Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: I’m with the Band

Launching a new yarn is not for the faint of heart. I’ve been at least yarn-business-adjacent for about a decade and even I was surprised by the number of hurdles MDK had to clear to get Atlas launched. We take two steps forward, and two steps back, or whatever Paula Abdul was going on about. And I’m not even referring to the actual yarn itself, which one day I’m sure our own Allison will tell you alllll about, as soon as her therapist releases her from supervision and will let her talk about it again.
No, the thing I’m talking about, the thing no one counted on was … yarn banding. The very phrase sends Atlas staff scurrying like a tornado siren has gone off on a warm April afternoon.
After the actual packing and shipping of orders, yarn banding is now by far the thing that Nathan and I do the most in the warehouse now. Everything else on the warehouse to-do list comes to a halt because it’s a huge, specific job that doesn’t allow for too much multi-tasking. Yarn, band, tape, label, bag. Yarn, band, tape, label, bag. Yarn, band, tape, label, bag.
No matter which technique we employ—“band them all then label them all then bag them all” vs “band, label, bag as we go”—the exact same amount of time is required. There’s just no way to do it faster; there’s no secret magic trick to it. And there are literally thousands and thousands of skeins of yarn always coming in, always coming in, always coming in, so at the end of the day, we look at our little tiny pile of completed Atlas and realize that that Dunkin’ Donuts “time to make the donuts” commercial isn’t just an ad. It’s practically a documentary about American labor!
Nathan and I employ different techniques to soften the blow and move the task along, though. He watches one of the seventy-two Lord of the Rings movies on his iPad out of the corner of his eye, while I futz around with my iPhone’s music apps for an hour, trying to find just the right thing to listen to before finally deciding that the thing I want to listen to is probably just the same thing I listened to yesterday (spoiler: it’s always Juice Newton).
I do think Nathan is tired of answering my Lord of the Rings questions, though, of which there are many. I’m the person who—when the movies were announced—predicted that they would be huge flops, so perhaps you should not listen to any of my investment advice. Nathan—somewhat surprisingly, if you ask me—does not have many Juice Newton questions. Hmph, millennials.
Anyway. Atlas is here y’all. And it’s banded and corseted like half the cast of The Gilded Age.
A Giveaway
The prize? A Thistle Farms Hand Care Duo and soft Cotton Towel for self-care breaks from your tasks at hand.
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: Represent! What’s your generation and which song, in your humble opinion of course, is the song of your generation?
Deadline for entries: Sunday, April 10, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw winners from the entries and notify them by email.
“All you need is love” is sòooooo relavent today as it was “Yesterday”. You know I’m a sixties girl. All love to Ukraine.
I was in college in 1971 and must go with Tapestry by Carole King. Anyone walking the girls dorm hallway heard it coming from the majority of rooms. We sang those songs in the shower and as we walked to class.
I’m somewhere between the millennials and gen X. The first song that comes to mind is Alanis Morrisette, One Hand I’m Your Pocket.
Baby boomer and class of 1968, so it’s got to be “Born to be Wild”.
Boomer here and a as a late teen I was fascinated by Steel Eye Span
Born 1960. First album I bought was Don McLean – American Pie.
I’m a boomer and the answer to every music question is always The Beatles!! Rubber Soul is my favorite album.
I agree!
Totally. And we have a vinyl copy of Rocket Cottage AND Below The Salt in the garage.
End of the boomers. So many songs! I guess BridgeOver Troubled Waters or Sounds of Silence.
Oh my gosh, I loved them! I played guitar and sang “ Two Magicians” at a college telethon !
I was in college in the late 70’s so whatever that makes me — Boomer? Dan Fogelberg, James Taylor, Carole King, John Prine and early Bonnie Raitt. I borrowed our neighbors’ Streetlights album so much they gave me a copy. Angel from Montgomery combines two faves— written by John, wailed by Bonnie.
Misty Moisty Morning! I saw them in concert in the early 70’s with The J. Giels Band. Love Maddy Prior.
Just one?? You ask too much! I would have to pick at least an album..Carole King’s Tapestry. ..or James Taylor’s Sweet Baby James…or…
Below the Salt is an amazing album!
I’m a tail end baby boomer so more 70’s sounds unfortunately Disko Duck is now stuck in my head.
The song. The album. The play. The movie. Hair
song writer maybe Helen Reddy
Another Boomer, here! Sweet Baby James, James Taylor! My anthem is Born to Be Wild!
I just make it as a boomer… born in ’59. The song that first made an impression was my father singing “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”… only I heard “body”. The lyrics “Oh bring back my body to me” led to great philosophical speculation. Truly.
But back to the song of my generation. Rolling Stones. Can’t get no satisfaction !
I’m a boomer and the song for my generation is “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten: “Like a small boat on the ocean, sending big waves into motion…”
I finally saw Bob Seger in 2019, after missing him in 1980! Night Moves and Kathmandu!
Me too! Anything by Bob Seger is a favorite for me, but especially those two! I even named my dog Seger!
Last of the boomers. Nights in white satin is the song that sticks on my head.
Okay, I’m a Boomer, and you want me to pick? The Beatles, the Stones, The Temptations, The 4 Tops, Simon and Garfunkel? The Supremes? Get real! And yes, it is terribly strange to be 70!
Yes to everything Janet said, though I would add Carol King’s Tapestry and James Taylor ‘s Sweet Baby James. I’m hanging onto 69 for a little while longer and can’t believe 70 is just around the corner!
Music was such a lifeline, so many events marked by a song popular at that moment. I agree how can I be 70? Yea I remember watching Ed Sullivan introduce the Beatles and going to the movie Hard Days Night at the local theater. But before the Beatles it was all the Motown music , add Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin
I would add to Janet’s list only Simon and Garfunkel and a little Joni Mitchell. And I can’t believe I’m old enough to have a husband who is about to be 70…
Janet nailed it for me also. I’ll add the Platters (going back to the 50s), anything Motown, and Bob Dylan.
I’m with you Janet. A boomer and the best music scene ever. Love Roy Orbison and my parents were big Floyd Cramer fans. And with three older siblings each with our own turntables, you just went from room to room for a different mood. Miss those days.
Yes to everything you said, Janet!
I’m an oldster – very. Therefore can’t remember.
After boomers, before whatever came next. I Fought the Law
Totally agree with your choices. I too am finding it ‘Terribly strange to be70’ when just yesterday I was singing ‘When I’m 64’.
My husband and I were just talking about Old Friends the other day. ❤️
I’m a 70s girl. Dream On by Aerosmith was the song!
Yes to all of what Janet said! Too much music. And the first thing that leapt into my mind was The Who (talking bout my) Generation. I’m very literal. Also, I can’t believe the prize this time is not a skein of Atlas!
Mary Hopkins’ “Those Were the Days My Friend” from the late sixties, a coming of age song we sang in unison at gatherings.
Gen X here. My pick would be “Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds.
Same. We have a poster of quotes from The Breakfast Club on our living room wall!
Simple Minds…best band in the world!
Carole King was on deep rotation for me as was the Beatles, early Elton and, of course, Aqualung.
Another boomer here! As mentioned previously we had so many great artists to choose from; The Beatles, Stones, etc., but the song that first came to mind was “Dancing in the Street” by Martha and the Vandellas.
The Silent Generation.
“Bridge Over Troubled Waters”
Simon & Garfunkel
Boomer here. ALL the music that was great from when we were that young. HELP! from the Beatles fits pretty well if I have to pick.
Give peace a chance- John lennon
Helen Reddy. I am Woman, Hear Me Roar
I came of age in the 80s, and that music is one of the favorite playlists in my home. While Don’t You Forget About Me (Simple Minds) represents the utter coolness of the 80s, Sunday, Bloody Sunday (U2) is the rock aesthetic, and Walking on Sunshine (Katrina and the Waves) is the enthusiasm of pop music in the 80s. Fun question!
I love all the 60s songs but my favorite was I Want To Hold Your Hand by the Beatles!
Gen X-er here. This was toughie. Nirvana’s “Come As You Are” comes to mind.
End of the baby boomers – 1963. My current faves are anthologies of all kinds of Southern music from Oxford American magazine, the Rolling Stones and Steve Earle.
Excellent choice!
I think the Terri Sharp is so right. “Come as you Are” is the perfect gen x song
Boomer. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction.
