Area Woman Swipes Knitwear
Dear Ann,
I’m taking a few minutes out from our holiday weekend movie-watching and dog-walking to get the word out about a problem I’ve run into with this holiday Giftalong we’ve got going. I’ve been knitting along, one project after another, at a satisfying clip. I keep putting items on the gift pile.
But the gift pile is not growing. I blame this lady:

Yeah, she took a Breton Cowl off the pile and absconded to Nebraska with it.
If you see something–for example, a well-moisturized lady with a very warm neck–say something.
And Hey, Everybody!
In honor of so-called Black Friday, we are saving everybody a trip to the storemart and offering our shop’s first-ever Free Shipping Friday–all day today, until midnight Nashville time. Shop for yarny goodness from the comfort of your couch, and we will pay the freight. The coupon code is really clever: freeshippingfriday. (I know! We’re marketing geniuses!)
Happy weekend, all!
Did She Say Free Shipping?
The cowl looks great on your mum.
Does your lovely mum realise she has received her Chrissie gift early?…
(And not sure if everyone speaks Australian, so Chrissie = Christmas, we abbreviate a lot).
Chrissie, seriously? I really hope that catches on over here! 🙂 🙂
Start the trend by advising your family and friends what you would like as your Chrissie pressie!
Yes, that cowl looks wonderful on the moisturized mom. And even though my to-knit list is as long as…well, as everyone else’s to-knit list, I mean, free shipping! Even though I just saw the most perfect thing to make with all those mini-skeins of linen you guys made me buy. Even though my stash cupboard is totally full. But, free shipping.
Aren’t you guys ashamed?
What are you going to knit with your mini skeins? Should I order more?
Most Moisturized Mum looks great and also pleased as punch with her new cowl.
So nice to see a portrait of MMM! And the cowl looks perfect 🙂
How could you say no to that lovely smile? I’d turn over my hand knits too.
MMM is the Iris Apfel of MDK. So happy to see her!
She does know how to accessorize! And looks fabulous.
It seems Olive is no McGruff the Crime Dog. MMM must have bribed her with turkey, extra cuddles, and beauty products!
I don’t blame her — it looks fabulous on her!! Happy Thanksgiving (and possibly early Christmas!).
Your Mom is so young and attractive!……. the cowl is beautiful, too!
How nice that your mom was able to spend Thanksgiving with you! She looks great…as does the cowl!
Your mom looks great! Cowl or no cowl, moisturized or not.
MMM looks great! Absconding with that cowl sure put a twinkle in her eyes. It looks pretty on her, too; she weats it with a certain flair. So glad MMM got a change in scenery and vsited you for the holiday here in New York.
PS–Kay, now you will have to surprise MMM for her Chrissie gif with a pair of Squad Mitts to go with her Breton. 🙂
That cowl is gorgeous! As is the well-moisturized wearer.