Knit to This
Knit to This: Catching up with Carol Feller

Has it really been three years since the launch of Field Guide No. 14: Refresh starring four glorious designs by Carol Feller?
On Monday from MDK World HQ in Nashville, Ann caught up with Carol in County Cork. They talked cables, color names, and reviving plans for an MDK knitting getaway to Ireland. Carol also showed off her latest pattern for Nua Sport: Holly Blue Cardigan.
To celebrate great design and good conversation, we’re extending this month’s MDK Gems offer until noon Eastern Monday, April 24: The Field Guide No. 14 ebook is free with your order of Nua Sport!
Why such a time-specific deadline for the offer? Tuesday we launch a spiffed-up website and we need to close the Shop for 24 hours to let the magic happen.
So place your order, then grab some knitting and hit play. (Until we have more subscribers, our videos are available on YouTube in 15-minute parts, so subscribe while you’re there!)
A Giveaway!
The prize? Two skeins of Nua Sport for Carol’s Arcade Cap and a copy of Field Guide No. 14: Refresh that includes the pattern.

How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for MDK emails, right here. If you’re already signed up, you’re all set. We have a new option for texting, so when you sign up for those, you’ll get a coupon code good for 10% off your next MDK order.
Step 2: Nua Sport comes in some creatively-named colors. See for yourself. Dream up a new shade and name it in the comments below! (I’d like to see a true navy Nua shade and I’d call it Captain Wentworth.)
Deadline for entries: Sunday, April 30, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Knit Stars 2023!
A new season of Knit Stars is coming in November—Early Birds order Season 8 now and take $20 off (no code needed). Past seasons are available to download and enjoy immediately! Knit Stars has been a perennial favorite online instructional and inspirational series. Our affiliate link here takes you to Knit Stars to learn more.

A medium cool grey called elephant in the room.
A bright yellow—3 bananas
Maybe this is cheesy but I love greens, so a shade like when found in the sea, called Green with Envy
A grayish green (or greenishsilver grey?) called Rainforest Dew. Like walking through the rainforest in the misty dew.
An olive green called jalapeño!
Pale buttermilk yellow and call it crème de la crème.
A sunny yellow called Yellow Submarine
Moulin Rouge – rich red with blue violet
A deep, dark gray called Resting Stitch Face.
I would like to see a dark brown and name it, “Coffee, Coffee, Coffee”
I love that
I want a deep blue-black named Nevermore.
I would have a chocolate brown and call it curious George
A brick red called Built to last.
bright green called Grass To Be Mowed
A fuchsia called Cosmopolitan Cocktail
A rusty brown called mud puddle
I would love a bright yellow named “puddle jumper”.
Dusky purple. Moody Skies
I would love a deep rich brown called Love it or Leave it.
A tweed yarn on a creamy white base with lots of flecks of black, steel grey, auburn and camel called Favorite Dog.
Am I right that said fur ends uo in your knitting, the way my pooch contributes to my work
British Navy Blue of 1748 and call it:
“Lord, Everyone Knows Nelson”
Best play on words ever!
Deep purple named Purple people eater.
A hearty blue red named Life’s Essence
grayish blue – Heavenly Mist
White and Black combo called Cruela or Dalmatian
Creamy white with a subtle hint of grey called edelweiss
Soft green named Tadpole ( my husband’s nickname for one of our grandsons).
Good one, Cristina!!!
Floorboards: Golden brown marked with dark chocolate
…the LOL face didn’t register …. 😉 let’s try winky face …
A deep blue gray, Moody Mullingar.
I spent time working with the National Museum of Ireland and the Crannog Archaeology Project in the 1980s-1990s. The work focused on crannogs in Lough Ennell in a small town, Mullingar, in the middle of Ireland. I well remember those Moody Mullingar skies.
A cool light sandy color called In the Bunker
Bright yellow-green, spring green called Irish Spring
Deep purple—Jam Session
Light cream with dark brown splotches, called Old Carpet
A bright orange called Jewel Weed
A pretty pink called “Lumi’s Party Dress” because my granddaughter loves pink.
