Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: Miles of Aisles

It’s almost August! Merry Christmas! That’s what it’s starting to feel like around here, anyway. Boxes arriving almost daily, full of goodies for this year’s Holiday Shop (in addition to yarns and sundries associated with the upcoming final Field Guide of 2021; it’s not too late to subscribe!).
My lips are sealed regarding what’s actually in the boxes, though as you might recall from my relentless nattering two weeks ago, my price for doing just about anything is shockingly low: three tacos. So if you really wanna know anything, get those al carbons over here and I’ll tell you everything.
With boxes comes counting and with counting comes shelving and with shelving comes … ordering more shelving. So. Much. Shelving. It’s funny to think that MDK once operated out of a space the size of an AMC Gremlin because now that same amount of space is turned over to just one kind of yarn!
We’ve been banging and hammering away on aisles and aisles (well, two) of new metro shelving, the kind that Williams Sonoma or Whichever Lifestyle Snake Oil Peddler is always showing you in catalogs with Barbie-dream-pantry photos of industrial metal shelves filled with nothing but three hundred bottles of fancy San Pellegrino water.
Those photos never look quite like real pantries, though—they’re more like light-filled, Instagram-influencer bomb shelters, which I guess is the exact kind of disaster prepping I’d do, come to think of it. “No, I don’t have a thing to offer you to eat during the apocalypse, but if you’d like an artisan spritzer of some sort, I’m happy to oblige…”
To accommodate the new aisles of shelving, we had to move the admin people; Allison and Ashley are now jammed onto the very, very edge of the room; the next step is to just put their desks outside as winter approaches but ssssshhhhh, we’re keeping a lid on that plan. Don’t say anything; we’re trying to figure out how to sell the parking lot as a “spacious corner office” with “abundant ventilation.”
So now the yarn canyons are filling up with each new visit from the big brown truck (as I type, a UPS guy walked in with a tower of boxes and said “What is going ON?”). I’m not sure what we’re going to do next year other than go up, so we’ll soon be hosting an architectural design competition for the forthcoming MDK Tower* though of course we’re just going to make it look like however Kay wants it to look. She’s like that. Bossy.
Anyway! Happy holidays! And if you haven’t started writing your holiday cards and churning out bricks of fruitcake yet … you’re late!
*There is no such thing happening. Do not send us sketches. Tacos, yes. Sketches, no.
A Giveaway
To help us make a wee bit of room on the shelves, enter our giveaway. The prize? Uneek Sock in gobstopper-y Color #63.
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: Leave a comment letting us know whether you’re Team Lemonheads or Team Red Hots.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, August 1, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Lemonheads all the way!
I would rather have Hot Tamales rather than red hots. The candy is bigger and gives more punch!
Team Red Hots. I remember buying a candy called a Fireball as a kid and loving the sensation that it was almost too hot to keep in my mouth.
Lemonheads rule
Lemon heads
Neither! When it comes to candy, if it ain’t chocolate, why bother?
I’m with you, chocolate all the way! Though some marzipan hidden in my chocolate is also okay 🙂
Team Lemonheads for sure! The only palate-cleansing candy I know of.
Red Hots!!!
Red Hots!
Lemon, lemony, lemon head. Ooooooo! Yummy.
Lemon pie. Mmm.
Team Lemonheads!!
Team Lemonheads
Redhots for the win!!
Red Hots for sure!
What a yarn knitters toy land picture youpainted
Lemonhead for sure. I love the color yellow and making homemade fresh squeezed lemonade in the summertime.
I can’t choose. I am biconfectionary
Hahaha!!! Me too! But lemonheads you can actually make! With lemon juice and powdered sugar! I knew I would use that info someday!!!
Not sure what a Lemonhead even is (maybe ’cause I’m Canadian?) but I know I’m not a fan of Redhots so I guess…I’m a Lemonhead???
Team lemon head of course
Team Lemonhead! That first pucker that mellows into sweet lemony goodness, perfect
Team red hots!
Team Lemonheads
Team Lemonhead.
it’s exciting to think about the holidays. IDK if we’ll manage a “traditional” time with family or if we’ll need to be careful again, but at this early date, one can dream about having everyone together!
Team Lemonheads!
Are you kidding me? Red Hots with an Atomic Fireball chaser!
Team Lemonheads! Red Hots are too hot for me.
Red Hots for sure. Remind me of being a kid and seeing if you can finish the Atomic fireball or eat the box of red hots
Red Hots, especially when the finishing touch on Christmas cookies!
Lemon heads!
Lemon Head for sure!
Red Hots for sure!
Team Red Hots for sure!
Red hots!
Red hots – no other choice.
Lemon heads are the only choice here.
If I’m forced to choose I’d pick Lemonheads but I’d rather have something chocolate
Please translate ! I’m English
What is a lemonhead and redhot?
Lemonheads are lemon-shaped and flavored hard candies. Redhots are hot cinnamon candies.
Little candies.
Thank you. .
Red hots every time!
Lemon head for the win!
Definitely Team Lemonhead!
Definitely Team Lemonheads! Although Red Hots are also good!
Team Red Hots!! Merry Christmas & don’t stack those box towers too high. Stay safe!
Team Lemonheads. It’s summer!
Team Lemonhead
Lemon heads for sure.
My favorite Vietnamese restaurant, Open Kitchen in Burlington, N.C. (I fear now closed) served a wonderful hot-and-sour soup, knowing that there’s really no need to choose between those two taste sensations when they can instead be combined.
Lemonheads unless we are making cornflake and white chocolate wreath cookies then red hots go on top
Red hots! Definitely!!
Too hard to decide, love them both!
Team Lemonheads for sure
Lemonheads! Lemon anything and everything.
Absolutely. – lemonheads!!
Team Red Hots!!
Lemon heads!
