Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: Busier Than a Moth in a Mitten

We get up to stuff. I mean, Kay lives in … well, I’m not really certain, and Ann comes in late every day because she is surely tired from her late-night Grammar Club meetings or something. Oh, wait: Kay and Ann, please stop reading now. So there’s some, ummmm, downtime in the morning and sometimes those unsupervised-by-adults mornings (which is ALL OF THEM) don’t feel quite like work.
There’s Coffee Time, there’s Pom-Pom Making Time, there’s Rifle Through the Cardboard Time. Sometimes there is Popsicle Time. There’s Second Coffee Time. There’s Spend Twenty Minutes (each) Selecting Music Time. There’s Let’s Make Collages of Ourselves on Famous Album Covers Time.
There’s “Let’s Talk About Plants,” which is a seemingly hour-long daily lecture from Allison and Ashley. Hannah is “updating her operating system,” so she’s of course busy practicing her Lotus Pose in the Relaxation Garden. You really shouldn’t miss Nathan’s “Thirteen Things to Do with a Wooden Pallet” morning tutorials. He also has a lot of Thoughts About Tomatoes. There’s Third Coffee Time. Also, Chris is teaching his popular Croquembouche class in the kitchen … hurry!
Oh, good, we’re up to Let’s Look at Lunch Menus Time. Which always leads to Let’s Fight About Lunch Time, which is then frequently followed by “Which Golden Girl Are You?” (everyone thinks they’re Dorothy, as if).
Whenever we order supplies from Boxapalooza Inc for the warehouse, a free gift is included and it can take HOURS to select the free gift, even though the options are always limited to … NFL koozies or some sort of really specific, serious-looking pocket knife. I dunno what that pocket knife is for, but act surprised when you open your holiday gifts, Ann and Kay! Also, I told you to stop reading.
The mail pickup is fairly early, so there’s always a panic when we look up from our 11am Mozzarella Cheesemaking Session and realize OMG y’all, we have to get all the mail in the bin before the truck gets here, and uh oh he just pulled in right now, OMG OMG OMG. But we manage.
Then Ann pulls in and it’s Look Busy Time. This job is exhausting, let me tell you. I don’t know how we do it. Hey, wait, it’s time to go home. See you tomorrow, kids!
A Giveaway
The prize? One skein each of Lapis Blue, Golden, and Fuchsia Heather Léttlopi for knitting your own pair of Field Guide No. 17: Lopi Trinket Mittens (pictured up top).
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: Question: What sort of MDK Fun is your favorite kind of happy distraction? Leave us your answer in the comments.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, August 29, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Your ZOOM times!
Taking the mornings easy, enjoying a couple of cups of tea. (This is after the chickens, llama and two Shetland sheep are fed and watered…..then I can relax.)
Sunday Knit to This. Just watched last weeks recommended Ode to Nancy Griffith, which was quite wonderful and then led to a full recorded concert which was also quite wonderful. Rest In Peace dear Nancy. Your music has been a balm, thank you.
Let’s Talk About Plant Time while surrounded by yarn?? Heaven. Also 3rd Diet Coke Time, followed by what’s in the fridge time. No time for gauge swatches though!
Thinking about what to knit next
For sure, the third trip to coffee station!
Books! Knitting books, sock knitting books, then procuring more sock yarn, culling excess stash, and starting new socks! Plus 2 sweaters…
Browsing patterns and yarn ideas. My queue is extensive and I can spend hours matching yarn to patterns!
What’s for dinner?
All the pretty yarn colours!
Knitting in my jammies
My project planning game is strong. Literally hours of thinking about patterns and yarn and color combos.
Do I need more projects? No. But it’s the best creative distraction and an anxiety soother for sure! Oh, and there is, of course, always a strong cup of coffee involved!
Oh definitely the third trip to the coffee station!
Knitting, discussing books we like/want to read next, and talking about new music we’ve heard.
Playing with yarn and finding fun new combinations, often inspired by something I saw on MDK!
Looking at yarn and patterns on Ravelry when I’m not knitting!!
March Mayhem always and forever.
DG Strong
I meant to add something like this to my post but was distracted by The Walking Dead!
(so this post doesn’t count)
Knit to this!
Having a new kitting pattern to consider for my next project.
Reading MDK blog time!
Dreaming of new knitting projects.
Reading my new MDK first thing in the morning. And then I often dip back into it later in the day just because!
MDK blog each day!
Reading Atlas Insider with my first cup of coffee!
Happiest distraction is clinking through the links!
Reading Atlas Insider is some of the best fun I’ve been having these days. (I’m not sucking up; it’s God’s honest truth!)
Well maybe you are sucking up a little….but I’m right behind you there! SO FUNNY.
Definitely looking at the beautiful finished projects on MDK and deciding what to knit next. The list is soooooo long!
Second coffee time while browsing patterns for a new project while I have at least 8 active projects already on the needles.
Checking out MDK site with coffee at hand
Looking through my stash, still looking through my stash , yep looking through my stash. Oh wait, what was I looking for ?
Love coffees and dreaming about next projects unless there’s a Mariners game on.
So easy — reading my emails from MDK!!
I don’t need a yarn prize, I just want to meet you someday. Your posts always make me smile.
Thumb’s up to that! Sometimes the anticipation is better than the real thing though. LOL Good to keep the suspense up!
Reading MDK daily blog with coffee!
After my morning exercise, and a turn around the pond, where the dog usually dives in and needs to be dried off, my favorite MDK fun is opening my emails and seeing what’s new at MDK.
Knit to This! Every single recommendation has been wonderful.
I’m the office hen so, the best time of the daynfor me is: “how ya doing? ” time (when I’m checking in on my peeps which is like in the morning, before lunch,and in the afternoon).
For sure, third trip to coffee station!
Knit to this
Taking a walk.
I enjoy Max Daniels’ letters, and love the illustrations!
Thank goodness I didn’t spew coffee while reading this!
Love everything about MDK, but particularly love March Mayhem.
Reading the daily New Posts MDK with my first cup of coffee. A morning treat!
Coffee time, and Knit to This!
Browsing thru Field Guides, pondering what yarn in stash goes with what pattern, realizing more yarn needs to be purchased, sip coffee, repeat.
The NYTimes mini crossword – which must take precedence over anything else I’m in the middle of, the minute I think of it.
In this weather it’s got to be popsicle time.
Cold brew iced coffee and MDK blog. March mayhem when available.
I’m torn between “13 Things to do with a wooden pallet” and “which Golden Girl are you?”. .thanks for the articles, DG! They are always a fun way to start my Sunday. And I love Saturday Snippets. . . and the daily newsletters also!
