2017: Knittings, Friends!

Dear knitting friends, whom we hold so dear,
It’s Modern Daily Knitting here.
Your loving matrons, Kay and Ann
Persisting with the hairspray can.
Once again, inspired by that elegant codger,
The New Yorker’s arch Angell, Roger
We will never do him justice
Roger wins at rhyming — trust us.

Roger’s been joined by Frazier, Ian
Another iambic-ly gifted bein’
But neither dude yet has been bitten
By a muse that knows her knittin’.
So here we go!
We’ll do our best
To put another year to rest.
2017: what can we say?
Let’s put it blunt (the only way)
The year has been a true dog’s breakfast
We’ll sigh deep sighs when it has left us.

Politics has been reelin’ and rockin’ it
But it’s been a decent year for stockinette.
In January, knitting was all the rage
Pink oceans of pussyhats on every front page.
Kudos to the Pussyhat Project, we thank it
And to each maker of a Welcome Blanket.
March Mayhem was a ton of fun
(But it sucked that only one pattern won.)
Tho’ KonMari gave our stashes meaning,
We draw the line at Swedish Death Cleaning!
The year’s been grand at MDK;
We’ve published every single day!
So, kisses to our contributories:
Albina McLaughlin (Donegal’s glories)
Sonya Philip (Wear What You Make)
and Franklin Habit (whose news is not fake)
Clara Parkes, our agony auntie
Kate Atherley, who gets a bit ranty
(But only on matters of technitude
Otherwise, she’s a model of rectitude)
Juliet Bernard has an evergreen eye
Carrington Fox makes a mean Frito Pie,
Jill Draper‘s hapigan invention,
Liz Kaplan keeping crochet in contention,
Alice Beltran, Knitstrips star, and
Yooge catwalk sweaters from Amanda Carr.
Max Daniels preached us care of self
while Melanie Falick dragged us off the shelf.
Jillian Moreno, dame invincible
(She makes us want to spin some wool).
Carol Feller on the indie design racket,
Wendy Johnson‘s Perfect Linen Jacket!
The Honorable Adrienne Martini: unsinkable
(She challenged an incumbent and won: unthinkable!)
Ann Weaver: color, all day long
Gut-busting newcomer: Dee Gee Strong!
Cecelia Campochiaro: Sequins Knitting Cinderella
(according to Miss Emily Litella).
Cecelia is the Guide in our Sequences Field
Many textured unventions may it yield!
Dianna Walla, 60 degrees north of the equator,
Melissa Washburn, Knitstrips illustrator!
For zesty photos, without fail,
What would we do without Zucker, Gale?
And for our date to the Rowan Prom:
We pin a Kaffe Big Flower on Karin Strom.
Hyphenated names may be harder to say
(Like Arnall-Culliford and Farwell-Clay),
But we sing polyphonic anthems about them
(‘Cause who knows where we’d be without them?)
Jim and Jen got our skill sets ready
and Julia birthed The Great Wrap Eddy!

This year was not just about MDK
(At least that’s what we’re supposed to say.)
We’ve stopped and had a look around
At marvels! wonders! to be found.
Hannah Thiessen rejoiced that knitting is slow,
And Bristol Ivy caused our minds to blow.
Kate Davies, we are proud to announce,
Launched a new yarn that we crave (but mispronounce).
Karen Templer can’t go wrong
With the January 1 kick off to her Logalong.
The trends of this year were what-we-call woke:
Fade This, Fade That, and The Year of the Yoke.
To local-spun yarns we wish many full years,
We’re so glad to have found the sisters The Wooliers.

