Atlas Insider: Gear Shift

No matter which new hobby I pick up (as I check the dining room table to confirm This Week’s Flavor), it’s always accompanied by me muttering some version of, “Well, at least this one will be inexpensive.” When I started camping twenty years ago, I bought all of my gear at yard sales and dollar stores, clapped my hands together, and hit the road, satisfied that I’d started a maximally exciting new chapter for the minimum amount of investment.
You probably know how this goes. I almost immediately noticed that I didn’t seem to go camping as much as I went to buy camping gear. I basically stopped at camping supply stores on the way to camping, just in case I needed to up my camping equipment game. I quickly turned into one of those irritating people who will chat up a stranger about the quality (or obvious inferiority, I mean, look at it) of their cooler in comparison to the fourteenth one I’ve purchased. IT’S A CHARMING HABIT; PEOPLE LOVE IT. “This hobby isn’t camping at all,” I thought. “It’s shopping.” But I suspect that that’s the case about all hobbies except, what? Air guitar?
I’ve been an artist all my life—and I have the bulging file of art school student loan payment confirmations to prove it—so I’ve never really considered painting a hobby; it’s just something I do. But even with the fine arts degree displayed over my chesterfield, I managed to avoid watercolor painting until just a few years ago, when I got bit by the bug and its portability. Camping and painting at the same time!
Of course Gear Fever set in almost immediately. I went through the $2.99 pan of flat, waxy watercolors from the drugstore. I quickly graduated to the $15 starter set at the local art supply emporium. I settled on the classic good old fashioned messy Winsor & Newton tubes for a long while.
But what I was really fixated on was the idea of a little high-quality compact set I could both store and travel with with ease. My painting practice largely consists of what I call “plein air five minute-masterpieces”—landscapes painted in five minutes or less. It’s a good parameter for me to work within, since it curbs my worst instincts as a painter, which are to spend ten hours thinking about an idea and then ten more overworking it. Put five minutes on the iPhone timer, though, and I’ll give you a teensy tiny miniature masterpiece. I much prefer them to the photographs I’ve taken of the same spot. This little painting from Belfast, Maine, for example, captures the trip there far better than the photograph taken at the same time.

ALL. OF. WHICH. Brings us to … my ultimate watercolor set upgrade. I discovered a little set from A Case for Making about five years ago and I may have finally found the cure for Upgrade Fever, because I have used the hell out of this thing, and when I’ve used it all up, I have no desire to replace it with anything other than itself (I’m actually on my second one).
When I heard the bigwigs at MDK brainstorming about adding a watercolor set to celebrate FG 25’s designer Dee Hardwick’s practice of painting the botanical world around her as inspiration for knitting designs, I elbowed into that Zoom call with an alacrity not seen since I believed that every time my doorbell rang, it was Ed McMahon with a giant novelty check. “A Case for Making!,” I screamed. “We have to offer A Case for Making!”
Well, here they are. The best watercolors I’ve ever used, with a palette picked by M-D-K for Y-O-U—and it is W-O-W, loosely inspired by our own gorgeous palette of Atlas yarn. Case for Making—working out of a tiny postage stamp of a shop in San Francisco—turns out small batches of handmade watercolor pigment in both classic colors (they can cadmium blabbity-blab with you all you want) and gorgeous shades of their own devising. The paint goes on with a light touch and—because of that—allows some forgiveness in a way that a lot of watercolors do not. It’s all intuitive, of course—what feels right—but the very first time I used CfM, I knew we were gonna be together forever. I feel so strongly about this tiny tin of tints that I stomped my foot until the MDK ladies let me write this little bit about it. (Bigwigs’/Ladies’/Editor’s note: We planned to ask DG to write about the set, but we enjoy the stomping, so …)
Watercolor painting still allows me to indulge my gear upgrade impulse in peripheral ways—Watercolor blocks! Enameled medical trays for palettes! Paintbrushes! OMG, the handmade canvas roll-ups!—but this little paint set might as well be a tattoo. Never shall we part. CfM + DG. Like I said, 2gether 4ever.
A Giveaway!
The prize? Bursting with botanical color! A Climbing Vines Mitt Bundle and a copy of Field Guide No. 25: Botanica—just launched with six designs by Dee Hardwicke.

Three colorways: Morning Glory, Periwinkle, and Jasmine

Flip through Lookbook 25 here.
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for MDK emails, right here. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. External Link. Opens in new window.. If you’re already signed up, you’re all set. We now have an option for texting; when you sign up for those, you’ll get a coupon code good for 10% off your next MDK order.
Step 2: Have you recently picked up or upgraded a new hobby? Tell us all about it in the comments.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, September 24, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Sewing. I just got a machine, and now I have to figure out when I’m going to have time for that when I already scarcely have time to spare from my two children under the age of three….
Paper dolls!
I just enrolled for a beginners class in water colour painting. There is not an artistic bone in my body!
Seriously considering watercolors!
Trying to revisit some of my neglected hobbies. Weaving projects that need to be finished; felting projects for Christmas gifts; and sewing projects (just purchased a new sewing machine).
I’ve learned how to knit only recently and have been doing one mini project after another. I’ve also started baking simple cakes.
Am working on two color brioche. Lots of barking and burping.
I’m learning how to crochet so I can make a small fabulous watermelon clutch to wrangle traveling knitting supplies. Wish me luck!
I’m embarrassed to say it but I’m just trying to hold on to the hobbies I have – reading for fun (I’m an academic, so the reading happens all the time, it’s just not always fun), and knitting. I did buy some yarn for the first time in months (!). Does that count? (Those mitts were the thing that really caught my eye in this field guide, besides that amaaazing throw, so this is pretty serendipitous!)
My sister and I just embarked on some watercolor painting. Much practice is still needed!!
I “rediscover” crafts seasonally—beading is for summer and today kicks off spinning! (Knitting is Year-round, BTW). My rule is to shop my stash (of beads, fleece, fabric etc.) until I really really need something new!
I’ve set myself a goal to only wear garments that I have embroidered myself. So far I have completed 3 items so I have a way to go….
My small grandkids are my new hobby. I find creative ways to play with them indoors. Examples: on rainy days we put up a big tent in the living room. We make homemade playdough, and have a bubble machine that we play with inside….
Calligraphy. I have just been diagnosed with Essential Tremor in both hands and the diagnosis is meaning the world to me. My tremors have literally stopped with the prescribed medication (Propranolol). Knitting, writing are all suddenly possible and new. So inspired by this timely article. Thank you!
I recently started an online piano course learning how to play the blues. I’m remembering how it feels to be new at something, the awkwardness but also the genuine joy
How wonderful to regain abilities that may have seemed lost! Enjoy ALL the things!!
Does shopping one’s closet count? My beautiful little Ashford loom came back to the table last week.
Ironically, I just started water color painting!! I went plein air painting once with my sister. She has put together a kit of her extra stuff but I immediately had to go out and buy some more “stuff”!! Maybe I need this CFM too!?!
Actually – I recently vowed to stop trying to find a better cotton yarn. (I prefer cotton yarn to wool.) I decided to look no further. I shall acknowledge that I have found my one true love and stop trying “new to me cotton yarns” that just disappoint in one way or another. I have piles of cotton yarn that is just okay. I know what I want and from now on I am going to stick to my beloved DMC aran weight cotton.
I just purchased a pair of knitting needles that promise to “massage” my hands while knitting. I’ll have to report back as to the effectiveness.
Trying to get orchid plants to rebloom. They had flowers when I bought them.
Now that hit a nerve!
Bookmaking is my latest new hobby.
I had great success with orchids reblooming – cut the stem just above the third little bump and water a little every week. In a few weeks you should see new growth. One of my orchids bloomed seven times using this method!
Sailing. Old wooden boats.
One would think the options for stashing are much more limited than for knitting. But, oh no. One finds friends with barns and driveways where one can store that Craig’s list rowboat that just needs a few little things…
I am going on a trip this week, and because I am tired of getting in trouble at security, I have decided to bring an easy crochet project and skip knitting all together. The challenge? The pattern is in Japanese. I have twelve + hours to figure it out. Wish me luck!
I did the opposite—my daughter expressed an interest in jewelry-making so I foisted off most of my supplies to her. I think that means I get to pick a new hobby and buy all the gear
Well, I didn’t pick up a new hobby or even upgrade one. Instead I am revisiting the start of my hobby world. At age 80+ I have dived back into the world of sewing my own clothes. Why not? I’m no longer needing to follow trends ,but can construct garments that are comfortable and in my favorite fibers linen and cotton. And, they compliment my knitting passion for socks. A win,win
No new hobbies. I enjoy knitting too much to distract myself with anything new.
I’m thinking that I should try watercolor painting!
My guilty (not so) secret, I have a serger. In a box. Brand new. Since last year. And a fancy, never threaded, sewing machine. It’s a retirement project. Problem is that I retired LAST year. But I didn’t really retire-retire. I babysit little granddaughters 5, sometimes 6, days a week. (Their parents need a sitter on Saturday frequently so they can grocery shop & clean house.) So when I finally retire-retire as they age into elementary school, I plan to sew. And knit. And learn to bake bread. And did I mention the tote of watercolor paints that I have?
I retire at the end of the year and am thinking of adding sewing to the mix. What brand of serger and sewing machine did you buy? I haven’t done a lot of research yet.
My recommendation is to go to your local sewing machine store, in my case it was a quilt shop, and test drive the machines. Find the one that feels right for you. My shop offered special interest free financing plans and I made the purchase on our state’s tax free weekend. It was definitely an investment.
I ended up with a Baby Lock, which I love. It just feels right when I sew on it. Kind of like finding the right car.
I checked out the Baby Lock website. They are recommending the Baby Lock Joy for crafting/beginning sewing. And the pricing on that is notably lower than for the quilting models. You want to invest in a reasonably good machine to start. Because the more comfortable you feel with your machine, the more likely you will be to continue.
And this topic is reminding me that I need to actually finish a quilt. Because I am really good at the shopping part and the piecing part, but not so much the quilting part.
I’ve been deconstructing old clothes that no longer suit me (but are “still good”) and making new things from the materials.
My newest addition of a hobby is visible mending. I love making things last and adding more “character “ in the process.
Ooh, yes! That’s taking my fancy too.
Crochet…making free form (lumpy) cat bubble caves out of old, worn out shirts and t-shirts.
Ooh I would love to see photos of these!
As a spinner, weaver, knitter I am always finding little rabbit holes to jump down within those three crafts. I and am currently exploring rigid heddle weaving, which means buy the loom, buy rigid heddles in ALL the sizes, buy more yarn for weaving on the rigid heddle…
I started spinning on a wheel about a year ago and haven’t looked back up from my rabbit hole.
Just last week I ordered a watercolor set and a beginner’s book about watercolor painting. It’s ready and waiting for when gardening season is over.
My new hobby is being a finisher. I have several WIPs that have been sitting in tote bags inside of storage boxes. Often I am finding all I had to do was weave in ends. “Seriously?” I mutter as I finish and then add yet another sweater to the blocking pile. Guess what next weeks hobby will be?
Yay! I think that’s been my hobby this year too – lol! I will say, finishing WIP’s (both knitting and sewing) has been quite liberating. I’ve been better at finishing the knitting than the sewing, quite honestly – but it’s so nice to have an actually done project and free up the bag and needles for something new
Took a water color class at the library, bought some supplies, still looking for the time to play
Well, I just started knitting earlier this year 🙂 and I am already am playing with new needles (trying tulips) and new yarn ( too many to list). The possibilities are endless and I am totally in love.
I’ve started English paper piecing. I’m really not far into the process but I’m sure it could become my next obsession
I enjoy doing needlepoint recently. I have a few pieces that my grandmother did and have good memories of watching her do her floral ones.
Much like DG Strong, checking my dining room table, the flavor of the week’s hobby is embroidery. I got taken over by “ gear fever” buying fistfuls of colored threads and multiple-sized hoops. I dreamed of buying the manufacturer’s full range of thread colors and an impressive
case to house them. Meanwhile, other hobby flavors sat silently by, in half-completed states, and watched.
I’m getting into Sashiko and mending. Also, want to get back into painting, seeing your art work is very motivating.
I upgraded my knitting kit! Got new cases for my needles (CrippenWorks Interchangeable Needle Case and Buttermilk Cottage double pointed needle roll-up) and an actual knitting bag (instead of stuffing my latest project in any old bag to go somewhere). It’s so much easier to find the right set of needles for the project! Plus, I have a stylish knitting bag (Knitty Gritty Project bag by Manger) for taking my knitting along.
I have not started a new hobby, but I have resurrected an old one. I used to do smocking and sewing when my kids were little and but as they grew, I slowly stopped sewing. Now, with grandbabies coming at a steady pace, I have started smocking again and am also adding some heirloom sewing techniques—which are a little new to me 🙂 Great giveaway!
Does establishing a daily stretching routine count as a hobby? I’m in the planning stages.
I’m trying to get back into cross stitch. I bought a pretty little scissors so step 1 completed!
Spindle spinning, with all the trimmings.
At age 74, my arthritic hands have slowed my knitting down to a point where I was looking for something else to keep busy. I started painting, acrylics following YouTube tutorials. I’m mostly painting flowers sometimes pets I even got a commission to paint six flower panels for someone’s kitchen. I still net for painting is welcome break and easier on the hands.
Soap maklng, specifically a shampoo bar.
Not sure if this counts, but last week I bought some hiking sticks. I am upgrading my walking routine to include some hiking trails.
Hiking sticks are almost the worst type of Gear Fever! I have like fifty of them, and each one cost a dollar more than the previous one. I had a whole paragraph about them that I cut out of this piece. I ultimately decided that they’re all the same, though it was nice to have a collapsible one.
