Atlas Insider: Balls, Stars, and a Giveaway!

Wandering the aisles of MDK World Headquarters, I usually detour through the sock yarn department. We’re getting in new sock yarns pretty often these days, so one of my favorite procrastination techniques is to go see what’s new.
It’s Field Research. It’s Product Development.
OK, it’s just me gearing up for my next pair of stockinette socks.
Zauberballs always stop me in my tracks. They’re magic and crazy and they harmonize even when you think they can’t. One ball contains dozens of colors.

We’ve had knitters inquire recently about the difference between Zauberball and Zauberball Crazy.
Such a good question!
While similar, they are Not The Same. It’s the difference between lemon and lime, chocolate and mocha, strawberry shortcake and strawberry pie.
What’s the Diff?
Plies. It’s all about the plies.
Zauberballs use one ply of yarn. The color shifts slowly and surely, and two colors will overlap as the fibers in the single ply shift from one color to the next.

Zauberball: Note the relatively consistent stretches of color.
Zauberball Crazy uses two plies of yarn dyed separately, then twisted together. All of a sudden, the colors twist and tangle much more often. Wild stuff, I tell you.

Zauberball Crazy: Two plies mean barber-pole wackiness all day long.
Clearly, a knitter needs both of these sock experiences. My socks never match when I’m knitting Zauberball and Zauberball Crazy, but they rhyme so well. Like bike and trike.
Knit Stars Is Superjuicy This Year
This week marks the earlybird sale of the new season of Knit Stars, the online knitting seminar. We’re pointing it your way because we think it’s a program worth joining—we were Knit Stars ourselves in Season 3, and we love their mission of opening up accessibility to great knitting workshops, the top-quality instruction, and the beautiful production values. Season 6 is going to feature so many people we work with and admire.

In the mix this year will be faces that are familiar to you as an MDK reader. The lineup includes MDK Field Guide designers Jeanette Sloan, Kaffe Fassett, and Brandon Mably. And Dana Williams-Johnson will be teaching as well—she writes for MDK each month, delivering equal parts wisdom, joy, and patterns to add to your queue.
Also included are:
Ambah O’Brien
Felicity Ford
Jacqui Fink
Jennifer Berg
Louis Boria
Vincent Williams
Nina Machlin Dayton
Signups happen now, at a good price, and the actual three-week program of online classes will run in the fall.
Here’s our affiliate link, which will take you to the Knit Stars site telling you all about Knit Stars 6.0—including a very inviting preview video.
MDK makes a commission when you sign up via that affiliate link. We’re grateful for your support.
A Giveaway!
In the interest of Market Research (aka a little coffee break), here’s a giveaway.
What’s your favorite color of Zauberball or Zauberball Crazy?
Look at the colors: Zauberballs here. Crazy Zauberballs here.
The prize? Your very own Zauber in your favorite color.
How to enter? Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: Leave a comment below with your favorite color of Zauberball or Zauberball Crazy.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, May 9, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
My favourite is Zauberball Crazy in Deepwater.
Mallerwinkel Crazy!
I have knit a pair of socks in Zauberball but I haven’t tried the crazy. I’d say my favorite here is my sweet side. I love the names!
My Sweet Side is a perfect autumn bonfire moment.
Heading into summer, Zauberball Tropical Fish is calling to me. Honestly though, each colorway in both lines is just lovely. Thank you for the giveaway!
Heading into summer, Tropical Fish in Zauberball is calling my name. Honestly though, each colorway in both lines is lovely. Thanks for the giveaway!
Deepwater, I think 🙂
Love the Deepwater of the Crazy ball
My favorite Zauberball is Crazy Zauberball in Milestone
Malerwinkel is my favorite
I love deep water!
I love color is Change of scenery, because thats what I have just done, moved.
My Sweet Side is my sweet favorite.
Aldebaran is striking! However, My Sweet Side in Crazy is delicious, too. Guess I would choose Aldebaran. ❣
I love Camouflage.
Love them all, but if forced to choose, at this very moment it’s Monochrome. (Ask again in 2 minutes and it will be different! )
I love Aldebaran too!
My favorite is Crazy in Indigo!!
Love the fun—wealll red
Love the fun! We all need some random crazy fun!!!!
Indigo and Stonewashed
Tropical fish
Deep Water. Such rich colors!
Zauberball – snickelway
Zauberball Crazy- malerwinkel
Definitely Stonewashed!
Crazy change of scenery for sure!
Z. Crazy in Malerwinkel! And it’s fun to say…
It’s Tropical Fish all the way! 🙂
Crazy in Deep Water!!
My favorite is Snickelway
Malerwinkel! What bright, beautiful colors and it’s a fun-to-say name that has the word “win” in it! Love it!
Thanks for the giveaway! Stonewashed is absolutely beautiful
My favorite Zauberball is October and my favorite Zauberball Crazy is Deep Water.Both would make fantastic socks!
Smoking Area, interesting how the colors are something I’d probably not match up but they look so good together in the ball.
Zauerball – Enchanted Forest
Zauerball Crazy – Malerwinkel
I agree with Rebecca: Crazy in Deep Water!
Enchanted Forest, but there is also a purple and plumb one I love but don’t see the name.
any favourite is My Swear Side
My favorite In Zauberball Crazy is Malerwinkel!
My fav is malerwinkle! Thanks
Zauberball in Enchanted Forest
Naperville is my favourite color of Crazy…and I love saying the name!
Love Tonspur!!!!!
Zauberball #1 is Tonspur
Crazy #1 is Malerwinkle with submarine a close second
Still on my first cup of coffee. This is my vote not a reply.
Malerwinkle! Dang auto-correct.
Blue Depths or Submarine . Both are blue lovely.
Zauberball in Tropical Fish
My favorite is red skies. I made a cowl out of it and it’s gorgeous!
Ooh, do you have a picture?
Blue Depths is beautiful
Zauberball crazy- indigo!
My favorite in zauberball crazy is submarine
Indigo is my favorite
Tonspur is beautiful!
Crazy Change of Scenery—it’s got every color in there!
My favourite is Zauberbal in Tonspur
I have so many favorites! I love Change of Scenery.
Malerwinkel, I love the combination of pastels! Thank you!
Indigo. Always Indigo.
Crazy Zauberball color Deep Water is my fav.
Crazy – Indigo
Zauberball Crazy in My Sweet Side
So hard to pick a favorite. They’re all so beautiful. Probably change of scenery in crazy.
My fav is monochrome; I like either the blue or green.
Love crazy submarine!
Zauberball Crazy in Malerwinkle! Colors are delightful
Zauerball Crazy in Submarine
My Sweet Side!
You are asking the impossible! . All the zauberball crazy colours are amazing! Today, milestone is calling out my name though. . Thank you for this fun giveaway!
It’s hard to choose! In Zauberball I I would choose Aldebaron or Shadows. In Crazy I like Change of Scenery or Indigo. I agree with others that monochrome’s are tempting.
Snickelway – not sure what it means but can’t stop smiling when I say it!
Red skies. I’ve used it- lovely socks, clothes for tiny friends, and tiny bears themselves!
I love the colorway names of Zauberball add Zauberball Crazy! Just fun! My blue is for Zauberball Crazy and the Red Skies colorway. Looks like an exciting knitting adventure!
And I should have checked my typing before posting. Probably more coffee would have helped also! My vote (not BLUE) is for Red Skies!
Malerwinkel! ❤️❤️❤️
Oh dear, so many delicious choices!! I do love Zauerball Crazy in Iridiscence.
I had to choose one from each category: Blue Depths and Change of Scenery strike my fancy this morning. I expect I would choose two different colours tomorrow! They are all delicious. Thanks from a fan in Canada!
Malerwinkle! Great name too!!!
My Sweet Side is the one I love…today! Also really drawn to Shadows, and the browns in the non-crazy set, but I don’t see a name for that one. What fun yarn!
Change of scenery ❤️
I love Zauberball in the Stonewashed colourway, the denim vibe!
I love Zauberball Shadows!
Tropical fish!
I love Blue depths. Perfect with jeans since that is all I pretty much wear any,ore
Rhyming socks. I like that idea! Oh, I’m in love with Zauberball Crazy Submarine. So in love.
I love Red Skies in Crazy.
Crazy Malerwinkel For summer!
Red Skies (zauberball crazy)!
My favorite color of Zauberball Crazy is Malerwinkel!
Zuberball Monochrome
Autumn wind!
I am loving Zauberball Snickleway!
I’m just crazy over Submarine!
Z ball in October
I love Autumn Wind in Zauberball Crazy!
Tropical Fish, please!
For SO many reasons, it’s gotta be Change of Scenery.
What a lovely opportunity! Thank you! My favorites are Monochrome and Submarine.
Change of scenery
Zauberball Crazy Deep water looks quite delightful! Thanks!
Wow, gotta be Change of Scenery!
Change of Scenery in Crazy
Zauberball in Tropical Fisjh
Crazy camouflage
Camouflage – love the delightful mix of colors
Zauberball Crazy in Camouflage. All those teal making friends with rust and cocoa. A killer combo. And a funny name. How can a peacock hide?
Zauberball Crazy In Milestone!
My fave Zauberball Crazy is Red Skies
Oh my sweet side is so lovely.
Tropical Fish makes me happy!
Crazy: change of scenery
So hard to choose! Malerwinkle makes me smile.
Change of scenery
It has to be Malerwinkel for me
Blue Depths is the color of the day for me. Ask me tomorrow or even later this afternoon and I’m sure I would pick something else.
My choice would be crazy in camouflage
My fav colour for the Zauberball Crazy is between Deep Water and Submarine.
I really love the Crazy in Indigo
I think D.G. Strong put me in a blue mood. I’m liking Blue Depths.
My Sweet Ride is my favorite!
I’m mad for Aldebaron!
Shadow is my Zauderball favorite!
My Sweet Side-but oh so hard to choose
Omg – how do you pick a favorite?!? Nearly impossible but I will say Zauberball Crazy Change of Season.
I love all of the colors.
October would make me the happiest pair of socks ever. Impossible to be grumpy when you can look down and see those feet! And Milestone would make me feel calm, sophisticated, assured. Who needs a shrink when you’ve got that kind of personality power in a pair of socks?
I think Shadows would be beautiful knitted up.
While I love all of them as the wife of a retired Army National Guard member I have to go with Camouflage today. As much as I have in my house it never was that pretty.
Change of scenery in crazy. Love them al actually.
Today my favorite is Zauberbsll Aldebaran. Ask tomorrow, or even later today, and it could easily change.
Malerwinkel is amazing and speaks to me!
Oh so many beauties. I’m choosing Indigo
Zauberballs and my favorite is October.
Change of Energy or Sweet Spot? Both!
Indigo!!! What incredible colors!
My favorite is Zauberball Stonewashed
Ooh, so hard to choose, Zauberballs – StoneWash
Submarine – ooh, like being underwater in your favorite lagoon!
Thanks for your wonderful newsletters and website. Ahem…for the sake of helping you with your research I am submitting my favorite zauberball colors: crazy is “change of scenery” and regular is “stonewashed.”
