Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: The Search for Meaning (and Doughnuts)

Well, the shipping department has been busy! You are keeping us on our toes. I hate to ruin it for you, but literally everyone on earth is apparently getting an Amaryllis Kit for the holidays. Act surprised, y’all!
We’re all vaccinated to the rafters (I’m getting approximately fifteen more booster shots just for the hell of it), so while filling all those boxes to the brim, I’ve been thinking of “Other Mandates” we might impose here at MDK World HQ, but as I looked at my scribbled list this morning when I sat down to turn it into another “Atlas Insider” masterpiece—the one you are reading right now—I noticed that most of my mandates are about people bringing me things:
- Always bring DG a burrito.
- All doughnut deliveries must include at least one lemon-curd-filled doughnut.
- If you are making a fancy coffee, it won’t kill you to make DG one as well so save yourself the censure and go ahead and do it.
Look, I am fine with me getting snacks as subject matter. I have no qualms about demanding that everything that enters the building be filled with lemon curd. EVERYTHING. Just fill it up.
But I think I worry that I might talk about food too much in this space, so I moved this particular idea to the back burner for a sec . . . right as the most provocative email arrived.
Now, I don’t usually pay attention to the customer service inbox much—that’s Allison’s job, and sometimes Kay’s when she’s procrastinating. But I do look it over first thing in the morning to make sure there aren’t any shipping-related messages that I might need to know about immediately—errors I might need to correct and emails to delete before anyone else has a chance to see them. I can usually just eyeball the subject lines and know if I need to look. “HEY DUMMY YOU SENT THE WRONG COLOR”—well, that would be one I might need to open. Perhaps.
But one caught my eye today—I’m sure it was a bot or spider or whatever they’re called who sent it, but still, it gave me pause. The entire email just said, “What do you mean?”
WHAT DO YOU MEAN? I mean. It’s a lot to think about! What do you mean? I ask myself that whenever I sit down to write an “Atlas Insider.” What do I mean? Honestly, I really never have any idea what I mean—who does? But I know for sure that at any given moment, I am as full of lemon curd as it is possible to be and that’s just about all I need to know.
A Giveaway
The prize? No surprises here: two Amaryllis Kits! One to keep and to watch growing as you ponder what it all means, and one to give to a friend.
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: In the comments, name your favorite doughnut filling or shout out your local bakery, coffee shop, or burrito stand. Just don’t tell us what it all means because we love the wondering. Know what we mean?
Deadline for entries: Sunday, November 28, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Plain glazed Krispy Kreme especially when the ‘hot donut’ sign is on.
At home in Arlington, Texas, it would be Grounds and Gold. On vacation, it’s Boulangerie in Kennebunk, Maine.
I didn’t know that there is such a thing! Sounds interesting
Paradise donuts in Huntington, WV. My fave filling is plain cream filled.
Suarez Bakery here in Charlotte has an amazing eggnog doughnut at the hollydays. It’s not lemon curd but it’s delish and festive. I adore your posts!
Lucky’s Donoughts at 49th Parallel in Vancouver, BC
Their Lemon Meringue Pie donought is delicious!!
Leonard’s malasadas in Honolulu…all flavors!
Lucky’s Donoughts at 49th Parallel in Vancouver, BC
Their Lemon Meringue Pie donought is delicious!!
The best donut place in Lexington, KY is a hotly debated topic, but my favorite is North Lime Coffee and Donuts!
Patisserie Salzburg
In our town, in Milan, Michigan, the bakery is Life is Sweet. Their cookies, tarts, pastries, breads, and even home made caramel are amazing. But they DONT HAVE DONUTS! How I wish for a good glazed donut. I guess I will just have to be satisfied with their rolled butter cookies.
(Sorry if this is a repeat post, my computer is acting up this morning.)
It would be an epic journey for you to visit the incredible Oldhand Coffee here in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, but well worth it! They make donuts only on Fridays. Each week’s feature flavours (2) are listed on social media. They are sold in boxes of 4 and you better be in line promptly at noon or earlier for a chance at getting some! Brown butter pecan would be my choice if that’s what they offer that day! Have you ever noticed that “I mean….” has become part of people’s speech pattern in place of “er… or um”? When you listen to folks being interviewed on the street for news, etc, they often start their sentence with….”I mean….” What is that all about?
Periwinkle’s Bakery in the little town of Blawnox, PA!
Bethel Bakery—buttercream filled
Well my husband is the doughnut king chez us (chocolate cream) and it doesn’t happen often, but I always ask for one raspberry jelly nestled among his order of four. Live dangerously, I always say.
Custard!! Krispy Kreme fresh hot! If anyone knows the answer to ‘What do you mean’, please tell me;-)
My favorite donut experience is getting off the plane in LAX and driving about a mile to Randy’s Donuts. Then waiting in an absurdly long line for a chocolate buttermilk donut. We’re all tired from the trip but giddy with excitement!! thank you!
Our city has bakery called “The Angry Donut” I have no idea what it means. My favorite is good old fashioned glazed and I definitely think donuts are not angry.
O’Henry’s Coffee in Birmingham,AL has wonderful locally roasted coffee and delicious scones!
Main Grain in Stevens Point WI
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Suzy Q Doughnuts!
Custard or raspberry jelly.
Lemon curd for sure.
I had no idea lemon curd was a possible doughnut filling. Yum! My favorite filling is apple pie, although when my boss brings in Duck Donuts as a special treat, I always make sure to grab one of the bacon-topped ones while they are still warm. (Although it’s hard to choose. We all tend to cut the donuts into quarters so we can maximize the flavor sampling. I work with the best team – they are all as food-motivated as me.)
No filling. Chocolate glazed. Liked they came out of grandmother’s kitchen. But when my daughters come over next weekend to make them for Hanukkah, we will get all fancy like and add a cherry filling. So, the family bakery assembly line. They are the BEST
Spilt milk in ocean isle beach nc and home cut in Joliet illinois, anything either does
Nathaniel Reid
Oh the choices! Chocolate, vanilla, apricot! But I’m going with prune danish as my favorite. Wait is that a donut???
The blueberry filled donuts at Dunkin’ Donuts. Alas, I don’t think they make them any more.
I think they do make them. You have to go to a big Dunkin that has a hugevselection.
Sugared rose petal filling!
Raspberry jam, but I wouldn’t say no to a maple glazed.
Vanilla Custard!
Kane’s Donuts, especially if a family member goes to the original one in the middle of the night and brings back fresh, yummy donuts for breakfast!
Lemon curd would be a favorite. Blackbird.
Raspberry jelly
Sigh. So envious…lemon curd donut sounds so awesome… But Celiac has put me out of donut business because can’t find anyone in my area making gluten-free ones
Gluten-free chocolate frosted. YUM!
Fresh, hot Krispy Kreme donut can’t be beat! My dad always stopped the1950s Ford at the old Krispy Kreme west of Nashville on hwy. 70,as we returned to Waverly from holiday shopping at Sears, Harvey’s, and admiring the Parthenon Nativity. He bought only four- one for each of us. I tried to make mine last ‘til we passed through McEwen.
Dandee Donut Factory … no filling
I live in Michigan, but when I visit my son in Oakland, I always go to La Farine for my pastries.
When my sister makes me homemade donuts from our grandmother’s recipe and sprinkles cinnamon sugar on them, and we eat them while they are so hot it burns our fingers. Oh man, now my morning yogurt is going to seem pretty bland…..
Chocolate glazed. Any place that I can get one
Chocolate cream!
raspberry in a bismark, pineapple in a danish, dark chocolate in a croissant, lemon in a pie
yum, time to get baking…
Custard or jelly. I rarely eat donuts — because I can’t eat just one when I do — but if I’m gonna have one I seek out the best bakery wherever I am and enjoy Every. Single. Bite.
Jelly, preferably grape.
Shout out to Albie D’s Bakery in Bradford, MA…their eclairs are to die for!
my favorite donut filling? it’s not possible to choose between lemon curd and raspberry jam, so i’m proposing a new combo filling: lemon curd AND raspberry jam. is anyone out there a donut shop owner? you can have the idea (you don’t even have to name it after me, but you can if you want to) just please send me one! thank you!
A woman after my own heart. I always have trouble choosing between those two. Putting them together would be just brilliant.
This sounds awesome!
Three cheers for Peace, Love and Little Donuts in Concord, Ohio!! Cinnamon sugar!! The best!
Blackbird Doughnuts! They currently have a Sage Brown Butter one. (What? Yes!)
Agree! There is one near my health center and I go there after appointments!
I mean, if it’s between doughnuts and crullers, I’ll take a cruller. (Always.) But I wouldn’t turn down lemon curd. (Ever.) Or an amaryllis!
I’ve never had donuts with lemon curd but they sound like a must have item- do you ship? Lol! Ramones is our local bakery of choice with Los Bagels running a close second…
Angel cream filling
Horst’s Donuts here in Madison, Indiana are amazing. They have cinnamon sugar mixed into the yeast dough.
Everything pumpkin spice
Custard filled from Krumpe’s shop – family owned , now by the third generation.
I like the plain boring unglazed cake donut personally. If you are on Cape Cod go to Amie Bakery in Osterville. She makes wonderful lemon bars (and many other yummy things).
Cinnamon old-fashioned doughnut at Nashville’s classic Donut Den! Close second is the decadent maple bacon from Five Daughters Bakery. Nom nom. I’m never mad at a lemon filling either.
Krispy Kreme cream filled doughnut. Not that there is a shop anywhere near me, but a favorite all the same. Kay procrastinates?
Patisserie 46 in Minneapolis. Plain glazed, no filling (although I love lemon curd in concept)
Patterson Apple Farm – maple bacon!
