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Dear Kay,
Tuesday night’s fun was a reception here at the Knitting Palace for the Tennessee Repertory Theatre playwright in residence. The looming ice storm (which did not materialize, at all) (of course) gave the evening that cheerful we’re-surviving-a-blizzard-together vibe.
So this playwright comes in, Theresa Rebeck, and I don’t know much about her except that she was late to town because she’d been to the Golden Globes for her nomination for Smash, the TV series about Broadway. She invented it. A Rep person introduces us and announces that Theresa is a knitter. “I love knitting,” I say. So I show her my teevee cozy, aka a mitered square blanket I threw over the TV in order to make the teevee not so BLACK, and she tells me all this stuff about how knitting is central to her existence. I say something along the lines of “I’m kind of an obsessed knitter,” and we chat in a vague way about how great knitting is. She disappears, then comes back and says, “Beth Curley just told me who you are. I have both your books; they are the only books I have knit multiple things out of.” She made two Big Dotty blankets for a friend who was having twins.
Well, you can imagine how that made my day/week/month/year.
Other knitters emerged out of the group, including TWO of the playwrights she’s in town to teach, and I drag out the Big Dotty sample so she can show this other woman what she was talking about, and it was all very jolly. If they’d had knitting with them, we would have ended up knitting.
Beth Curley, Theresa Rebeck, etc. (Hat tip to Tennessee Rep for capturing this historic moment.) (Come with me to see the Rep’s Cabaret next month–it is going to be incredible.)
You would have loved it: knitting conquers all. Theresa even wrote a play about knitting, Loose Knit. Has anyone seen it?
This is the sort of thing that makes life worth living, you know? Knitting lets people put down their guard. It’s such a secret handshake. If you’re knitting, you have something to talk about.
In the course all the yammering, yarn was a topic. We were talking about favorite yarns, and my instant wish was that I could put this question to the knitters I know out in cyberspace. So, everybody, what is your favorite yarn? Don’t overthink it–just lay it out there.
Time’s UP!


  • Desert island yarn? Madtosh Pashmina.

  • Sophie’s Toes by Emily Parson

  • Rowan Kid Classic!

  • Tosh merino light.

  • Depends on what I’m knitting (socks vs something else), but first thought is Cascade 220

  • Been obsessed with Malabrigo yarns lately…especially Rios

  • Been obsessed with Malabrigo yarns lately…especially Rios

  • I love sock yarn. Almost any would do, but if sturdiness of the sock yarn wasn’t an issue I’d go with MadTosh sock (otherwise my choice is Trekking hands down).

  • Anything with alpaca in in. Seriously, put me in a room with hundreds of skeins, and I’ll be magnetically drawn to the alpaca.

  • Koigu. I’m working up a little something in it right now, and it enchants me: the colors, the feel, the drape. Yum!

  • My new favorite yarn is Imperial Stock Ranch Columbia wool. It’s from right here in Oregon. It’s sort of aran wt and chunky wt depending on what you do with it. Sturdy and soft, not itchy. But not so soft if pills all over the place. Check it out.

  • Whatever’s available and affordable and works for my project?? (well, actually, I’m fond of alpaca from Coalmont, TN, but . . )
    It’s so cool that you met Theresa Rebeck and discovered she’s a knitter. I read her novel Three Girls and Their Brother and loved it. So fun when the bubbles in the Venn diagram overlap!

  • So many favourites, depending on the context, but: best yarn purchase ever was some absolutely scrumptious merino sock yarn from Webs (first ever trip to Northampton). (Artyarns Supermerino maybe?) so sproingy and not-very-wooly.

  • Sanguine Gryphon Codex. Even more special since it’s discontinued. I’m hoarding my scraps!

  • I may be stoned to death for cheap heresy, but I love Hobby Lobby’s I Love This… line of yarns. The wool is pleasingly bouncy (could be scratchier, but you can’t have everything), the cotton is pleasingly silky, and the acrylic is what petrochemical yarn engineers dream of. I love nice acrylic and I’m not ashamed.