Crazy for Milestone
A Zauberball Crazy in “My Sweet Side” would be my ultimate pick for a pair of Fall/Halloween socks! Although, I am completely baffled by the name for an orange and black coloring.
Thank you so much for all of the inspiring emails that come into my inbox every morning!
Malerwinkel – I’m thinking more Springy! That is some beautiful yarn and so hard to choose!
I’m all in for Milestone
Crazy in Submarine!
Blue Depths. It has all the right blues.
Zaiberball Crazy in Malerwinkel! The more color, the better!
My favorite Zauberball is Aldebaran and my favorite Zauberball Crazy is Autumn Wind or My Sweet Side.
Zauberball Crazy in Milestone is so unique! Thank you!
Tropical fish is my fav!
Love them all! I favor ‘Red Skies’ in the crazy bunch.
Blue Depths
So hard to choose as they are all so lovely. I’ve knit with both and ❣️ them. Camouffaugecis today’s favorite.
I’d love to see how Zauberball Crazy ‘My Sweet Side’ knits up. Those are “my colors,” as we say in the South. My mom was constantly reminding me that I was an “Autumn” after getting her Color Wheel done at one of those in-home sales parties. It made for a 13-yr old standout in junior high, when everyone else was wearing Hypercolor T-shirts. I was the redhead dressed in terracotta, or pumpkin, or forest green, and the only heat-induced color change was the flush of embarrassment that reddens your cheeks.
Looked through all the colors. I keep going back to the deep,richness of Deep Water!!!
My pick would be Change of Scenery. Thank you.
I like malerwinkel crazy zauberball. And that’s a mouthful.
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy in Red Skies
I really love the monochrome Zauberball
I could just as easily pick my favorite color as I can choose a favorite child! But if I must, it’s Alderbaran.
Crazy: My Sweet Sweet Side
Shadows for me!
My sweet side is my fave
I love Change Of Scenery.
My favorite is iridescence!
Submarine for sure!
Hard to choose, I like snickleway.
Iridescence for me!
my favorites are shadows and deep waters
mt favorites are shadows and deep water
Enchanted Forest would be my first choice. I’ve never seen a reason to knit socks, but these colors have sucked me right into the vortex. It wil be my project after the next one.
Being an artist, or so I like to tell myself, my favorite color has to be Shadows. The interplay between the black, white and grey reminds me of the pencil drawings I love to do.
Zauberball Crazy in Indigo!
I love Change of Scenery in Crazy!
favorite zauberball is tropical fish
favorite zauberball crazy is deep water
Indigo crazy!
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy Maberwinkle. I knit a long tube, cinched at both ends. And voila! A double layered stripey two-sided hat.
I love the Zauberball Crazy known as Buntmetall (I think it’s the one you call Iridesence!).
My Sweet Side, Crazy Zauberball, is my pick.
Cray’s Submarine is yum.
i love zauberball october
My favorite Zauerballe Crazy colorway is Change of Scenery. All my favorite colors, changing one into the other, like the changes in the landscape when I’m out for a drive.
Stonewashed is one of my favorites
Deep water is my favorite, if I have to choose. I love them all.
Submarine in zauberball crazy
So hard to choose. It’s a toss up between Indigo and Submarine also a shout out to Red Sky
Monochrome in Zauberball is my favourite. It reminds of our time at the beach. Although we weren’t able to go this year that colour always takes my mind there.
Love love love Zauberball Crazy Malerwinkle! Thanks for the great giveaway!
OMG, I love Blue Depths (well, and Tropical Fish, and also the purple and orange one that doesn’t seem to be available?). Already subscribed to snippets! <3
I love Tropical Fish but then again…how can you go wrong with any color?
My favorite is Malerwinkel! I love the color and saying the name…
Malerwinkel or snickelway. Love ‘em both!
My favorite is the Blue Depths
Crazy: camouflage
Crazy: Indigo!
My favorite is Crazy Indigo.
Zauberball Blue Depths. Definitely.
Change of Scenery! While you knit socks, you can imagine all the interesting places you’ll wear them!
Autumn Wind sounds wonderful.
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy in Iridescence.
Zauberball Crazy Auf Tauchstation..I thought it looked Irish. LOL!
Stonewashed and My Sweet Side.
Monochrome and Submarine.
For spring Malerwinkel is my favorite.
I love red skies!
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy in Camouflage. Thank you!
Crazy – Autumn Wind! Dark and mysterious! Love it!
I’m digging that Autumn Wind..the yarn color, not the actual autumn wind.
My favorite Zaurball colorway is fuchsia and I am 90% of the way done with a delicious pair of socks that will dazzle the world.
Indigo is fab in the Zauberball crazy collorway. Thanks for the giveaway!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Zauberball color I didn’t love, but that Crazy version named “My Sweet Side” has my name all over it.
Change of scenery!
I LOVE Blue Depths! Absolutely gorgeous!!
My favorite Zauberville crazy is Camouflage
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy in Submarine!
My favorite Zauberball is Blue Depths!
Tropical fish of course
Change of Scenery is my fave!
my favorite right now is the crazy Zauberball My Sweet Side — which is very out of character for me 🙂 I’m normally a greige, grellow or green lover.
Love Crazy Submarine
Love the Blue Depths in Zauberball. Deep Water is my choice for Crazy Zauberball. Thanks!!!
Milestone does it for me❤️
I like Zauberball Crazy colour ‘Submarine’
Absolutely ANY of the Zauberball Crazy colors. I’ve had a look, and it’s not possible for me to pick. They are ALL scrumptious, just different!
My favorite zauberball crazy is Autumn wind
My favorite color of Zauberball is Enchanted Forest and my favorite of Zauberball Crazies is Camouflage. Here’s hoping I might win! Kathy
I really like camouflage in zauerball crazy.
Zauberball Crazy in Autumn Wind
I must try the Crazy Malerwinkel colorway!
Love the Deep Water. Actually I love them all and it was hard to chose.
I’m favoring Alderbaran and Change of Scenery!
I have a ball of Zauberball Crazy in Indische Rosa waiting to be knit. I’m going to try a “knit a toe up sock in 5 days” challenge that I found on Yoriko.Oki’s Instagram page. Woo hoo!
Stonewashed is beautiful.
Tropical Fish. Love the brilliant colors.
My favorite Zauberball is Tropical Fish. I always go to my favorite dark colors but I love the combination of this one. My favorite Crazy Zauberball is Submarine. My normal colors I pick. I love the names.
Do I really have to choose? They are all beautiful! Surprise me!
I choose rareearth.
Definitely Crazy’s Camouflage. (How could it possibly be called Camouflage?)
My favorite is Change of Scenery. I could use some of that literally
Zauberball blue depths. Gorgeous.
Zauerball Crazy Iridescence!
The submarine color just makes me swoon!
My favorite is Zauerberball Crazy Camouflage!
I love the Zauerball Crazy in Red Skies
I’d love to make a pair of socks with either Tropical Fish or Deep Water!
the only one I have – orange green
“Crazy” came into my socks in 2016 with General Hogbuffer’s U-Turn pattern and a wild ball of zauberball crazy. I love those socks.
My favorite color is Iridescence.
I am a high contrast person, so the magenta-Orange-purple (that’s out of stock?) is the one I’ve been admiring for too long. That said, Tropical Fish would make a wild and wonderful pair of socks.
It’s so hard to choose a favorite!! But if I have to choose, I’d pick Zauberball Crazy in Submarine. BTW, I always enjoy your newsletters and I especially have to thank you for your recommendation to watch Crazy X-Girlfriend on Netflix! (along with all the great knitting tips, of course!).
Going to have to go with October. My favorite color is actually purple but when it comes to knitting my favorite color is often decided for me by what I want to knit and who I want to knit it for. Not that everyone else hasn’t had a tough year – we’ve all taken a lot of hits – but my sister has had a particularly tough year. Orange is her favorite color. She’s not the type to get too crazy with her socks but that has just the right amount of color shifting to keep up both happy.
Fave is Aldenaran
Zauberball crazy in indigo.
My favorite is change of scenery in Zauberball Crazy!!!
Indigo in Zauberball crazy. It looks like a zauberball crazy Indigo looks like soothing crazy lol
I’m crazy for My Sweat Spot
That crazy My Sweet Side is lovely!
It was difficult to choose my favorite, but Zauberball Aldebaron rose to the top. It’s not like I need more sock yarn, I just went through my stash and I can make at least 20 pairs of socks from my stash, but you said “sock yarn” and I heard “squirrel.”
Iridescence for me
I like My Sweet Side
Red skies is phenomenal with stonewashed a very close second! All so lovely.
Zauberball Crazy in Malerwinkel. Makes me want to skip.
My favorite is Change of Scenery in the Crazy ones. It has the most colors of any ball of yarn I’ve ever seen!
The glorious Easter eggy Malerwinkel!
Monochcrome. It reminds me of a relaxing day at the beach.
I’m really feeling Red Skies right now!
love the Zauberball Aldebaran colour
This was fun! Definitely the rich chocolate and caramel colors of My Sweet Side for Zauberball Crazy and the show colors of Tropical Fish for Zauberball!
Camouflage all the way. I’ve used zauberball and received socks as gifts and this is tough stuff. ❤️Thanks!
So many lovely ones! Z Crazy , My Sweet Side (todays choice , tomorrow it will be something else)
Submarine reminds me of simple times when I floated for hours in an inner tube on a Canadian lake.
My favorite is Camouflage.
Alderbaran! The thing I love most about Zauerball yarn is that it is tough! I have socks made six or seven years ago, worn at least once a week, and they are just starting to wear a little. It’s indestructible!
Zauerball Tropical Fish is so bright and cheery!
My very favorite is Change of Scenery
Can’t wait to see what’s inside that Crazy Camouflage!
I love crazy milestone
Malerwinkle is my vote
Enchanted Forest Zauberball
My favorite is crazy My Sweet Side
Love Milestone!
Definitely Submarine.
Marlerwinkle is the one for me in my crazier side.
My favorite Zauber color is Enchanted Forest.
My favorite is Blue Depths!
My current favorite Zauberball Crazy is Deep Water. Those lovely greens!
I love them all, but everyone needs A Change of Scenary now and again.
My favorite is monochrome
Zauberball crazy in Malerwinkel because who doesn’t like the name?
Only one? That is a hard task! I guess I would chose Zauberall Blue Depths.
So hard to choose, but Zauberball Stonewashed wins for the great blues!
Monochrome is my choice.
I have never seen or felt the yarn in real life. Would like to do so and perhaps knit with it.
Deep water reminds me of snorkeling which I need to do again soon!
My Sweet Side, for sure!
I like Aldebaran!
I have always been fascinated by the Tropical Fish colorway!
My favorite is Stonewashed
My favorite is indigo in Crazy !!!
My favorite would be Crazy Zauberballs, My Sweet Side.
Mine is Zauberball Crazy in Submarine
I love them all but right now my favorite is Alderaan.because I chose it to make socks for my daughter, red, gray, black, they will go with a flannel shirt I once bought her whupich she loves. I had to look up what the name means! I love all the Zauberballs.