There were so many significant songs of my boomer generation. I’ll just name a couple. The Beatles “I Want to Hold Your Hand” was the first song they played on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964 that introduced us to their wonderful music whose impact has spanned the generations. “Respect” by the great Aretha Franklin in 1967 gave voice to the feminist movement.
My generation – baby boomers I. The song…American Pie. A classic!
Another boomer and that was the first song that came to my mind too! I still know all the words…
So many to choose from but I still love “Southern Cross” by Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young.
John Lenin’s Imagine!!
John Lennon’s Imagine!
Another boomer here, so many genres to consider but I’ll always remember going to the Atlanta pop fest in 1970 and seeing the Allman Brothers for the first time.
baby boomer and we had SO MUCH great music it would be impossible to pick just one! It was the best of times for music.
Have to add Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum to the list!!
I am a 90s girl, and there are so many cringe worthy songs I know all the lyrics too, from boy bands to Chumbawumba.
Totally agree! Remember Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Iron Butterfly – “Inagaddadaveda,” The Doors, Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, Cat Steven’s, Jimi Hendricks, Neil Young, Jim Croce, ELO, . . .
Oh ya, great days they were.
Joy to the World by Three Dog Night. “Jeremiah was a bullfrog….”
I’m a ’59 Boomer!
Another boomer here, Beatles, Stones and then the mighty Zep! Stairway to Heaven!
I too am a boomer (‘57’). Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen captured my incoming freshman class in Boston. I thought “who is this guy and can someone put James Taylor back on the turntable!?”
Boomer here. We totally have the best music!
“You can’t always get what you want” -Stones
My high school class chose Stairway to Heaven to walk in to the auditorium, and School’s Out to walk out of the auditorium. Parents complained, and seniors were not allowed to choose their songs for at least a decade after. It was my first real life lesson: freedom of choice: unintended consequences.
Bruce Springsteen —Born to run
I agree with Jean, with Thunder Road a close second.
Gen-xer here. I really had to think hard on this and while I don’t have this song in my library, I think Don Henley’s The Boys Of Summer is a good representation of the 80s. Though the person who suggested Nirvana’s Come As You Are is a good choice. I graduated high school in 87 so it really needs to be an 80’s song for me. Maybe it’s Born In The USA even though it’s cringy. Excellent question!
I’m a boomer. Beatles, Stones, Credence, Doors, Byrds. Led Zeppelin, how do I choose? Clearly we had the best music. Too difficult to pick just one.
Boomer…Where Have All the Flowers Gone…
I chose that as well.. I am a 1949-er….. so many great songs, but this one sticks in my head
Another boomer anthem: What’s Going On by Marvin Gaye
Born in 1963, but my musical tastes cross genres and century’s. Tight now listening to Frank Sinatra croon “I’ve Got You Under My Skin”
“Imagine”. I remember watching Kennedy’s press conferences and was glued to the TV in November 1963.
i wore out a Juice Newton album. Over and over…Break it to me Gently.
Reading the comments up so far….I feel most of us are from about the same era, like one said, best music ever. So hard to pick one, it all depends on your mood and activity. How about during these covid times – You’ve got a friend, Carol King.
I sang You’ve got a Friend to my husband on our wedding day in 1976. The Tapestry album is a perfect album.
I’m a Boomer, baby. Song to define the segment of my generation, Led Zeppelin – “Stairway To Heaven,” or is it the Eagles -“Take It Easy”? No, wait! It could be Gordon Lightfoot – “Sundown.” Oh, damn! Rolling Stones – “Satisfaction.” Credence Clearwater Revival – “Born On the Bayou.” Aaaahhh, to many to choose from. Dang it all, I was/am a hippie at heart.
I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing in Perfect Harmony was huge all through my grade school years.
I’m a baby boomer, 1954 and I think Jackson Browne’s “Running on Empty” is a great theme song for my generation.
Well obviously we Boomers are all up early and ready to enter giveaways! I’m with the group that points out that our generation created the Beatles, the Stones, Simon &Garfunkel, Marvin Gaye, ARETHA…..c’mon. There just isn’t a best there are just many greats.
Stairway to Heaven!
I’m a Boomer and I would say the song that defined the generation is Ohio, by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. ‘Tin soldiers and Nixon coming…’
Yes! Ohio and Woodstock were the first songs they popped into my head for their prompt.
Another boomer voting for Woodstock! Sums it all up.
I am just barely too young to be a boomer – disco ruled my senior year of high school. We listened to a lot of country and country rock as well. Eclectic times. Babar O’Reilly, Get Down Tonight, and Mountain Music were all on repeat. As I said, eclectic times…
By the way, it sounds like DG and Nathan could really use the hand care kit after banding all that yarn!
Boomer ’56. Anything Motown and then there was Meatloaf.
It’s a toss up for me- “Love the One You’re With” or “Suite Judy Blue Eyes”- Crosby, Stills and Nash
Although not a song about the war, my song is Leaving On a Jet Plane sung by Peter, Paul and Mary as my new husband left for duty in Vietnam.
Hound Dog – Elvis Presley
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Song by Pink Floyd
Baby boomer
Tail end of the Boomers…’63…No one’s mentioned Joan Baez or Joni Mitchell. I can’t pick just one song from either of them. Both were the sound of my growing up.
Nights in White Satin—first to come to mind
1965 here so I was there for all of Gen Ex. I took a very scientific approach to this and set up very specific parameters. 1. You’re at a wedding of any size, culture, total age range, time of day, space, and style. 2. Single vs. couple not taken into consideration nor is alcohol consumption. 3. Political point of views are not measured. 4. Your feelings about the bride and groom and your opinion on the bridesmaids dresses are irrelevant. Basically, what would make every Gen-x guest get up and dance with all other things being equal. Only one song fit the bill – David Bowie’s Rebel Rebel. It’s hard to beat the “Hot Tramp, I love you so” moment.
Good choice! I’ll second that!
I’m a Gen-Xer too and I always think of 80’s music as the marker of our generation. Top 40 Count Down on the Radio! I spent the 80’s somewhere between Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” and Tears for Fears “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”. No way could I pick one song, I’d be lucky to narrow it down to a top 40 list.
So basically, the soundtrack to the film Peter’s Friends…
I am about as young as you can be and still be Gen X, and from the UK, so my song would be Wonderwall by Oasis.
Millennial. I have no idea what the song of the generation is, but for me Katy Perry’s “California Dreaming” will always mean summer! It was on the radio basically on repeat the year I got my license.
I guess I’m a late blooming boomer? Born in ‘62. I know every song mentioned. Love them all, too. We Boomers do get up early. Did no one listen to country? Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Ray Stevens. But, heart will always be with John Denver. It was a while before I understood what Afternoon Delight was really about. Wait, that was Bill Danoff and Taffy Nivert. They were JD’s friends.
Born in ’63, tail end of Boomers. Afternoon Delight was one of the precious 45 purchases. I LOVED the harmonies. Then mom heard the words… hahahaha!
Are we boomers? Depends what you read… No one’s mentioned Supertramp! My first really big concert for their Breakfast in America Tour (in Canada)!
Late Boomer here. The 70s soundtrack for us included a lot of bands we could see in concert in big arenas. Most memorable for me were Journey, Foreigner, Kiss, Kansas, and the Who. These bands are big on my playlists today. Concerts were actually affordable back then!
And Boston. Their music blew my mind!
I’m a 1960 boomer , the songs that still make me think I can get up and dance are from the 70s . Especially Long Train Running by the Doobie Brothers. Or Slow Ride by Foghat. To much good music . Anything by Bob Seiger . Or Bad Company, or Poison or Def Leppard. I’m Rock and Roll still ,and todays kids are shocked to see gray haired grandparents rocking loud cruising down the road! And no we aren’t deaf yet!
I do have some hearing loss in left ear only. Gotta wear earplugs now, but I still went to the Rolling Stones concert last fall!!
I’m with Maria — Nights in White Satin comes to mind.
Nights in white satin!
Another Boomer here. So many great artists. I listened to the Beatles, the Stones, Peter, Paul& Mary, Jefferson Airplane, Chicago, Yes, Pink Floyd, the Dead, Cat Stevens, Taj Mahal. I really had no favorite just enjoyed them all.
I am a girl of the 70s. Carole King defines high school and Cat Stevens college. If I had to pick just one song, it would be Father and Son, Cat Stevens.
