Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: Heat Wave

Honestly, I think Weather Talk is the most boring kind of talk that there is. Is there any moment more socially terrifying than when a total stranger starts up with “Hot enough for you?” I’ll give you this answer: No, there is not.
But, sigh: it’s been hot. H-O-T, hot. Atlas HQ is outfitted with state-of-the-art air conditioning equipment (well, there’s something over in the corner that’s bing-ing and banging and bonging all the livelong day anyway), but the fact of the matter is HQ is not much more than a giant cinderblock building (painted black, by some fool who did not understand the THERMONUCLEAR LAWS OF THE SUN) with a tin roof. So on the occasional hotter-than-Georgia-asphalt day, it can feel a little baked potato-y in here for a bit until the clinkety clankety HVAC gets going. A sprinkle of bacon bits and ta-da, I’d basically be a Ruby Tuesday’s side dish.
Because we’re always working ahead on future Field Guides, there’s a serious disconnect between the current season and whatever upcoming thing we’re talking about ad infinitum. You can imagine how appealing a handknit wool blanket sounds right about now when it’s, oh, 145° Celsius outside. If you can’t imagine it, let me help you: it does not sound appealing at all.
Wool mitts? NO THANK YOU. Wool socks? BURN THEM. No, don’t … fire = more heat. BURY THEM. Frankly, the only thing that appeals to me right now is the development, packaging and consumption of store-brand ice cream sandwiches (which are the very best kind and we are not voting).
As I type, we’re having a little unexpected heat caesura. I opened the door this morning and neither fainted from nature’s full-force furnace blast nor let loose with an all-new set of colorful curse words (pamphlet forthcoming). It gave me the faintest hope that I might not actually die today. We’ve not seen the end of summer, but it will pass. There’s a meme going around that warns me to not get my hopes up just yet—we’re apparently only at the phase of summer called “Hell’s Front Porch.”
Don’t send any thoughtful sympathy cards or delicious Edible Arrangements, though; the air conditioner is working just fine here at MDK HQ. You’re unlikely to hear any F-words out of me for the near future. Until November, when I’ll be complaining about … freezing.
A Giveaway
Help us rock with laughter as we fan ourselves on MDK’s shared virtual porch. The prize? A set of Silbia Ro’s Camellia Fiber Co. Signature Mini-skeins in a set of supercool, gentle colors.
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set. If you’re not, did you happen to know we occasionally offer Snippets-only special discounts? One of those just might be coming up soon.
Step 2: Question: What is it hotter than at your house? Leave us your answer in the comments.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, August 15, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Hotter than a match head. (The Lovin Spoonful-Summer in the City). My summer song.
It’s so hot, I’m thinking about switching from red wine to white wine!
Hotter than the devils underwear around here!
Well it’s hot, but not really hotter than anything. I’m just a whiner. And I’m tired of sweating.
Hotter than the hottest Hot Chicken at Bolton’s in East Nashville.
Hotter than a soldering iron.
Hotter than…. all the hots!
Hotter than humane, with humidity near 100% — ugh!
It’s so hot here that Lake Tahoe feels downright balmy (summer temp of 65 F). My tomatoes have given up- and they supposedly love the heat.
It is hotter than you might think in Vermont. But not as hot as those wildfires.
No AC here in northern Michigan so it does feel rather hot here today. I’ll say it’s hot enough to want my tea iced today, thank you very much!
It’s hotter than you think and the air so thick it can be cut with a knife!
In Southern Texas…. 2,000 miles from the Equator …. Hotter than …double
“It’s not the heat, it’s the HUMIDITY!!!!”
Hotter than the hot sauce my son uses and I won’t even try.
Oh, Minda you made me laugh! When I lived in DC, where it is ALWAYS humid – when you build on a swamp that’s how it goes — it drove me crazy that people would say that non-stop. Not to mention it was also the heat! Thanks for the memories.
Nothing is hotter than the heat from dh’s computer as he toils away.
That is what native Texans tell the people moving here…LOL!!
Or not the humidity but the humanity
I agree totally with you the humidity is the killer it causes brutal migraines for me!
Sorry everyone… we live in a forest (1st F word)of tall fir trees. The added bonus is we are a mile from the ocean and several of the most beautiful golf courses in the country ( no, I do not play: I KNIT) It was 73 degrees yesterday and people were dazed and confused. I am pretty convinced that the Oregon Coast is THE place ( until the other season of endless rain and howling winds.)
Yarn love
Kate M
May I ask where? I keep looking for ocean cities cuz they do call me (I have houses in MN and AZ). Want to recommend a place in your area to stay for a week?
Hotter than a dragon’s breath.
Satan’s sauna.
Hell’s Front Porch. It is humor like this that can make my day. Everyone should start their day with a chuckle or two. Thanks, DG, for carrying on the Kay and Ann tradition.
It’s hotter than a June day in the Sonoran desert. Which is where I live. We know hot!
This week is has actually been tolerable here. But for the past few weeks is been “Hotter than forty-eleven Hells”! That is a family saying that seems to some up the situation quite nicely.
It is hot. Enough to cook an egg on the street
Hotter than two monkeys in a wool sock…
So hot can’t hold steering wheel and frying my breakfast egg on sidewalk!
It is so hot here that Santa is thinking about trimming his beard…
Humid. May not be an oven, but living in a steam bath ain’t wonderful!
And at least in winter you can add another layer. If I take off much more I will be hauled into jail for indecent exposure. I hope the jail has AC.
You guys are all funny but DC may qualify as the funniest, but we aren’t voting.
And I am pretty fond of TJ’s choco chip ice cream sandwich..,,.
Hotter than heck!
Hotter than a bottle of Texas Pete!
Showing my age:
Hotter than vinyl seats on legs when wearing shorts!
Oh god, I remember that! Spent my childhood stuck to car seats.
Amen to that and also getting stuck to plastic where people had plastic covers over their sofas and chairs in the living room.
From my grandma: hotter than the hinges on the gates to hell.
It is hotter than Dutch love!
My Dutch grandmother had 18 children, so Dutch love it is!
Hotter than Oregon wildfires, which are nearby . Okay, that’s not really possible. And definitely not funny, since we’re headed back up to 105 degrees here this week. But these comments are giving me a few much needed moments of laughter, thank you.
Hotter than Blue Blazes with air you can wear.
Today is a barn burner.
hot & humid in northern virginia, but we’re getting some crazy storms almost every afternoon to cool things off for a bit. hang in there everyone!
I hate to tempt fate, but it hasn’t been that hot in nyc this summer. Yet….
hotter than Satan’s house cat
I once heard someone describe our Gulf Coast summer weather as “hotter and stickier than boiled syrup.” A wet sauna is also an accurate description!
We refer to the brutal dog days of summer as spending time in Satan’s Sauna. It helps a little to at least laugh about it!
Hotter than Johnny Cash’s black boxer shorts…
As my home is Alaska, I really can’t finish “hotter than”… We’ve had a handful of 80 degree days this summer and I am just fine with that❣️
I’m also in Alaska, and wore a wool sweater yesterday. So, my “hotter than” game is weak. Good luck & stay hydrated.
It’s hotter than Heck here in the Sierras, and too much smoke in the air from wildfires all around northern California.. Our humidity is high if it gets up to 20%! But I just got back from a week fishing in Alaska, where I enjoyed the ‘heat wave’ of 70 degrees and even more, enjoyed the 60 degree weather and rain!! Wish I could have brought the rain home with me!
“Hot town, summer in this city. August in Dallas isn’t very pretty….”
It’s hotter than Hades!
Hotter than the Sahara!
Most recently, it was the inside of the car after a long day at the beach. The force of the heat when I opened the door reminded me why we must always look back and check to be sure that we have not left children or other precious perishables in the vehicle. (Sorry, I had no idea I would be compelled to write a public service announcement. Be safe and take care all!)
Florida is hotter than a blast furnace this summer. Suffocating heat and humidity arrived earlier than normal and show no sign of leaving. And monsoon rains that come most days only serve to make it a sauna without a control thermostat.
It’s hotter and more humid than Satan’s armpit.
Hotter than a chili pepper.
Here in Oregon, hotter than shots of habanero sauce. Thank goodness for irrigation!
So hot that when your in the pool swimming your sweating!
It has definitely been hotter than “Hades”. (No “H-E-double hockey sticks” here, the kids are listening…referring to Greek mythology somehow seems to take the edge off the fire and brimstone a bit.)
We’ve been spared a long hot humid summer this year in SW Ontario Canada…it’s actually been quite nice with temps in the mid-twenties (Celsius) and very little humidity. It’s always the humidity that’s the killer.
Hotter than last week. Let’s Time Travel back a week!
As my dad used to so eloquently state; “It’s hotter than 40 hells out there!”
My granddaddy used to say that too!
Hotter than cold sesame noodles in NYC!
It’s hotter than Satan’s kitchen!
Its hotter than my menopausal face when I open the oven door to check on the peach crisp! What was I thinking, BAKING now?