A soft, grassy green named Newly Mown Hay.
I received a bunch of tulips recently which included a beautiful one that was a soft orange that faded to yellow. I thought that it was an exquisite color. My choice would be orange yarn with flecks of yellow called Exquisite Tulip.
Color: sage
Name: Shamik
A super soft, light gray with blurry, small streaks of pastels called Sidewalk Chalk.
Now THAT’S yarn I want!
Real red like holly berries called Merry Berry
A deeper, “shady” green called The Two Most Beautiful Words.
Pink called Cotton Candy
A red-orange-pink color called Nebraska Sunset.
Nebraska has the most beautiful sunsets.
A vibrant vintage pink named Cottage Rose.
I’d like to see a fuchsia/hot pink called Read My Lips.
An unsettling neon green called Angst.
Blue Eyes, a clear and cool blue.
Grey-blue called Mizzle
A dark purplish blue called Huckleberry
Spring Grass. A light, bright fresh green.
Acid Reflux or Stomach Acid in the colors of the meds used to treat these conditions
A blush pink color called sweet cheeks.
A clear sunny yellow, called ‘Twas Brillig.
Kelly green called Sparty
Castelvetrano- a soft, slightly bright olive color
A soft yellow called Dingle.
A stormy blue/gray called Atmospheric River.
That’s a really good one
An amber color called Rusty Kettle
A charcoal gray– Rockin’ It
Bright green with dandelion yellow specks – My Lawn in Spring.
A Periwinkle color called Serenity on Ice.
A rich red- brown called “Irish Red”. I’ve always wanted to knit the color of beautiful beer when the sun shines through the glass, like a topaz.
Same color called Bailey, after my dog who’s named after Bailey’s Irish Cream because his undercoat is tan & because it’s a scrumptious drink.
A pretty purple called hyacinth!
A silvery light purple and I would call it Lilac Moon..
‘Let’s drink a toast’ – deep gold; ‘Bitter wind’ – icy blue-white with gray specks
A soft green-blue called Tranquility
A medium teal called Champ. champ is a mythical animal that lives in Lake Champlain in Vermont.
I’m picturing a color that is a bright limey yellow green, called Newest Leaf. As spring springs here in Michigan, I am enamored of the tenderest new leaves just emerging from the maple trees.
Two colors:
A deep blue green:Blue Spruce
A golden yellow brown: Aspen
Can you tell I live in Durango, CO?
Trees make great color names
Soft blue grey called Mist on the Moor. Or a mottled green called Fern Grove.
A true periwinkle named Misty Mountains
There’s an olive-y green in the photo, but the name isn’t listed. I’d love to see a bright green called cartoon frog or a dark green called a walk in the Forest
A buttercup yellow call “Don’t Break My Heart”.
a springtime green with flecks of yellow and brown called pickle
A marked yarn with colors of a Kentucky spring -redbud pink/lavender, bright green for new levels and daffodil yellow
A cool, bright green with blue flecks – bluebell in the meadow
I’d like to see a warm toned orange-red tweed with flecks of yellow, white and green named sweet cherry tomato
I’d LOVE to see a rich, true green… either a Kelly green or a deeper pine green, either of which would be great over the tan base. For the Kelly, I’d call it “Danny Boy’s Envy” and for the deeper Pine I’d call it “Irish Upon A Star”!
A light green called Spring Arrived or Growth
Castle Rock … Gray with hints of moss
Yellow Brick Road
A dusty aquamarine named “The depths of her eyes”
How about Be Kind, a sunny yellow?
A brilliant green named “crab grass.”
An olive green on the brown side, called Gomer Pyle.
That’s clever!
A deep burgundy wine color called Liquid Love
This is one of my favorite games yet!!!
A bright sapphire blue, named after my first car, the Wonder Bucket. She never did get her paint job
A hand dyed yarn in bright green, turquoise, bright pink, cream, and flecks of black, called Angry Anole.
Ocean blue
A very deep gray and call it Volcanic Ash.