Let’s see … how do I choose … both so tempting …. Okay. It will be Team Lemonheads for me! And I can’t wait to squish that yarn! (Thank you. :o))
Red Hots! but maybe an occasional Lemonhead or two
There’s no chocolate.
The rest of it is just pretty sugary stuff.
Red Hots, 100%!
Team Lemonheads, please.
nothing but red hots!
Team lemonheads!
Team Leningrad, for certain !
Team Red Hots. No doubt!
Team red hots
Team red hots! Absolutely!
Red hots all the way!
Lemonheads! Lemon ANYTHING!
Lemon heads!
I lived three blocks from the Ferrara Pan factory that made those candies. The aroma in the neighborhood on fruit drop days was wonderful. Team Lemonhead!
Team Lemonheads
Red Hots. If I were to actually eat candy other than chocolate
Team Lemonheads
Red hots!
Team Lemon Heads with appropriate lemon colored knitted hats. Some days wonder if someone will create lemonhots or redlemons. Thank you for another delightful post and a chance to win a fabulous prize!
Lemon heads, baby! All the way LEMONHEADS!
Lemon heads all the way!
Team Red Hots — Ah cha cha!!
Red Hots forever!
Lemon head all the way
Lemonheads forever!!!!
I am Team Red Hots! That firey cinnamon goodness can take me back to my childhood in an instant!
Team Lemonhead, of course!
Red Hots for sure…and Atomic Fire Balls if you have them!
Red Hots! But Lemonhead infused vodka is the stuff of dreams.
Definitely team red hots.
Team lemonheads!
Definitely team Lemonheads!! I LOVE everything lemon!
I’ve never had a lemon head (Canadian) so I guess that means red hots!
Lemonheads, but I do love a good fireball-or several!
Team Redhots, please. Sounds like you will need a pulley system soon for all the merch!
Team Red Hots all the way!
Lemonheads over Reddit’s, but I rather have Black licorice!!!
Lemonheads for sure!!!
Team Lemonheads!
Team Redhots, especially when added to hot apple cider in the fall.
Tough one but Lemonheads edge out!
Lemon Heads
Team Redhots!!!!
Lemonheads! I don’t like spicy anything. (Much to the chagrin of my phall-loving husband!) But he never liked umeboshi when we lived in Japan, and I think those sour plums are fantastic.
Red hots
Red hots all the way!
Red hots!!!!
Red hots!
Mark me as team lemonheads!
Go Team Lemonheads!!
Red Hots, hands down!
Red hots unless there are some M&Ms available……
Team Red Hots forever – no contest at all
Red Hot! nothing beats spicy cinnamon candy
Redhots. Also great to drop one or two in your morning coffee
Wow… red hots all the way! Good memories of my tastebuds exploding!
Team Lemonheads at the moment but I’ve been known to cross teams.
Team lemonhead!!!
Team Redhots!
Team Red Hots!
Team Lemonheads……
I had an AMC Gremlin in college! And actually, that sucker could haul a surprising amount of stuff. We once delivered bundles of the campus newspapers in it when a big snowstorm prevented our delivery van from doing it…..
Omg! Lemonheads are my elusive passion. Very hard to find up here.
What a silly question. Team Lemonheads, of course!
Definitely Lemonheads!
Lemonheads, but If you really want to know I prefer chocolate all the way or Necco Wafers!
Red Hot Momma here
Team Lemonheads!
Lemon heads- true sophistication
Lemonheads please!!!
Team Lemonheads
Lemonade— all through Christmas!!
Team Lemonhead for sure.
Team Lemonheads.
Definitely Lemonheads!
Lemonheads, dude!
Lemon heads!
Team Redhots for life!
Red Hots !
Hard to choose but lemonheads gets the slight edge.
Red Hots!
Lemonheads! Duh.
Team Lemonheads. But if you need me to switch teams, I’m ok with Team Redhots. And if you need me to start a third team involving chocolate, I’m on it!
Interesting choice…currently working my way through impulse on line purchase of five pound bag of cinnamon imperials when boxes of red bots disappeared from local grocery stores, so I guess that makes me team redheads
Team Lemonhead!
Lemonheads for sure, I do not like red hots!
Lemonheads forever!
Red Hots, all the way. Hot Tamales also (the Mike and Ike version).
I 2nd Hot Tamales!!
Red Hots, especially if it’s Christmas! Need something to counteract the pavlova my niece makes…
Love those Lemonheads!
Team lemon heads!
Team Red Hots, always and forever.
Hard to choose but guess if it is Red Hots I can bake some Rosy Apple Dumplings.
Lemonheads of course!
Lemonheads sound good to me!
Red Hots!! They were the “pills” in my medical bag when I was a child.
Team Red Hots!! Cinnamon is the best spice ever!
Put me on team red hot!
Definitely team Lemonhead. Redhots are too too hot for me!
Team Red Hots
Lemon head (Mom said red hots were for apple sauce, so hands off!)
Totally Team Lemonheads!
Red hots are the best!
Redhots Baby! Or Hot Tamales, Cinnamon hearts in a pinch.
Red Hots every time!
Definitely Lemonheads
Red Hots
Definitely Team Lemonhead
I like them both, but…Team Lemonhead for the win!
Absolutely Lemonheads!
Team Red Hots, or if I could substitute, Mike and Ike’s box of Hot Tamales!!! More substance;) (Instead of tacos, wouldn’t you rather have Goldbelly deliver White Swan!)
Well you guys and gals – the idea of relocating the admin gals outdoors was fun, they won’t think so…I am so excited about the new products arrivbng in time for Holiday knitting and for me – WEAVING! Listen – please know we are all sooooo excited for every step of your fast growing business and thanks, always, for my SNIPPETS – I love reading every word! Not sure about team player mode – love both Lemonheads and Red Hots! Back to my Field Guides for inspiration…
Team Lemonhead
Lemonheads please.