We squeezed into these superklassy dresses
To send you all New Year caresses.
And hope against hope that things will be great
In the Year of Our Lord two-oh-one-eight.
With much love,
Kay and Ann
P.S. In case you’re new here, the photos that accompany this post are out-takes from our 2008 music video, Pardon Me (I Didn’t Knit That For You), aka the most fun thing we have ever done.
that. is. the. best………ever!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you and Happy New Year! You two are just awesome no if’s and’s or but’s about it!
Thank you for a year full of wonderful posts to which I look forward every morning! Here’s to a better, brighter 2018! See you both soon in NYC!
Ah my favorite song of all time!
Happy New Year!
2017 was fun. Let’s do it all again in 2018! A happy and healthy New Year to you and yours Ann & Kay, and to everybody!
Your Pardon Me video is pure gold! So very funny. I’m glad I added you all to my daily routine.
Love this! So clever! Here’s to a better year for all of us-2018. Happy New Year!
Loads ‘o love to Ann and Kay. Happy New Year and thank you for building this whacky and wooly community.
First time I’ve seen the video…hilarious! Looking forward to posts for upcoming year. You ladies rock!
Happy New Year ladies!
One of my 2018 resolutions is to laugh more……and you started my morning off right! I’m new to your blog, and am really enjoying it. All the best to you in ’18!
Great job!!!
Happy New Year to you both!!!
Happiest of New Years to you and yours …. 2018; three years to go ….
Thanks, above all, for coming back to daily form … tis a nice way to start a day.
Happy New Year!! Thanks for a great year & looking forward to your 2018 adventures!!!!!
Happy new year to you both. I still love that video almost as much as I do my first born.
I can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years since you made that video! Wow…. time flies! Happy New Year to you both. 2018 almost has to be better (right???).
Your Pardon Me is something else! Funny, clever, well sung, well performed! Congratulations ladies!!!
Thank you for your inspiring posts. Looking forward to a new one every single day of 2018. I wish you, your families and your colleagues a very Happy New Year!!!
That’s a lot of Aqua Net right there….
Way to rock us into 2018! Happy New Year, all!
Bravissimo!!! Your emails always make my day. Thank you for being you. Wishing you a wonderful 2018.
2017, a dog’s breakfast indeed. But the knitting has been first-rate! Many thanks to both of you for all your hard work on MDK, the very best part of my morning routine. Happy New Year to all.
Fantissimo! I always ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ those photos. I think that last one iof Ann may be my favorite. Your video must be eligible for some kind if award. Grammy? Thanks for a great MDK year & Happy 2018!
Pardon me . . . . you guys are the best! Goodbye 2017 (finally!), hello 2018 with more to enjoy from MDK!!
I love you guys to PIECES!!! You are both such a hoot and know how to bring full laugh-out-loud fun to your devoted readers. Happy New Year to you both as well! Thank you for all the work you do to make my every day visit to your blog a fiber delight! I look forward to sharing another year with you and wish you all the best. (:
You have been the little bit of sunshine in an otherwise dreary year.
I look forward to your posts with my first cup of coffee each and every day!
Keep ’em coming and a great big Thank You!
Thank you! I like all the links in your poem, as there were some people and projects that I needed to remind myself of. Others, like the song, are unforgettable! I now know it well enough to sing along to the chorus and some of the verses. (Though some of the notes are a bit low for this soprano.) I especially love the gin-drinking and glasses-wearing outtakes. Happy 2018!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for brightening each and every day. Y’all are hilarious, fun, kind, intelligent, and thoughtful all wrapped up in a beautiful little package called MDK! Cheers to 2018!
You both make knitting amazing. Happy New Year!
Love this and have found MDK to be a wonderful port in the storm this year. Thank you.
Your “Pardon Me” inspires me every year as I pen my lyrics for my SSK songs. #stillwaitingforthealbum
I love you girls! Happy New Year and here’s to a lot more knitting in 2018!
Love the Angell and Frazier-inspired poem! And, as I was cruising through the aisles of the grocery this afternoon, I realized that I was singing to myself “Row by row, stitch by sti-i-tch, I was scratchin’ that itch…” Luckily, I passed unnoticed in the pre-NYEve hub-bub.
Wishing you all a wonderful 2018! Merci beaucoup, et bonne année!
I caught my breath for a moment. But alas is WAS too good to be true. There is no sequel. I do love the original “i didn’t knit that for you” but isn’t it time for another one?
Oh my stash, I almost missed this! (Busy day, and a late check in.)
Ian Frazier rocked it this year, but you two gave him fantastic competition. Let me tell
you for the last time in ‘17, I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ to hear your ‘voices.’
(I’m a long time follower, so the song, great as it is, was familiar.)
Hope to see you in a couple of weeks at Vogue Live! ( A bit disappointed that there’s no early walk in the park, now that I’ve got a place in the city, but I’ll show up wherever you gather.)
HAHAHA!!!! Loved the song- of course, it will be in my head ALL DAY, so thanks for that!!! Really, though, you two are amazing! Thanks for a fun and knitted year!
Brilliant! I read Ian Frazier’s ode last night, and loved it. We read it aloud around the table. You two can give him a run for his money!! Thank you for many great years of reading and knitting, and for your wonderful site. Happy New Year!
That video is evergreen. Makes me chuckle every time
Yes yes yes! Another video is overdue! So fun, so timeless! Bring back bouffants, they are amazing! Thanks so much for starting my day with happiness, so glad you’re who you are!
Not sure which I like most: your great (daily! however do you manage that!) writing, or the inspiring and creative ideas. Both writing and ideas accompanied by morning coffee are a great start to my day. Thank you and best wishes for a happy new year.
I love you!