Apple cider donuts, made fresh during apple season and bought at the farm stand. I just found a NYT recipe for apple cider Whoopie pies with cream cheese filling which I plan to make for Thanksgiving breakfast, and which I expect will make me the most populated Gram ever!
I made the NYT apple cider donuts on Thursday morning. They are yummy! I bought the donut baking pans to add to my baking stuff collection this season.
Sorry….”Most popular Gram ever.” Damn autocorrect!
Vanilla cream. And I don’t mean a grown-up, elegant custard-type cream. I mean a dunkin donuts style powder sugar covered dough casing stuffed with the equivalent of white frosting. Haven’t had one in years, but when I used to drive for over an hour to ride at a barn in VT, I would stop just before arriving to buy – and snarf – one of those doughnuts. For health reasons. My theory being that 1) shot of energy required, and 2) a session of serious caloric offloading was about to begin. I’m almost never anywhere near a donut shop now, and that is probably a good thing. Sad, but good.
Maple glaze!
Whole wheat plain or something with a little glaze on it is always my choice. Dull but still good!
Italian pastry creme.
Donut Dip, West Springfield, MA. I have never encountered a cherry-filled doughnut, but I would love it.
I love Donut Dip, have not been there for several years. We have a lot of Massachusetts people here.
Raspberry jelly filled donuts!
Apple cider donuts from Maple Leaf Orchard near Spring Valley Wisconsin, along with a cup of their fresh-pressed cider, along with fresh cheese curds from Cady Cheese, a few miles further down the road. Yum!
Donuts upset my stomach terribly but my favorite bakery is Breads on Oak in NOLA.
Driftless Bike and Bean
Bavarian cream is my favorite. Brookkyn Bakery in Waterbury, Ct makes donuts that are heavenly puffs of deliciousness.
Lemon curd sounds delicious! Glazed and Confused is an amazing donut shop here in Syracuse. I like ALL donuts except for coconut!
Bee well bakery
Favorite donut. Apple fritter. Of course
I’m an equal opportunity donut eater!
Krispy Kreme Bavarian cream
Boston Cream!
Raspberry jam Bismark style, old-fashioned, Boston cream.
Love true custard filling.
Nutty crescent!!
Raspberry Jelly!
Monuts FTW!!
Prune filled Paczki from the New Palace Bakery in Hamtramck!
The Holy Donut!!!!
Frosty’s donut in Brunswick, Maine, I especially love the twists.
Any cream filled is fine with me!
Chocolate, and lots of it!
I miss Top Pot in Seattle; great donuts, especially the chocolate!
The Bakers Bench at the foot of Brackett Street in Westbrook Maine makes the world’s best cream horns!
Now I need a doughnut! Immediately! I love vanilla cream filled. What a treat!
Raspberry jelly or custard. Although dare I say it, I probably only eat 1-2 doughnuts in a year 🙂
I love lemon curd
Has to be a blueberry filled doughnut:)
My fave is the butternut donut at Dunkin, alas they don’t make them any more. Heated in the microwave for about 15 seconds, yum. So, second winner is the apple cider doughnut from Highland Orchard in Thorndale, PA. Fresh, hot, “with a bright grease stain indicating freshness.” Mmmm.
Chocolate buttercream! With chocolate glaze on the outside and sprinkles, if possible. I’m trying not to indulge in my favorite comfort food right now. Sometimes it’s just essential to making it through the day.
Mighty O!!!!!
Léché doughnuts in Montreal!
Pao’s in Tacoma WA
The best bakery, HANDS DOWN, is in my beautiful hometown on the shores of Lake Superior—Ashland (WI) Baking Company.
Just give me a croissant and REAL French butter please, preferably in France. If not that, I’d like the Cafe du Monde in NOLA, beignets and lots of chicory filled coffee.
We have eaten doughnuts in many, many cities and towns. My hands down favorite place is LaMars in Lincoln, NE. Favorite variety, cake doughnut, maple icing, nuts on top.
Passion Fruit Curd from Rare Bird Preserves in Oak Park, IL. I especially like it with Rosemary Thumbprint cookies.
The Art of Pie! Yay!
My favorite doughnut is an apple fritter from Rise Doughnut. They were a pop-up in my town during covid and people (including me) would wait (6 feet apart) for 2+ hours to get their fix!! They are currently building a location downtown and we are all waiting “patiently” until we can get our hands on those fritters again!!! (and don’t even get me started about their hot chocolate!!)
Krispy Kreme chocolate covered cream filled. Totally decadent!!
My grandma used to make donuts filled with prunes simmered in orange juice then mashed. Loved those. Grandma was half Swedish, half English. I always wondered which half the prune filling came from.
Best local shop is Sweet Delites Pastry Shop in Somers, NY. Their cinnamon buns are large, raisiny, yeasty, almost home-made; their chocolate mousse cake is not overwhelmed with buttercream; and they sometimes have prune-filled Danish! But no donuts …
Favorite filling- LEMON CURD!
No filling, just plain glazed. But I’d try a lemon curd if I ever had the chance.
I love a good cheese danish, or an almond croissant. I don’t know if that qualifies, but I would accept a custard doughnut if it does not.
Custard for the win! My favorite donut is chocolate glazed cake-yum!
Dunkin had a brownie batter one for a special awhile ago. For those of you in Minnesota…Donut Hut has a turtle donut that is delicious.
Giving Thanks Bakery in Rochester, Michigan! They make a Mozart Torte that is a must every Christmas Eve. Lovely people, phenomenal bakery!
Custard, as if you have to ask.
The BEST bakery in Dallas, TX, is Boulangerie on lower Greenville Ave. Which is blocks from my house. Which means their French desserts added pounds to my pandemic waistline. Ooolala!
Boston Creeam
Apple Fritters from the Fritter Company at the St. Jacob’s Farmer’s Market, St. Jacobs, Ontario, Canada. There is a good reason that the customer lineup is so long. But it is worth the wait. One should never go to the Market and leave without an Apple Fritter!
I’m partial to the glazed donut sans filling…. Have I been ostracized?
Beechwood Donuts – just decadent!
Vanilla crème with chocolate icing.
I would love to try lemon curd, I like lemon anything. My nearest and only coffee shop in town is a 10 min drive and is a Tim Horton’s, unless I drive one hour to the nearest large town where they have everything and there is “nothing” in between except trees and highway. Looking forward to my Amaryllis – never had one <3
No filling a Maple Bar!
Raulin’s Bakery in Beltsville, MD. Sadly it no longer exists and they had the best donut I have ever eaten. As good as my uncles bakery in Kodiak, Alaska that was washed away in the tidal wave in the 60’s.
Holy Donut, fresh lemon.
Agree! Soooooo good!
Fave donut: the french cruller….need I say more? Thanks to Randazzo Bakery in Raritan NJ For breakfast, lunch, dinner and travel gifts…..truly an full-service bakery at its best! Oh, and friendly peeps
Not filled – chocolate cake doughnut is my fave. I actually don’t have a favorite place in town, but the Doughnut Vault in Chicago is amazing.
Another vote for vanilla custard, but I have yet to meet a filling I didn’t like.
No filling at all!
Ricky Kareem in Alcoa, Tennessee
Richy Kreme (No, thank you, Autocorrect!)
My favorite donut is a cherry turnover! From Redondough bakery. Yummy.
I don’t like filling in my donut, I like chocolate cake donuts.
custard with a chocolate glaze on the outside.
Jupiter Donuts. They are out of this world!
Vanilla cream—with a chocolate glaze!
I haven’t gotten into the whole gourmet donut thing, but you can’t go wrong with a good vanilla cream or caramel filled!
Blackberry Market in downtown Glen Ellyn, Illinois. The best cinnamon rolls ever! They have delicious gluten free baked items as well.
Can’t eat donuts anymore…worked in a donut shop as a college student, gained 20 pounds, and haven’t been able to eat them since….
MaryAnne Donuts in Allentown, PA!!
Tim Hortons. They’re everywhere in Canada! Assorted Tim Bits (donut holes). So small you can eat handfuls.
Annabelle’s has the best scones – blueberry, apricot, ginger are my favorites !!! Guess I’m a party pooper, but I think they trump donuts any day!
Cake doughnut, chocolate with chocolate glaze
A raspberry tart from Frank’s bakery. So worth the wait until July for the two weeks during the year when they are made in season with local berries.
Custard! BUT… I like the sound of lemon curd. Is it healthier in a donut than just eating it straight off the spoon, out of the jar in the fridge, when no-one is looking?
Could we try lemon curd mixed in with the custard perhaps? Lemon custard
Lemon,of course.
I’m on the train to nyc and your note just reminded me that there’s a Krispy Kreme there. Thanks
I love a Molly Ringwald donut from Good Dough here in Jacksonville FL. I also sometimes answer the siren call of “hot donuts now” from Krispy Kreme.
Vanilla cream – the only way to go.
Not as fond of filled donuts as I am of plain ones, but if I were to choose a filling, I’m thinking of a Boston cream donut. Pretty excited actually that a Holy Donut shop is opening up around the corner from my house in Kennebunk, Maine. Holy Donuts are potato donuts and they have such wonderful flavors. Imagine a maple bacon donut. They are fantastic!
Good Company Doughnuts and Cafe is our go-to and their variety is amazing, but I’m partial to the fried dough knot, which is a yeasty donut dusted with a mix of sugar, powdered sugar, and cinnamon. Yum!
Second Good Company (Arlington VA) but have to say the Mocha Espresso (espresso buttercream-filled with choc glaze) is it. There are no other doughnuts.
Prune, then raspberry filling, from a Polish bakery downtown Hamtramck (city inside the borders of Detroit MI).
And it’s called a “paczki”.
Lemon Ginger curd!
Favorite bakery is Tuliie. It is French so no donuts. Favorite donuts are maple old-fashioned. Nom nom nom.