  • Kilcarra Donegal Tweed, it’s what yarn should be. Beautiful, crunchy, long-lasting. Yep, that’s the yarn for me. It’s enough to make you move to Ireland.

  • Kilcarra Donegal Tweed, it’s what yarn should be. Beautiful, crunchy, long-lasting. Yep, that’s the yarn for me. It’s enough to make you move to Ireland.

  • Kilcarra Donegal Tweed, it’s what yarn should be. Beautiful, crunchy, long-lasting. Yep, that’s the yarn for me. It’s enough to make you move to Ireland.

  • Shalimar Breathless. It’s like knitting with whipped cream.

  • Shalimar Breathless. It’s like knitting with whipped cream.

  • Dream in Color Classy – the colors are so fabulous. Of course there’s MadTosh Tosh DK – so yummy I could eat it!

  • Knitting for Other People and Everyday garments for myself – Encore by Plymouth, in a 3 weights.

  • Knitting for Other People and Everyday garments for myself – Encore by Plymouth, in a 3 weights.

  • Madelinetosh
    love that dotty blanket!
    I have both your books too…oh and the novel!

  • Rowan Scottish Tweed Aran and DK. And yes, i’m still upset they cancelled it. And no, Rowan Heritage Tweed does not help at all…

  • Ultra Alpaca. It’s soft, comes in tons of colors, great yardage for the price. My go to worsted weight. Love the dk weight too!

  • Dear Cookie,
    Thank you. Your bravery has allowed me to step out of my closet of shame and proclaim my love for “I Love This” yarn series. I love it, those I knit for claim to love it and my pocket book REALLY loves this yarn. I will gladly bear the scorn of others with you in the name of this yarn. I am not ashamed!
    Also, Ann you had THERESA REBECK…in YOUR HOUSE. AND she has your books!!! Wow. I’m all kinds of in awe of you right now.

  • currently on the needles: madelinetosh dk, and I love it. I also gravitate towards Jo Sharp dk. Socks that rock make me breathless…

  • Mitten State Shout Out – Shepherd’s Wool from Stonehedge Fiber Mill!

  • any wool yarn = my favorite yarn. even in the summertime. of course i’m sweating like a pig working with it, but it wicks sweat away so i’m good.
    i can’t believe you had Teresa Rebeck in your home AND she is a knitter AND she held one of your handknit samples?!!! swooning here.
    have you watched SMASH? it’s a trainwreck of awesomeness, but i love any show with singing involved.

  • Jared Flood’s yarn “Shelter.” I absolutely LOVE it!

  • Tweedy yarns and madelinetosh laceweight

  • Jared Flood’s yarn “Shelter.” I absolutely LOVE it!

  • Tweedy yarns and madelinetosh laceweight

  • I can only have one? Right now, I would have to say it is The Plucky Knitter’s Primo Fingering – a nice merino, cashmere, nylon blend in beautiful colors.

  • Malabrigo — any, all
    Madelinetosh superwash
    Kettle-dyed, for the subtle variation
    Bulky weight, for how quickly it knits up
    Fave needle sizes: US 8 and 10

  • One??? …so hard,I just love to pet yarn! Noro because the colors are just plain fun. But,there are just so many beautiful yarns,I especially love hand-dyed colorways. I am also loving this 15 minute blogging, I am using the 15 minute thing for lots of things, house cleaning, etc. working pretty good,then I knit for HOURS!!

  • Noro or Fleece Artist.
    I love to play with color! I do like a good solid, to back it up and give those flashy skeins a background. But without color play, I get bored.

  • Lorna’s Laces Shepherd. Any colorway, bulky for blankets, worsted for boot socks and sweaters.

  • Currently (my fav yarn is usually the one I’m currently knitting with) my fav is: Classic Elite Majestic Tweed. It is squishy soft, cool tweedy look–I’m making a feather and fan scarf in a dark “Davidson red”.