I’m another Lori of the 70s! We had great music! I’m right with you on those choices. There’s also Ventura Highway by America and my High School theme songs were Tequila Sunrise by the Eagles and Fly Like an Eagle from Steve Miller.
I’m from the generation of peace, love, and the first Earth Day. We’ve been recycling and composting ever since. The first song that creeps into my mind is Come on People, Now, Smile on your Brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now.
Jesse Colin Young! And remember there was some silliness about making it the new national anthem? But a great song.
“Love is a Battlefield” by Pat Benatar, who trained as an opera singer
What teenager didn’t love belting this song out at the top of their lungs?
Not an anthem for the generation but a song my fellow boomer best friend and I sang at sleepovers in 8th grade was Summer Breeze by Seals and Croft. Recently I’ve put that song on repeat while working on a quilt for my daughter. It brings back sweet memories of my friend who died way too young and the lyrics make me smile.
Oh yeah, I loved that song!
We Gen X grew up on Madonna, U2, and Nirvana: “Material Girl”, “With or Without You”, and “Smells like Teen Spirit”. No wonder we’re so bummed.
Yes, and don’t forget Duran Duran, The Reflex.
Oh, no! Their first album was much better! Or even Rio! Searching out rare Duran Duran stuff was my intro to obscure bands and punk rock. X (the band) for Generation X! Punk and goth and house music and alt-country and being a college dj…and all because of Duran Duran. Everyday is Halloween…
Agreed! We had such a diverse group of artists to choose from! I think Nirvana was the turning point, because it was the first small venue band to go mainstream in a big way.
With or Without You is the best make out song of all time!
I’m a late baby boomer and it’s anything Beatles, but especially Yesterday.
Not a boomer and don’t follow generational lines. Love everything from ABBA to Springsteen to Elton to Bonnie Raitt
After watching Summer of Soul, my emotional baby boomer self remembered how much I loved the Fifth Dimension (“Let the Sunshine In” from Hair, “Wedding Bell Blues”, “One Less Bell to Answer”). I also loved Johnny Mathis & the Carpenters, but forced to pick, my all-time fave is James Taylor. I love him so, I always will.
Shower The People, Up On The Roof, Mexico, Sweet Baby James – oh what beautiful memories.
Boomer, class of ’75. Our graduation song was ‘We may never pass this way again’ by Seals and Croft which received more votes than ‘I get by with a little help from my friends’ by the Rolling Stones (which would have been more accurate, IMO.)
This is a Beatles song (go, Ringo!) & I’m pretty sure the Stones didn’t cover it. Maybe you mean the Joe Cocker version?
Last of the boomers and I have to say the early Michael Jackson, anything from the Thriller album still gets me dancing.
Loved it then, love it now; it’s my mantra; “Desperado” by The Eagles. Can’t wait to try Atlas!
Boomer generation
Anything Beatles!
Any Beatles song. Currently it’s Here Comes the Sun
It’s gotta be Beatles something…but which one? Anyway I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Atlas Insider
You Can’t Always Get What You Want – Stones
Ok boomers, Gen X here.
Smells like teen spirit.
I *do* think this is the Gen X answer.
ONE song? Can’t possibly meet the brief, so I’ll just mention Eve of Destruction because I remember the moment of my childhood when I heard it for the first time. Fella sounded cross about something.
Also, because I can’t resist experimenting with ways to do repetitive tasks, have you considered using labels with opposing slits so they can be “locked” in one simple motion instead of the holding-and-taping method?
My first thought was to try taping a stack of labels first, then inserting a skein, but since you’d have to sort of corkscrew the skein into the label I’m not sure it would save time or reduce steps. Sometimes variety has it’s value, though 😉
Imagine by John Lennon…❤
Peak year of the Baby Boom here. The Star Spangled Banner, as performed by Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock.
Or anything by the Beatles. Joni Mitchell. CSN&Y. Bonnie Raitt. As someone said up above…Too Much Music.
“Born to Run”, blasted at top volume in my dorm room!
Jungle land from Born to Run, by Springsteen.
That song represents my generation.
HS class of 75. My Life has been a tapestry
Another boomer responding. So many to choose from as we claim all the rock n roll songs. Beetles were most popular.
Boomer. Way to many to choose–but picking Hey Jude.
I’m an early Boomer, born in ‘47. “The Answer, My Friend……is blowing in the wind….” And anything else sung by Peter, Paul, and Mary.
’52 here and loved their take on Shel Silverstein’s “I’m Being Eaten By A Boa Constrictor” and “Car, Car,” “Early Morning Rain.”
Apparently I am slightly younger than most of your readers. I am guessing by Juice Newton, we are of the same general era. I graduated in ‘84 . The standout for me because everyone still knows it by heart Journey Don’t Stop Believing
I think Edwin Starr summed up my Generation with “War”. Marvin Gaye is a big runner up with Ain’t No Mountain High Enough or I Heard It Through The Grapevine.
Always The Beatles, however yesterday I listened to Bridge Over Troubled Water from Simon &Garfunkel Concert in Central Park. What a powerful rendition!
I’m a late boomer (born in ‘59), and I can’t narrow down to a single song but I’ll mention Carole King’s Tapestry, Neil Young’s Harvest, any Steely Dan, and then in high school in central Jersey, a skinny kid from Asbury Park came on the scene and it was all Bruce all the time!
Imagine by John Lennon…perfectly describes the later Boomers as I am. Nice inside view into details about my yearn skein. I will look on that label with love and appreciation now. Thanks.
Gen X, i think Pink Floyd , Another Brick in the Wall represents out alternative music years best.
Class of ‘73 from Istanbul Turkey. Even from far away our music defined us. I grew up with the Beatles, sang their songs when my daughter was born and now my grandson claps his hands to Yellow Submarine and has a Beatles poster in his room- and asks for their songs. I personally would go for Joni Michell or Joan Baez, but for my darling grandson I pick Yellow Submarine
Born to be Wild is the first song that leaps into my mind. I’m a boomer (obviously)!
I’m a 70’s girl. I remember singing along to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody with my girlfriends. It was just the best.
The Stones’ Sympathy for the Devil
Boomer. Great suggestions by others. Anything Motown. James Taylor. Carole King. Simon and Garfunkel. Beatles. Peter, Paul, and Mary. The Stones. CCR. Three Dog Night. Too hard to just choose one. PS. Love Juice also!
Late boomer, ‘61, and I know most of the music mentioned here. Gotta say, I dislike Stairway to Heaven and Hotel California. My playlists are pretty eclectic, but the cd’s currently on rotation in the car (yep, still a cd gal) are Bruce Springsteen, Jimmy Buffett, and Tim McGraw. Alison Krauss appears too – and I love her new cd with Robert Plant! Here in my part of southern Ontario, Canada, where I’ve woken to snow again, can’t wait for “Here Comes the Sun”. By the way, love all the LOTR movies! I have all that music on a playlist too, but you must listen in order. No shuffling. Love Annie Lennox’ Into the West.
My favorite song is Footloose. It’s also the first date movie I went to. I’m now married to my first boyfriend.
I’m a Baby Boomer and I think the song Woodstock, by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young (yes, the 4 of them were together then) represents my generation. Sadly or fortunately, not sure which, I wasn’t there.
I’m at the tail end of Gen X. For me, the song of our generation would be Yellow Ledbetter by Pearl Jam. Moody yet unfussy.
I can’t imagine just the two of you banding all those skeins of yarn! Wow!
I’m a boomer and the song would be any of Bob Dylan’s!
My momma told me there’d be days like these!
Kid in the 60s, teen in the 70s, twenty something in the 80s- no need to go on- and the banding type things are part of living no amount of technology is going to remove! Wax on wax off!!
Love it!
Okay, I’m a boomer! Impossible to pick just one song, but I’ll go with Stairway to Heaven. Actually longed to hear it again the other day (after being sure I had already hit my lifetime tolerance)!
Boomer here and the songs are …………
Hotel California and
Whiter Shade of pale
Boomer. “I Want to Hold Your Hand”! My nephew, a music nut, says our generation had the best music. I cannot disagree.
Boomer here, I would choose The Temptations My Girl for the slow dance and Bruce Springsteen for Thunder Road to rock out to!
I’m a boomer. So hard to choose! Carole King, Elton John, James Taylor. But I always crank it up for Taking Care of Business by Bachman-Turner Overdrive!
‘59 My first memory of music is likely not mine as my older brother controlled what was played…Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon or Lynard Skynard – well everything!