So hot that I’m willing to hang my feet over the edge of the bed no matter what monster may be lurking there.
Love this!
Hotter than a meal at my local Thai place!
Hotter than Nashville Hot Chicken!
My vehicle is hotter than my house. Not well insulated in the roof.
It. Is. HOT.
A few thoughts come to mind — it’s hotter than:
-ghost peppers in July
-church on a Louisiana summer Sunday
-a pizza oven on a Tuscany hillside
-a tandoor in New Delhi
-a barbecue pitt on a NC backroad
-a sizzling smokehouse
-a flaming marshmallow
and just to prove I’m not hungry,
-teen love
and more timely:
-the US Olympic women’s 4 x 400m relay team!
No fair, you stole all the good ones! I wanted the ghost pepper one!
Hotter here in MN than I expected when I left Texas to escape the heat.
In Miami, the true but still annoying total stranger remark (any day of the year) Is likely to be “it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.”
In Arizona it’s annoying when they say “at least it’s dry heat”.
Hotter than a thai pepper and tabasco!
Hotter than a hen laying hard-boiled eggs!
That’s a good one!!
Hotter than hot! But we’ve escaped the worst of it so far.
Hotter than a big black dog draped across my body panting. Ask me how I know. This is the weather for the Chicago yarn crawl, but it doesn’t stop me.
Hot dog, Joan…..literally. We are in the same drooling, black, hair-covered club! It only gets better when you are also attempting to finish the arms on the Swoncho!
My family has always said “hotter than Hades” which I just googled and learned is the same as hell. Thanks for all the laughs!
It is Hot as Heaven. I love – love – love the heat! The hotter the better. I don’t care if I never – ever – ever wear a single thing I knit. I am a process knitter anyway!
Me Too! So happy to read a comment from somebody else who loves this time of year.
Hotter than the pizza stone in my oven after I heat it up to bake (sourdough, of course) bread
It is hotter than a hooker’s doorknob on payday (see what I did there? crochet content)
This summer it has often been hotter where I am in New England than it has been where I used to live down South. And hotter indoors than out, because no central A/C. I break into a sweat just sitting still.
I know the giveaways are random, but you should win for this one!
now that’s hot!!!
I moved to Vermont partially because I like moderate cold and hate humidity. So far this summer we have had more days matching my brother’s weather in Florida than I would ever have believed. I keep checking my zipcode.
( In SW Florida…)
It’s so hot I could butter my buns and call myself a biscuit!
Hotter than my temper in reacting to some of today’s political figures and their comments.
Hotter than Bo Derek in Ten. Anything to win yarn.
Here in Michigan the humidity has been the driving force behind the miserable heat. it’s eleventy billion percent humid. That’s one percent away from rain, which when it happens, doesn’t actually cool it off but makes it hotter… sigh. Guess what it’s supposed to do today?
It’s hotter than a rain forest in Hades!
I usually go with “hotter than Satan’s armpits”. That said, I’m ~5 minutes from popping out an August baby, so this summer has been less hyberpole and more “NOPE”.
As my grandfather used to say, “Its hotter than Dutch Love!”…
Hotter than a cast iron skillet here in the Hudson Valley. And so humid the air presses against my face when I go outside.
Thanks for the flashback, mom-to-be! My twins were born here in upstate NY in late August. Beached whale in a brine tank was the only way to describe me. Best of thoughts going out to you!
I’m headed to the lovely Pacific Northwest to visit my family on Wednesday, where it’s currently predicted to be 100 degrees on Friday. WHAT??? It’s going to be hotter than a glassblower’s workshop! We’ve actually been having some decent days here in the DC area.
My mother—a Mainer who would have been 100 today!— regularly declared that it was “hotter than love on a windy day”, which is, apparently, very hot.
Hotter than the hinges of Hades!!
My house is hotter than outside
It’s been hot enough to fry an egg on the hood of my car
It’s hotter than the surface of the sun Where we live right now!
It’s hotter than Chris Evans! 😉
We don’t usually say hotter than……….but we do say, it’s not the best but it’s the gosh darn humidity.
So hot that my ponytail is sweating.
It’s hotter than the under belly of a mastodon.
Hotter than the doubley unlucky witch in salem, who drew the short stick, which was then used to light her
Hotter than it should be.
Not bad here this morning, but later this week it’s supposed to be too hot to knit without putting the yarn and needles in the freezer first.
And I vote for the “MDK Field Guide to Colorful Curse Words” to come out soon!
In Chattanooga, TN “It’s not the heat – it’s the humidity!”
Eastern Canada on the ocean is usually not scorching hot… humid,yes.
The ocean really moderates our summer days. “Hotter than Heck”
Enjoy your Sunday morning notes , always a chuckle. Thanks.
Hotter than a pot of bubbling lobster chowder…which, given the humidity, is what one feels like they’re walking in.
Ugh! Heat and smoke here in Denver! A nasty combo! I would be in big trouble if I was a smoker as this air is equivalent to smoking two packs a day! Amazing how this smoke from the west coast fires can travel so far. Really makes one feel for those in the midst of the fires!
Hotter than the red hot steel being poured from the smelter at the US Steel bessemer works where my uncle, a puddller, could tell the temperature of the molten steel by the color.
Perfect weather here in Vermont
Hotter than Hades with humidity to boot.
Hotter than the glare from a dachshund whose favorite bed just went into the wash.
It’s plenty hot here, but not in the complaining zone yet. However, with our humidity I’ve taken to checking myself in the mirror to make sure I don’t go out in public with moss growing on me.
P.S. will snippets subscribers receive an advanced copy of your colorful cussing pamphlet?
Too hot to describe at 7 am. Raining Humidity ugh. Color us red!!!
Hotter than Hades!
My front porch at 4 p.m. it is west facing and the brick floor is a solar sink.
Hotter than Heck. Which is relatively mild… in NH we think it’s unbearably hot at 85 degrees. My friend in Phoenix keeps me in line when she reports that it was 117 every day for over a week…
In south FL it’s so hot, all the time, with 100% humidity, even the pool is hot, then it rains and somehow that makes it hotter? We’ve given up on hyperbole and just try to survive!
Maybe it’s hotter than India? A coworker who grew up there told me that you cannot leave plastic toys in your car as they will melt!
Yes. When I was growing up in Texas (before air conditioning—the good old days weren’t without their drawbacks), you couldn’t color outside because the crayons would melt.
Hotter than summer’s beach sand.
It’s hotter than the hubs of hell at my house!
We also had a little break last week, but next week is predicted to be hotter than a $2 pistol….
Fiery, burning, scorching, scalding, boiling, torrid, sultry!!!!
Autumn begins next month on September 22.
Hotter than the inside of a camper, when it’s time to pack up for a camping trip!
Its hotter than sand in the Sahara.
Hotter than the hinges of hell!
It’s hotter than Frostburg, our previous and aptly named home town!!
Hot enough that I turn on the ac. I am famous in my family for never turning it on! But every once in a while it gets THAT hot!!
We say it’s hotter than a rat’s ass. And no, I have no idea what that even means.
what we say when we want to declare we don’t care.” I don’t give a rats ass”
It’s hotter in my house than Mars during their summer heatwave!
It’s so hot you need to take potholders with you for your seatbelt and steering wheel! How many times have you attempted to drive while not touching the hot hot steering wheel for more than a second at a time?!
I get you! I live in southern California and that happens a lot. I keep a pair of fingerless mitts in the car specifically for this–right now I’m working up a pair of Diagonal Mitts from Field Guide 18 with this in mind.
So humid my hair is curling
Hotter than a pot of boiling pasta!
Hotter than a women going through menopause 🙂
I so get this remark!
Hotter than a ghost pepper!
Hotter than a slurpy dog kiss! I live in Maine, so it’s not the heat but the humidity that wears on you.
It’s blessedly cool in New Jersey today — and raining. Which is good for my garden, but bad for the beach-goers 🙁 Not long ago, though, it was oppressively hot here — “hotter than the hinges of hell,” as my dad used to say.
It’s hotter than……Oh, bummer! Think I’ll have a little whine with my cheese and think about it later!
Hotter than Hell and dryer than the Sahara!!
It’s hotter than it should be! And where I live—Vermont—it’s been miserable.
Hotter than the home-grown jalapeños that I’m trying to pickle! How much sugar do you really need to make them edible? OUCH!
Hotter than a pepper sprout.
Hotter than that first bite of a pizza fresh from the oven
Hotter then at my home is the new yarn I purchased in a cool aqua and gray colour for a shawl. To add to that a beautiful aqua DK and mohair to knit a torque for the shawl.
Hotter than a teenager’s temper.
Hotter than the Beach volleyball sands at the Olympics!
It’s H O .T T hot!
Hotter than a cat on a hot tin roof, as a famous author once said. (All the ones my family say have already been said, so I fell back on being a retired English teacher.)
Hotter than a cast iron skillet full of cornbread
A poor animal trying to escape the Dixie Wildfire. May he survive.