Love you guys and love all of the “times”
You must have a cat in the warehouse that likes to find her favorite ball of yarn each morning? And then of course you have to return the yarn and make it look as though nothing has happened?
Being the 1st up in the morning, coffee, & cozy chair with a view
Browsing the MDK tutorials.
March mayhem – absolutely tops it bc I have been introduced to new designers and new patterns every year!
Reading the MDK blog with my first coffee each morning, of course!
Morning email from MDK.
I want to work there!
Starting a new project.
Love reading your posts. If I worked there, you would always find me in the yarn bins ogling over all the gorgeous yarns.
May I please participate in the, “Let’s Talk about Plants” seminar?
Receiving a package from MDK in the mail.
Opening MDK at the end of the school day. It’s a reward for making it through! We are back face to face for the first time in 18 months and it’s been tough on these kids
I work in a high poverty area and they have lost a lot. Your posts are always interesting and often make me laugh! Some days I really need that.
Third coffee time for sure
The knitting projects, and tutorials!
Knitting and binge watching.. Current show is The Heart Guy (On Acorn), an Australian dramedy.
I would say coffee time, but coffee time doesn’t end up after lunch, anyhow. So I’m going with Plant Talk as that brings an opportunity to discuss photos of what I see while walking the dog.
first coffee time to read the mdk blog…
second coffee time to check out all the yarn in the shop…
third coffee time to dream about a day spent knitting!
Sounds like the perfect job to me!
Hearing about all 0f the happy antics at MDK. March Mayhem too!
You are A great , fun distraction DG Strong! Always.
Choosing yarn colors.
Spending a morning with you all would do. Sounds like you cover a lot of topics and so many decisions to make!
Is there a time when you get to stroll up and down the aisles of yarn looking for the color of the day? (Btw, today is green day — so you can add that to your playlist as well. Efficient, no?)
Coffee, coffee, coffee!
Let’s make collages of ourselves on famous album covers sounds like so much fun!
Drooling over photos of yarn.
Knitting, of course! with coffee or a beer
(depending on the time of day) with my cats, Badger, Daisy, Linus and Inga outside in my backyard.
listening to the music recommendations that show up on MDK, I have been introduced to some really good listening pleasures.
Running across a knitting pattern, that I like, and going to my stash to find a yarn that I think would be perfect for that pattern.
Well 3 coffee times sounds delightful and I am intrigued by the making a collage with famous album covers. That sounds like a super great distraction.
Sunday mornings reading Atlas Insider, Shouts and Murmurs, Talk of the Town and Metropolitan Diary
The MDK daily post! And tea, because I can’t drink coffee.
Atlas Insider! It’s fun peeking behind the curtain to see how mdk works. Also, are you hiring?
Reading early morning emails from MDK, exploring the links that are often included, and looking at all your beautiful yarn!
Ditto to Atlas Insider with my first cup of brew!
6 log cabin cloths (thank you Field Guides) and a bag of Goldie Rowan cotton just got me through a week of worry (all things better now).
Making beautiful mittens time.
Reading MDK with my morning tea!
Morning coffee and planning which wip I’ll work on today.
So many distractions! But mostly MDK and coffee.
Taking a walk around the flower beds and calling it my exercise
love thinking about lunch time
Snippets with my coffee!
Reading my MDK newsletter in the mornings.
I love browsing through the shop, putting fabulous things in my cart, and then—with the second cup of coffee—reality hits and I put most of them back. (I’m still drinking my morning coffee out of my MDK mug, by the way.)
Isn’t it fun working as a team! I imagine companies will be requesting to host their team-building days at MDK headquarters to learn from the pros. You’re clearly doing something right! (I bought the Lopi Field Guide specifically because of this mitten pattern. It’s beautiful!)
March Mayham is mine! Found so many lovely patterns that way. Plus, fun to try and pick a winner.
Rifling through the cardboard-I have my own unopened boxes here.
WFH timed Tik Tok breaks.
I’m still giggling about this article! Thanks for that! Let’s see… I think my favorites would have to be either Croquembouche class or the Mozzarella Cheesemaking Session. Both sound like a lot of fun!
MDK Daily. On Thursday, there was no email from y’all when I had morning coffee. WTHeck? Was there a vacay I did not know about? Could this go on for days?!?!?Now I know….music selections, electrifying classes on wooden pallets and plants, coffee klatches, etc. But, hey, we are out here! Please don’t leave us hangin’!
Love starting my day with the MDK blog…lots of inspiration and feel goods.
Looking through the field guides over and over, planning a decades worth of new projects.
MDK diversions all the things, but I have a huge crush on Jen Arnall-Culliford’s instruction videos. Even if I don’t have needles and yarn in hand, I find her voice instantly soothing.
I totally agree! Jen A-C and DG Strong – both bring joy to my day.
❤️Field Guides
MDK daily emails are always a bright spot of my day: Mops! Hoses! Yarn! Music! Contests! Lessons! Binge options! But my most favorite of all the happiness you bring to my mornings is……..announcements of new Field Guides, their designers and their yarns! Thanks to all at MDK for making the world a more beautiful place❤️
Reading anything new from MDK first thing in the morning is the best way to start any day.
Having breakfast as I read the daily MDK email.
Leaving my weeding chores unfinished to looking like I might be back … then zip in side to knit a bit & get distracted by reading MDK
Reading your comments is definitely a lot of fun.
I love reading all the tips and inspiration and the field guides
Every. Single. Day. Waking up (which is always a good thing), toddling out to get first cup of tea and opening email to specifically find and soak in the MDK missive for the day. And thanks DG and the rest of the gang at MDK. Sanity savers you all are!
Pompom making. Any playing with yarn is a nice distraction.
Coffee and dreaming of color combinations (blues and pinks are typically part of them!).
Grammar Club! Wish there was one in my neighborhood.
Favorite MDK fun is browsing the beautiful field guides!
Coffee and mdk before I even get out of bed because, you know, Covid time again…..
Reading your emails every day to see what kind of trouble I can get into!!
Browsing through the shop!
I enjoy the Sunday morning ‘Atlas Insider’ always so entertaining and a laugh. The daily MDK emails have been very inspiring. Thanks, All.
Coffee thirdses!
That and stockinette crust pie
My favorite distraction? Reading MDK daily post.
ALWAYS love reading the Letters – and, of course, Atlas Insider is my favorite. Thanks for the laughs!
Reading MDK posts
Knit to this.
To be honest, the grammar club sounds pretty good to me.
Reading anything by DG Strong. Anything at all.
Making lifesize cardboard heads and burying them just 2″ in front garden and watching the puzzled and panicked looks from passersby (my neighbours are all hip to me by now)
I find I can’t anticipate what MKD column will disclose each day. Today’s makes any job I’ve had soooo boring in comparison. I’m retired and think I might be available the next time you have a job opening. What a fun place to work. Call me!
