title. She had a kitten dumped on her when she was 80 and six years a widower. “Ducky” was a wild and woolly pussycat who managed to knock every plant in my mother’s home (and there were dozens) over within weeks and routinely got her up to play at four thirty in the morning. She would switch brands of cat food on an almost daily basis, made the cat his own catnip pillow so he could sleep more comfortably by her head and spent hours playing with him even as she faded away at eighty-five. After she died, Ducky moved in with my sister and promptly died (according to his vet) of a broken heart.
Most spoiled–any dog I’ve ever owned….
Alice – my 13 year ride or die bestie was the most spoiled 4 lbs of terrier that ever was !! Tricki woo being a close 2nd lol xoxo cheers
All of my animals were the spoiledest. But, the most spoiled was my rescued greyhound, Tico. He was such a frightened baby when we got him. He became my “velcro dog.” I miss him so!
My cat, Sophie. She’s no longer with me, but she was the sweetest!
I think most of us believe it’s our own pet, so I’ll go in a different direction: Bentley, a former grad student’s dog, who got to go everywhere with her—even smuggled in a special bag if she couldn’t actually be in a space.
My cat Katy wins!!
The first cat I lived with as an adult was a lovely steel gray, long-haired guy. He had to have an Old Possum name so he became Ragtime Muffin Joe. Being a Wisconsinite or Sconnie, his favorite food was beer-battered cod brought home in a kitty bag from a Friday Night Fish Fry. His second favorite was angel food cake served up in tiny bite-sized portions.
Hard to beat Tricki Woo!
Most definitely our Sunny girl. We call her our furry daughter and treat her like a queen!
Tricki Woo takes the prize.
The most spoiled pet I only heard about was a Siamese cat that my parents owned before I was born. Her name was Meow Meow and she always had a dozen or so bowls with different morsels of food to choose from. She was also very sociable in that she went on walks with my Mom and my brother (he was a baby at the time). My Mom also found out from a neighbor that Meow Meow was visiting her often. I wish I had known her because she was an extraordinary cat.
My newest most spoiled is a grand fur baby (lab puppy) Magnolia Grace aka Maggie. She’s a sweetheart, and so deserving of spoiling by both grandparents and parents alike!
Tricki Woo for sure!
Any dog of my mother’s!
My little min-pin Sadie. Lived to age14, blind and deaf. She was so loyal and was rewarded as such. She was showered with treats, special meals, and much love.
Definitely Tricki Woo.
Love the colors and would love to get my hands on it!
My husband would say our backyard chickens. 🙂
My daughter’s little cavapoo, Mochi, is pretty spoiled, but nothing beats the pampering of Tricki Woo!!! I love that dog and owner combo…..they make me both smile and laugh
My cats, Mia, Bella and Graci, we should all be so lucky!
Tricki Woo who eats trifle
Definitely Tricki Woo. I love this series. The countryside and the characters provide a mini vacation each week.
Well, I can’t think of any pet more spoiled than Tricki Woo, so I’ll go with Tricki!
Max, King of the Wild Things
(A very loyal, yet bumbly dog)
I concur-Tricki Woo is the most spoiled of all animals!
My grandmother always adopted slightly older dogs from the shelter and spoiled them. She believed they deserved it! I think she was right.
My friend’s French bulldog was so spoiled. He liked to go on walks but his legs would get tired and you’d have to carry him home. lol.
My parents had a quite spoiled ginger tabby back in the late 1980’s/early 1990’s: “Mortimer John Brown (surname)”. He was an astroturf cat (indoor/outdoor), who would often go out hunting for mice in the field behind their home, but when Mom had a mouse in the house he refused to capture it (apparently there’s no sport in that); Mom had to buy mousetraps instead. They bought him a green rug for in front of a heat source in winter, so he could imagine laying in the grass on a summer day. Etc.
Riley, our golden rescue. He truly has the life of Riley.
Lulu the teddy bear, our current dog. She is afraid of the stairs, so we carry her up and down each evening and morning, from our bed where she feels she is entitled to sleep.
Spoiling feels like the wrong concept to talk about sharing one’s life with a sentient, intelligent member of another species. That said, we treat our Goldendoodle, Mischa, like she is an equal member of the household.
Most spoiled, the duck I had as a pet when I was a child.
Maizey and Leo for sure!
I’ve never seen an animal as spoiled as Tricki Woo!!! This episode made ACGAS even more entertaining!
Trikki Woo without a doubt. I loved my pets, but have never been confused enough to think them more or even as important as the people in my life.