  • Dear Cookie & Amanda,
    Thank you for being open about your love of inexpensive yarn. You’ve made me brave enough to make my own confession. I am a huge fan of Lion Brand Fishermen’s Wool in all its natural colors and Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted Long Print. I’m closing in on the finish of a Mitered Crosses afghan made with those two and have enjoyed every stitch. Gotta love lotsa yarn for not much money.

  • Loved your report! But must respond to “Knitting lets people put down their guard.” .. and add that your observation applies even to non-knitters.
    While waiting for husband to get his new lens (in his eye, not his glasses -which, btw, is much quicker than getting your glasses fixed), I was knitting that second sock and a lady from across the room came over and sat down next to me. After the first question about what I was doing, we discovered links between us otherwise missed without my knitting needles.
    It’s magic!

  • Oh, it has to be Manos Del Uruguay’s Maxima, it’s so soft and yummy!

  • Dream in Color yarns (especially classy and smooshy) and Fibre Company Canopy Worsted – Alpaca AND Merino AND Bamboo? All at once? Yes please!

  • Malabrigo worsted. Hands down.

  • Seriously, in Athens GA, we love wool – but this “winter” we are certainly not wearing it. Oh, that we could, but it is not so.
    Berroco Comfort! James Brett Marble Chunky in most it’s glorious variegations. Peaches and Creme cotton discloth!

  • Way down here in Athens, GA – while we loves the wool, we aren’t wearing it this “winter” – wish we could.
    James Brett Marble Chunky in (most) of it’s glorious varigations! Berroco Comfort… so great for baby things. And dishcloth cotton – Peaches and Creme!

  • Oh ~ forgot to add: sock yarn = Tina’s Blue Moon creations; shawls = merino & silk; weaving = cotton, cotton, cotton.

  • Higher end – MadTosh
    Lower end – I have made some pretty nice stuff with Lion Brands

  • Shelter by Brooklyn Tweed, love the feel of the yarn and the colors ore wonderful.

  • Elsawool Cormo!

  • Nor, for the colours even though it’s not something I’d ever knit a sweater from. Next choice, my own hand spun because it takes I Made This Myself to the ultimate level.

  • I have to jump on the it doesn’t have to be fancy to be great bandwagon. I love Lion Brand Cotton Ease and Elann’s Esprit. Both cotton. Neither 100 percent natural fiber but both are perfect for the right place at the right time. Esprit makes socks that hug the toes of my favorite guy and give his feet a wonderful feeling and help take the ache of arthritis away. Cotton Ease has a hand to it that makes a wonderful Honey Cowl for those in the South who don’t necessarily need that wooly feeling. Oh but I love Cascade 220 when it’s woolly felting time.

  • Nor, for the colours even though it’s not something I’d ever knit a sweater from. Next choice, my own hand spun because it takes I Made This Myself to the ultimate level.

  • My own handspun.

  • Pretty much anything madelinetosh. I’m currently obsessed with tosh merino light.

  • Malabrigo sock. Love it so much it was hard to knit with it during the Great Yarn Embargo of 2012, because once the stash was Malabrigo-less, there would no longer be an option of knitting with Malabrigo.

  • Rowan Felted Tweed in a commercial yarn (otherwise, it’s my own handspun). Last Friday I posted about a fibery encounter at a barbeque/honky-tonk music place that perfectly illustrates the “secret handshake” you refer to. It’s a wonderful way to make conversation with people you might never meet otherwise.

  • What a wonderful night for you. Cascade 220 and any merino worsted weight.

  • right now? Madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light. Also Manos del Uruguay Silk Blend. Also Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Worsted. And I knit eleventeen hats out of the seemingly endless balls of Berroco Vintage at Christmas, so an honorable mention for that.

  • All things Madelinetosh. The Woolen Rabbit’s Lucent. The Verdant Gryphon’s Mondegreen.

  • Socks That Rock. The colours, people, the COLOURS!

  • I love Noro especially when striped.
    I agree totally about how knitting makes instant friends of strangers. It happens all the time with me.
    Sorry I don’t recognize the “Smash” lady but I sure do recognize the PBS lady who comes on right after Downton Abby and tells us how she can’t wait to see what happens with the Crawley family on next weeks episode!