I’m in team indigo. I’ve noticed a blue sock deficiency in my life and the sock drawer is ready and waiting, not to mention the “tenni-pumps”are feeling neglected.
Crazy Z in Red Skies is the bomb diggity
After changing my mind several times (I love them all!) my favorite would have to be tropical fish. Such a cute name!
Snickleway is definitely my favorite!
So hard to choose! I love them all! But I’m especially fond of the crazy balls in Deep Water, Malerwinkel, and Milestone. I also like Enchanted Forest and Tropical Fish. Come back in an hour and it’ll change
My favorite Zauerball Crazy is Deepwater.
Red skies – it is so hard to name just one favorite. I like many of the color combos.
Favorite Zauberball Crazy is Red Skies , such a vibrant colour ways.
Malerwinkle looks so cheerful and its CRAZY
I love Snickerway
It’s almost impossible to choose a favorite! In a perfect world I’d get one of each…but if I had to choose, I’d say Camouflage.
absolutely deep water
Whoops- forgot to leave a comment. I like tropical fish.
Blue depths and submarine
I would love to drown my feet in socks made with Zauberball Crazy Deep Water!!
My current favorite color is Camouflage in Crazy, but I have loved others.
What a great post! Crazy Camouflage for me – for starters… I love them all, and they all have their charm. Thank you for the opportunity!
Change of scenery is my favorite
Love Indigo!!
It’s a tough choice but my favorite is Zauberball Deepwater
Deep Water is my favorite
My favorite. Is camouflage!!
I’m attracted to crazy red skies because it does indeed bring to mind sunrises
Favorite in Zauberball is Monochrome. In Zauberball Crazy it is Deep Water.
I love the Crazy color of Red Skies. The regular Zauberball in similar colors is pretty fabulous too. Purple and orange together, fabulous.
Never knitted socks, but Zauberballs crazy autumn wind and the Zauberballs Aldebaran called my name
Absolutely stunning—Deep Water
Deep Water is the most beautiful thing ever. Crazy but subtle and so gorgeous!
Red Sky
Zauberball favourite is Enchanted Forest, such pretty colours.
Crazy in Indigo!!
I love all things blue so Blue Depths and Indigo are my favourite (Canadian spelling) olours
Tropical Fish!
I like the Zauberball Enchanted Forest the best. The colorways are more eye-popping.
Zauberball Crazy Red Skies….reminds me of my AZ sunsets
I like Crazy in Indigo.
I like Z.Crazy in Camouflage!! I undo the ball and wind into smaller bundles of each colour. I use those bits intertwined with my leftover sock yarn. Makes great one-of-a-kind socks!!
What a great idea!
I love the Zauberball color “crazy”
blue depths looks delicious!!!
My fav is Tropical Fish Zaubwr. Pure summer!!
I love Malerwinkle (ie) because it looks like spring with every sweet summer blossom hidden inside.
My sweet side
I love the Zuaberball Crazy in Change of Scenery.
Probably blue depths. Maybe October!
As a SCUBA diver, I’m partial to the Tropical Fish colorway!!
Today my favorite color of Zauberball is Aldebaran. One can knit into the deep space of the constellation Taurus the bull while keeping feet in wooly socks.
My fav of crazy is indigo. I like that a scarf even a simple stitch pattern stays interesting as you watch the colors change!
Favorite Zauberball – Enchanted Forest
Favorite Crazy Zauberball – Indigo
It’s Zauberballs Monochrome for me
Malerwinkle is the best crazy color! Who gets to pick the color way names? Such fun!
Mmmmm zaubers
So i love many but malerwinkel crazy has lovely pastel contrast
So many nice colours. I haven’t tried the Crazy ones. My favourite is the Malerwinkel.
Tropical Fish
I love Autumn Wind…….it intrigues me,
Camouflage is my fav of Zauerball Crazy!
This morning my favorite is Change of Scenery
My fave is Malerwinkel
My favourite is a crazy – Red Skies, but it is hard to pick just one!
my fave is Indigo…always blue!!!!
“Red skies” at morning, sailors take warning! “Red skies” at night, sailors delight!
I love this combo of warms!
Aldebaran and Submaine!
Malletwinkle is my favourite! I’m a big fan of Zauberball.
fFvorite Zauberball crazy, Change of scenery. Favorite Zauberball, snickelway!! Thanks
How can I pick just one? Tonspur and Malerwinkel! Very curious how these knit up!
Truthfully, there is only one colorway (not even included in today’s assortment) that I do not love. For purposes of this exercise, I will say indigo.
Indigo is my favorite crazy! All those blues. Flowers, skies, ice. Just gorgeous!
For regular Zauberballs I am fond of monochrome which I have a bit of! For Zauberball Crazy I think Deep Water is the top of the charts. Plus I absolutely love their logo black cat!
I love ALL of them, both the crazy and not so crazy Zauberballs!
My favorite is Autumn Wind in ZB Crazy
October in Zauerball would be my favorite! I live in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee and that color reminds me of our Maple and Sweet Gum trees in the fall! Besides, reds and oranges just look cool in socks!
I had not heard of Zauberballs before now, so…WOW! I think my favourite right at this moment is October
Love this sock yarn! Can’t wait to try it. Favorite colours: Zauberball Stonewashed and Crazy Zauberball Indigo. Although it’s a hard decision!
Crazy in Malerwinkel!
My favorite is Change of Scenery, which is a Zauberball Crazy. I’ve knit with a few Z Crazies and they’ve been delightful each time.
My favorite Zauberball is Tropical Fish.
Can’t get beyond the Crazy Malerwinkle! The colors are so Springy and fun.
Blue Depths and Camouflage are my favorites.
My favorite color is Camouflage
Oooh, Zauberball Crazy in Indigo. Yummy!
Zauerball in Tropical Fish!
I do love me some Zauberball. My favourites vary with my mood. For the basic version, Shadows is my fave- especially when doing a planned pooling. And the crazy version? Hands down Malerwinkel. Quite different, eh? Just depends on whether the crazies are on my back!!!!!!!!
Shades of blue do it for me every time!
Blue depths.
My favorite is Tropical Fush
Crazy in My Sweet Side!
My favorite Zauerball color is Smoking Area (bad name, great colors).
My favorite is Deep Water in Zaiberball Crazy. Such a fantastic mix of blues and greens!!
change of scenery
My favorite is zauberball crazy “my sweet side”. Thank you for the give away!
My favorite is zauberball crazy camouflage!
toasted almond is one of my favorites. So many to love..
It’s hard to choose just one! I love them all!
Milestone looks just perfect!
Tropical fish seems to make me very happy this morning, so that’s my choice.
I am loving the monochromeZauberball!
My Fovorite is October!!❤️
I like My sweet side . All are beautiful so hard to choose just one.
Blue Depth for me!
Enchanted forest
Enchanted forest
Milestone. but they’re all amazing! and the best yarn for socks!!
My sweet side
Hmm, of those choices, Zauberball in Monochrome and Zauberball Crazy in Indigo.
I sink deeply into the mesmerizing Deep Water Crazy.
I love the Z. Crazy: Change of Scenery! Looks like fun to see “what comes next?”!
I’m liking Camouflage Crazy
Monochrome – definitely!!
Love Zauberball Crazy Milestone.
My favorite Zauberball color is Tropical Fish and my favorite Zauberball Crazy is Deep Water. So yummy!
I’m in the mood for blue socks at the moment. I really like Zauberballs Blue Depth.
Stonewashed is my fav. Bluetiful!
My favorite is crazy in deep water!
Crazy in Submarine.
Deep water. (pick me! pick me! pick me!)
Crazy in Change of Scenery.
My favorite zauberball crazy is My Sweet Side.
Who could not love a color called Snickelway!
I love Iridescence.
I love them all but I would pick Stonewashed. That would look great with jeans!! Thank you.
Lou Ann Murphy
Love that Crazy Camouflage!
Tropical fish is my fav!
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy Change of Scenery!
My favorite is Malerwinkel! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
My favorite is Malerwinkel! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
My favorite Zauerball color is Charisma. If you give me one ball of it I will need to buy three more to make myself a cardigan sweater that will go with all my crazy-old-lady-purple clothes.
Favourite color is milestone
My favourite colour is milestone
I love “My Sweet Side” because it is all the colors of fall: brilliant changing leaves, jack-o-lanterns, gourds and pumpkin spice latte.
I love Zauberball’s Enchanted Forest.
I love, love, love Zauberball Crazy in My Sweet Side. It says autumn to me.
Favorite color in Crazy is Change of Scenery.
Have you ever tried the Strong Heel in your stockinette socks? It works so well with color changing or self striping yarn.
Stonewashed, hands down.
Red Skies. What could be better than red, purple and orange all together?
Tropical fish is my catch
Zauberball Crazy – Camouflage! I love it.
Crazy in Indigo with Deep Water a close second.
I’m feeling Crazy Deep Water right now.
My favourite is Zauberball Snickelway!
Love enchanted forest!
Zauberball Fuchsia!
My fav is malerwinkel!
Blue depths, though the green (which seems to be out of stock), Stonewashed, and Indigo are close behind,
I love that Red Skies yarn!
Snickelway all the way!
Love your weekly newsletter :). Favorite Zauberball color: Shadows. Have not knitted with this “yet”, but will have to. Beautiful colors, had difficulty in choosing a favorite. Thanks for the opportunity.
Milestone in the Z Crazy!
I would love any of the ! But I have to choose, I love Malerwinkel. Great giveaway! Thanks.
Snickelway! Spring green and blue skies.
It’s a tough choice. But if I have to choose one it’s “My Sweet Side”.
I love the regular zauberballs. My current fave is shadows.
Oh, it has to be Stonewashed and Indigo!
Oops, just one, so Indigo.
Zauberbqll Blue Depths. I love those shades of blue!
Zauberball Shadows.
Thanks for a fun giveaway!
Snickelway is my favorite that I would love to try!
I love and would first choose the electric blue of Zauerball “blue depths”, but am also intrigued by the black & white changes in “shadows”. Thanks for introducing me to Zauerball.
My favorite Z crazy is My Sweet Side
There are so many pretty colors, but my favorite crazy would have to be Submarine!
Camouflage Z Crazy
Zauberball Crazy in Deepwater. Beautiful!
Change of scenery is my fave!
Crazy in Malerwinkel! Love the colors. Love the name!
My favorite Zauberball crazy is domino
Crazy Deep Water
My favorite is Zauerball Crazy their My Sweet SIde
Zauerball Crazy in Deepwater. Those colors! = the colors in my mind’s image of deep water.
Malerwinkle… So out of my comfort zone yet desperately need bright colors
So difficult! I only found about 11-teen favs Coin toss = Sweet Side
Blue Depths, cool, mysterious ocean blues
Change of Scenery is one of my favorite names. It is the way I fell at the moment,
Crazy in Deep Water is beautiful!!
Enchanted Forest. I’m sure my favorite would change depending on my mood, time of day or whim.