Lemon curd! With a maple bar chaser…Cheers!
They don’t have a filling but the apple cider donuts at Curtis Orchard in Champaign, Illinois are great! My kids loved to watch them being made by a donut making machine. Warm donuts with apple cider slush!
I’m with DG … definitely lemon curd filling … well, unless there is a glazed chocolate old fashioned in the box … hmmm. Just had a HUGE and very tasty burrito at Coco’s Place down the street from my LYS. Highly recommend it.
Krispy Kreme lemon filled!
Sufganiyah from Canter’s Deli.
15 Boosters! I just got my Moderna booster. Was hoping I wouldn’t feel bad because it is a half dose. Sick as a dog! Still can’t think about do-nuts but I’d eat a chocolate glaze from anywhere, just not today.
I too love lemon curd but Bavarian crème is right up there.
You might consider making lemon curd–a never-ending supply!
Statusdough! DG you have one there in Nashville AND they deliver! I have never had a doughnut I didn’t like.
I always choose Boston cream. The custard and the chocolate icing is the best combination. Since I probably only get a doughnut once or twice a year, I go whole hog!
Wooden Spoon bakery, no filling in doughnuts, cake doughnut with cinnamon
plain glazed Krispy Kreme!
just a good ol’ maple bar!!!
Definitely, my fave is custard filled with choc. frosting. I guess the official name is Boston Cream. I have to go out in the world shortly. I hope that all this donut talk causes me to stop at a bakery!!
I’m not a filled donut person! My favorite doughnut is an old fashioned cake donut with dark chocolate icing. Got to have a bit of nutmeg in that batter too.
Favorite filling is vanilla pastry cream, good and old fashioned feeling every time I eat it, thanks for the trip down memory lane.
YoYo Donuts in Minnetonka, MN!!
Kickstarter Coffee kiosk (Mocha) and a blackberry-jam filled doughnut. Drool!!!
Boston Creme…..I will arm wrestle another customer for the last one!
I’m with you – LEMON CURD!!
I’m with you on the lemon curd.
Cafe Kindred Falls Church, VA
Biscuits! Soda biscuits, cats head biscuits, bisquick biscuits, I’ll even take McDonald’s biscuits; hot or cold with butter or honey or jam. Heaven!
I’m not a big doughnut person, but I do enjoy a jelly doughnut with raspberry filling.
Hi there Tim hortons :Boston cream filled . Yum yum
When my mom would send me to the grocery store I always stopped in the bakery for a lemon curd donut! So good. Haven’t had a really great one in years (sorry, Dunkin). I grew up in western PA where the bakeries were sooo good!
My favorite donut place is a family run cart in Cambridge, NY and my favorite donut of theirs is a maple covered…no filling. People wait in line outdoors in all kinds of weather, Sunday mornings, year round, chatting with strangers while patiently waiting to select donuts.
I don’t care what the filling is as long as the doughnut has nuts on or in it.
I too am a lemon-filled doughnut fan. Lucky to live in the cradle of Krispy Kreme! The flagship store backs up to my church’s parking lot and we are certain the store’s exhaust fans point toward the steeple whenever there’s a church gathering.
Hurt’s Donuts (hurts, don’t it), Houston.
Krispies Kreme original glazed and of course, the holes!
I’m with you on lemon curd!
I love a pumpkin filled, only this time of year but delicious.
Beleza Coffee Shop, Boulder CO!!!
Lemon curd. Oh wait, lemon curd and vanilla cream would be super yummy, does that exist? It should.
Plain! No filling! Need to dunk in coffee! Village Bakehouse Tucson, Az
A warm sugar donut or a jam filled one. There is a cafe nearby that has very nice donuts , iced and fancy but I prefer a plain one. Thanks.
Pistachio creme
I live in Oakland, CA, and am lucky enough to be near the best Colonial Doughnuts! We don’t have lemon curd, which is a real shame. But I love raspberry filling and a blueberry cake doughnut (had one yesterday in fact)!
Lemon curd all the way! And, Bruce’s Burritos in Yarmouth, Maine!
Black/Blue/Raspberry or Apple Cinnamon. Lemon curd will do. 🙂
There’s that donut shop in Memphis that has maple bacon donuts!!!!!
M & M Bakery in Cumberland, MD – jelly doughnuts for me!
Krumpe’s Donuts in Hagerstown MD Cinnamon twist please
Raspberry cream. That’s all the meaning I need.
I love a lemon curd filled doughnut! There is literally no place to buy one within forty miles! We need a bakery for such things aa doughnuts!
Chocolate cream filled long john. with chocolate frosting. Haven’t had one in years….
My favorite coffee shop is Wine and Butter in DC!!!
Boston cream pie donuts! But now I am curious about lemon curd donuts since I’m not sure I’ve ever had one …
Avon doughnuts in Pontiac, MI!
The best. I love all doughnuts but custard filled are essential.
My favorite donut is made daily but only this time of year; apple cider with the cinnamon sugar coating please, from the one and only The Milk Pail, Water Mill, NY, check it out!
Head of Westport in Westport, Mass! House-made doughnuts on the weekends! Several times a season, we do a Row to the Head for the sole purpose of getting doughnuts. Filling? Yuck! Never! Don’t know what a Lemon Curd is but I don’t want it in my doughnut! Jelly? That goes with peanut butter on toast, not in a doughnut. I will take mine plain, with a light glaze or some sugar.
Custard, always custard. A donut and pudding, all in one!
Custard filled and covered in chocolate is my favorite from Mary Lou’s donuts in Lafayette, Indiana!
Cinnamon cake donuts
The crullers I ate as a child that my grandmother made. With cinnamon sugar coating. I’m 70 and have never tasted a store bought to rival.
Who could fail to love Federal Donuts here in Philadelphia, that occasionally offers a Purple Rain donut to honor Prince on his birthday? It’s very purple.
A coffee treat for me would be Caramel Latte. Not only does it smell wonderful, but it tastes great too.
The Cheese Cupboard in Stone Harbor NJ
Daily Taco in Thiensville WI, especially pork with avocado. Yum!
You can badger Kay — donuts are part of the Chanukah eating ritual … and it starts soon …
Custard!!! Nothing but.
Boston cream
Maple bacon donuts at Dunkin’ Donuts in Middletown New Jersey!
That should have been “Duck” Donuts….Damn spellcheck LOL!
Pass the beignets, please
Pastry cream.
My favorite doughnut filling would have to be custard, as in the Boston cream doughnuts of my childhood. The bakery no longer exists but they were spectacular
Malasadas from Hawaii! Best ever!
Ruth and Dean in Victoria, BC. Their cake (slices) of the day are yummy masterpieces!
Lemon curd is good, but have you tried lime curd? Still, perfect doughnut needs no filling!
Maple frosting!
A bear claw, please!
Well my favorite donut filling ever I have to say was one that I got from Krispy Kreme. It was half filled with white fluffy,sugary frosting like stuff and half filled with raspberry something or other. It was also dusted with sugar not powdered sugar and it was so incredibly good that I couldn’t even eat the whole thing in one sitting.
I don’t have a favorite coffee shop because I don’t drink coffee. And I live in a small town so there isn’t a whole lot here but I will shout out to my local yarn shop called The Spin-off yarn shop in North Adams Massachusetts. Thanks
Favorite bakery: Depoe Baykery (in Depoe Bay – get it?) Favorite coffee shops: Left Coast Coffee Co and Pacific Grind (that serves Left Coast Coffee.) Life is GOOD. Oregon Coast.
Motto: ALWAYS know where the best bakeries and coffee shops are wherever you go.
Top of my list is a Krispy Kreme plain glazed donut…creme or chocolate cream filled are a close second. Shout out to the bakeries that hold a special place in my heart, Baum’s in Baton Rouge and Moeller’s in Houston!
Everyone in western Mass thinks Mrs Murphy’s Donuts are the best, but they pale in comparison to Donut Dip’s donuts, particularly the Sour Cream cake donut, & their Coconut Cream donut. HEAVEN!
No filling. Maple glaze.
In Richmond Va the mist wonderful bakeries are Sub Rosa and Whisk.
i love those old fashioned jelly filled doughnuts! brings back childhood memories.
My favorite filling is lemon curd. Favorite bakery is actually a little donut booth in the Chelsea Market Eatery complex. They make the best fresh mini apple cider donuts. You order and watch your little donuts roll out. I mean to tell ya they are melt-in-your-mouth goodness.
I love jelly donuts!
Lemon curd of course, always lemon curd!
Town Talk Bakery, Butte, America in the state of Montana. Hey, yous guys should take a trip to try!
Midtown Bakery in Negaunee, MI. “Almost world famous” cheesecake plus muffins, cookies, etc and a wonderful Cafe to enjoy a homemade soup and sandwich lunch.
Suzy Jo Donuts !
I haven’t found a great local doughnut shop since we moved to the Wilds of Tennessee, but we do have a Krispy Kreme nearby. They are always a favorite. I once sold a painting of the Krispy Kreme Airstream to a periodontist. That was nice!
Lemon filling
Duck Donuts. Bacon topping with maple glaze. Preferably while still warm. Delicious!
I’m all about a very simple maple bar. Love, love, love. And I, too, don’t care what it means.
Custard, no lemon curd, no custard, no lemon curd. I give up!
It’s been so long since I’ve had a doughnut (all I’m picturing is Homer Simpson in doughnut heaven) but lemon curd is wonderful.
Raspberry filled, Chu Chu Donuts in DSM, IA.
Oh, world, where can I get a decent PLAIN cake donut? Is it too much to ask to have my cake without frosting, sprinkles, fillings, or glazes, puleeze, in a traditional round shape with a hole in it? I’m from another planet.
Johnny’s Doughnuts in San Rafael, CA!!!