It’s not hot at my house! It’s 63 degrees now with a high of 75 degrees. It’s cloudy and cool with a marine layer of fog!
An old saying, “It’s hotter than a $2 pistol on a Saturday night.” Unfortunately, that’s the state of affairs here in Atlanta.
Hotter than dog breath…
Went to the mountains in Roanoke VA for conference and a respite from the humidity at the coast!
As my Grandma would say … hotter than the hinges. I confess I have no idea what that means or where it came from! I laughed out loud while reading this piece – waiting for the pamphlet of colorful curse words AND, just saying that the store brand ice cream sandwiches ARE the sweetest, stickiest BEST.
Grandma cleaned it up! It’s usually “hotter than the hinges on the door to Hell.” I’m quite surprised no one’s posted any naughty ones yet — there are a lot of them, and they all usually involve nuns for some reason.
Laughing again!
It’s hotter than my worst hot flash and night sweats here in Minnesota.
Satan’s ballsack
Hazy Hot and Humid!!! It’s August once again and even a steamy rain would be a welcome change. Standing in a warm rain is refreshing.
Around here our Kentucky family saying is “hotter than Hades”.
Oh, this is a good one!
Hotter than the look the cat gives you when you are late feeding him.
Hotter than I like it but better than freezing.
I’m with you…I never complain about the heat!!
I’m just the opposite – I can always add another wool sweater, socks and hat, or Lopi blanket, if it’s cold, but you can never remove enough clothing too cool off when it’s hotter than a cat on a hot tin roof!
Hotter than my husband’s homemade hot pepper relish! The kitchen threatens to blow up every time he cooks it!
Our house when the power goes out! Anticipating hurricane season where I live.
the brake pads on a Formula 1 race car.
Hotter than hell and half of Georgia!
Hotter than my house? How about when the car overheats and breaks down in the middle of Death Valley in August?
Hotter than an egg hitting the cast iron skillet.
With you on the ice cream sandwiches, DG. Pure bliss and causing a little Pavlovian drooling just thinking about them at 8:16 a.m.!
It is hotter than an oven full of muffins in my house
Hotter than Channing Tatum in “Magic Mike”
Hotter than the California desert.
Sadly, The fires burning across the globe. USA, Canada, Greece.
Here comes the sun….it’s hot hot hot what can I say? Oh please sea breeze breeze away.
It’s been a quite pleasant august so far here in beautiful Youngstown Ohio but…we were living on the surface of the sun not too long ago. The thermometer on our enclosed porch is reading 99.0 as a high temperature thus far.
Sadly, the forest fires around the globe. USA, Canada, Greece .
Hotter than some of those soccer players on “Ted Lasso”. Especially the snarky guy that goes to yoga class with a bunch of 60 year old women. Hot yoga.
Hotter than me, in this, my 14th year of hot flashes!
Hotter than yesterday. Today 87 but I will miss this heat this winter in Michigan
This is why we have ac! Lovin it! The heat that is
Hotter than a sunburn on a red neck.
I am 85 but vividly remember all southern and family expressions I grew up hearing in NC. In the hot and humid, pre AC days of summer my grandmother, a deeply literate woman, would declare that it was hotter than the seven hinges of hell! Anyone know the origin?
always w// a song lyric…hotter than a pepper sprout
As an RN H&H stood for something else, but now it’s HOT & HUMID here in Mass!!!!
Hot ‘n humid enough to sweat from places one out not sweat!
It’s hotter than a hooker’s doorknob on payday.
Hotter than a firecracker on the 4th of July.
Hotter than Heck!!!
Hotter than a solar flare.
It’s hotter than a wool sweater in August!
Hotter than a cat on a hot tin roof!
Thankfully here in the Hudson Valley (upstate NY) we’ve had a very mild summer so far. We’ve only had a few days where it’s been hotter than a beach party on the sun and it certainly hasn’t been hotter than running a marathon in Tokyo
What’s hotter than my house? My west-facing front porch!
Mine too, I close the steel front door and can still feel the heat from an inch away.
the Olympics men’s beach volleyball game, pick your team 🙂
Here in Philly, it is hotter than a tin foil sweater!
so hot and humid the inside windows are fogged up. it might rain indoors.
So hot and humid that evaporation doesn’t work.
Hasn’t been too bad here in Illinois, but it looks like we’ll be getting some of those days where stepping out of the house is like being wrapped in a hot, wet wool blanket.
(About it not being the heat, it’s the humidity: I flew from Las Vegas (100 degrees, low humidity) to Indiana (80 degrees, high humidity) and it’s definitely true…)
My mom always said “holy Hannah, it’s hot!”
It’s hotter than a campfire…and it smells like one because there’s smoke in the air from a fire three states away.
Hotter than a bowl of chili
Hotter than hell
We usually say its hotter than Hades – or it is Africa hot lol
Hotter than Hades!
Hotter than Hades.
Hotter than any Vegas slot machines ever been for me.
Hotter than Elvira’s teat.
Hotter than a true Texan tamale!
Hotter than a sauna in Palm Springs CA where it was 124 degree ferinheit this summer.
hotter than a witches tit
That’s funny, I always say colder than a witch’s tit in the winter. Guess it depends on the witch….
Hotter than a firecracker in Texas!
Hot enough to wring you out and put away wet
The Equator and a volcano comes to mind as the blasts of hot winds ripple through the country.
So hot that my flip flops melted onto the sidewalk.
It’s hotter than my old AC unit could handle which makes me happy I invested in a new one! I debated spending the money but I’m so glad I did – especially when the hydro bill comes in.
My front door and porch get so hot this time of year you cannot touch the door with bare hands. Maybe fried eggs would be the thing.
Hotter than a Black Mini Cooper in a Mall parking lot in July.
Hotter than the bottom of SpaceX 20 after blast off!
It is hotter than wood-tipped needles on a deadline! Blazing!
It’s hotter than the pizza cheese that burns your tongue when you are so hungry and can’t be patient enough to wait for it to cool!
It is hotter than “50 Shades of Grey!”
Hotter than the metal slide at the playground from my childhood – Sizzle all the way down!
Hotter than asphalt on bare feet when you gotta just dance and shout!
Hotter than the Hot Pants we wore in the 69-70’s! Seriously, I am sick of staying in the air conditioning, however, great excused to sit and knit and feel myself getting ‘buttier’. Oh well…….
It is hotter than green pepper jelly made with hatch peppers!
As the beloved and late John Prine wrote:
It got so hot, last night, I swear
You couldn’t hardly breathe
Heat lightning burnt the sky like alcohol
It’s hotter than walking on my dark brown deck barefoot after backing in the sun all day
Hotter than hades. I’m a simple person, lol.
Has anyone lived in the Middle East in summer? I would say that there are just two seasons out there,hot and more hot.
Not sure. I tend to live in my basement when the heat sets in.
Hotter than a bite of a Carolina Reaper pepper.
Hotter than a microwaved hot pocket, which —per Jim Gaffigan— can be served “boiling lava hot.”
“Will it burn my mouth?”
“It will destroy your mouth.
Everything will taste like rubber for a month.”
“I’ll have the hot pocket.”
Hotter than my house?
Outside. And the historical society where I work and the a/c isn’t.
Hotter than a fox in a forest fire.
DG, you took me back to dorm room days in India. Incredible dry heat, no A/C. This was in Ahmedabad, a city in western India where the legendary Charles Eames established the first Indian design school.
Every night I’d soak my sheet, mostly wring it out, and spread on my bed, with a fan going. The race was on, could I fall asleep before the sheets dried?
I was young and resilient and skinny back then, and now l can’t even put up with the dog days of a Minnesota summer!
Nothing hotter than the inside of an RV, with no air conditioning, sitting in full sun on a 108° F day.
Hotter than a cat on a hot tin roof! I don’t remember where that’s from.
We left Nashville’s oppressive summers and moved to Hilton Head. It’s near the ocean we thought, there will be breezes we thought. We bought our small home (in September) moved in (in November) and lived happily (until June.) The back of our house faces South. You know when people refer to where they’re going in the afterlife by pointing up (North) or down (South?) Yeah, like that. It’s hotter than the hinges of H.E. Double Hockey Sticks on our patio. But we love it here and I still knit with wool during our cool season (2 weeks in February.)
Fires up north
Hotter than the dog days of summer!
It’s hotter than hot!
It’s not bad here (mid 70’s), but please don’t check with me in January. From beautiful Green Bay Packer country in northeast Wisconsin.
Too hot to take the dog out.
anything over 20C is too hot for me. Give me spring and fall all year round. I made curry from a pkg a few weeks ago. Blew my face off 🙁
Hotter than H-E- Double Hockey Stick. (For the children reading this)
Hotter than a hormonal teenager.
It is hotter than a sinner at church
It’s so hot my makeup is melting!!
I love those colors. Here it is “hotter than bejezzus”. Truly not sure of the origin story for that phrase.
Nothing better on a hotter than day here on Southern Maine coast than lounging on a boat and feeling the cooling ocean breeze.
Walk in pizza oven. I live in Austin Texas!