Enchanted Forest is so lovely! I’d love to cast on some socks with it.
Zauberball Crazy Red Skies is my favorite!
Enchanted forest!
Red Skies
Snikelway for sure,
My favorite crazy is Malerwinkel, those Spring colors!
My favorite is the crazy in Deep Water!
It’s a tie between snickleway and tropical fish.
Enchanted Forest:)
I love Malerwinkel. It just screams Happy!
I’m in love with Zauberball Crazy Red Skies! Thank you fir the chance to win it!
It is so hard to choose. I think my favourite Crazy Zauberball colour would be Change of Scenery.
Stonewashed and submarine all day long … I’m all about the blues!
Tropical Fish!
Oh! Wow how do you choose. They are all so juicy. I love Malerwinkel, Change of Seasons and Snickleway. Sorry couldn’t just pick one.
I love zauerball crazy color Malerwinkel. It plays beautifully off a solid dark color
I just permanently moved from Minnesota to Florida. I choose Change of Scenery
Today, right now, it’s Blue Depths. But it’s impossible for me to have a permanent favorite – they’re all fabulous.
I love and am addicted to ALL of the Crazy Zauberballs, but I’d have to say Malerwinkel is my favorite right now.
Snickleway looks fun and might be my second choice but I am crazy about Deep Water.
Z. Crazy in Deep Water
My favorite is Submarine
Change of Scenery, without a doubt!
My Sweet Side is SO rich!
OK so you want me to pick my favorite child right? I like Alderbarn in Zauberbal and love Camouflage in Crazy but cannot help but wonder what we are camofloging?
Red skies!
So. Much. Color. I love Camouflage, but would a sock in that get lost under my bed? Would I notice? I don’t care, I love that color!
Change of Scenery!
The camouflage crazy is just too fun. Talk about colors I would never think to put together myself that look great.
Hi, My favorite Crazy Color is My Sweet Side.
It must be Tropical Fish, just the colors to brighten life right now!
Zauberball Crazy: deep water
Malerwinkel! Like a field of flowers
Is it possible to only have one favorite?!? I love the brights (Floral Language, Tropical Fish) and the blues (Submarine, Indigo, Stonewashed…) and, and… Since I don’t currently have Indigo hiding in my stash, I’ll choose Indigo.
my favorite color is Turkismuhle
I love the deep water!
I love Autumn Wind!
Stonewashed is to dye for!!
Crazy! Change of Scenery
Definitely “Sweet Side” in Zauberball Crazy…even if the rest of me sometimes doesn’t have a sweet side… my new socks will!
Camoflage is my favorite!
Stonewashed for me!
Malerwinkel is my favorite. Would love to see a shawl made with it.
Tropical Fish!
My favorite is Malerwinkel.
Camouflage in Zauberball Crazy draws me in to the beautiful teals and blues that always tempt me to buy yarn, even though I have enough yarn to last a lifetime
I love the colors of fall. October is my favorite!
I’m enjoying zauberball crazy in Indigo right now.
Love that Monochrome Zauberball, and how could you pass up Indigo Crazy Zauberball! The real prize was your explanation of the ply that distinguishes the two!! Thank you for taking the time to enlighten.
I have to say October is my fav zaberball. I can testify that the change is so slow that at Barbie doll dress may not change color at all.
Malerwinkel for sure – even though the grandchildren picked tropical fish !!
My favorite Zauberball colour is Tropical Fish
Stonewashed is my favorite!
I live them all, but in the regular Z , I love Shadows, especially for planned pooling.
In the crazy version, Malerwinkel.
Zauberball – snickelway
Zauberball Crazy- malerwinkel
My favorite Zauberball is Tropical Fish!
I like Crazy Deepwqter
My Sweet Side – Zauberball Crazy… yum!
Milestone Crazy for sure
My favorite is camouflage in crazy. But really love them all.
Malerwinkel please!
Enchanted Forest ❤
Shadows or Tropical Fish – polar opposites, but I love them both!
My favorite Zauerball is Stonewashed. I haven’t had a chance to try the Crazy yet, but I have seen it at my LYS (250 miles away.) The things I do for love.
Snickelway all day!
Aldebaren is calling my name. I just can’t live a day without grey 🙂
Zauberball Crazy Malerwinkle for sure!
I like them all… I’d choose Blue Depths but they are all so wonderful.
My fave is Zauberball Crazy in Change of Scenery because it’s just so much fun & has such potential!
I love the Zauberball Crazy in Milestone!
In a perfect world Snickelway would be in my needles right now
Crazy for Camouflage!
Change of Seasons-it’s crazy like a quilt!
My favorite is Crazy in Camouflage
Looking through my projects I seem to have used 1564 Frische Fische twice, so I guess that’s my favorite. :-). I really like Deepwater Crazy though.
Hands down, my favorite is Zauberball Crazy in Camouflage. Love all the blues.
Ooooh, all the blues – but most of all Zauberball Crazy Deep Water!
Deep water. I’ve loved these since I saw them at stitches west years ago!
I admit to a preference for Indigo.
Zauerball – Shadows; Zauerball Crazy – Autumn Wind
Whoops! Change of Scenery (aka Change of Seasons)
I think my favorite of Zauberball Crazy Is Submarine, the colors just flow with each other and the muted tones seem to result in a salt-an-pepper effect.
Hey, who won last week’s yarn giveaway?
Zauerball Fuchsia. If it needs to be on instock, then absolutely Crazy Indigo!!
I love all the colors in both Zaurball and Zaurball Crazy. I like to put them in a bowl on a table and savor the color
combinations before I use them. My next adventure is weaving on my Heddle loom and I can’t wait to use the Zaurball lines in my new adventure. My favorite colors in Zaurball: Fushia and Stonewashed. In Zaurball Crazy, Red Skies.
Always blue. I choose Stonewashed as my color.
My favorite Zauberball Crazy is Red Skies
Enchanted forest and Malerwinkel.
Deep Water
Zauberball Crazy in Indigo, please.
I’m feeling Love for snickelway.
Wow – choosing one of the Zauberball Crazy colorless as my favorite is practically impossible! Right this instant, I’ll say Change of Scenery. But every time I look at them, I want them ALL!
Almost impossible to choose but: Enchanted Forest. Feels like Springtime!
My favorite Zuberball crazy is camouflage
WOW. Too many choices, but Malerwinkle is awesome!
Blue Depths Zauberball – I looooooooove it. Love.
I am in love with Tropical Fish
It is hard to pick just one! I like iridescence and malerwinkle.
Color me Malerwinkel, for favorite!
Equal favorites – Stonewashed or Indigo!
I love the Crazy in Milestone – but the regular Zauberball in Shadows would SO be in my wardrobe wheelhouse.
Love the Tropical Fish – it would brighten even the darkest day!
tropical fish
Crazy for Camouflage
My favorite is Crazy in Malerwinkel!
Zauberballs, love them! I haven’t tried Crazy Zauberballs and LOVE these too, my fave is Camouflage.
“Malerwinkel” just looks joyful on tis gray day w the sun trying to come out ..
Love Change of Senerey, colors are a change for me.
Snickelway, all the way ♀️!
My favorite is My Sweet Side in Zauberball Crazy
My favorite is My Sweet Side in Crazy Zauberball
Malerwinkle is the best hands down
Tropical Fish is my favorite!
Submarine is gorgeous! It is hard to pick a favorite!
Milestone!! Tough choice!
This time of year my eye goes to brighter colors of spring in the garden, so zauberball enchanted forest or zauberball crazy malerwinkel are calling to my heart and needles!!! Fingerless gloves here!
I really love the zauberball crazy color way Deep Water.
Snickelway makes me happy just looking at it!
Z Crazy Change of Scenery
I like MalerWinkel. It speaks to my inner Easter Bunny. Happy May!
My sweet side
Stonewash, and malerwinkel – I’ll have to look that name up!
Shadows is my favorite!
Indigo is my favorite.
Change of Scenery
I love the adlebaran. So rich looking
Crazy in Change of Scenery.
Rare Earth and My Sweet Side would look great together, I think, but I am also smitten by Red Skies!
Ohhh my goodness-so much deliciousness! I do love the colorway Aldebaran.
Red Skies and Stonewashed
Camouflage in the Crazy is gorgeous!
Submarine or Stonewashed—either would be great!
Zaureball Blue Depth and Crazy – camouflage
I love everything Indigo!
Camouflage is gorgeous.
Crazy in Mauerwinkel!
Zauberball Shadows. I am feeling a little lack of color today
I’ve been a fan of Zauberballs, Crazy or Sane, for years. I love Malerwinkel right now, for its jaunty exuberance in color changes.
My favorite is the Malerwinkel colorway
I love Zauberball Crazy in Indigo!
For me it’s zuberball crazy in change of scenery
Deepwater, Zauerball Crazy
I love the Zauberball Crazy colour Deep Water. Gorgeous.
I’m thinking of pairing up Crazy Zauberball Camoflage with another color (maybe Deepwater?) for a double knitting project.
Change of Scenery–Crazy!
My favorite crazy is “malwrwinkle”. Not only do I love the colors but the name is awesome as well.
My Sweet Side is my sweet fav!!!!
Stonewashed and Malerwinkel!
I love Blue Depths Zauberball!
Zauberball in Tropical Fish. Makes me think of spring!
My favorite Zauberball color is stonewashed!
Monochrome and camouflage!!
It’s Blue Depths and Deep Water for me!
Snickelway for Zauberball
Malerwinkel for Zauberball Crazy
How can you not love a color named snickleway??
Crazy Deep Water Love this‼️
My fave Crazy is indigo. Can’t resist blue
My favorite color of Zauberball Crazy for my next project is Indigo. Call me crazy (pun intended), but I haven’t knitted a pair of socks with any of my Zauberballs because I only wear socks except a limited time during the winter. Instead, I have knit a shawl and two cardigans. It is so fun seeing how the colors work themselves out in my projects.
Snickelway makes me happy
Crazy in Camouflage
Tropical Fish and Malerwinkel, so colorful!
Change of Scenery – I have to keep knitting to see what comes next.
Tropical Fish!
I prefer the Zauberballs, especially enchanted forest or stonewashed
Crazy in Malerwinkel ❤
Took me a few moments to figure out the color name as it appears to be out of stock but I really LOVE the richness of Charisma.
I’ve ever used a Zauderbal, but I’ve ventured into the Crazy Zauderbal a few times. With my current mood I’m LOVING the Malerwinkel to bring in spring!
I love zauerball “Tropical Fish”. Have been eyeballing it for a long time for a scarf, maybe combined with some “Blue Depths”…..
I already get Snippets. Love it. My favorite is “My Sweet Side”
Tropical fish!
So hard to choose! I guess Zauberball Snickelway
My favourite “crazy” is DEEP WATER
Zauberball Crazy in Red Skies or Iridescence. I’m sorry, I couldn’t pick just 1.
Crazy in Sweet Side
Submarine would be an adventure to knit!
Tropical Fish in Zauberballs definitely leapt out at me. BUT i fell in love with Zauberballs Crazy in Red Skies!