Color my world – danced at my wedding
On the edge of Boomer/Gen X, ‘64. I was there for the beginning of MTV and the music video!
I’m in my eighties, have no idea what my generation is called, and I’d say “Smoke Gets in your Eyes””. It’s a story, it’s a ballad, it’s lovely. As a younger person lighting open fires in my native UK, it was literally true, too.
I’ve always been a very eclectic music lover. 1980 is my year. Listening to what was popular in the band bus with the other band geeks…..including a tour of Europe that introduced us to the Police. I can’t really land on a song — or even a style — we seemed to be in the midst of a mish-mosh — Disco, superstars still charting (Queen, Elton John), rock bands kicking it out…… kinda like the song of my generation was on shuffle 🙂 we were also spending the summer at Pine Knob sitting on the hill for every artist that came through — really shoulda kept all those T shirts 🙂
I’m a boomer. Anything Beatles represents us.
Late sixties/early seventies girl, I think “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles.
I have no idea what others born in the 1950’s listening pleasures are/were/will be. For me it is Lake Shore Drive by Alliota Haynes &Jeremiah
The Doors: Light My Fire
I’m a late Boomer. I still love it when The Eagles’ Take It Easy or Bob Seger’s Mainstreet come on the radio.
Last of the Boomers here, born 1961. Nights in White Satin and Stairway to Heaven!
Boomer tie between Stones’s Satisfaction or Hendrix All Along the Watchtower
Boomer. American Pie, James Taylor, Carole King…
Gen X and ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey.
Turn Turn Turn by the Byrds
song of my generation? Probably Doobie Bros’ “China Grove”. But I loved Gordon Lightfoot throughout the 70’s & 80’s! (yes, even the Edmund Fitzgerald) . . but esp. his Canadian Railroad Trilogy. (Folkie, here!)
Hi Julie M, I loved Gordon Lightfoot!!! If I was in a mood I would put his records on and I always felt better.Whata rich voice.
Gen Xer here. The song of our generation is Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” All other answers are incorrect.
Xennial here (between Gen X and Millennial but fit in neither, born in ‘78). I’m going to go with Weird Al’s “Fat” because because that’s how Xennial me rolls.
I’m a boomer, and I would go with “Blowin’ in the Wind”. I remember singing it at a campus memorial for MLK after he was killed.
High School Prom theme song was “Time” by the Alan Parsons Project. I was a huge Barry Manilow fan (true confessions). Boston and Peter Framption were huge among my peers — although I wish I had heard about Queen (Crazy Little Thing Called Love) much earlier!
American Pie always takes me back to a jukebox of my childhood.
My daughter thinks I’m a boomer, but I might be a little bit younger than that. I’m thinking John Mellencamp’s “Jack and Diane” as the song for my class – but maybe not my generation.
No one song can define or represent the baby boomers but the British Invasion certainly captures the sounds of our adolescence.
Gen X, the 80’s spanned Junior high through college graduation, sooooo many songs! Red Red Wine (UB40) is the song I’ll pick when in 1986 I went from Maryland to college in NC and realized that kids from all over the country had this on their mixed tapes, including my roommate from Georgia! There was no Internet, but yes radio and MTV… so many songs, I should have picked a Michael Jackson song maybe? The Cure? Modern English, I’ll Stop the World and Melt with You…
Most of the Beatles songs
Barely boomer….my first musical obsession was Lesley Gore’s It’s My Party album. I still know all the words!!
Anything by Janis Joplin!
“Hey Jude” the Beatles all the way!
I almost went with Hey Jude, but the Wilson Pickett version with Duane Allman. It was released before the Beatles version. They gave it to Wilson.
High school: driving around suburbia with friends in a station wagon with The Cars on loud: song choice Just What I Needed. College: New Age music, Talking Heads forever: song choice Burning Down the House.
late boomer, and there is just too much great music to choose. Linda Ronstadt, Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt, Beatles, but also Springsteen, Go Gos and Talking Heads!
Can’t choose … MUSIC was the song of my generation and my tribe, whether rock, folk, jazz, country, disco, big band, classical … we played and listened to it all. Still do.
Omg, Juice Newton! Ok, I’m going to cheat and say “All of the above”. But really, so much wonderful music. Technically, I’m a boomer, but a total mishmash. I loved my parents Calypso, folk (Belafonte, Peter, Paul & Mary, Christie Minstrels). My gen Brits, folk & Motown and rock. The 80s had awesome music, all kinds. Went back to college in the 90s, listened to the kids stuff on boombixes late at night, liked a bunch of that. Shared music with my niece, who was exactly 11yo when Harry Potter came out; she gave me modern folk AND Evanescence.
So what to choose? Right off top of my head, not one but … Marvin Gaye “What’s Going On”, CSNY “Carry On”, Led Z “Immigrant Song”, for today’s world.
What? Not a deadhead among us? The 1st thing I thought of when I saw DGs post was Uncle John’s Band… the 1st days are the hardest days…
Turn!Turn!Turn! by The Byrds
“Purple Rain” from this 1987 high school graduate – the Kid with his eyeliner and motorcycle said it for all of us.
I guess you’d call me a post-war baby–born in 1942. But the lovliest song in my memory is Simon and Garfunkle’s “Sound of Silence” that I listened to as I nursed my baby girl at her two o’clock feeding.
Born in 58 but the first thing that came to mind was We are the Champions by Queen.
An early Boomer……”Like a Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan of course.
And always happy when DG writes.
Gen-X, Smells Like Teen Spirit!
The prize isn’t unbranded yarn???
Another knitting Boomer here. ‘American Pie’ by Don McLean. All 8.36 glorious minutes!
Gen X here. Hitch a Ride by Boston.
As a member of the class of 69, there are waaaaaay too many songs to choose only one or two or three….
I have no idea how to pick just one song for Gen X, but in light of the repetitive Atlas banding I’ll go with Time After Time / Cyndi Lauper. If you fall, I will catch you, I’ll be waiting … take me back to the 80s please.
I was born in 1960. Song of my generation has gotta be The Commodore’s BRICK HOUSE. Mighty mighty!
I’m a boomer class of 1967 – Rolling stones Paint it Black ! Beatles Let it Be and James Taylor – you got a friend 🙂 too much good music
Imagine. Is my song and I am a child of the 69s.
I’m so solidly Gen X and for me the iconic album is U2’s Joshua Tree; I cannot make a decision if “Where the Streets Have No Name”, “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”, or “With or Without You” would be the song of choice from that album (though my personal favorite is “One Tree Hill”).
Oh my gosh… laughed out loud multiple times during the read of this. Songs from my youth, going from single digits to college: Me and You and a Dog Named Boo, American Pie and then anything by Cat Stevens (thanks to my sister’s albums), then all the 70s AM radio stuff that played on our small town Midwest station, then David Bowie’s Let’s Dance… culminating in U2, INXS, Crowded House. You just shouldn’t ask me a music question as it’s the soundtrack of life. Nature and music! Can’t live without either one… oh, then yarn.
Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen is my song.
Stairway to Heaven. Danced to it at Prom so many decades ago. Didn’t like it then, don’t like it now. On the ear-candy side: Meatloaf’s Bat Out of Hell Album is still the all time favorite.
Boomer generation.
“You Can’t Always Get What You Want”
The great Rolling Stones
Anything by Simon and Garfunkel, but especially “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” But there are so many more that each take me to a different place. And yes, I am a 69 year old boomer.
At 14 my best friend and I took the train to Toronto and saw the Beatles at the old Maple Leaf Gardens. It was awesome for us…even though the stage seemed very far away and we couldn’t hear the music for the screaming (including our own). But we knew every song upon hearing the first few notes. Any of the early Beatles’ songs part the mists of time and puts me right back there.
I’m a Boomer. There are too much epic music from the sixties to pick one song, or even one album or one band. The mind has boggled. So I’m going for my favorite songs (whole albums, really) to get stuff done by: Graceland, from Paul Simon’s Graceland album, and Spanish Moon, from Little Feat’s Waiting for Columbus. They get me moving every time.
I’m still listening and singing along to the Beatles.
Gen-X here. It’s “Groove is in the Heart”.
Boomer. 1952. My high school class song was “Age of Aquarius “.
I read last week that I was “generation Jones” – in any case, I was class of ’79. I can recognize almost every song on Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours album from the first second. And Bachman-Turner Overdrive was our local favorite.