Here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada we have been experiencing an unprecedented heat wave – as is much of the Northern Hemisphere. My Mom always said it was hotter than a popcorn fart – whatever that is. Anyway – stay hydrated, stay safe.
hot, hot, and hot.
It’s hotter than George Clooney in a thong at my house!
I understand, I lived in Memphis for 40 years, now I live in New Mexico. I am ready for FALL!
It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity-like being wrapped in a wet wool blanket in a steam room.
Here it is hotter than hell.
hotter than the sun
As my mom always said, “Hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk!”
Hotter than Dutch love in a chicken coop
What is hotter than at my house? The exploding colors of the coming of fall, reds, oranges, and yellows they can make you feel like knitting near a window with new faith of a coming season.
H. Maxwell
Hotter than Idris Elba
Its hotter than my 80 birthday cake candles
It is hotter than Satan’s chambers!
We have had our first NW normal week in a while but next week promises to be hotter than habanero peppers!
At my house, it’s hotter than a medal-winning diver wielding knitting needles and a crochet hook. That’s pretty hot.
Air’s so thick you can swim trough it
Hotter than a witch’s……no wait, that’s cold.
It’s so hot, I’m sweating like a sinner in church!
Hotter than a pepper sprout. Thank you Johnny Cash and June Carter.
It’s hotter inside my truck since I forgot to crack the windows to let the heat out. Windows may crack on their own!!
So hot the peas are cooking on the vine.
I used to live in Florida but now I live in Ohio and comparatively it doesn’t really get all that hot around here. But when you’re ready to complain about freezing let me know. I’ll probably be ready to complain about that in October.
Hotter than blazes.
It’s hotter than hades, and so humid I feel like I need to wear my swim goggles when I take a walk.
Here in the high desert of New Mexico, actually quite lovely. We’ve been getting two to three nice afternoon showers during the week. Mornings are delightful with a nice breeze thru the screen doors. Can’t complain a bit. And there’s no forest fires in the state. Almost unheard of. Global warming is giving my state a break for a change.
Hotter than a hotdog handcart at the fiery hinges of Hell. And the overlying smoke haze from the Cali and Oregon wildfires gives that metaphor an unfortunately authentic sulfurous appearance and smell to the, rapidly declining, air quality here along the Front Range. (Although some of the smell, indoors anyway, could also be attributed to the two big dogs whose gaseous emissions would leave one to believe that they have been liberally sampling the aforementioned handcart’s products. )
My husband is pretty hot but it is hotter then my hubby!
How about hot as Blazes! My grandma always said that!
The seventh circle of hell
It is actually 67 degrees at my house. What is hot?
At 2 degrees at 10 AM in PA (NW of Pittsburgh) it is hotter than needed to fry an egg on our sidewalk, but it’s not the heat it’s the humidity that is punishing. We expect the temp to reach 90 degrees by midday.
Amendment to above temp: it’s 82 degrees here!
It is hotter than my house at any graded location on the project I work on in Georgia… A highway project in Georgia that includes MILES of new Georgia black asphalt. Those cool colors look SO GOOD!
Thanks DG
Inside the house is decent, otherwise I would move to Alaska, lol!
Not so bad this week but a few weeks ago when it was 106° outside and our AC went out, it was hotter than Satan’s balls in a size too small briefs!
Hotter than Blue Blazes
Hotter than a two dollar pistal.
We had a beautiful week here in Maryland but this coming week will be Hotter than Hell. What do you do with a 4 year old on a 96 degree day!!! Suggestions welcomed by a loving grandmother!
My black lab likes a baby pool when it’s this hot… maybe your grandbaby would love a doggy pool!
Most everywhere is hotter than we are on this island in the Atlantic. I don’t have excessive heat but I do have plenty of sympathy.
Hotter than menopause
Afternoons it is hot enough to sit outside and knit with only two long sleeve shirts on. Seven miles inland it actually gets above 65.
Hotter than a cactus
It’s hotter than the bowels of hell!
The muffler on the Harley after a long ride!
Face of the Sun!
The ones I thought of have already been noted so I’ll say my open deck is hotter than my house; no going out barefooted.
This humidity? Like walking into a hot, wet cotton ball! And as my gran used to say “hotter than mustard today”!
So, I looked up Southern sayings about heat. There are a lot (go figure!), and from the South, it was fun to rediscover them! Here too, it’s “hotter’n Hell’s half acre.”
Hotter than hands knitting with wool on a summer day.
Hotter than Mama Cass singing California Dreaming!
Growing up in Toronto, Canada I came to call the heat and humidity of summer Hades Days, as in “We’re into Hades Days now!” Hot, humid, and sticky and regularly in the 90s Farenheit.
I now live in Edmonton, Alberta, where we call anything over 30 degrees Celsius (a mere 86 degrees Fahrenheit ) HOT, like Toronto.
Northern California is not so hot it should be burning, but still is.
It’s so hot my hens are laying hard boiled eggs.
My garage in FL is much hotter than my home.
Like 7″ from the noon day sun. You know the song!
Hotter than a Jersey shore baby oil sunburn
Florida is a sauna!!! Wouldn’t live anywhere else!!!
Hotter than a full tray of chocolate chip cookies, fresh from the oven!
Hotter than the hinges of Hell
Well I’m near the coast in Northern California so it’s not too hot here. Smoky, dry and kind of windy, yes. But not hot.
It is hotter than all the hot flashes in the whole world!
So hot, my sweat is dripping into my eyes, my vision is blurry and I can’t knit!
Hotter than a meteor crashing into lava. Sorry, my grandson makes me look these things up and study them with him.
We don’t have enough water to support your “potato-ey feeling”. I live in a National Forrest, where it is so dry that it is almost as dangerous as living in a gunpowder factory. Cattle graze on grass growing in reservoirs, places we depend upon for water for human consumption and agriculture. Our farmers are begging for help to get ground cover planted in their fields so that the wind won’t blow the soil away like in the Dust Bowl. DG, you know SQUAT about HOT.
It’s hotter here than Carl Lewis’s comments about the men’s 4×100. Or maybe not as hot as that, cuz he burned ‘em (and rightly so). And seriously, it’s not a good time for our a/c to be on its last legs here in the Houston heat!
It’s been hotter than my hometown here in the PNW of the US. Seriously, we’re headed into our third heatwave of the summer where temps shoot above 100*F for a few days and we’re actually hotter than the desert I grew up in. Dangerous here, as I remind family back home, bc a/c is not very common and isn’t designed for that sort of heat.
This is exactly my situation. Living in the PNW (with no a/c), grew up in the desert, and I never had it as hot as it’s been this summer. That’s crazy hot.
Hotter than opening the oven door, but you can’t turn off the oven. Hotter than a blow torch to the face, but at least it is a dry heat!
Hotter than a Habanero peppee!
Hotter than a Habanero pepper!
Well, as my mom used to say, “It’s hotter than hell.” I live in AZ and it was 115 degrees one day this week. And to top it off it’s been humid.
hotter than I care for……and no end in sight for Phoenix, AZ
Hot enough to stew a pumpkin.
Hotter than New Mexican chili!
Hotter than pizza straight out of the oven and burning the roof of your mouth.
Hotter than a hot tin roof….having horses in metal roof barns one loves the sound when it rains but it is ridiculously hot in the Florida summer months! Wouldn’t trade the warm weather for the north though…Florida girls with a Florida thermostat here…
It’s hotter than the hinges on the back door of hell
Hotter than summer in Death Valley.
My husband
Please tell me: what does “Atlas Insider” refer to? Is “Atlas” a code name for MDK headquarters? I’m a regular reader, and it just struck me that I don’t know what this means……
Atlas is part of our street address
It comes to mind the David Mitchell novel, Cloud Atlas, which my SO insists is one of the best books ever written. I read up to page 5. I’m sure it’s great but just too abstract for me. That would be a great contest – books my partner insists I read but that I have no intention of starting.
Regarding the giveaway, “Hotter than the fire of a thousand suns” comes to mind as an expression from my southern childhood, but there are so many great southern expressions out there.
Oh! Simple! Makes sense
around here we say warm
It has been hotter than Hell here at my house. Good thing I enjoy the heat once I adapt. 🙂
Hotter than the western Canadian wildfires!
I’m in the South and it’s hotter than a cast iron pan in 450 degree oven!
It’s hotter than a bushel of habanero peppers!
it’s hotter than F*CK! That’s just what comes out of my mouth on a hot day. I live in Vermont and it hasn’t been horrible except for one hot (low 90’s) week in June. But I still keep looking for places farther north to live.
That’s usually my go to. Anytime I say it or hear it, I am transported back to my junior year of high school English class, 1970 or ’71. The assignment was to write a poem. One of the boys wrote this (why do I still remember it?) and proudly recited it. Here goes nothin’:
When the weather’s hot and sticky
That’s no time for dunkin’ dickey.
When the dew is on the punkin
That’s the time for dickey dunkin’.
He wasn’t wrong.
Hotter than a top-40 Pop song on it’s way to the top of the Billboard rankings.