Drooling over the yarn, such as the Lettilopi. (Pick ME! Pick ME! )
My favorite MDK Fun? All of it!! The daily blog, reading the comments, going down random rabbit holes, Atlas Insider, with my morning coffees (Btw, I’m Blanche, without the Southern charm!)
List, list, list! I love making lists: to do lists, places to go lists, things to buy lists, gift lists.
Second and third coffee time! Shhhh, there might even be a fourth.
I’m all About the morning crossword, except the weekend. I’m not that clever
Scrolling through knitting patterns and the Field Guides.
I start my day checking email. MDK is always my first (and often my only) read
Either Third Coffee Time or selecting the free Boxapolooza gift; I take free gift selection very seriously!
I didn’t see that this is a thing at MDK but my office is having Waffle Wednesday this week! I am making batter and dragging my waffle iron to the office. People are bringing sides and the fixins!
We had Chili Dog day a few weeks ago!
My husband calls me the house mother of my office!! Any excuse for a party!
Definitely March Mayhem!
Knit to this, atlas insider. Actually ANY
MDK post … with a cuppa tea
Atlas Insider is always such a hoot! As for MDK distractions, Which Golden Girl are You? and of course I’m Dorothy.
I love looking at new patterns. Dreams of knitting keep me inspired to keep going on hard days at work
Perusing Field Guides for my next project
Easing into the day with a cup of strong hot coffee while reading the daily MDK missive. Atlas Insider is a hoot!
All things music…a happy distraction and just so happens to go with knitting. You should try knitting while dancing. I think it should be a Thing.
March Mayhem……
New Field Guide time totally rocks!!!
Eyeing yarn!
Thank you for sharing the ways you all have ‘life at work’! I get distracted by trying to find the best emojis for our never ending written communications. I would love to see my colleagues hanging out in my doorway creating needed distraction!
I love starting my day with my MDK emails but most especially the Atlas Insider – always entertaining. I can’t wait for the “Thirteen Things to Do with a Wooden Pallet” tutorial! Also, Not sure which Golden Girl I am but I aspire to be Sophia.
Reading your posts with my morning tea. Your day reminds me of my time working at a yarn shop. Lots of work & lots of fun.
Love perusing various projects. Am currently obsess with the idea of those jeans from the Make Thrift Mend book!
Looking up patterns I vaguely remember in my field books and checking yarn stash!
All the MDK posts are fun!
Reading through my Field Guides, planning my next 32 projects! Also coffee.
Croquembouche— and now I will have to look that up!
Thinking up ideas as to how I can get MDK to visit our knitting group in Urbana, Illinois. That would be the very best prize ever!!!!
Coffee time is anytime, and then MDK and other fun email time, and I’m definitely open to pom-pom making time if others are interested 😉
Jigsaw puzzles online is my favorite distraction.
NYT crossword – the harder the puzzle, the more crossword breaks I need! Plus on work from home days, my dog likes to let me know that she prefers to be walked 4-5 times per day. Also, browse yarn and try to pick out colors for patterns that I may or may not actually have time to make once I finish other projects..
Browsing the MDK library
HOPE you are all okay! JUST saw the storm on the news.
I love the music ideas! I’m always on the prowl for new artists to keep my soul happy.
Lately, when I’m tired or sad, making a Pom Pom ( or six) brings such happiness….
Your posts delight me every single time.
I’m sure you must have “a working thru a knitting problem” time and that would be my favorite and I would add a TEA Time as I’m not a coffee drinker.
I love reading your snippets while drinking my morning coffee, getting inspiration for my next project.
Knit-alongs, whether participating or observing.
March Mayhem!
Third coffee time is the best!
Gosh, do I have to choose? My favorites are clicking the links, coffee (well, actually tea) while I Knit to This, and then there’s coffee/tea while exploring my postal delivery with oohing and ahhing over my new yarn complete with draping the unwound skeins around my neck and inhaling the fragrance of the yarn.
March Mayhems are a blast! Love to revisit favorites & find new favorites.
Dreaming of receiving a big box full of beautiful yarn!
Trying to decide what I’m going to make who for Christmas this year time.
Browsing the yarn offerings.
Reading MDK snippets!!!
Coffee and just one more chapter in a good book before I knit as I’m retired!
Plant talk. I don’t have a green thumb, but I love hearing about plants.
I want to hear about Chris’s Croquembouche class!
Love your humor and inspiration!!
The daily newsletter. MDK has introduced me to a wonderful variety of teachers, designers, patterns, books, podcasts – the list could go on and on. I follow the links in the emails and an hour later I’m still wandering around the internet following new trails.
Reading your funny blog!
Deciding which book to listen to for my next project.
My favorite distraction is browsing through knitting patterns.
Deep pattern dive on Ravelry!
I love when a new Field Guide is announced!
Yes coffee and thinking/dreaming of next projects. How come what’s out there is always more attractive than what’s already in my stash?
Yes! Why is that?
Sounds like a fun place to work! Let us know if you’re hiring. I think you’ll have lots of applications. I would probably specialize in unpacking, squishing and rearranging the yarn.
Knit to this!
Knitting while listening to music recommendations, I have some great new records from your posts!
I have no idea what a Croquembouche class in the kitchen would entail but it sounds like a blast!
DGStrong has definitely raised the tone of the place. He didn’t ask me to say this. Did I do it right, DG?
I am all about Third Coffee Time merging with Croquembouche Class, overlaid with “Let’s Talk About Plants”.
I’m all about the multiple coffee times!
Deciding which project to start next.
Rifling through cardboard- in search of ? Yarn? books? sounds good!
Love the Field Guides! So many wonderful designs to dream about and spread my knitting wings!
Stare thoughtfully at the bird feeder time.
Atlas Insider is the best!
The first morning chuckle when reading the MDK daily post.
looking at yarns and trying to decide the best pattern for that yarn, not necessarily what I need to knit but what are the possibilities of the yarn.
I still, after so many years, love the letters between Anne and Kay. That and March Madness!
Third coffee time–there is so much catching up to do!
Third coffee time, which means I would have also had first and second coffee time. What a win win win!
Knitting. And reading. And knitting while reading (easily done with simple knitting and a tablet. Harder with books.)
Coffee and the Sunday Funnies (aka Atlas Insider) 🙂
Knitting and the Great British Baking Show. Both soothe my soul.
First is coffee! Then Morning Joe followed by the Today show. All the time, scrolling through my emails and checking out what is new with MDK!
Second coffee time (for third I switch to tea like a civilized person) and cozying up with a book from my knitting shelves, maybe Field Guide #8. It is the perfect time of year for knitting mittens: still too hot for big projects, but on the horizon you can see the need for warming your hands.