I’m a baby boomer so any Beatles music is the favorite!
Tail end of the boomers.
Carole King Tapestry for me
Born to be Wild is what the “boys” voted our class song in 1969. Think the girls wanted I Believe, or something like that. BUT, I am a huge Juice fan. Juice is my very favorite album, and also one of myi husband’s favorite. Love Angel in the Morning, All I have to do is Dream, and the Sweetest Thing I’ve Ever Known. But, after listening to this album more times than I can possibly say, I love every song on this album. Her voice is magical. I can see how listening to her would make work less arduous. Enjoy.
I’m a Boomer and I don’t know how you can declare any one song to represent the generation that brought you so many songs that are still being played today. But, I think I will throw Stairway to Heaven in the ring.
Gen X – Cyndi Lauper’s Time After Time
Lush Life by John Coltrane is my life’s soundtrack. I never get tired of it.
End of boomer generation here, Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd. Still have the original album and poster 🙂
Post war but not quite Boomer — B.1942. A strange place between Mona Lisa by Nat KIng Cole and All Shook Up by Elivis Presley.
I LOVE Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole! So glad you mentioned it.
“Woodstock”. Dates me. I like Joni Mitchel’s version.
I’m with everyone else, too many to chose from. Fleetwood Mac, as a kid I also listened to KC & the sunshine Band, then James Taylor, Linda Rondstat, as a teen I embraced Funk, as a mom I LOVED Eric Clapton Unplugged.
I enjoy the music video enlightenment. How about posting this one:
Thank you for posting that!! I haven’t heard it for years, definitely worth a listen. Still as relevant (and funny) today as when it was first produced!
Paradise by the Dashboard Light
So many school dances with Paradise by the Dashboard Light, everyone singing along and not understanding the lyrics until much later.
First sound that popped into ny mind: that bold, loud, wild, insistent beat that is the intro to “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”. Nothing comes close to it. I think it defines a generation in which, no matter who you were, there was something to protest, something that you wanted to make better.
Late Boomer here (pun intended).
Pinball Wizard by The Who
I was a teen in the 80s, but in another country, where we didn’t really have this Gen X thing? But I remember so vividly all of us being captivated by Michael Jackson’s Thriller.
Do the Twist by Chubby Checker. I’m slightly older than the boomers but can’t call myself a member of the greatest generation. This song was big when I was a senior in high school
It’s not easy being green…..
Born in 1960, it’s all about the Eagles and Hotel California
Born in 1952. Any of the protest songs of the Viet Nam era. Anything from the movie Forrest Gump
Early Gen X. “It’s the End of the World (as we know it)” by REM
Generation: Old Song: Lay Lady Lay
Early Gen X, late boomer, read that this is “generation Jones”, so in honor of that… Ballad of a Thin Man, but honestly in junior high it was all Neil Young, then wore out Blue and For the Roses in high school (Joni nation represent), Todd Rungren, the Band and the Beach Boys aren’t getting enough love on this list, also were no knitters deadheads? College was Jerry, the Boss, Bob Marley, X, Black Flag and Elvis Costello, then Prince, Husker Du and the Replacements, rediscovery of Lou Reed and always Neil … ps. I worked at a dye studio and have skeined and banded so much yarn, we also had to tie for dyeing, so appreciate hand care concept!
Early Boomer here (‘46). I really like almost everything on the list, especially Carole King, but cannot understand why no one said a word about Billy Joel.
Post-Elvis, can sing along to any Beatles song, but, personally, I am a Buffet,Dylan,Santana, Nilsson Schmilsson sort, with a healthy smattering of Parton,Cash, and,of course, Willie Nelson!
The Grateful Dead 70″s, “Keep on Truckin'”
i also agree with Denise about Carole King and JT
I’m an oldster – very. Therefore can’t remember
How to choose one song? Impossible. OK, I’m a boomer going with Stairway to Heaven.
Wait. All these “Nights in White Satin” citations and I *totally* thought it was “Knights in White Satin,” describing a particularly flamboyantly costumed band of Crusaders. And I maybe thought this song was from “Camelot.” One thing is quite clear: I never really listened to it too closely.
Millennial here, “Party Like It’s 1999” is our song!
As a flower child of the 60s, there is simply too much music. I think the epitome, though is Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band….I remember walking the streets of Haight Ashbury in June of ’67, hearing that music come out of countless open windows….
DG, I’m SO GLAD you asked. I’m Gen X, and our song is “Smells Like Teen Spirit.”
Yes! I just wrote the same thing. I’ve heard it a thousand times and I still get pumped when it starts up. 🙂
janis joplin , stones
Sounds of Silence was my favorite. Our high school graduation theme song was Time in a Bottle.
I am sitting here next to my 1,000+ CDs, and you expect me to pick just one SONG?!?!?? I couldn’t even pick just one ALBUM! Heck, there is Dark Side of the Moon, Born to Run, Sgt. Pepper, Exile on Main Street, Tommy, Automatic for the People, Cosmic Thing, Parallel Lines, Heart Like a Wheel, The Joshua Tree, Q: Are We Not Men….
What’s Goin’ On? marvellous Marvin Gaye, Motown, 1968.
Baby, Baby, not a lot of Gen Xers here. And I have to disagree with them about Nirvana, Under the Bridge. I think it gets overused as an example, when it really didn’t stick after Cobain died in Mysterious Ways. Or maybe it’s just because I had Boyz II Men, Limp Bizkit, Garth Brooks, Alannis Morrisette and R.E.M. on my CDs, on The Runaway Train.
Does anyone just have one song? I think that must be like only having one project on needles at a time. How do you do it? That’s so Epic.
I am a Boomer and love all the bands from the 60s and 70s. However I never tire of James Taylor and one 80s band, Queen. I could listen to Bohemian Rhapsody over and o we.
I’m a boomer, and I’d have to say, “Rocket Man”
We Are Family
I’m an elder Millennial (mid 80’s) and the song I immediately thought of: “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”.
There’s no way to pick just one when you have David Bowie, Pink Floyd, the Stones, CSN&Y, U2, Boston, Lobo, Janice Joplin, Aerosmith, Tom Petty, Journey, the Temptations (Ball of Confusion), Todd Rungren, Beatles, Counting Crows, Melissa Etheridge, Carole King, Led Zepelin, Cream, Procol Harem, etc., but being from the Mitten state, Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band have to be way up there.
As a Generation X-er for me the anthem has to be The Smiths’ How Soon Is Now?
It was a cold day in Chicago, 1978. Gas lines, inflation, AP Physics was crushing me and I was crushing on a guy who didn’t crush back. And then…AM radio…Gloria Gaynor…I WILL SURVIVE!!!!
I’m GenX, the song of my people is Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey.
Doesn’t matter what generation I am (Baby boomer) it will always be and shall remain Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars. I gotta dance!!
Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
Toward the end of the boomers and Soft Cell, the extended Tainted Love/Where Did Our Love Go. (Or maybe Pink Floyd-Money, or Dire Straits, Money for Nothing, or Flying Lizards, Money That’s What I want. Hmm, I wasn’t actually that hung up on money in the ’80s…)
Boomer here. So many bad clothing decisions in the 70’s, but so much good music. Rolling Stones, Carole King, CCR, so many others, maybe even a few disco hits!
I don’t know my generation for sure – just that I’m OLD! Pushing 70 – so anything from 1950 on up may resonate with me. The first song I really remember [apart from what my parents listened to] is GOING TO THE CHAPEL by the Dixie Cups. Yarn, OTOH, totally resonates any time, all the time! Thanks for the chance to win.
Way too many songs to choose from, but for dancing at the bars I loved the Doobie Brothers. At home listening by myself, Joni Mitchell Blue, the album. In those days we listened to the albums from first song to last and I can still anticipate the next song that should be played after hearing a Beatles song on the radio or steaming device.
Us and Them:
Well thanks for putting that Juice Newton ear worm in my ear. For my generation, Eagles, “Take it Easy.” Never been to Winslow Arizona…need to put it on my bucket list!
Baby boom trailer* here…too many!
Goodbye yellow brick road, Hotel California
Early big hair bands..Boston, ELO, 70s/80s Neil Young
(Sittin’) On the Dock of the Bay; American Woman (gonna mess your mind); and lately We will we will rock you (refrain at the hockey games!)
My generation is defined by the song “Aquarius” with “Let the Sunshine In”. I am sure.