Snickelway is my fav color
Malerwinkle!! Love the craziness!!!!
Knitting socks continues to be a favorite pursuit, always a pair going even whilst knitting sweaters and shawls. My most favorite Zauberball Crazy is Gartenpartyn529509 with U-Boot 729818 a close second
I think my favorite is Zauberball Crazy Deep Water – that intriguing hint of magenta!
My my very favorite Z.C. Is Deep Water. I love the moody colors.
Aldebaran. yum!
Milestone in Zauberball Crazy
on another day might have picked any other color! difficult to chose!
My favorite crazy colors are Change of scenery & Malerwinkle
There used to be a potato chip commercial that claimed: “bet you can’t eat just one.” That’s the dilemma with Zauber yarns: they’re all delicious. That said, my favorite is Zauber Crazy “My Sweet Side.”
Pick a favorite? Impossible. I love them all. When I see one color and start to plan, I get distracted by another (or another 4 or 5). It saves me a lot of money, because I just can’t decide and end up in decision paralysis.
Tropical Fish for sure. I live in Hawaii and the colors are so perfect. I know everyone thinks Hawaii is all sunshine and bright skies but we do have a winter and knitting up a pair of socks in this color would be sooooooooo perfect for those cooler days. It was a hard pick thought. So many colors, so many projects, so little time.
So many wonderful colors to choose from, but somehow I always come back to the blues. Blue Depths for me.
I love, want, need camouflage! It’s my favorite because it will match my favorite crazy patch skirt!
Fave: Zauberball Crazy Milestone
Oh Balls! A zauberball giveaway!
I am a huge fan of the Z Team color play, why haven’t I found the skein of Z or ZC to come home with me? I have a list of favorites that is ever expanding! Once I knit socks with Z I will be hooked! If choosing one fir the basket of a giveaway, I would choose very carefully.
Zauberballs (drumroll…;) Deep Depths. Sigh…
My Sweet Side is lovely!
Change of scenery
I’m a big fan of blue so Indibo has to be my favorite.
I love Malerwinkel!
Favourite Zauberball Crazy: Deepwater.
Change of scenery in Zauerball Crazy! <3
Aldebaran and Red Skies
Tropical Fish
So hard to pick just one but if pressed, I’d say zauberball in monochrome.
Tropical Fish – all the way!
I lovvvvve My Sweet Side. The name and the colors are perfect!
It’s hard to have a favorite among so many glorious choices but if absolutely forced to pick, I’d go with Malerwinkel – unless I changed my mind!
Tropical fish!
,October or Blue Depths! Both colors are harmonious, such luminous hues. ❤️
My choice would be Malerwinkel, because socks are the one (or two) wardrobe items where I break away from my normally earth-toned comfort zone 🙂
I love Zauberballs Crazy and I think Change of Scenery is fabulous. I should try the regular ones sometime but maybe not for socks.
So many favs really. I do love the zauberball crazy colors – Deep Water would be my choice.
I think I’m loving the look of Stonewashed Zauberball . Can’t go wrong with blues!
Zauberball: Blue Depths
Z. Crazy: Deep Water
To be honest, I actually had to coin flip my choices because I am smitten with all of them! 😀
Crazy – my sweet side. Just perfect for a jaunt in the fall woods!
They are all brilliant! But I love all things blue! Zauerball in Blue Depths and Stonewashed!!!
Blue depths: love it becuase the colors and “Zauberball” name reminds me of a favorite opera, Die Zauberflote.
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy in Submarine!
Stonewashed Zauberball and Indigo Zauberball Crazy. But really…… how do we decide? All so yummy!
My favorite is Camouflage.
It has to be Malerwinkle! It made my granddaughter smile with delight.
I love Zauberball. Crazy ‘Change of Scenery’ with all the bright, wonderful colors. Delicious!
Favorite is deep water♥️
Oops! My Zauberball Crazy ‘color should have read ‘Change of Scenery’!
Favorite Zauberball Crazy is Change of Scenery! Hoping…..:)
Zauberball 1454 Tropical Fish !
My favorite of the Crazy Zauberball colors is Malerwinkel. Had to look up the word and found it is, for one thing, the name of a trail in a natl park in Bavaria. “This short trail leads to the incredible Malerwinkel viewpoint.” Sounds grand!
I am a sucker for teal and prefer Zauberball Crazy for socks, so my fave is Camouflage.
Been knitting for almost 50 years. (Yikes!). Have made dozens of Christmas stockings (intarsia, so, flat and seamed up the back, like an old silk stocking! I have never made a pair of socks. I think it’s time!
I like the Zauberballs Stonewashed. (Well, I like several, but I think the Stonewashed are my favorites.)
Tropical fish!!! I don’t even need to know with it, just seeing it brightens my day.
Blue Depths…so under the sea tranquil.
Blue Depths + Indigo
Zauberball Crazy in Change of Scenery!! It’s amazing!
Zauberball Crazy – Submarine
It’s soo hard to choose, but in Zauberball Crazy I really like Camouflage.
Enchanted Forest has my name.,.,but honestly, I’d be delighted with any of them!
crazy in red skies
My favorite is Crazy Camouflage
So hard to decide, they’re all so wonderful… I’d have to say Aldebaran and October (it’s impossible to have just one favourite).
Autumn wind in Z crazy: the teal, burgundy, red, gosh knows what else is wrapped up in there! Winds of change!
Indigo,the clear winner for me.
Stonewashed would be my favorite of the Zauberballs. I am not the crazy type, buy one day I may be tempted to try the indigo crazy.
My Sweet Side-reminds me of my favorite season-autumn!
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy in “Camoflage’’. Actually knit infant EZ BabySurprise Sweater with one ball of this lovely yarn.
My favorite colorway is Camouflage in ZauberbllCrazy. All my colors that I love.
Zauberball Crazy in My Sweet Side!
My favorite is Zauberball Stonewashed, but I already have that, so if I’m lucky enough to win might i have Aldebaran instead?
malerwinkel makes me think of spring
I don’t have any in my stash just now but I would choose Tropical Fish or Deep Water Crazy as ones I would like to play with.
So hard to pick just one favorite. I’ll go with Stonewash.
I will say submarine is the one I am most likely to wear as a sock.
Zauberball Alderban
So many choices but Zauberball smoking area is my choice.
Tropical Fish is my favorite
I’m gonna,say Monochrome and Malerwinkel, which I had to check the spelling of three times befor typing:)
OMG, how can we choose one.
For Zauberball: Tropical Fish
For Zauberball Crazy:My Sweet Side
Fave ZCrazy: Camouflage
Fave Z: middle row, third from left, turquoise and pink/purple (I don’t think you currently have it for sale, but it is my favorite)
Really liking the look of Autumn Wind Zauberball Crazy!
Deep Water!
My favorite Zauberball Crazy colorway is Milestone.
My fav is Change of Scenery
My favorite is Red Skies
Choosing a favorite colorway of Zauberball or Zauberball Crazy is like having to choose your favorite grandchild. I love them all for different reasons. However, since I do have to choose one, I name Zauberball Crazy’s My Sweet Side. It’s Halloween in a ball.
For Zauberball Crazy, I like Autumn Wind. For the Zauberball i Like Stonewashed. I actually like them all but have to knit things that will go with items in my closet.
I love the Malerwinkel!
malerwinkelhas beguiled me
Wow, so many choices! My favourite would be Camouflage.
Change of scenery is lovely
My favorite Zauberball color is Blue Depths. My favorite Zauberball Crazy is Iridescence. I knit the Kindness shawl with Blue Depths. it was wonderful. More of a lace weight than a fingering weight yarn.
Just love those brown and blue combos – definitely Rare Earth!
I love Tropical Fish. My knitting room is painted a Caribbean Blue. So Wonderfull in winter.
Change of scenery
Malerwinkel! Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite color is Submarine
Zauberball Crazy in Milestone
zauberball tropical fish/zauberball stonewashed – don’t make me chose!
My favorite color is Zauberball Crazy in Deep Waer
I love Zauberball and knitted a pair of fingerless gloves about 12 years ago in Zauberball Crazy in a color way that no longer exists. I get so many compliments on those gloves and they have worn like iron-no holes, little visible wear. My favorite color right now is Deep Water. Thanks for highlighting this fabulous yarn!
My favorite is Zauberball Aldebaran
My favorite in Zauberball Crazy is Autumn Wind.
Deep water! I love the rich greens!
Floral language. It makes me think of apple blossoms and spring.
Zauberball Crazy red skies.
Deepwater!!! what a wonderful color…
Hard to choose but I’ll go with stonewashed.
My favorite is Submarine
Gotta be Crazy in Deep Water!
Very hard to choose but I think my favorite would be Zauberball Crazy Submarine
Zauberball – Monochrome
Zauberball Crazy- Deep Water
Autumn Wind for my first socks.
Change of scenery in crazy!
October Zauberball is my favorite.
My favorite color is monochrome in zauberball
I’m cheating. I really like them all because they match my moods. Sometimes, the color just shifts but it’s always moving. Other times, there’s a lot of intertwining of emotions and things are never quite clearly one or the other. If I have to pick one, it would be Zauerball Crazy Submarine. Like the water, the color shifts like the ocean, sometimes reflecting back the light, sometimes absorbing it, always full of discovery and mystery.
Red sky
Zauberball – October, the red/orange colorway.
A favourite is Tropical Fish
I have to pick just one?!? Today it’s Zauberball Crazy in “Mahlerwinkel” Love the colors and love the name.
I would as for the malerwinkle ball as it is crazy wild colors and what wonderful socks they would make! How amazing that would be for the wearer!
My Favorite Crazy is Deepwater
My favoritest of all time is the pink and green Zauerball, but it doesn’t come up, I guess not available. Next bestest favoritest is Malerwinkle Crazy. What colors!!
Enchanted Forest
October! I am crazy about October!
My fav is Monochrome!
Spent 24 hours with a great-niece and great-nephew I have not seen in over a year, so my color choices reflect the wonder of this weekend: Crazy-Change of Scenery because it was all about being with those littles and the playground for hours and hours, Regular- Blue Depths, because we relaxed for bed tuned in to the Moon Jellyfish at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. (Thanks, science, for the vaccine that made this possible for us)
I simply cannot decide whether I love Snickelway or Malerwinkel best!!! Both are divine….truly!!!
October all the way!
My favorite color is Zauberball Crazy Milestone.
I love the crazy in Deep Water. (I also adore whatever the blue and brown zauberball is in the photo lineup, but it’s not in stock and I can’t see the name!)
My sweet side.
Zauberball …..monochrome and zauberball crazy in change of scenery.
Oh my! Is it possible to choose just one? I’d be in “Deep Water” if I had too
Oh my! Is it possible to choose just one Zauber crazy? I’d be in “Deep Water”. If I had to.
I think the Change of Scenery yarn will make the wildest socks, and I like to make wild socks for my family and myself. I’ve not had anybody refuse a pair of hand knit socks. Ever.
Favourite Zauberbal is Tropical Fish and Zauberbal Crazy is Malerwinkel.