Macy (I Love A Parade) rules this house!
My cat Tucker, who insists of drinking from the running bathroom faucet every morning and evening. You do it the first time because it’s cute – then they have you!
My pooch cousin Mitter, she was named after me and was a princess! My pooch was pretty awesome, but not such a princess.
I vote Tricki Woo as well. Our dogs were not nearly as spoiled!
My sweet pup Noble, he’s never alone for more than a few hours and gets homemade food. He deserves it!
My cats are definitely the most spoiled!
The most spoiled animal I have ever known is our current dog Libby. She is a rescue dog who is pampered too much!
Tricki Woo
Max was my most spoiled dog
Princess. My daughter-in-law’s Grandfather’s dog. I don’t know what breed, but she is little and white and barky and her name is Princess — you can just imagine!
Tricki Woo! 🙂
My parents would warm up the canned food for their cat Ralphie – very spoiled!
I’m tempted to name my husband as the most spoiled animal, but really the crown goes to my childhood cat Wump, who only ate liver, which my mother cooked for her in the microwave (so stinky!).
Sometimes I handfeed my cat Pepper when he sleeps so much that he forgets to eat.
My friend doesn’t have grandchildren and has instead acquired a VERY spoiled dog named Taki.
My parent’s dog Trisha, a cockapoo, was the most spoiled dog I’ve ever heard of. They used to take her for rides to McDonald’s so that she could enjoy an ice cream cone!
My sweet cat Willow, who would get hand-fed bacon torn from my weekend brunch!
My most spoiled pet is my dog Zuma! Named by a small child after a dog on Paw Patrol!
Violet, my black cat who insists on having her small water dish freshly refilled by my bathroom sink every time I brush my teeth.
Tricki Woo is quite spoiled. My husband would says our dog Lucy is too.
Hard to beat Tricki Woo but my mom’s Scottie, Heather, was certainly a close second.
Tricki Woo –
Absolutely has to be Tricky Woo!
Tricki Woo is very, very spoiled but he clearly has serious competition judging from the comments I read.
My most spoiled pet was Sasha. She loved milk and ice cream remnants most of all and would sit expectantly waiting for treats anytime a bowl and spoon were employed. She was quite disappointed by soup. LOL! She has been gone more than a decade and I still miss her dearly.
Tricki Woo
The most spoiled animal? My three cats! Molly, Koa, and Sasha. They ruled the roost here! LoL
Well, most people I know would say my beloved Cricket (part Peke, so would have loved seeing Tricki Woo) who passed right before Covid hit. The wonderful people at the Vet’s office (that we had to visit so much we added a wing to their practice!) remember the first time I took her in that I carried her in on a pillow, like the little pampered princess she was! She was my favourite hello and my hardest goodbye.
Asta in the Thin Man movies. Tho mostly I just love the fast talking banter of Nick & Nora (William Powell and Myrna Loy).
Our kitty, Suki, is pretty darned spoiled but not as spoiled as Tricki Woo – who could be! Tricki Woo is the absolute model of spoiled!
My cat Chanel. When she was elderly, I would bring her food to her, wherever she was laying about. I often offered her three or more courses to make sure she ate. She also had permanent feeding and toilet accommodations upstairs AND downstairs in case she couldn’t be bothered to use the steps that day.
Tricki Woo is definitely the most spoiled.
Woolie was a mixed puppy who came from a mixed mother Collie and an unknown father, looked like a smallish sheepdog in the winter and a schnauzer in the summer. He was loved by all and he loved them all in return. May he rest in peace.
Tricki Woo, of course. I just can’t get past him.
Yes, Tricki Woo!
Angel Boy, my cousin’s Yorkie!
The most spoiled pet I know is definitely my own dog, Ollie. On several occasions my Dad has fed him a smidge of lasagna from a fork. Sigh.
The most spoiled animal was a Chiwawa (I know, not how it’s spelled, but I’m so off that I can’t even find the word in my dictionary app) that owned my oldest brother’s in-laws. Poor thing. He probably just wanted to be a dog.
Aunt Joy’s Pierre the Poodle
My most spoiled pet is (are) probably our current cats, Ferris and Sloane, because they’ve won the battle of who gets to be on what surface
Most spoiled dog in our house was Samantha the mini poodle. She was incredibly smart and would talk to my father as they watched the evening news together in his recliner chair. My father would do or give anything for her. That said, she was also the nicest creature I’ve ever known and unfortunately died young of Valley Fever after they moved to Tucson. It took my parents years to get over the loss of that sweet dog.
