Atlas Insider: How Do We Plug This Thing In?

We’re getting the new MDK website steady on its chubby baby feet, chasing our little darling as she runs headlong into coffee tables and screen doors. “Watch out, Baby Website! Make sure the sales are syncing!”
It’s fine. But I have to say, getting our new site up and running is one of those character-building exercises that we look forward to repeating, like, never.
This has been a week full of adventure here at MDK, if by adventure you mean spending a lot of quality time writing elaborate, superspecific descriptions of tiny things that need altering.
The tiny things are being altered. Stuff is happening. Our thanks to everyone who has taken the time to flag issues for us—incredibly helpful.
Our dearest hope is that you will make MDK a place you come to every day. We want it to be fast and functional. But most of all, we want it to be fun, whether you’re learning something new or shopping for a yarn, or hanging out with fellow knitters in the Lounge.
A Giveaway!

In honor of our new arrival, we’re giving away one of our favorite kits, the Albers Shawl, starring Amy Christoffers’s cool marled pattern. A lucky winner will receive the PDF download of Field Guide No. 6: Transparency and six balls of light and lovely Rowan Kidsilk Haze.
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for MDK emails, right here. External Link. Opens in new window.. If you’re already signed up, you’re all set. We have a new option for texting, so when you sign up for those, you’ll get a coupon code good for 10% off your next MDK order.
Step 2: Babies are both extremely unpredictable and also very cute. Share a favorite baby experience in the comments.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, May 7, 11:59 PM Eastern time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
My favorite baby experience is the first time I put my daughter in a park swing and she just giggled with joy the whole time.
Our first child was 3+ years when her sister arrived. She was sitting by my side as nursed. She was amazed and commented “How did you get it in there?”
Just how perfect they can be -those tiny fingers! Tinier nails! Perfect lips! And instant ❤️ no matter what
Cherish each and every moment with your babies!
My daughter growled like a bear as a baby. Was really shocking but very funny.
When I was a baby, my mother stood over the crib trying to get me to say Mamma. I turn over one day and said “jack” my 11 year old neighbor. Disappointing my mother from the crib
Bringing my first baby home from the hospital and having no clue what I should do! I’ll never forget walking into the house and wondering if it was ok to put her in her bed at 2:00 in the afternoon since she was sleeping. We figured it out pretty quickly!
Not exactly baby but when I was a teacher librarian one of the kindergarteners looked up at me one day after story time and said, ” Mr. Pottle, how did you get so old?” I was in my 40s but I did have grey hair.
How about a non-human baby? The first time my puppy saw ice was hilarious. She is a street dog from Manila, so I’m sure she had never seen anything cold in her tiny life. She did her little baby growl and chased it all over the apartment until it melted. I guess she won?
As a toddler, my nephew wandered into grandma’s dining room as I was setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner. He watched intently as I lit the candles, and then began sweetly singing Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me…
My daughter in her 20s works in a children’s museum. One day recently one for the little ones referred to her as “big old”.
I would have to say their infectious laugh!
A friend and her slightly-older-than-mine baby came over to visit and my eldest watched her toddling, then took her first steps with a look on her face like, “So that’s how that works!”
I remember putting my daughter in her playpen so that I could hang up my coat. When I came back, she had rolled over for the first time, and I missed it!
My sister had twin girls (16 years ago) and I watched them for her one afternoon when they were 1-2 months old. They both got hungry at the same time and I had NO idea how to deal with that. I quickly figured out that I could hold one and feed with the same hand and lay the other in her car seat and hold the bottle with the other hand. Whew! Disaster (barely) diverted.
I haven’t had much experience with babies. I never wanted & neither did hubs. Even our furkids were older when they joined our family. I guess my favorite thing about babies is the infectious laugh some of them can have.
Hours and hours of snuggling (I had a velcro baby who did not want to be put down), and that heavenly baby smell…..
First baby belly laugh!!
Playing peek-a-boo. Cover face with hands and smile. Everyone laughs.
Such simple joy and universal.
The first time I held both my babies in my arms. That feeling was the best!
Nursing my babies:) always so calming and special. Knitting comes close but definitely can’t compete with a real live baby!
My newborn niece smiling at me! Definitely not just gas!
Listening to my daughter sing the same lullabye to her daughter (“You Can Close Your Eyes” by James Taylor) that I sang to her when she was young.
Anticipating those first adorable words!!
My favourite will always be meeting my son’s son when he was first born. Special time becoming a grandparent
Yes! And to Shirlee Hopper-Scherch above. Listening to him sing lullabies to his baby
Holding my first born nephew for the first time…looking forward to a great niece or nephew, someday!
Knitting the wee baby clothes!
Rocking my kids to sleep at night.
My favorite baby experience was when my husband helped our little son join me in the hospital bed with our newborn daughter. The whole family together at her birth!
My son loved trains! When he was two we rode the Tilden Steam Train around the park, and he got to announce, “All da board!” They have such sweet voices at that age!
Snuggling in bed with my husband and our newborn once we got back from the hospital.
The first time my husband’s Grandson fell asleep in my arms and I held the beautiful boy for two hours until I couldn’t move my arms and he woke up and smiled.
The joy a new baby brings to everyone. You can’t help buy smile.
Favorite baby experience happened when i was able to push a borrowed carriage around the block with my June baby boy inside. The carriage worked like a brand new Cadillac.
Watching my mother, on a 1948 Wisconsin winter day, place my baby brother outside into the wicker buggy where he always napped, and her placing a silk scarf over stroller opening to keep the snow flurries off his face. I was a very impressed 4-y-old
My 15 month old granddaughter saying “Do it self!” about every activity.
That rings so true! For our eldest the syntax was “I do it myself “ and the spirit of the message came back intensely in his late teenage years
My youngest said ‘my do it myself’
Mine too!
The nuzzly soft experience of holding our little ones when they were tiny, snuggling my face against the top of their heads. For our sons that was 24/26 years ago now and I can still remember the new baby fragrance, and the soft warm snuggly feeling
My favorite was holding my daughter after she was first born. We just laid there staring into each other’s eyes forever. It was a beautiful connection
I hope baby kitties count! My little Fireball snuggled and purred his way into our lives nearly one year ago. My heart sings with joy each time I hold him!
I hope both baby kitties and puppies count!. I was unable to have my own children which was almost too painful. But my connection with a number of both baby pups and kitties over the years has been so full of love, too. I’ve had a number of both, and am now about a week away from receiving my newest puppy and can hardly wait! (And hope my 17-mo- old soon-to-be-big-sis’ pup will feel the same way!) PS. Love the name “Fireball!”
I can relate! We were thinking of getting a new black lab puppy after our old dog passed, and we visited a litter of pups with plans to take one ‘only if it seems right…’ Well, I sat down on the ground (it was February and there was snow) and one of the two males in the litter walked over to me, climbed on my lap, did the circle thing dogs do before they lie down, and plopped down, curled up and went to sleep! My hubby knew then that it was ‘just right’, no saying ‘no’ to a pup now 🙂 Rueben is now 11 years old and still going strong.
Meeting my friend’s baby for the first time and getting to kiss his squishy cheek!
Watching our son use the toy vacuum in nothing but his diapers and a ski cap.
Our grandson was barely one year old when we treated his dad to dinner at an Indian restaurant with a swinging door between the kitchen and dining area. He kept staring at our waitress when we realized that he had never seen a door that swung both ways on its hinges, and he was really trying to figure out how it worked. He liked the food, too.
No one favorite, but the most recent meeting a new great-neice who has an adorable smile.
My favorite moment was when I held my goddaughter the first time and she gripped my finger and stared so intensely at me like she was trying to figure me out.
Those quiet moments holding my babies after I’d rocked them to sleep.
Finding my husband and daughter snuggled up on the sofa, both napping
My favorite baby experience is watching them grow step by step. Each step an amazement to the child and to me – their mother! Even after 42 years they are still taking those step by step growing moments.
Nap time with baby snuggled on me and dogs/cats snuggled around me
Bath, diaper, sleeper, sleep.
Sleep for both baby and parent.