Really though, there are 3 wildfires larger than 40,000 acres in my county, and it’s the smoke that I can’t joke about anymore.
Hotter than Hell with fires & smoke stifling us all & destroying homes, businesses and towns here in Calif. Plus we’re spreading toxic smoke across Calif and the US. We’re all being smoked and cooked.
Hotter than a tin foil sweater. (Try knitting that).
A dragon’s tongue
In my house, whenever it is freaking hot, we say it’s “Hot in Topeka” – we’re in Columbus OH but when my kids were little we watched a lot of Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends and there is an episode where Bloo is bored & watching the weather report and goes on a riff about how hot it is – LOVE THIS!
Hotter than Johnny Depp in “Chocolat.”
Hotter than a Texas drought
Am I allowed to say anything is hotter because I’m in cool, gray San Francisco?
Hot enough to melt spoons (or a crowbar), hotter than brass underpants in hell …
Summer in the Sonoran Desert.
It’s been hotter than an oven. Altho it doesn’t get that hot very often here in the great frozen north. This summer has been hazy and smokey from forest fires in Canada.
My grandparents always said ‘Hotter that a hoot owl.’ I love ice cream sandwiches too.
It has not been very hot where I am. My husband has been saying all summer it is tepid here. Not too hot, not too chilly, and damp, like a tepid washcloth.
Hot enough to melt the streets
Well currently it is a bit rainy here in Seattle. But earlier this summer it was hotter than Death valley.
It’s hotter than a cat on a hot tin roof!
Here in the Ohio River Valley in SW Indiana every day’s forecast is the same: the dreaded three H’s, Hazy, Hot and Humid!
Hotter than a truckload of firemen.
It’s hotter than tepid iced sweet tea.
On a positive note…….
It’s hotter than January!
Hotter than the fat spitting out of a pan of frying bacon!
Serious comment: My studio is attached to my detached garage. While in the morning my house is 78-80 F, my studio retains the heat from the afternoon before and is 93-97F. It feels like it takes FOREVER to cool that room down!
Here in Seattle — land of no air conditioning — it is lovely today. But by Thursday it will be in the 90s and hotter than Miss Rosa Coldfield’s front room.
Hotter than yesterday!
Hugh Hefner’s boudoir
Hotter than Robert Redford in any movie he has made it starred in!
It is not hot in San Francisco, thankfully. But when I was in Phoenix in June it felt hotter than the sun.
the feels like temp. glad I have air conditioner
Hotter than a ship stuck in the doldrums
George Clooney
nothing….our AC is down and the repairman is on vacation 🙁
Hotter than Satan’s armpit!
Hotter than a sheepdog wrapped in bulky alpaca!
Marching band practice where we had to March up and down one of the steepest hills in town during one of So California’s hot hot hot Santa Ana wind episodes. Temperatures were in the high 90’s. Water bottles hadn’t been invented back then and the band director probably wouldn’t have permitted them anyway. Kids were passing out semi regularly and the band director didn’t much care or so it appeared. I quit band the next day.
It’s hotter than Outlander Jaime in a Scotsman’s kilt!
Hotter than a Carolina Reaper
Hotter than the inner core of a helical furnace!
My son is adopted from a country in South America. When I went there to bring him home, it was the end of March, which of course was the end of summer there. It was hotter than hot (and I grew up in Florida) and almost no AC (I also grew up without AC) and everywhere I went people would say ‘Aren’t you glad it’s cooled down?’ And all I could say was ‘Oh yes!’ Because if that was cooled down I was immensely grateful I wasn’t dealing with what it had been like before it ‘cooled down’ PS My son is 35 now and a firefighter…
It’s hotter than winter. We’ve been having a weird cool August, but I’m told the dog days will start this week!
Hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk!
In Arizona we are hotter than Death Valley and that is the truth. 118 F today.
Hotter and smokier than a pizza oven!
if it’s too hot to knit, it’s too hot. That only happens to me outdoors, since I have AC. I went to a baseball game in Greenville, SC and was so hot I couldn’t touch the sock knitting I had with me.
I’m in Oregon and what hotter than my house are metal shop which as most people can guess have to go in sometimes.
Hotter than January here. I had a wool sweater on this morning…
Hotter than … I don’t even know. Here in northern Alberta we usually only see a handful of +30 C days in a summer (90 F) but this summer we smashed records when we hit 42 C! (108 F). We were sleeping in our camper because it has AC! And high humidity – very rare for us landlocked folk.
Hotter than a witch’s tit in a brass bra !!
The face of the sun might be slightly hotter than my house…
Hotter than a pressure cooker and heavier than a soggy hot blanket.
Hotter than a….nah…I’m in Maine and it’s a lovely 76 degrees on a blue, glittering day. Knitting by the sea…sorry not sorry.
Hi neighbor!
It’s hotter than a boiling pot!
It’s hotter than Hades here in Kentucky!
My husband doing the dishes
It’s cooler here this week in Oregon but the heat is supposed to return next week. It doesn’t usually get super hot here so we don’t have a lot of hotter than … sayings – but I’ve enjoyed reading all the ones left here. I see that the rabbit brush is in bloom here which means hard frost in 30 days so relief is in sight hopefully helping the firefighters with all the wild fires!
It is super HOT in MI, with it going well into the 90’s next week with about 150% humidity!!!
What is hotter than at our house? Our halau (hula school) doing a performance at an assisted living facility yesterday afternoon. We were HOT!
Hotter than a two-dollar pistol!
Hotter than ever and that’s just frightening. Living in a high fire danger zone, it’s high anxiety until the first rains.
I have to wear compression stockings year round. Do not talk to me about the heat if you are wearing bare feet in flip flops. You put your toes at risk. PS: My AC does not reach feet. Basically it chills my shoulders and makes a wounded noise while I’m knitting and using wine, coffee (iced) and pharmaceuticals to survive this hotter than ever summer.
I live in Tucson, so I say it is alway hotter in Phoenix. Thank goodness we live in Tucson.
Well, here in Malta it’s hotter than Hades! June 21 – 1st day of summer, 1st day of heat wave. Which hasn’t stopped! Or rather, I think the weather people think it’s over when it goes down to 33 for a day, and count that as the end and beginning of the next. 39 in the shade today. 51 in the car!!!!!!!
Here on the west coast of Canada, it has been hotter than usual. We are on the edge of the rain forest near the ocean. We have three fans which we use sometimes. But the biggest concern is wildfire. So far, we are lucky but vigilante.
Hotter than yesterday, but with less smoke. I’ll take it. We (northern Colorado )had the worst air quality in the state yesterday–smoke from the Califonia fires came pouring in overnight Friday.
At one point in time yesterday Denver had the worst air quality in the world. Even with all the windows closed (for weeks now) and the a/c on we could smell and taste the smoke inside the house.
Hotter than a sauna while we are painting. Its fine otherwise.
Hotter than Hell in a handbasket
It is hotter than my teenage daughter THINKS she is
Hotter than blazes!
hotter than the 7th level of hell
Hotter than a witches tit in a brass brassiere!
The sidewalk around my beautiful pool is much hotter than my house
Winter can’t arrive soon enough. It is too damn hot for too damn long and to top it off the air in Denver yesterday was so bad it was chunky. The worst in the WORLD at one point yesterday afternoon!
Kroger’s Signature brand ice cream sandwiches are the ones. The wafers are cake-y and soft, unlike premium brands where they are more cookie-like. Squeeze them together, lick the ice cream from the sides, and finish with chocolate cake.
Oregon is hotter then us in California. Just wrong.
Well, right NOW it’s not so hot, we just got our first rain in almost 2 months, sunny Seattle summers are like that. So I guess hotter than January.
It’s hotter than a husky in a mink coat
Hotter than a pressure cooker at full steam during canning season.
It’s not hell, but I can see it from my front porch.
Hotter than Antartica!
hotter than a pepper sprout (of course!)
Hotter here than Utquiagvik, Alaska.
Hotter than a snail on TX asphalt in August
“…make a dragon wanna retire, man.”
Hotter than blazes!!
Hotter than is reasonable and way too humid
Our family saying is “Hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk!” That said, I am also in Alaska, and it’s been pretty reasonable up here this summer 🙂
Being at the beach on a hot day!
It is hotter here in Central Texas than a $3 bill !
We also say that it is hotter than a pistol.
I’m in central Texas. We are in the high to mid 90s. This is unusual for the area we should be in the 100s. We are worrying that we are going to get another bad winter.
Wasn’t there a song back in the 1980s called “It’s too damn hot”
It’s hotter than…well…snot. That’s what we said when I was 7. Which was, like, 53 years ago.
Hotter than any of the Skarsgard brothers!!!!!!!!!!
Hotter than the cat’s paws when it jumps up on the glowing woodstove in January.
Not right now, but this week only a pancake griddle will be hotter than my house. Portland Oregon is again expected to exceed 99degrees for 4 straight days, starting Wednesday. Yikes, and panicking a little.