A really rich rusty orangey browny red color called ‘Freckles, Not Age Spots’
Black with white flecks called Rocket Man…named for my Greyhound dog
A purple plum called Plum Dandy.
A neon yellow/green would be named Banana Slug
Christmas tree green, called Stand of Pines.
A greenish grayish blue called Robin’s Juniper Berry (since the robins like to eat them and get drunk when they’re ripe).
I love forest green, how about Eat Your Kale.
A gray, blue, green with flecks of teal called Storm at Sea
I like sport yarn weight the best, not too thin, not too thick. My color, a pale light green with slightly tonal qualities I am calling Laelia after an orchid variety can flower in a light green color..
A forest green called Green Goblin
A teal that leans much more to blue—Jewel.
A blend of pinks, red and yellow called Tip toe through the tulips
A brownish light gray callec Water Your Lawn
A clear pink red called Dutch Tulips
I would love a deep purple/blue and would call it Caribbean Sea
A bluish lavender named dilly, dilly.
a dark blue-green called L’HEURE BLEUE
A brooding dark green “Mr. Darcy”
How about a clear blue-green called wishful thinking?
I always like a color named after food. How about smoked salmon or black pudding?
A serene green named Blair Meadows !
A hot pink called Don’t Think about Pink Elephants
Irish mist a grey blue
A bright fuchsia/berry color and call it Raspberry Jam.
How about icy white with lots of dark blue, teal, purple and gray – spring ice?
Chicago Winter Sky: a self-striping yarn with every imaginable shade of gray. Each skein is about six months long.
Best one yet! “Each one is six months long”
There’s never any love for yellow. So I nominate Sunny Side Up.
Also, can I pre-sign up for the MDK Ireland trip please? I hate to say this, but you see so few people of color on these trips and getaways. Allow me to represent. 🙂
I would love to see a deep emerald green, I would call it Through the Moor’s Mist or Through the Misty Moors.
A dusky rose pink called trillium farewell.
The perfect Santa hat red called Yes, Virginia.
A deep purple called court of dreams
Deep green called Demon Darkness
a deep grass green; call it The 14th Fairway
Lady Lilac
A blue true red called Reddy Freddy
A pale, pale yellow…called Clotted Cream.
Pink and Raspberry mix called Candy Cane.
How about a deep purple. Call it Smashed Blackberries.
A deep midnight blue called under the stars. I’m loving all the suggestions!
Ocotillo RED
A lovely deep cranberry/burgundy called Cranberry Compote.
Lavender frost for an icy lavender shade
Southern Pine-a soft green.
A deep, rich red called cranberry bog.
Name: GSD, aka German Shepherd Diva). Color: mix of black, caramel and cream with grey undertones.
Cobalt blue called Mykonos eye is watching
Just want to say how much I am enjoying this interview with Carol. She has always been a favorite and I like hearing how her mind works, I already have some Nua Skeins with the idea of waiting till I decide what project to make. I’d better hurry to get it in today! I also already have her Field Guide….I would love as a new color, something I always am searching for – deep rich red – not cranberry – with the not very original name of Gypsy or Gypsy Love as that is what I’ve always associated it with (ending with a preposition, I know.)
The blue equivalent of forest green – I’d call it forest blue.
Everyone has such great names. I’m not very good at it, but I’d like a variegated red,orange,yellow named Pacific Sunset. Carol, thank you for thinking of accommodating knitters’s choices. There have been so many beautiful projects that end up as throws because they are too large for the majority of my peeps, or ended short of finishing the entire design.
A dreamy turquoise with flecks of lime and royal blue called Sea You Later.
A beautiful turquoise called cool blue!
Not a clever name although at least it’s alliterative, but here’s a color I’d love to see: a murky bluish green called “Rosanne’s Rug” (you’ll need to go to this photo ( on instagram to see it)
An deep, inky, blackish night sky blue – called The Milky Way.
A dark rusty red called Redwood Stroll.
I don’t like to knit with black, but I could use a dark hat that isn’t navy or brown. So I would like a deep dark blackish-gray called Labrador Retriever. With the white linen flecks it would resemble my sweetest-ever black lab Rueben, now 11 years old.