Browsing, endless scrolling, of what my husband calls “yarn porn”
Stash diving to find yarn for a new project, finding a cellophane bag of yarn with the MDK label on it, and wondering about the original intent of this tidy package.
Dreaming about my next project time.
Look, everyone, at this very complicated knit stitch, of course!
My happy distraction: When in August, I as a retired elementary teacher wake to the morning crickets and yellowing leaves, have no prospect of new little children and classroom bulletin board prep, I go outside for a walk. Make it early before the sun’s heat along the Mississippi riverbank. Return inside for bug spray and hankie. Neighbor Tom has offers for tomatoes to preserve. Walking on, Annie relates the news from her fishing in Alaska. Now it’s hot and I had better change direction and head for the shade of the state park. Power walk for a spell and, “Hey Boogie the Basset! Yeh, yeh, oh so goooood, and how’s your human today?” Yes, I’m going to put those tomatoes in the freezer this afternoon, but I’m driving out to pick up cucumbers from Mary and taking some to Peg! I’m thankful that someone else will be at that teacher’s meeting today an I’m dreaming of knitting with Léitlopi yarn.
Retired teacher here. This is perfect.
Fun distraction? Reading this newsletter/blog every morning with a Big cuppa
Walking the dog. He’s always happy about that.
I’m pretty new to this newsletter so I’m enthralled withs much! But DG Strong is truly a pleasure!
Atlas Insider time!
Reading Atlas Insider!
Reading these wonderful posts by DG and, of course, knitting most of the day away.
A new project inspired by MDK…heaven!
Always feel happy when spend time reading your fun blog.
What a fun article! Love the 11 am cheesemaking getting interrupted by having to post mail!! I would never guess since all my purchases are packed with such care!
Reading MDK blog and looking at pictures is my favorite way to start my day!
I Love, LOve, LOVE looking through your Field Guild patterns and also your projects!!!
Knitting on the beach ️!!!
Reading MDK with my early morning coffee. And love DG Strong!
Popsicle time.
March Mayhem voting!
Hands down “Let’s Look at Lunch Menus” time!
Blowing bubbles! It’s very distracting and can keep you, your toddler and your dog/cat happily occupied for a very long time (if you are counting in toddler/cat time).
I have always enjoyed Knit to this!
Reading the MDK morning email
I’m all here for Second Coffee Time.
My fave- learning new tips…!
Reading The Daily MDK Posts with Coffee time (especially the Atlas Insider)!
Sorting my stash into project piles for what I will knit next & then buying more yarn because “I’ll do this first & then get to my stash”
Reading whichever article MDK sent and having my coffee. If I’m really lucky, I get through it before one of my kids starts asking for breakfast.
Knitting, quilting crafting of any kind really!
I love hearing about what goes on when Ann and Kay are away. What REALLY happens at MDK behind the scenes. Is anyone’s workspace hidden by yarn? Has anyone ever gone missing only to emerge weeks later in a new jumper? Things like that just make me smile and laugh.
Atlas Insider is the best! Makes me wish I could “work” at. MDK too—and I’m retired!
Cold Brew and a wander through the stash and Ravelry.
Reading MDK post each day
For now, it is reading the MDK blog–but I could be interested in the pallet tutorials……
I’m partial to drinking my morning coffee and reading MDK emails. That’s just what I do.
The daily blogging! Especially since we seem to live in a time where people have stopped doing it. I don’t do any social media, and I really miss some of the blogs I used to read. But MDK would still be the best one, even if everyone on the planet blogged!
Reading MDK, and dreaming about when will I really retire and knit something I just saw in the links. I’m semi-retired but can’t seem to just stay home.
Count me in for Let’s Look at Lunch Menus time. By the time I finish the third coffee and reading my MDK email, I’m hungry!
It has to be Grammar Club. If only the meetings were in my neighborhood!
I can not lie, watching IG reels. But they’re mostly ABOUT knitting and yarn hoarding
No question…March mayhem
Clearly choosing where to order lunch time!
Snuggling under the down comforter with my cup of coffee and Snippets on my IPad
Seeing the end of a project and planning the next,(sometimes planning well before the project is done!)
Now that I am retired, reading MDK emails in bed with my first cup of coffee, every morning (except a few days ago when the email came in really late).
MDK Team, you rock!
coffee and then coffee then knitting in my pajamas
Perusing Field Guides for a new project with unexpected yarn combos.
Your Letters make my day!
I just LOVE reading anything written by DG Strong! Always makes me feel good.
What zoom times? How have I missed those?
What a hoot! Since lunch plays such an important part in your day, I would have to say the Food posts are on the top of my MDK fun list. Books, then music. Yarn is a given.
Reading “essays” by DG Strong!
The answer to the question though is Knitting to music! Thanks for sharing music sometimes, and, ohhhh Nanci Griffith….
Admire your work time!
MDK Blog, which I read with morning coffee and a cat each morning!
I love March Mayhem. I start guessing about now what will be in this year’s bracket. If I worked at MDK, your lunch options would break me. The town I work in has very limited lunch options , so I bring my own.
Reading the post every morning…Thank you so much!
A digital book dive to choose my next audio book to knit to.
MDK Daily, Second Cuppa time, Knit a Row, and Just One More Piece of the Jigsaw time! I am a superb fritterer of time!
Discovering yarn in my stash that I had forgotten about.
Looking forward to this blog each morning coffee or not.
March Mayhem! Love a good battle royale of yarn patterns!
Reading MDK Blog with my 2nd or 3rd cup of coffee!
Waiting for March Mayhem to brighten up the beginning of spring!
Coffee, yarn porn, more coffee, treats for , more coffee. Knit two rows before I go work in the dirt.
Put me down for spending time selecting music, D.G.
I would love the looking at menus for lunch distraction.
AtlAs Insider, with coffee!
Kits. I browse the shop for kits. I love kits.
Third coffee time!
Rabbit holes that leave me wondering why I went down them….
`Reading any message from MDK and watching Jen Arnall-Culliford’s tutorials. Her soothing voice is wonderful. It makes me want to watch/listen again, just because I love her voice.
I have to go with 3rd coffee time!! This post made me laugh out loud!!
Reading the MDK emails and having coffee.
Tea and MDK!
Would love to be the fly on the wall watching all the goings, comings, and collaborations at the MDK headquarters, will sipping my iced coffee with Irish creamer. Especially sitting around the table watching the designing of the next pattern, designer or Field Guide.
Reading MDK in the morning, clicking through links, and dreaming of all the beautiful things I want to knit!
Morning coffee in bed, reading my daily MDK then checking out How To or Inspiration.
