Rural Renewal: Jill Draper’s First Pattern Collection

Autumn brings fresh energy to knitting, a true season of renewal. Case in point: Jill Draper, known for the innovative, domestically grown and produced yarns of her Jill Draper Makes Stuff label, has just launched her first pattern collection: Rural Renewal.
Like Jill’s yarns, these patterns have a strong sense of place. Like Jill herself, they beam with warmth and self-confidence. Knitwear is fun! We look great in it!

Photographer Gale Zucker gets the urbane countrified look perfectly, right down to the dove on the shoulder here. (Hashtag: #SnowWhiteRemake.)
The patterns have fun knitterly details, with comfort and subtle whimsy.

I’m the bull’s eye in the target market for lining a sweater pocket in Liberty fabric. That detail alone does it for me, and the shape and heathery stripes of Seneca Falls are great, too. (The yarn is Jill Draper Makes Stuff’s Rockwell and Rockwell Mono.)

Accessories galore. A cowl, two wraps, and two mitts.
The collection is available as an e-book on Ravelry (with special pricing until Saturday, October 15); individual pattern downloads also will go on sale on October 15.
Wouldn’t this Perrine’s Bridge wrap be cool in Rifton (1 skein, background) and Rifton Mono (2 skeins of one color, for the grid lines)?

(All photos by Gale Zucker.)
All awesome patterns. The bright hat is actually my fave, although the fabric pocket lining is pretty brilliant. Well done, MDK team.
The Liberty-lined pockets are brilliant. Obviously they are why I’ve hung on to Useless Scraps of fabric bought in Ann Arbor in 1974.
I love the idea of knit + woven, for example, a little girl’s dress with a knit bodice and print skirt. And I love lining that peeks out from cuffs, necklines, and button bands. Ideas percolating!