Lemon heads!
I think I may be a red hot lemonhead. I like everything.
Must be Lwmonheads!
Team Red Hots.
Five months and counting!
Team Lemonheads!
Overall, Team Lemonheads, but have you ever tried eating both at the same time, like 1 lemonhead with 2 red hots, very puckery with a faint burn. YUM!
team red hots!
Team Lemonheads
Red Hots. I remember as a child walking into JJ Newberry’s and buying five cents worth of them because I loved them. That was when five cents could actually buy something.
Lemonheads preceded by chocolate and followed by chocolate.
Team Lemonhead
Team Lemonheads
Definitely Lemonheads!
Team Red Hots….this decision was much too difficult for an early morning….I like them both actually! So enjoy your correspondences, truly the only email I never scroll through and always read!
Team Red hots, baby! Nothing better than the burn, haha
Tram Lemonheads.
Team Red Hots all the way!
Red Hots
Lemonheads! So tart & cheery.
Team lemonheads in summer and team redhots in winter!
Team Lemonheads for sure!
This question is not legit. You put 1 lemon head and 4 red hots in your mouth at once. Move over, tacos! This is a true gustatory delight
Redhots, for sure.
Lemon, of course!
Team Lemonhead
I think the next book will feature the new MDK yarns. That’s what I think is in those boxes.
Team Lemonhead!
Team lemonhead
Lemonheads forever!
Team Lemonheads! Red Hots have their place in the culinary cosmos, mostly as distraction for others to protect my Lemonheads!
Team Red Hot!
Lemon Heads!
Lemongrass all the way!!
Lemonheads and Red Hots are both delicious! Choosing one is too hard, especially before I’ve even had my coffee. If I were forced to make a choice, I would go Team Lemonheads only because their mascot is a cute lemon guy.
Since chocolate wasn’t a choice (sigh…) Team Lemonhead it is! Only 4 more months til Christmas
Team red hots! Gotta be.
Definitely Red Hots!
Team Lemonheads.
Team redhots! Yum!
Team Leamonheads
Team Lemonheads!
I love them both! But I think I would be on team red hots!
Lemon heads, but just barely. Red hots were the Candy adventure of my youth.
Absolutely, team Lemonheads.
Red Hots of course !
Team Red hots
Lemonheads, for sure!
Team Red Hots!
I’m a team player and will gladly play and either team. But do think I lean towards Red Hot on the scale of ________ (fill in the blank).
Team Lemonheads
Team Red Hots!
Team Lemonhead here all the way! Love anything lemon, especially pie!
I just LOVE these posts. It gets my day off to such a happy start! Team red hots!!!
Definitely team Lemonhead!!
hmmmm I guess Red Hots. Had a project once where you could not comment unless you ate from the candy bowl. Atomic fireballs, War Heads, there may have been Lemonheads in there – but your comments had to be short and sweet 🙂 if you picked that. I seem to recall there was some blue trick gum slipped in the bowl once too. I miss those people and their candy choices…….
Team Red Hots, of course. And I really do want that little gremlin with the Red Hot hat!
Saw the headline and thought for sure you were going to be writing about Joni Mitchell. #teamlemonheads
Team lemonheads!
Lemonheads for sure!
Team Lemonheads please
Lemonheads. But really salty black Icelandic licorice
Lemon heads!
Team lemon heads all the way!! Sorry red hots
Team Red Hots
Definitely Red Hots! Love that cinnamon spiciness!
Lemonheads for sure.
Tram lemongrass, especially when knitting!
Team Lemonheads! They’re the cat’s pajamas!
Red hots today!
Lemongrass for sure!
Team Lemonheads. Lemon all the things!
Team lemonhead!
I’m a red hot girl! (Also want to tell you that I enjoy your column more than anything that has been on the MDK site in ages. Sorry ladies, I like irreverant humor. You give me a good laugh every Sunday morning. Thank you!!)
All the cool kids like lemonheads.
And DG – someday I’m coming to MDK HQ and we are going to eat tacos and dish. If you’re half as fun IRL as you are on paper we’re going to be best friends. But not the October workshop – why did it get scheduled for the same weekend my best friend’s son is getting married? Very poor planning,
Team Red Hots, forever!
Red Hots.
Red Hots! All indulgences should sting at least a little.
Definitely Team Lemonhead!
Red hots red hots!
Red Hots for sure!
I’m a Red Hot mama!
Gotta say Lemonhead. Now I do like savory things fiery hot but Red Hots are a hard no.
Talk about childhood memories evoked by one word: Redhots!
ever noticed how many more comments there are when being offered “free” yarn or goodies? And how many of us actually NEED more yarn. Not me – for sure.
Definitely a lemonhead! Sure wish I lived closer to Nashville,… *sigh*
Cinnamon is always the answer! Team Red Hots!
Team Red Hots
no idea what either of those might be….I’d go for licorice.
Red hots if I had to choose between them
Too hard to choose! Love both.
Lemon heads!
Lemon heads
Red hots!
Neither. A waste of good sugar. If we’re going in that direction, anything butterscotch. Otherwise, licorice, please!
Totally lemonheaded here! This week, anyway.
Red hots for sure.
Red hots – of course!
I love Lemonheads!
Red hots!
Lemonheads by a nose!
Team lemon heads of course. I have a box in my desk drawer as we speak. Thanks for the invite.
Lemon heads!
Unequivocally team red hots
Team Red Hots!!
Team Lemonheads!!
Team Lemonheads all the way!!
Sounds so like squishy paradise!! So jealous!
Team Red Hots, what a great name, so many ideas…but fire and ice, what a combination
Team lemonhead, hands down!
Team Red Hots
Team Red Hots but will help out Team Lemonheads.
Lemonheads all the way!
Lemonhead with a Red Hot chaser
Red Hots!