Atlas Insider!
Making pom-poms! Or maybe all the coffee breaks. Hard to decide.
Resetting my operating system. I’m going to have to use that!
Knitting at mtgs!
Coffee is definitely on the list scrolling through emails, binge watching Murdoch Mysteries there are some beautiful sweaters that were knitted on the is show and finally seeing what other MDK friends are knitting and their comments.
Grammar club for the win!! 🙂
I love reading the field guides and fantasizing about future projects! And buying yarn for future projects.
Knit to This – I’ve found more good shows and movies to watch this way! Wish they appeared more regularly.
The mornings I can start the day with a good laugh–thanks to DG Strong.
another cuppa, knitting
March Mayhem!
Today it was reading this delightful post and then taking pictures of the walking stick bug being all nonchalant on my back yard fence.
That first cup of coffee before I drag myself out for a walk at 5:45 am.
March Mayhem.
my happy distraction….hmmmm..finding a forgotten knitting project and getting it going again. Mary in Cincinnati
You totally forgot “The cute thing my dog/cat (or both!) did last night”. Seriously…how could you!!!
Reading D G Strong is the best part of MDK for me. Never let him go!
It’s having my second or third cup of coffee and trying to work the hell of the sock I’m making.
Laughing about the latest and greatest products Ann or Kay have discovered.
Ahh, to have a day like yours… Mine is a quick peek at MDK in the morning and waiting the rest of the work day to return in the evening.
Can I be your best friend? We could get into a lot of procrastination trouble together.
Tough one – it’s between the Croquembouche class and the Mozzarella class
Sorting my stash — or picking the next book to read. And I only have one of those shades of Lettlopi.
I just love those Atlas insider columns. AND i want to work there–my job isn’t nearly as much fun.
When killing time I cruise Pinterest for knitting patterns to save and never look at again. It’s a skill I’ve perfected. My MDK patterns actually get used!
11 am Cheesemaking 😀 (oh, I thought that little moth outlined in blue was a trinket… )
I always look forward to Knit To This!
Definitely gotta be watching knitting podcasts. So fun and such a rabbit hole
Hmmm… probably a combination of Let’s Talk About Plants (with my dogs or occasionally in a text with one of my daughters) and Thoughts on Tomatoes (OMG, boys look at all the ripe cherry tomatoes, the Marglobes are coming along) while sipping second or third tea and wondering if that 1/2 pallet in the garage left over from middle son’s project has enough life in it to become a wall mounted herb garden… And also, thanks for the memory jog. Probably about time to drag out the “bag of unfinished mittens” that just need thumbs, embroidered eyes (granddaughters’ unicorn mittens) and ends sewn in before this heatwave turns into a snowstorm. (I’m on to your tricks Colorado weather!)
Choosing a free gift!
ALL of MDK fun time is happy distraction, especially all the contributions from contributions!
Reorganizing my knitting corner so I can put off the third attempt to learn to do damn sleeves!
Always love the “Knit to this” music…and to read DG’s shenanigans.
I’ve been reading about the insane rain in the Nashville area — hope you all (and the yarn!) are ok. Thinking about “MDK WetVac the Warehouse Time” — not good.
There was a time I’d have picked coffee hands down but lately my morning meditation has become a fierce competitor. As a software dev I love the analogy of ‘rebooting my OS’
I love the swancho from the mdk field guide
Rifle through the cardboard time! I’m imagining boxes of yarn goodness!
My happy distraction is looking at patterns on Ravelry
Those mittens are so nice
Watching a movie like Casablanca, African Queen or Gone With The Wind etc. A pot of tea. Putting the phone on silence. And KNITTING all day if I want to!
Always and forever the MDK knitted Ball Band dish cloth pattern. Those beautiful older blog photos steal my heart everytime I revisit.
EVERYTHING on MDK! It’s the first thing i check each morning.
I’m all for the yoga in the meditation garden!
I love looking through the field guides and planning my next project. I have about 20 planned now
Well, of course The Most Fun is reading Atlas Insider by DG Strong! Who wouldn’t want to spend “just a few minutes” (or more) reading the insider jokes from MDK? (and clicking all the links?) Keep ’em coming!
Falling down the rabbit hole after reading Atlas Insider!
Love Lopi!! Henri hitting here. Nervous knitting today.
Ummm…my favorite would have to be Chris’ croquembouche class! Sign. Me. Up.
Weekend mornings spent on the prowl for new knitting projects while drinking espressos from my Grandma’s pretty china teacup collection!
Boxapalooza Choosing!!!
Hard to choose — picking the perfect tunes and the what-do-I-feel-like-today recipe to cook.
March Madness fun!!
Definitely Atlas Insider! It’s always interesting and funny — the best new addition to MDK.
If cardboard time is rifling through yarn I pick that. Nothing is more fun than going through stash for project ideas.
Knit to This!
Shoutout to sheep… my sheep came today!!!! It’ll be a while before I have yarn from them, but someday.
I have to repeat what someone already said. I love March Mayhem. I think I fet obsessed with all the different patterns selected. But I love it all but March Mayhem is my favorite.
Best part of the morning is coffee & MDK letters, and Saturday’s snippets to make sure I haven’t missed anything!
Oh look something new to knit! Wait! Ooh! Which yarn to choose? Squirrel – new shiny object!
How to pick just one favorite?? Atlas Insider leaves me smiling – and I like smiling
It’s either Second Coffee Time or that croquembouche class.
MDK needs a large, I mean big, like 6′ x 8′ chalkboard. Krylon chalkboard paint. I painted a wall, and all through the pandemic, my husband and I have been doing collaborative drawings. Blast the music, drink of your choice, a little dancing. Crayola makes good chalk. There are other brands as well, to add color variety. (don’t get the liquid chalk, or chalk pens as it’s more for semi-permanant signage, and the board has to be washed to remove the image.) We’ve finished 11 drawings, each taking a few weeks. This is the best. So much fun.
Trying to decide which WIP to work on today. Decisions, decisions oh my.
Coffee, email (mostly yarn/knitting stuff), follow links, repeat. MDK is the best!
Choosing the free gift from Boxapalooza. Thermal cups have been the favorite choice lately.
DGs missives are my all time favorite MDK fun time. Sir, you crack me up – every time. I might come to one of the MDK events JUST so I can force you to pick the restaurant for lunch. I’ll let you know.
“I’m upstairs in the sewing room (which is also the yarn studio), ironing!”
Talk about “as if”
Knitting. Thinking about knitting, doing the knitting, petting the yarn, drooling over other people’s knitting, looking at patterns… Knitting.
Looking at new patterns on Ravelry and then figuring out yarn here
Thanks to MDK I”m now knitting the Saltation cardigan from the book Texture while listening to Amethyst Kiah. Perfect combo.