Any house cat qualifies as Most Spoiled. They train us, you see. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
No pet could rival Tricki Woo for most spoiled! He makes the show!!
The most spoilt was my parents’ Siamese cat named Foster. He would sleep in my mother’s lap as she knit and one day sucked and knowledge holes in the fisherman knit sweater she was working on.
My Murphy! Always eats at 4:22 pm!
tricki Woo for sure! Picnic baskets full of goodies! Being carried! Yes, must be Tricki Woo.
My son’s rescue dog, Roxy- sweetest dog ever and rightfully spoiled
Trickie Woo for sure. That dog had it better than most humans!
I don’t know who Tricki Woo is, but apparently he was spoiled? We just got a rescue border collie, and are trying to break her of the people food and getting on furniture habits. So not the most spoiled?
My rescue that was part chihuahua. Her name was Powdered Donut because she was totally white. Five pounds of totally spoiled delight. Miss her!
My neighbor’s little pug, Birdie. She was rescued after being found on the fairway of our local 9-hole golf course. Sadly, both are gone now, but little ol’ Birdie hung in there to the very end with her loving master, who passed away too young.
My sweet Shih-Tzu, Miyoko ❤️ I never realized how much I carried her until our vet remarked “so she CAN walk” after we had already been there a number of times.
My cats, Hades and Deimos, are terribly spoiled, and it’s too late to do much about it.
Most spoiled pet- my Mini Schnauzer Sir Reginald (Reggie). Got him at 8 weeks old. He passed at age 13.5 years. Such a wonderful addition to my family. Love and Miss him still to this day. As my adult son said one day while visiting “Mom, when I die I want to come back as your pet”. I couldn’t have received a better compliment. 🙂
Hello, the most spoiled pet I’ve watched and known about nearly my entire life has been Scooby Doo- the most Scooby snack spoiled pooch ☺️
Arduin. A small dog who’d only eat by hand
Cricket!!! She rules our household.
My most spoiled pet is my foster dog, Carlos, a chihuahua. He’s on Mt lap as I write this. He sleeps under the covers in my bed, and has a wardrobe of sweaters and coats to keep him warm and dry in our Canadian winters.
I hope he gets adopted soon – or he might live with me forever.
My spoiled baby is my “kennel mix” pup named Prym (in honor or Prym Dritz notions).
I’ll go with trickie woo, too!!
I love “All Creatures Great and Small” in all its forms, and I’m not sure any of my fur babies can hold a candle to Tricki-Woo. That being said, I think my Ragdoll cat, Rudy, runs a close second. A sensitive fellow, he has staged a couple of stress-related hunger strikes, which we worked hard to get him over. It has worked (perhaps a little too well) because he can be absolutely tyrannical when it comes to the proper food, served at the correct time.
In fond memory of our sweet, very spoiled, Japanese Chin, Spike!
Tricki Woo is certainly more spoiled than my mother’s pets, but then, given how rich her owner is compared to my mom, that is to be expected. However, my mom’s pets, all of them since my sisters and I left the house, have been extremely spoiled. They have all been over-fed and overweight. My mother’s cat Lucky screams at her—yes, really, screams—and demands food or to be let in or out. He wakes her in the middle of the night sometimes yelling at her. He also bites her when she won’t do what he wants, and she is the only person he bites, so he also gets my vote as a spoiled pet.
Most spoiled: my dog Bear. He has the best food, lots of the best treats, two other dogs in this house who serve as doggie parent figures, and an ever growing number of two and four legged friends at the dog park and in the hood who adore and play with him
Tricki Woo!
My cat Пупсик (meaning The Little Naked Guy) has been getting his own way for over 17 years now. Wouldn’t it be great to see the pictures of all other spoiled cats and dogs and lambs mentioned in the comments!
My fur grand, the 75 lb Gunner.
I had a little friend named Audrey who raised her family at a time that you could have a plot of land in the country, and raise a few cows for milk, hens for eggs, a bit of a market garden, and a few other animals, then work at the tobacco farm nearby, and almost, almost have enough to raise a family. Anyway, when I knew Audrey, she was a widow, her family all grown, and she’d moved to the city to be closer to her grandchildren. And Audrey had one cat. And all the love and care and energy that Audrey had for the laying hens and cows and barn cats, goats and pigs and horses, well that all went into one cat. Oh my goodness, I’ve never seen a healthier, happier cat–her fur was like silk. So, Spoiled? I’m not sure, but Loved–oh beyond words. Smoky was the cat’s name, and she was beloved. She got a spoon of albacore tuna every night.