I love Blue Depths.
I’m giving you my faves for both yarns, ‘cuz I hate to choose—I want ALL the feels! Zauberball: Blue Depths (so moody and mysterious and DEEEEEEP. Z-Crazy: Red Skies because it positively vibrates!
i love them all. but malerwinkle crazy is so compelling and out of my comfort zone-ish
My favorite color of Zauberball is Enchanted forest. But hard to choose!
I love Change Of Scenery in Zauerball Crazy!
My favorite color of Zauberballs is Charisma. I love it’s incredibly rich, deep colors!
Tropical fish is my choice.
Blue Depths! You can almost swim in that!
I love Crazy Zauberball in Camouflage!
Zauberball Crazy My Sweet Side
Zauberball Crazy in Irridescence for sure!
It used to be “Shadows”. Now it is “Blue Depths”
I can’t find the name of the 2 I like, but in the Crazy colorways, I really love the Red Skies
Blue Depths is beautiful!
My favorite color of Zauberall Crazy is Iridescence.
Stone washed and Deep Water!!! OH MY!!!
Enchanted Forest is my fave!
Deep water, wonderful in the shawl pattern Stones in the Water!
Deep Water please
I love Snickelway & Indigo!!!
Love that Zauberballs Tropical Fish!
I love Zauberball Crazy in Red Skies. Red and Purple all mixed together like an excellent summer berry pie. Yum!
Change of Scenery is beautiful!
Malerwinkel looks like so much fun!
Snickelway is so fun!
Blue Depths all the way!
October, my birth month!
Change of scenery in Zauberball Crazy
I love zauberball crazy, malerwinkel. Such fun colors
Submarine is gorgeous. I love all the names and color ways, though.
Snickelway and Red Skies are two favorites…such fun, but all are terrific.
Blue depths and Iridescent
Love them all but my favorite in crazy is Autumn Wind thank you for the giveaway..
Petal Zauberballs is pretty, but I don’t see it as an option.
My favorite colorway is the Zauberball Snickelway!
Enchanted forest for Zauberball (the name!!), and A Change of Scenery for Crazy. They are all gorgeous!!
My favorite is crazy in milestone!
I’m all about the blues – Crazy in Indigo.
Zauberball Crazy. Malerwinkel
Crazy: Camouflage or Submarine
My favorite of the current Zaubers is Fuschia.
Malerwinkel! Also what a great NAME
Zauberball – Tropical Fish – underwater primary delight!
(The pink and green ball without a color name is oh so Lilli Pulitzer)
Crazy – Indigo – cool Blues!
My favorite is submarine
My favorite color zauberball is autumn wind
My favourite is Zauberball Crazy in Change of Scenery. So pretty!
My favorite is Red Skies. It is so dramatic!
so hard to choose, but tropical fish stands out from the rest.
I like Monochrome of Zauberballs and Red skies of Zauberball Crazy
I love Malerwinkle, Crazy!
Crazy in deep water is my favorite! Looove those colors!
I like the Indigo Crazy Zauberball.
Zauberball Crazy in Submarine
Deep Water
My favorite is Zaurball Crazy in Submarine.
hard to name just one favorite, but Smoking Area it is!
My favorite is Snickelway.
Change of Scenery in the Zauberball Crazy
Zauberball Monochrome ~ Silver & Turquoise, my favorite!
I’d go with Stonewashed Zauberball.
Crazy…my sweet side
Snickelway and Indigo!
My Sweet Side is my Zauberball Crazy favorite!
Crazy about Deep Water!
Autumn skies, Zauberball Crazy would be fun, thank you.
Tropical Fish – it’s a classic, it’s the colors of joy, I can’t browse the Zauberball selection without picking up the Tropical Fish!
My favorite color is Shadows.
Definitely Zauberball Crazy in Deepwater.
Got to be Change of Scenery!
Wow, Crazy in Autumn Wind is so beautiful!
Deepwater Crazy for the win!
Deep Water Zauberball Crazy is my favorite – reminds me of the green earth and blue sky of our North Carolina heaven!
That’s easy, the one you haven’t had in stock for eons, 2nd row, 2nd from the end looking left to right.
Z. Crazy in Camouflage – the teals and turquoise!
My favorite is Zauberball in Stonewash.
Tropical fish
It’s a toss-up between October and My Sweet Side!
Crazy Change of Scenery.
Crazy Zauberballs Deep Water
Crazy – Malerwinkel
Reg – Stonewashed
Autumn Wind is my favorite, I think. So hard to choose just 1!
I love the Zauberball color Tropicalfish and Crazy Zauberball color Camouflage for the contest
My favorite is Tropical Fish. I seem to be craving bright colors LOL.
Enchanted Forest and Milestone!
Ooooh, love a giveaway! My fav colors are Monochrome and Malerwinkel!
Thank you!
Crazy Zauberball Malerwinkel!
It’s hard to choose just one but I have to say I love Zauberball Crazy Malerwinkel. And that name!
My favorite crazy color is iridescence!
Crazy in Deep Water
Tropical fish and deep water
Zauberball Crazy Malerwinkel
Thank you! Tropical fish looks wonderful!
Deepwater!!! It’ is honestly SO hard to choose, but Deepwater has stolen my heart!
My favorite is Charisma, which you don’t seem to be carrying. Of the ones you’ve got stocked, my fave is Enchanted Forest.
Malerwinkel!! The name alone!!
So many to love – this minute my favorite is Snickleway. Love the name….reminds me if Snicker Doodles!
Malerwinkle – using my 2nd ball!
Crazy Submarine!!
Malerwinkel, for the colors AND the name!
Zauberball Blue Depths 🙂 <3
Deep Water in Zauberball Crazy is so dreamy! Ocean colors forever!
Oh, that Deep Water Zauberball Crazy!
My favorite color of Zauberball is Shadows
Tropical Fish…..amazing!!! Zauberballs…so lovely.
I love the spring colours in Zauberball Crazy “Malerwinkel”
So many beautiful colors! I think my favorite would have to be Zauberball Crazy Malerwinkel
Love the Zauberball Crazy Deep water.
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy, Deep Water
Zauerball – Rare Earth
Zauerball Crazy – Deep Water
Guess I’m kinda monochrome
Crazy – camouflage
Deep Sea is calling to me after watching “My Octopus Teacher “.
Oh, how could I not be in love with Zauerball Crazy in Malerwinkel?!! Of course I Googled it so now I know where it is, but it’s such a great word, could be anything. Need a pick-me-up? Try some Malerwinkel. Feeling a random string of symptoms? Might be Malerwinkel. Really it should just mean “great combo of colors”!
Any of the crazies are dance with joy, fun! Malerwinkel’s gorgeous and of course, plays well with everything! So nice to see them all here too – thanks.
Gosh, I want them all, but my first choice is Aldebaron.
I’ve been drawn to all things orange lately, so I gotta say October is my favourite.
I really like the Alderbaran
My favourite is Zauberball Crazy in Autumn Wind.
Autumn wind—i saw that color way and fell in love with it!
I love the Crazy in Change of Scenery! All those colors!!!
I love, love, love red skies!
Love these! Deep water is my favorite!
Zauberball Crazy: Camouflage
Zauberbsll: Monochrome
How exciting! I love CRAZY ball! My favorite is Deep Water.
Crazy Camouflage. I made a baby sweater with it, I couldn’t put it down!
My sweet side <3
Wow – it is so hard to pick just one! But I think my favorite Zauberball is Shadows 🙂
I love the Z Crazy Indigo! Looks like a new pair of socks
My favorite Zauberball is Tropical Fish!
How do you choose just one? I think for today, my fave would be indigo.
oops. Malerwinkel
“October” is my choice – my most knitworthy daughter loves the colors, very saturated, and reminds me of sunsets – have made her many pairs of socks and these would be a welcome addition to them! **swoons**
I absolutely love the richness of the Crazy colourway Milestone!
I see that Jane below had the same picks as me:
Zauerball – Enchanted Forest
Zauerball Crazy – Malerwinkel
Ok am Deep water crazy! Oh yeah
Deep water and Indigo!
All of them are interesting and I would love to work with any of them, but camouflage is my favorite.
All of them are beautiful and I would love to work with any of them but camouflage is my favorite
Tropical Fish!
You want me to pick one? I’m the person that must bring a friend to the yarn shop because I’m a like a kid in a candy store or is it undiagnosed ADHD… I LOVE all the colors & textures. So, with that said I love the crazy ‘change of scenery’ & ‘malerwinkle’ but submarine cause my husband was in the navy & the guy deserves a hand knit pair of socks to live with me. Love reading all your articles & videos. Keep knitting!
malerwinkel is my favorite. I’d like to knit that into the yoke of a fingering weight raglan sweater…maybe try my hand at my first steeked cardigan?
Deep Water is my favorite
My favourite is Zauberball Crazy in Change of Scenery
Adelbaren is my favorite followed closely by stonewashed
Shadows and Deep Water
I have to pick just one color?! I bought stonewashed for myself just to dip my toes in – I’m a sucker for blues! And I bought Change of Scenery to make a gift for someone. But I’d love Tropical Fish, Monochrome and Alderbaran as well as Camouflage and Malerwinkle. It’s hard to pick just one!
So many choices… I think October (totally outside my usual choices) Although Tropical Fish sure is cheery!
Oh my, Blue Depths sings to my soul.
Deep Water! No contest 😉
I love rare earth
Deepwater in zauerball crazy!
Oh, how to choose just one!!? I simply adore the “Tropical Fish” color way! Now, that would make socks to thrill ages 1-100.
Shadows in Zauberballs
Snickelway. Of course!.
Zauberball Crazy Indigo – such a great color combination!
I already enjoy your newsletter and subscribe to the Field Guides. I may not always be working on the projects from the current issue cause I am a very slow knitter.
Favorite colors today- Zauberballs- tropical fish
Zauberballs crazy- camoflauge
I mean, I can’t believe you’re making me choose, but ok, fine, my favorite (JUST FOR TODAY) is the Crazy ball in Change of Scenery. (But also in My Sweet Side and Camouflage and Red Skies I CAN’T DO IT)
Crazy in submarine. It’s so soothing to me.
My favorite is zauerball crazy – change of scenery.
I love Crazy Change of Scenery
Zauberball October
Zauberball Snickelway is my favorite. It made me think of summertime at the shore.
Malerwinkel, because I would like to go there
I love blue depth!
I love Snickelway.
Zauberball Crazy in Submarine!
Crazy here for Milestone and Change of scenery. And dreaming of helical stripes anything … my favorite crazy striped sock technique.
After a year like this….. Change of Scenery…… is all I need!
Thank you for your never-ending inspiration
A shawl in October Zauberball would make a perfect birthday present for my sister!
Change in Scenery is my fav!
So hard to choose, but I think I would have to go with Z. Crazy Deep Water! I’m imagining entrelac magic with it.