It is hard to pick just a few because each stage of my life has a song, starting with Dream Lover by Paul Anka in the early sixties and then so many more including Sister Sledge, We Are Family;
Paul Simon, Only Living Boy in New York;
Holly Near, Started Out Fine;
Linda Ronstadt, Different Drum; k.d. Lang, Hymns of the 49th Parallel—-
Loved them then and they still seem fresh to me now: The Allman Brothers Band and Gregg Allman.
Late bloomer boomer here. I am surprised there aren’t many David Bowie comments. How about Space Oddity (or my favorite Suffragette City?)
This reminds me of Newman lamenting to Jerry about the mail. “It just keeps coming, it just keeps coming!”
Lots to choose from here! I remember “The Day the Music Died” playing on the radio while my date and I drove to senior prom. We have now been married over 46 years! Who would have predicted?
Beatles. Any song. But Imagine always good.
I’m a Boomer also and in my early 70’s. Anything Aretha Franklin sang, but also I love “Yesterday” by The Beatles.
Song of my generation: probably Bohemian Rhapsody. Tho i was find of Playing with the Queen of Hearts (Juice!) snd pretty much everything by the Spinners.
Baby Boomer here. I propose “She Works Hard for the Money” by Donna Summer. Cuz we sure as heck did!
Late Boomer. Sound of Silence.
Elvis – You Ain’t Nothing But a Hound Dog
So I think I am called the “Silent Generation”
God Only Knows, The Beach Boys. That’s today.
We Gotta Get Out Of This Place 1965 the Animals
I Wanna Hold Your Hand….Beattlemania at it’s best
Baby Boomer Generation! Good Vibrations, by the Beach Boys!
I have 2 artists & 3 songs: Penny Lover by Lional Riche & Black Magic Woman plus Oye Com VA by Carlos Santana. So many great songs to choose.
It’s difficult to pick just one song to “represent”, but I’ll choose Tina Turner’s “What’s Love Got to Do with It”, as it was popular the year I graduated from high school.
Baby Boomers unite and remember “You Can’t Hurry Love” by the Supremes!
Early early boomer here. Anything by Elvis, Ricky Nelson or the Everly Bros always make my knees go wobbly.
Lordy, that is a tall order to just pick one. Carole King, James Taylor and some of the music of the Beatles come to mind.
“Boomer” and I just moved my CD’s( yes, I still have them!!!) to my knitting room and have been enjoying Jim Croce, John Denver etc…
Another boomer here. I agree with much of what’s been offered already. My youth was spent listening to Simon&Garfunkel, James Taylor, Carol King. The Beatles as well.
I’m a boomer, near the end.
Maybe most any song by CCR ?
Good luck with the yarn banding. Who knew?
Early boomer…and what immediately springs to mind is “Imagine” by John Lennon.
My 50th college class reunion was over this weekend. Our freshman year class song was Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog. Not necessarily a generational thing but brings up many memories of that year.
I’m a boomer. It’s impossible to pick one song or even one artist. The Beatles, Rolling Stone, Joni Mitchell, Carole King, and James Taylor.
It’s taken a long while for The Beach Boys to be mentioned. And I don’t think the Mamas and the Papas have been yet. As a Boomer, I’m split between the British Invasion – including Peter and Gordon, Chad and Jeremy, Gerry and the Pacemakers, Herman’s Hermits, along with the obvious groups – and the Californian/American bands. And Motown. And protest and peace & love songs. But who can choose from the best music era ever?
Boomer – it’s got to be Aretha Franklin – Respect!
Geriatric millennial and “I want it that way” BSB.
I’m in my upper 70’s and I’m picking “Unchained Melody”. IMHO, it’s a song for the ages…not just for my generation.
Just one? Seventies girl, end of the baby boomers…
Carol King’s Tapestry album
Aretha Franklin, Respect
Billy Joel, We Didn’t Start the Fire…
I’m a late gen x’er. Pink Floyd The Wall.
(We don’t need no education….)
Some took this maybe literally? Sigh.
I’m a Boomer, for me it has to be Seals and Crofts “Summer Breeze”
It might not precisely be representative of my generation (ahem), but when I catch myself daydreaming about my youth, the first song on the soundtrack is Pat Benatar belting out “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”. And I stil love it!
The Who “We won’t get fooled again” also a 60s kid
The Boomer in me is going with Led Zeppelin’s
“Stairway to Heaven”.
80’s here – Wang Chung! Everybody have fun tonight !! Haircut 100…all the 80’s!!
Gen X – it just can’t be anything but Smells Like Teen Spirit. I don’t care where I am when that song starts, I’m as enthralled as I was the very first time I heard it.
We’ve only just begun by the Carpenters.
I’m in the later part of the Boomer gen. Doobie Brothers “Listen to the music” is still so good for today. ““Don’t you feel it growing, day by day
People getting ready for the news
Some are happy, some are sad
Oh, we got to let the music play”
What the people need
Is a way to make ’em smile
It ain’t so hard to do if you know how
Gotta get a message
Get it on through
Oh now mama, don’t you ask me why
Whoa listen to the music
Whoa listen to the music
Whoa listen to the music
All the time“
A boomer says, “All You Need Is Love” by the Beatles.
The fifties,anything Elvis!
I’m solidly gen x. Simple Minds Don’t You Forget About Me for sure. And the other 80s iconic movie song, Peter Gabriel, In Your Eyes, because our music was so tied to teen movies.
This. So much this.
I would add “Everybody Wants to Rule the World,” which takes me right to the last scene of Real Genius every time (spliced with flashes of the TFF video, because MTV).
School’s Out For Summer!
Literally anything by RUSH.
Tail end of the baby boomers. Can’t think of a specific song but the Rolling Stones stand out as the band I liked most.
The 70’s Fleetwood Mac Don’t Stop
I’m a sixty something gal who still loves all of the phases of The Beatles. I never tire of their music!
Barely a Boomer (63) Love Earth Wind and Fire. My high school marching bad did a number to Got to Get You Into My Life. We though we were soooo cool.
Baby boomer; Stairway to Heaven
Boomer…how about “For what it’s worth”
by Buffalo Springfield
I’m a Southern California girl so I crank up anything by the Beach Boys to get me feeling up when the task at hand is not-so-much.
I’m a Baby Boomer and I would say anything by Carole King.
My music comes from late 50’s early 60’s THE song is “I know I’ll Never Find Another You” Take your pick – the Shandells or Beatles!
Baby boomer here and I would say Imagine by the Beetles.
I’m a boomer, and the first song that comes to mind after reading your post, DG, is “Help!” The Beatles were definitely the band of my generation!
“Dancing Queen”. It’s been my theme song all my life. 🙂
“You can’t always get what you want.” I don’t know if it is the song of folks who came of age when I did, but it ought to be.
Late baby boomer here and I remember Stairway to Heaven was the last song at all the high school dances.
A 60’s counter culture girl here. So many great songs from that era. The first that came to mind is Country Joe’s Feel Like I’m Fixin to Die Rag.
OK. This is really hard. Was born in ’67, but grew up with an older sister who always had the radio on, a father who loved old time country, and a mom who loved the “Golden Oldies”. Married a man who loves heavy metal, grunge, and now blues. Would have to say that I have a very eclectic taste in music .. Billie Holiday, Peggy Lee, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole, Eddie Arnold, Johnny Cash, Eddie Rabbit, Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, The Monkees, Kansas, ELO, Styx, Journey, Aerosmith, Boston, Celtic Thunder, Rod Stewart, The Who, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Tool, Celine Dion, Foreigner, The Moody Blues, The Eagles, The Carpenters, ZZ Top, Metallica, Del Amitri, etc …..
But, if I had to pick from when I was a teenager … Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like the Wolf” or The Eurythmics’ “Sweet Dreams” or Don Henley’s “Boys of Summer”. Like music, the list is endless.
OK, this is a hard one! I was born in 1983 so I am a geriatric millennial. (Side note: also pregnant at the moment and so I encounter Advanced Maternal Age pretty regularly. Not yet 40 and already feeling old.)
Anyway. Hard because I’ve never been into what my peers were listening to. I had older siblings, so when my classmates were going gaga over Boyz II Men, I was in a Beach Boys phase. In high school, my mom always knew who had been the last one to drive her car. If it was my dad, the radio was on the sports channel. If it was me, it would be on the classical music station. In college, I was into show tunes and Scottish folk music and Abba. When I get the chance to listen to music now, it’s generally either power metal (Tarja!), Queen, or folk. How could I choose just one song to represent me, let alone my generation?