Lemonheads, no contest!
Team Lemonheads for the pucker power!
I am with team lemon heads
Team Lemonheads for me. And thanks for the smiles and chuckles and the newsy bits about MDK.
Team redhots
Definitely Lemon Heads:). And I am relieved to read that Allison and Ashley are not really being moved outside in the driveway! Cheers, and thanks for the amusing read:)
I don’t even know what lemonheads are…but I love DG’s natterings!
Red Hots
I’ll take whatever I’m offered, haha!
Lemonhead for me.
Lemonheads, no question!
Definitely Red Hots!
Team Red Hots!
Ooh redhots!!!
Red hots!
Team Lemonhead! The picture you paint makes me want to come & visit your warehouse! Thank you
Definitely Team Lemonheads!
P.S. Love your letters & posts! Your writing delights.
Always Lemonheads!
Lemon Heads or Red hots?
Only if they were covered in Debrand Chocolate!
Team Lemonheads
Lemonheads! Also, best parking spaces will go to Ashley and Allison!
Redhots or lemon heads? It’s like asking which of my children is my favorite. Depends on the day!
I love them both! Red & yellow are two of my favorite colors. If I had to pick I would go with lemonheads.
Two goodies from my past funny how a thing like a simple sweet treat can bring back strong memories. I’m team red hots but I wouldn’t turn down a Lemonhead either‼️
Team Lemonheads!
I’m not sure what either of these things are, but I say yes! To Lemon Heads!
I’m too old for a scorched tongue. Pass me the lemonheads, please.
Lemonheads all the way!!
Team Red Hots!
No question…Team Red Hots!!
Lemonheads. though it was a hard choice.
At least you aren’t as out of season as the fashion industry … or are you???
Looking forward to what new things we will say we absolutely need come Fall….
Lemonheads. Duh.
Team red hots! If you eat enough of them, your tongue goes numb.
Team Lemonheads!
Team red hots!
Team lemon head. It’s funny, reading your bio about what you were asked to design. When I had my tattoo shop, I had a customer demand a tattoo with his girlfriend’s portrait, the American flag, the word “taking care of business,” a cowboy hat, a smoking gun, and a bunch of other stuff. I tried to convince him this would be awful, everything would have to be so small you wouldn’t recognize it in a few years, etc, but he insisted. I believe he later had it covered up.
Definitely Lemonheads. Whatever they are.
Definitely team Lemonheads.
Lemonheads … definitely Team Lemonheads
Oh I don’t like spicy things but I eat Red Hots by the handful. Go figure!
Lemonheads for sure!
Definitely Team Red Hots!
Red Hots!
Lemonheads. They go with my tart personality.
Team Lemonheads–sweet, sharp and tangy!
biconfectionary, I shall agree with that!
Red Hots Monday thru Friday, Lemonheads weekends.
Lemonade of course
I’m a red-hots girl all the way!
Lemonheads, no competition!
Lemonheads For Sure!
not picky–like them both
Redhots for sure. Along with Atomic Fireballs. Anything with chili!!
Team Lemonheads for the win !!
Definitely, team lemon heads!
Team Red Hots! Especially for holiday baking, great on cookies and for decorating Gingerbread houses!
Any jelly beans in there??? Watermelon jelly beans for me!
I like this
Red hots!
Red Hots!
Team Lemonheads
Redhots!!!! Love the fiery spice!!
Red Hots all the way!
Team Red Hots for the wonder red baked fall apples.
Red Hots!!!!
Team Leomonheads! Unless, of course, it’s Christmas and you need red hots for your cookie eyes and buttons….
Team Lemonheads! (Although if I had my druthers, I’d take a gazillion of those rhubarb custard pips that you find in British candy stores.)
I used to be Team Red Hots, but I can’t take the heat anymore…so Lemonheads it is.
Lemon heads all the way!
Lemon heads, yummy
Lemonheads! Totally Team Tart!
Team Lemonheads for me.
Team Lemonheads all the way, baby!
Team Red Hots for longer than I care to remember.
No question…red hots
Lemonheads, though I might prefer cherry heads even to that, and I did eat and enjoy a cinnamon ice cream this summer that was definitely red hots/hot tamales direction, and it was *quite good*
Lemonheads for me.
Definitely lemon heads!
As I sit here in my yellow I must admit to being a Lemonhead!
Oops, yellow dress
Team RedHots all the way!
Are lemonheads what we used to call lemon drops? If so, I’m in.
Red Hots!!
Lemonheads, of course!
I would love to visit!
Red Hots all the way!
As a younger youngster (I will always be a youngster at heart) I loved lemonheads. Now red hots are considered pretty awesome too.
Hi! Sorry, I’m team Ginger Chews!
Lemon heads for me!
Lemon head!
Team Lemonheads FTW
Red Hots!
If you’re talking candy, lemonheads. If you’re talking color, re hots all the way!
Finally a question I can answer before breakfast! Totally Lemonheads!
Team Lemonheads!
Either one depending on my mood! Lemonheads when I need tart and sweet. Red Hots when I need a flavor kick.
Team Lemonheads!!
Team Lemonheads. Though if Jolly Rsnchets were an option, they’d be my first choice.
Team Lemon heads.
Lemonheads! I love everything lemon.
Lemonheads. But I love to put Red Hots on top of cookies or cakes as decor!
I like both but probably lean toward team lemon.
got to be lemonheads !!!!!
Red Hots!
Team Lemonheads!!
Red hots for the win!
Lemon heads for sure
Team Redhots Forever!!!
Rrred Hots for sure !
Definitely red hots!
Team Redhots, all the way!
Not a big fan of either. If I Have to choose, Lemonheads
Team Red Hots! Wish I could see how those shelves filled with yarn!
I’m not a really a fan of either. If I must choose, I choose Lemonheads
Lemon heads!
