A New Day at MDK!

Dear everyone,
Welcome to our new site. Mind the paint—it’s still drying!
We’ve been at work on a renovation of the MDK site for well over a year now. Websites require updates in order to function properly, so that’s what we’ve been working on, down in the basement.
We’ve worked hard to preserve the look and feel of MDK as you know it. Most of what is new isn’t even visible to you—it’s stuff related to our ecommerce shop, inventory management, and site speed. Fun, right? (It’s superfun to us.)
The homepage continues to be the place to get a quick overview of all the latest posts and shop news. We’ve streamlined it a bit, because so many readers are coming to MDK via smartphones. (MDK still works fine on desktops and tablets, of course.)
Tomorrow we’ll take you on a full tour of what’s up with the new site.
Meanwhile, we hope you’ll enjoy spending time wandering around.
Our idea back in 2015 was to create a website that is the ultimate rabbit hole for knitters. That goal remains the same.
Thank you so much for hanging out at MDK. We’re grateful to you every day!
Ann and Kay
PS That’s Rowan Norwegian Wool up top, the yarn designed by Arne & Carlos that we’ve sent out to hundreds of knitters this year.
Congratulations !
I love you two any way you show up on my computer. Just keep on showing up!
Looks great.
Forgive me for having a dumb day, but I couldn’t figure out how to leave a comment until someone else did it first. Where’s the button?
But the new site looks great, and does load faster. Mazel Tov!
The new site looks wonderful! Great portal to the knitters’ rabbit hole you have so skillfully created. Thank you for everything you do for this community.
So were there always cookies without the notice that now appears first? Will you please add the ability to opt out of all but essential cookies?
Before your re-do, this has always been my rabbit hole for knitting
Yes, thank you for all you do and have done to make a fun place for us to be on a daily basis. Will there still be a way to save articles in favorites?
Yes, please give us the option of opting out all but essential cookies.
I ❤️ many things about MDK, but your hard work on this site reminds me that #1 on the list is that you don’t stand still. I love running to catch up with y’all.
I’m sure the update will be as loveable as the original!
Dang, when you all write “essential cookie,” this is what I think to myself:
I’m wondering why others have cookie info and options I seem to be missing. Wondering how I know if I opted out previously.
Yay! Great job everybody over at MDK. That sounds like a lot of work! I sure appreciate your site and everything you do to bring so much knitting joy to us
Looks great!
Hooray, congrats on getting the new website up! As a ‘primarily coming to it from my phone’ person, it’s very appreciated. Even this comment section is more mobile-friendly!
Love the new website … so many little improvements that add up to a big WIN!! Congrats!
Hi! Ihought I had signed up for the field guides this year, but haven’t received any. Am I mistaken?
Rhonda Croxson
Thanks!! Easier to find stuff and faster!
And such a lovely rabbit hole to head down. Alice missed out!
How do I get rid of “cookie” selection.?
I’ve got the same problem
Another WIP to FO.
I nearly drooled on my phone today, Judy!
Pecans on top … for perfect crispiness.
The speed of the site loading is very nice. Looking forward to new field guide/ patterns and tutorials. Love you guys and gals.
My favorite knitting rabbit hole! Yay for the new website!
Thank you for working so hard on our behalf
Who took that photograph? It’s amazing, with the depth, & the shading. The wool glows like silk. I can’t stop looking at it lol
Thank you for working so hard on my favorite rabbit hole.
It is very much appreciated!!!!
Love it!
The tour is great, but I can’t get the site to work properly on my phone. The “accept cookie” page is on top and won’t respond when I click yes. I did uninstall and reinstall. Any ideas? I love your content.
We’re working on it; it’s a process! But…it’s also a weekend, so thanks for your patience!
Nice, nice. Not a smudge to be seen.
In true MDK style, beautiful site. Thank you.
good for you. thanks for all you do. jeanne