  • I don’t know if I can even identify a favorite yarn, so my comment is really just to tell you both how happy I am that you are posting on a regular basis – I’ve missed you!

  • Fleece Artist BFL.
    What a cool encounter! Not to mention you’re a writer too!

  • My favorite yarn is (usually)whatever I’m knitting with at the time. Now, it’s Malbrigo but I just did two toddler sweaters in DK Cashmerino which I loved and a toddler’s vest in Painted Cascade 220 which I also loved. I have some bison lace for a lace project next week on vacation and I love it without even using it yet. Did that help answer your question?

  • Impulsive Arts yarn has the MOST amazing colors. But she’s not producing anymore, I think, so Ultra Alpaca. Everything looks better with a little halo.

  • Historically, Rowan Denim but not now they’ve changed the base, it’s not got the proper body it needs.
    Right now it would have to be a tie between Artesano Aran (wool / alpaca) and John Arbon’s Knit By Numbers.
    I love the dress you’re wearing. X x x

  • Cascade 220 superwash for granddaughter clothes, Socks that Rock lightweight for socks, Shelter for grown-up sweaters and shawls.
    I love the lightning round blogging, BTW.

  • Cascade 220 superwash for granddaughter clothes, Socks that Rock lightweight for socks, Shelter for grown-up sweaters and shawls.
    I love the lightning round blogging, BTW.

  • Lamb’s Pride.

  • The hand spun yarn I produce from Linda Whiting’s Pinestar Studio handpainted Falkland top.
    Anything from Berrocco.

  • Thaki Cotton Classic. I have little boys in my house. It lives forever and washes up bright and beautiful when made up into blankets/toys/hats for children.

  • Anything by New Lanrk Mill.

  • Anything by New Lanrk Mill.

  • Anything by String Theory Hand Dyed

  • Cascade 220. So many colors- so much yardage- and it’s so forgiving!

  • Cascade 220. So many colors- so much yardage- and it’s so forgiving!

  • The ones that start with “M”: Malabrigo, Manos, Madeleinetosh….

  • For socks, my favorite is Hazel Knits Entice–lovely colors and oh, so soft.

  • For socks, my favorite is Hazel Knits Entice–lovely colors and oh, so soft.

  • Blue Moon Fiber Arts Gaea, yes, that would have to be it. I like Cascade Greenland as well, but Gaea. Woobu is really nice too, but I am sticking with Gaea. Oh, just noticed they have a Gaea Sport, may have to try it.

  • I would love to have been there at the moment where someone said to her, “That’s Ann Shayne of Modern Daily Knitting. She co-wrote two knitting books and a novel,” and to see her expression when she first realized who you were!
    And…I am such a yarn slut. I really do love them all, except for the synthetics that squeak when you knit with them. My “gateway” yarn was Lamb’s Pride. So many colors, relatively inexpensive, and oh, that little halo! Then it was the Manos boys–Clasica, and that smoothie, Silk Blend. After that, I searched out any yarn that would satisfy my needs. Laceweight, sock yarn, cotton. Lately I’ve returned to Elsebeth Lavold’s Silky Wool, and had some fun mixing light weight yarns (Jamieson’s, Lopi Einband, some laceweights, etc.) to make “custom” blends without all the mess of dyeing.
    Finally, the cutest yarn NAME ever? Cascade’s Baby Alpaca Chunky.

  • Your story? Five hundred shades of AWESOME.

  • Your story? Five hundred shades of AWESOME.

  • And my comment? Two shades of duplication. Sorry about that.

  • Anything Malabrigo, especially Rios. But you can do absolutely anything with Galway.
    Wait. You just happened to have a dotty blanket in your purse? I missed something.
    I once made a joking remark at a hospital fundraiser to the server who was watching over the dessert table as the final remarks were being made up on the dais. A doctor friend and I were standing nearby and he was ogling the desserts. I said, “take one.” The server told us that the table would be open shortly. I said, to my extreme regret to this day and I promise I was joking but the server doesn’t know me personally, “Do you have any idea who we are?” He took off his apron, threw it down and walked out the door. I don’t blame him.
    Good call on the “I’m kind of an obsessed knitter”. I would have given anything to have been an obsessed mute that night.