Favorite baby moment—watching my toddler daughter’s fascination with her newborn baby brother
My youngest arrived in this world facing sideways, her shoulder to my spine. Which describes her life. She’s 32 and does everything her way, rules be damned.
Being in the delivery room to see all of my grandkids enter the world.
Dad picked up our baby son, just after I had fed him, and sat him on his shoulders and proceeded to bounce him up and down. I warned him not to bounce the baby after he had just finished eating, to no avail. Our son spewed up his partially digested formula all over his dad’s head! I just laughed and laughed!
I loved the 2 am feedings and sitting quietly in the dark with the baby. Just the two of us
Holding each of my three sons for hours on end. Locking eyes with them just pulled at my heart. Now the joy of doing it again with my grandchildren.
wow, the wonder of the birth of your own children and the baby years of discovery. Then you are excited all those years later when you learn that first grandchild is on the way and all the wonders you experienced with your own child will bring new adventures and memories of those days.
My favorite baby experience happened when my son was about a year and a half old and barely walking and talking. He waddled into the kitchen where my husband and I were having a conversation and said “Milk”. I told him, “Just a minute, let daddy and I finish our conversation.” Next thing we knew, he had pulled the gallon jug of milk (luckily about third full), out of the fridge and was carrying it over to us and said “Milk”!
My favorite baby experience was waiting on an adoption list for 7 years (ok, that want my favorite) and getting a call on Friday that we could pick up our daughter on Monday. We had nothing prepared because after waiting 7 years we weren’t going to buy baby “things” just to be disappointed to be told no. As soon as our friends and family found out our house was over flowing with everything we needed. Oh, did I mention we had just started a major remodel because we figured we would never get that wonderful call?
I don’t have children so…. When a coworker brought her baby in and made me hold her. I was not expecting her to be so heavy!
I recently got to hold a friends’ three month old. It had been such a long time since I’d held a baby. He was squishy and snuggly and cooing just the right amount. Such a satisfying feeling!
Singing to my son when I changed his diaper. Because he “sang” back to me
Reading with them and singing lullabies has to be my favorite. For each of them it was something different: one year’s worth of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Silent Night (all three verses) for a couple of years, and My Darling Clementine (got through 2 verses before he nodded off). The best of times.
So many hours of rocking and cuddling. I used to play a 60s and 70s classic rock station on the radio at low volume in our baby s room since there was a lot of street noise. I would rock and hum along. Now 32 and 35, I remind them of how they were raised on the classics!
My son was born in December and that summer one day we both lay down for a nap. It was so hot that I asked if he could just move over a bit. He did. He snuggled in closer. I smiled and put my arm around him
I’m looking at my nine-month-old son as I type this, so at the moment I’m living that blissful baby stage, with all the snuggles and the smiles and the sweet baby smells. (So many smiles! He is the happiest baby I’ve ever known.)
One of my favorite moments with my daughter, now a sassy five-going-on-fifteen, was when we’d just gotten home from grocery shopping. It was pre-pandemic so she was not yet two, and loved to climb into my lap with a book so I would read to her. On this particular occasion, as I sat on the floor putting produce into the fridge, she crawled into my lap with a bunch of bananas and was Most Disappointed at my failure to read to her.
Daughter Sonja, age 2, removed baby Jesus from the crèche during early December. She confessed that she took him, but couldn’t recall were she Put him. Empty manger, right up to Christmas Eve, when we gals began to dry dishes, after midnight service, and found him under a stack of towels in the kitchen towel drawer! And voila! He arrived in perfect time! Clearly, as a concerned baby herself, she had tucked him in, safe and warm.
Nursing my babies. We could just be quiet for the longest time and nobody would bother us.
My daughter spent her first month in the hospital battling for her life. My very best day was taking her home, healthy. That was 48 years ago!
Those first crooked little attempts at smiling.
So many. One not too long ago: my 11 month old granddaughter gets very vocal when she is tired. We were all sitting around the table talking when she added her “Blah, blah, blah” into the mix. Very hilarious.
Walking into the hospital room to see my first born- a daughter holding her hour old first born-her daughter.
Too many favorites to just pick one, but one of the most memorable was giving birth to my first son…all 11 1/2 pounds of him! At the time he was the biggest baby born w/o a C-section in our hospital. As a joke, my Dr. phoned the nursery and told them to have an incubator ready, they were bringing a premie up to them. I’d love to have seen the faces of the nurses when they rolled my half grown boy off of the elevator!
Well the baby is now nearing 26, so recollections might be hazy. Can we count the times prebaby getting ready by wildly knitting all the little things like crib covers and little pants and jacket and hat- and then afterward when the sweater for a toddler ended up getting made for first grade???Time flies!
Site looks great!
The way babies start to notice the world in a high they find themselves.
Taking in the smell of a baby, after they’re all clean!
My favorite baby experience as seeing the pure joy in my husband’s eyes when he held our granddaughter. Priceless!
One Christmas, when my niece was very young…. just mobile, and vocal! 🙂 She would waddle up to us and say “Happy Tismus!!!” And she would keep saying that until you replied with the same. She is 28 now, and the family has created a tradition and wishes each other Happy Tismus each year.
Listening to bathtime babbling recorded and hearing “Mama, mama, I love you, mama!”
I loved watching my son charm fellow diners at a restaurant in Lake Placid – at 8 months he was quite the flirt!
My son’s first real smile at just a few weeks. Unbelievably overwhelming. And now, thirty years later- I still get warm and fuzzy feelings with his beautiful smile.
As a grandmother there is nothing like giving your grandchild a bottle. I sink into the chair, feel my baby grandchild sink into me and at that moment in time there is nothing more important in the world than that simple task.
The first smiles! So precious!
When my son was perhaps 3 or 4, I did a lot of cross-stitch embroidery. He watched me cut DMC threads and carefully stitch. I carelessly left my scissors on the table as I poured a cup of tea one day, and he managed to get his chubby fingers in them. He was smiling broadly when I sat down: “Mom I cut your freds!” he said.
Oh those day’s were so precious. Now the opportunity to relive them with grandchildren is a goft for which I’m so grateful. Snuggling is the best.
The sweet weight against my body of holding my newborn all squished up in my maya wrap (scarf/baby carrier thingy)
Every moment learning them and learning how to be the best mother to each of them and now I get to do it again with grandchildren.
When you give them their first ice cream lol. And more a toddler one than baby, but one time I was frustrated with my youngest and said ‘can’t you just be-have’ and she came straight back with ‘I am being have mummy’
Watching lambs pronking around their mothers on a Spring morning.
From my own “kids say the cutest things”. Young toddler looked up at the crescent moon and said “ the moon is broken” We still cherish this memory from our now 14 year old
I love having a baby on my lap while sitting at the piano. It’s so cute watching them smack the keys and figure out how to make sound.
Our second child was a 10 pound baby boy who lived into his size with big hands, big personality and giggles. When he was 9 months, we stared in amazement as he picked up an apple with one hand looked it over and then chucked it with impressive speed and accuracy at his father’s forehead. You are so right when you say baby’s are unpredictable and also very cute!
No contest — meeting my children for the first time after they were born followed closely by meeting my granddaughter
First time I was called Mom Mom by my grandchild
My daughter “skateboarding” down her indoor play gym at 14 months old!
Agree with baby’s first big belly laugh!
Our first born would prrrr as he nursed. 46 years later I remember the beauty of that.
I was standing in the supermarket checkout line with my toddler son, and very pregnant. We were behind another obviously pregnant woman who my son kept staring at. “Mom?” “MOM??” He asked. “How does the baby get in there in the first place?” Everyone turned to see how I would handle this. This toddler has a brand new granddaughter who is the most beautiful baby in the world. He figured it all out, I guess.
My 3 y.o. would climb into his baby brother’s crib in the morning and I could hear them talking to each each. The big brother would carry on the conversation as if he could understand the happy baby sounds of his little brother.
When our first grandchild was 6 months old, we took him and his parents (from NH) and his great grandmother ( from MI) on a cruise to get to know one another. We had a lovely week…if you ever want to feel famous, sail with an adorable, red haired smiling boy! I walked into the cafe one day to get my daily latte and was greeted by the barista with “Avery’s Gram, where is Avery?”