Top Pot Donuts, Seattle. Any doughnut with Maple frosting for me.
Lemon curd – YUMMY !
I’m on team lemon curd
The seedless rapberry jelly kind in the jelly donuts my grandmother used to bring to the house in my childhood.
Oh DC- you had me at lemon curd. Will you share??
Pazcki for Fat Tuesday. Raspberry or custard filling. If you can find a Polish or Hungarian bakery you might be lucky enough to get a fresh strawberry pazcki with real whipped cream.
The apple cider doughnuts at Phillips Orchard in St Johns, Michigan are worth the short drive from East Lansing. And my Airedale Mack loves the doggy donuts as well! (I don’t tell him that the bagged donuts for dogs are the “day old” ones.)
Espumoso in Bishop Arts in Dallas fir their amazing Romeo and Juliette pastries – or even better handmade empanadas with melt-in-your mouth crust. May have to get in the car and go get my cafe con leche.
Krispy Kreme-hot,fresh plain or chocolate glazed!
Nola doughnuts- they make a beignet doughnut- heaven or the most fabulous apple fritter! Yum!!
Filled? What do you mean?? Am I the only person in the world who eats unfilled donuts? Just glaze them good! And I’ll have 2. (One for now and one for later.) Thanks!
Glazed donut from Tommy’s in Davenport Iowa. Simply the best.
Raspberry, chocolate glazed, honey glazed, %#=$&?…………..Oh my! Oh dear!
Cream filled from The Happy Mixer! (Chalfont, PA)
Boston cream
guava manapua and kona coffee.
What? No one has mentioned Voodoo Doughnut in Portland? (Oregan, that is.) They’re incredible. I almost didn’t try them, what with the fruit loops covering one doughnut and another one swathed in a strip of bacon. But I finally did and Holy Cow! The actual dough part is a delightful yeasty, ever-so -slightly chewy cross between a Krispy Creme doughnut and a tender, sweet French sourdough bread. I was stunned at how wonderful it tasted.
NY…….Burrvillle Cider Mill, NY fresh cinnamon and sugar apple cider donut. They can only be bought in the fall.
OR….anything from Voodoo Donuts in Portland
WA…Angel’s Donuts and Ice Cream in Vancouver
Ramon’s taco shop (great burritos too)
Def Custard
I love doughnuts and amaryllis. My fondest doughnut memories are the times my father brought home sugar covered raised doughnuts from Olson’s Bakery in downtown Wayzata (Minnesota). They’re both long gone (Father and bakery) but any doughnut from any bakery makes me remember that rare and special treat delivered with love.
The best donut place in Wasilla, Ak is Donut King. My favorite coffee shop is Vagabond Blues in Palmer, Ak.
I feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t live near deBoer Bakkerij in Holland, MI. Nicest people, best donuts and coffee cakes, and besides that- real Dutch pigs-in-a-blanket. Dutch boys can BAKE, I tell you!
Scream’n Nuts doughnuts ice cream sandwich
Cake doughnut with coconut! (And does a coconut PLUS cinnamon sugar exist?)
Boston cream donuts are my favorites. A close second is what’s called a cheese pocket – could be baked or fried & sometimes includes cherry filling.
Uh, chocolate, of course
Owl Bakery in Asheville NC
My favorite donut filling is the homemade plum jam my Oma made and put in her pummelschens (think Berliner pfannkuchen) for 52 years of my life. I miss her and those “donuts” more than words can say.
I love a cream cheese filled donut, but will usually take whatever crosses my path
We just live Apple Hill time which is now. Our favorite donut place:. High Hill Ranch Camino CA There’s nothing like their Apple Fritters and sugared apple donuts especially warm & fresh. The filling apple of course.
Lemon Curd sounds scrumptious. Cold Spring Bakery in central MN.
Babe’s Ice Cream and Donuts in Sacramento has the best gluten free apple fritters. You can’t really consider the fritters a filled donut, but these are so full of many yummy chunks of apple that they seem like they have an apple filling.
Colonial Doughnuts inOakland CA had best, freshest doughnuts. I like a maple bar with vanilla cream filling.
Maple bars. Always maple bars.
Apple Barn Cider doughnuts, the corn maze, and my kids and their friends howling with laughter when they were all little=bliss.
Deja Brew. New Oxford PA. Fabulous!!!!
Up With Donuts, Pendleton, Oregon
Flanders Donuts, East Lyme, CT. Every donut is delicious but the glazed cake (no filling, sorry) is my favorite.
Chocolate croissants; Java Kai
So sad:( Donuts and pretty much all sweets live in my memories and dreams! Working on trying to Not become diabetic! However if you are in California, Yountville, you must try Bouchon bakery! Most everything is wonderful. If wine country is not your thing then Della Fattoria in Petaluma has the most outstanding Apple Braid ever!! Just sayin’, only in my dreams!
Is that real Lemon curd in your doughnuts? Not just that strange clear lemon goop? (Which is a decent substitute) If so, you are very, very lucky. Lemon curd can go on almost anything, even a spoon straight from the jar…
Lemon curd is best by far, but I would accept raspberry as second choice. There is no place to buy donuts within 50 miles of our small “village”.
Upper Crust Bakery in Allandale neighborhood of Austin.
Please put fresh whipped cream in all my doughnuts!
The city bakery, La Especial, has no lemon curd doughnuts but they do have custard and cherry. And they have a wide array of pan dulce. (Drat, now I”m hungry)
I love the cream custard in Boston Cream donuts.
Boston creme filling
Kitchener Ontario Canada: Lenjo Bakes.
Apricot paczkis. Right before Lent. I adore them.
Everyone in Detroit is in love with Dutch Girl. Boston Cream is my favorite
I’ve never been able to pass up the good, ole, traditional MAPLE BAR! Perhaps I will expand my horizons now that I’ve read these incredible postings. Yum!
My favorite donut place no longer exists (shed a tear here.) It was in Lancaster Wisconsin right on the Square! They used to make a Raised chocolate donut with a chocolate frosting and I was powerless in their grip. Oh my goodness, I have looked High and low to find a recipe and I only find chocolate cake donuts. sigh. So I make do with other lesser donuts for the time being until I find the Holy Grail of Donut recipes. 😉 I will say lemon curd is a close second. wink wink
Favorite bakery: Clear Flour Bread in MA. They make a gibassier with anise, candied grapefruit peel, and olive oil, that’s brushed with melted butter and rolled in sugar. So yummy.
Companion Bakeshop in Santa Cruz CA. And it would be a croissant instead of a donut. But lemon curd—love it too.
We have a pretty new bakery in my city called Sweet Chandelier. They even do after noon tea and they make delicious scones
Any filling that starts with the word cream. Or crème. I’m not picky.
I’m with you!
Boston cream or coconut. I love lemon curd on bagels. And anything with lemon + coconut.
Flour Garden Bakery, Grass Valley, CA -good coffee, real bagels, croissants & all kinds of deliciousness!
Jo’s fluffy, huge glazed doughnuts (only available on weekends) at The Ridge Inn in Laurelville.
LaMars Donuts and Coffee.
I prefer filling free donuts; a simple glazed or chocolate frosted is best. But if I had to get a filling, I’d go with lemon curd.
Moreno’s taco shop in Santa Cruz. The BEST!
My favorite doughnut is filled with custard and has a LOT of chocolate icing.
Sadly, I’ve rarely met a doughnut I don’t love but lemon curd is the top of my list too.
Bavarian cream!!!
In Memphis, it has to be Gibson’s
Blue Star Donuts! Portland, Oregon
Maple dip.
Sour cream glazed donut, please – because I don’t like filled donuts. (I just lost my chance at those amaryllis kits, didn’t I?)
Fearless Bakery or The Dough Nut. I prefer crullers or fritters to filled doughnuts though.
The best donuts in Buffalo, ny area are Paula’s Donors.
Maple cream with bacon bits
I have two home towns so two favorite bakeries…Sucrose and Sunflour.
Cinnamon River Doughnuts have amazing Apple Fritters and Cinnamon rolls
Embarrassingly enough my favorite is the fake white cream doughnut that Dunkin’ sells. It was my one craving when I was pregnant many years ago…fortunately both kids turned out ok. ☺️
I have to admit that I am not a doughnut lover because doughnuts don’t love me. (They let me know!) BUT if I HAD to eat one, I would eat a glazed doughnut. That’s right. No filling. Just a sugary glazed doughnut with a cup of coffee or tea. Sometimes the simplest things make me happy.
Red’s Donuts on Alvarado in Monterey.
Custard filling. All donut orders must include Boston cream. That said I now will look for lemon curd, too
We came across a product offered at our most wonderful Amore Bistro (only Italian items are served & sold there) so I have decided on a dream donut filled with a little Cream of Pistachio. Bought a jar but know that I will never make my own donuts so I will just dream – no calories involved with dreaming.
Anything with Lemon is my choice!
Duck Donuts Maple Bacon donut is the best!
Coconut Cream from Tupelo Doughnuts, Columbus, OH. Or Paczki from Rudy’s Strudel and Bakery, Parma, OH (lemon is 1 of many flavors). Rudy’s also does pierogi.
Can’t go wrong with a Boston Kreme from DD!
Now that you mention it a creme filled doughnut would make my day so much better. Will the Doughnut Elves be delivering soon?
Worlds finest doughnuts. Hayward ca
This time of year definitely Apple Cider donuts at our local apple stands
Hmmm – favorite donut? Okay, deep breath here….chocolate raised, glazed, glazed old fashioned, plain old fashioned, glazed donut holes, granulated sugar, sugar-cinnamon, cake, chocolate cake, ….
I may have missed a few, but those are the top favorites! 🙂
Bill’s Donut Shop, Centerville, OHIO!
Best doughnuts are Polish Paczki with the traditional prune filling.