Cinnamon is always the answer! Team Red Hots!
Team Red Hots! I would also always choose red yarn over yellow. GO Red Hots!
Team Red Hots! Merry holidays!!!
Team red hots for sure!
Team Lemonheads! That bright sunny yellow!
Team red hots!
Lemonheads forever…
Red Hots
I’m team lemonhead all the way.
Red Hots!
Red Hots!!! Love ’em!!!
Lemonheads. Thanks you.
Team lemonheads for me! Keep writing DG- you cracketh me UP!!
If forced to choose, I’m Team Lemonhead. But if I’m honest, I’m Team Cherry Gummi Bears with Nerds pressed into their entire tiny bodies.
Team BOTH!!!
(depends on the mood/craving)
Team Red Hots!
Team Red Hots!
Red Hots!
Great giveaway. Had to look up what lemonheads were. Never tried them. Do remember redhots being tasty and unpleasant at the same time but don’t think I have had one for decades.
Team Lemonhead! And also cherry sours, and any kind of cream-filled chocolate… Another great post, DG!
Definitely Lemonheads!
Team Lemonheads!
Team Lemonheads!
Lemonheads! And wow, August is a week away! How can that be?
Lemon heads. Definitely Lemonheads.
Mmmmm, Lemonheads. It’s the only sour candy I’ll eat.
I always bought red hots at the movie theater because you got so many in a box that it would last thru the movie. Eating them today brings back great memories of Saturday’s with my friends at the movies.
Go team Lemonheads!
Definitely Team Red Hots.
Both have their appeal, but I’ll go with Lemonheads.
Team Lemonheads
Team red hots
Lemonheads rule!
I’m Team Lemonhead.
lemonheads all the way
Red hots for sure! So yummy baked inside an apple with vanilla ice cream!
Lemonheads. The band was good, too.
Lemon heads, of course!
No question…Team Lemonheads all the way!
Always go with the tart- Lemonheads.
Lemon heads si vous plait!
Easy decision – Lemonheads of course
Team Lemonheads!!! Absolutely!
Red Hots for me!
red hots!!
Always Lemonheads, who doesn’t love that tart sweetness. 🙂
Red hots! Actually Hot Tamales if you want to know the truth.
Only ever red-hots
Lemonhead because it is summer, hot, and time for lemonade
Team Lemonheads!!! All. The. Way!!!!! 🙂
Lemonheads always and forever!
I’m all for Lemonheads.
Omigod, Lemonheads. They must be stale. Stale, I tell you: They’re mushy outside and hard inside. They’re *perfect.*
Team Red Hots! Only please put mine on top of a big fudgey cupcake!
Team Red Hots
Red Hots!
Is there a Team both? Ok – Team Lemonheads it is. You need a room extension charm like Hermione put on her bag to make it bigger – or a tent like they used on Harry Potter – that might help!
Team Red Hots!!! Love them!
Looking forward to the Holiday Shop! Always such cool items!
Red hots!
Lemonheads for sure!!
Team Lemon Drops!!!
Oooh, Lemonheads!
Red hots!
Lemonheads, or anything else lemon flavored!
Team Red Hots. The stronger, the better!!
Wonderful yellow Lemonheads!
That is an impossible decision. Each has there own appeal for certain situations.
Absolutely Team Lemonheads.
Red Hots
Team lemonheads!
Definitely lemonhead
Redhots. Definitely redhots.
Team lemon heads!
Team Lemonheads
Red Hots. I have a box in my tote bag rn
Lemonheads %!
Red Hots
Lemonheads, always and forever.
I am team “Red Hots”!!! Because I use red hots and 10 cups of sugar to make an incredible pickle. I have had people who say “I don’t like pickles” then they taste my red hot pickles and beg for more. I really enjoy reading your postings. Linda
DEF Team Lemonheads!!
Red Hots forever! Always in my travel bag.
Team Lemonheads! My Christmas cake fruit has been soaking for a month now
Team Lemonheads!
Red Hots for sure!
I’ve never seen Lemonheads (Canadian) but they sound great for summer. Lemonheads for summer, Red Hots for winter, but mostly chocolate anytime!
Team Lemonheads all the way
Lemonhead ,and proud of it!!
Team Lemonheads!
Team lemon heads! I haven’t thought of an AMC Gremlin in sooo long…
Team Lemonheads! with an occasional Redhot just for variety! :>)
Team redhots
Team Redhots!!
Team Lemonheads!
Lemonheads 4EVA!
Lemonhead! Lemonhead!
Lemonheads! All things lemon because, well, just because. It lights up my mouth the way yellow lights up my stash and everything it goes into.
Red Hots!!!!
LEMONHEADS for the win!
Team Lemonheads!
Defenately Red Hots, though to be more accurate: Hot Tamales!
Rootin’ tootin’ Red Hots!
Definitely Team Lemonheads!
Team Lemonhead here!
I am team Red Hots!
Can’t decide. I, too, am biconfectionary!
Red hot redhots!
Team Lemonheads
Red Hots please!!
Team lemonheads here!
Lemon heads of course
Red hots for sure.
Team lemon heads all the way
Red, Red, Red Hots!
Red Hots
Without thought or doubt; Team Lemonheads!!!
Red hots!
Red Hots.
Lemonheads for me!
Red hots!
Red hots!
Team Lemonheads!
Red Hots!
No question. TEAM LEMONHEAD!
Lemonheads! But I only eat the sour coating off the pure sugar core!
Hi DG … Team Lemonheads …
Red Hots, naturally.
Lemon heads!
Definitely Team Redhots
Red hots!
Team red hots, for sure!!!
Depends on the day
Lemonheads for sure!
Now trying to picture what an Instagram-influencer bomb would look like when it detonates.
Tough choice. I’m going with red hots! To complement the tacos.