I am a wannabe crocheter. I see a lot of beautiful squares and mandalas and think “Oh I want to make one of those!” So far though I’ve only made single and double crocheted dishcloths. And these have wavy edges. Can’t seem to figure out how to count my stitches correctly.
Put a clip-on marker of the first stitch in your row or round. That one always seems to try to disappear.
I am in the returning to an old hobby camp. In my case it is crochet. My grandma’s introduced me to my first ball of acrylic when I was 7 or 8. I pushed crochet away several times for knitting which seemed more sophisticated. But I have had a blast this summer amigurumi and granny square projects. Maybe if I stuck with crochet, I wouldn’t have 3 blankets on the needles.
I have not picked up a new hobby recently but I will not that within a year of starting to knit I bought the full set of Chicagoo interchangables. Good thing I kept with it for that investment. I love them though in retrospect I only needed the “small” and not the whole size range.
I do frequently scan the knitting world for the latest accoutrements and I own several. But my worst instincts are curbed by the fact that you just don’t need you much paraphernalia to knit.
Perhaps I will pick up a new hobby when I have fully mastered my current fave — buying yarn. Followed in close second by knitting with it.
I just started running. I signed up for a 5k race and a twice weekly group run training program. Now all I do is research running watches, cold weather running gear, and of course hydration and fuel for my “extremely” long 3 mile run. But, I’m convinced I’ll be running half marathons by this time next year.
I have begun using a foam brush to space dye my own merino spinning fiber for fractal design yarns. Dye color choices are based on inspirations from my gardens. Current project: knitting a twisted rib scarf from my own Daffodil Spring color way.
OMG DG, I just bought drugstore watercolors and a cheapo pack of brushes from Michael’s.
Probably color pencil drawing – I love to draw the different flowers in my garden. But of course I have a hobby waiting in the shadows – weaving – I always thought that weaving would be a great way to use up some of my yarn stash – but at this point I am very hesitant to start a new hobby.
Painting with watercolors. I am just beginning to appreciate the charm of a tiny sketch that still has bits of vacation sand and salt caught in the edges of the paper.
Helping my husband get comfortable riding his e-tricycle and getting my little Malshi comfortable riding in the back while I ride beside them so we can all ride together and grab a coffee! Fun times!
Baby steps!
Well I have always wanted to learn how to draw. I even purchased the paper and pencils. But I am sure this will lead into painting. Funny thing is, I can’t draw a straight line even with a ruler! The fun will never end.
Take a look at my painting embedded in the piece: not a straight line in sight!
I recently upgraded equipment for my hobby of cooking — specifically cooking things that freeze beautifully — with the purchase of a set of silicone trays called Souper Cubes. The bonus is that I also get to put my old Tetris skills to work, stacking various frozen cubes of food into my freezer.
I just recently got the Souper Cubes too!! Plan is to make pots of stews and soups that I’ll be able to pull pre-measured portions from the freezer when I’m too short on time to prepare a balanced meal.
I have very nice sewing machine that is not doing anything. I used to but soap making. I now have scents and color and trays. I have books and more.
the only other hobby i have right now is sewing. i’m still at the pajama pants sewing stage, but i’m eyeing the quilting cotton… i may make a quilt next.
Quilting cotton is good for more than just quilts… I use good quality quilting cotton (find a local quilt store if you can) and make pot holders, table linens (runners and placemats), tea cozies, project bags for my knitting, bags to hold things. Last year I even bought some Christmas fabric and made reusable gift bags (and made family give them back so I could use them again!).
I’d love to learn clothes making – pajama pants sound so nice!
I want so badly to learn to spin. I now have three books, two drop spindles and a used Louet wheel. Of course the fiber is ultimately collectible, as well. Someday I may fully embark on this. But for now, I’m enjoying looking at it all.
I read this post just now whilst lying in my tent on the coast of Maine. I can hear the sussurus of the waves, calmer than yesterday’s Hurricane Lee excitement. My little box of watercolors awaits my stroll to the beach. My knitting needles have a new sock cast on since last night. Hermit Island is a great place to get your hobbies on! Loved your post DJ…we are certainly kindred spirits!
DG, I meant, not DJ! (I was a radio DJ for many years, now THAT was a fun hobby!)
I want to start sewing, but I fear that neither my apartment nor my brain has the space.
I am trying acrylic painting. I am studying to be a Jungian analyst and it is important to paint the feelings from our dreams, so I am trying acrylics. However, I COULD try watercolor if I felt I could control it better! So thinking about that.
I took a botanical embroidery class from Tatter this spring and have been stitching anything I can stick a needle through. And I already have more embroidery thread than I’ll ever use (silk! plant dyed Indian cotton! Tencel! More silk!)
Also, cyanotypes. Which I plan to embroider….
Thanks for the idea of using Tencel for embroidery. I have a lot of it on my weaving studio shelves and it will be interestingly different.
I’m needlepointing and toying w the idea of painting my own canvases!
A local alpaca farm offers numerous artsy classes. I signed up for the painting class using an alpaca as the model. I have zero artistic skills when it comes to painting but can’t resist being around these beautiful animals.
Cultivating an Alpine meadow of wildflowers that attract a wide variety of pollinators. Also does not require mowing!
I have started to bake again. I have been attending a monthly social for Deaf people. I knew one or two people were diabetic. So now my baking hobby has narrowed to low sugar mini muffins. I have made 2 sizes of muffins and I see people grab the little ones. They are just so darn cute! And who could resist one little mouthful!
My search for recipes and the perfect mini muffin pan is on.
I took a class in visible mending and am now roaming the house looking for more needy clothing to practice on!
Sewing my own project bags and gift bags. This is a natural progression from an earlier hobby of buying fabric . . .
I’ve started sewing again. I have a hand-picked stash that I always intended for my own handmade garments.
I have the makings for so many hobbies from watercolor, to oils, encaustics, knitting, sewing, and a blue million paper crafts. I recently went back to quilting so I could finish my almost six-year-old grandson’s baby quilt. (And I did it). I recently up my game with papercraft with a glue bottle holder and stand.
I love to cook and garden, my newly acquired immersion blender has been a game changer in my making tomato sauce with the garden tomatoes this year
Quilting, though like the first commenter, I have no idea when I’ll have time for it between work and my 9 month old son!
Sewing. I’m in the acquiring gear phase right now but in finally going to dip my toe in and hopefully immerse myself!
I’ve been spinning for a while, but recently finished my first really intentional spin. I love Spincycle Dyed in the Wool, and wanted to spin some yarn that would look like it. I fractal spun six different 4oz braids from Spunky Eclectic, my favorite dyer, to maximize the colors. Now I’m knitting a Nightshift shawl, and honestly haven’t had this much fun with my knitting in ages. So squishy! Those colors! I think I’ve been working on this for about three years, so it’s incredible to finally be knitting it.
I’m semi-retired now and just got a new-to-me house in a fairly rural area, so my latest hobby is changing over to more organic products (think septic tank, well water, etc.) and being more of a housewifely type (baking bread, cooking most things from scratch), things I just never had time for when I was working full+ time. Loving it!
No new hobbies here but I am very tempted by this particular paint set. And, I think my granddaughter would love one. Perhaps we could paint together.
Picked up a little crochet project with my 14 year old granddaughter. Not as fun or turning out as well as my knitting!!
There’s a new inkle loom just waiting for me to warp it.
I just signed up for the mdk colorwork class with Lorilee Beltman. I’m barely a dishcloth knitter, but it came with supplies.
Um, yarn anyone?
Sewing, again.
My new hobby is not to start a new hobby! I’ll stick to knitting, which should make the MDK World Headquarters very happy! Plus I cant draw a stick man so save my life!
Crochet, I’m no good, however am enjoying the practice and meditative quality of crochet. Plus it helps reduce my yarn stash, lol
I’ve started weaving. Lots of fun.
No new hobbies. Just trying to maintain neglected ones: sewing, cross stitch, gardening, knitting.
Quilting. I’ve been a sewist since I was young, growing up in 4-H. Since retiring, I’ve started dabbling in projects like table runners and small wall hangings. My fabric stash is growing slowly; hopefully it won’t catch up with my yarn stash.
Wool felt appliqué. Starting small with coasters.
Does thinking about it count? How about if it’s something you did for a couple of years once upon a lost in the mists of time? My local community arts space is in the process of creating a ceramics studio, and I would love to revisit that kind of making. I’m also thinking about learning to draw. I mean, how expensive could pencils and paper be? (ha ha)
Such a wannabe…think it would be grand to do a tiny watercolor sketch …
The Alabama Chanin stitching bug has lead to further explorations in embroidery. Nikki Franklin from The Stitchery suggests using water color paints on some elements of her designs which I haven’t tried just yet…
I’m spinning my own wool now. Didn’t think I needed a new hobby but I got one anyway.
My new hobby involves organizing all my hobby equipment. The only new purchases required are plastic or cloth bags to aid in the sorting. Knitting needles abound, crochet hooks protruding, cable and dp’s evading capture, all will be corralled and categorized. Next issue…. Yarn
Uh-oh. You’ve got what is called “I’ve Gotta Go to The Container Store Flu.” It’s incurable. Just get in your car and power through it. You’ll feel better in the checkout line.
Container Store flu? Yes, incurable. Organized my yarn stash by fiber type- have a dozen 19-quart storage bins all full. And yes, I’m still happily adding to the stash.
Have you ever tried watercolors from Golden Paint?
I have been adding to my knitting gear and stash for almost 50 years. I am trying to take up watercolor now, but haven’t found quite the right paints. Thanks for the tip. These sound perfect!
Last week I brought home my new Saori loom and yesterday my first cone of yarn. Now I’m eyeing the china cabinet. Who needs teapots and wineglasses?
Always enjoy your columns, DG!
And Mary Lou’s column was an inspiration to weave.
I just had that thought, too. Could I put the on-display dishes somewhere else and put my yarn stash in the china cabinet?
I am seriously contemplating sewing some clothes for myself. I just need to make time for it!
Sashiko—and I’m pointedly avoiding the “what about me?”vibe of my chosen repair projects and gear while I knit this sweater …
I recently hit a milestone birthday and decided to upgrade my circular knitting needle sets to Chiaogoo needles. I bought both the 5 inch and the 4 inch sets. 4 inch sets have 16 and 20 inch cables for hats and cowls. Really happy that I treated myself!
I just love the chance to fall into another rabbit hole! I find watercolor painting fascinating and have dipped my brush (round# 4) into the mystery of ochre this and cobalt that – now do I have the patience for the drying time?
Five-Minute Masterpiece hot tip: work on more than one at once; by the time you’re on the fifth, the first is dry.
I have recently experienced the shopping portion of yarn dyeing. I’m very excited to jump in!
Recently I upgraded to a larger Ashford Rigid Heddle loam…..had started weaving just before pandemic.
Tunisian crochet. I was lured by the intriguing hook which looks like a crochet hook that wants to be a knitting needle. So far so good with the basics, now on to more intricate stitches.
I just started doing sashiko embroidery- I love how portable it is and the simple white on blue palette.
I started trying acrylic painting. Mostly pictures of my dog.
Shashiko stitching. I have the thread, needles, marking pens, “how to “ book with patterns and a jacket I want to mend/embellish. Plan to dive in as soon as I catch up a little more on my temperature blanket.
My newest hobby is making TikToks of things to do in my hometown of KC. The watercolor set has tempted me!
I have been a knitter and a quilter all my life. Two years ago dove into watercolor and mixed media. Most recently I bought a serger in order to make stretchy comfy clothing!
I am upgrading all the time , if by upgrading I can mean expanding. The older I get, the larger my yarn stash grows. So no matter how long I live, no matter how long I am capable of knitting, there is always more. Fortunately one of my daughters is a knitter, so she will I inherit. I think some of my yarn was once my mother’s!
Spinning. I’ve had a wheel for years & finally got it all figured out. Recent fiber festival in Michigan and now I have an even bigger supply of fiber to spin.
I’m not sure if it’s a hobby, or if it’s a form of humbling, but this year I got a new set of irons. My golf game is still terribly inconsistent. And on the days when it is consistently, terrible, I retreat to knitting to feel good about myself again.
Love your articles. Thanks for this one. Great gift for the holidays!
New hobby: sewing
In January, I started quilting, and have gone done a rabbit hole! Besides buying fabric and thread, I’ve bought two sewing machines, tons of quilting tools, and classes. It’s been so much fun!
Embroidery. I learned as a kid. I bought a pattern, thread, hoop, needles. My husband is says he wants to do it with me.
I keep signing up for Minature Rhino’s Pattern Club and not stitching them. It’s a $185 investment, and I love the patterns and the fabrics so much that I don’t stitch them. I signed up last year to upgrade my stitching practice, but instead I got a case of stitching inertia. I tell myself I cannot sign up next year unless I actually stitch something, a few somethings.
Weaving. I have taken a couple of rigid heddle classes and a tapestry class. I am also taking a tapestry class on line.
I’ve been ramping up my genealogy research so that I can complete my family tree. Very interesting but addicting.
I started doing embroidery recently. I would love to try watercolor painting.
Back at cross stitch after an absence of decades and contemplating a new sewing machine! Resisting spinning.
No new hobbies that require me to buy more stuff. I have no room for more stuff. However, my library has free classes where I can participate in a new craft and not clutter my house up.
I recently decided to learn how to make Dorset buttons. Of course, I had embroidery floss, needles and some plastic rings, but did that stop me from ordering enough to make buttons for an entire neighborhood? Surely not. Now, if I just had some lovely pointy wooden dowels, I could make some of those many buttons into shawl pins. Hmmm, where to buy those?