Hi DG, thanks for the Time to make the donuts. Haven’t thought of that in ages. We used it as a, I guess you’d say catch phrase.
I was born in 1959, graduated in 1978. So late baby boom. One of our dances, maybe prom, the theme song was Stairway to Heaven. Another time we had Nights in White Satin. Big lush sounds.
But as others have said there are So Many Choices! The hair bands, Arlo Guthrie, Simon and Garfunkle, Helen Reddy, Santana, Rush, Rolling Stones, Devo (a bit later on but in ’82 could have used them for our wedding), David Bowie, Black Sabbath, …..
But I’m going to stick with the songs we used for dance themes.
I’m a baby boomer, in high school in the 70s. Depending on the day, our theme song was either Walk This Way (Aerosmith), or Take It Easy (Eagles). Definitely leaning more towards the latter these days.
Very very beginning of Gen X. Not sure about my generation but for me it is always Fever, Bobs version.
Turn the Page by Bob Seger. I voted for it to be the song of the decade. I had a really cool stereo system and I sat up recording the entire one hundred countdown from radio to cassette. I have no idea what happened to it that is a whole other story.
Reluctant to admit I’m a millennial, and it’s really hard to boil even one person down to just one song, but I guess I’d have to go with Mumford & Sons Sigh No More.
Late Gen X here. Even though I personally hate Smells Like Teen Spirit, it’s probably the song. Ugh.
Baby Boomer – The Times They Are A’Changing
Between Gen X and Gen Y (aka Millennials) lives a non-generation… I can’t pick our song, but I’ll nominate Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve.
Dreams on Fleetwood Mac Rumors. First concert I waited in line to buy tickets for. They played the Forum in Los Angeles. Our seats were not in the last row, they were one row below.
Anything ‘60s, but the rock opera “Hair” is the ultimate!!
Boomer – Aretha and Earth Wind and Fire
Preboomer California Dreamin by the Mamas and the Papas– great flute solo and The Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel So many great songs in the late fifties through the early seventies.
I’m early Gen Z. I’d say I’m in the tail end of Mr. Brightside by the Killers. Perhaps more solid is Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO?
Very old millennial here. Pretty much any song that played at the Super Bowl half show would work.
Elder Millennial here (born in ’82, graduated in 2000): I vividly remember “Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer being the best slow song at school dances — triggers a wave of nostalgia! And Green Day’s “Time of Your Life” was the Ok, time to go home song.
Summer Breeze! Seals and Croft!
Baba O’Riley! I have it as my ringtone. I’m a 70s girl.
Gen X here and it is impossible to pick 1. I feel like the music was so varied and was changing significantly from my early childhood (Abba memories) tween (Michael Jackson) to high school (the Cure, Duran Duran, Sting)
I’m a boomer. I think Won’t Get Fooled Again by The Who is representative of my generation. Sadly,
it’s a lie. We’ve been fooled repeatedly!
Has to be Carole King’s “You’ve Got a Friend”…or virtually any song from her Tapestry album.
Every time I hear American Pie I am transported back to high school. When I hear People got to be Free, I think of my childhood. The 60’s and 70’s were A golden music time.
I didn’t listen to the radio much when growing up so the 70s songs should resonate but it’s Elvis, Beach Boys, … but I do remember that commercial. That was a good one. They seemed to make better commercials back then; now it’s pharmaceutical
Very late boomer here…Our class song was Don’t Stop Believing by Journey. I was in an air band at college where we did Open Invitation by Santana and Love Shack by the B-52s. (We didn’t win…) But who can forget Def Leppard, Bruce Springsteen, The Eagles, REO Speedwagon, Sammy Hagar (with and without Van Halen)… I could go on.
Omg I sang that when I read it
I’m an “older” millenial – “Call Me Maybe” will always be my party song since it was one of the hits during my summer of weddings!
Boomer. Stairway to heaven. We had so much great music then it’s hard to choose.
Just barely a boomer. My first concert was The Doobie Brothers and Black Water was my first favorite rock and roll song.
Stairway to Heaven was THE quintessential song at my high school dances. Personally, it was not my favorite, but everyone else just was crazy for it.
Oooh. White Rabbit. (one pill makes smaller …
I’m a boomer and will choose The Age of Aquarius!
Beatles Revolution! Actually any Beatles that you like.. Michelle?
I’m Your Man by Leonard Cohen!
The eighties are my generation! Holiday by Madonna would have to be my musical awakening!
Gen Xer. I’m going a little off-brand and use a non-Nirvana reference: Smashing Pumpkins, Today
If this song were to play on the radio (which it won’t, because there are no GenX radio stations anymore), I would turn up the sound and sing along.
For second place, I nominate Weezer’s Undone (The Sweater Song). You might still hear Weezer on radio, as the kids these days listen to them. My favorite Weezer song is Say It Ain’t So, from the same album.
Late Boomer here – how can one pick a song of a generation that spans from 1946-1964. My choice is Otis Redding – Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay.
Another boomer here. Can’t just pick one. Loved Motown and ballads as well as rock and listened to several albums that were instrumental. The Ventures, Steve Halpern and Chuck Mangione. Knew all the words to our high school musicals. Can also sing lots of songs from the forties, as Mom would be singing them while working around the house. Clearly music was a huge part of our lives. Thanks for stirring up these wonderful memories.
Simon and Garfunkel…70’s!
Gen X. Pat Benatar, We Belong OR Violent Femmes Blister in the Sun OR anything on the U2 Joshua Tree album OR Anything on the Purple Rain soundtrack OR Cyndi Lauper……I don’t know – I could keep going – I feel like there were so many great songs from my era – and that’s just the stuff that got played on the radio……
Now I have Blister in the Sun stuck in my head …
Days later and I STILL have Blister in the Sun stuck in my head.
Millennial and I am not qualified
Not a song so much a noise – the sound of dial up internet…. I have no idea what song should/would define my generation but I’d be willing to bet that’s a noise everyone could identify!
What’s up by 4 non blondes.
Olay, so maybe not celebratory per se but still awesome….Fugazi’s Waiting Room. Straightedge hardcore all the way!!
Joni Mitchell Ladies of the canyon seemed to be playing most weekends during breakfast -I still keep up the tradition
The Who Tommy.
So many great songs! This boomer suggests: PEACE TRAIN by Cat Stevens!
Purple Rain. Minnesota in the 80s!
I was a theatre major in college in the 80’s. We always listed to David Bowie while building sets! Ashes to Ashes was a fave 🙂
I was born in 1969 and had great music growing up. So much of it is music that I still listen to today. Staying Alive by The Bee Gees is a good song for the decade with its disco vibe. Ironic that the title could also apply for today!
Gen X and product of the eighties, so one of my favorites is Take on Me by A-ha. But almost anything 80’s alt works too (REM, Tears for Fears, The Cure, U2, etc.)
I am a late boomer so Carol King (yes, everything she did) is it.
Boomer. Star Spangled Banner played by Jimi Hendrix
Represent! Lots of good ideas but I have to go with The Pretender by Jackson Browne.
Springsteen – Born To Run.
Let it Be, by the Beatles. superb.
Born in the ‘60s, college in the ‘80s. Thriller. Or anything by Prince (hadn’t changed his name yet.)
Yesterday. Beatle fan.
I was a teenager in the 70’s and I think of “Born Free”
Born at the very end of the Baby Boom. Song? Anything by Traffic or Steely Dan.Maybe Traffic’s Low Spark of High Heeled Boys.
Boomer, and I declare that we can claim ALL the music since our distant childhood. That said, “You Really Got Me” by the Kinks (plus the 80s Van Halen version).
I am slightly pre-boomers and turned teen with Elvis and left with early Beatles. John Lennon’s “Imagine” would be a favorite.
John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’.
“You’ve Got a Friend” both the Carol King & James Taylor versions – always take me back in time…
To really get going – Ted Nugent “Stanglehold”. I’m a boomer but love all sorts of music depending on my mood!
Yellow Submarine from the Beatles is the first song that my siblings and I got crazy about, that I remember
I am a boomer and loved the Beatles.
Late boomer , born in ’62. The dance song of my college years was Once In A Lifetime by the Talking Heads released on their album Remain in Light in 1080. Who knew how accurate those words would be…this is not my beautiful house , how did I get here?