I really can’t do cinnamon candy. Just…not my thing.
Team Red Hots
Red hots. Melted and dip a apple on a stick for a hot hot hot candie apple.
Please place me on Team Red Hot.
Team Lemonheads!
Lemonheads, since I am allergic to cinnamon.
True lemon head here
Lemonheads rock!
Love lemon heads!!!!
Definitely red! Red, all the time ( unless it’s purple)!
Red hots!
A hard choice….but I pick lemonheads.
Team Red Hots.
Team Red Hots
M&Ms, the peanut kind!
Red hots!
Tram lemonheads for sure!
Red hots all the way!
Absolutely lemonheads! But I love gobstoppers even more!
Absolutely red hots
Lemonheads! Duh…
I love lemon. Lemon heads all the way.
Hi Red Hots!!!!!
Lemonheads, fer shur!!
Lemonheads, please. Too hot here in CA for red hots right now!
Lemon heads for sure.
Definitely Team Lemonheads!!
Lemonheads— the candy and the olde thyme band
Absolutely Red Hots
Lemonheads for me.
Team Lemonheads all the way!
A hard choice but coming down in favour of lemonheads!
Lemonheads, all day!!!
Lemonheads of course!
I forgot how good Lemonheads really are. Thanks for the memory!
Team Red Hots!
Lemon heads I hadn’t thought about or seen Red Hots for years! Must not be a Midwest candy…
Definitely Red Hots!
Give me cinnamon-y Red Hots any day!!!
If I must choose between those choices, Team Lemonhead! However, I’d really like to be on Team Jujubes…
ReDHots, oh yeah.
Long live the red hots!
Team lemonade
Absolutely team Lemonheads, though I won’t say no to a Red Hot if it’s offered.
Team lemonheads
Red Hots!
Red Hots definitely!
Lemomheads for me.
Lemonheads forever!!!
Team Red Hots – all the way Baby!!
Team Redhots!
Definitely red hots!
Love your newsletter but how do I get to the page to shop?
Definitely I am a Lemonhead! Just thinking about it causes my salivary glands to go into Hyper-Drive!
Hmm. A tough choice- I could go either way. Lemonheads today, lol.
Lemonheads remind me of Evan Dando, Red Hots remind me of Anthony Keidis. Dando is/was hotter, Keidis is sexier. Choices… It’s a photo finish but I think the Red Hots win by a nose.
Lemonheads forever!
Red Hots!
Lemonheads for sure!
Red hots!
Oooh, team Red Hots all the way! Though I might have to have a taste test, that sounds fun
Team Lemonheads
If those are the only choices then lemonheads. I’m more of a nuts and chocolate woman myself.
In this hot weather we’re having I gotta go with Team Lemonheads as anything with the word hot in it is too much.
Team Lemonheads
Red Hots, definitely!!
Team Red Hots.
Lemonheads! Also, fun fact, Metro racks get their name from the manufacturer, InterMetro (formerly The Metropolitan Wire Company), located in my hometown of Wilkes-Barre, PA.
In Canada, i don’t remember ever seeing lemonheads, but we did get red hots. I ate enough red cinnamon hearts as a kid to fill a MDK tower (and still get the ‘twitches’ when Valentine’s day rolls around) soooo…i have to go with lemonhead
Red hots!
Love lemon but redhots is my team.
Definitely red hots!
Red hots!! Also, I’m tempted to just hand in my resignation now, sell my house, move down there and beg for a job at MDK World Headquarters – I’ll even take that parking lot office. Towers of yarn – yes please!
Team Lemonheads
Team Lemonheads of course
Lemonheads for sure!
Team Lemonheads forever!
That’s just mean. Both? Lemonheads. No, red hots!
Anything citrus here, so go Team Lemonheads!
Red hots, cuz they are the closest to FireBalls!
Chocoholic. But if I have to choose between those two then lemohead
Red Hots
Team Lemonheads
Lemonheads are the best!
I have to have lemon in my water to cover the taste of chlorine so guess I lam a lemon head.
Lemonheads, gotta go get some. now
Hmm Red hots during the fall and Lemonheads in the summer
Team Lemonheads!
Oooh, Lemonheads!!
I am definately a Lemonhead.
Definitely a lemon head. Did you know red hots build up in your system?
Team Redhots for pretty sure
Black licorice. Always.
Team Redhots!
Red hots!
Lemonheads with a side of saltwater taffy and black licorice for dessert
Lemonheads for me!
Team Red Hits!!
Definitely team Lemonheads!
Lemonheads over Red Hots, but what I really like are those hard sour cherry balls….
Never heard of these. Really. How about a Good n Plenty if we’re talking about tooth rotters.
Team Lemonheads forever!
Lemonheads forever!
Definitely Lemonheads!
Team Red Hots!
Definitely team Lemonhead. Red hots – yuk!
Red hots, baby!
Team RedHots!
I’ve never had a lemon head but I bet I’d like them. Team Lemon Heads!
Team Red Hots all the way
Team Red Hots.
Team red hots.
Our kids just discovered these candies…we used to buy them at the candy store by the bowling lanes…Team Lemonheads.
Definitely Team Red Hots.
Team Lemonheads
Team Lemonheads
Team red hots
Lemonheads please 🙂
Team Limoncello…I mean Lemonheads here!!
Lemon heads of course
Depends on the season. Lemonheads in the summer, red hots all winter (which is a long time here in MN)
Lemonheads, of course!!!
Team lemonheads followed by a shot of limoncello!
Lemon heads!
Definitely Lemonheads!
Team Lemonheads!
Definitely lemon heads
Team Lemonheads!
I guess I would be Team Red Hots bcz I have never tried a Lemonhead candy before! Altho I believe I would be for the Red Hots regardless. Thnx for the give-a-way!
Team Results.
Team Lemonheads!
Lemonheads always!