Avery’s Gram became my Ravelry name, and it makes me smile every time I log in.
Holding our first baby grandchild. What a wonderful moment.
My favorite baby experience would definitely be when my husband and I went to the hospital NICU unit to see and hold our new twin grandsons.
My favorite baby experience was when my niece was first born. She was a few months old and ate like every meal was her last meal (and often burped nearly evrything she ate out on the lucky soul who was feeding her). It was my turn one day, and, of course, she threw up nearly all her 6oz of milk on me; my poor little brother looked at me in extreme trepidation (as I have no children of my own) when all I said was: thank goodness this is washable and watched the relief of me not freaking out wash over his face! Yes, my in my eyes, my little brother is still the baby in our family even though he has a little one of his own now.
Dog baby comment (aka puppy). My puppy Bella was a tiny Maltese Poodle mix that I could hold in the palm of my hand. She was just a small puff of white fur. One day I looked away for just a few minutes. I found her in my living room surrounded by essentially a whole roll of unwound toilet paper. It must have been great fun for her to unwind it and create this swirl of soft stuff. I just had to laugh. (I had to live with TP out of reach for her for abut a year to break that habit).
Took my toddler fishing for the first time. He got so excited touching a fish, I held out a worm. He reached out and quick as a wink, that worm was in his hand headed straight for his mouth. Caught him just in time.
Being there when my granddaughter was born
My favorite baby experience is being on the Tube in London when I’m wearing a hat and seeing the baby’s eyes latch on to this colorful thing attached to the head of an adult human. I tend to wear red hats and babies just can’t help themselves!
When my niece daughter saw her new born little brother. She was 2 years old ,not speaking much and said ´mom baby!´
My toddler and I were out and about and she catches a fly between her fingers. Someone comes up and says I would never been able to do that. I was glad someone else also saw it. Then my daughter let it go and it flew away.
Meeting all three of my daughters when they were born!
the weight when my babies would fall asleep in my arms — a different weight than when they were awake.
My first baby weighed in at 12 pounds. no kidding…
One favorite memory of my daughter at age 18 months was of her comforting crying toddlers in the church nursery by patting their little backs and repeating, “You mommy come back.” At age 34 she’s still a comforter and encourager.
My son’s first understandable word was “ball.” He would repeat it over and over again at different volume levels many times a day, so … of course … for his first birthday, I made him a ball-shaped cake. Lovely chocolate icing with decorative stripes and sprinkles. We placed it in front of him on his high chair tray. He looked it over very carefully and then, with a whole table full of relatives watching him, went face-first into the top of the cake. After extraction, he and my husband had to head for the shower.
Putting on some soft music, holding my new Granddaughter and gently swaying to the tune is my favorite baby experience.
Hearing my 3yr old daughter coming down the hall to meet her baby sister and thinking how much her life had just changed!
Watching my 2 year old walk his baby (doll) around in the hospital bassinet while I followed, holding his brand-new baby sister.
First granddaughter upon meeting her newborn brother: ‘put him back” They’re fast friends now, of course 🙂
Favorite baby moment was when my children were born. Looking at the pictures, it’s hard to tell which is my son or daughter. Granted now they look so different.
So many baby experiences! We had our first in December. I think one of my favorites is peeking over the edge of the bassinet in the morning and getting a big grin as soon as he sees my face.
Holding my first grandbaby
Nothing beats cuddling a baby!!
We read so many books to our babies that one of their first pronouncements was, “The end!”
Oh so many memories, the most recent being snuggling with our son’s newborn daughter. Nothing better than the sweet smell of a newborn.
The feeling of total contentment as my two children and later three grandchildren feel asleep in my arms. I could feel our souls mingling.
When my toddler niece tried to put my cat in her suitcase to take home
Baby’s first smile.
As a children’s librarian, I have many stories. But my favorite has to be of first steps taken during one of my programs. Her parents were at work and the nanny didn’t have her phone with her, but at least 5 other parents whipped out their phones to video it for the parents.
Favorite baby experience was helping a new mother kitty have her first litter. Four kittens!
The very first time I changed my firstborn’s diaper, he promptly peed on me and so gave me my first lesson in being prepared for the unexpected!
Those first tentative, tottery steps on their own
Oh! The excitement and joy on his little face when he woke up and realized there was so much new to see and do!
I was holding my third baby on my lap… just days old… summer in a onesie… had just finished nursing and I looked down and saw a brown splash on their knee…
“oh no! I’ve spilt my coffee on the baby?”
“But I’m not drinking coffee!!!”
`Naked butt time’ after a diaper change I would put our daughter on a waterproof mat and read and sing right next to her while she kicked and moved. In a busy life, those times of dedicated interaction were precious.
My daughter telling me the broken dryer needed new batteries when she was 2. How smart she was!
Watching my grandson reading a picture book to our 2 big dogs.
My favorite baby story was hearing my daughters first word. She was 9 months old and walking trying to catch up to one our cats while laughing and saying: keeeeeeeeeeee keeeeeeeeee (kitty! Kitty!)
The first time my baby son turned to me and said, “Don’t you say me No!” He’s almost 50 now but everyone in the family still pops out with that one when we’re together. Good times!!!
My baby is learning knock knock jokes. But she just says “knock knock, who’s there” and then stares at me.
I can’t say this is an “experience” per se, but an observation. I gave birth to two babies, a year and a half apart. The first one, Megan, at birth had a look of worry and concern on her face– eyes scrunched, fore forehead wrinkled up. Claire, my second, had a happy little Buddha smile on her face, with her eyes peacefully closed, and a tiny smile. Indeed, their characters — they are now 42 and 41 — have shown to be that they are both exactly that. Megan is cerebral and always taking responsibility for the world and all of us in it, concerned, often anxious, a professor of writing at UW. And Claire, a brilliant red-head, is a much more placid, accepting, nonjudgmental baker and chocolatier.
Way back in 1971, we learned that our infant duaghter was fearless, determined, and independent. When she was only 4 months old (truth!) I woke to the sound of a soft thud, I found her on the floor where she had landed after climbing over the crib railings.. We lowered the matteress the the lowest it would go, but a few nights later the same thing happened. The next day we went out and bought an extender to make the railing about 10 inches higher. When she climbed over that, we gave up and left the side of the crib down so she wouldn’t have so far to fall, and kept her door closed so she couldn’t esape the safety of her room.
A fav moment is the smile that I got from my great-niece after not seeing her for 6 mos. She had just turned 1 yr old and had only met me once before but she remembered me!
Favorite moment is hard to have just one but it was always so wonderful just napping with the baby and waking up to their smiling face.
Napping with my nephew on my chest
Love every minute watching my sons scooting, crawling and walking around everything. Discovering the world.
All of the daily smiling happy videos of my 6 month old granddaughter who lives so far away!
My grandson, not yet two, was. Pushing a truck on the hardwood floor. He pushes over an area rug and announces “speed bump.”
My favorite baby memory is when I was finally able to hold my son. He had a rocky start and was in NICU for several weeks. He was over a week old before I could hold him. As soon as he was in my arms I felt such a sense of relief, and could start to believe everything was going to be okay. It took awhile but everything did turn out okay.
That sweet clean baby smell…
The first time I held each of my grandsons. Then overhearing my daughter talking to her new born son telling him he could stay with her forever.
The first time I held my granddaughter what a special gift!
Nothing beats your grandchild running to you and shouting “Gramma is here!” as you walk in the door.
I like babies okay. But I always seem to get adopted as an auntie when they burp up their dinner on me, completely missing the burp cloth. (I do not actually mind this. I used to be a school bus driver. It gets much less cute at toddlerhood.) The best part is when I return them to their moms for attention to the other end.
Middle of the night nursing my babies. the house was quiet, and it was just the two of us awake. I was very tired, but treasured those moments.
Recently retired, I feel like a babe with a new life!
My favorite baby experience is when my grandparents got a new puppy. He sat on my lap and fell asleep. I didn’t move for hours until he woke up!
Baby’s first sentence.
I always enjoy the continuing and evolving experiments with language of every baby!