Coffee time sounds good. And yarn testing time. And is there cheese tasting time?
Coffee, followed by more coffee ….
Yes, love reading the blog and clicking on the links!
Seeing what fashion shows Ann finds that have knitwear.
Poring over my stash and patterns to create little kits for myself for later knitting.
Coffee time!
I am a huge Lazy Sunday fan!
Planning my next project and then ordering the yarn. I have a lot of projects-in-waiting!
I enjoy the eclectic nature of MDK, never know what to expect when I open it each day. Recipes, books, travel, music, movies, sewing, self improvement- oh and of course there is YARN!
Hard choice, always love food but what I really like is to see what I could be watching or listening to while I knit
Garden talk for sure. Or if not getting distracted talking about the garden, it’s researching recipes for what to do with all the zucchini and tomatoes.
Pawing through yarn, either in my stash, online, at my LYS or in my head! Yeah, baby!
Visiting my yarn stash.
Playing with the yarn in my yarn room….yes, I mean room!
Quality time with my stash. I love to pet my yarn and rearrange it while dreaming of all the projects I haven’t time for.
Coffee, lots of coffee ❤️
Looking at knitting patterns and yarn online…when I don’t quite feel like knitting!
Smiling at you posts
I have 4 projects on needles and started a 5th time.
Definitely coffee and morning email from MDK. I want to move to Nashville and work with you!
Knitting a MDK dishcloth. It’s my favorite pastime.
I like the obligatory napping with yarn…. Fibers have gone through all of this “HOW TO BE YARN”business and then gets strapped onto an astronaut training spinner device and travels to another spinny thing to become a cake. Poor thing is tired and dizzy; deserves a good nap in a quiet space. So while you are attending burrata class; take a break a have a little nap with some yarn.
Selecting a Knit to This to listen to while knitting or WFH-ing.
Reading MDK at end of workday to unwind.
definitely’13 things to do with a wooden pallet’ and my coffee!
Watching dog grooming videos on Youtube because . . . DOGS! GROOMING! Can you make yarn out of all that?
Pom-Pom Making Time is one of my favorite things. I always try to have enough leftovers form a project for a Pom or Two!
Well, anything on the internet… plus tea.
March Mayhem has always been a favorite!
Attempting to match my college shirt to purple yarns at the shop- Go Pirates!
DG Strong, you always make me laugh out loud! My happy distraction is planning my next project(s). YES, I KNOW I ALREADY HAVE TOO MANY WIPS! But it is my happy place. I spent hours last night organizing and entering THINGS I WANT TO MAKE in my knitting journal book when I should have been finishing the last two inches of my Main Squeeze Cardigan! Oh well. Now I have something to look forward to today!
All things MDK!
Love reading the daily MDK newsletter with my first cup of coffee
Sunday’s DG entry is high on the list
Just need to knit one more row…. your emails do crack me up!
Rifle Through the Cardboard Time! it’s a real thing where I spend my days, too!
Imagining my next knitting project. Flipping through patterns and finished objects on Rav.
I will happily read anything written by DG Strong!! He is GOALS!!
That trip to the (summer, iced) coffee station and grabbing a pen for the morning’s Sudoku
I love holding my cup of coffee, clicking on links (I enjoy the cooking ones lately, such as the lemon pasta one!), thinking about and planning projects, then getting excited that I still have coffee left to drink!
Lately, looking around for unusual breeds of raw fleeces.
Coffee; color+texture planning from my ridiculous stash; coffee; sequence knitting project from Shakerag; DG Strong writing about MDK!
MDK KALS!, Newsletters, Snippets, the Field Guides, and especially the camaraderie and the MDK knitting ethic!
Reading Atlas Insider while drinking my 2nd or 3rd cup of coffee. I truly enjoy your wit and writing style!
Going down the pinterest rabbit hole.
Talking about food!
Reading the MDK daily post with my first cappuccino of the day!
Books! I am to the point where I won’t even consider it if doesn’t come in audiobook form ( unless it’s a pattern book, of course).
Well, I am really liking those mittens! But my favorite is March Mayhem!
Popsicle time is definitely a time that I have not yet incorporated into my day, but am strongly considering.
It’s really fun to go down a rabbit hole of Kay and Ann old correspondence letters! Every subject I can possibly want to know more about has been covered, and they just keep going and going chatting on and on. Hours can fly by. Thanks!!
Planning my next knitting project
Trying to decide on lunch. At 7:00 am.
All yarn colors!!Where do I start?
Ball Band dishcloths!
Atlas Insider, of course! You never know what kind of fun is inside the Insider!
Reading the daily email!!!
2nd and3rd coffee with the latest new dessert recipe
Studing out what to make next
Love looking at hat and mitt patterns in Field Guide 17 that I can knit with Léttlopi And working on our Family Tree. Sometimes the tree is too distracting taking away from knitting time.
DGs’ musings!
Happy just looking at the visible stash while knitting. Won’t say how much is in hiding.
Whatever crafty smelly tasty (maybe) thing going on in the kitchen
Zoom time while having coffee and knitting
Knit to This
Rocking chair
Perusing ravelry of course! What should I knit next?!?
Reading these posts by YOU!!! So funny!!! And of course any time I’m knitting!!!!
reading the daily MDK blog for sure!
Atlas Insider is soooo good! But my absolute favorite Knit to This: Judi Dench’s Passion for Trees, and yes I return to it frequently. What? I’m supposed to be where? Too distracting, lol.
The second cup of coffee time and warm up your second cup of coffee a second time is my daily distraction.
Reading this column and comments!
I have to say this article made the cut! It was just what I needed on this trying hurricane full, emotional angst day in the midst of this never ending pandemic. I thoroughly enjoyed the much needed humor. Thank you!
My favorite game is searching for yarn in my stash. I know I have it, but where is it? Great fun. Currently I’ve been searching for a sweater’s worth I bought October 2016. It’s been 4 days so far. I’m really tiring of this game!
Reading whatever MDK news is waiting whilst sipping a latte courtesy of Fiona the Jersey cow.
Shopping for yarn then looking at patterns
Golden Girl characters. I’ll be Rose, just because she drives Dorothy crazy.
Netflix and knit!
I love thumbing through your books and dream about all the
items I would love to knit.
Another trip for tea (that commute upstairs is a kicker!)
Knit to this!
Knitting during cocktail time and then reminding myself that friends don’t let friends knit tipsy!
All the smiles I project and feel when reading the MSK posts daily.
Reading MDK with one eye while supervising kids with the other. Knitting in my lap. Of. Course.
Music music music is the best distraction!
