A Kaffe for Every Knitter

Here’s a fun fact: every issue of Rowan Magazine, from No. 1 through No. 66 (and counting), contains designs by Kaffe Fassett.
Isn’t that incredible? In the literal sense of unbelievable.
Many of these designs are iconic, lifetime-achievement knits. They are head-turners, instantly recognizable. Kaffe’s open-sky attitude sometimes pushes us knitters beyond what we thought possible.
Kaffe’s designs for MDK Field Guide No. 13: Master Class are a little different. They are bursting with color and pattern—unmistakably Kaffe—but there is a spirit of simplicity and play.

This Field Guide is as close as a knitter can get, in book form, to attending one of Kaffe’s renowned workshops, where knitters start with a pile of colors and one of Kaffe’s motifs, and play, incorporating Kaffe’s sensibility into their own.
We want to knit every single thing, all the colors, all the shapes. There is something for everyone here. The knitter controls everything, from the palette to the motifs, and can turn it up (or down) as desired.
As we put the finishing touches on the Field Guide, we had a laboratory. Nell Ziroli had set an intrepid crew of MDK Test Knitters onto these open-ended, plug-and-play patterns. Some of the knitters were using Kaffe’s chosen colors of Felted Tweed, and others had dived into deep stashes of this long-loved yarn. What would happen?
This Is What Happened
In a few short weeks, the pictures started to come in. The knitters were loving knitting these patterns. And we were over the moon looking at their work.
There it was: a Kaffe workshop come to life.
Our thanks to all of Nell’s valiant team of test knitters. Your joy is infectious!
In the MDK Shop

Stripe Cowl in Pinwheel (page 48).

Stripe Scarf in random stripes by benedetta, who is an og rowanette and kaffe knitter, so she can stripe without a recipe.

StripE Cushions in (clockwise from top left) Circus Stripes (page 33), coins (page 41), Caterpillar Stripes (page 32) and pinwheel (page 48).

Pattern: Stripe Cowl in Coins (page 41).

Stripe Cowls in Coins (page 41) and Half Diamonds (page 48).

Striped Cushion in Caterpillar Stripes, page 32.
Stripe Cowl in Coins (page 41).

Stripe Scarf in Graduated Stripes (page 33). Check out her project pages for more scarfy, stripey goodness.
To everyone who is knitting these designs, please share your pictures, in the Lounge or under the Instagram hashtag #MDKFieldGuideNo13. They bring us so much happiness and inspiration.
The post is missing a cushion photo under Pam. Want to get every bit of inspiration!
There must be a gremlin in the bloggerator today. I put it back, and hope it stays. Thanks for the catch!
Wonderful to see these projects all together. I love how each of the knitters used the patterns as springboards for their own palettes and style. Bravo!
I am obsessed with the coins! Great work, everyone!
I live in italy and would like to know whether you ship the guides abroad. Thanks for the lovely work!!!
I live in the UK. Where can I purchase this field guide?
The Field Guides are distributed in the UK by Rowan, so I’d suggest looking for them where you find Rowan or letting your LYS know that they can get them from Rowan. (We do ship to customers in the UK.)
What is the pattern for the red sweater in Benedetta’s photos?
A Rowan pattern, originally in summer tweed, Humbug, by Carol Meldrum, Rowan mag 37, 2005.
Thanks for the trip back in time, it took me a while to find it, even though i knit two of them!The one in the photo used a thick cotton yarn, not Rowan.
My original one, in summer tweed, was worn until it literally fell to bits
Benedetta, you’re the only knitter in the set modelling your work! You look gorgeous. Love your colour choices x
So much fun to see! How is it possible that I have NO Felted Tweed in the stash? I did my annual tossing of the stash last weekend, so I know it is true. Darn, I’ll have to buy some!
Kind of retro seventies-ish?
I cannot believe the amount of extraordinary goodness in this wee volume. I mean, all of your wee volumes are jam packed with excellence….but this one?! It’s like a guide to living your best knitting life. I already started a striped mistake rib scarf then I had the excellent idea to make a Churchmouse easy folded poncho!!! Right?! I’ll see you all on the other side of winter with a colorful smile on my face and — hopefully — wrapped in hand knits! Squeeeee! Thanks for the brilliance!!
I agree, an “extraordinary goodness” for such a wee guide.
I want to start a pillow cover, right now and here I go, or rather, leave this talk and go to my stash.
So excited about this! I’m a huge fan of Kaffe Fassett and Rowan. Will definitely be purchasing!!
Oh my, I thought I would wait until after holiday knitting. Those Striped Cowls. They now are holiday knitting.
And ditto all of the above comments!
I am so excited for my field guide to arrive snail mail (maybe tomorrow? Please mister postman!) I had to get the hard copy, as my printer would never do justice for these gorgeous yarn photos… digging through the stash looking for some old felted tweed. if I can’t find enough, one of the kits just might go on my christmas list. These colors are going t ol get my through the long New England winter ahead!
Is this book available in e-books or do you have a supplier in the UK please
Looking forward to getting my own copy of this Field Guide. I count myself lucky that I got to take a workshop with Kaffe back in the 20th C. Such a generous and inspiring coach. Key advice: add more colors!
Could we learn what colors Benedetta used and what her stripe pattern is? The scarf is gorgeous.
Absolutely wonderful. My favorite is Kathy’s Coins. That particular shade of light green is speaking more and more to me. So happy.
I am a fan of Kaffe Fassett
An artist of knitting ang colorbbbb