We just say that it is super hot out. Or it’s so hot I am about to pass out. And then we
all pass out.
Hotter than Satan’s armpit!
the sand at Jones Beach on a summer day in August
We’ve had the hottest summer on record this season. Fires burning across the country. And I live in Canada. The hottest place?…… parked car. I hate having to get in. Black interior- just like your building exterior. I’m dead before I can manage to start the engine. Too bad there’s no auto remote AC starter.
Well shoot…paradoxically it’s somewhat not hot at my house…so I was working in the yard letting the sprinkler go on the lawn…2 hours ago. Now I think my water pump from the well is fried (hotter than !@#$%) and I have dishes to do. @#$%^!!!
My mother used to say “hotter than Dutch Love!”
Hotter than a biscuit!
My swimming pool is so hot it is steaming.
Oh I am in Hawaii and the colors in the set look perfect. it is breezy all the time. Who knew? A last minute vacation before university classes start again . . .
Hotter than bathing in hot peppers!
Hotter than I can take, sleeping in a tent just makes it more intense
It’s hotter than Dante’s Inferno
So many things are hotter than my house right now. It’s a rainy, foggy, moody, mid-50’s day where I am in Alaska. I’m not complaining, I’ve sat knitting all morning:)
Hotter than a warm puppy. Living in the mountains, my house is never tooooo hot. Well. It has been a little too warm this year but I can walk about 30 minutes and jump in the lake to cool off. I know, I don’t deserve to win the prize!
It’s hot enough to sweat in places I didn’t know could sweat!
It’s hotter than…umm…a glacier. I live on coast of Maine, where there is a cool ocean breeze. Hope you get some relief from the heat soon! And to all suffering from the wildfires…May they cease, may we find the collective wisdom to reverse global warming!!!
Hi neighbor!
So hot that I got a blistered burn from the black car seat. Shorts = bad idea
Hotter than a water drop on a heated cast-iron skillet.
Burning hotter than a wasp sting. It has been a very hot summer in Winnipeg, no a/c, terrible drought, and loads of wasps. I just got stung. Arm still pulsing….
It’s hotter than standing next to a jet engine on a black top tarmac
So hot we have to put towels on our leather sofa!!
Hotter than the Pittsburgh Pirates mascot Pierogi in a pierogi race.
Hello, a physicist knitter here. Paint the building a light color and give us a lovely discount when the electric bill drops. Or just skip straight to the discount. Or give DG a raise. Just love my Sunday reads!
Hotter than Satan’s anus
Hotter than the vinyl bench seat on my ‘78 dodge aspen.
Hotter than Andrew Cuomo rebutting the report
Anything outside my house is hotter than my house right now.
It’s hot enough to make sun tea, one of my favorite parts of summer!
Hotter than a Carolina Reaper pepper!
It’s hotter than a sauna here in Texas!
Hotter than a black car left sitting out in the midday summer sun.
Forest fires all around us so not much hotter than inside our house.
I live in coastal Maine where 75 degrees is HOT. And I like it that way. I can wear wool year round.
Hi neighbor!
It is hotter than a campfire in the Sahara dessert.
Hotter than a NYC subway without air conditioning in July!
I agree, the best summer song ever!
With all the fires/smoke here in the Nevada … it is hotter than HELL!
I live in the high desert in California near Joshua Tree National Park, and it’s been 106 + off and on. I go outside at night when it goes down to 90. It’s so hot that baby lizards come in the house to get out of the heat.
It’s hotter than is good for the forest and the animals that live in it. Including people. It’s scary hot and dry.
A fresh outta the oven potato
As my husband would say, “It’s hotter than Hell in here!” I have assured that that’s probably not true, but he remains unconvinced.
‘The Skillet’, or the parking lot behind my college music building where the poor marching band desperately practiced in the afternoon. My friend claims she melted her underwear to her shorts when she sat down briefly on particularly scorching session!
It’s hotter than menopausal flashes…
Today wasn’t too bad! Usually it’s like the inside of a crock pot on High at my house…
This is a tough one… The hotter it gets in California’s Central Valley, the more we on the Central Coast deal with days where it barely gets out of the 50s, and I wear a sweater and even wool mitts as I telework looking at the fog in the trees out the window by my desk. So what is hotter than at my house? Almost any place in the U.S. south of the Arctic Circle…
My garage is beyond hot!
A pizza oven.
My parents used to say it was SO hot, you could fry an egg on the hood of the car!
It’s hotter than boiling sugar and I hate every minute of it.
Texas is hotter than the hinges on the gates of hell. As we say down here.
The inside of my car parked with the windows up sitting in 100+ degree sun. Whew make me sweat.
We are at blast furnace plus stage here in the desert.
My house is not actually hot I have our air conditioner on as Ontario summers are hot and humid! It’s feels like being in a pressure cooker as the humidity feels sticky due to the air holding on to water particles. I am currently knitting a blanket for my stepson and his girlfriend for their new apartment and without the AC on it’s brutal it sticks to you and makes you feel even hotter! I day dream about getting to watch my favourite hockey team the Kitchener Rangers at their barn where it’s nice and cool!
Hotter than Satan’s taint in skinny jeans
It’s so hot you can pop tar bubbles with your toes.
My husband says it’s hotter than blue blazes!!!
Hotter than Hades!
You forgot the #€^king humidity!
It’s hotter than Satan’s Sauna!!!!!!!
Glad it’s winter here, Down Under, but feeling for you all, especially those impacted by fires across North America. Plenty of wool on the needles here, so warm (hot?) and cosy. Those cool coloured mini skeins will be perfect come Spring.
It’s hotter than a Venus summer in our neighborhood!
The Duck OBX beach is just 300 yards away but in the summer the sand becomes too hot to be able to leave your shoes at the beach access and run to the wet sand before burning your feet.
Hot and humid. Humid like taking a shower and putting your clothes back on without drying off.
It’s hotter than my driveway was when I was a barefoot kid running across it to get to the ice cream man!
It is hotter than Florida here!
Not hotter than. In the summer I live in a rural part of Western New York State. Think: an hour + from Buffalo. While winters are cold & hard -but not as cold & hard as the media would like you to believe- summers are lovely. Hot here is a high of 85. So I guess I should stop complaining!
The air here in New Orleans is thick as molasses. Try walking around in that!
Hotter than Cinnamon Hard Candy.
My house is pretty cool thanks to the swamp cooler! So, I’d say sitting outside in the full sun is def. hotter!
Hotter than Washington, DC in July when one is pregnant.
At my house here in Texas, it’s hotter than Daddy’s chili!
It will be hotter tomorrow than today or yesterday. Brace yourself.
Definitely hotter than Hell’s kitchen!
Hotter than Blue Blazes, as grandma would say.
“It’s a sauna out there!” Heat and humidity both approaching 90.
It is not as hot here as in previous years. Smoke from wildfires is making everyone complain about itchy eyes, the smell, etc.
hot is inthe middle of sept. her in Los Angles.
Hotter than my latest hit flash???
I mean hot flash—see it’s so hot my brain is woozy!
Hotter than a bonfire in Hades.
It’s a tar melting heat. Remember when kids used to chew tar from the street?
At my house it is hotter than one of Dante’s resentments.
64 and rainy here in London, and loving it! No more DC summers for me.
Hello, in Glasgow Scotland we like to play the “it’s wetter than…” game. After several days of torrential rain, it’s wetter than an otter’s pocket.
hotter than a “snakes a$$ in a wagon rut”.
who knows what movie that’s from. But, sadly its true. it has reached ‘face meltingly’ hot temperatures on the SW coast of florida
Hotter than blazes.
The weather we wait for through the frigid Canadian winter!
The driveway! All the concrete just reflects the heat off so when you’re standing in the driveway, unloading groceries, or kids’ stuff, you get the sun beating down on you and the heat from the concrete and asphalt. I’m getting hot just thinking about it…
Blue blazes.
The hinges of hell.
I don’t want to talk about the heat any more. I am DONE with it! I want to think about walking my dog on a crisp autumn morning while I kick a path through the leaves! I want to think about sitting on my covered front porch watching a soft rain shower dripping through the trees like tiny cool diamonds! I thank God I live where it at least cools down at night enough to sleep.
Hot as the dickens
It’s hotter than black vinyl seats in a convertible car parked in the sun in August! And humid! Virginia is like a swamp in July and August.
Hotter than a ghost pepper!
Hotter than blue blazes!
Hotter than the fires of Mordor.
Hotter than my cat’s breath which is also pretty humid.
No today – but we do have EIEIO days – Extremely Icky, Extremely Icky, Oppressive!
It’s not that hot here, but it’s muggy so I’ll say it’s hotter than a dryer that was just turned on.
It’s hotter than my husband’s green tea!
It’s hotter than Kung Pao chicken at my place! ️️
It’s hotter than Alaska. I also live on the west coast and usually wear a sweater all summer. It is cool and pleasant, and downright cold in August. September and October warm up a bit. 🙂
Hotter than a summer day in Satan’s kitchen…
Cooler than usual here in Arizona today – “But it’s a dry heat” we say when it’s teetering around 112°
It’s hotter than my grandma in 1932. I’ve seen the pictures of that fraternity party, she was smokin hot.