Freeform crochet with thread and a steel hook.
I don’t know if I would call it a hobby but I have begun mending my jeans, well-loved jeans that I probably will never give up. Functional and meditative. What could be better. 🙂
Embroidery on jeans. Small leaves &vines.
Not exactly….I started school for a new career and I don’t have time for a new hobby. But I WANT to do water colors. Especially landscapes. I have brushes and paper and a palette…I just don’t have time. But I would love a travel set.
So glad you asked. I haven’t woven in nearly 50 yrs?! I finally bought a used loom and am revisiting my love for weaving. It was my concentration during my BFA in Textile Arts but then life, family, children, career put a major pause on that “hobby”. Now I’m enjoying it again
La Mercerie’s color Crochet design courses. Deep dive early pandemic, right after having purchased 17 colors of Felted Tweed inspired by MDK FG13 Master Class. If you are color obsessed check out Sue Maton’s La Mercerie….
I love the IDEA of painting but really want to up my crochet game.
Free style scrap quilting and cathedral window handwork.
Sewing…took a beginner class in my late 50s and am currently obsessed with making cloth napkins from batik fabrics. They are such a wonderful way to make the everyday special!
A new hobby? Admittedly I bought a watercolor set in hopes of journaling during a recent trip; purchased new fabric and patterns several years ago to re-instate sewing in my life; added 2 crochet-a-cute-animal kits to my yarn stash in recent years. And, yet….all those ideas and materials sit unused. Because I really LOVE to knit! I do it every day, while watching TV, listening to books and podcasts, at home, while traveling, with friends, solo. as a focus of traveling, on my porch. I think knitting has chosen me.
Botanical printing. I finally got the portable electric burner ( to use on the patio or in the garage) and a big pot and rack (to keep separate from kitchen items) and the mordants, to do this new hobby. But having that gear also allows me to try my hand at doing better with older attempted hobbies such as lichen dyeing and natural dyeing ( avocado pits, onion skins, etc). Dyeing things like silk scarves and handspun yarn and also rags to weave rugs with.
I love water colors. Maybe I’ll try those?? Oh yeah, I’ve no drawing ability.
Hobbies? Tried so many and always come back to watercolor. I find it almost as relaxing as knitting.
I started down the weaving road. First with a rigid heddle and now an inkle loom.
Graphite pencils. Who knew there were some many different qualities,. It’s endless and I love it!
Not up graded, unless sitting and staring at my right hand in a splint to avoid trigger finger surgery is a hobby. It has given me time to look at several boxes of hobby gear, and mutter about getting complete a few things before I get more rabbit holes to dive down.
I do love the five minute painting idea. And your painting.
While cleaning/destashing my knitting closet I came across some cross stitching kits so I’ve gone back down that rabbit hole.
I am the spouse of the ultimate gear up, research-loving person so despite loving knitting, painting, basketry, macrame and paddle boarding, I am a bit of a minimalist when it comes to gear and supplies.There can be only be one gear-mad person in our house and am happy to give him the title: he is masterful at it and it makes him really happy. Except days like yesterday when he had to finally address the vast piles of his making in the garage. He had been given a 10 yr deadline to organize it and alas, the decade was up. Really. Though there might be an extension bc he looks so sad doing this.
Starting to play the cello.
I started cello almost 3 years ago, I was afraid to try. But I am so glad I did, found a great adult teacher and she grouped 3 others with me. We are a quartet now that plays at nursing homes and farmers markets. (The others have come back to cello so have more ability.) ❤️
Walking the beach and picking up beautiful rocks. The beauty comes from the color, shape, heft, and texture. Amazing
Quilting. Specifically a T-Shirt Quilt. From my daughter’s [many] team shirts. It was going to be great. I bought the interfacing. I cut the squares. I picked a backing. I probably set a due date for myself. Christmas gift. Birthday gift. Graduation gift. Those dates have passed. The years have passed. A box of unmade quilt sits next to the sewing machine. A box full of team logos, team numbers, team quilt dreams. I’ll get to it one day. Maybe I should shop for thread.
I have been working on my wool embroidery again. I have a stack of fabric and of course a huge collection of floss so… I made corner bookmarks for my book club!
I recently started drawing after always believing I could never do it. Masterpieces? Nope. Fun? Yep! Also had a blast at a local independent art supply place in Durham, NC buying all sorts of cool stuff. Will now check out Case for Making. Thanks DG!
I was just thinking about buying materials and tools, after spending an hour on etsy looking at various forms of “travel” watercolor boxes, despite recently admitting to myself that a person who is not travelling does not need to own a travel watercolor box. It’s a conundrum, this urge to add materials/tools whether needed or not. But then, anyone with a yarn stash can relate!
Well, you don’t have to go to Venice to justify a travel set. I keep mine in my bag all the time and it’s nice that I can be at lunch in a park or a coffee shop or wherever and see something interesting and be able to tackle a five-minute masterpiece on the spot.
I love so many crafts, though I have to say that in the last few years I have worked on upgrading my knitting skills. Going from straight needles to circulars, learning continental and of course upgrading all of my knitting tools!
Also little watercolors! I have a lifetime supply of paint, which makes me very happy.
Well, I may get the batik stuff out if the weather stays nice. Pre-pandemic cruise to Indonesia, and I did a tour to a baitik demonstration. In a totally out of character moment, I volunteered to try it and was immediately enchanted…..painting,
fiber AND playing with wax……all my favorites rolled into one!
So I came home, ordered lots of supplies and books and actually read the books. Turns out batik is wonderful in Bali, where it can be done outdoors. I live in rural New Hampshire….the bugs will get you in the spring if you are outdoors and the poison fumes will get you if you try to do it in the house. But autumn? Autumn might just work……if I don’t decide to try rock sculpting on this current cruise to Alaska….I know there are lots of rocks, free, in NH!
Case for Making sounds wonderful. I love my Windsor and Newton tiny watercolour travel case. My partner’s kit might be even better: it’s decades old, metal, and folds out beautifully. Substituting favourite colours for the ones provided is the equivalent of your shopping activities, though now you can buy paint dot sheets in all their colours and avoid the second guessing.
During Covid lockdowns I began doing crossword puzzles, but I have let this drop and the time is being taken up with an osteoarthritis exercise program. Definitely beneficial! It too involved shopping for gear.
i just keep buying yarn!
I too am going down the “Watercolor Rainbow Path”. The pans are here, some brushes ready and the YouTube tutorials queued up…just need to start in between my knitting, quilting, reading and the pesky (ie: getting in my way) everyday demands for food and clean laundry!
Food and laundry definitely get in the way!
I already have all the gear for knitting, crocheting and quiltmaking. Now, I’m finding myself tempted to go back to cross-stitch. I did my cross-stitch back in the Aida days, and all this new linen with the mottled dyes is calling to me.
Hobby, hobby? what’s that, mine are addictions. That’s why I can’t even look at fiber, fabric, paint, bees wax. I have a room for sewing, a closet (plus under the bed) for yarn, and a lower level for painting. would the CfM fit into my purse? I do have the newest Field but a bundle and a CfM would be a delight.
The most recent rabbit hole I fell into is circular sock knitting machine. I bought the machine and then found all sorts of things to make the craft “easier”. When I go to craft fairs I turn my ahead away when I see roving and spinning accoutrements. No, I cannot go down another rabbit hole! I have enough already! I don’t have time or space for another one! But the roving whispers to me “you know you want to”. Maybe when I retire…
Oh my goodness! Knitting. The knitting needles have grown from a couple of sizes of straight needles to about a dozen of each US size – several different lengths of each size circulars (and duplicates of some) and 4 or 5 sets of DPNs in each size in different lengths, and in different materials (bamboo, carbonized steel, hardwood).
And I used to buy yarn for just a planned priject, and then I’d buy more for the next project. Now my stash is taking up most of the dining room!
I’ve recently resumed embroidery, buying the good needles, quality floss and real linen… and attempting to design my own sampler with all of my son’s favorite organisms…he graduated with a masters degree in soil ecology and is beginning a doctorate program in the Netherlands
Such a timely piece!!! I brought my watercolor pencil set with me on vacation LAST WEEK. I love the process (not always the results) but what I really love is that I can actually see progress.
Now, if I could only find the beautiful wooden box with tubes of watercolors. When we did a renno recently, I stored the box in “a safe place. I can’t remember where…
Quilting! I’m enjoying quilting as well as knitting and my jewelry making is waiting there in the closet hoping to be brought out soon.
After a long hiatus, I took up handspinning again. I bought a pound and a half of different kinds of cotton to spin, along with a tahkli spindle and support bowl. Learning (slowly) to spin cotton. Also bought a new drop spindle and about a couple of pounds of wool, linen, and silk fibers to spin.
I plan to do some whisk broom making. I have the supplies and just need to do it.
I’m always picking up new hobbies that I have no time for. My latest is stained glass paint. I bought a small paned window on clearance at Hobby Lobby and intend to paint each of the 6 panes a different color.
Yes, believe it or not, I’ve just started watercolor painting again after a long hiatus! I have a few of my earlier works hanging in my apartment (lots of still-life compositions with flowers), but eager to try something new.
I took a drop spindle class and am heading down the fiber rabbit hole…
I too am getting back to my love of creating art after focusing on knitting as an outlet. A very satisfying one, but a singular focus while working as a biologist here in coastal British Columbia. Now that I’m much closer to retirement, I have started back to taking classes in watercolour painting and look forward to each class dreaming about my lovely, little cakes of paints as much as I think about my next knitting project.
Your watercolor is so evocative, you have me wanting to pick up painting again…if only I could laydown my knitting needles!
I have drooled over all the Alabama Chanin swing skirts I see at Shakerag and finally bought a kit of my own. It’s a satisfying break from knitting, which will always be my first love. I also have a box full of coloring books and great markers, which mostly sit in their box waiting for me. But one never knows!
Took a class for punch needle in the hope to use up stash and leftovers
rabbit hole sketching/watercolor!! oh, & playing pool hahaha
I knit all the time but recently I crocheted a granny square bag for my granddaughter and she loved it so much that I’m now making one for her sister.
Weaving potholders. Totally mindless activity with a usable end product.
Actually, trying to cut down on the hobbies a bit- I have some really nice beads and crystals left from making jewelry. Trying to use up what I have, but that means buying more to fill in the gaps, and, well, you can see where this is going. And calligraphy. Inks, papers, nibs- there’s more to play with than you’d think.
My most recent ‘new’ hobby is chair caning. That was 15 years ago but I’m still doing it.
Sashiko embroidery. The water colors are beautiful. I admire your talent!
I’ve recently begun to spin. I’ve actually made several skeins of thick and thin yarn that I plan to use in weaving (another hobby).
Watercolour!!! It’s all about the supplies & finding the perfect set. Now you have posted another route for me to go down. You could not have said it better!
Knitting is my passion but over the summer I reintroduced myself to needlepoint. Bought a flower wreath canvass by Elizabeth Bradley to make into a pillow. I’m in no hurry to finish it, I enjoy it.
So, which hobby are we talking about here? Could be one of many. At the moment I upgraded my flower arranging. We were recently vacationing in Japan and I decided it was the perfect souvenir…a flower arranging container. Well, every container I fell in love with was by the same artist! So I narrowed it down to two. After that there was no more narrowing, just a lot of hopping that I could somehow fit them in my suitcase (and the game warden was out front cooling his jets on a bench, no more the wiser). I even got them home unbroken, and had a great time with hand and body movements and broken english from the shop owner. Thank goodness for some english on their part, since my Japanese is limited to a few words. But I feel I made a new friend, and that’s a big part of travel. I’m sitting here admiring my new arrangements at the moment. What joy.
Getting back to playing piano!
Garden design with native plants! Am I good? Not yet. Am I having fun? You bet.
Well, watercolor, so this prize would be the upgrade. And I’m in the middle of an Alabama Chanin dress, the second AC garment I’ve tried. I splurged on their sewing needles and THAT was a revelation.
I just recently took up watercolor journaling too! I love the idea of capturing a sweet memory in just a few colorful strokes to remind me of my travels…or just to spend a few moments reliving the best part of my day each day.
New hobby? Quilting or sashiko. Started doing embroidery again after a long long time.
Sending this link to my goddaughter, who paints, and is in Rome for the semester.
Card making: stamp pads, papers, special scissors, stamps and dies-all crowding me out. The only problem is that I spend my time knitting and just looking at the card making possibilities
I went through the whole catalogue of crafts from belly dancing, homeroom mother to two children, Sunday school teacher, and returned to my first love knitting which I learned at Daily Vacation Bible School in Jr. Hi. I can’t draw, don’t have room for a loom or two, and find I have memorized too many knit patterns to attempt to find room in my brain for new ones. I’ve heard there are square(?) knitting needles and would like to find them for my aging hands. Loved everyone’s humor in their answers to this question. Thank you all.
Even though I have been knitting since 2014, it still feels knee to me. I’m always learning new techniques, discovering new yarns, and finding new tools. Every time I start a project it feels new and fresh to me – full of possibilities.
I have watercolors! Just need to get them out and practice. Also with the arrival of fall weather I’m looking at quilt patterns and possibly using some of my (extensive) fabric stash.
My recently rekindled “hobby” (quite frankly, my 63 y.o. body says it puts the HOBBLE in hobby…) is DIY construction. It’s the kind of hobby that, by necessity, requires buy in, and usually some cooperative playing along, from my beloved. There are lots of 2-handed jobs within the jobs. That’s why it was put on hiatus. We’re prepping to move and, because he delayed to the point of DIY necessity, we’re now rebuilding our previously verrrry rotted deck so the house looks marketable. I’ve enjoyed it very much (well mostly). We play nicely together, for the most part, and can attribute most of our grumpy moments to work-induced hangries that are easily redressed once we get to a good stopping point! Our new deck is rebuilt to solid functionality and we’re enjoying it while we also finish up the application of final coats of protective stain! We hope the next owners/residents enjoy it as much as we have!