Bavarian creme is divine! Or just about any flavor of jam. Now I wish I had one—thanks, DG.
Boston cream!!!
Favorite doughnut is the apple cider doughnuts, filled with apple filling. Right out of the fryer, at the place we used to go apple picking. Your hands were cold, and you were tired, and a nice lady would wrap it in a square of waxed paper, and urge you not to burn yourself, since it was hot. You would, anyway, since waiting was torture.
Well it’s not a filling but my favorite donut is the toasted coconut with coconut milk glaze from Holy Donuts in Portland Maine.
Crooked Creek Doughnuts!
That was not a hard choice. Fournee Bakery In Berkeley is expert in both breads AND pastries. I’m only sorry it’s not in walking distance of home. (And a casual drive-by-and-stop-if -there’s-parking is too iffy because there are too many cars already there! But my mouth is watering and I may give that a try soon any way… )
Kaladi Brothers!
Palmiers at Potomac Sweets bakery. Around the corner.
Chocked full of white angel cream with chopped peanuts on the outside of the donut….fabulous. Paula’s Donuts in western New York is a local icon!
If it has to be a doughnut, a chocolate old fashioned. But I really want pain au chocolate from the Bread Farm in Bow, Washington. Only a 75 mile round trip drive from home.
While I’m not the biggest donut fan, my young grandsons in North Carolina love the bacon donut from duck donut. I am unsure what the filling is but the top is covered in some kind of extra sweet bacon. In looking for donut stores near me online, I found one on the lower east side called Wildair. There was a pic of their Creme Brûlée donut that sounds absolutely amazing. Planning on a walk right away!!!
I rarely have donuts and I normally avoid filled donuts but I love lemon curd. I have never seen a lemon curd filled donut. Clearly I am missing out on a very good thing.
Leviathan Bakery – breakfast sandwich – downtown Indianapolis…..
The filling in a Boston Cream Pie donut from Dunkin
Lemon curd with a light dusting of powdered sugar or Boston Cream (but only if the cream is real custard and not that weird “creme” filling that is reminiscent of the inside of a Double Stuff Oreo ).
I used to love lemon curd in doughnuts, but I can’t recall how many years it’s been since I ate a doughnut of any kind. My favorite taco truck is Charro Negro in Roseland, Santa Rosa, CA.
Moonlight Bakery, Austin Tx
My favorite donuts are the ones that my son made me last Christmas as a present. They were gluten free and so reminiscent of donuts I used to be able to eat. He made chocolate frosting that was so good and so perfect that I wanted to eat it with a spoon! Perfect donuts made especially for me!
Yay, DG funny man is writing today! The best anything is chocolate, or raspberry, or both.
Lemon curd, of course!
Tiger Tails from the Donut Tree!
Mama Crockett’s Doughnut Truck’s Cider Doughnuts
VooDoo donuts makes a divine Mexican chocolate. It’s deeply chocolatey and cinnamony with a hint of cayenne. Total yum.
Apple Cider donuts with cinnamon sugar … yummmm
I am right there with you on donuts. Not the filling though. I like all chocolate donuts, some with custard filling are very good.
Raspberry jelly. ALL DAY LONG!!
Apple fritter
Touché Touchet in Columbia, MD. Sadly we don’t have anything quite the same where we live now.
Fast Eddie’s in Brattleboro, VT makes wonderful small donuts, about 1/2 the size of a regular one, so you don’t have to feel too guilty eating one or two! Another great bakery is Barb’s in Northport, MI…everything, including the coffee, is delicious.
The best doughnut shop in Houston TX is Shipley’s. The cars line up in the morning to bring dozens of them to placate their fellow employees. My most favorite doughnut is just a glazed gob of goodness that is recently out of hot grease. But if I want a filled one, I like vanilla cream the best!
Chocolat custard is my favorite, but I didn’t know lemon curd could be a filling. I’m starting my search for a local lemon curd donut today! It might become my favorite.
Lemon Curd!
Cream filled long john from Mac’s Meats
I’m with you on the lemon curd!
There’s nothing better than a custard filled, chocolate covered longjohn from Ida’s Bakery in Jenison Michigan.
Glaze donuts, who make a wonderful cannoli filled donut!
Homemade Sufganiyot- Chanukah jelly donuts!
Puffy Cream Donuts Plus in Eagan, Minnesota is outstanding! Drop by! 😉
Lemon curd sounds really great but I must admit I am partial to blueberry filling. I’m still searching for a good doughnut shop. Keep pondering that subject line. You know what I mean?
No filling- chocolate glazed every time.
I usually don’t eat donuts but occasionally have a taste for a cronut.
I don’t believe in stuffed donuts, but if one landed on my plate AND it was from Gibson’s donut, I imagine my favorite would be something not too sweet like a cream puff filling or snickerdoodle whipped cream (with cinnamon sugar sprinkle on the exterior).
I no longer live there, but Jaram’s Donuts in Dallas makes the best creme brulee donut. Custard filled ring, and the whole outer surface of the donut cracks like a real creme brulee, instead of just being sticky.
The best bakeries use pink boxes. I’m suspicious of any doughnuts or related pastries that arrive in a white box. I love a good Boston creme donut but will often get a chocolate frosted with sprinkles just for the fun of it.
The best donuts come from Biagio’s in Eastlake, OH!
Los Jarritos Taqueria in Burlington, Wa. is my local favorite. Pelican Coffeehouse in Anacortes, Wa. does it right. Breadfarm breads and pastries in Edison, Wa. doesn’t do donuts, not a worry for me. They’re still my favorite bakery.
My favorite filling (when I actually eat one which is not very often) is good ole cherry jelly. Yum! Strange Donuts in Kirkwood, MO also has a maple bacon donut that is pretty darn good!
Bavarian creme!
Krispy Kreme chocolate iced custard filled.
any doughnut from the Kenilworth Bakery, Queensland, Australia…they are as close to home as I can get over here. I am still (2 years) stranded in in this beautiful part of the world. Not a bad place to be stranded, but I do miss the family and the food back home!
peanut butter creme in a Boston Cream type doughnut .
I think I would choose chocolate cream over lemon curd, although both are great!
Five Daughters (Nashville on 12 South). Gotta get there early!
Coffee: Caribou
Bakery: Finnish Bistro, because I stay away from sweets and they make a fabulous savory scone
Burrito: my kitchen where I get a bean, cheese, and green chili burrito!
La Patisserie in Walla Walla Wa. I shouldn’t be eating that kind of thing but OMG so worth the calories. Almond croissants to die for.
My current favorite is an apple fritter. This will evolve to a new favor soon. That is what it means.
It’s a toss up between lemon curd and Nutella! Actually maybe always one of each!
Cannot beat a Boston cream. Our local donut supplier is Union Square Donuts. Mmmmmmmmm
Zuchinni Kill Bakery in Austin!
Owned and run by women who are feminist punk rockers. All vegan, gluten-free and soy-free. Also divinely delicious.
Meltaways from Bonatt’s Bakery in Harwichport, Cape Cod. Warm from the oven. We’d stand in line forever just to get one. But wait, that’s a pastry! So I have to go with plain old sour cream old-fashioned. Though I’d take lemon curd if it was real lemon curd, and not that yucky lemon jelly substitute.
Glam Doll donuts in Minneapolis, yum!
Favorite donut filling is vanilla custard. Favorite coffee/gift/ ice cream shop is Eats and Sweets Boutique in Plymouth Michigan
Anything chocolate-donut flavor, icing flavor and filling flavor!
Bavarian Cream…..Beltline Bar Burritos……Starbucks Lattes……
My favorite donut is apple cider covered in cinnamon sugar still warn from the fryer at the farmers market. Sadly, there will be no more until next spring when the farmers market starts up again.
I’m partial to old fashioned buttermilk donuts, but they are not filled. For filled ones, I’d say lemon curd or Boston cream.
Cream filled doughnuts! They’re the way to go, I tell ya. It might just be what it means.
Check out Clementine’s in L. A. !!!
I had a cranberry jelly doughnuts with orange flavored icing. At Krispy Kream. My favorite for the moment.
My favorite doughnut is custard-filled with chocolate frosting! Yum!
My favorite is Apple fritter, 2nd is lemon curd filled.
Anything chocolate creme filled is my go-to treat!
oooo I love Krispy Kreme Lemon donuts with a raspberry one on the side.
Back in the day there was only one kind of donut with a filling. It was called a “jelly donut”…sugary, light and filled with raspberry jelly…still my favorite!
No filling!!! I love a bacon maple glaze cake donut served warm from Duck Donuts in Chesapeake, VA
So yummy!
cider doughnuts from Apple Hill Orchard & Cider Mill in North Carolina
Heinze’s Bakery in Valparaiso, Indiana. They have a cherry cheese filled yeast glazed donut that is just heavenly. They also have a blueberry cheese filled yeast with a lemon glaze that comes in a very close second .. and that’s only because I like cherry better than blueberry .. otherwise, they would be tied for first.
Precipice Coffee in Ellsworth, Maine! Because, I mean…Bill and Maggie! (And zero emissions roasting, and deliciousness, and a campfire.) I mean…srsly!
Hilltop Bakery triple chocolate doughnuts.
I like the holes!
Drip in Dallas – no doughnuts, excellent coffee, pastries, and tacos!
Cinnamon sugar doughnuts from Babes in Tuscaloosa AL
I like berry jam filled donuts
Custard or strawberry filling!
Boston creme donut
I agree, lemon curd is THE BEST!
Best donuts ever – from a donut shop in Fairfield, CA which is sadly no longer in business and which (even more sadly) I cannot remember the name of. Second best – the ones my mother made late at night in our kitchen when I was a kid in the 60’s, just before we were about to leave on a car trip. Who does that? (Makes donuts in the middle of the night?). A great memory.