I would love to see an ivory shade of NUa sport and I would call it dancing in the snow!
A pale greyed pink( a dusty rose) call it ‘My Love is Forever, no matter what’.
Heartbeat, a deep deep red.
An inky iron colour is what would be wonderful in Nua Sport.
I would name it “Enamel Inky Iron” which is an anagram of ‘merino, yak, linen’.
“Point of Beginning” is my Nua color idea.
The term comes from the field of engineering and land surveying and is used in writing legal descriptions of real property during topographic surveys.
It would be an earthy shade that emulates the rock and earth colours in Ireland. Easy to obtain based on the component fibers that Nua is made from.
Jabberwocky Joy would be a great scarlet/ orange.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
by Lewis Carroll
I’d love to see a new deep brilliant blue color with some forces of yellow gold named Starry Starry Night. Let’s put some Van Gogh in our knitting!
In the spirit of Captain Wentwirth (brilliant!), I propose a deep, dark charcoal black called Jane Eyre
My fav bird is the Common Loon. So, how about a black and white yarn colorway named Uncommon Loon.
My new colour would be the bluish/purple of Wisteria and I would call it Wistful.
Wooden Leg, made of fine-grained oak.
A green golden shade called light through trees.
Such a cute pattern.
Crème Brûlée, creamy white with caramel flecks
We need a pale pink called puppy kisses!
Yes! I love this one 🙂
In tribute to Harry Belafonte, a nice red called Scarlet Ribbons.
Razzle Dazzle Berry, a nice pinky purply color.
Guinness Froth – a rich beige color
A combination of Late Night blues and Flamingo. Blue Flamingo
Teal named calm waters
A deep green called Boreal Forest
A self striping rainbow yarn called self pride
Soft pink called Baby Cheeks. You can decide which cheeks. 🙂
A dark red with cool, black undertones called The Kraken
Dark red on the bluish side called: My Pretty Orchid
Emerald green named Irish Turf
a bright red called Red Birds Comes Home
A white with ever so slight of a blush, Apple Blossom
i love all the fun, cheeky names but hearing carol talk about the meaning behind capall really appealed to me, so i’d love to see more colors with true irish (gaelic) names. it’s a fascinating language!
The color of Nua Inwould create would be a soft but saturated spring green, very fresh and feminine. My name would be BUD to honor spring’s return and happier days and colors in the sunshine.
A soft coral named Steamed Shrimp!
An airy pine green called “soughing.”
A rich dark brown called Garden Dirt. By the way- my first job after college was at the Flamingo Cafe in St. Louis- was that the inspiration for the pink? Great strawberry daiquiris.
A perfect sage called Koala Snack
I would name a soft grey Rainy Morning Light
A dreamy pink called Pink is the New Black
a light greenish/bluish turquoise called Seafoam Heather
A heathered blue-green called “PNW”, for our beautiful Pacific Northwest.
A beautiful ruby red…. ‘No Place Like Home’
Turquoisey-blue called Ocean Waves
A deep cool green called Swamp Monster!
An orange auburn named Rita Hayworth Red
A bright blue called Teal Me a Secret
Blue Spruce, a silvery blue green
A warm, creamy oatmeal color Overnight Oats
I like any kind of purple.
I’d love to see a watermelon colorway. Deep watermelon pink with rind color flecks.
Aqua blue named Cowabunga!
I’m thinking a real Santa Claus red and I would name it “Yes Virginia”.
Wow. This was a crazy week and I thought I had forgotten my post but it turns out I had already posted it. So, how about a color called Crazy Week that you won’t know what color it is until it arrives.
Ha! Nice one!
Heathered olive green/brown named grass stain
Deep purple called Smoke on the Water (I am dating myself unfortunately)
Ooh, with a contrasting orange red called Fire in the Sky. (I may also be dating myself to a similar Era.)
An orange shade called Julius.
A deep orange.
Named “Teagan’s favorite” since she is always searching for the perfect shade.
Sweet Damson Jam, where navy trickles into deep purple!