I haven’t embarked on any new hobbies in over a decade, though I’m constantly up to my ears in the oldest favorites (reading, buying books, knitting). Shall we talk about the most expensive interests I’ve had? Skiing – and I wasn’t buying just to look good, I was skiing the hell out of that equipment and upgrading to extend my skills. Those were the days!
I took a watercolour painting class pre-pandemic and really enjoyed it. I lack the confidence to tackle it on my own, so I haven’t done much with it since then. I keep looking at the classes, as I really want to try again.
Of course, I knit and I took a hand-quilting course at the library in the spring. Turns out, I didn’t like the hand-sewing part, so did much of it with my machine. It’s now stalled because of the hand-sewing required for the borders. It sits on a chair, daring me!
I would really like to try visible mending, though, so pretty and practical.
Now that you mention it, water color painting might just be the best new thing.
I’m also in the “revisiting existing hobbies” group. I have all the gear for 20+ hobbies and no room for more, so am trying to get a handle on what I still really enjoy, besides all things fiber related. I pulled out the drawing, watercolor and embroidery supplies last month to make small art with Mindful Art Studio’s Inchie Challenge and found that I loved it and am still making small mixed media pieces every day.
OMG, I have sewing fever now, after a Shakerag sewing bootcamp last summer. So exciting when you find a pattern that works for you, “you” just might make it several more times in rapid succession.
Fishing! I didn’t know I liked it until we moved to a fishing town. A short drive through the touristy downtown, put on my waders and it’s all eagles and ocean and seals and salmon when I’m lucky.
New hobby….spinning on a small electric wheel, the Nano by Dreaming Robots. Who knows where this will lead.
After making a few dryer balls, I went whole hog buying supplies for needle felting! Needles, pads, finger protectors, colored bits and pieces, books, kits…. And I have a table loom, weaving magazines and books just taunting me to “Start Already”!
I’m in the ‘finishing’ camp: a quilt top that, after sitting for a few decades, needs to become a quilt; a sweater stuck on sleeve island; a pair of socks for my husband that got stalled (on the first sock, no less!)
Love this, love your writing style so easy to relate and then think yes, that’s just what I do too. But have you stopped writing your the psychopedia blog ? I wanted to subscribe.
Oh, it’s been years since I added anything. I’m always mulling over bringing it back, though.
Pottery is my new obsession and I completely understand the shopping aspect. Boy do I have a lot of clay tools now and I want MORE all the time.
Wet felting. Another way to use – and reason to buy – wool!
Crochet! I’m trying to expand my skills. There are such generous teachers out there!
I will never stop upgrading my knitting hobby. 😉
Recently took a Botanical Drawing class and spent a bunch of money on colored pencils, tape, a plexiglass sheet, drawing paper. I could relate to this article!
This is very exciting as I have recently dabbled in watercolor. My 12 year old granddaughter loves to paint to I always have supplies on hand for when she visits. I started painting with her and have already upgraded the paints twice! Please oh please, pick me! ️️️
Where’s that watercolor set? D.G., you had me all excited about trying watercolor again but, lo and behold, the set is not shown!!! Guess I’ll just have to pant with yarn…
I’ve been saving up to upgrade my wool combs, but looking at those water colors I did feel very compelled, and did think to myself “should I get into water color?”
I’m amazed I’ve managed to stay with the OLD hobbies! If anything, I’ve taken up spinning again after about a two year break.
Wine making! I started in 2022, and am enjoying the fruits already! Heehee! I hope my pun is DG approved!
I just ordered a watercolor set and brushes a few days ago! Because apparently knitting, silk painting, silversmithing and cooking don’t take up enough of my time and resources!
So glad to read I’m not the only one who dives into any hobby with gusto:)
I haven’t picked up a new hobby in a while, but since my baby was born in June my love of reading is certainly reinvigorated! Knitting requires two hands, but I often only have 1 available; reading a small paperback only needs 1 (and a knee for turning pages)! The local library is getting to know us quite well!
I found some old quilts and I’m planning on repurposing them into tote bags, project bags and even bucket hats. I found a podcast by M.A.B.E.L. That makes all kinds of things including clothes out of old quilts. now I just need to find the time to do it.
Spinning! I am desperately trying to stick to one wheel…but then there are Lazy Kates, and that carrying bag for my wheel would really be handy, and of course there’s an additional flyer set that would give me three higher ratios to play with, and all the various kins of fibre I haven’t tried…
…and I tell people that spinning is “instant calm” (which it really is, honest!)
..and, of course, my current knitting WIPs.
Love reading anything that DG posts. Always so informative and entertaining!
I am beginning to punchneedle. It’s fun and it’s a great way to use up scrap yarn.
I have started sewing again after many years! Got my old Viking out and it still works! I made dresses for my young granddaughters and now am making a dress for myself.
For many years ow, I was thinking of learning how to machine knit. It’s not that I don’t love to hand knit but I have a lot of yarn and this was one way of using it up quickly. I bought a knitting machine. So I made hats for the unhoused in my area. Not sure if I upgraded the hobby or not but creating quicker projects did.
Rug hooking has bullied its way into my fiber queue. It’s accompanied me camping for some plein air hooking beside my teardrop. I can still knit inside after dark. Life is good.
Sock knitting machine. Have the machine – have the yarn – and I just have to have the time to do it!
I love your writing, DJ! I still consider knitting my new hobby. I started three years ago and half the fun has been curating my supply closet of tools and notions. Just ordered the neatest trinkets for adding beads to my knitting. Sewing is next on my list. I’ve been promised a sewing machine belonging to a friend’s mom who is downsizing. I’m out of closet space so I should probably finish our basement in preparation. Ha! Happy painting and thanks for the opportunity to win such a fabulous bundle!
I try to upgrade my knitting needles by purchasing newer, supposedly better ones, but just go back to my “Old Faithful”,” cubic, wooden ones.
Fishing & golfing with my hubby now that he is close to retiring. Both of which I can opt out early and knit instead.
Back to weaving on my big loom.
My new hobby is reorganizing and being more selective about the accoutrements of the hobbies I have! It’s kind of fun releasing extra things into the wild.
No new hobbies here! Would like to resurrect some old hobbies such as sewing and Hardänger, maybe bike riding or hiking (but need a companion).
An inkle loom snuck in last week!
I have yet again started a new creative hobby, or should I say recreated after about 30 years. I have started sewing using a sewing machine and making, making making. I am thinking about adding another new hobby, sewing by hand. This is all because of MDK! I love the articles you have published about slow fashion, Alabama Chain, etc. I want to be like her! What can I say, Im addicted to creativity and making!
Realllllly trying not to properly take up sewing.
No new hobbies recently, but I’ve been feeling the pull of my sewing machine, which I haven’t used in quite a few years.
I am trying to decide how to remake a blouse to add some length, maybe with a ruffle or peplum?
I started sketching during The Pandemic. Sort of taught myself to draw – I enjoy it, and I’m pretty okay at it. And BOY do I love shopping for fineliners!
I’m watching a lot of watercolor painting on Instagram – they make it look so easy and now that I’ve seen your 5 minute masterpiece, I’m even more tempted. Just as soon as I finished organizing my yarn stash…
As a retired older lady who has way too many hobbies as it is–all I need to do is find time to do what is in my head!!! I want to make this and that and also do knitting/crochet for charity. With fingers that don’t always behave themselves and work as fingers should, I flit from one thing to another depending on the day. Water color is intriguing but right now I need to finish a few things
I use to embroider my jeans as a teen a million years ago. Decided to try it again, so I bought a kit to help me get started. Learning some new stitches I hadn’t tried before. Very fun.
I use to embroider my jeans as a teen a million years ago. Decided to try it again, so I bought a kit to help me get started. Learning some new stitches I hadn’t tried before. Very fun.
I use to embroider my jeans as a teen a million years ago. Decided to try it again, so I bought a kit to help me get started. Learning some new stitches I hadn’t tried before. Very fun. Watercolor painting is on my radar for a new hobby.
I use to embroider my jeans as a teen a million years ago. Decided to try it again, so I bought a kit to help me get started. Learning some new stitches I hadn’t tried before. Very fun. Watercolor painting is on my radar for a new hobby.
Instagram ads brought me to diamond “painting” even though I don’t know what I’ll do with the finished products. It’s very relaxing!
Sashiko….omgoodness….the linen, the cotton, the linen cotton blends, the threads, the needles, the thimbles, the patterns…. Endless hours of entertainment
I am back to spinning after more than 20 years. Here is what happened in the meantime. Wow has this craft gotten expensive. Someone gifted me a small wheel, but everything has gotten so much more sophisticated with breed specific wool to spin in lots of different processed or non processed ways. Very humbling as I am not picking it back up quickly.
Oh that first kit has caught my attention.
Hmm. More like returning to an older, set-aside one. Harping. Folk harp, specifically. I’m restringing the harp and setting up for re-learning. Inexpensive?! HA!
Continually upgrading my knitting skills, and my stash. Latest obsession is American made wool, rustic and woolly and delightful.
Given the vast number of storage spaces (basement, garage, under stair closet, shelves and corners of other closets, various nooks and crannies) already storing various craft, hobby and sports paraphernalia throughout the house, I try very hard to recycle a past hobby (or at least go with a new hobby that uses stuff already on hand- stamping on fabric? embroidering scraps to mend those jeans? felting those old knitted swatches for little purses and Barbie mattresses for the granddaughters? keeping a hockey stick in the back of my Suburban to hook and pull the stuff I can’t quite reach so I don’t have to climb in the back hatch in a dress?) rather than start a new one. Emphasis on TRY. Sigh.
I discovered a use for all the bits & bobs of leftover sock yarn. Knit beanies, holding two fingering weight yarns together. Make amazing marls or stripes, or marled stripes. I donated mine to the local shelters. As a bonus, most sock yarn now is washable wool. Warm AND easy care.
Well, I’ll be darned, DG. I recently got some watercolors and paper! I have no idea what I’m doing, but I will not let that stand I’m the way of an upgrade!
Still working on learning to weave. But my needles and hooks are never far from reach.
The hobbies are old(as am I)but new are the spaces I am working on in my 1925 bungalow to store all my supplies,books,and tools for knitting, crocheting, and sewing. My goal is to have spaces where I can actually enjoy making instead of dreaming about finished projects.
I’m studying Swedish
Organizing. Can that be considered a hobby? It usually requires new gear….
Currently organizing (really RE-organizing) my circular needles.
I’ve started and stalled out on felting small animals. Think I’ll try to find a class this winter. You know, to add to all the other hobbies I do but don’t really do well.
Knitting is my jam, but I recently dug into a quilting project. The last thing I quilted was a “baby” blanket for my younger granddaughter (who was six by the time I finished it. She’s now eleven and complained about her feet sticking out, so I’m trying to add length to her baby quilt!
Embroidery. There is a shop in my town that is full of looms (every one of them different and a number of them are probably antiques) for weaving. She offers weaving classes and “rents” the looms for people to use. She also offers classes in other hand crafts like knitting, crocheting, felting, spinning, dyeing and embroidery, bringing in teachers for the various crafts as necessary. I took an embroidery class because I had seen a couple of knitting patterns that had embroidered designs on them and I just fell in love with them. (I have been informed that when embroidery is done with yarn instead of thread or floss it is called CREWEL. But since I have yet to actually put any embroidery onto my knitting, I’m still practicing with and doing embroidery.)
No new hobbies till I read this article- now watercolor.
My new hobby is interlaced filet (mosaic) crochet. Talk about sliding down a rabbit hole! I can’t get enough of it.
I haven’t picked up or upgraded a new hobby, but now I think I might have give watercolor painting a try. Thanks D.G.!
Machine Embroidery. Expensive hobby with no end to upgrades!
It feels like being a copycat to say sketching and water color – but it is true. Since March I have been spending almost as much time at my local art supply store as I do at my local yarn shop. I take my sketch pad and a few key colors with me on my bike rides and do quick sketches of the scenery or coffee shops — and also of my favorite LYS.
I recently dug out my watercolor pencils! At a family gathering I used watercolor pencils with a seven year old and the pleasure of using them came rushing back. She didn’t have a brush so we used our pinkies to add water. I found a few brushes, too.
No new hobbies for me. I’m just trying to be consistent with my knitting.
DG, you act like everyone can do watercolors. Watercolors are hard! There is no fixing of mistakes, only a muddy mess if you try. It’s pretty hardcore but kudos to those who give it a try.
Me, I’m starting a kawandi quilt. It’s all by hand, adding bits as you go. Perfect.
That’s where the five minute limit pays off; you don’t have time to mess it up.
Yes, I have upgraded my yarn purchases over the years. I started out with using all acrylic yarn. Partly for the price and mostly because that’s what I had access to. Now, with the internet, I have access to all sorts of wonderful yarn – at much higher prices – but mostly of better quality.
I’ve been shibori/visibly mending a pair of jean capri pants that I liked the fit of, just nor all the distressed holes and rips that came with them. The funny thing is all the attention I’m getting from the much younger women asking where I bought them, even my husband has noticed this part.
Weaving, I had a loom I bought in the 90’s and took a class. Next I started looking for an Ashford loom & found one used. Now I’m up to placemats. Everything I start a new activity the $$s just mount up at least weaving & knitting overlap. I already draw, paint & do ceramics.