Iridescence looks amazing
I bought the Zauberball Crazy in Camouflage on impulse at a knit fair and started a pair of socks. On 2nd thoughts I want to wear this colour visibly so it’s waiting for that perfect pattern. Autumn Wind (Zauberball Crazy) is the shade that’s my fave, I just love the combination of red and blue with the grey there. They’re all so pretty though, I’m not sure I could walk passed them without giving in to impulse again.
I love blues so my favorite color in zuckerball is blue depths
I love Zauberball crazy change of scenery. And I really enjoy your emails! And that’s unusual…
Zauberball is so addicting to knit, I want to keep going to see what color combination comes next! I love every color, but Flussbett is my all time favorite.
Tropical Fish! Just looking at those colors makes me happy.
Zauberball: monochrome
Z Crazy: Deepwater….Thank you!!
Monochrome looks perfect for hats for my granddaughters.
My favourite Zauberball Crazy is Change of Scenery! So fun!!
Zauberball Alderbaran. Although anyone would make me happy.
My favorite Zauberball color is blue depths.
Zauberball Crazy in Camouflage – love the teal and brown with pops of bright stuff.
Zauberball Crazy in Malerwinkel, it immediately caught my eye!!!
I love Deepwater in Zauberball Crazy and Monochrome in Zauberball. As you say, knitters need both!
Love the milestone color in crazy! It reminds me of a peacock 🙂
Today it is Camouflage.
Crazy Zauberballs Change of Scenery
I am loving “Aldebaran” ! These are great yarns!
my favorite zauberball is OCTOBER! Thanks!
Tropical Fish
Zauberball Crazy in Red Skies for me!
This is hard! ‘Change of Scenery’ calls to me.
Mmm…hard to pick but I like the Change of Scenery in Zauber Crazy
My favorite is zauberball crazy Milestone!
Zauberball crazy in Deep Water (although Malerwinkle is so fun!)
Malerwinkel, because it’s spring. I could say literally any Crazy Zauberball
I like Zauberball Enchanted Forest. Zauberball Crazy = Submarine. Plus, May 9 is my birthday. I am feeling hopeful.
Charisma-favorite zauerball color
I love submarine!
I like the toasted almond for the regular zauberball, and the submarine for the crazy one. 🙂
I like tropical fish
I’ve never knit with Zauberball so I’d love to win some
snikelway…love the name! (And the colors)
I love Zauberball yarns. Favorite Zauberball color: Aldebaran. Favorite Zauberball crazy: Iridescence. Thanks for the chance to win these!
Oh my gosh they are all so great! But my current favorite is one of the Zauberball crazy, Change of scenery. Maybe it’s not having to choose a favorite color at the moment, or maybe just the fact that an actual change of scenery sounds blissful, or perhaps just the wonderful colors melting together, but whatever it is I am IN LOVE!
My favorite is Tropical Fish.
I love Malerwinkel! It would make a lovely light but warm hat for a bit of colour on grey days.
My favorite Zauberball colorway is Tropical Fish.
My favorite Crazy Zauberball color is Indigo and my favorite Zauberball color is Blue Depth. Gorgeous colors!
Thanks for offering a giveaway!
Charisma please
Makrewinkel today. Yesterday it was crazy fish. Tomorrow? Too hard to choose. I love them all!
I love, love, love Zauberball Tropical Fish. After the challenges of the last year, the bright colors are like the warm, sunny days of spring. They signal hope and cheer, food for the soul.
Zauberball Stonewashed
Zauberball Crazy Camouflage
Blue Depths is my favorite. Thank you for the giveaway!
Malerwinkel and October
Crazy Submarine…I can’t resist blues
Catchy Fishbowl. Gulp when the orange hits your eye. ( Zauberballs)
Marlwinkle shouts spring to me. (Zauberballs-Crazy
ZCrazy in Deep Water!
Red Skies, Crazy. I think. I can’t pick JUST one!! All the colors are screaming “SOCKS !!” And “PICK MEEEEE !!”
I like Reds, Purples. Yellow and Blues. Greens and Yellow….. Zauberballs are just sooo kewl
Really, how can you ask us to pick just one? I can share one of my all time, favorite projects was done with the crazy zauberball. https://www.ravelry.com/projects/t3naciousj/entrelac-boho-scarf
The color on the label was Schokoladenseite, but it looks like My Sweet Side is the same color.
Zauberball crazy in submarine or indigo, can’t decide, I’ve used a zauberball flower before with a feather n fan stitch shawl with beads, love their colors, it was rust colored with tangerine accents , i added blue with it. Very soft and dainty looking. I get lots of comments when i wear it. Looking forward to issue 18.
My favorite is zauberball crazy indigo
My favorite/-but so hard to choose/-is crazy Camouflage.
My favorite Zauberball is Tropical Fish, and favorite Crazy Zauberball is Malerwinkle!
Deep Water
So many choices!! If I have to choose, it would be Zauerball – Enchanted Forest
Zauerball Crazy – Malerwinkel
My favorite colorway would be aldebaran
Change of Scenery. Perfect for autumn knitting.
My favorite Zauberball is “Tropical Fish.” It reminds me of the critters in a salt water aquarium. I’d like to knit a summer tee shirt using it.
Zauberball: Fushia and Zauberball: Crazy Submarine.
The colors in Enchanted Forest Zauberball are soothing and relaxing.
My favorite is crazy in Deep Water
My favorite Zauberball Crazy is Indigo
Malerwinkel is my favorite color of my favorite Zauberball Crazy!!
I live Snickelway!! So zingy!
Crazy in Tropical Fish is my favorite!
So hard to decide but I am enjoying the spring colors of malerwinkle.
I will choose a crazy ball in “my sweet side”. Who can resist that name?
I usually choose purples and blues, but Change of Scenery looks fun for a……well, you know.
Stonewashed and camouflage!
Really?! You want me to pick just ONE?! Ok, then. Change of Scenery. ❤️
Deep Water Zauerball Crazy! It’s gorgeous!
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy in Malerwinkle
Crazy in Malerwinkel!
Zauberball crazy in my sweet side! I love Z crazy so much for socks I purchased a sample test swatch with remaining ball from my YLS before it closed its doors last month
These yarns are so lovely it is hard to pick a favorite. I have to say that my favorite is Change of Scenery. I love the number of different colors in this yarn and with the situation of the past year, I could really use a change of scenery!!
Shadows! I’m an electron microscopist and am used to grayscale.
Crazy Malerwinkel!
Submarine is my favorite color!
Thank you for the giveaway! I loooove Zauberball Enchanted Forest.
I’ve never tried the Crazy, and I think all would be fun to knit, and I’ve gone back and forth trying to pick a favorite; I’ve settled on Red Skies though Deep Water and Indigo are tempting (well they’re all tempting). Thanks for the opportunity- fingers crossed
Stonewashed and Submarine. How’s a girl to decide?
Ooooh — Zauberball Crazy in Deep Water!
My favorite color is fuchsia! I love your weekend newsletter and am enjoying wanderlust. Thank you!
Milestone is my favorite!
Camouflage, if I have to only pick one!
Blue Depths!
I love Aldebaran. Red and black are my favorite colors
I love the My Sweet Side Zauberball Crazy.
It changes almost daily – the crazy’s all look fun! Today it is Malerwinkel!
Autumn Wind in Crazy.
Blue Depths is my favorite Zauerball color. The color has a peaceful quality.
Malerwinkle is my fave! Even the name is fun to say!
Zauderball crazy Red Skies
Zauderball October
Living in Holland my all time favorite is Durch die blume, it just looks like a Tulip in bloom!
My favorite color is the magenta Zauberball that isn’t labeled. What gorgeous colors. My second choice would be Shadows. All of the colors are beautiful. Thank you for having such wonderful yarns. Creativity begins here.
How to chose? They all ate beautiful and quicken the heart. But having to make a decision I would chose Aldebaran and Blue Skies. I must admit Blue Skies stops me dead in my tracks with its saturated colors of reds and purples melding into an incredible sunrise. Be still my heart.
I meant Red Skiies ♀️♀️♀️ My brain was lacking oxygen from the shock of color.
I would love a Change of Scenery!
I’d like to see how the colors shift in Crazy Iridescence. But they’re all lovely!
Pick just one????OK, Zauerball crazy, Change of Scenery
Change of scenery looks amazing! So many color changes!
My favorite is Monochrome!
October is my favorite color. Such a spirited color
My fave Crazy is Irridescence!
Deep waters zauberball crazy is my top choice!
Shadows for great neutrals. Thanks.
I’m a fan of Deepwater and October!
My favorite in Crazy is Deepwater. My favorite in Zauerball is Tropical Fish.
Love Zauberball Crazy in Milestone!
October for the win!
My favorite is Red Skies!
My favorite is Submarine!
Thanks for the fun giveaway! Gotta go with Crazy #1702. I used it in a Nymphalidea shawl and love how it turned out. 🙂
My favorite is Zauberball in Tropical Fish.
My favorite is zauerball aldebaron
I love the happy feel of Malerwinkel!
Change of seasons in Crazy zauberball calls to me. thanks.
Such a hard choice! The Zauberball Crazy -Milestone is beautiful, but Zauberballs – Tropical Fish just makes me smile!
I love Shadows, but it would depend on the project. Love so many!
How to choose just one??? But if I had to, it would be October. So lovely.
I’m rather partial to October
Zauber all Crazy Malerwinkel – love it!!!
My favorite is Deep Water.
Love Camouflage – would look great in color work design of many a sweater.
Submarine (Zauberball Crazy) is beautiful!
I love Crazy in Malerwinkle! And Indigo!! Then Snickelway caught my eye… can I just have them all?!
I LOVE the Blue Depths Zauball! It just brightens your whole day to look down and see those beautiful colors dancing around your feet.
Zauberball Crazy in Malerwinkle! Beautiful!
I love Zauberball Crazy in Change of Scenery….it speaks to me. Deep Water comes in second!
Deepwater is soooooooo pretty. Greens get me everytime
My favorite Zauberball color is October. Yum!
Today? Camouflage!
Oooh! Crazy Deep Water!
“October” is my Zauber favorite. I was tempted by other colors but it’s “October”. Fall is my favorite season
I love the Zauerball Tropical Fish-so fun!
Change of Scenery is oh, so cool!
Change of scenery is beautiful!!! May inspire me to try knitting socks!
A change of scenery
Love the MALERWINKEL…it’s as crazy in color as I’m as crazy for the colors.
Hi. Thanks for the chance to look at all the Zauberball and Zauberball Crazy colors of yarn. Any one of them would make a delightful “Baby Snow Dragon” from Ravelry. Crocheting that pattern in a new variegated yarn is always a delightful adventure. But my favorite colorway is, remains, and probably always will be “Tropical Fish”. I knitted a pair of “Longitudinal” socks from Knitty from that yarn on a train journey years ago, and I love them, and they are holding up well, but if I had another ball, I’d be set for when those socks finally succumb to being favorites.
deepwater! so gorgeous
Gotta love that Crazy Malerwinkel. Looks like Spring in a yarn cake.
I like Blue Depths!
I love the stonewashed color. Now that I am retired I thankfully have a blue jean life, but my inner child loves tropical fish. Is there such a thing as too much sock yarn? I think not!