A friend asked me to knit a baby shawl for her to give as a present. Later she sent me a photo of the baby wrapped in my shawl, so thoughtful of her and it made my day xx.
I’m currently pregnant with my first baby, so my favourite experience is actually an ultrasound. At the one a had at 20 weeks my husband was with me and my baby was moving a lot. Watching him watch our son moving and seeing his own nose in my uterus has been my favourite moment so far!
My grandson just turned two. He spent the entire celebration wishing everyone else Happy Birthday! So sweet.
My granddaughter was exploring our living and kitchen and we started playing chase. I heard her giggle and it just sounded like her Mom. So
Having any baby fall asleep in your arms!
My daughter, two hours old, fighting to stay awake like she was afraid she’d miss something.
The first time my baby “told me a story”,
At 6 months old, my daughter wanted to try chips and salsa because we were eating it. I dipped the tiniest speck of salsa into the corner of the chip and handed it to her. Her eyes went round as her face turned red. Once she drank some milk she was fine, but she still likes spicy food!
Oh my I just figure how to open my posts to read them on new site. Woo hoo!
I love how each of my babies were soothed by motions I did when I was pregnant with them. My first, I had a standing job in a stock room, moving stuff from boxes to shelves; first baby was soothed by swaying. My second, I bounced on a yoga ball for my achy back (and toddler’s delight); second baby was soothed by quick jiggles. Third & fourth, similar stories.
First time we saw her pop up in the pea patch. That was her first steps. She loved those fresh sugar peas!
The best baby time was having them on my lap, rocking on the rocker, with nothing else going on. So warm and sweet.
Spending lots of time nursing my daughter. As mothers we spend so much time second guessing ourselves on whether we’re doing the right thing or should I do something different, nursing my baby was the thing I never doubted and I’m grateful I was able to have this special time with her.
Not quite a baby story, but….My 3-year old went to stay with his grandmother a few hundred miles away right before our second child was born. When we called from the hospital to let him know he had a baby brother, his first words were “Oh, no! I’ve missed his birthday!”
Both my kids were born with enormous amounts of hair. My daughter needed a haircut at 3 months, and she only weighed about 8 lb. She sat in my lap in the salon, a little bewildered throughout. The entire salon was abuzz about their very youngest client of all time.
My son made it to 5 months before his first haircut. He thought the whole thing was hilarious! He sat in my lap and chortled with delight the entire time the stylist worked gingerly on his tiny head.
They’re teens now and still have magnificent heads of hair. 🙂
Baby Ben in a box or basket.
Baby Ben in a box or basket
Seeing my granddaughter stretching her limbs for the first time! We were watching thru the glass as the nurse removed the swaddle and suddenly arms and legs waving joyfully! Now she’s 13 and as tall as I am!
Holding each grandchild for the 1st time. Baking with them and the beginning of teaching the oldest granddaughters to knit. Their joy when we see each other!!!!!
I loved watching my sons learn to talk. Making connections. There were so many “balls” in the produce section of the grocery store.
My son in the baby bouncer is a memory I will never forget. I don’t know who got more kicks, him or us.
My favorite baby memory is when I held my grandson when he was first born.
MANY years ago, my older sister (always a very outgoing soul) was accompanying my Mom on a grocery shopping trip. Please understand that she would have been around 18 to 24 months at this time. As my Mom searched for an item on her list, an elderly gentleman approached to retrieve an item from a low shelf beside the cart where my sister was seated. As he bent over to pick up his item, my sister patted him on his behind. He stood immediately and turned with shocked horror to look at my Mom who, apparently, lost all color in her shock and embarrassment. My sister saved the moment by proudly proclaiming, “Hi! My name’s Weezy!” thereby taking full credit for the trespass against his behind. By now, Mom’s color was surely back and with a vengeance as she was always good at blushing. I’m not sure if that gentleman ever laughed, but our family still does to this day, many decades since!
Too many to pick just one, but the wide-eyed sense of wonder as my son took in the sights and sounds of our farm.
My favorite baby story is how my son came early and was born in the hallway at home.
My daughter was “parroting” everything she heard when my brother and girlfriend had her for an evening. As we got in the car (with my Mother-in-law and Aunt) my daughter said a whole string of
My brother said, “I only said it once!” That was all it took!
The quiet time in the morning while I held them and they nursed. It was always a peaceful time before the started really getting going.
Seeing the quick reaction of our grandson when we gave him a taste of gorgonzola cheese. I couldn’t believe how fast he spit it out.
Having a 10-week old to comfort and distract me from my mother’s sudden death and memorial service preparations.
Favorite memory of baby son is when he recounted a dream of many big orange water balloons falling on him from the sky. I asked if it was a bad dream, and he said, no, no, it was lovely!
Watching my first born hold her own first born. The best!
Wrapping my newborn daughter in the blanket I had knitted years ago as part of a “hope chest.”
My grand baby waved and said “Hi” No one knew she could
We took our 6 month old twins to Hawaii. The horrified look on people’s faces when we got on the plane with two little babies was funny, but the babies slept most of the flight. In Honolulu, whenever a bus of Japanese tourists passed us wheeling our chubby babies, they would shout “Kawaii!” (“Cute!).
That sweet smell of a baby’s head.
Holding my first grandchild! And watching my firstborn son holding her!
Napping with both of my babies. I would like to feel that chicks under my wings even now.
A precocious 2 year old and coming home late one night, I lifted his sleeping self into my arms. The night sky was magnificent so I stood awhile, soaking it all in…my sleeping boys and the Milky Way.
He awoke, leaned back in my arms, and asked, Where do stars come from? The first of many stumpers!!
Mine wasn’t exactly darling, but was a surprise. When picking up my 12 mo old from a babysitter, she gave me a dirty look. Then told me she didn’t want to sit anymore, because I was teaching my child dirty words. He had said “f…” instead of truck. He NEVER heard the other one in our house. We both laughed.
My daughter was 8 months old and crawling. She disappeared from my view and I heard the sound of a baby crying. She was sitting around the corner holding and rocking a baby doll while making the sound of a baby crying. I thought it was so sweet but didn’t have a camera at the time, so I didn’t get a picture.
This project is on my to-do list.
Baby story: thinking the Max Ernst turtle at the Lenbachhaus is real, and feeding it pebbles (and he re-visited it as an adult); Husband drawing trains on the magna-doodle (remember those?) while we were on a train only to have child erase and say ‘again,’ toddler pulling away husband’s bathrobe to reveal the IV we were trying to hide.
So many stories. So many memories.
Upon her new sister arriving home my toddler granddaughter said “Baby,” and poked her in the eye (not really intentionally).
My granddaughter and I were just remembering her early days. She made lots is animals sounds. The elephant was especially good.
Favourite baby experience: visiting my sister in BC, walking down a Squamish street and watching her reaction to every baby we passed. She was well aware of it herself, and we called it baby fever. And yes, her child was born nine or ten months later.
Seeing my first two children react to their new baby brother.
I’ll never forget the New Year’s Day when my grandmother had sent a battery operated toy poodle to my two-year-old. Push the button and the doggy walks and barks loudly. We had a very successful New Year’s Eve party and my daughter just couldn’t stop pushing the button, We had major headaches and only with great restraint succeeded in not throwing the adorable toy out the window.
The second I held my first born was a moment that has never been repeated. Absolutely the best.
While learning to crawl my eldest could only go backwards, she’d back herself under a chair or table, cry until I pulled her out then proceed to back right under there again. Eventually she conquered forward movement and now she hates it when I tell this story, I have photos to embarrass her with though.
I love baby feet. (Doesn’t everyone?). My little one was born with huge ones, too big to fit in the socks we’d brought to the hospital! They are still quite hobbit-y on his now 22-year-old frame.
I have so many favorite baby and grandbaby stories. This one is the story of Ott, which was a newborn pink stuffed elephant gift for my granddaughter. She loved him from the beginning. I can still picture my toddler granddaughter carrying her Ott (baby speak for a stuffed elephant) under her arm everywhere she went. Her constant companion who became worn, raggedy, and flat with much love, two finger rubbing, and washing. Ott was at the table, outings, at naps, pre-school, and bedtime. On a visit to The Happiest Place on Earth, Ott was misplaced in the sheets at the Disney Hotel never to be found. Oh no! The circus that ensued to find a replacement Ott was frantic and tearful for the entire family. Finally, after much searching and angst (and many bucks wasted on other unacceptable stuffed elephants), we found one. We explained his like-newness was because of the magic of Disney. She was unbelievably happy and giggly and hugged Ott to infinity. She didn’t know the truth until her teens. Then Ott followed her to college.