Watercolor for me, too! Very enjoyable
Crocheting is my latest hobby- and although I have plenty of yarn, there is still Gear shopping involved! Hooks! Patterns! And,
Of course, more yarn!
Funny enough, I upgraded my watercolors, too!
My side shopping though, is looking into making my own; so a hobby, a craft, AND a shopping upgrade!
I’m trying to work on my gardening skills.❤️
I can relate. I kill the dreams of plenty of seeds and seedlings every year. But I’ve just about got the salsa garden right.
We have moved, again. In Atlanta. All of my artwork has been lovingly packed by me, six years ago, and I am now unpacking it all. So my new hobby is hanging picture walls. I always had someone else do it for me, but now I am on my own! My new hobby.
I’ve started making quilts! It’s hard to find time with knitting and sewing bags. But I’m fitting it in!
Did a sashiko project over the summer and plan to take a class this winter for traditional Japanese indigo dyeing.
Oooh, I want to try that, it looks like fun, but it will have to wait a little longer. 🙁
Color work, hoping to up my knitting game. So excited for this new field guide!
What new hobbies have I started/upgraded? What is the character count on this thing? Try stopping me from trying something, I dare you. I hate the stupid button selection at the local stores, so I’ve started resin casting with an eye to designing my own. I’m learning to paint, weld, dye yarns, spin, and weave. I’m looking at new bobbin lace designs, but I don’t know if that counts as an upgrade, and I recently, through no fault of my own, I swear, ended up with about 20 Diamond Dotz kits. Also I have a new Cricut. With, like, all the vinyls. I think my actual hobby is hobby flitting. That’s just this year. Do not look in my craft room, because it is packed with all the hobbies I either still do, or tried and disliked.
My friend is a plain air painter. I’ll look for a case for making for her. My Dad was a trained watercolorist, so I grew up thinking it was easy. Took a lot of watercolor classes. It wasn’t until very late—maybe age 35– that I discovered how forgiving oil painting is.
Love your mini painting of Belfast. Did you go to the yarn shop there? No new hobbies here, the boat is full of yarn, art supplies and cross stitch.
Laughed out loud when I read this post. I saw a great instagram journaling post where you divide your paper into squares using painters tape and freely, randomly doodle with pens and watercolors. I’m hooked! I’ve never been a painter, but my mom was. I have a plethora of “vintage” paints and papers…. I don’t know if they’re any good. I’m pretty sure my doodles aren’t going to win awards… but it’s so much fun. What a wonderful release to play with lines and color without a huge time commitment…. It’s just play… and that’s a wonderful thing. It’s nice to know I’m not alone.
my latest new hobby is lifting weights. why you might ask would a little old lady like me take up weight lifting. well, only because I must to try to hang on to as much mobility as I can so that I can do all the other more fun hobbies I have until the bitter end.
Needlepoint. I found a kit to needlepoint 12 angel Christmas tree ornaments for a dear cousin who loves angels.
I do spend money on art supplies. I can’t afford that set but it looks nice!
Wool applique. I sew, quilt, needlepoint, embroider, knit, and crochet already so I should have had everything I need, correct? Nope. Not correct at all. Watercolors is very tempting.
I love your take on Maine. You are correct. Sometimes the paint can capture the essence of a place in ways that photographs cannot. You are very talented, DG!
Not a huge swing, but I’m a die-hard knitter who’s trying to get the hang of crochet.
I recently bought all the things to do Inkle weaving. I’ve made a few things and now it’s sitting in the corner. I’m sure I’ll come back to it sometime.
Playing ukulele with a happy, fun group at local library. Found it when looking for a book online and just showed up with a borrowed instrument (the library has instruments for check out – like a book … look for Library of Things on websites – it’s a THING). Went from learning first chord to knowning how to play (I’m not claiming mastery) quite a few more and singing along to old songs and new songs with this group has been so much fun. I never used to be a “joiner” and have hobbies and crafts ever since I can remember. Don’t be shy – just start!
DG, that’s a beautiful watercolor you painted!
New hobby: Just tried weaving on a little bookmark loom from CraftEmporiumPDX. So cute! So quick! So non-threatening! And perfect for weaving during a zoom meeting, because my knitting required looking at a chart and counting. Not so with the loom. Fun!
I don’t know how to paint with watercolors. Maybe I need your little kit…
After cleaning out my closet and finding an entire yarn shop in there I decided I needed a way to use up some of that yarn more quickly than knitting. While knitting has been #1 on my hobby list for 75 years, I now have a rigid heddle loom to play with and an inkling loom too to go with my table loom which has been gathering dust.
I have gathered my supply of all other art and craft hobby supplies, except the watercolors, and I’m getting ready to donate it to art teachers at the local jr high and high school. That is if I can bear to get rid of it. I know as soon as I donate my wood carving knives I will decide I need to do a wood-cut print.
I have recently started epp. English paper piecing. Love the slow stitching.
I don’t have the time or money for another hobby as I’m happily obsessed with knitting! MDK has a lot to do with my state of affairs.
I just took up paint by number. I live 2 miles from the home of paint by number and found that they have modernized since the 1960s LOL I really needed something to get my brush skills back in case I decide to go back to painting abstracts. BTW I did go to art school
I just took up paint by number. I live 2 miles from the home of paint by number and found that they have modernized since the 1960s LOL I really needed something to get my brush skills back in case I decide to go back to painting abstracts. BTW I did go to art school
I have not done watercolors for many years now, but a month or so ago I purchased some new watercolor paints. I am planning on starting to re-learn this once the garden is in.
Recently started watercolor painting. I find it very relaxing. Of course I had to purchase the requisite brushes, paints, and paper.
I knit, sew, crochet, embroider …… the list goes on and on. I just took up golf so I would have something to do with my husband of 33 years (an avid golfer). Being out in nature for two hours in the evening has given me a whole new appreciation for nature. Particularity color and structure. This has translated into capturing this on cloth with thread, any thread. So far I have focused on weeds, which can be extremely beautiful & complex. Next up will be branches. My ability to see detail & composition is changing and that is a good & very interesting thing.
Your post makes me want to try watercolor again. In the meantime, is visible mending a hobby? It is leading me to embroidery and also damaging my clothes to mend them afterwards… so three hobbies in one!
I’ve done altered book journals for years. That involves mixed media and talk about expensive! I have every paint, pencil, tape and paper that you can imagine! Of course, I could use some more……
I upgraded my baking hobby by renovating my kitchen 🙂
Not an upgrade, but definitely a stash filler. I went to every shop during the Steel Valley Yarn Crawl this summer. I have never shopped so much in the name of knitting!
I’m reacquainting myself with photography!
I have a rigid heddle loom that both calls my name and intimidates me. I have begun stash diving to begin the journey of weaving! I have also begun making pasta from scratch and love the whole process and of course sharing the meal!
Travel sketching! I took a “beginner’s mindset” (thank you, Peggy Orenstein!) and learned how to sketch on the road. It opened a new world to me and I’m ready to apply colors!
Thanks for the laughs this morning! Knitting is my current drug, I mean passion, of choice and offers respite from my 15-months-and-counting slipcover project… and of course, allows for so many opportunities to shop.
I’m forwarding your column to a few of my besties, then headed over to your blog.
Sewing. I’m still in that shopping & collecting stuff for it phase, as I feel I need a friend to hold my hand as I make my first things (in a long time). Want to go from simple curtains to tops that I actually wear!!
My hobby this summer has been flower arranging! We have a lovely yard full of perennials that I usually leave outdoors – but I also love cut flowers. The solution (I thought) was to plant a bunch of wildflower seeds and use them as a cutting garden. Well. The first year they did almost nothing, and I had but a few blossoms to cobble together into some sad little bouquets. BUT – this year, the second year – I have a veritable meadow! It’s been so much fun!!! (Gear includes buying lots of random vases from the thrift store so I can gift my bouquets at the drop of a hat, ready for display, a good clipper, and the plants themselves). Of course, I’ve been tempted by braided rugs, punch needle, paper quilling (even bought all the stuff for that one and tried to get my family involved) jewelry making (I have all the stuff for this one too – and still make a gift here and there)….the list is long. I have a whole set of quilting books that I bought LONG before I began knitting – but fortunately realizes that I would NEVER have the attention span to make a quilt (nor the precision for the sewing). BUT – knitting is the one that has stuck.
nothing new for me, just knitting
I was wooed long ago by the MDK post on pot holder looms. I finally got one and it’s been soooo fun!
Crochet. After a lifetime of knitting, I decided to stop drooling wistfully over the beautiful crochet patterns I saw on Ravelry and actually learn how to do it. Had to take a crochet class on Zoom, it being early 2021 with the pandemic still raging, but it did the job. And although knitting is really my first love, I’ve now crocheted a cowl, two mosaic cosmetic bags, and a shawl, so I guess it’s officially a new hobby!
I started drawing recently, with no prior experience. It’s fun so far but I’m not sure if it’s going to stick!
I just took a ridged heddle weaving class. Trying to decide if it is love or not.
Poor spelling. Make that Rigid Heddle.
Sewing and embroidery. Want to pick up on sewing again. I love dyeing fiber and would like to do some eco printing and sewing things with it. I am also interesting in learning some visible mending techniques. so many things, so little time.
Pottery – I have been in a slump and just a few weeks ago got back out to my studio (a 10×12 Tuff Shed!) and got back at the wheel! Had a new charcoal colored clay I’d purchased and 20 lbs. of mud have been formed into some exciting bowls! Funny thing about pottery, one makes a piece, it has to dry & be bisque fired before the fun part of glazing happens. So one revisits the piece many times and during the entire process the question of WHAT COLOR will it be is played with! But when that time comes I usually have it decided!
I am a lifetime artist, but had pretty much stuck to fiber arts for the past decade or so. I’ve been looking toward my end of outside employment for the past year or so and trying decide how I want to live that life, I have started to look at my art background has a way forward. After a complete overhaul of my existing (and ancient!) art supplies, I am looking for all the new things to try. This seems like the perfect set! I cannot wait to get one in my hands!
I took up weaving when I moved 5 years ago, starting with a Rigid Heddle Loom, then moving to Multi-Shaft Weaving… Oh my! It started as a way to enjoy my stash of knitting yarns and has evolved. I still love knitting best… and am feeling a pull back to watercolor painting! The connection of Dee Hardwicke’s painting to her knitting is inspiring!
I have been sketching and painting- but knitting is my go to craft!
Since retiring I’ve started gardening-I love being outside after years in a classroom
Sashiko embroidery! I love the fact you can make something elegant and lovely using running stitch.
And stranded colorwork knitting. There are projects that have languished in my Ravelry queue for YEARS, while I promised myself that someday I’d learn how to do it. I decided that 2023 was someday!
Crochet amigurami – An avid knitter here who has been watching her daughter crochet giant animals and now I have the bug too… Woops.
I’m so swamped with yarn in my stash that I feel too guilty adding any more projects to my queue. But I do indulge in new patterns, so I’m trying out new techniques and different needle sets to my “collection,” to keep myself motivated. I also make socks for my toddler grandchildren with the left over yarn from socks I make for their mommy, my daughter. They call them “Bubby socks.”
Started a two week class on shibori nui indigo dyeing Saturday, on that day we learned the stitch patterns for three different design types. I’m stitching my little heart out right now & this weekend it all will go into the dye pot. In the unlikely event that it turns out beautifully, this could well turn into More Hobby Stuff: ferrous sulfate! calcium hydroxide! indigo powder – or maybe indigo seeds to grow next year, a whole other hobby! dedicated bucket, gram scale, facemasks, stirring stick, maybe henna – a simple little indigo dye pot can generate a surprising amount of gear.
Bookbinding. It is a perfect combination of paper folding and handsewing!
Upgrading my crochet game! It goes dormant periodically, but I recently had the incentive to take it up a notch!
I haven’t recently picked up a new hobby, God knows I have enough already, but I sure would like to learn to do watercolor.
I keep watching YouTube videos on quilting and wood-turning. Have dabbled the tiniest bit into quilting (potholders anyone?), but wood-turning seems beyond my reach without a workshop or a lathe and no interest in taking a class that might get me hooked if I can’t follow-through.
It turns out that I have not picked up or upgraded a new hobby lately. Certainly it is a longtime, familiar impulse! But this has been a time of relaxing and setting things down for a while, seeing what still feels fulfilling, what I am ready to let go of, waiting for the creative spirit to relight.
i have a terrible confession. i am addicted to new hobbies. i tend to cycle through my existing hobbies, lying on chairs or dresser tops in my spare room, then go looking for a spark. i just found watercolor pencils and postage card sized coloring books. the pages are stiff, so you can color with the colored pencils, then add water to your brush and turn them into paintings. i have used them for thank you cards, gift tags, and even framed one. my latest obsession.
I am doing Beading as my new Hobby at the moment. I am making Bracelets.I love mixing beads of different colors, shapes and sizes for a unique looking bracelets just like my knitting.
Thank you for the Giveaway
I have definitely picked up a new obsession! Mah Jongg, I think it qualifies as a hobby…since when I’m not knitting I’m playing (or practicing). It’s a lot like knitting to me. Familiarize yourself with the pattern (or card) and start building your project (or hand). It’s Fun!
Broom making! I’ve taken two classes and have made two whisk brooms, two vegetable scrubbers and a full-sized broom. It’s loads of fun, but does require strong hands!
I am resuming a languishing hobby. I want to pursue photography again and increase my bare minimum knowledge. And no doubt my wish list of new lenses and other equipment will continue to grow.
Not so much a new hobby as picking up an old one I had stopped 20+ years ago. CROCHETING I am starting to gather patterns that include both knit and crochet in one project.