Team Red Head!
Really good caramels, chocolate covered raisins, orange slices, really good licorice, Skor and Mounds Bars would be my choices if offered.
Looking for sorrento sweater
Red Hots!
Lemonheads, fo’ sho’. Love how they getcha riiiiight therrre where the jawbone meets the ear and then chill out.
Team Lemonheads!
team lemon heads!
Red hots!
The crunch of hard candy, that burst of lemon and finally sugar between the teeth.
Team Lemonheads, of course! I’m a Southerner and we like our lemonade anyway we can get it.
Team Lemonheads for sure!
Team Red Hots! Can’t stop…
Lemonheads for the win!
Totally Team Lemonhead!
Gah how can I decide?! I guess I’ll go with lemonheads!
Team red hots!
Team Lemonheads 100%
Red hots for me !
Lemon head
Team Lemonhead for sure. Yum!
Definitely both!
Lemonheads if I had to choose, but I don’t typically eat hard candy.
Red Hots all the way!
Team lemon heads
Team Lemonheads!
Oh lemon head for sure!!
Team Lemonheads!!
Red boys for sure!
Red *hots!!*. Autocorrect…
Team Red Hots!
Definitely lemonheads!
Team Redhots!
Team Lemonheads. I have enjoyed both, but intense cinnamon no longer “agrees” with my system.
Definitely Team Red Hots! Especially since I get HOT frequently. Flashes that is!!!
Team Red Hots!
Team lemon heads!
Go Team Red Hots
I am definitely team lemonhead. .
Team Lemonheads! 1 box of Lemonheads + 1 Saturday matinee double feature movie ticket = summer heat relief. Ticket & Lemonheads purchased with my grocery schlepping, babysitting, lawn mowing, bottle deposit return money. This was summer in the city in my personal Days of Yore. P.S. I always had cash leftover to buy books & records.
Red Hots! No question! ❤️
Lemonheads for the win!
Team Redhots
Red Hots! Actually, I prefer Hot Tamales
Team Red Hots, GO TEAM!!
Team Lemonheads
Lemon heads!!
Team Redhots, although years ago, due to dental issues, there was a moratorium self-issued against actually eating them. My daughter continues to buy them for me (they were traditionally a required Valentine’s day gift for me), so there is currently a bag of redhots in my candy stash. Anybody got any good recipes?
Spicy and fiery Red Hits team!
Team Lemonheads! Happy Saturday!
Team Lemonheads if I had to but could it be lemoncello instead?
Neither for me, thanks. But if forced to choose it would be lemonheads. My grandma gave them to me for a sore throat. Dad hated that I was given candy when I needed medicine. Lol.
Our team is RED HOT!!! ☄️
Hard choice. Lemons for lemon meringue pie in the summer. Red hots to put on gingerbread cookies in the winter. Maybe today I’ll make a lemon meringue pie and gingerbread cookies and figure out which one I like the best. In the meantime, it’s summer, so lemon head!
Red Hots!!
Lemonheads all the way!
Lemonhead I LOVE lemon bars
Lemon Heads!
Red hots for sure!
Got to love some good red hots!
I would have to go with Lemonheads. Texas is already red hot, thank you very much.
Lemonheads! The candy and the band
Team Red Hots!
Seriously Red Hots.
Lemon heads.
I like both, but I’ll choose Team Lemonheads. Thanks for making me take sides against a candy. What has this world come to?
Lemonheads all day. Despite it auto correcting to ‘lemongrass’- ugh. Lemonheads, not lemongrass!!
Team red hots
Team RedHots for sure!
Team Red Hots,definitely
If I need to pick from those two options, I pick Lemonheads. I agree with Ronnie, though: if it ain’t chocolate, why bother!
Team Lemonheads, 100%!!
Both! And now I want lemon squares…
Red Hots for sure!
RedHots! I haven’t had them since a child so thanks for the memory! Anything cinnamon and I’m IN! Although these days typically only chocolate + gum!
Lemonheads all day!
Team Red Hots!
Red hots.
Definitely red hots!
Lemon heads for the win!
Team Lemonheads!
Where is the chocolate option?
Today – Team Red Hots. Tomorrow, who knows?
Team red hots for me!
Lemonheads !!
Lemonheads with a red-hot chaser!
Team Lemonheads all the way!
Red hots. We lived near the candy factory when I was a child. You could smell them on the days they made red hots.
Team Lemonheads all the way! ❤️❤️
I’m a Lemonheads girl.
Ooh, I’m torn. If I have to choose, lemonheads!
Really couldn’t choose. Never has either one. Lemon sounds good.
Lemonheads, definitely!
Lemon heads!
Lemonheads, red-hots, give me all the candy!
I’m a Lemonhead
Red hots
Red hots!
I’m team red hot!
Lemon heads. Duh.
Red Hots
Red hots!
Team Lemonheads
Red Hots for sure!
Team Red Hots for the win
Lemon heads!
Team Red Hots!
Lemon heads please.
RED HOTS for the gal who puts Tabasco on her eggs!
Lemonheads for sure
Team Redhots!!
Team Red Hots!
I’m a Red Hot team player & when those are gone, I switch to Lemonheads.
Lemon heads followed by Red Hots.
Lemon heads for me please!
Lemon heads please!
Lemonheads for me please.
Lemon heads all the way!
Oh, my—how to choose. I love them both, but I think I have to go with Red Hots! What a punch of flavor!
Team Lemon
Team Lemonheads! Go team!
Team Lemonheads all day!!!
Team Red Hots of course
Team Red Hots for me!
Lemonheads for me!
Team Lemonheads
Red Hots! Always a favorite!
Definitely Team Lemonheads! But, I do love a good Red Hots sugar cookie!
Red hots all day, every day!
All in for Team Lemonheads!
Red Hots…need them for my
lemonheads for me.