Too many wonderful baby stories to know where to begin. But, since MDK is one heart of the knitting universe, here is to babies and yarn. My babies, way back when, inspired me to become a confirmed knitter. I had knit a bit for myself and other adults before they came along, but the plethora of patterns for adorable baby knits established me as a lifelong knitter. What joy, both babies and the knitting.
Those middle of the night feedings when there was just me and the baby….
My daughter had a beautiful, full belly laugh. We were in the store one day and an acquaintance came over from several aisles away to say hello. She had recognized my daughter’s laugh!
Watching my 3-year old son discover the joys of making others laugh by making his baby brother break out in the best belly laugh ever.
First grandchild, then second, and third. All little boys, all smelly and gross and lots of fart jokes. Nothing makes me happier than watching them grow into young men.
Fart jokes are universal; our granddaughter loves them as much as her brother, and Dad.
The first time my granddaughter called me Nan, and then when her brother followed suit three years later.
The absolute miracle of babies and grandbabies enriching our lives.
Watched my little 2 y/o neighbor boy running around the driveway in his hiking boots, a shirt, and no pants. Potting training going on.
There is nothing sweeter than having a baby fall asleep in your arms.
My godson, Sam was an active baby, running before walking. Intently focused on the world around him. His Grandmother, a wise woman, purchased one of those buckets on wheels for Sam, so Sam could wear himself out….he got in that thing and took off like a road runner! He loved to move around the room following our Golden, Doug, l the while saying “Doggie”, or something like that. He was so joyful in his pursuit, and Doug was so patient. It’s a vision that makes me smile all the time.
Listening to my two year old read her first word… exit, while we were on vacation. I’ve been trying to catch up to her for 40 years.❤️
I received a Snuggily (spelling escapes me at the moment) front pack from a friend. I “wore” my baby daughter under my warm down parka when I walked the half-mile each weekday afternoon to meet my 5 year-old’s school bus. We lived in Fairbanks, AK and it was cold! The baby stayed as cozy as could be with just her little head in a warm mama knit hat sticking out a bit. It was a perfect solution to a real problem.
We were all in the car going out to eat, hubby, myself, my daughter, my son in law and my 2 year old grandson. We all were talking and laughing and all of a sudden, I heard my grandson singing Buzz Lightyear’ s song “ You Got A Friend In Me”. OMG we all stopped talking to hear him sing. It was so surprising to me and beautiful.
Our daughter was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. We had to travel to Seattle Children’s Hospital frequently to see the craniofacial team there. Her speech specialist was British, quite proper and with some language differences. Our daughter Hannah was late to speak, so queue the trumpets with her first words, one of which we reported to the speech pathologist: “Poop.” It took several repetitions and explanations before she finally nodded, looked down at her notes, and we moved on!
Unpredictable and shocking mess! Baby Owen had an explosive bowel movement at the precise moment his little bottom was being lifted for a new diaper. You know, both ankles held one hand while lifting so as to position diaper with other hand. This perfectly aimed this runny poop missile 6 feet across the room where it splatted all over the closet door. Talk about shock and awe! My poor son-in-law was a new parent and this was quite an initiation.
Just staring into my newborns’ eyes those first few weeks when you are all they can see!
When I locked myself out of my house – was in my pj’s and slippers – and I had to coach my 3 year old how to unlock the door to let me in. And WE DID IT!
My favorite baby experience is my early morning ritual I had with my firstborn. I would give him his bath, breakfast, and we would play until he was tired & sleepy. He is 43 now and I will always treasure those times of bonding.
When my son was a baby, he should crawl, walk, and eventually run whenever Night Court came on tv. He loved the theme song.
One of my favorite moments is having my children and grandchildren fall asleep on my chest. It is a special and fleeting time.
My twin grandsons making each other giggle wildly before they could say a word!
My 18 month old great nephew was just visiting and was loads of fun except the part when he changed all the presets in my car and turned off the pilot light in the water heater. He loves turning dials!
Congrats on your bundle of joy, haha:-) My fave baby moment was when my youngest would grab anything that looked like a phone and put it to her ear and said, “Hi Ing!” – her version of copying my when I called my sister. An everyday occasion when she was a little one.
Nothing beats singing to a baby…
I love to hold my 4month old granddaughter while she’s sleeping! I just stare at her and marvel!
My darling granddaughter coming tummy down on the slide in her eagerness to get to her Nana the minute she saw me.
Babies just know some things
More of a toddler experience – I was setting the table for a dinner party and went back into the kitchen to see my darling daughter in front of my spice cabinet gleefully empty all the bottle onto the floor. She looked up at me with delight and proclaimed, “Look Mommy, I’m making soup.” I laughed so hard I could hardly sweep!
My daughter would sit up in the shopping cart and give a HI to every single person she saw. Some days it took a very long time to get the grocery shopping wrapped up.
Visiting my niece at the hospital after she delivered her first born, and seeing baby Gabby wearing her new knitted hat from Auntie Anne!
I love making baby blankets for all the pregnant nurses I work with to welcome their newborns. I’ve done so many that I’m not sure of the count but I know they are well used by all.
Meeting my 1st niece and seeing how happy my sister was
My grandson, now 2, is enamored with all things trucks! He loves construction trucks, fire trucks, garbage trucks and knows songs for all of them. I found the perfect Blippi (if you don’t know who Blippi is, do a quick Google search) garbage truck online for him and seeing his big blue eyes double in size at the sight of it was perfection!!
Saying hi to my very small grandbaby and seeing his smile! Heart melting every time.
My daughter taking her first independent steps at 13 months (later than all her little friends) was exciting
When my sons were very little 41/2 and 2, I took them to the beach. I just assumed they would both want to go in with me. My youngest took off for the water as my eldest ran the other way in a crowd of beach goers. I did chase the one headed for the water. It was however very nerve wracking. My youngest was hit by a wave so then there was that too. Strange how instead of as bad as it felt that day it is a fond memory now.
A recent favorite moment was seeing my one-year-old grandson come through the gate with my husband. He spotted me across the yard and threw both hands straight into the air over his head and yelled “Mawmaw!!”
The way my granddaughter (20 months) says “see ya” instead of bye
kissing those chunky thighs
Each new baby was a joy and a thrill, still remembered over 30 years later!
When my son was about 2 1/2 or 3 months old we were at my mother’s and she was holding him. When I walked up he smiled at me for the first time, and I started to cry, which caused him to immediately pucker up and cry as well!
Nursing my sons and watching as they fell asleep.
The first giggle.
Those beautiful big eyes taking in a brand new world.
We were looking for our toddler daughter whom we thought we’d put to bed, but she was no where to be found. Then we heard light snoring and discovered her asleep in the stuffed animal bin.
We are newlyweds in our (early) 70s and for whatever reason decided to get a puppy. He was 5 weeks old and now nearly 6 months. He has given us so much laughter and joy, albeit with puppy bites and zoomies. He is learning to play with toys and his joie de vivre delights us!
I was dressing my 3 year old daughter in a pair of hand-me-down knickers. I thought they were absolutely adorable. But she declared, with a big pout, “I don’t care I’m not wearing those Snickers!”
The baby (grand babies in my case) are all so memorable and cute. Playing imaginative games with me are special, they enjoy the repetition of favorite books and made up games.
When my daughter was 3, she gave herself a mohawk hair cut. With safety scissors. Oh my word. LOL
Listening to my son sing nonsensical songs to himself when he was happy.
The two boys (2 months and about 18 months) went to play at the local park. I was nursing the baby and pushing his brother on the swing at the same time. A woman approached me and said, “you’re my new hero.” She was pregnant for the first time. We started chatting. FRIEND FOR LIFE.
Rocking my babies (now 28 and 32) late at night and feeling like we were the only two in the world.