Any song from Carole King’s Tapestry.
I’m going with Phil Collins: Visions of Angels
A Boomer here and it’s Jimmy Buffet all the way— Margaritas and Cheeseburgers especially!
Born to Run defined my NJ generation!
Another NJ Deb here. Agree on Born to Run.
I’m a Boomer and I think Rock Around the Clock says what kids were doing.
Boomer – “Let it Be”
Late baby boomer, “hey Jude” Beatles
I am a “Friends in Low Places” teen.
I was an 80s teen, so whatever that makes me?! So all things Journey, Springsteen, Billy Joel, mixing it up with Air Supply and Van Halen!
The Beatles. I remember standing outside in groups at recess singing She Loves You and I Want To Hold Your Hand! Then crying my eyes out on Sunday nights when they were on The Ed Sullivan Show.
Carole King Simon and Garfunkel James Taylor. Of course
I’m a late Boomer — Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I Will Survive!”
Van Morrison’s Moondance does it for me but it was Stairway to Heaven and Knights in White Satin that most area high schools used as a prom theme.
It may not be the song of my generation, but for my 3 best friends and me in high school, it was our anthem….Black Water by the Doobie Brithers. We’d hear those tinkling sounds at the very beginning and go crazy. 40+years later, none of us can figure out why a song about a river was so meaningful to us
“Teach Your Children” by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young–we blasted it throughout the house of college and grad students while cleaning on Saturday mornings!
I’m always confused about what my generation is. I’m a bit too young for Gen X and a little too old to be a Millenial. Bring born in 1977, I’m in that weird group whose a little of this and a little of that. I’ve seen us called many different names, but I don’t suppose the language matters. Music-wise, I really think Nirvana’s Nevermind album was formative along with the Radiohead song Creep. They were what I listened to in HS, though if I’m going back and listening to nostalgic music, I most often end up listening to the indie music of my early 20s.
1978 Sr prom theme…Looks like we made it. Though my friends and I were lobbying for Truckin’ (What a long, strange trip it’s been!)
Aquarius/Let the Sun shine in by the 5th Dimension
I’m going to have to agree with Katrina and say “Don’t you forget about me” Although for some reason the answer that pops to my brain is “white lines” which I learned much later in life is not actually about the line dividing lanes on the highway!
“I can’t get no satisfaction “
Gen Xer here. “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” by Simple Minds. Because first we were latchkey kids left to our own devices, and now all you Boomers and Millenials suck all the attention away from us. We’re over here caring for our aging Boomer parents and raising our Gen Z kids and holding the world together. We’ll be alone, dancing, you know it, baby.
Tail end Baby Boomer, going with Stayin’ Alive from Saturday Night Fever!
I was born in 1960, so I graduated from high school in 1978. I was able to attend a Fleetwood Mac concert in 1977. So any song from the RUMORS album
I’m a boomer. And it’s always and only.. Satisfaction, by the Stones.
I’m a late-stage Baby Boomer, and my go-to soundtrack for a monotonous task is Crosby, Stills, Nash, (and Young) and the other Laurel Canyon artists of the early to mid 1970’s.
Definite boomer here and I’d say the song for my generation was “I Wanna Hold Your Hand”, or “She Loves You”. The Beatles started the movement that defined our age.
Born at the end of 1950, I am a true child of the sixties, flower power, peace to all, barefeet and flares generation. I got married in ’72 with “Nights in White Satin”, played before, down the aisle to, (instrumental) “Hey Jude”, and left the Chapel to, “Our House”, but…I think the Who had one of the best generational anthems with “Talkin’ about My Generation”!
I’m a boomer and anything by the Beatles would/should/could be the sound of this generation. Although it’s hard to narrow down because I bet it depends on what part of the country or world you spent time in when you were a teenager.
I have to add to my comment; Aretha and “Respect”!!!
Baby Boomer and Bridge Over Troubled Water
I’m am early Gen Xer… “Don’t You” by Simple Minds and “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by Tears for Fears.
Gen X here. I can’t seem to get enough of Brian Ferry and Tears for Fears.
The Big Chill is the movie of my generation.
Areatha’s RESPECT is the anthem.
I think I’m a boomer.
It’s so hard to pick just one song. The Time of my Life by Bill Medley
Anything Joni but gonna go with first feeling and “Case of You”. Unparalleled.
The Last Time I Saw Richard by Joni Mitchell. The 70’s ❤️
Have to be anything by Pink Floyd!!
“Ohio” by Crosby Stills Nash & Young. I still get chills when I hear it.
Louie Louie by The Kingsmen in 1963! I’m a Baby Boomer. That song brings me peace, joy, and great memories of my teenage years.
60’s boomer, and way too many songs to choose from. Groups that come to mind are Queen, Pink Floyd, The Who, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zepplin, REO Speedwagon, Journey, Boston, Michael Jackson, The Go-Go’s,and even The Bee Gees.
Club kid from the late 70’s-80’s and anytime The Clash’s ‘Rock the Casbah’ came on, the dance floor filled up and brought joy to all. ‘Brass in Pocket’ by The Pretender’s was another one that was a fav.
For me has to be John Fogerty….and Bruce Springsteen (Two for the Road)! It was fun to read many of the comments.
Too many to mention all. Music is life! Beatles (of course), Linda Ronstadt, Eagles, Queen, Bonnie Raitt, Marvin Gaye, Stones,…
2112 by Rush
Geriatric millennial here, and I will always love Britney Spears – any song!
1980’s here…all things Steely Dan/Eagles/Fleetwood Mac
Baby boomer here. I loved Crocodile Rock by Elton John & Bernie Taupin!
’62 — boomer? First song that came to mind was Paul Simon’s Graceland.
I was a teenager in the 70s, so…Blackbird by the Beatles! ❤️
Tail tip of Gen X here. Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” has got to be the absolute epitome of my era, but I preferred Pearl Jam’s “Evenflow” and Alice In Chains’s “Would?” for all the feels and singing along.
ROCK LOBSTER by the B-52s. Tail end of the baby boomers. Graduated from college in 1980.
Late Gen X, and I’d say Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” but I also love “Heart-Shaped Box”
Leonard Cohen—Suzanne and So Long Marianne—yum!
Love your writing DG!
Don’t Look Back by Boston or anything Disco. 🙂
My high school prom theme was Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin. Complete with Snoopy of Peanuts fame as part of the decor. Talk about an odd combo!
I am in the middle of the baby boomers and there can’t be one song or even a style. Everything from the Beatles, to Kenny Loggins and John Denver.
I was born towards the end of the baby boomers. There are too may songs and style from the Beatles to John Denver.
what?! how have none of the 80s kids mentioned the buggles one-hit-wonder yet?! the mtv generation must start its soundtrack with “video killed the radio star”!
Let’s see, I was born in ‘62 and really have no clue what that makes me. But my parents listened to Peter,Paul and Mary and Johnny Mathis and I still have a spot for them in my heart.
Woodstock by Joni Mitchell
I’m a baby boomer. Born in 1952, I’ll cry if I want to. I can’t Get No Satisfaction.
70s. Born to Run.
I guess I’m a Boomer…my college fave was Bridge Over Troubled Waters:)
I had not consciously heard of Juice Newton before. I thought it would be a guy. Wikipedia had a link to a video, and now the chorus is playing in my head! Damn you, DJ!
Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In (by The 5th Dimension). Ours was a a generation of peace and love. The lyrics are still relevant today.
Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band. Any of the songs!
I was born in 1964–a great time to grow up with music. I have many favorites, but I had a defining moment I’d like to go with. I was in 6th grade, doing homework at my desk with the radio on. A song came on that started…differently from a lot of other popular songs, but I kept listening and was enthralled. I was convinced then that it was the greatest song I’d ever heard and I’ve never deviated from that. It was Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”. Still love it. Peace y’all!
I just celebrated my 50th high school reunion and while we had some great songs and artists then (too many to name) Simon and Garfunkel’s “Old Friends” carried the day…we designed our annual annual around it, we really were those “old friends,” visiting, appreciating each other, and laughing about our past. ❤️
Gen X here. My vote is The Power of Love by Huey Lewis & The News. Featured in the movie Back to the Future, I think it’s an iconic song of the fabulous ’80s!
Gen X – we raised ourselves didn’t we? Madonna – Material World.
American Pie- Don McLean. High school early 70’s