I wish I could keep those two ladies straight. Which one lives where? Is there some type of nmenonic device I can use to tell them apart? Can you send me a photo of them in front of their city??
I like the new Field Guides and the recipes!
March Mayhem! — and reading all your wonderful posts.
All the writers and DJ Strong’s contributions!
Of course it changes from time to time, but, right now I get easily distracted watching our 6, 2½ week old kittens. Mom Athena found us. She had the kittens right next to my chair! I tried to move them to a quieter place but that was not where she wanted them to be. Part of my job now is helping her look after the kittens.
Planning my next project!
Today I avoided the heat outside (and all the chores I’m supposed to be doing) by working on a quilt while watching Arne and Carlos knit (avoiding all the chores I should be doing inside).
I spend hours browsing patterns and yarns in Ravelry – I already have 189 projects in my queue but just keep looking! I also have discovered that I can bundle my favorites! So I’m going through my library and adding them to my favorites so when I’m browsing my favorites, I don’t miss things I already own!
Snippets is always my idea of a good time. I can catch everything I missed
Reading anything knitting.. blogs, books, IG.. ANYTHING
Knit to this and coffee time
Second coffee time is always a favorite!
Looking thorugh all of my knitting books to find my next project/s. Of course.
*Looking at prior years’ March Mayhem patterns and matching them with stash yarn. * Repeat from * to *
Knitting and reading
Definitely album covers!
Knitting my current project and planning the next one!
Reading MDK every morning and March Mayhem!
March Mayhem!! I eagerly await each round.
Morning coffee time with the MDK blog.
Deciding something with tomatoes will be for dinner then spending every free moment looking up recipes fir what that might be then searching pantry for ingredients to prevent going to the store.
Dreaming up and planning the next knitting pattern.
Delving into ravelry just to get ideas!
Picking a free gift… it’s sooo hard
Happiest distraction? “Playing” with yarn, the dog… and now, cracking up every time I have a third coffee!
DG Strong
Trying to knit and pet the dogs at the same time while also having third coffee time!
Reading snippets and getting lost down the warm and furry rabbit hole of yarn
I drop everything when I get notified there is a new DG Strong article out!
A chance to love on the cat, eat a fresh fig off of my bush on the patio and then plan a whole year of sock knitting. What a way to spend a morning!
Ok,” let’s make a collage of ourselves on famous album cover time!” Is something that I HAVE to be included in!!!
Coffee and your morning email after everyone else in the house has been fed (that’s dog and hubby, in that order)
To be honest I love all things MDK! The daily knitting content is fabulous! ❤️❤️❤️
The time when I get immersed in which UFO to work on, which New Thing could I start on from my stash, which Really New Fun Thing that needs new yarn, and all of it supremely entertaining and time-consuming. This is also known as Anytime.
Organizing an already tidy closet. I can waste hours this way.
Music selection is a critical part of my morning. Gotta have the right soundtrack to your day, amiright?
Though I would be interested in Nathan’s thoughts on tomatoes. And FWIW, I’m more of what would happen if Dorothy and Rose had a love child. You’re right, it’s a weird combo.
Album covers for the win!
*Look for yarn, looking for patterns for the yarn, repeat from * to EOD.
Reading and following up suggestions from DG Strong.
My garden
Knitting on the deck with my pup and a cup of tea.
Squishing the yarn in my stash
“Watching” and knitting to Time Team on YouTube.
I’d be hoping that one of the Thirteen Things to do with a Pallet was yarn storage. A nice cabinet perhaps?
Next would be a craft table for my dream home.
Honestly, it all sounds fun – May I please come work at MDK?
Now that football season is almost here – best time of the year for weekend day knitting.
Looking over the new yarns and new books!
I save MDK to read after I have read the serious news each morning. It calms me right down.
More coffee! Who’s counting?
Searching my stash with a specific project in mind and it’s just a damn rabbit hole til I need 4th coffee to recenter.
Picking up my knitting at 11 pm when I should be getting ready for bed!
Knit to This is a fav
Coffee time (or for me, tea time) and knitting while watching YouTube videos
Sorting my yarn and deciding what to do with it! Then going to my LYS and buying more to have enough to complete one &^#(&! project!
Knitting and thinking about what I’ll be knitting next. Reading each MDK post is a close second as they are each fun and/or informative!
Field guides are always a happy distraction!
I love Knit to This. I would also be happy to join in the mozzarella, croquembouche and garden discussions.
Yarn collecting as a totally separate hobby from knitting
The daily emails. It’s how I start my day !
Getting a new Field Guide makes my day, week, month.
3rd coffee!
Reading Atlas Insider and then checking out all of the recommendations.
Skimming through all my MDK Field Guides for pure enjoyment.
I may need to attend the tips on pallets
Exploring Ravelry and adding more patterns to my queue. I have more projects to create than I can ever possibly complete.
Squeezing my yarn. Yep I don’t get much done but it is my happy place!!
I like Considering All The Yarn Options Time, followed by Dithering Time, followed by Procrastinating On Making A Decision Time, all of which leads to the grand finale: Decide What The Heck I’ll Throw Caution To The Wind And Take One Of Everything And Make All The Things Time. Whew! Now that’s a busy day!
Receiving the latest MDK Field Guide although I haven’t gone through all of the earlier ones since I ordered them not too long ago.
2nd coffee. It’s the optimistic coffee. The oh-hey-here’s-a-great-thing-we-can-do moment. It’s not actually as good as the first coffee, the reason-to-get-out-bed-or-keep-going-in-life coffee. But you’re like, awake and rolling, and the day is still young, you have time for a treat (coffee!!!) and not yet full of despair in your existential crisis of why your houseplants always die or how if you were a better person, you would ALREADY be making your own mozzarella.
I’m a big fan of building things from pallets – currently considering a co-op for the hens I raised from day old chicks this year. But I always have time and space for new yarn!!
starting a new project is always fun for me… from choosing the pattern & yarn[s] to making the gauge swatch to finally casting on!!!
My fave distraction is looking at knitting patterns!
Talking plants of course….
My happy time is sitting and knitting/crocheting without a care in tge world. Norhing else but getting in the groove.
I’m in for coffee and collage but I’ll help select the free gift afterwards.
Knitting at 5 in the morning in my favourite chair with a steaming mug of green tea. I open the living room drapes so that I can see the sunrise, and think that I’m the only one in our neighbourhood up at this hour. (But then the newspaper gets pushed through the mail slot, so no, I’m not.)
Being a retired nurse after a fifty year career I get up whenever the dogs wake me, have several knitting and crochet projects going in different rooms so I am distracted from household chores like bed making, laundry, and doing the dishes all the time. Read my iPad first like I used to read the newspaper. Life is a lot more fun reading MDK than the news. Lol.
