Dear Ann,
You and I stopped by Knitty City last week, so we could ogle Lopi colors and I could pick up some Size 10 double-pointed needles for my Stopover sleeves. I spied a cardboard box on the floor. In it was a shrink-wrapped stack of Rowan Magazine 59, hot off the presses. This is the Spring/Summer 2016 issue. Although I let my subscription lapse some time ago, I still pick up a copy of every magazine — for The Collection, you know.
It was a Rowan magazine that got me into knitting in the early 90s. Rowan brought me to the dance, and Rowan’s taking me home. But in recent years, there have been issues that I flipped through quickly and put straight on the shelf. Nothing particularly grabbed me or spoke to me; my main sources of knitting inspiration lay elsewhere.
When I got home, I started paging through Rowan 59, and got all fired up.
I made a Periscope about it. Think of it as a preview of the issue.
(What is Periscope? It’s a smartphone app that lets you do a live video broadcast to people who follow your feed. While the broadcast is happening, followers can type in questions, which you can answer on the air. It’s kind of chatty because people keep popping up with greetings and questions. After the live broadcast is over, followers can view a recording of it, but after 24 hours, the recording disappears from the app. You can save the recording, however, and publish it elsewhere. Such as on your blog. If you’re interested, download the Periscope app. It works in a very similar fashion to Twitter and Instagram, or Facebook for that matter. There are fun crafty people making how-tos, showing their workspaces, and chatting up a storm.)
I’m on the Periscope learning curve. I am going to start using a real camera, and a landscape view, and maybe stop saying “um” between words.
Bang Out a Sweater Report
The first finished Stopovers are popping up on Instagram under the #BangOutASweater hashtag. They are beautiful, and they reassure me that I didn’t tell people to bang out a sweater that is not bang-outable. Many more Stopovers seem to be approaching the step where you join the body and sleeves together on one circular needle, and knit the yoke.

On my personal Stopover, I got the body done up to the armholes, started sleeve one, and learned something crucial: double-pointed needles — large ones working a loose fabric, anyway–don’t do well on the subway. So I can’t drag my Stopover sleeves around with me and knit them on the fly. That has slowed me down a little, but I’m confident I’ll have both sleeves done this weekend.
Joining the sleeves and body up to knit the yoke is a very straightforward process. The pattern explains it clearly and simply. On Monday, I’ll offer a few thoughts on the subject, but meanwhile, forge ahead, bangers!
I’m heading to WEBS tomorrow for their Pre-Superbowl event…I’m going to get my yarn there…so hopefully cast on tomorrow..or maybe on Tuesday, as it looks like we may have another snow day..
Thanks for the tour of Rowan, but ugh – the motion sickness! Maybe I shouldn’t watch on my tablet. I knit cotton in the summer, – last year a cafe curtain – so now I have lots of new ideas.
How do you feel about two circs for the sleeves? I find that less fussy than magic loop, and much safer for throwing in the knitting bag while KIP. Love your colors!
Dear Kay,
That was fun. Going through the Rowan with you. I clearly have to stop working so that I can keep up with all the knitting, crocheting and 24/7 Modern Daily appreciating I am inspired to do by your (and by your I include Ann as well) rich and steady flow of content. I think that my banging has been reduced to a tapping, but I’ll get there and am thoroughly enjoying the experience. (I have even been checking the blog from my office.)
The motion sickness is not your fault! Keep in mind Periscope is a visual medium, so there could be 90% less talking than there was. It’s a show and tell, not a tell and tell.
You can use a 16-inch circ for the sleeves. I am doing it right now.
How are you using the 16″? I tried but it’s much to long to hold that few stitches.
I am part of the #startoveryourstopover crowd. Wasn’t happy with the ribbing so even though I was into the waist decreases I started a new Stopover with a tubular cast on and doubling the rows of ribbing. We’ll see how it goes.
Still waiting for my main color!! Come on, Webs!
I think I may try to figure out how to incorporate the cover pattern into a Boxy. That said, I’m just learning Instagram, periscope seems like it would be a giant time suck, so I’ll just watch yours here!!!
Thank you for the Rowan 59 tour. The tell it like it is about Rowan denim is much appreciated, although I prefer non wool. Those people should just do push ups, get their knitting muscles in order.
Who looks good in those little cropped numbers? Have never known anyone personally who should wear them. Fashion designers love them, why?
The dropped shoulder silhouette sort of irritates me, as I knit in the eighties, been there done that, have a slight build with some upholstery on it. The big sweater aspect I like, so I set in those sleeves and keep them skinny. I love the trapeze look, but I think it was just a blip on 2015.
The Zandra Rhodes sweater is too much for me, although I too would love to see it actually on someone. I also cr0chet and it is hard to find any decent crochet designs – may even buy this issue.
Thanks again. Olive is a love, I can only dream of my dog being that quiet if I were to shoot a video in my apartment. Next time, even more Olive footage, please. She even looks good asleep.
Thanks for the explanation of Periscope. I kind of got what it is, but not entirely, but you explained it so I get it. Yet another way to waste time I could be doing more gainful activities, such as writing and knitting!
Another vote for the 16″/40cm circ for the sleeves. I used dpns until perhaps the 3rd increase, then switched.
Much faster and smoother for me.
This is such a fun project!
Slowpoke stopover here. Worried about float length in the ribbing. What’s a good rule of thumb for “float ease” for sections like ribbing that are supposed to stretch? First time stranded knitting for me (Thanks Kay and Ann The Enablers).
WEBS let me down so I won’t be banging out a sweater right now, alas. Kay, it’s much easier to knit on the A train than the 1 if you can get one of the seats perpendicular to the windows.
It’s an remarkable post for all the online visitors; they will obtain benefit from it I am sure.
the periscope was fun and it gave me a way to look at Rowan that I hadn’t before. I don’t see patterns as adaptable so its great to hear your thoughts on wearability.