Lemon heads!
Definitely a lemonhead for me
LEMONHEADS – is there really much competition between the two??
Lemon head here!
Why, red hots, of course! Definitely reminds me of being a kid…
Team Lemonheads
Team Lemonheads! Whoo-hoo!
Team red hots!! ❤
Please enter me — I’m Team Lemonhead!!
Sara Willard
Red Hots!
Red hots win by a nose
Team Lemonheads
Definitely lemonheads. Red hots are nasty!
Lemonheads forever!
Team Lemonheads
Definitely Lemonheads
Team Lemon Heads!
Candy Wars (or CandyLand played under a tree) seems like a perfect way to pass the time on a lazy summer Saturday! Inherent to my name, I must side with Red Hots. Red. Hot. (Why, yes I am, thank you for noticing!)
Definitely red hots!
Tea redhots
Team Lemonheads!
Lemon heads!
Lemonheads, no doubt.
Team Lemonheads
Lemon heads!!!
Red Hots!!
Red hots of course!
Team Lemonheads!
Team Lemonhead.
Red hots all the way for me 🙁
Lemonheads, of course!
Red hots
Team Red Hots for me!
Tough choice, but I have to go with Team Lemonheads.
I’m all in with Team Red Hots!!!
Absolutely Team Lemonheads.
I going with the redhots, they seem to be the underdogs.
Team Red Hots!
Red Hots!
As a kid I was on the Red Hots team, but now it’s Lemonheads for sure!
I am a red hot. I have a deep love of cinnamon. The more the better. I have to admit that I can have a red hot temper too. Whereas my husband is a mellow yellow lemon, and yes he loves all this lemony.
Team Lemonheads. How could you even wonder?
Team Redhots
team lemonheads – redhots make my mouth hurt!
Team redhots
Lemonhead for me!
Red hots!
Red hots always!
Definitely Team Lemonhead!
UNEEK Hothead
No question, Team Red Hots! And, maybe throw in some Hot Tamales and Atomic Fireballs too
Team redhots
Team Lemonheads
I’m definitely on Team Lemonheads. Yellow is just a happy color.
Team Red Hot, of course!!!
Lemonhead with all of their puckery goodness!
I wonder if the two flavors could mix well?
Team red hot for sure!
Plus one for Team LemonHeads!
Hard to decide but for summer Lemonheads win!
Red hots!
Team lemonheads!
Red Hots, for sure!!!
Team Red Hots!
Team Lemonhead.
Red Hots!
Team lemonheads
Don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m in anyway.
Team red hots
Both! But if I had to choose one… Red Hots!
When I was young, my favorite was Regal Crown Sour Lemon, so I must be on Team Lemonheads!
I am definitely team red hots.
Team Lemonheads!!!
Team redhots !
Red hots!!!
Team Lemonheads!! Not a fan of Red Hots but love Fireballs in the winter.
Team Red Hots
Team Lemonheads (and Laffy Taffy).
Red hots for sure!!
Team Lemonheads!
Team lemonheads all the way.
Team Lemonheads for sure!
Lemonheads, I think?
Mmmmm. More Lemonheads.
Gotta go with the Red Hots
I’m definitely a Team Red Hots girl!
I’d have to go lemonheads. Can you believe my tongue swells up from fake cinnamon flavor??
Team Red Hots!
Lemonheads 4 Ever!
My across-the-street neighbor and fro was the drummer for the Lemonheads. Need I say more?
Lemonheads for sure
Lemonheads! (Actually Atomic Fireballs, but that wasn’t a choice.)
Oh, this question brings back memories of junior high in the 80s!! Back when I could eat things like Lemonheads all day and not gain any weight and not have acid reflux from hell later. I also ate my fair share of Red Hots and I’m thinking the reflux factor is a bit lower with them, so… Team Red Hots!!
M-F Lemon head
weekends RedHots!
Redhots for sure!
Team Lemonheads all the way
I need to pick both. PLEASE!!!!!
Red hots please
Lemon everything–lemon pound cake, lemonheads, lemon shake ups…
Lemonheads for the win!
Lemonheads, totally
Team Lemonhead yay!
Lemonheads, of course!
Hmm I think they would be wonderful together. A red hot lemon.
Team Lemonheads
Lemonheads over Redhots, but I’d rather have dark chocolate.
I’m a Lemonhead!
Lemonheads Rock!
I would go for lemon if they ad them in Australia
Team Lemonheads!
Lemonheads forever!
Team Red Hots here
Team lemonheads for the gold.
Red hots!
Team Lemonhead all day all the time!
Team lemonheads please!
Red hots please.
Team Red Hots all the way!!!
Lemonheads, of course
Red hots – not just to eat but also to cook with:)
Team Lemonheads!
Team Red Hots
Team Lemonheads
Have to say team Lemonade
Red hots all the way!
Team Red Hots
Team Red Hots!!
Red hots for me!
red hots!
Lemonheads All Day Long!
Team Lemonheads, for sure!
Definitely Red Hots. I sort of remember some kind of Lemon drops but know we ate lots of Red Hots.
Team lemonheads all the way I prefer sour to spicy!
Red Hots forever!
Team Lemonheads!
Lemonheads for the win!!
Lemonhead all the way
Red Hots here!
Lemon heads!
Team Lemonheads forever!!
Team Lemonheads for the win!!!
Team Lemonheads!
I am already signed up for the snippets and newsletter. I am Team Lemonhead.
Team Red Hots for the redhead 🙂
Red Hots!
in my youth, i would have said red hots. but now, lemonheads, not daily but frequently.
Team Lemonheads
Go Lemonheads! Yay
Red Hots 100%
I am a RED HOT girl!
Team Lemonheads
Totally a Lemonheads girl.
Team Lemonheads. Only way to get that awful taste from ones mouth
Team Red Hots!