My husband and I don’t mean that in an OMG isn’t he sexy. I mean it like the exothermic radiating heat source he is, at night in bed. I mean like lay wet laundry on him and it will be dry by morning hot. No snuggles till October….
Hotter than ghost pepper jelly.
A cat on a hot tin roof.
Hotter than a toddler’s temper. My grandson was totally screaming about his denial of his 5th chocolate chip muffin of the day. Wow!
Hot? Psshh…we are just now taking off our sweaters here in central Texas :)))) It has yet to hit 100 degrees and totally unheard of.
It is hot and humid here. I open the door and sweat starts to pour. Thank God for AC.
Hotter than the inside of a kangaroo pouch
Hotter than a red hot poker!
Hotter than a bowl of chili!
Hotter than blue blazes.
Cooking Thanksgiving dinner in August.
It is not hot, here in Connecticut where we’re visiting our kids – but we’re flying home today to Eastern Washington state where it’s hotter than it’s healthy for humans. “Looking forward” to 108 on Friday. Many swears
Also – that thing about dry heat? Your oven is also dry, but you wouldn’t want to live there.
Hotter than a Florida summer around here.
As my neighbor from Mississippi says here in Oregon under the “heat dome”, hotter than fish fry oil!
Would love for DG to do a posting of all the winning entries of these contests! I don’t know who has the time to read them all! I try but just too many
Actually, it’s not hotter then anything in northeastern Pennsylvania. Move north!
Hotter Than Hell Bike ride from Wichita Falls TX to Dallas TX in August
Hotter than a jalapeño served with jalapeño hot tea.
It’s hotter than TEXAS!
I get your Snippets already. I love them.
It is hotter than the sands of Virginia Beach on foolish barefeet. BListers will follow
Hotter and more humid than a sauna
Oh no it is not the humidity. It is the heat and humidity. If it were just humidity but it never is. Nothing like taking a shower and sweating when you turn of the cold water to get dry.
Hotter than 4-minutes-in-the-microwave sweet corn on the cob
It is hotter than the first bite of pizza that burns the roof of your mouth. Every. Single. Time.
Ann, I love your blogs, but the weather really gets people’s attention. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every knitter’s warm memory if a hellish summer day.
At my house? It’s hotter than Dennis Quaid in The Big Easy.
It’s hotter than hell warmed over!
Hotter than the underbelly of my 21 lb cat!
Everywhere is hotter than my house. It’s the age-old tug of war between men and women and the thermostat. Finally got air conditioning, and I’m always cold.
At my house, With temps in the 100s this week, I’d have to say that the inside of my oven, where I am lovingly roasting this summer’s glorious tomato harvest, is hotter.
Just came back from vacation in south Texas where it was hotter than Idris Elba, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds, and Jason Momoa all wrapped together in a wool blanket!
Hotter than an oven (I’m getting a new one today!!)
It’s just hot. So hot I cannot brain anything.
Kansas City, MO
And it is so true that it is not the heat, it’s the humidity.
Are we allowed swear words? No? I’m out, cause swears are all I got. I can’t believe you made me get up from the floor in front of the fan for NOTHING.
Well, it is 105 degrees here right now. But, like Pollyanna says in Hell, “Sure it’s hot, but it’s a dry heat.”
The word sweltering comes to mind!
Hotter than Florida in August
It’s HOTTER THAN HELL Michigan in July! Yes! There really is a Hell Michigan and I’ve been there in July. zip code = 48169
It’s hotter than a hot flash here in Akron, Ohio. The heat index today may top 100°.
Hotter than a furry fox in a forest fire!
Thanks for the giveaway…and the morning laugh
What is it hotter than at your house?
I’m in North Carolina and between the heat and the humidity and we call it Hotter than a Swamp Spa!
(there’s nothing like walking out the back door in the morning and being enveloped in a hot wet blanket of plant based high humidity.)
Hotter than Gerard Butler at your door with a suitcase and two tickets to Edinburgh.
Its hotter than a pot full of thermonuclear peppers!
It’s hotter than a witch’s knickers…104 degrees with 53% humidity here in north Texas today
Hotter than eating Dragon’s Breath chile peppers in Death Valley.
It’s hotter than a Chippendale dancer’s body at a gay stag, stripped to his skivvies.
Hotter than hades!
It’s hotter most places in my state (California) than at my house in Berkeley.
It is so hot and humid in my garden that sweat drips down my face and stings my eyes. I can barely see the green tomatoes which should be turning red. I think the tomatoes and corn are the only thing enjoying the heat. Now if I was growing pop corn and it started to pop that would be hot.
I am reading “Me and The Spitter” right now, so I have to quote Gaylord Perry and say: “It was so hot in that boiling sun, your britches would burn the tops of your legs if you didn’t move around.” He’s telling about life as a young boy growing up on a sharecroppers farm in North Carolina. But I think a lot of us in the west can relate to that description right now! Just add smoke, and it is rather miserable. Time to stay indoors with AC and knit!
Hotter than Hades
It’s hotter than a toddler clinging to your legs in New Jersey’s high humidity.
It’s hotter than a snake’s ass in a wagon rut! (Thank you Robin Williams)
Hot may be miserable but it is better than cold.
I’m in the SF Bay Area, where so far it’s really only hotter than Iceland. Our hottest days actually don’t come until the first days of fall, by the calendar. We’ll be sweating in October!
Hotter than a sweaty dog wrapped around your neck.
Today not as hot as the “heat dome” we had in June here in Oregon, but hotter than hell on an unholy day.
It’s hotter than a steamed lobster right out of the cooker. I live in midcoast Maine. Hottest thing I can think of.
Hi there neighbor!
So I couldn’t think of anything immediately after reading this, but since then the song, “Watermelon Crawl” by Tracy Byrd, has been playing in my head and he sings, “on a day hot enough to make the devil sigh” . . .really a fun song for summer. . .
It’s hotter than Satan’s basement.
It is hotter in my house when I don’t open the windows early and trap the cool night air, then at sunrise close the windows and curtains, go out and water the gardens, come inside the cool house and .
Hotter than….(speech lost, as you both pant at each other and then shake your heads, slowly). In our house, “go jump in the lake” is a phrase of caring and affection.
The great outdoors is hotter than inside my house! Except for a dip in the ocean, I am hibernating indoors.
Its hotter than a blast furnace!
It’s hotter than the Amazon rainforest!
feeling hot, Hot, HOT…
it was 86F in my bedroom before I turned on the window AC unit last night
When you leave spend a week in Florida. Return to Indiana and can’t tell the difference.
It’s hotter than a metal slide in summer!
It is hotter than the Hinges of Hades with humidity so bad it feels like you are doing everything under water.
I love to knit on my deck but unfortunately it’s hotter out there than anywhere these days.
Hotter than my house? My frigging car! Unbearable to go out to do errands and hop in and out of the car.
Bring on some cooler weather!
Hotter than Red Hots!
It is hotter than ocean beach sand on a sunny summer day in August. You know the kind of sand… walk on it to get to the water because it burns your feet!!!
Lots of metaphors but these are just plain dog days of summer where it’s hard to take a deep breath in the thick humidity. I chuckled through this entire article, DG, a brief respite from the actual topic.
We left hot for the Lake Superior Shore. However, we are heading back south today and I am dreading the hot, humid, fire smoke air that we should encounter. Save me!
Hotter than it ought to be in NJ
Hotter than I like! Also the humidity and see point here in southeastern Virginia is currently at jungles of Borneo levels!
Could fry an egg on the cement it’s so hot!
Hotter than Girlie, my Shih Tzu curled up on my lap!
It’s hotter than a baked potato.
My mum used to say, “it’s a scorcher!”
Hotter than an ice cube in hell, I would say!
Hotter than Savannah, GA, when I moved there from MN in July. 110 degrees and 110% humidity (I did not know that was even a thing!). Yes, a man was involved. Thought every bit of air was sucked out of my lungs. The mini skeins are BEAUTIFUL!!
One word: Texas
Too hot to knit with anything but cotton!!
Around here it’s just “wicked hawt” which is hot enough to instantaneously melt all the ice in your Dunks iced coffee
Y’all covered every.single.simile. possible, leaving me with is a caesura. (DG, are you a closet classicist?)
Hotter than dragon’s breath!
It’s hotter than Keanu Reeves out there! (or insert your favorite celeb crush)
As Johnny and June sang “hotter than a pepper sprout!”
It’s hotter than “blue blazes” here in New Hampshire. My Dad always said that – no idea where it came from.
This week at my house it is hotter than the temperature needed to dry herbs. Unfortunately, it is also more humid.
It’s hotter than my cat’s internal combustion furnace!
Thirty years married and we’re still hot!
Hotter than the hinges of Hades!! 90- 100 degrees in Maine is definitely NOT typical!
Hotter than eggs frying on asphalt!