A very deep, dark red called Rose of Love. It was the color he liked best (but that we could never quite find a hardy version of out here on the prairies).
Sorry, my husband, that is…
Howsabout a dark chocolate yarn called Crepuscular Monkey?
A deep lipstick red called “tomorrow is another day”
I’d love to see a teal called Tropical Wave.
I would love to see a pale sand beige called “Fluffy Biscuit.”
A luscious intense orange, nearing magenta called “Deepest Sunset”.
Green named Grass won’t be greener.
A deep green named Fir Tree
Id like a tomato red color. Id name it Big Boy
New shade–bright red and call it Hot Tamales
A bright red called “Hot Tamales”
Ohio scarlet
How about a pink purple called She wore a raspberry beret.
Teal blue called “Scandinavian Skies”
my new Nua Sport shade would be red and I would call it Ruby Slippers.
a bright pink called Pink Princess
a beige color; called buffy
Passion fruit, a fuchsia/ mauve color way that has some pop. Alternative name for this color: Ain’t Misbehaving
Mucho mango. A bright, sunny, orange tinged yellow.
Fuchsia, called bright perfection
I’d like to see a brilliant green, I’d call it Emerald City.
Exploding Sunset, a blend of yellows, oranges, reds, and some pink
How about a nice yellow
A cinnamon and cream marl called snickerdoodle
So many suggestions: I’d like a dusty pink — I’m not your ballerina
I’d love a true British police box blue called either TARDIS Blue or Doctor Who Blue.
I am years into my search for yarn in THE PERFECT shade of olive green and would call it Olive You (i love you).
A gravel gray with flecks of lighter grays (perhaps a tweed?) called “Petrichor.”
I’d love to see a red & name it Ruby Dreams
Hot, hot pink! And call it Poppin’ Pink!
A fading rose pink, name Fainting.
A pumpkin colored one and I’d call it “crabby patty”
A deep red called Heart of Garnet Glow
We need a teal shade Mount Everest. Currently 2 ovarian cancer survivors are attempting to summit. Teal and purple are the colors of the cause:)
I realize that having a clear, light pink is probably impossible due to the yak content, but if it could be created in Nua, I’d call it “Princess in Sneakers”.
I would like a colorway called Phoebe’s Purple Haze 😉
A brilliant turquoise called Vieques, because I just visited there and the water is just that shade.
Fuschia, named Peony.
I’d add an English lavender color and call it Pemberly!
My choice would be a lush grass green color called Lost Summer~
A rich purple, called Coronation Robes.
I love this yarn! I’d like to see a golden sunshine shade 🙂
Hibiscus – a bright red.
Bright true green: 4 Leaf Clover (in honor of my grandma, who had a gift for finding them, and who taught me to knit)
A good sky blue with white flecks/spots called “Cloud in the Sky”.
A light grey, white, sandy brown and a touch of dark teal blue seashell on the sea shore.
A greenish blue called Caribbean Fantasy.
A celadon green called Green With Envy.
A pale pink – fluff puff pink
The palest aqua called Gossamer Wings
The colour of new leaves in the spring… especially those of Birch trees…. birch green
froggie on the wall
Petunia Purple
Gold called Fool’s Gold
Schrodinger’s cat – charcoal grey with hints of blue, purple, and ebony.
Maybe a blue/gray with some mauve highlights called Rainbows & Roses showcasing April into May.
A jazzy bright yellow green, marled with gray “Likin’ Lichen”
A rage-filled ultra-saturated red called Parabellum.
Other shades based off of full moon halos like the icy blue of the winter Wolf Moon. Or a good lichen browny yellow.
A forest green called “Pining for You”
How Now — Jersey cow dark fawn color
A rich, deep blue green teal one that shows off silver and ivory hair and makes one feel regal. Peacock would be the name!!
brighter orange called Tangerine summer
A new made for a new navy-blue yarn could be, “Anchors Away.” ❤️
A bright ruby red called Fast Ride
Sea Change, a murky blue.
(Loud) MacLeod yellow… (daffodil)
Aqua dream