My grandson’s first smile….
One of my favorite moments was when my daughter, at 4, first met her baby brother!
Just today I held my newest great granddaughter. She opened her 5 week old eyes, took one look and started crying. Just a few seconds of patting, and rocking her in my arms and she fell asleep. My 16 year old great grandson walked by and I reminded him I used to rock him to sleep in church using the same technique.
So many years ago, but the quiet time feeding and rocking my baby daughter in the wee hours of the night. It was so magical and quiet – I remember it like it was just yesterday.
My youngest grandson just turned 1 in April, & while I don’t get to see him as often as I’d like, when I do, I hum (a specific tune) at him, it calms him down & makes him smile.
Now when he comes over, he gets excited & hums at me. He’s almost got it, too
While I was pregnant (back in the 80s), most OB-GYNs frowned upon exercise, but I was fortunate to find a female doctor who was a runner and supported by daily Jazzercise habit. After my son was born, no amount of lullabies or soothing music would calm him, but pump up the volume on some good dance-worthy rock music and he was out like a light.
Reading bedtime stories and having bedtime cuddles with each of my kids. They all had their favourite stories, that are dog-eared and waiting for the next generation 🙂
Only had one the whole experience was incredible.
My nephew Brogan used to be so excited to see me that he would clench his hands and his whole body would shake.
The first giggle.
My favourite baby experience is watching them take their first steps. Adorable ☺️
One of my favorite memories is seeing my tiny day old daughter and her tall father lying in straight lines next to each other sleeping deeply.
How do we plug this thing in? Atlas Shrugged.
My son, my second child, didn’t sleep through the night until he was 16 months old. Those 2AM memories of rocking him, just us two together, are a treasure. (He’s 30 now. It took awhile for the memory to brighten)
One of my granddaughter’s first ‘big’ words—Alpaca!
The first 3 weeks in a kid’s life…a cashmere goat kid, that is. Watching them discover the world and their own ability to defy gravity is the only time that I hear myself spontaneously do the David Letterman giggle.
Loved it when our daughter was old enough to stand in the playpen… she’d hold in to the rim and do this bounce and circle with her butt, all along to music. Loved that early version of her dancing.
I have knit many Baby Surprise Jackets ( Elizabeth Zimmerman) as gifts for new moms at their baby showers, and those sweet little jackets are always a hit. But for my own grandchildren I like to knit more elaborate and special heirloom sweaters. A couple years ago I knit the “Secret Garden” coat (from the Alice and Jade Starmore book, “The Children’s Collection”) for my then-4 year old granddaughter. I made it in a lovely green heather color to go with all her various princess dresses, and even attached a pewter clasp from a shop in Norway that I found online. She opened the box, took one look at it, and then flung it across the room with a very disgusted look on her face. I am sure she was hoping for the next iteration of princess dress, not some hand-knitted coat from Grandma. Maybe her younger sister will find it attractive enough to wear!
But I haven’t given up. I just shipped off the “Fish and Anchors” Fair Isle sweater from the same book to my grandson in Arizona. My son and DIL were thrilled.
My oldest daughter’s first words were…wait for it…dog water. Yep it was her favorite thing in our house by far. 🙂
My honorary great nephew got a taste of cake icing on his first birthday cake. His reaction was really cut
With my firstborn, calling the pediatrician late at night over poo that looked like mustard in color and consistency. The first thing the doctor asked was, “Is this your first baby?”. Now I know that this is completely normal, but back then I felt like such a novice! A little like learning to knit…although you can’t call your knitting teacher at 1 in the morning for help!
My favorite baby moment is seeing my husband hold my youngest granddaughter for the first time at Christmas in 2017. He’s my second husband so he’s technically not her bio “Papa” but he loves babies so much and seeing the happiness on his face, and the calmness on the baby’s face warmed my heart! I have SO many baby favorites, but that’s the one that comes to mind today!
My grandsons crawling into my lap with books!
I saw my first birth last week!
The pre-crawling stage – my son used to rock back & forth on his hands & knees. He couldn’t quite figure out how to pick them up to start crawling.
I would refer to my toddler as “my precious little boy”. He was just beginning to talk, would listen intently, and was trying to sort everything out. He soon began calling me “my precious little mommie”
I have three children, so I have many wonderful baby memories. I’d say one of my favorites, which has applied to each child, is seeing other loved ones holding my babies – their dad, my Dad, my grandfather, my husband’s parents. Loved ones meeting a new loved one is a dear, dear thing indeed.
My favorite experience is seeing babies recognize music and just start dancing.
My late Mom snuggling with my sons.
I have such sweet memories of my children as babies but cuddling grandchildren is the absolute best thing in the world. And grandchildren have arrived with the added bonus of watching my children become wonderful parents.
I am a retired NICU nurse. My favorite baby story will always be the day I sent a baby who had been hospitalized for many months home with mom and dad. Best feeling ever!!
Hmmm. Not sure if this counts as a baby memory but in a way it is. My four year old son carrying his newborn baby sister to me because she was crying and I wasn’t getting to her fast enough for his liking. He picked her up just right, being sure to keep head steady, and the smile on his face was amazing. She stopped crying too.
My grandson’s Mum, in a hurry, pulled away from the curb and my grandson from his car seat in the back piped up and said, “Mummy shouldn’t I be buckled in?”
A recent favorite, my 3 year old grandson came to visit on the day a workman finished building our pergola. My grandson asked what it was and was told “it’s called a pergola. Can you say pergola?” He tried the word out a couple of times, screwed up his face and said, “I can’t say it because I don’t speak Spanish.”
Baby belly laughs are the best!
There are so many wonderful moments, but sparked by another comment, I will say reading picture books before bedtime while rocking in the rocking chair. So snuggly and cosy!
Baby belly laughs and simply holding hands with my little one.
My favorite memory was watching my son’s face as he was in awe of the world outside. He loved looking at flowers and all the colors! It still makes me smile thinking about it.❣️
Nursing my babies in the quiet of the night was always a favorite of mine.
The first time my sweet baby daughter realized she had passed gas (TMI, but this is cute), she triumphantly said “doody belch!” We couldn’t stop laughing!
It’s hard to pick a favorite but the announcement that our son and his wife were adopting their adorable foster child is up there!
My favorite baby experience is the ridiculous open mouth baby kisses that are like sucker fish. to me the perfect encapsulation of their mimic, affection, and total absurdity
Ah, babies. First my own 3 and now my 2 grands. Love the snuggling and when they fall asleep against your chest and slump into you with not a care in the world. Love!
That feeling when they relax and fall asleep in your arms.
My second son (and third baby) weighed a half ounce shy of 13 pounds at birth! The doctor went with my husband to the nursery to watch him being weighed and tried to get the nurse to say 13 lb., arguing that the baby was crying and wiggling so much that how could she tell? But no, she read 12 lb., 15-1/2 oz. and 23 & 3/4 in. long! The doctor said it was the biggest baby he’d ever delivered. Jared’s been a joy to our family, and now at 43, he’s a tall thin man with a daughter of his own.
Three children: 2 girls & a boy. With 2 big sisters I knew he would understand girls/women & be a good husband & father. The 3 are very close as adults.
My son’s first real smile came on a morning when his dad stayed home from work a little later than usual, for no real reason. So we were there together to see his smile.
My precious little granddaughter looks at me after she had a little fart and says “ oops I burped in my bum” . That was the best description I had ever heard !
Feeding and feeding and feeding and then that milky daze as they fall into sleep with one tiny hand resting on their cheek. I’d go back in a heartbeat.
New website, Blech. Can’t find anything I am looking for. Why do people insist on changing things when what they’ve got is working perfectly fine. Used to enjoy coming to this website, but not anymore.
My favorite baby experience was when my 2 year old was holding his baby brother reading him a story but the book was upside down.
My favorite baby experience was after a little one I was babysitting had watched a visiting child get what they wanted by having kicking tantrums all weekend they decided to try it herself after the company left. When we all stepped away for a moment when she started, she got up, dusted herself off and pouted “not fair” It hadn’t worked and was never tried again. I miss those little ones
When my daughter was a toddler she was learning to sleep in a new “big girl” bed. We had an open stairway, so after we put her to bed and settled in to read or watch TV we would hear little thumpy footsteps and then silence. We would look up and see straight dark hair hanging down from the top step and her sweet little eyes trying to see what she might be missing.