  • UM… I think that’s “baby dotty”… from Knitting Outside The Lines…

  • Currently knitting Tea Leaves Cardigan with madtosh twist DK (Rainwater). Recently came up the Madeline Tosh right here in Ft. Worth (I was living under a rock for a while, I guess). There isn’t a single madtosh yarn that I don’t love. My other fave yarn is Louet Euroflax…

  • What a great story!
    Yarn, oooh, too many, but if I had to choose one for me, Urban Silk. For more practical pricing, Takhi Cotton Classic!

  • my own handspun. more specifically, a lofty woolen yarn spun long-draw from a bouncy, crimpy wool.

  • Love love love this. Knitting does conquer all, socially.
    as for the yarn:
    In the winter Cascade Eco Wool. And lately Malabrigo Rios too. In the summer, gimme some Swans Island fingering weight.

  • Well, its so hard to choose but at the end of the day, I would say Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece.

  • Miss Babs’ Yet . . . OK, anything by Miss Babs!

  • Blue Sky Alpaca Silk, Road to China Light, anything with alpaca.

  • Noro Silk Garden and Manos Silk Blend. Plus Handmaiden Lady Godiva….
    Hard to even stop at 3

  • Elsa Wool woolen spun Cormo

  • My money is on anything from KnitPicks for the huge selection of colors and the reasonable prices. I have never been disappointed in anything from there.

  • Malabrigo lace. (So far.) Also loving the lightning blogging… please keep it up! 🙂

  • Anything Malabrigo followed closely by anything Madelinetosh.
    And wait, you take the Big Dotty Sample with you to theater receptions?! That’s impressive.

  • Mirasol Hacho

  • Mirasol Hacho

  • ROWAN MAGPIE. sigh. stash depleting…
    ROWAN Kidsilk Haze- it’s understudy!
    Love the increased flash-blogging!!!

  • Dragonfly Fibers Traveller. Any colorway.

  • Shibui Baby Alpaca which is making a lovely AnnaMaria cardigan from the book Textured Stitches.

  • Mountain colors 4/8s

  • Mountain colors 4/8s

  • Right now? It’s Berroco Vintage DK in white.

  • MadTosh (any weight) and String Cashmere

  • Easy: anything Madeline Tosh!

  • This week it’s a tie between mini mochi and Handmaiden 2 ply cashmere.

  • I needed to pay more attention to the title of the latest blog posting as I thought the “Knitting Palace” was your LYS!

  • May we have two? Opal sock yarn & Peace Fleece—not the most glamorous choices, but between the two, you can knit about anything.

  • Hand Maiden Great Big Sea for me!

  • Madelinetosh DK

  • Everything Madelinetosh, love the colors so much…

  • Everything Madelinetosh, love the colors so much…

  • Fyberspates Scruptious – any weight, many colors. Gimme that silk & wool.

  • People who can spell would say Scrumptious – ah well.

  • Great story! As for favorite yarns, Rowan Cashsoft, followed closely by Malabrigo and anything with alpaca. I have never understood people’s fascination with Noro, tho.

  • Peace Fleece. Hands down.

  • Favourite to look at: Kureyon. Favourite to squish in the ball: qiviut. (I picked up a ball of 100% qiviut at a show once and it was lovely, and $80, and tiny.) Favourite to knit: plain smooth wool. Favourite to wear: soft cotton. Favourite for lace, for cables, for baby blankets…. too many!

  • Fleece Artist/Handmaiden all the way. Love their sock yarn.

  • I love Jamieson and Smith for Fair isles and Rauma finullgarn for stranded knitting.

  • Cascade 220, for its colors, versatility and everything else! Thank you for the fun story! Celebrity confirmation!!