Saturday morning knitting is my fav time! Quiet, no makeup, hair in a ponytail and spinning, spinning! My always happy place!
Well, watering the garden usually comes first, along with simultaneous first-cup-of-coffee and walk-the-dog, or rather let the dog walk himself without wandering too far from the veggie garden. Then as the day heats up and we (the dog and I) move indoors, it’s thinking about which of my MDK yarn and patterns I will use next. Lately I’m working on another log cabin blanket for my growing grand-nephew (he’s allergic to wool so the felted tweed Moderne Baby Blanket I made for his 1st birthday is decor in his room). Got to finish the new log cabin so I can start the Watercolor Cowl or the Sommerfield Shawl… Dreaming about which colors to use is a favorite new pastime!
Starting one of your patterns to learn a new technique!
Don’t forget SANNY (Stroke All the New Yummy Yarns) time!!!
It’s always so fresh and varied that it’s hard to say.
Knit and crochet have always been, and will always be, my favorite “distraction”. Feeding my creative side is what keeps me sane.
I love the “thrill” of starting a new project, knit or crochet, but love the satisfaction of completing (and often giving away) a new work of art.
Exploring in knitting books, planning projects to make, finding ways to use the yarn I have collected along the way, and searching for new yarns to play with either on line or in a store. And I love using color!
Your column!
It would be either the coffee or refrigerator trip .
The Lopi KAL was my first ever. I made two sweaters and had SO MUCH FUN. (I have all the yarn ready for Sweater Number 3, and as soon as the idea of that much wool on my lap doesn’t make my skin crawl I will be ON IT.)
This is HILARIOUS! I personally would enjoy the Croquembouche making…and then, of course, there would have to be a follow-up tutorial on how to properly disassemble it for eating.
After that, perhaps, sticky hands to be washed and moisturized and a discussion of the best mittens or gloves to adorn said hands…..I could go on….but trust me, I KNOW how to make the hours pass by focusing on minutiae!
Start with a cute cat video or pig finds an unlikely friend video, say anything selected by the Dodo, and then following all the video link suggestions that pop up for similarly heartwarming animal Utube clicks.
Coffee time..first cup, second cup, oh there may be a third!
Coffees on the porch listening to and watching nature.
Popsicle time and kitteh cuddles, which may occur at the same time. Then it may devolve into a wrestling match for said popsicle.
Do you all actually read these comments??!!?? Well, the best part of knitting is actually the blocking! Swishing some aromatic soap in some warm water, squishing water through the knitting, squeezing the project in towels and then sculpting a misshapen lump into something one might actually wear is sooooo rewarding!
I would have to say ALL the coffee times AND the Let’s Talk About Plants time. I would also attend Updating My Operating Systems in the Relaxation Garden as well. All while surrounded by gorgeous knitting supplies! Sounds like you have the perfect job!!
Reading Atlas Insider posts when there’s not any March Mayhem, and dreaming about knitting All The Things. March Mayhem during March Mayhem, of course.
Tea time while contemplating the number of lifetimes required to knit all the Favorites in my Ravelry library. Hey, the list isn’t even up to 2,000 yet!
Sounds like a wonderful place! Sign me up for all of it…especially the multiple coffee times. 😉
Enjoying all the colors in the garden!
Well, I’m retired, so can do whatever I please, but realistically I am the sole caregiver for my mother (97) so the basics are doing what she needs. From there, I flit from picking up a knitting project for a little while, waiting for deliveries and the mail, maybe a little laundry, let dogs out, let dogs in, read the NYT, think what to make for dinner, drool over yarn and new patterns, dream of Iceland, do the spelling BEE and mini-crossword, sift through the new yorker for great articles, read one or three books in turn, mow the parts of the lawn I’m not allowing to go wild, water water water potted things, let dogs out, let dogs in. Adult attention disorder at its best.
Third trip to the coffee station! Always!
Looking at all the patterns and thinking about what colors would look best when I do them (in about a decade or so, when I get through all the other patterns I have planned out.)
Trying to decide on my next project or two. Yes, I have a large cabinet of yarn and 4 binders of patterns, but I still look and look and look at yarn and patterns online to see if what I find is more exciting than what I already have. Of course i always find new yarn I really need.
Hey! I do have WORK TO DO!!! Although – on Saturdays my favorite distraction is reading my MDK Snippets and dreaming about what I could be knitting! Takes up 45 minutes to an hour! Actually maybe it isn’t a distraction but could be SERIOUS WORK!
Thank you all at MDK!!!
Reading through the fields guides and trying to plan my next project. Picking out the what is hard enough, but then the big question is: THE COLOR? Oh my, the imagination goes into hyperdrive and I’m lost in picturing which color would be best…..
My favourite time is when the delivery truck comes with new yarn. We open the boxes, climb in, cover ourselves with yarn balls and swim around in them. Sometimes we nap in them too, but only if Ann and Kay are not watching.
Easy answer: i Love being distracted by all things MDK, but especially reading every bit of MDK Saturday morning is The Happy Time of the day…week?! Best distraction on earth, really!
Play with the toddler grandson
Truly, reading the Atlas Insider is among my happiest of distractions…and I’m not just sucking up!
Having worked in a government office once, I used to ace the Look Busy Time. Adding that to my resume now,
Choosing what to have for lunch!
Knit to this!
I’m thinking all that coffee makes some of those other fun activities less relaxing, and more wound up, than they could otherwise be!
Key word — “happy” distraction. Thank you DG Strong! Always look forward to Snippets and the collaborative collections!
Early mornings on the porch with my coffee and knitting. Silence except for the birds, cicadas, and and occasional grumbling squirrel.
Knits To This – love every recommendation!
Ordering MDK sale kits when I should be stash- busting!
Going down the rabbit hole of online knitting patterns, trying to figure out what to knit next – oh wait, I need to finish some things first.
I enjoy hearing of wonderful audiobooks or new TV movies or series to knit to.
All the coffee times! All day and night. Plus the debates on frou frou coffee versus the standard cup of joe…
Right now my MDK fun is planning my Pressed Flowers wrap – it’s just a pattern I’ve had in my head for a long time and for some reason it wants to be knit!
Coffee, knitting and listening to my favorite knitting vlogs.
I discovered a pleasant, stress-relieving distraction when my husband was in the hospital for heart surgery. I download jigsaw puzzles to my iPad & then I can work on them wherever I am. They are portable & amazingly relaxing. Unfortunately I sometimes get so absorbed that I forget to do things like cook dinner or go to an appointment.
It have to be I’m just going to watch a little knitting YouTube podcast and it for a few minutes a.k.a. an hour or more.
Knit to this
Saturday Snippets, of course!