Oh, I have soo many!
While on a walk with my eldest, he spotted a dandelion, but you could see him trying to work out what it was called. When he figure it out, he turned to me and said, “Mommy, Blowflower!” It was so cute, so sweet!
My husband at the time was named Stan but my nephew who came to live with us couldn’t pronounce the “st” so he became Unca Dantz. Long after my nephew could say it correctly the rest of the family called him Unca Dantz.
Baby baby! My niece would eat out of her “Pelican” bib–a great plastic bib designed with a lip to catch all the inevitable bits that never made it to her mouth. So when she looked down & saw this food caught in her Pelly (as we named it), it was of course, fair game! So funny!
A favorite moment for me was bringing newborn babies home from the hospital, the relieved and calm feeling after a safe and fast delivery each time. Pulling into the driveway. Phew!
Two words. Baby feet.
My oldest creating words that made sense to her. “Rainbrella” for umbrella and “jump o lean” for a trampoline.
She also insisted on wearing a dress to T ball, and spent time looking at the grass/ weeds when she was in the outfield.
When my son was a toddler, I put on an Easter Egg coloring activity for the children of my employees. We had the usual Paas colors arrayed in front of the kids, along with the eggs. We also had cookies for the kids to munch on. My son grabbed a cookie, looked at it, looked at the colors, and thoughtfully dipped his cookie in the egg dye and munched it! it didn’t seem to bother him that it tasted like vinegar!
When my son had just completed his first winter and was learning to talk also, I remember putting his first short sleeved shirt of the season on, and he looked down with wonderment and said “Arms!” He was so excited to see them again when he was dressed!
My favorite thing is when a newborn gives you their first smile.
A favorite baby memory is when my mother offered my two toddlers a piece of jelly toast and they thought she’d said jelly toes. They kept looking at her and then at their feet, with a confused look on their faces.
The first time my son hugged me back ❤️
One of my favorites was my son rolling over for the first time and being so surprised. I was surprised too since he’d rolled right into a container of flowers that had been placed on the floor while the dining room table was set for dinner!
Seeing my newborn niece. Big searching eyes, and she has them still.
My first baby (of three) crawled with one leg out to the side. He was fast and wore out his little leggings fast with holes on the other side with all the weight on his knee.
When the was about 11 years old I approached a couple with their adorable newborn baby in a shopping mall. I have always loved babies and even though I didn’t know the couple, I went over to oooh and aaah at their new little one. The father asked if I’d like to hold the baby. After replying yes, he put the baby in my arms, said- here, you can have her— and then promptly turned and walked away— leaving me standing tthere dumbfounded in a state of utter shock. Fortunately, after taking a few steps, he turned around and said- Just kidding- and retrieved the baby— much to my relief!
I have a memory of me and my BFF as teenagers trying to change my very squirmy niece’s diaper e as my Dad secretly watched. Apparently he thought it was hilarious.
The first time I saw my godson, he smiled so wide and then immediately threw up. Love at first sight!
The first time a baby really sees you and the big smile on the face
I love when babies do the ‘happy baby ‘ yoga pose.
First time babysitting my oldest niece, now 37. She screamed from the moment her parents left until they got home. Non stop. 2 hours.
Watching my baby grandson lie calmly on the dining room table and study the chandelier above him. So like his mother.
Early one morning while I took care of my 5 month baby girl my son at a year and a half decided to make me breakfast. I came into the kitchen to find him sitting on the stove, it was off, surrounded by cracked eggs and many open tea bags. How can you be upset when you know he was only trying to help.
I remember when our baby started climbing up onto our dining room chairs, table, and windowsills! I had to hide all of the dining room chairs in another room! Haha!
The first time she laughed real hard and got hiccups.
When my daughter encountered ice cream for the first time, she started giggling and didn’t stop the whole time she was eating.
I typically put our youngest to bed by rocking and singing the same lullaby each night (“Dreamland” by Mary Chapin Carpenter). He was about 16 months old when he began filling in the words when I’d stop near the end of a phrase. That sweet sleepy little voice is forever in my head, though it’s been 26 years!
Just watching them sleep in my arms…
My husband is such a sweet grandfather, especially with the babies. One of my favorite moments was walking into the living room and finding him dozing in his recliner with our infant grandson sound asleep, cradled on his chest.
Seeing my tiny nephew wrapped in the blanket I knitted him- it was my first intarsia. It’s now his blankie!
My favorite baby experience is every single time I led our library “babytime ” story time. All those sweet babies smiling up at me from the laps of their grannies and mamas and daddies!
Watching as my first GrandDaughter was born. I could not be in the room, but I could look thru the OR window and l was the first to see her enter the world.
When I was 6 months pregnant with our first child, my husband and I went to visit my close friend and her 8-month-old. As nervous first timers, we were hoping for some reassurance that yes, we were up to the challenges of parenting.
All weekend, every time the little girl caught sight of my husband, she SCREAMED, inconsolable, until he got out of her sight. He had to most of the time hiding from her.
Fortunately, our kids (2 of them now) did not have the same reaction!
I have been knitting the same hooded sweater pattern for all the babies i know for over 40
years now. Generations of babies have worn them.
When my older babies met their siblings for the first time. I have three children, and when the older two first saw their newborn siblings, they were in love. I think about that when I see then still so close at teenagers!
I knit my nephew a hungry caterpillar play set with all the foods and the caterpillar and butterfly from the book. That he recognized it as a very young toddler was so gratifying!
A favorite experience of many is when my youngest daughter fell asleep in my arms impromptu, and I just sat there and held here and let the housework go. I just savored every moment of that wonderful afternoon!
Watching my granddaughter learn how to pick up and eat veggies. Of course beets were her favorite and she ended up looking like a little vampire.
My favorite baby experience was when my daughters snuggled and fell asleep on my shoulder. Nothing like the smell of a sleeping baby.
My daughters both discovered my (substantial!) stash as infants and loved pulling out the colorful balls of yarn as I looked on anxiously hoping it all wouldn’t get unwound! Can’t wait to teach them how to knit as they grow 🙂
I have an independent and adventurous 2 1/2 year old granddaughter. We were at a playground and she decided to to climb up the ‘rock wall’ and got up about halfway, turned and looked at me and said “I’m getting in trouble here”.
Ohhh I would love to win the Albers Shawl Kit. One of my baby experiences is having my youngest put a whole peanut butter sandwich in the video player. It was in the time you could rent video players and video tapes. It was all new to us and her and she had seen us put the tapes in and out, so in one second of me being distracted she probably wanted to try it for herself and managed to slide her whole sandwich in. Fortunately she did it really neat and we managed to get it out after removing one of the sides.
Seeing my daughter fast asleep on my husband… who was also fast asleep on the couch
Favorite baby experience is seeing her grandparents hold her and sharing the joy.
I was profoundly moved when holding my first grandchild, shortly after his birth. I couldn’t believe that my baby had had a baby!
Holding a napping baby!
Watching my grandchildren make a big mess!
Of course babies usually say DA DA before MA MA, and our baby did her first REAL walk also on FATHER’s DAY. She has the same color hair and eye color as DAD too! The icing on the cake is that they have a wonderful relationship.
many baby stories, now grandbaby stories – all cute as can be!
My niece was particularly rambunctious and outspoken as an 18 month old. One weekend she ran back into the house after playing outside for a while, jumped up into my arms, knocked me directly in the eyes, and declared “Food”
When we first adopted our daughter, who was 17 months old, we stocked up on Boudreaux’s Butt Paste, and she did a little shimmy dubbed “the butt paste dance.” She had the biggest smile and we were all thrilled.
My favorite baby/toddler moment was that I always knew when my daughter was tired and ready for a nap. She would start humming.
I loved everything about my baby… the sounds he made, holding and rocking him after bottles, playing on the floor, watching him experiencing new things for the first time. Being a mom is the world’s best thing.