The best donuts in Erie, PA come from Jack Frost. As a child I pressed my nose against the glass to see them being made on my way walking to kindergarten at Burton School. My favorite: cream filled and chocolate frosted!
Custard filled fits the bill for me. You’re on Central time so I just made it? Sweetwater Doughnuts in Kalamazoo MI every time I drive by…
lol, this must be the year for Amarylis bulbs. I’ve got two kits on the dining room table ready to take this week as gifts on Thanksgiving. 🙂
I’m with you — lemon curd! There’s a small chain of donut shops around Springfield, Illinois called Mel-O-Cream that makes a Lemon Honeymooner with a dollop of lemon curd sitting on top. It’s my all-time favorite donut, so I always make sure to time my visits to family in the area around a trip to Mel-O-Cream.
Greenbush bakery in Madison
Sweet cream cheese!
I’m team lemon curd all the way
Cocoa Cinnamon — best little coffee shop in Durham, NC!
I’m a plain Jane when it comes to pastries, but my family loves the big flavors. In Warwick, NY, there is a donut shop called Dream Donuts that serves up the biggest flavors in bite size donuts! They are mini donuts only, and the first time there my grandson’s eyes almost fell out of his head. In my mind, there is nothing better than that magic in a child’s eye, (and stomach). Is it wrong to eat a handful at a time?
Tim Horton’s Boston Cream, not that white goo.
Our local country store has the best brownies. We once lived near Carlisle, MA where the bakery/local country store made the best chocolate croissants- fresh out of the oven Sunday mornings….
Gotta be cream filled long John with white frosting on top. Ruined many a weight conscious day for me…or should I say enhanced th day??
Boston creme
Powdered sugar covered, triple heavy whipped coffee chocolate filling. Can’t find them anymore. Does that mean some thing?
Custard donut filling every time!
Uncle Mike’s bakery… the finest caramel sea salt Kringle
Harbor Lights Coffee Shop
Aromas Coffee House in Williamsburg, VA
Favorite local coffee shop? The Serving Spoon in Menominee MI. Rylee always makes my Americano just the way I like it!
Wiltshire Bakery on Barret Ave in Louisville, Ky. Not only does Susan Hershberg’s staff make the most delicious “pop tarts” on the face of the earth (I mean, raspberry filled with lime frosting!), they provided meals and supplies for the exhausted activists protesting the killing of Breonna Taylor during 2020. Thankfully, Wiltshire survived the pandemic and continued to pay staff, while others failed, by pivoting to food trucks, Friday night drive by dinners, and a perfect daily curbside.
CUSTARD!! no local favorites, never go for donuts unless on vaction.
Duck Donuts Duck NC
Raspberry. My mother taught me how to eat jelly donuts – it’s a skill!
Orwashers in nyc fills your donut with your choice of jelly while you watch and wait patiently.
Buzz Cafe, obviously because of the two-page vegan waffle menu that comes with the coffee. Two pages!
Boston Creme Pie!
The Bagel Bin (Bernardsville, NJ) – best bagels ever!
I used to be able to get a French Eclair at a nearby shop. Very flaky. Filling a cross of custard and whipped cream. Yum! Alas, that shop has been gone for a long time.
I too would love to try your Lemon curd filled. Standard lemon filling is just so so.
Artisan Coffee near me makes their own lemon curd to serve with scones. Wow!
The chocolate frosting at Tim Hortons is the best chocolate. And yes, Tim Bits are yummy. It seems my local Tim’s doesn’t carry maple frosting any more.
Maple bacon would be heavenly!
Everything they make at Stacked Akron Bakery is great ( Akron, Ohio ) !!! coffee and baked goods.
Could the answer be 42?
My favorite donut was toasted peanut until you mentioned lemon curd filled and now that’s all I want.
I’m with DG. Pass me the lemon curd! Loving Vortex in Asheville.
I’ve never had lemon curd in a donut, but I’ve actually made lemon curd! Enjoy! My favorite is Bavarian Creme…soooo good!
Cilantro’s Morning glory muffins!
Bavarian cream. Sweet waters doughnut shop in Kalamazoo Michigan is awesome
I will take a buttermilk plain cake donut please! Delicious and it doesn’t make me feel guilty about eating it!
Boston Creme. Custard filling. Chocolate frosting. Or just a plain unfilled glazed donut. Oh and then there’s the apple cider donuts at the Sheep and Wool Festival in
Now I want donuts. And amaryllis.
Favorite donut is the buttercream filled donut from Newberry Bakery in Bel Air, MD. Incredible!!
Almar Bakery jelly doughnuts….a memory from my childhood…..
Did you know that you can plant the bulb afterwards and have it rejuvenate during the summer? Take it into a dark place for 6 weeks and start over.
At least, that’s what I was told and am trying this year!
Boston Cream Doughnuts! The best.
Apricot is my fave.
A vanilla pudding filled doughnut with chocolate icing is my fav!
Burrito Boy
Whipped cream for the win
Dulce de leche
Love the Insider! Favorite coffee shop Coffee Talk Bakery Waukesha WI
It’s a classic, perfect, powdered sugar jelly donut for me. YUMMMM. I’ve been gluten free for 14 years (intolerance) and if anyone knows where to get good GF jelly donuts, I’m all ears!
My favorite doughnut filling RED-doesn’t matter berry or cherry, just red. Wakes me up!
The custard filled topped with chocolate. If you give me a cream filled, I will throw it back in your face. Not really, but I will leave it in the box.
I love lemon filling.
Love all doughnuts but mostly those from Mr. Donut, a small locally owned shop here in tiny Rosamond CA!
Lemon Curd! Although Bavarian cream is saying Hey, it’s me your really want!
Oh shoot! I forgot to say who has the best doughnuts here in Maine. It’s is hands down this wonderful Polish man in Damariscotta, Old Time Donuts. He makes light as a feather donuts stuffed with what my Polish grandmother used, plum. They are not overly sweet, they are absolute Heaven. And he sells out so fast you have to call and reserve some if you can’t get there at 7 am.
Lemon curd
Bread, by Crispellis
My favorite doughnut is blueberry cake (I hate to confess I don’t care for filled doughnuts – so more for you!!) We have lots of good bakeries here in Louisville but my local favorite is Plehn’s!
Any kind of fruit jelly.
@davissquaredonutsandbagels in Somerville MA – the best.
I’m too posh for donuts (not really, ha). But I’ve gotten spoiled by the kouign ammans and other decadent viennoiseries at Marc Heu patisserie in St. Paul. They’re just SO good.
Our local bakery has been voted best in the state a ton of times! But to be honest I love a good Krispy Kreme…
Poppyseed kolaches!
Mount Dessert Bakery in Bar Harbor, Maine. I’ll ask them if they’d try making lemon curd filled. Sounds delicious!
Yoyo Donuts in Minnetonka Minnesota. Delicious.
At the risk of sounding like a suck up…. lemon curd is sublime and is my all time favorite. Particularly from Krispy Kreme. But my favorite donut shop is Ray’s Donuts in Woodstock GA.
Sweet Beet Bakery is in both New Richmond and Hudson, WI and their almond bear claw is DELICIOUS.
I mean BUSINESS!!!!! I NEED those amaryllis kits. Pick me! Pick me!
The World’s Best Donuts in Grand Marais Minnesota – get a Skizzle (lots of cinnamon & sugar wonderfulness) and a plain! The town will be empty in the morning, except for the line here. You can thank me later with a skein or two : )
Guava filled Malasadas from the Komoda Store and Bakery, Makawao, Hawaii. With a great cup of Kona coffee. Repeated visits on the last trip to Hawaii.
Willow shop bakery, coconut donuts. Awesome!!
Shipley’s has the best Bavarian cream filling and blueberry cake donouts I’ve ever had–and I should know because I live in the South!
No brainer here – chocolate!
Raspberry….. or custard with chocolate on top. My absolute favorite is a chocolate old fashioned cake donut with chocolate frosting and chopped peanuts ( two, please)
Happy Turkey to y’all
No filling. Just a classic long John.
Boston Cream doughnuts are The Bomb. They remind me of my grandmother, who would always make a Boston Cream Pie when I came to visit.
VooDoo donuts in Denver Colorado – for the weirdest combinations and the biggest sugar coma, ever! Get there at the end of the day and they fill a five gallon bucket with the last of the day’s donuts for ten bucks!!
pumpkin, ‘cos ’tis the season! i recently had a pretty incredible pumpkin creme brulee one from boneshaker donuts in paris with a topping that actually cracked just like the real dessert!
Raspberry jam! but in a pinch I’ll take lemon curd!
Thanks for the humor and goodwill and the give-away.
Raspberry jam
I like a good jelly donut on occasion, but my absolute favorite is the maple bacon cream filled donut from DeAngelis Donuts in Rochester, Pa.
I like a cake doughnut but hey if it’s gotta be filled, raspberry jam or lemon curd sound wonderful. Or BOTH!
Carlos’ Donuts in Tehachapi CA! Lovely people, delicious donuts. No lemon curd filling (my fave, too), just soft and golden donuts!
I’m more about the cake part of the donut. Hands down, the best donut shop here is Varsity Donuts. It’s locally owned.
town talk maple bars. Pretty good
I haven’t had one in years – but when I was growing up the local baker made delicious Bismarck Donuts that are filled with pastry cream. They always had chopped nuts on the top with the chocolate. Yum.
I love Honey Dew Donuts here in Massachusetts! It’s a chain donut store but they are great! After all, they are competing with Dunkin Donuts which can be found on every corner! I love Honey Dew’s Lemon donuts. But they are covered in powdered sugar (the white kind) & it always falls off onto the usual black shirt, sweatshirt, sweater I am wearing at the time & it’s hard to get off. But what do I order the next time I go there in a black garment? Yup, a lemon filled white powdered donut!! Dang, it’s 4:40pm & now I want one of those donuts!