I’ve done a couple book making challenges with Vintage Page designs. But(be still my heart) I took my mom to the sr center and there are 4 looms piled on the corner!!!! What!? Weaving is calling me!
I’ve done a couple book making challenges with Vintage Page designs. But(be still my heart) I took my mom to the sr center and there are 4 looms piled on the corner!!!! What!? Weaving is calling me!
Oh yes, and embroidery.
I’ve done a couple book making challenges with Vintage Page designs. But(be still my heart) I took my mom to the sr center and there are 4 looms piled on the corner!!!! What!? Weaving is calling me!
Oh yes, and embroidery.
I’m trying NOT to pick up new hobbies as I already have more than any sane person should….knitting, crochet, cross stitch, sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, card making. I love them all!
Just tried candle making – while the beeswax smells lovely it is tough to get wax off the floor (and everywhere else) it seems!
Drop spindle spinning! And I say to my friend at least once a week- I am not going to get a wheel! right now I really enjoy the process of spindle spinning. But that upgraded mindset is already there!
Canning. I’m really enjoying it, and I feel connected to my mother when I’m doing it. Plus, I get to eat the “projects”!
Way back when The Golden Girls sitcom was on TV, I knit several cardigans that Estelle Getty wore. The front edging was in crochet. I’ve started browsing YouTube videos for lefties so I can make hats & blankets
Recently took a vogue live class on printing with knits and I loved it. Everyone’s getting printed Christmas cards this year!
It sounds like you are a prime candidate for the Whiskey Painters of America. Their rules are that the painting has to be in watercolor, mostly; can’t be more than 4″ x 5″; and all your gear should fit in a pocket. Also, if you happen to be drinking whiskey and you run out of water, use the whiskey. They’ve been around since the 50s and have exhibitions and everything. Also the world’s cutest paint tins.
I’m learning water color and sketching from John Muir Laws ‘Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling’. It’s a most encouraging book. I keep buying copies for friends.
Newest hobby: cross stitch. It’s so tiny, but so painterly. I have been wondering if it’s doable on hardware cloth with jumbo yarn.
Custom t-shirts! Our library has all the equipment you might need (large format color printer, Cricut, heat press, even an embroidery machine), so really all you need is your design. I am a “curvy” lady. I HATE men’s cut t-shirts, and my kids’ schools rarely have women’s t-shirts in my size (and even if they sell my size, they’re almost never true to size — more like two sizes smaller than listed). I’ve started buying myself good quality, plain t-shirts that fit, and embellish them with an appropriately spirited graphic. Problem solved!
I’m signed up for a class in making dye from lichens and mushrooms!
Trying to avoid new hobbies, but water color painting is something I really love. I’ve always wanted to do it better, and this sounds like a perfect, containable approach!
Recent is a relative term, right? Compared to knitting, my new hobby is weaving hobbit that compact watercolor set is very tempting!
Going to try my hand at pooling knitting.
Weaving. Down the rabbit hole I go!!!
Yes!! Watercolors, I have been ‘messing’ around for a few months now. You’ve inspired me to try mini landscapes, I can do that ????
I’ve started weaving over the last couple of years. Considering that knitting and embroidery/needlepoint have been my primary fiber crafts for over 50 years, this is an event! It’s very fun, pretty fast, and uses up lots of yarn. My goal is garments.
I am in a Sweater KAL & I am making a cardigan that is steeked down the front. I have never steeked anything before but Im sure it will go well! The sleeves are not steeked but pick up stitches around the armhole. 1 long steek will be enough excitement for 1 project! I cant wait until the sweater is done!
Gardening has always kept me happy. For almost 20 years I’ve gardened on the slope of a canyon in Southern California planting only plants native to the area. Recently I purchased a battery-powered mini chainsaw, the perfect 4 inch pruner. Using it is a little like finding a perfect set of interchangeable knitting needles: Well-crafted tools make hobbies blissful.
I bought the book Knitting the National Parks and made a spreadsheet of all the colors I would need to knit all the hats. I knit about 20 but still have a big bin of yarn, about 40 balls.
I’m investigating some knitting adjacent hobbies: felting and weaving! Could this have anything to do with my abundant stash ?
Hey DG…check out Beam Paints, a unique Indigenous Canadian company in Northern Ontario.
My Mom did a little watercolour painting, and so did one of her sisters, they were both good (I think!), and came to their hobby later in their lives. So maybe there is still hope for me?
painting with watercolors is a new hobby I’m trying to take up. I’m intimidated by it, but my wonderful kid gave me a starter set as a present!
Good morning! I recently started cross stitching AGAIN after a 30 year hiatus! What fun! I had no idea that there were actually things you could add to enhance your cross stitching experience. Needless to say, Amazon has lots of these enhancements. I have purchased a number of cute little needle-minders ( who knew I needed these?), needle threaders ( remember, it’s been 30 years!) Aida cloth in pretty colors AND best of all a magnifying lamp. All this to cross stitch a couple of little beach huts. I love it!
I have been a knitter for years, and have accumulated a yarn stash of truly epic proportions. Partly to deal with that< and partly because we were gifted a loom, there is now a big floor loom upstairs in the "yarn room" as the kids call it.
Unfortunately the initial flurry of activity has fallen off completely. Hoping I will get back to it once the cooler weather is here. Not sure it's going to help my yarn issues, since what I really want to make is tea towels and there's nothing here that will work. Sigh. Will just have to go shopping. Watercolours sound wonderful, but may be just another reason not to be weaving.
Picked up cooking classes! Raised my kids on tofu pups from Trader Joe’s and other frozen stuff but now that I am mostly retired, I love taking cooking classes! I read the cookbooks, shop for the ingredients, attend the classes and my husband cooks!
That sounds perfect! I have a huge collection of cookbooks which I enjoy reading now and then, and I share favorite new recipes with my husband. Then I help with the prep while he does most of the cooking. Lucky me!
My daughter just decided to try watercolors. She is waiting for her first set to arrive!
I just ordered a little loom for mending – it came with 4 colors of embroidery yarn for a ‘visible mending’ patch. Then of course I had to go to our local JoAnn’s and purchase a pack of embroidery threads in 36 ‘wildflower’ colors. It is all waiting for me to put down my knitting needles and try decorating/patching up my well-worn jeans.
Not so recently, I purchased a beautiful wooden drop spindle and lovely brown wool roving at the MD Sheep & Wool Festival, then I also got a lighter weight spindle a knitting friend recommended, but I haven’t spent enough time with any of it to really learn to spin. I will, though, eventually…
I’m learning how to make thrummed mittens.
Took a pottery class in college back in the 90s and spent the next decade throwing bowls, mugs, teapots etc. But it’s been years. I still have some bisque fired pieces in my basement that were never glazed but have survived several moves. There is a studio close to where I live…thinking of signing up for a class now that kiddos are back in school.
I’ve recently started painting miniatures for tabletop RPGs. I’ve been a nerd all my life, and always admired people that could paint so small… then I started trying and realized that if you let the paint do the work, it’s a lot less difficult than one would think!
I recently bought a Harrisville potholder loom, overcome with nostalgia for the one I had as a child. When I was a kid I made cotton-loop potholders for every adult in my family, on our street, parents of friends…basically I blanketed eastern Pennsylvania with the things. Well, now I am getting ready to do it again. With a nice new loom!
Funny you should mention watercolors, because I have been re-introduced myself to watercolors. I just love mixing bright colors together, but it counts right?
I love your concept of a ‘5 min painting’ as a snapshot of a place or experience! Each summer my family meets up at a lake we’ve been going to since we were kids, and each summer we get out the watercolors and joke that we’re making the same painting as every other year. In truth, each one is a bit different and reflect the changeable weather and how the clouds affect the colors of our surroundings.
Of course we’ve added other crafts and activities – this year we hit it out of the park with some fantastic tie dyeing. They were spectacular!
My new hobby seems to be training puppies since my ancient dogs started going to their great reward and I now have a 9 month schnoodle and a 6 month dachshund. I also still have a very grouchy 18 YO mostly dachshund who does not understand WHY WHY WHY puppies!!!
I decided I needed ‘something else’ other than knitting as I was recently getting some twinges of tennis elbow after knitting for a while. Well, slow stitching, boro, sashiko and any stitching with a Japanese aesthetic have become my new hobby. I adore it. It is so portable, relaxing and creative. And you don’t have to BE a sewer to do it. There is nothing complicated involved. Just your imagination. Fear not. It makes me very happy and I am satisfied if I only manage 10 minutes a day. Although it’s usually much longer than that.
I’ve hit SABLE for my yarn stash. If I were to consider a new hobby, I have to determine what the SABLE equivalent is before I start because I might not have room in my home for it.
Finally been able to make good bread—I’ve been trying for years. Bought a sourdough starter from King Arthur.
Was it expensive?
In this retail environment, fashion brands need to develop new strategies to grab consumers attention by speaking to their hearts.
Bikepacking is where my hobby funds seem to be disappearing these days! Just like the camping problem, except extra niche to fit it all nicely on the perfectly-set-up bike. (And allowing a little space for a few extra grams of compact knitting for after we roll into camp is of course essential!)
It may not be popular among hand-knitters, but I recently upgraded my machine knitting supplies and splashed out for a circular sock knitting machine, I love it!
The fact that I can knit a pair of basic socks in a day and finally put a use to all those single skeins of souvenir stock yarns is a thrill!
New hobby is quilting which I love but sometime wonder why I am cutting up fabric to sew it back together. Such fun with colours and fabric.
Aside from knitting and sewing, I like to read. Recently set a realistic goal for myself to read so many pages a day in order to get back into this hobby that I also enjoy and have been neglecting.
Hand-sewing clothing. I’m now looking at my thimble and wondering if it could do with an upgrade, and considering fancy thread. I can hear the siren call of Beyond Measure already (and I suspect it’s a matter of time until this leads me to sashiko)…
A few months back I picked up knitting after 30 years and I’m hooked. Trying new projects all the time, watching vlogs, and learning new skills whenever possible. I love knitting. Now to try my hand at crochet!
Picking up my weaving again after a several year break. I have missed it.
Paper dolls!
I took an acrylic painting class this summer. It was so fun!
No, just knitting.
I am obsessed with wooden tools! In fiber arts, it’s shuttles and needles–
primitive needles for nalbinding, a flat shuttle, a beating tool like a hair pick, a lucette. As a musician, I own wooden recorders, a quena flute, an Irish harp. I carried the tuning key for my harp, Suzanne, around for weeks. I don’t play my instruments or make things with my tools. Not for long, anyway. Never for long. It is the tactile sensation of touching the wooden tool that is important.
A friend and I will take a class this week on calligraphy. It includes wine to sip as we learn! I’m a bit concerned!
Trying to improve my knitting by taking special care with each part of shaping and finishing. The neatest increases and decreases and the best bind off for the particular project.
New hobby is searching for vintage glassware, with a focus on old bar ware. Having so much fun looking through antique shops for those unique and perfect glasses for display and use when we have friends over for dinners!
Using all the inspiration and instruction from MDK Summer Camp, I’m playing with Sinkmates dishcloths!
Watercolor is so cool, but I am sticking with knitting. Lorilee Beltman is a great instructor.
I took up watercolors when I moved to the country about a decade ago. Like you, part of my enjoyment comes in the discovery/acquisition of the ‘kit’ that goes with a hobby. I do a combination of plein air and studio work. But after I took up knitting, I found I lost some of my painting mojo and that creative spark is largely focused on knits!
I’m a fan of Daniel Smith and Sennelier. When I first started, I quickly realized that cheap paints are just not worth it….they don’t produce the lovely effects that quality watercolors do.
Enjoy the new creative outlet!
It’s not a super new hobby for me. I picked up cross stitch with a couple of my grandmothers as a child. And when I got married, I started studying and admiring my husband’s grandmother’s embroidery and appliqué on their family heirloom Christmas stockings. I made them for our family by tracing a key appliqué and using new templates for a few others. (Christmas tree, gingerbread person, wreath, candle). And in the process I picked up embroidery! At least a few of the basics. Recently, I caught the bug again, and I made embroidered SWAPs for a Girl Scouts Camporee. And then I pulled out an embroidery sampler kit that I bought years ago. And I made it! I learned and practiced so much, that I started prepping my next kit from the dust collection. And now I’m starting to look at new kits. I like the kits so there’s no second-guessing colors or steps.
Making kombucha!
I am rekindling the joy of cooking. Nothing better than a good meal before an evening of knitting.
no new hobbies, but the 2 music groups i’m in [1 choral, 1 instrumental] have re-started for the fall.
Recently acquired a sewing machine and discovered that fabric is a whole new world of stash acquisition!
I have always wanted to try watercolor, and recently took a class at my local library.
Although my “masterpiece” looks a step above something my four year old grandson would paint, I can hear my mom saying “practice makes perfect”.
My newesy is a beginner needlepoint kit from DMC! I totally agree about the camping gear purchases being a hobby all its own. I would love to try watercolors from CfM. Belfast, ME is a favorite stop on our way to Acadia NP.
Sashiko embroidery. Fun! Practical! Pretty!
Sashiko mending.
Punch needle embroidery. Not sure if we will be together long term, but a great excuse to buy more floss.
Mending jeans with sashiko stitches.
Taking up an old hobby again – voracious reading. My 18-yr old son just moved out. Just the peace I needed for intensive reading again.
Nothing NEW in hobbies this fall. But I did volunteer to help K- 3rd graders learn to read after school. This is NEW for me and starts in October.
Sailing. Old wooden boats.