It’s hotter than December but then again it’s August. August is supposed to be hot and I love every minute of summer. It’s slipping by every so quickly.
Hotter than lava!
I’m not sure its hotter than….but the last few days have been stormy and stepping outside feels like stepping into a vat of soup. Rather humid lately.
A lot of places, but if my husband doesn’t leave the windows open at night I’ll have to stab him with my old straight bamboo needles
“Hotter than a 2 dollar pistol.”
Hotter than when I was walking to school up hill both ways
It’s hotter than a tar pot fixing a flat roof.
Well, we did say “hotter than the hinges of Hades” when I was a kid. And if we kids said, “I’m hot,” my dad would always, but always say, “Oh, you’re not so hot.” Sweet man. But here in the Southwest, we say, “But it’s a dry heat.” Except this year. This year we’re having a real monsoon. It poured like Hey, Billy last night, and right now, at 7 am, the temp on the patio is 70 degrees, with a cool breeze that smells of the desert in the rain. Yes, I would love to have some mini skeins.
Sliding down a metal slide in shorts/skirt.
Hotter than the black fry pan Mama forgot on the back burner
So hot that just getting the mail is sweaty! I’m turning into a homebound knitter!!
it is hotter (and steamier) than a sauna!
I love to eat palak paneer even though it’s so hot/spicy that I have to take stomach medicine later. Does that make any sense to love something that makes you ill?
Hotter than a cat on a hot tin roof
It’a been hotter than hell on a Sunday here in the Midwest!
Hotter than Death Valley during a heatwave….
It’s hotter than H—L double hockey sticks!
i guess the inside of a volcano would be hotter? my attic apartment was pretty damn roastin’ (93 degrees INDOORS) when i got home yesterday. i live in new york so i don’t have central air. fortunately, i do have a porch (the only part of my place that doesn’t feel like it’s in hell) so that’s where i’ve been sleeping of late. and thankfully, the heatwave breaks today so i can return to my real bed soon.
It’s hotter than a steel playground at recess!
Boiled lobster!
Just plain hot and humid in Florida.
Hotter than…hand knits! (of course)
Even here in Maine it is hotter than lobster right out of the pot.
Hotter than a metal slide in the sun. Ahhh childhood memories.
Hotter than I like it!
Lived in Arizona, so it might be hotter than a Sun Devil, but now from the State of Washington coast, will it even hit 70 today?!
It’s been hotter than the hubs of hell recently but today is a “cool” 84 degrees. Sweet relief!
Hotter than a wildfire (and smells like one too).
hot as f¥(k!
Hotter than Death Valley in a heatwave!
Hotter than ever! But better for me than November 🙂
It’s barely lukewarm at my house! Here in the far North we are having a very cool summer. I needed those wool socks and lap blanket to sit outdoors last night!
When we lived in Austin TX, sometimes it was so hot that the first clothes on the clothesline were dry by the time we pinned out the last of the load. Now we are in Wisconsin and anything over 70 is almost too hot for us.
Please count me in too! Thanks
It’s simply hot…I’m too exhausted to think!
Hot as snot!
Hotter than EVER!! Blastingly crispy.
My cast iron frying pan is where the heat is today as y.
It’s hotter than Hades down here!
Hell. It’s a cliche for a reason, right?
being outside in the Denver sun!
It’s hotter than Stanley Kowalski yelling “Stella!”
It’s hotter than the inside of a Queensland shearing shed here.
It’s hotter than the inside of a Boiler Room full of calendar-worthy Navy Seals.
It’s hotter than hell!!!!
Only thing hotter than a Phoenix day in August is a Phoenix day in July. Alas
Hotter than it used to be!
The Sun!
Hotter than a bonfire in Hades!
It’s hotter than Georgia asphalt
Here in the great northern reaches of the PNW we are in purgatory and heading towards hell-fire with a soupçon of redemption
Hotter than the hinges of hell. And smoky air you can almost cut with a knife, here in Seattle where few people have AC.
Nothing hotter than the 20% discount on Organic Studio Yarns this weekend.
Hotter than Hades!
Hotter than the surface of the sun.
The heat isn’t too bad today but when you add the humidity it feels like an Amazonian forest with nasty bugs wanting to eat your yarn!
It is so hot… the cows are giving evaporated milk.
We’re on the downswing of the last heat wave here so I’m not complaining at the moment … but a few days ago I was convinced I would spontaneously combust in the outdoors. So, “spontaneous combustion” is my answer to “what is it hotter than” …
Hotter than Karinda’s organic DK in Oaklee
Hotter than the red chile salsa at Sadie’s in Albuquerque.
My garage is definitely hotter than my house. The poor car sits out there baking. To make it worse, my husband insists that we own a second freezer. (I say we don’t need it but he likes to be stocked up), and that poor second freezer lives in the garage. So far, so good; it stays nicely freezing inside the freezer even while the garage bakes the car, and any humans who try to go out there to use the car or the freezer.
It is hotter than wool hot pads fresh off my needles. Actually, today is lovely; low 80’s no humidity…thanks!!
It’s hotter than pork rinds in the deep fryer.
It’s been hotter than an erupting volcano here!
It may be so hot that it feels like you are walking into a steam room at the gym.
But here in the foothills, I find a place in the shade of the trees with a breeze and settle in with my knitting to relax and enjoy the outdoors.
Hotter than a polar bear in a hot tub.
It’s hotter than I can stand. Just around 100 every single day since June. Has never been this hot so many days in the 20 yrs I have lived here.
Hotter than a red chili pepper!
On my bike, making the 1 mile uphill climb over the bridge on the way to the office. I’ve been a couch potato for 18 months – the August heat/humidity is not welcome.
Richmond, VA was sporting a heat index of 107. Went out only to pick up a delivered package. I’d say it was hotter than being in the center of the sun.
Hotter than Death Valley at Noon.
Hotter than Death Valley in the middle of summer!
In New Mexico, it’s been hotter than our Hatch chiles! That’s red hot or green hot or Christmas (red and green) hot; your choice.
I would say hell, we have had the heat, smoke from the Canadian fires and my air conditioner has died. Humidity has fluctuated. Usually summer is my favorite.
Hotter than the kimchi fermenting in my fridge!
Hotter than I like! I have an energetic puppy and it’s tough right now with the heat! Early morning walks, then craziness throughout the day before we can play outside again when it cools down.
Around here it’s hotter than BLEEEP on a BLEEEPING BLEEP BLEEP!!! Sorry, it just doesn’t translate into language that can be used in mixed company. Add to that the fact that here is not very far outside Washington, DC (well knows as one of the biggest sources of hot air on the planet) and, well…
Hotter than heck!
It’s hotter than a Louisiana hen house!
I’m embarrassed to say that I thought the saying “It’s hotter than Hedes” was actually “It’s hotter than Haiti”.
Hotter than outside because we have the heat on? Living in the cold and fog of San Francisco where a warm summer day hits 70 if we’re lucky.
Per Stevie Wonder, it’s Hotter than July.
Actually not so hot in Anchorage……
Hotter than a heat wave in Death Valley.
Hotter than an egg cooking on asphalt
Up until yesterday it was hotter than a grill full of jalapeños.
Hotter than a black vinyl car seat in hell.
(Thank you, Monte Warden.)
hotter than an ice cube up here in northern Ontario, Canada. Sunday morning, and it’s in the 60s. We could do with some of your warmth !
Hotter than Hell’s Front Porch. I only go outside when I absolutely have to. (I’m going to start making all my doctor’s appointments in the spring and autumn. Waiting in the car until a room is available is killing me!)
It’s hotter than cast iron skillets on a blue flamed grill
Hotter than a bully goat with a blow torch.
Hotter than the fires in the Pacific Northwest…oh, we have that, too — along with the very unhealthy smoke. Staying indoors and knitting a lot these days!
I am a ‘human popsicle’ so ‘hotter than’ weather makes me take off one layer of clothing layers and consider switching to knot with silk or cotton instead of my beloved merino!!
Hotter than Jason Momoa adding a ring piercing to his scarred eyebrow. Wait…no its not.
We are having a cool spell today in NE OH — but last week it was hotter than hell.
It’s hotter than Hades here!
Hotter than Hadestown. I may be soothed by listening to the musical and knitting very small projects that don’t cover your lap. Maybe washcloths are what needs to be knitted today.
Hotter than H – E – | | (double pointed knitting needles)!!
I live in Dallas, not much out there hotter than my house. But I’ll say my husband, even after 47 years of marriage!!
It’s hotter than an afternoon at Disney World here in Northeast Ohio (at least it was this past week—the humidity went down this weekend).
Last week it was armpit hot – I’m so glad it’s pleasant now, as we’re on day 4 of a power outage. The first night of no AC was waking up drenched in sweat hot.
So hot that I will never be able to wear all my knitted items, even in winter!
It wasn’t too hot today. I even turned on the oven to bake brownies and knit on a wool cardigan.
hotter, schmotter, but the stifling humidity makes me feel that i should scrape the icky air off my skin.