Donut King in Eufaula Al. Where the best of everything is made.
Parlor Donuts, newly opened in Pawleys Island SC
Sour Cream cake donuts from Valley Donuts in Golden Valley, MN
Raspberry fritters from Annie’s Donuts in NEPDX, a small mom and pop shop. Sooooo good!
Doughnut plant pb&j!
Lemon curd! Lemon curd!
Ok. Honestly, anything other than berry. Yep, no berries is how I roll in life. Give me all the citrus! No, really. Pass the grapefruit. I eat it like an orange, peel and eat. Mmmmm.
Best doughnut shop? Hands down Five Daughters right here in Middle Tennessee. The layered doughnut (aka cronut) takes doughnuts to a whole different planet. Kristy Kremes? Nah. Never again. I’ll save my calories for Five Daughters.
Raspberry Jelly!! My favorite
There’s a doughnut shop on Granville Island in Vancouver called Lee’s Doughnuts. It was featured on one of David Chang’s Netflix episodes when Seth Rosen takes David around Vancouver. The old school bread doughnut with the hole in the middle and drippy icing sugar is AMAZING when warm and fresh and melt in your mouth delicious! The jelly doughnuts are pretty darn tasty too.
Just one question, why only one lemon curd doughnut?
Any type of lemon or as a second choice raspberry jelly.
Skip thread e that lemon curd on a crispy ginger cookie! Yum
My favorite filling is jelly.
One House Bakery in Benicia, CA!
Apple filled!
I love our local coffee shop, Everlasting Cup, here in Ohio. They make a donut called the Buckeye that weighs 3 pounds. It’s a chocolate iced donut filled with a thick creamy peanut butter. I love them even though I need a gallon of (almond) milk to get the whole thing down.
I also love pb&j sandwiches because come on, let’s be real, they are basically a bread donut.
Keep up the good work-
Mrs. Obco’s Donuts, only they don’t call themselves that, in fact they don’t even know that is their name. They think it is Obco’s Donuts. But I found a picture of an old sign from the shop that said Mrs. Obco’s Donuts. They’ve been around since the 50’s and the new owners kept the same recipes and opening hours. They open early and close when the run out of donuts. They’ve added some flavors but the best are their glazed. If I have to have a filled donut, make it that sugary white cream. I told you a lot, but not where it is. I don’t want the line to get any longer than it already is.
There is nothing as sweet as celebrating Chanukah in Jerusalem with a jelly donut!
Absolutely love custard-filled doughnuts with chocolate glaze. Lemon curd comes in a close 2nd
I want my doughnut either filled with that weird vanilla pudding-type stuff and covered in chocolate icing, or I want it so full of cinnamon it puffs when it’s bitten.
Favorite beverage place
Gillysbrewbar in Stone Mountain Georgia
I love an unfilled donut from my favorite local bakery Rykes (pronounced like “bikes”) in Muskegon, MI.
JanJou Pastry is the best place for croissants, plain, chocolate, or covered in toasted almonds sprinkled with powdered sugar. Also quiche and many French tarts, including one with lemon curd, although I go for the raspberry! It’s worth coming to Boise to go to JanJou. Did I mention cookies and chocolates? Hungry now, bye.
The BEST is a pumpkin cream filled donut with — of course, a diet coke.
Federal Donuts in Philadelphia. Prefer their Old Fashioned Glazed, especially if you get ’em warm, to their fancier filled options.
I’m going to be boring and say raspberry. But I’d love to try a lemon curd doughnut…
Light, fluffy chocolate. Let’s face it, it’s probably just frosting on the inside.
Lemon curd works for me as a doughnut filling!! My favorite bakery is also a yummy restaurant in San Ramon, CA named Cafe Attila owned by a husband and wife team. The wife is the baker AND a knitter!
Raspberry jelly filling on a glazed (not sugar sprinkled doughnut)! Oh My Goddess!
Cherry filling…..yum!!
Kringles Bakery in Redmond, Washington.
Just give me the Boston cream with real custard filling and no one will be hurt.
I haven’t eaten a doughnut in years! A French Bakery anywhere has my attention. Lemon Curd – Yumm, my good friend makes the best. Lemon curd on a warm toast is so delicious.
Schneider’s stick doughnuts-heaven. Lemon curd would be #2
Raspberry jelly
Rich custard, with some chocolate on top!
When it comes to doughnuts, I have to shout out paczki, even if I only get them once a year! Raspberry or apricot jam are always good, some tart to cut the sweet
So leaving a comment just because I don’t know if this was intentional or not, but Hanukkah is right around the corner, and traditionally jelly filled donuts (called sufganiyot) are eaten throughout Hanukkah! Really fried foods in general, because oil is a very important part of Hanukkah, but jelly donuts in particular are consumed all week long by Jews all over. To my fellow Jewish knitters, happy Hanukkah, and may we all enjoy our donuts and latkes!
I have to hand it to Red Rock Bakery in Moab, UT. USA
Olga’s Doughnuts in Dade City, FL.
Beyond yummy!
The best donuts are from the Antigo Bakery, in Antigo, Wisconsin
My favorite doughnut shop In Minneapolis is A Baker’s Wife. They have the best tea cakes! Also Nutella filled doughnuts at Bogarts or bacon topped at Glamdoll. We have good options here!
578 comments???!!! I’m doomed to enjoy my Blueberry filled donut, sans Amaryllis…so sad!
It isn’t there anymore, but DreamFluff on Ashby in Berkeley was the absolute best.
Well lemon curd on everything sounds about right to me (maybe not on liver and onions)…
Honey doughnut or Berliner especially when I’m in Berlin ❤️
Bakery Unlimited in Sylvania Ohio has the best bear claws on the planet!
My husband likes all doughnuts and anything free. I prefer biscotti.
No donuts for me, more for the rest of you!
Michaels cream sticks in 44667. Glazed and filled end to end with sweet vanilla cream. And maple frosting on top
Lemon curd
Shoppers colossal doughnut with white icing and rainbow sprinkles. OR, a pack of powdered sugar donettes. Both helped me survive my first pregnancy..
I like custard filling!
Mary Ann Donut Kitchen in Allentown, PA. Just the right combo of soft cloud-like and chewy. Want one right now!
I too am a fan of lemon curd, and also raspberry jam. I have celiac, so donuts I can eat are a rare treat indeed.
Camp 4 Coffee in Crested Butte, Colorado!!!
DK diner in Columbus Ohio. Get the double-fried stick donut. That’s right, double fried!
Nostalgic Bean – yummy French pastries in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Mr. Holmes Bakehouse, San Francisco
Lemon curd is my favorite filled doughnut, but THE BESt doughnut ever is a Cider Doughnut from Cider Hill Farm in Amesbury, MA! ❤️
Definitely jelly-filled doughnuts all the time. The kind with filling that oozes out when you bite in! Love them.
Good ole Boston cream pie for me.
Local Tim Hortons – my husband’s home away from home.
Jelly. Hands down. With a cinnamon sugar outside, not powdered sugar.
Lady Glaze donuts in Stratford, ON, has awesome, gourmet donuts. Our fave is the devon cream, like a boston creme, but different. I won’t eat donuts from Tim Horton’s anymore, since they’ve introduced the “Bieber bites”. Who in the hell thought that would be a good marketing campaign? Ugh.
El Zarape’s burritos in San Diego
Boston cream at Beach Donut in Clinton, CT.
Chocolate frosted at The Wandering Donut Truck in Lynchburg, VA
Lemon curd with Boston creme a very close second!
Five Daughters Bakery when I am in Nashville. Divine Donuts in Fort Myers when I home. Yum!
Bueno y Sano and Boston Creme
Donut Den in Nashville. It’s the best!
Doughnut Palace
Nord’s Bakery in Louisville Kentucky….the gold standard. What they lack in social media presence, they make up for with the best quality. Don’t be fooled by other IG darlings that post the donut equivalent of a bloody mary with a whole fried chicken garnish. If the donut dough is no good — toppings won’t save it. Goodness — I seem to be kinda touchy about my donuts……. the family fave is chocolate frosted raised – with the BEST chocolate ganache…..but I’m partial to the Maple Bacon…
Sarkozy Bakery in Kalamazoo,MI is tops! Almond roll, please.
My favorite bakery Bam Bam Bakery in Portland Maine – favorite filling: Boston Creme.
Cream filled powdered donut from Beiler’s bakery in the Reading Terminal Market in Philly. All their donuts are made on site right in front of your eyes!
I’d practically kill for a donut. Any donut. But I’m with you DG: a lemon curd-filled donut with regular sugar (not powdered) would be a treat.
Confectionery Design in Rehoboth Ma is my hometown bakery cute place sit on the porch ,have a raspberry filled donut and coffee on a Saturday morning !
I love a Boston Creme doughnut!
Chocolate frosted long john filled to bursting with Bavarian cream is the one true way.
Montclair Bread Company – a bread bakery with a doughnut addiction.
My local bakery does not have donuts. I have to go 40 minutes away to find donuts. My favorite is chocolate frosted, chocolate donut. (If it’s not chocolate, why bother?)
lemon curd
Tim Horton’s Donuts. A French curlier donut and a cup of the best darn coffee in town
Boxer Donuts in Nyack NY
Bill’s Donut Shop in Centerville. OH….a nationally recognized independent shop open 24/7. It is the BEST!
Little Bird Bakery in Fort Collins, CO……not so much for doughnuts…..but breads, muffins, and other special sweets galore
I have wonderful memories of an apple cider donut in the Catocin Mountains in Maryland but that was ages ago. Filling. None of that frosting stuff…lemon curd or real apple butter.
bavarian creme
Moxie bakery in Louisville COLORADO has the best chocolate croissants this side of the Seine. As for doughnuts…I’d take an apple fritter.