Snickerway! The colors are all beautifull but this one would be perfect to use for my little grand daughter Zoë.
My favorite is Aldebaron.
Camouflage gets my vote!
Hmmm, they’re all so gorgeous it’s hard to pick one. But Crazy Zauberballs are definitely my favorite and if I have to pick just one for a favorite color it would be Camouflage no, wait, it is My Sweet Side…for sure, yes, My Sweet Side…..
Aldebaran! Love the name. And the colorway!
My favourite is Zauberball Crazy in Deepwater.
Zauberballs Crazy-Indigo!
I would love a skein of Enchanted Forest!
This was tough. I love them all. I chose camouflage today. Tomorrow it will be another.
My favorite in Zauerball Crazy is Camouflage.
october! indigo!
I Love Blue Depths for the regular Zauberball. Change of Scenery is gorgeous too! But really, they are all lovely.
My favorite is Zauberball in Fuschia
Favorite – this moment it’s Crazy in red skies.
My favorite Crazy Zauberball is Deepwater. The name is perfect for the deep greens and blues with the touch of gold like the sun glinting across the surface of the water and the red of a darting fish. Love it.
Zauberball,,,monochrome. Zauberball Crazy, Red Skies
Zauberball Crazy Iridescence is my color of choice. It reminds me of the Fourth of July and all the good things that come with it. Thank you.
My favorite crazy is malerwinkel
Fave? Crazy in Red Skies
Mmmmmmm, Milestone.
I’m really liking the Tropical Fish
Hmm surf or turf. I love tropical fish and also enchanted forest. Thanks for the giveaway
Shadows 🙂
Tropical Fish Zauberball checks every one of my color boxes. It makes my heart sing. It makes the needles electric.
My favorite is Malarwinkel
I love them all, but Change of Scenery the most – happy socks!!
Submarine is my favorite Zauberball Crazy color.
Camouflage in Zauberball crazy
I really love them all but if I have to pick, it is Zauberball Crazy in Deep Water.
Regular zauberball – red/gray crazy ball – blue green…
Autumn Wind in Zauberball Crazy. The colors are gorgeous!
Camouflage is my favorite Zauberball shade.
zap ER all Crazy in Camouflage—stunning !
Change of Scenery! The more colours, the better!
I love Autumn Wind Crazy Zauberball.
The best Zauberball is Zauberball Crazy in Iridescence in all its Zauberballness.
Lovin the Crazy Enchanted Forest!
tonspur (which google tells me means soundtrack) is appealing. i love when non-english origin companies use names in their original language because it inspires me to learn new words! also like malerwinkel which appears to be named after a forested lakeside area but makes me think of dyeing easter eggs!
Autumn Wind
Indigo as a crazy.
They look like easter eggs!
Enchanted forest
Google didn’t work the first time – hope this does…. Zauberball Crazy – Change of Scenery
Aldeberon. Such deep colors.
Change of Scenery in the crazy! But I really ❤️ Them all.
My favorite color of Zauberball is Stonewashed. The blues are absolutely beautiful!
Indio and Stonewash – stunning!!!!!
I am Zauberball Crazy about Submarine!
Has to be Deep Water in a Zauerball Crazy.
Male twinkle! Love the lighter colors. Have done vanilla socks with Deepwater. Loved every minute of making them.
My favourite is red skies
My favorite is Crazy Zauberball in Submarine
It’s hard to choose because they are all gorgeous, but Crazy in Malerwinkel really is crazy! Love it!
Malerwinkle and Monochrome!
I am loving Zauberball Crazy in Deepwater. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love Malerwinkel! Such a fun color and name
I love Crazy in colorway Camouflage!
I love Camouflage
My sweet side! I see pumpkin socks for fall!
Camouflage in Crazy is my favorite, altho there are many more that I love as well
Rare Earth is hands down my favorite Zauberball!
I’m Crazy for Malerwinkle! They are ALL fun, aren’t they?
Thank you!!
Oops – Still Crazy for Malerwinkel (this spelling)
My Sweet Side is the Zauberball Crazy for me! Fingers crossed.
Zauberball Crazy Deep Water!
Oooh the red skies crazy is beautiful with deep water and submarine not far behind!
Choose ONE favorite???!!! Ok, Malerwinkle because I like to say it, but Camouflage is pretty amazing. I love them all!
Monochrome and Indigo. All the blues!
My favorite Zauberball? Change of Scenery, or to my way of thinking earth, air, wind and fire; the four elements in one yarn.
Definitely Monochrome! Beautiful!
My favorite is Malerwinkel. I love the crazy!
My favorite zauberball is tonspur and my favorite zauberball crazy is autumn wind
My Sweet Side in Zauberball Crazy!
Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite is blue depths.
My favorite is tropical fish, so bright and inviting!
Zauberball crazy in milestone
I’ve always loved Zauberball Crazy! I think my favorite is Change of Scenery. Gorgeous!
My sweet side – orange is the best color.
Can just see a very cool pair of socks knit from “ A Change of Scenery”
Funny! I’m about to head out of town for the first time in, well, about 15 months today and the Zauberball Crazy that really caught my eye is called Change of Scenery. Perfect!
crazy! my sweet side. : )
My favorite is Monochrome.
I. Love.them.all! Today, Iridescence (Crazy) is my favorite!
Love Zauerball Crazy in Submarine.
My favorite Zauberball Crazy is Deep Water!
Crazy Deep Water
My favorite is the zauberball crazy malerwinkle.
My favorite is Change of Scenery in Crazy
You’re right that it’s very hard to choose just one Zauberball! My favorite of what is in stock is BLUE DEPTHS. I also love whatever is in the top row, fifth from the left (pinks and green), and what is in the second row , first on left (blues and brown). I’ll look for those to be restocked.
Stonewashed,, because this is my year of Blue,
Zauerball Crazy – Change of Scenery is my FAV !
I would love to make socks out of Deep Water.
I love the Zauberball color Shadow.
All so beautiful it’s hard to choose, but I love Zauerball: Shadows and Zauerball Crazy: Malerwinkel!
Love Malerwinkel!
Submarine is my favorite!
Zauberball Crazy – Change of Scenery!
Fav Crazy Zauberball: My Sweet Side
I’m an “Indigo” kind of grandma!
Submarine or the blue and brown combo- can’t find the name. Very interesting looking yarn!
Definitely the Zauberball Crazy in SUBMARINE.
I’m a sucker for blues. So gorgeous!
So difficult to choose a fave but I’ve been crushing on Zauberball Crazy Change of Scenery lately for a fun pair of Autumn socks!
Having knit with both Zauberball and Zauberball Crazy it is hard to pick which color I like best but I will try.
Zauberball – smokingarea
Zauberball Crazy – malerwinkel
Milestone reminds me of the shimmering kaleidoscope of a male Mallard’s head, and Tropical Fish is a koi pond. Love them all! It was hard to choose absolute favorites
I’m loving Zauberball Aldebaran, though it’s really hard to pick a fave!
Love the green tones colour of Zauberball, although both the light and dark blue tones are nice as well.
zauberball Crazy in Deep Water is gorgeous with that wonderful pop of red violet!
Tropical Fish just blows my socks off!!
My favorite color of zauberball crazy is Submarine
my favorite is Crazy Zauerball in “iridescence”
Smoking Area in Zauberball, though so hard to choose with all the amazing selections!
I love ‘Iridescence’! I’ve never used this yarn, but would love to give it a whirl. I knit a LOT of plain socks with crazy yarns, mostly self patterning. It’s my favorite knitting.
Red Skies all the way!
Favorite Zauberball is Enchanted Forest, but I love them all!
Change of Scenery – the colors are me but also, who doesn’t need a change of scenery right about now?
Blue depths and Deep water. I just want to float away in those rich, mysterious layers of color.
Red Skies (Zauberball Crazy)! Never enough red in my life.
Zauber Crazy in Red Skies is my delight!
I love both the Petal colorway in Zauberball, and the Red Skies in Zauberball Crazy. Can’t possibly pick just one!
Malerwinkel Zaueberball Crazy
Today I can’t decide between Change of Scenery and Submarine.
I love the aldebaran! It’s country, red barn.
Deep water is my favorite Crazy Zauberball!
I love the Submarine Zauberball crazy …but I love the Zauberball Blue Depths …And then I love them all!
Crazy Malerwinkel!
My favorite color of those shown are Zauberball crazy Indigo. I love the way the colors shift
Aldebaran is my top choice, but October is tempting. I’m a sucker for orange.
My favorite Zauberballe color is Blue Depths.
My favorite is Zauberball in the color Rare Earth (2259).
My favorite color is Shadow. So mysterious.
Hi! Thanks for a chance. I love Tropical Fish and Change of Scenery. Or perhaps any of them. I have one pair of socks with Crazy Zauberball, and the yarn is luscious to use. It has worn well and I love the funky colorways.
My favorite is stonewashed.
Snickelway! Love the color! Love the name! What is a snickel anyway?
My favorite color today is Snickleway, there are so many fun colors that tomorrow there will be a new favorite Zauerball one of my go-to’s for Baby Surprise Jackets (BSJs)
The Zauberball Crazy has so many gorgeous hues. However, I find myself loving on Malerwinkel.
My favorite color way is change in scenery because it brings a smile to my face when I see it
I love Zauerball and Zauerball Crazy. My favorite colors are Zauerball tropical fish and Zauerball Crazy indigo.
My favorite is Change of Scenery in Crazy!
I love Zauberball Crazy Deep Water!
Zauerball Tonspur650 definitely my fave!
En chanted forest and malerwinkel!
Zauberball in aldebaran in my favourite.
Today my favorite color is Zauberball Snickelway. Tomorrow it could be something else entirely! I love these yarns…
Crazy in either Red Skies or Iridescence!
I love Autumn Windin Zauberball Crazy
Zauberball is a favorite for socks! Love Shadows!
On my, I love this yarn! Aldebaran and Autumn Wind. I’m dreaming of what I’d make……
My favorite is Zauberball Crazy in Change of Scenery!
M favoite zauberball crazy is My Sweet Side. Shadows is my fave Zauberball.
I’m a fan of Deep Water in Zauberball Crazy – I love the hit of magenta with the saturated greens and blues.
Autumn Wind Zauberball Crazy
My favorite is Snickelway.
My favourite colours:- Zauberball is ‘Petal’ the exact same colours that I had for my brides maids dresses 27 years ago! Zauberball Craztis ‘my Sweet Side’ makes me think of Autumn and all that has to cheer me as the summer fades away.
I went crazy when I saw my first balls of Zauberball a number of years ago. I have made several pairs of socks and a skirt. My color choice is Monchrome.
Iridescence. Absolutely!
My favorite is Malerwinkle. The name alone is fun.
SO many gorgeous ones, but my current faves are Zauberball in Tropical Fish and Crazy in Red Skies.
I think Blue Depths is my favorite, but I’m a big fan of all the blues!
My favorite is the pink/green zauberball, but that isn’t in stock. So, monochrome zauberball it is!