One would think the options for stashing are much more limited than for knitting. But, oh no. One finds friends with barns and driveways where one can store that Craig’s list rowboat that just needs a few little things…
Knitting is still my number one hobby but at the elementary school where I am the lead secretary, we did an installation of painted garden rocks for our playground and I got hooked on the fun of painting smooth river rocks in bright colors with simple designs or sayings on them. Fun for kids AND adults! Now I paint, varnish and leave my painted rocks around the neighborhood on my walks or when visiting parks and it makes me happy!
I’m so into water soluble graphite! It’s magic.
I haven’t pick up any new hobbies.
Not yet, but have been considering getting a serger.
I just learned how to crochet. It’ll never replace knitting for me, but I’m enjoying it- especially making little amigurumi!
My latest hobby/interest is native gardening. It’s already paying off with more butterflies and bees in my yard!
A funny coincidence, but I always seem to need something for my watercolor painting hobby. I decided to upgrade some of my brushes after watching the wonderful effects that Instagram artists get with these wonderful brushes.
The ukulele! I’m 75 years old and got my first ukulele in June. Found a local ukulele group that meets once a week, which is pretty amazing since I live in Strawberry Plains, TN, which is as small town as it sounds. And now I’m studying up on getting a second uke. Apparently this is a thing in the ukulele community: people tend to collect them and can never get enough. Imagine that! Like your watercolors, they’re small and fun and so entertaining. Highly recommend.
I’ve got all the paper supplies for quilling.
I started weaving this year with my Cricket! And I love it!
I love all things fiber/textiles- knitting, weaving, sewing, sashiko, mending.
I ‘upgraded’ my knitting needles by buying a set of Chiaogoo interchangeable needles and finding I didn’t care for them at all! They really weren’t the price as the cable and a separate needle. are about as expensive as buying a regular circular set.
I am a paper crafting supply collector and just added several new sets to my collection. Soon I will be cranking out new projects.
I am getting twitchy thinking of a new hobby :-)! The thought of expanding out of the world of yarn stresses me out. Although, needlepoint calls to me from time to time, my long line of bookmarked patterns keeps me doubled down on knitting!
I am knitting my first color work pattern, and love it!
I’m not sure if this is a hobby or not, but I’ve recently gotten really into Formula One racing! Especially when watched with friends with my knitting in my lap, it’s high intensity entertainment!
I’ve collected my watercolor supplies an’ am ready for the next beginner class to be announced. I’ve always wanted to learn watercolor techniques… finding classes has been a difficulty. Another interest added to a long list of fiber pursuits… my future looks full for sure.
Refinishing furniture (repairing NOT included).
Over the past 10 months, I have been learning (online) about knitwear design from Natalie Warner, teacher extraordinaire. I have knit for 53 years, but this new adventure has enchanted and empowered me. I love designing and bringing my designs to life on my needles.
I learned how to make buttons from linen thread for the 1788 event celebration of the founding of Cincinnati. I demonstrated my skills dressed in period costume on the porch of a home on September 9th.
No, I’m still stuck on knitting. I feel like I need to make all the things. The idea of spinning is interesting, but I’ve avoided heading that direction so I can keep exploring my knitting.
Knitting stuffed animals for X-Mas presents to the little ones! Not used to knitting little pieces. Thanks for the giveaway!
Knitting is my main hobby these days although I am and will forever be a voracious reader!
Hubby and I started flying remote control airplanes. Great fun and can be expensive when you lose one in a cornfield! Lol. Haven’t found it yet.
This is exactly how my stash grows… not a new hobby but a new pattern. I read Snippets and see new FG or link to Ravelry for patterns and I immediately start looking for yarn to make the fan fav for the moment. Before I know it, I’ve spent 5 hours looking at stash, deciding I don’t have the perfect yarn, re-reading Gillians article on yarn substitution and calculating grift, deciding I don’t have sufficient quantities or the perfect color for the project and shopping online local yarn stores so I can go touch, squish, smell the object of my search. Then I get interrupted, put down the tablet and it’s all lost. Well not always, I do end up with saves and abandoned cart reminders but I forget which project I wanted the yarn. Then order it anyway cuz I’m sure I will remember when its delivered… and it’s so pretty!
I recently picked up embroidery as a way to add more color to my world. I’ve also returned to knitting after a 2 year break to earn a masters degree. It’s great to be back!
Bread baking!
I started throwing clay about a year and a half ago-over 65 so about time. I don’t need more coffee cups but I did need to create something and accept that it’s not always “perfect” and that it’s okay. Recently tried abstract painting too, as Maya Angelou said “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.”
Quilting! All by machine, and for a cancer charity. All the supplies are donated – so I can craft to my hearts content for (almost!) free.
Not so much a new hobby as a new obsession. Spinning! On both a wheel and on spindles. The magic of turning sheepy floof into yarn is so engaging. I think I’m on my way from being a knitter who spins to becoming a spinner who knits.
Baking! Excited about trying new pumpkin recipes for the autumn months!
Great piece today, DG. I’m tempted to try painting. I am back to piano lessons again after a time away. And always knitting.
I recently bought an electric spinner and am learning to spin. Of course I’m playing the “shopping game” too with colorful parts made by someone with a 3d printer. Meanwhile I’m still in the learning phase but I’m having fun.
No, not now. Still steeped in all the knitting things, adding to my WIPs weekly.
I am relatively new to knitting and decided to learn some new skills as I paged thru the look book for field guide 25. So color strands here I come.
Found crochet again…remember how fun granny squares are…so many different versions now
Back to doing counted cross stitch.
I have also been bitten by the watercolor bug. I am no artist but painting has helped me work through the grief of losing my father. It helps my brain shut off. I started with a cheap pan, moved to tubes and then found a fillable travel pan that I filled with my tube paints and created an on the go kit.
I have been a knitter and crocheter for many years. This summer I took a Brioche class. I have always admired the beauty of Brioche. Just completed a cowl project! It kicked my butt but I did it!
I have been making quilts, I had stopped making them for many years but they were actually my very first creative venture. Then came knitting and now I love them both!
I’m learning to spin!
I am going back to an old hobby – needlepoint. Years ago, I bought a canvas in Chile. The designer matched hand dyed yarn for me. I brought it home and promptly lost the yarn in my house. Years later, I found the yarn but then couldn’t find the canvas.
Finally, I have both together and looking forward to evenings stitching, when I am not knitting.
Upgraded hobby: improving my stranded knitting and trying Fair Isle color work. New hobby? Looking interested while spouse geeks out over FPV.
Small, scrappy fabric pieces with embroidery accents.
Twining: turning the daylily and iris leaves from my garden iinto useful string. It’s perfect for tying up bundles of yarn meant for a particular project.
I guess you could say I’ve upgraded my yarn purchases to strictly natural fibers. I’ve always been a bit of a “yarn snob” but it’s really kicked into high gear after I read a quote by a well known chef but it applies to any person who creates. “Use the best ingredients that you can afford”
Writing! I’ve thought about it for a long time and finally am doing it. Possibly someday it can turn into a vocation but for now it’s just for me! And it happily doesn’t require a lot of gear. 🙂
Love his writing. I will try those watercolors. And I love the idea of a timed painting session.
I am recently thinking about hexagon paper piecing.
Constantly getting tempted by new hobbies and reminding myself that new hobbies mean less time for knitting and yarn collecting. 🙂
This summer I participated in a basket making workshop at a friends home. It was fun to hang out with friends and meet new people while learning a new craft.
Recently I found a bunch of basket making supplies at a craft/art supply reuse store.
I’m sure you can guess what happened…
I’ll be attempting more basket making this fall during a Weavealong with my new to me basket making supplies
I am lucky enough to live near to A Case for Making so it is my incentive to get out for a walk many days! I enjoy their watercolors too- they have reinspired my interest and practice in that medium.
Native plant gardening! It’s fun learning with plants have thrived in an area without human intervention and which have been brought over from somewhere else!
I fell down the spinning rabbit hole last year, and then I fell down the supported spindle rabbit hole. I’m trying to resist collecting tools, but I just upgraded from a decent Tibetan to a super fast, sleek Russian type, and it’s tough to not go, “well, I definitely need more like this!”
Raising chickens! Adding sweet and sassy members to our family has been an extra delight. And the fresh eggs aren’t so bad either. Lots of potential gear though. So many toys and equipment to keep our girls happy.
No new hobbies, but every now and then I pick up old, discarded hobbies and have to upgrade all over again!
No new hobbies – I haven’t been picking up my needles for a while tho. So my new hobby will be to finish and block projects I have neglected so I can dive into a new technique which I think will be assigned pooling.
Flying. I recently earned a private pilot’s license.
This is the Field Guide that really resonates with me. I love the periwinkle set.
Stained glass! But it does lend itself to gear upgrade temptation!
Beading! Now there are beads everywhere, including my knitting
I took a short weaving course in July and last month bought a loom. Now I see weaving patterns everywhere and I’m still making the 2-yard-long sampler…
I already knit and sew (kinda) but have my eye on more and more fiber-related arts!
Have started making pine needle baskets and other objects out of pine needles. Have learned where to collect needles and how to clean them and even dye some. It’s definitely a labor intensive hobby.
I am doing an excellent job of resisting adding new hobbies.
Napping. Cheapest hobby ever.
Picked up a new hobby….tennis! Not craft related but I’ve never played a racquet sport…until now! Feeling my body move differently and learning the basics has been so fun.
What is that dress? robe? the model is wearing in the Climbing Vines mitts picture? I love it!
Went kayaking once; bought a used kayak the following week. Week after that began looking for new kayaks and gear. Let’s just say I can relate to this article. Alas, I have a craft room full of supplies to prove it carries over into most of my hobbies. It is part of my entertainment budget with a splash of creativity or fitness (mental and physical) thrown into the mix.
I’ve been upgrading my knitting supplies
I have recently found myself quite fascinated by gravity ice-dyeing (mostly for quilting but some of the fabrics could stand on their own). I have ice dyed for over 10 years but this year I tried gravity ice dyeing and my life may never be the same. I am trying to figure out how to continue to play with this technique over the winter (my dye studio is usually in my yard in the summer). I would also like to try this technique with wool but I am not sure how this would work. I don’t think the ice part will work but I am sure there must be another way to get these painterly effects onto yarn.
I’ve been loyal to Windsor Newton watercolor tubes since my teenage years. I’m very intrigued by and have been researching reviews of compact watercolor sets. I did find a travel set of good quality brushes and both a set for myself and graduate school niece. With quite travel scotched in mind, my new hobby is learning about Sumi brush techniques but applying them to watercolor.
I’m training a new puppy. I’ve had dogs for most of my life, but they’ve mostly been adult rescues. I’m getting older and I need a smaller dog than I used to, and it was hard to find a rescue, so this time I got a puppy. It takes the kind of work and concentration that a new hobby always does, but the sleep deprivation makes the concentration harder.
My new hobby is perfecting my piano playing. I’m not sure if it relates at all to my original hobby of knitting but making music is different. Unfortunately I am sitting for both…need a new hobby that gets me moving.
upgrading my knitting. believe it or not
I tried watercolor painting, convinced that this time around a latent talent would emerge. It didn’t. My favorite seven year old is about to inherit a tablet and gently used palette.
Your 5 minute watercolor is amazing and inspiring . I set down my art supplies over the summer and picked up sewing again.But as always what started out as a few baby sleepers for my new granddaughter exploded into seeing what I could make with a yard or less of fabric: pants,leggings,tops,shorts! So many lovely fabrics!
Rigid heddle weaving…. Another use for great yarn.
I’ve had a sewing machine for a long time… and used to use it a long time ago! But recently I was inspired to buy some fabric. Now all I need to do is pull out my favorite pants pattern and sew! I wonder if I’ll remember how to use the machine… Hopefully it’s like riding a bike!
As I near retirement, I’m more aware how many of my work clothes are polyester: nice but polyester. My plan for the next decade is to slowly replace them with natural fibers: handmade (when possible), hand embellished, and/or upcycled. I want to be the most sustainable, one-of-a-kind coastal grandma in the Trader Joe’s checkout line. This fall’s big project is a Chanin Swing Skirt.
I attended Tammy from Wing and A Prayer Farm’s Bundle Dying zoom. It was awesomely amazing- we are leaving apartment life soon and I’m planning my flower garden!!!!
My latest passion is making “Lissa’s Wraps!” They are vegan, all vegetable wrappers that are made by putting some vegetables (exactly according to her recipes) into a high speed blender, blending and pouring out the resulting mixture into dehydrator trays. Dehydrate overnight, fill with vegetables and roll into a wrap. You will have super healthy wraps to dip into one of her delicious sauces. Everyone loves them! Here’s a youtube that shows what I’m talking about:
I recently added water colors to my crafting repertoire. I have been painting cards that I can send to family and friends because everyone loves to receive a card in the mail.
Thanks for the info about Case for Making. I’ll have to add that to one of my Outer Sunset stops.
My new hobby is kayaking. I just bought a beautiful kayak, which I hope to launch in my local waters for the first time today.
I too watercolor classes for a long time and I love the medium. Your post — and the new set of MDK watercolors — may inspire me to paint again. I love the discipline of making five-minute paintings.
Stenciling, a new use for those halfway empty paint cans.
My new hobby is kayaking. I just bought a beautiful kayak, which I hope to launch in my local waters for the first time today.
I took watercolor classes for a long time and I love the medium. Your post — and the new set of MDK watercolors — may inspire me to paint again. I love the discipline of making five-minute paintings.
I’ve recently been able to master readying while knitting (stockinette for now!) and that has gotten me back into reading quite a bit!