Our first dog, Meghan, was very pleasantly spoiled as she was our first ‘child’. We took her everywhere including a 6700 mile cross country road trip to visit several National parks in the US. She blessed us with 14 wonderful years and happily welcomed our two human children along the way.
Our rescue dog…we are making up for her rough start in life so who can blame us? She is happily loved and spoiled beyond measure.
The most spoiled animal in our house is my daughter’s dog Mazie. We love her so much and she gets away with a lot .
According to anyone who has gotten to know us, every dog and cat that goes through our house. I will say, the fosters get a little extra spoiling, but the life-time residents seem to understand.
They go by the names Gus and BB, my own cats who have their own maid, chauffeur, cook, and lady in waiting.
Our cat Bit. She was so tiny when wr got her we called her Little Bit, but she grew out of that name.
Sparky! Our beloved dog (mutt breed) who lived to 17. He was one in a million.❤️
I think our own dog, Tally, has it pretty good. She is elderly and arthritic, and I sleep with her in the family room, carry her up and down the porch steps (40 lbs!) and help stabilize her in her poop squat. 🙂
It seems to me each new dog I have is the most spoiled-est. I just love them to pieces. Currently I have two dogs vying for the title–Monet a toy poodle and Maggie a cockerspaniel.
My most spoiled pet currently is Mr. Cat. He was a stray that came every day to eat some nice cat kibble on our front porch. He didn’t show up for a while, then my grandson found him stuck in my old garage when the wind blew the door shut. He was starved, all skin and bones. We set him up in an extra bedroom in the house with everything he needs, and to keep the also spoiled dogs we have from bugging him. He’s a really nice cat, and he’s putting on weight. One of us makes sure to go in to pet him, check on his food and water, and carry him out to watch tv in the living room several times a day.
Hope the schnauzer
My family dog, Chester the pomeranian. My mother certainly preferred him over her human kids.
Mr. Tricki Woo is definitely the most spoiled!
Most spoiled is my nieces rat. I think it’s name was Lou Lou.
It’s a tie between our Freddie and Violet.
Tricky Woo, of course!
Our 2 cats, SweetPea and Smudge are so spoiled. We admit, they have trained us to be at their beck and call. But who can possibly ignore their cuteness?
My SiL and her husband had a golden retriever that they pampered beyond belief. They didn’t have children so they put all of their energy into their dog. Unfortunately, the dog had many illnesses, which they spent thousands trying to cure.
Yep, Tricki Woo, gotta love him!
Gotta love those dogs. My most spoiled animal has wee Maddie, a Bichon Frise! But I don’t know Tricky Woo (yet)….
I think all loved pets are spoiled in their own way….My husband says his mom’s are and she says mine are….
Any of Steve Greig’s pups @wolfang2242 on Instagram!
Either boo or missy.
My dog Ziggy. She minpin/chihuahua.
Tricki Woo is indeed a very spoiled doggie. My groomer has a Tricki Woo twin named “Ducki” who’s spot is on the front desk counter in her shop. Must be a Pekingese thing!
My step-grandmother’s aging chihuahua, Honeybabe, was totally spoiled. My mother spent the time and money every week to boil and cut the meat off of a whole chicken for him because he refused to eat anything else. He bossed our beagle, who had been in our family since I was a young child, and insisted on pulling the blankets off the bed and arranging them for his comfort. Tricki Woo was certainly very spoiled, but he wasn’t the one I had to live with.
my brother’s dog, Sadie
Our dog, Snapple! She’s a puggle and has her own sheepskin bed!
My fluffball Standard Poodle Jupiter – still miss him every day
Murphy. My retirement pup. I do believe we spoil each other. Love is the result.
My most spoiled pet is my cat, of eleven years, Vinny.
We bring him his own spoon when we are having ice cream, he certainly feels entitled to sample it. He has fine taste in yarn, he picks my best skeins to chew on occasion.
Kaiser. Dog who only lays his head on a pillow.
My parents little Yorkie, Kitty Marie, was the most spoiled dog I have known, all 8# of her. When my parents both passed, I inherited the job of spoiling her, as she was accustomed. She had me trained within 3 days!
Tricky Woo of course.
I agree with the article I have found myself binging on the 70’s All Creatures it really shows hard times and not so pretty and perfect. And a lot of farm animals.