  • koigu kpm or kpppm

  • Favorite? As in singular? WHATEVS!
    Malabrigo anything
    Brooks Farm 4 play
    Manos Silk Blend – HEAVEN! Neck worthy!
    Cotton classic
    Peaches and Creme or Sugar and creme or whatever
    Good Karma Farm – sooo squishy
    I think I love madeline tosh but I’m not willing to knit with it yet
    I have some socks knit in Yartini from a friend that are ultra lovely
    Who the heck picks a favorite yarn? That’s like picking a favorite kid. Or ice cream.

  • Malabrigo worsted. I need a bag of it in every color way they make!

  • Mountain Colors Mountain Goat.

  • Madelinetosh, Sundara, Cascade 220

  • My practical side says anything with washing instructions that read: “Machine wash warm, tumble dry medium.” Except for crapcrylic and pillyester yarns, of course.
    My not-so-practical side says any soft, cushy, warm blend of alpaca, cashmere, baby merino, and kitten down. . .;-)!

  • Kidsilk Haze. Love to knit it, adore wearing it.

  • Plucky Knitter Primo Fingering.

  • Nashua Handknits Julia – still mourn that it was discontinued….

  • LOOSE KNIT? not only did I see it (when it opened off broadway a number of years ago, I knit several of the pieces that were used in the show – specifically remember something that was on the needles and not in great shape (which it was supposed to be).
    too foggy to remember what year – I want to say mid-80s?

  • Blue moon fibre of any kind is my favorite. I love the tight twist and the delicious colors.

  • Malabrigo – There’s just something about that yarn!

  • Right now it’s got to be Manos de Uruguay Maxima in every shade they have – this is like knitting with a gorgeous long length of softest felt and the handdyed colours are the best antidote to winter here in the north of England! I, too have both books and your fabulous novel, eagerly awaiting more……..

  • Regia 4 ply: cheap, available, many colors, and it is sock yarn: what is not to be loved!

  • Regia 4 ply: cheap, available, many colors, and it is sock yarn: what is not to be loved!

  • Rowan Calmer – now discontinued. Can still be found on EBay with my name on it!!

  • Rowan Calmer – now discontinued. Can still be found on EBay with my name on it!!

  • madelinetosh dk – love the colors!

  • Whatever blue yarn is on the needles.

  • Whatever blue yarn is on the needles.

  • Secret handshake. Lol.

  • Jo Sharp Silkroad Ultra. So sad not to have that in the US anymore!
    Lovely picture.

  • Reynolds Wash-Day Wool. Perfect baby-things yarn. Sadly discontinued, and most of my stockpile will be turned into BSJs for the throng of babies I know who are being born this winter/spring.

  • if it’ s wool,it’ s farmhouse yarns bo peep’ s not just for socks– used to be available on the web,but now it’ s just sold locally,as it locally produced here in central CT.if it’ s a blend,it’ s lion brand’ s wool-ease, great for everything from socks to sweaters!(wish I could afford to be a yarn snob,but I’ d rather keep on knitting than have to save up my pennies to buy yarn.if it’ s cheap or free,it’ s for me!)

  • if it’ s wool,it’ s farmhouse yarns bo peep’ s not just for socks– used to be available on the web,but now it’ s just sold locally,as it locally produced here in central CT.if it’ s a blend,it’ s lion brand’ s wool-ease, great for everything from socks to sweaters!(wish I could afford to be a yarn snob,but I’ d rather keep on knitting than have to save up my pennies to buy yarn.if it’ s cheap or free,it’ s for me!)

  • Noro Silk Garden

  • Today it’s Noro Kureyon [that Cornerstone Blanket has me hooked].

  • recycled! I can’t afford the luxury fibers that I love so very much, so I recycle thrift store sweaters.

  • MadTosh Vintage, Rowan All Seasons Cotton, Koigu KPPM, Cascade 220 Heathers.

  • Prancer by Laines du Nord. Every color. Knitted all.


  • Tosh merino sk or….Silk Garden of course.

  • Tosh merino sk or….Silk Garden of course.

  • Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Worsted, when I can get it. And Classic Elite Waterlily, which I’d happily knit with for the rest of my life, if it hadn’t been discontinued. Sniff.
    Also a big fan of Rowan Handknit Cotton.
    Great encounter of the knitting kind!

