MDK Gem: La Bien Aimée and Jeanette Sloan

What is an MDK Gem, you ask?
It’s that special moment when we shine the MDK sunbeam on a favorite Field Guide design and yarn, and offer you a quick special deal.
This month we come to you with a shivery feeling of excitement, because this is one of our favorite collaborations ever.
Jeanette Sloan + Aimée Gille = The Mood Cardigan. [Trumpets! Cherubs dangling, bluebirds flapping!]
What’s the Gem?
When you order any quantity of La Bien Aimée Helix, now through Wednesday, March 22, we will include the free ebook PDF download edition of Field Guide No. 15: Open, starring Jeanette’s Mood Cardigan and four more modern lace designs.
A Perfect Pairing
Aimée Gille and Jeanette Sloan joined forces to create something very beautiful for Field Guide No. 15: Open.
The design: Jeanette’s topsy-turvy cocoon that you can wear two ways, upside down or right side up.

The structure is so clever: two rectangles with edgings added.

The stitch pattern is one of Jeanette’s signature modern lace patterns, airy and simple to work.

The mitered edging is one of those feats of clever engineering.

And the yarn! This is Helix, one of La Bien Aimée’s exquisite, very special creations. Helix is lace weight, custom milled at Aimée’s instruction, a blend of Gotland and Falklands Merino wool. The gray Gotland wool adds a truly delicious depth to the La Bien Aimée color palette. Wonderful stuff, not easy to find.
See the colors here—and remember that marling is an option because the yarn is held double throughout.

You’ll need four skeins, five for the largest size.
A Reminder for Field Guide Subscribers
This is a perfect moment to use your 10% subscriber coupon code, the one we emailed to you on March 6. You’ll save 10% on this MDK Gem! Supplies are limited, so hop on this if you’re interested.
The Mood Cardigan is a beautiful knit with the perfect yarn! I made it in Stone. The design is amazing. It works well with either rib up or rib down: a designing feat by Jeanette Sloan! I love how it looks like a lapel when the rib is worn on top. While it is a lace-filled cardi, it is also sturdy without looking heavy. While I was making it, I was worried about the lace catching on sharp points when wearing it, but with the La Bien Aimee Helix, there is no need to worry. It is all beautifully knit together and will be worn for a lifetime. I highly recommend this exquisite knit by Jeanette and Aimee Gille!
Just posted a picture of the Mood Cardi worn bomber-style. It is at the very end of the Mood Cardigan Knitters Unite! in the Lounge.
Holly! One of the delights of working on MDK social media is following your makes.
I’ve knit two Mood Cardigans and I can vouch for the fact that they are a pleasure to knit and wear. (Only one is mine though 😉 )
Any thoughts on modifying this to have full-length sleeves?
Hi Gretchen! I’m not sure how it would alter the drape to have full-length sleeves. To get full-length sleeves, you’d just have to knit the two rectangles longer, and that would generate more fabric. It might be awesome! Or it might be a lot of fabric under the arms? I’m no Jeanette Sloan for sure! ; )
I was thinking along those lines, too – just try it and see? Of course, I’d also have to guesstimate how much more yarn those longer sleeves would require. Oh, sudden inspiration: I might stitch up a “muslin” out of lightweight woven material (scraps) to check the proportions. Could be fun . . .
Oh wow! Perfect timing. I am swatching for my first Mood Cardi, having long ago bought the Gleem lace weight for it. People, I am HAVING TROUBLE even swatching for this thing! I am new to lace knitting, made the rib knit scarf last year, but I have knit for many years. I am “losing” stitches nearly every row, first because the wood circs were too blunt (switched to metal); I am just through the first repeat after weeks of trying not to inadvertently lose stitches (counting, counting). I am not messing up the pattern, it’s more like I inadvertently split the yarns or my stitch doesn’t pick up both, or…? I have considered bailing on the Gleem but am not willing to buy more lace weight (or another weight) for this project. Stubborn!
Have never held yarns together & am feeling two things: one, still craving this cardigan & trying to hold onto MDK motto that Nothing is Too Ambitious; & two, intimidated, confidence fading…if I am having this many problems swatching, how the he** am I going to knit the thing? I am glad to see there is a group in the lounge, maybe I will re-post this over there to get help.
Just keep knitting! started a scarf out of this lace motif, your comment reminds me to pick it up and continue it!
How many repeats have you completed? I found my groove around row 30. At that point I could read my stitches to know what came next.
The pattern from this Field Guide that I knit that fills me with pride: the Aperture Stole. I didn’t have a good handle on it until I was halfway through it, but the work and self doubt were worthwhile. Jeanette Sloan and La Bien Aimee are brilliant, and even better together. Best FO of my life.
Thanks a lot, JM, that helps. “the work & self-doubt,” yes! There are so many new skills I will gain with this beautiful piece, & I love to learn! I am pretty good at reading my stitches/knitting, but now I am learning (remember, I love to learn, I love to learn…) to find those tiny thready missing babies. Appreciate the support .
As I read the Field Guide, I realized we were looking at two rectangles. I am also a weaver. I wove enough in plain weave to make the two pieces, and then crocheted the pieces together and knit the ribbed edging. It doesn’t have the ‘give’ I would expect from a knitted fabric, but it still works well.