Dear Ann,
On this lovely spring Saturday, I’m in Omaha for an impromptu all-sibling rally to celebrate our dad’s 80th. The fact that my perpetually boyish pops is 80 (four score! 4/5 of a century!) is surreal, as is the notion that we wisps of children are well into middle age. Age and maturity are separate tracks, apparently.
We’re having lots of laughs, and tacos, and wandering the landscape of malls, bars and highways that director Alexander Payne has depicted with hyper-clarity in his movies About Schmidt and Nebraska. Thank you, Alexander Payne! You got it right, all of it. If you need any extras, let us know. We have Gardiners and Framptons of all ages standing by, ready to represent whatever distopian and/or utopian vision of Nebraska you have in mind. Plaid shirts, tomato beers, loose meat sandwiches–we got this.

The plane ride here put me tantalizingly close to the finish line on Ranger. This project has finally advanced from from three tubes to a sweater. The short rows are over, and now I’m in the ever-shorter rows that lead to the neck. I’m constantly slapping away the worry that it’s going to be too small for the recipient. It will fit somebody. I can always knit another one. (I’ll die a little, but I’ll knit another one. I love knitting!)

Ranger is a really solid sweater. The fabric (knit in Brooklyn Tweed’s Shelter) is a springy combination of firm structure and airy texture. It reminds me of the Portly Dad cardigan I made so long ago.
Speaking of birthdays, I have one lumbering into view. (Sigh! Shrug!) Laying aside my indifference and denial, I am seizing the opportunity to cajole a lemon meringue pie out of Most Moisturized Mom. The occasion reminded me of my fiftieth-ish birthday scarf from you, which I wear all the time. This all-season garment may be the world’s only handknit containing a mixture of linen, silk and cellulose extracted from seaweed. Somehow you knew this would be my favorite fiber cocktail.
Happy weekend, all!
Wishing you all a fambly wonderland this weekend! xoxooxo PS Our Comments button is on the fritz! I think I spilled almond butter on it or something.
Oh mah gah, I think I actually fixed the Comments button using only a #3 hex wrench, a jar of mayonnaise, and iron will. KAY I FIXED THE COMMENTS BUTTON. [FLOPS DOWN ON FLOOR, SPENT]
The Ranger looks very handsome. I’m sure the recipient will enjoy it and that it has received the Olive Seal of Approval. Enjoy your Dad’s b-day, and may he have many more!
The last time I visited my family in southeast Wyoming, I was introduced to tomato beer (made with Bud Light, of course). Unique to Pioneers and Trailblazers, I think.
A lemon meringue pie is the best birthday cake ever!
Enjoy your visit and happy birthday week! xo Tammy
Happy 80 th birthday to your handsome dad, Kay! It’s good to read about the fun you’re having reuniting with your family. It’s truly a special time. It was also fun reading the post about the Portly Dad cardigan in the link that you provided. I sure hope you’ve enjoyed some fun rides to the mall and taco joint in the MMMM!
As for Ranger, you are knitting some especially good energy into that cardigan, which would not have been there had it been ready in December to go under the tree. Lucky, lucky recipient!
Knit on!
A very merry unbirthday to you, Kay!
I appreciate so many things you & Ann have introduced into my life: I’m a ten pound loser! I try to get 8 hours of sleep, lately without sneaking a Benadryl! I totally banged out a sweater and show-and-telled it to all my coworkers plus a select few amazing local artists, yeesh.
Frankly, since Slab Sandwich + Pie I need to revisit the whole loser thing.
But anyway thank you both so much, and happy birthday hugs to you.
Once a loser, always a loser!
Have a lovely weekend with family … and making memories.
What exactly is to at beer?
I hate to be the one to tell you but it is tomato juice and beer. In the same glass.
I know.
Oops tomato beer!
Congrats to your Dad!! Have a wonderful weekend. Have a Runza for me!
A big happy birthday to your father, Kay! My Dad will will be turning 80 in May and will probably outlive us all. He plays golf and goes fishing practically every day! I can’t wait to tell him about the “Nebraska cocktail” — he loves beer and he loves Bloody Marys and if he’s short of vodka, a tomato beer is perfect. I can see him sharing this concoction with his buddies and telling everyone that this is the drink of the Cornhuskers. Have a great weekend!
My parent’s are both in their 80’s. I also have teens. I don’t know why I don’t drink more.
Anyway, have a wonderful birthday celebration. The lemon meringue pie sounds simply deelicious!
Tomato beers are awesome if you also add a few green olives in them. Jus’ sayin. Try it next time you are home seester.