I’ve had a moment with Sashiko embroidery. It’s addictive but relaxing and even a small square can become something useful and pretty. I assembled a special basket with a variety of needles and fabric; but where I went off the rails was buying threads and fabric marking pens! It’s like having a quality paintbox with all the colors you’ll need. No guilt at all.
Collecting small succulents for my kitchen window.
Not a crafting hobby but equally rewarding.
Lithops are extremely varied in their colors and take so little care and space.
There are tons of succulents that are happy in 2” pots.
But yarn and knitting remain my first love!
I’m constantly trying to add to my knitting, crocheting and quilting knowledge. I’m currently planning to try quilting a queen quilt on my home machine using my home machine and ruler work hope I’m successful
I think my newest hobby is scrolling through emails on my phone, looking at all the wonderful patterns I could make, and visualizing the colors I could use. Of course, I then have squandered away my available time to actually make something.
I decided to return to shadow (or illusion) knitting, try out some new patterns, and teach it to my granddaughter. She’s enjoying working with several colors to make a Candy Corn Illusion Cloth.
My new hobby is crochet! A good friend recently passed away and left behind some amazing WIPs. One is Sophie’s Universe, a spectacular crochet blanket. I’ve decided to finish it with the help of another good friend and crochet instructor.
I loved the opening of this article about glancing at the dining table to identify the latest hobby or craft that is occupying the space. My table is a jumble of projects, mostly knitting, but this summer I decided I needed to learn to crochet. And bought a colouring book. And started origami. No time or space for it all. Need a bigger table.
I just signed up to take a master gardening class. Applied really, won’t know until Dec. Wish me luck.
I hate to admit that my newest “hobby” is decluttering my house!! I’ve spent much of the last few summers sifting through the photos, letters, tchotchkes, collections, books, heirlooms, clothes and shoe closets where I’ve lived for 21 years. It took a lot of gumption to start but I am enjoying the sense of freedom and satisfaction this continuing quest has brought ime.
I am 75 and retired and healthy. So when it is time to rest I sit and take up one of my knitting WIPs.
Life is good.
I always love shopping for my hobbies… cross stitch, quilting and knitting! Too many goodies
My recent new hobby is tapestry weaving, and I am totally obsessed! It’s not surprising because it uses one of my favorite commodities, yarn. And wool yarn is the best. I have determined and accomplished several technique goals in learning the skill so far, and I have many more to pursue. Right now I’m enjoying the investigation of color behavior in tapestry. With a long history in painting, printmaking and many types of endeavors with yarn, I’m finding that color behaves just slightly differently in the textures and juxtapositions imposed by tapestry. The investigation of that behavior is fascinating. And so continues my life-long love of and fascination with the world of fiber.
I have always wanted to try watercolors. I think I’ll finally go for it!
I recently purchased two vintage Weave-It pin looms and am enjoying making woven squares from my scrap yarn. Relaxing, good for TV watching, but does eat into my knitting time!
I recently learned how to do punch needle. It’s so satisfying.
I’ve recently started modifying several of my crafts to take better care of my (nerve-damaged) hands, so I’d consider that an upgrade. Specifically, I’ve started using a yarn-tensioning ring on my left hand, as I knit continental, and it has really helped! And it’s so simple and pretty that it gives me pleasure to use it, as well as making it easier and less tense.
I don’t have any new hobbies, although I do want to return to sewing. Right now my favorites are knitting (in all the seasons because I make socks for the family members who like to wear home made socks) and gardening in spring and summer.
I started making beaded bracelets lately. Another fun craft project!
Recently, I inherited my grandmother’s treadle sewing machine from 1914, and have been slowly acquiring antique sewing accessories to go with it. What joy to use quality tools that have stood the test of time and were built to last!
Nothing new lately, but I’ve been eyeing needlepoint kits…
Embroidery is calling my name.
Does downsizing count as a hobby? In preparing to be a household of 3 this fall, I promised my husband I’d sort through my supplies – some of which I haven’t touched since my BA! I have faithfully sorted and downsized as much as I’m comfortable with. My art supplies went from two boxes to one, my yarn went from stashed all over to two tubs (and sorted by what project I wanted to make out of what I kept – yay me! (I was inspired by a friend with young kids who said she’d knit more if her yarn was kitted up by project and she didn’t have to search through her stash for what she wanted)), and together we’ve gone through what we’ve accumulated through the years and donated so many car loads of stuff. It’s been a little freeing (and scary!) to downsize. What I really want to access is now easier to get to and we’re not tripping (metaphorically) over everything else.
The only thing I haven’t sorted is my sewing supplies – I’m hoarding those!
I recently started crocheting again. It just seemed like the thing to do, and there are so many great projects! So I alternate between crochet, reading, and doing genealogy. Sometimes I even remember to do a load of laundry. 😉
I haven’t picked up any new hobbies lately. I’m still knitting, and have been concentrating on crocheting recently.
Spirograph! I recently went back to my childhood and got a Spirograph set. I got the one closest to what I remember from my childhood but there are lots of fun options for upgrades.
Thanks for a good laugh and a reminder that I, too, am a practitioner of too much GEAR shopping. Many sets of knitting needles and crochet hooks. And a shed full of yarn bins. My husband and I make jewelry for one of our hobbies. (How many kinds of jewelry hammers can we buy???) So, tools and materials galore. Just did a bead shop hop recently and bought more goodies. We’re hopeless. But isn’t it fun??? Keep creating folks!! It’s good for the soul. ❤️
I’ve recently started wood printing. I bought 2 sets of chisels, and I’m already tired of using wood scraps. Wouldn’t woodblocks made specifically for wood print carving be better?!!!
Sourdough. Not sure this will last long. It’s over taking the kitchen!! Have never baked so much in my life.
Photography. My husband gave me a camera for retirement so I’m both learning the camera and studying composition and light. Loving it.
Oh no, you did not just wave a new watercolor set in front of my face!!!! I know, you are sorry, not sorry. Sigh. Off I go…
After visiting the Fuller Craft Museum I decided to try my hand at paper quilling, inspired by an amazing exhibit there.
Of course my results are nothing like that!
There truly is something empowering about being terrible at a new craft.
Refurbishing thrift store jewelry…and then trying to give it away!
I have been learning more about stranded colorwork. I’ve done some in the past, but not too well. I want to learn 2 handed color knitting and want the back of my colorwork to look neat. Dee’s lessons and the MDK Botanica field guide are here at just the right time!
I have not picked up any new projects. I have a hard enough time trying to do a little knitting! Although, I am signed up for a stranded knitting class that I have always wanted to try.
I am expanding my fiber skills to include punch needle work!
Ooooo! Love this question! I have dreams of being able to paint with watercolors (even got a little portable set), but I’ve recently gotten into bookbinding. Now I have even more notebooks around but they are cute little ones made with my own hands.
Knitting, along with baking, sewing and reading keep me busy. I had fun the other day coloring with my grandson. The mitts are lovely.
I recently branched out into crochet to make my sister a shawl
Recently picked up crochet as well as needle felting/painting with wool. I never considered myself much of an artist but that fact that if something doesn’t look right with wool, you just pull it off and start again. It is so liberating and I am LOVING it!
I’ve recently become intrigued by the interesting possibilities of embroidery on knitwear and I’ve started practicing some with some limited success. Looking I to taking a class sometime this fall.
My latest creative endeavor is knitting Norwegian Steistal hats and cowls. After learning what seemed impossible but
Bravely taking a leap I signed up to do the Arne and Carlos
Steistal knit along MKD ran.
It was so fun and gave me more
Confidence to try more color work projects.
I’m getting back to quilting and found a beautiful Featherweight machine in perfect condition at an estate sale! I feel so fortunate and happy to start sewing again.
No new hobbies that require me to buy stuff but I’ve started to learn crochet (ok, I bought a new set of crochet hooks but the yarn is all from my knitting stash…scout’s honor!). I’m sorely tempted by all the new multi-stitch crochet patterns but have managed to hold off on purchases until I learn more than just the single crochet stitch.
Well, I don’t know if it’s a hobby or an obsession but I’m one of those pickle ball people now. I tried it once and I knew I was hooked. I’ve met a great group of people too.
No new hobby, but I LOVE DG’s writing!
I have started gardening again after a very long hiatus. I’m currently in the process of clearing, weeding, and tidying my very overgrown garden so it will be ready for spring planting.
I’ve picked up my counted crossstitch after a long hiatus to work on a series of art by the masters, known as mini masterpieces. Very fun!
In June I got a drop spindle and in July participated in Tour de Fleece. I just read Abby Franquemont’s book and plan to explore this new hobby further!
Well, I’d hardly call mending/altering a “hobby”, more a necessity, but truly, I need to tackle that before indulging in pursuits that are calling me. That overflowing basket in my living room (where my sewing machine resides) is quite the eyesore!
Then I would love to finish the cross stitch (not counted) wall hanging of the Lord’s Prayer that my mother signed and dated (1938!!). It even has the rust marks where she left her needle. Problem is, much of the print has faded and I need to improvise.
However, my first loves are knitting and beading, neither of which has been touched since the weather turned nice. Winter is coming…………
Actually, knitting is my recent happy hobby! While I have done it for a while it has only been in the last couple of years that I have taken to it like a duck to water!
I make Lego kits.
Recently have moved into a far more productive and advanced level of knitting.
Knitting little animals for my grandsons. Wow, that sentence makes me feel old.
Gardening. I have learned to root plants and love watching them grow. I’ve learned to harvest seeds and store them for next season.
I too have an art degree, so, yea, painting can hardly be called a hobby with me either. DG’s discussion of little watercolor kits, though, tempts me to get out my urban sketching stuff again. A dear, but departed, friend and I used to hook up with our tiny palettes made of altoid tins, our little books and water pens, and head off to a sidewalk cafe, a cemetery, or a garden and spend lovely afternoons making the most wonderful little watercolors. I haven’t thought about this for awhile…maybe it’s time to gather my supplies and head out somewhere.
I started learning to use a lap loom!
Ukelele. Our public library offered free lessons and my friend lent me her ukelele. It’s been almost a year, so maybe I should buy my own and return her loaner?
Singing and playing a ukulele!
Journaling with creative twists
I have not acquired a new hobby because I have spent so much money on the ones I have! Between knitting and jewelry making, I can bust my budget and make messes just fine.
I upgraded an old hobby with the purchase of a new induction-reading water bath canner and the newest copy of Bernadindin’s home preserving book. 42 1/2 cup jars of Damson Plum jar later, I’m ready for gift giving season.
I never learned to play a musical instrument and always felt it was something I should try. Recently my brother, who is a pretty good amateur musician, agreed to learn the ukulele and teach me as he went along. Very much fun, even though the quality of my music is sketchy.
Oooh you just helped me with a Christmas gift for my sister!! Thank you
I have always firmly believed a hobby is not a hobby without lots of gear. Most recently I got a rigid heddle loom, thinking I could just use knitting yarn stash. Apparently not true, and by the way, to do any complex weaving really requires (justifies?) a floor loom.
Scrapbooking! I was making scrapbooks for myself and others, but the “others” I was making them for have now all gone digital. I’m still using the same supplies for card making.
Sewing vinyl, vinyl netting and cork are my new addiction. Love working with different textiles.
Been thinking of watercolors. Is this a sign??!
Camping as a lifestyle! I’ve gone full-time RV and yes, the shopping, OH THE SHOPPING!!!!! Trying to find places for all my yarn and needles and spindles and roving is an Einstein-level puzzle. But I’ve managed it so far.
I got really into watching professional cycling through the Tour de Fleece. I now know way too much about Grand Tour strategy, how cycling is a TEAM sport, and random facts about my favorite team, Jumbo Visma.
Best of all, there’s no gear and I can watch racing digests for free on YouTube. It pairs well with knitting and spinning, too!
Well, I recently started weaving. It is my new obsession (knitting is still going on too) and after working on and off on a small rigid heddle loom, I bought a schacht floor loom and am slowing (with lots of trial and error) teaching myself how to weave on a floor loom and wow. So much to learn and so much fun at the same time. I am even headed to my first weaving school class next month on Whidbey Island. Wish me luck.
No new hobbies, but I recently have been able to share my love for all things fiber with the newish textile arts club at the school I started teaching at this fall. It’s so cool to see teens—all genders—knitting and crocheting! I will be bringing in copies of MDK to inspire them! I’d love the Jasmine version of these mitts. So beautiful!
I am also an avid quilter. It’s all about fiber.
Starting to bake again! I’d stopped after it was just my husband and me–but now I figure most things can be frozen and pulled out when the urge for a sweet hits some cold winter day (which is pretty often in Minnesota!)!
I thought I was a careful shopper for material to try two new artistic endeavors (not sure I want to call them new hobbies yet) but… I think I need to upgrade some material after a very rocky start. Ignorance is not always bless! Cheap paper with watercolors is not a good idea and my foundation fabric although a good quality is way too tight for for the yarn I wanted to use. It is like trying to wet felt but not realizing that some of your wool fibers are super wash wools and you wonder why it is so difficult get it to felt properly.
Brush lettering is my new obsession. So so relaxing!
Was just gifted a Bernina sewing machine. So exciting!
I recently took a class for wood burning. You know, holding a pen that’s really a stick of fire that, when pressed against a raw wood trivet, leaves a beautiful burn in the wood. It was so satisfying to burn that wood! I bought my own wood burner (aka stick of fire) before I left the class and plan to make another picture on the other side of the trivet. What else can I ‘burn’ around the house?
I’d love to say I’ve started watercolor painting again, but no. I have picked up acrylics, but on watercolor paper instead of a canvas. I can slap on the paint or water them down to something like a second cousin. I still get hung up on the subject matter; I may try a timer myself!
Never Enough DG Strong!
Really good info can be found on web site.