Eek! I can rarely name a favorite anything, so I’ll just say my favorite bakery is one that has a great selection anytime I walk in the door and a good cup of coffee to go with whatever I choose.
Craft Donuts, Santa Fe, NM, makes the most delicious s’mores doughnut.
I currently live many miles away from any food purveyors. But I dream of luscious Bavarian cream filled donuts . Warm and gooey. Awwwwwww
Raspberry filled donuts from Jones Donuts in Rutland Vermont
Marylou’s “the best coffee in town”
If I’m getting a donut, I’m going for lemon filled, too! I usually go for the apple fritter, probably because my mom loved them. When driving to my sister’s for the weekend, we’d stop at Tobey’s in Hinkley, MN for our favs. And to pick up cinnamon rolls for the next day. And a blueberry pie, too. I was going for coffee & donuts in our park this morning, but the car won’t start. No donuts for us this morning.
Silver Star Bakery on Ives Street. Jelly donuts with red jelly.
Cream filled for sure
I so agree with you about lemon curd. I haven’t found good gluten free donuts where I am, so can’t speakto donuts but lemon curd mixed with plain yogurt is heaven.
Lemon filled doughnuts! I used to buy them at least once a week walking home from high school, and that was my favorite. That was a looooong time ago. Now when I get a doughnut, it’s when I visit family in Durham NC, and it’s got to be from Monuts. I wait for those doughnuts!
Best donut filling – lemon, raspberry or vanilla cream so long as it HAS chocolate frosting on top.
Best coffee shop – Caribou Coffee
In my area the best donuts are from “Family Fair” grocery store.
We moved recently, and I haven’t found the local donut shop. Our daughter has passed down to her daughter, “It’s not a donut without sprinkles.” A fact since our daughter was 3 years old. Oh, chocolate frosting with sprinkles, the donut is just a delivery system.
It’s not local to me but just about anything from district donuts in New Orleans is fantastic
mighty fine donuts,
Poco Loco in Cranston , RhodeIsland
Family Donut in Seattle, WA
Oh Donuts in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Just the best.
DG. You MUST try Ellenos lemon curd yogurt. Amazing. My diet has been 1 for breakfast and 1 for lunch. Diet works. Minus 10 pounds in 3 months. It’s expensive tho and does cut in to yarn budget!
Apricot, no powdered sugar!
Lemon filled.
Blind Dog Coffee!
Old fashioned donuts. No local shop, alas!
Yes!! Lemon curd!!!
Your Mom’s Donuts here in Charlotte, NC. Large square donuts filled with wonderful flavors like Lemon Honey
Another crowd-pleaser, our lemon honey donut starts with a lemon frosting made from freshly zested and squeezed lemons then topped with a honey drizzle. Come to N C and try one.;-)
Favorite donut…. Maple bar… and as an extra special delight, add bacon!
My favorite pastry has always been chocolate eclairs. Since the are hard to find at I settle for long johns filled with custard please
Cheese is my fav donut filling!
Bagel buddies in Fairfax, VA!
Favorite doughnut……cream fill. A shout out to Ralph’s Doughnut in Cookeville, TN
Maple Pecan Danish… thats the best, but, for a donut, I still go with maple glaze. YUMMMMY!
Yassssss! Lemon curd, DG—that’s what I’m talking about!!!!! I didn’t know about the glory that is lemon-filled donuts until we took the family to Hawaii for our 20th anniversary (that is, we never had a honeymoon, and we had kids pretty much right away, so it was family trip or still nothing—we’re now married 32 years, and still haven’t had the honeymoon trip).
Anyway, we successfully found lemon-filled donuts about once or twice since returning home. What the heck is wrong with Illinois that we can’t get lemon-filled donuts?!?!?!
I’m not much for doughnuts, but I do love a nice, fluffy concha from Panadería San Fernando.
Chocolate cream filled donuts for the win!!!!!
Boston cream
Paula’s Doughnuts, Buffalo NY. Peanut stick
Bavarian cream filling in a vanilla bismark with chocolate frosting from my local grocery store. Go figure. 🙂
Custard filled donuts!
Love me a good breakfast taco! But looking forward to a trip to the newly opend Salty Donut in Austin TX
I also love lemon curd filled donuts! But I haven’t found a bakery that carries good donuts since I had to go gluten and dairy free. Also I mostly prefer to bake my own treats, and filled donuts would cut into my knitting time.
Either vanilla custard or chocolate cream, depending on what they have and what I feel like at the time.
Lemon curd. Oh yes. And so hard to find here in the upper Midwest. Totally with you on this. Not raspberry. Not cream. Nothing but lemon curd wrapped with a big old swath of dough, all ‘round.
I love the filling in a Boston Cream doughnut. It is so delicious.
lemon curd doughnuts, any Tim Hortons in N.S. Canada
I think it’s called Boston Cream? I always get the name confused. I like the custard-like filling, not the stiff whipped cream-like filling (bleh)!
Local business that has been around for as long as I’ve been alive- maybe longer- employs local teens, caters to the local PD, has a loyalty punch card and the best cream cheese donuts in the Midwest.
Stan’s Donuts in Santa Clara, CA. They have the best glazed donuts, especially if you get them hot!
Lemon curd all the way! Homemade. And my favorite birthday cake is four layers of pound cake filled with lemon curd and frosted with lemon cream cheese buttercream (thank you Crescent Dragonwagon of Dairy Hollow House for the recipe!). I usually make it for myself and it’s totally worth it. How long until April?……….
I think all the time about Doughnut Plant in Brooklyn. I have missed it so much since leaving Brooklyn. They have different fruity doughnut specials throughout the year, and my hands down favorite is the strawberry. I will take it as a cake doughnut or a dough seed, which is what they call their small filled doughnuts. Those are the most delectable doughnuts I have ever had. Ever.
I love a really good raspberry filled donut! I must say however that I’d be all for trying a lemon curd one. I have an Amish neighbor who makes stunning angel creme filled filled donuts for Fasnacht Day. What makes them so good is that the cakey outside is slightly crisp, not sweet, and then the angel creme is home-made. They are my must way to begin Lent.
Has to be raspberry filling!!
Dan’s Variety Bakery. Get there early. When in doubt, buy the apple fritter.
Apple cider doughnuts at Biscay Orchard in Maine:)
Barry’s Espresso Bakery & Deli in Eugene, OR. No doughnuts, but a very good doughnut muffin, and world class Toll House choc chip cookies. And I’ve always wanted an amaryllis kit.
ALMOND CREAM. Yes I was shouting because it’s SO good
L’Anjou bakery in Mt. Kisco, NY. No doughnuts, but very French. Start with the cookies and keep going.
Duck Donuts – maple icing with bacon on top
My favorite doughnut is a traditional cake one with the darkest possible thick chocolate frosting.
Apple fritters, not a filling, but a whole, to-die-for experience from Ridge Donut Cafe in Rochester, NY
Lime Mascarpone from the fancy doughnut shop down the street from my house or raspberry filled from anywhere else
Yes, pretty please, lemon curd.
l have 3 favorites: blueberry, lemon and chocolate! Can’t choose just one.
I would have to say the apple fritters at our local Star Donuts in Pine Grove CA are my favorite choice, but they are BIG so I usually order the plain old fashioneds, my other favorite.
Cherry jelly filled chocolate donuts
Many years ago we used to have a Donut King shop in Fort St John BC
Roll & Donut in the Gail Borden Public Library, Elgin, Illinois
Raspberry jam 😉
I wish we had an indie donut place that did good custard filling.
I just love a warm plain glazed yeast doughnut. Light, fluffy,warm,simple and sweet. Out local Donut Stop delivers
I love the donuts at Sunday Morning Bakehouse in Rockville MD. Hard to pick a favorite but this summer they had an orange ricotta filing that I dream about.
The French Bakery in Fort Collins CO!
Custard or raspberry jelly
I’m a lemon in everything girl. Doughnuts, Soup, Salad, Pie (of course.)
Lemon donuts are the best. They are very hard to find around here in NY
I love donuts. An apricot bear claw is my absolutely can not turn down no matter what!
My DIL has a restaurant/bakery “Maison” and anything with apples from there is my fave.
Could you MAKE a HARDER entry requirement? FAVORITE donut filling is singular! Any established donut lover is sure to have at least — well, several. I will nominate two – lemon curd (not trying to suck up here and don’t try to read anything into that BTW) and boston cream. Which I refuse to spell Boston with a capital B, or creme. Thanks for asking 🙂
Whatever is the traditional filling (raspberry I think) of a powdered sugar jelly donut is mouth-watering for me. Just thinking about it makes me, yes, salivate. The bright jelly and soft sugar and pillowy donut = heaven on your palate.
Dark chocolate. Tho usually inside a croissant not a doughnut
My favorite filling is probably raspberry, but lemon curd would be a close second. I have to eat gluten free due to celiac disease so I haven’t had a filled donut in YEARS. 🙁
Peach Danish at the Sow’s Ear Cafe and Yarn Shop, Verona Wisconsin
Fire Island Bakery in Anchorage…yum!
Please continue writing your wonderful columns for the rest of my life!
Not being a suck-up, but my favourite filling is lemon. If I am not allowed to pick the same as DG, then right now it’s apple filling in a cinnamon-sugar-coated donut, because sufganiyot.
I’ll do a bonus call-out to Tastease Mini Donuts in Hartford, Connecticut.
Bavarian Cream
All donut shops are my favorite!
Oh my gosh, without a doubt, the VERY best burrito on the planet is at Barrista del Barrio in Tucson Arizona. But do not get the chorisoy. Icky. I love this place so much that I’m making Arianna, the cashier, an emPower cowl for Christmas.
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