  • Malabrigo. any kind.

  • Forgot to add – I LOVE the 15 min blogs!

  • Sundara Aran Silky Merino…and I love the 15 minute blogs, too. It’s inspired me to use that technique as well. I haven’t quite jumped all over it, yet, but I started last night and hope to keep it going for at least a week!

  • juniper moon farms herriot

  • comments make it clear why getting MadTosh into the store can take some time…love it for the colors, but for the feel in my hands, Malabrigo Twist. And at the other end of the softness spectrum, Bartlett yarns. Color, crunchiness, even the smell. LOVE.

  • MadTosh Vintage leaps to mind, without thinking about it or looking at the other comments.

  • Elsebeth Lavold’s “Angora”. It makes SUCH a nice beret. And the Red shade is to die for. (Of course, I haven’t knit with Madelinetosh yet. Then we’ll talk.)

  • Ann & Kay, God! You are too cool for school! xoxo Yarn? Jaggerspun Zephyr.

  • For ML with the irate server: shame on the server. As someone with many “service” jobs in my checkered career, he was unprofessional and childish. If he can’t take a random comment of ANY nature he doesn’t belong in the job. You have no reason to regret your remark. Thanks Ann, if you publish this. After a certain age, we’ve all had enough serious regret in our lives, to waste it worrying about a silly server. Plus I love your story. I wish you and Kay were my neighbors.

  • Love the 15 minute blogs – I missed you last year.
    Favorite yarn – too many to name – I just love yarn!

  • Love the 15 minute blogs – I missed you last year.
    Favorite yarn – too many to name – I just love yarn!

  • There are so many lovely and wonderful yarns. I recently had the pleasure of knitting with Quince an Co. Puffin and it is an absolute delight and my finished cardigan might be my best one yet. Big love for Quince and Co in general, Puffin in particular.

  • This is so much like asking a beer brewer to name her favorite beer. Classic answer: “the one in my hand!” I love Malabrigo, and Berrocco has never let me down. Just coming off a knitting fast and am taking notes on all recommended yarns above. I have not bought yarn in quite awhile– oh dangit, I forgot about that drugstore cashmere blend (!!!) I bought while traveling over New Year’s! Husband actually bought me some sock yarn last week too…more exclamations!

  • I have 2 favorites:
    Drops Alpaca
    All yarns from Alice Starmore

  • Knit Picks Palette! A ba-jillion colors, hard-wearing, so much fun for colorwork.

  • Schaefer Marjaana. Not exactly versatile, but it’s magically delicious.

  • When did you change your name to “etc”?

  • My own handspun from my own flock. I raise angora goats and Finn and Shetland sheep. Right now I’m spinning and about to knit with the blackest, softest, sproingiest fiber from my very first Shetland/Finn lamb. It’s destined to become a go to vest.

  • Cascade 220 or Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride. Oldies but goodies.

  • No wonder I love “Smash”! And currenty, madtosh vintage is my favorite yarn (which is kind of crazy, since I’m really a lace/socks/teeny needles knitter).

  • My first thought was worsted weight wool, the plain and simple and the divine and wonderful.

  • Blue Moon Socks That Rock and Berocco Ultra Alpaca

  • Sign me up with the low brows! As much as I love yarn from indie dyers, I really love me some Premier Yarns Serenity Sock Weight. Deborah Norville Collection. It is cheap, soft, and versatile. That and an indecent collection of dishcloth cotton of various label.

  • Anything Hazel Knits, but especially Entice MCN and Artisan Sock. Her colors are amazing!

  • Ann, the play “Loose Knits” was performed in Omaha a few years ago. Ann Ginn (of the now defunct String of Purls yarn shop) taught the actors how to knit for it. I got to design the ad they ran in the program. It was done at Metro Community College. /jb

  • I knit a lot of socks. For cast iron wear in a basic everyday sock I choose Regia 4 ply and Lion Brand Sock-ease. Neither one is glamorous but neither has ever worn through prematurely or pilled on me.

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