Where to start? I think now that my babies are teenagers, it is amazing to reflect. The baby version of each of them perfectly aligns with the current version, like they knew who they were going to be all along and I got to be on the sidelines to watch it all happen. Truly blessed!
When my daughter was a baby, I would smell her head or neck all the time. I couldn’t get enough of her natural baby smell. It was pure bliss! Even though my daughter is 23 years old, when I give her a hug, I take a huge breath in because *sometimes* I can catch a the faintest hint of that smell.
When my grand daughter was a year old, we’d watch Gigglebellies and sing along to their songs.
I thought my best baby experiences were with my own 4 kids, but with the arrival of my 2.5 month old granddaughter, a whole new world of baby joy! Love every moment spent with her and seeing my daughter become an amazing new mom.
When I was four years old..still a baby as far as my mother was concerned, I ‘ran away’ with a neighbor boy and we took a stroll to the nearby lake a few blocks away. A search party was sent out to look for us. My mother feared we had drowned but we were spotted safe and sound on the shore unfazed by all the fuss. I think I was grounded until I went off to college. Good times!
I enjoyed rocking my granddaughters to sleep in a rocking chair when they were infants.
When I would babysit a friend’s daughter as an infant, her favorite thing was to be carried outside to the trees, and hold her so she could touch the leaves. This plant loving child grew up and got a Ph.D in botany.
As a Abt I over Gerber’s vanilla custard , I’m told. But could gum a little beef stew f given the chance.
When my second child was born, my firstborn was there. The newborn wouldn’t stop crying so my firstborn, also a boy, climbed on the bed and put his blanket over the crying baby, who stopped crying immediately. The older boy said, “He’s not used to the light yet.”
My son was born at home. My 2 1/2 year old daughter fell asleep as I went into labor and woke up a few minutes before the final push. A friend was holding her at my bedside and she leaned over, put her tiny hand on my forehead and said, “It’s okay Mama. Your just having a baby.”
After I’d called him sugarpie and honeypie dozens of times, my toddler said, “Mom, you know I’m not actually a pie,” and slyly looked aside. He’d made a joke! Today he’s studying comedy writing and performance in college. ❤️
My mother loved holding babies her whole life. In her 90’s her face was often twisted with a form of anxiety. Putting her infant great-grandchildren in her arms transformed her whole body and she became relaxed, beaming, and beautiful.
My favorite baby experience is when my daughter’s first child was born. I witnessed her falling in love the moment he was placed in her arms. A beautiful sight!
Walking through a store with fragile items, a family with very young and lively children entered. As I held my breath for the safety of the delicate items, I heard the mother ask: “what kind of hands do we have in this store?” And the children responded in unison: “museum hands”. I belly laughed out loud!
That special bond when nursing your newborn
I’m about a dozen years older than my siblings and used to take the shopping when I was in school to give my mom a break: inevitably someone would approach and say, “your kids are so cute & well behaved.” When they got old enough to appreciate the humor, we turned it into a game!
My favorite baby experience was last year when our now year old kitten trotted into our lives and demanded to live with us. She was a little tiny thing but definitely made it known that we were to be her new underlings.
I don’t know much about human babies, but I’ve had a number of pets through the “baby” phase. After having an older (well-trained) dog for many (but never enough) years, I had agreed to foster a puppy. She was very sweet and quick as a whip. It happened very quickly and I didn’t have a crate, etc. for her. I had to leave her in a safe place while I went to work and then picked up the borrowed equipment. So I decided to leave her in the bathroom. I moved her bed in there, and toys, and water. When I returned, it was as if someone had left Keith Moon in a hotel room. It exceeded my imagination of what a sweet 10 lb puppy could do! (She was safe. I replaced the shower curtain, and figured out how to get the toilet paper holder to stay in place. And I knew never to leave her out of the crate when I left the house.)
I don’t know if I can call it my *favorite* moment because who can really pick one? But one of my favorite things my daughter did for a long time happened every meal time. She would drag one of her feet up above her high chair tray and grab whatever food was in reach. Then she would oh-so-carefully feed her foot! She would try to smush the food between her toes and the ball of her foot! You can’t lose your babydoll when it’s your foot, haha!
Hours of fun in the “Jolly Jumper”
A friend had a baby who really hated being the kind of helpless all babies are, and having to wait for the stupid grownups to figure out what he wanted and give it to him. When he learned to crawl, he whizzed all over the place with glee, and I got a picture of him coming straight at the camera with red-eye making him look like a total daemon.
my favorite baby experience was watching my 11 month old taking her first steps,
Each time I took a screaming, sobbing child outside and they instantly stopped.
Still feel warm inside when I think of gazing upon my sweet sleeping babies, putting my ear to their chest to reassure myself they are still breathing.
Watching my grandson push his cart across the room the first time, before he could walk on his own.
Having my mother in the delivery room and she cut the cord after my daughter was born.
A favorite moment…watching the video of one of my granddaughters taking her first steps. She had been walking around furniture for so long, that her first steps were 3 steps forward, 3 steps sideways, then 3 more forward!
I woke up this morning to the great news that I was a Grandma for the 5th time. Lily was born this morning at 4:30.
I’m more of the beloved aunt. Recently I got to welcome the newest addition to our family when I was “stuck” holding her for a couple hours – she was content to rest in my arms and I loved holding her.
When my daughter was very young, she was fascinated with horses. So one day we went to the stable, just the two of us, and she rode a pony for the first time. I can’t describe her laughter and the look on her face. It was incredible to watch and she hugged me so tight at the end. Both of us had tears of joy afterwards. It is something I will always remember.
Snuggling and reading in the chair we called “Big Blue”.
I have 4 children, 6 grandchildren and was an OB nurse for 27 years. So the favorite baby story is hard to pick! With my first daughter, I remember looking at her sweet face sleeping in my arms, and marveling at her beautiful eyebrows and lashes. My favorite moment with my OB mamas was always when baby was placed on her stomach and her partner teared up and the whole moment of joy and connection that takes place.
So many great moments with my two! As spring heads towards summer here, I have such great memories of them both enjoyed swimming at my dad’s house that I grew up in…I got in with each one to teach them how to swim…a joy!
My son was always smiling.
My favorite baby experience is sitting my niece next to a pumpkin that was exactly the same shade as her hair. Her hair has faded to strawberry blonde but I still call her pumpkin head.
I remember holding and rocking my first grandson for hours on his first night home while the new parents slept. He’s turning 12 this month!
My favorite baby experience was when our oldest son was 5 days old. He was cooing in his crib and rolled from his back to his stomach and stomach to back again. He had such a look of surprise on his face (and so did we!).
Loved nursing my babies at night when everything was quiet and peaceful!
Nothing like holding your first born for the first time except holding your grand baby for the first timee
Working retail when a young father pushing a stroller with a wee one (pre-words) came up to pay for his items. He asked the baby to tell me a joke. The babe replied with a series of babbles, paused, and then laughed… so did I!
My son always wanted to sit in the storage area underneath the seat of the stroller, where no one could see him. I would push him around like that and we would talk to me. The people who saw me must have thought I was the crazy lady with the invisible baby!
I love all my babies and grand babies. The first sleep deprived week is the best!
Zooming every week with our infant grandson — he lives on the other side of the planet from us and we cannot wait to hold him, but these Zooms are a miracle for us.
Watching a wee one, just walking, trying to walk my dog. I’m not sure who was walking who?Very slowly, a determined small person and an equally determined small dog walked a circular path at a local park.
My baby looked up at me whilst nursing and gave me a big smile.
My favorite moments with babies have been rocking and singing my grandchildren to sleep.
My son was actually a toddler when this happened, but close enough. We were in the swings section of the park. I took a moment to put my backpack near the fence before putting my son into the “baby swing”. I turned around in time to see him walk to the “big kids’” swing beside it, lie on his belly, and stretch out his arms like Superman, his favorite character at the time. Then he said “Sing, Mommy!” So for the next 15 minutes I sang the Superman theme while he rocked back and forth on the swing, stretched out like Superman in flight. I’m glad we had the park to ourselves.
The look on his face of both pleasure and pain when my nephew (who was under a year at the time) tasted a lemon for the first time. He did go back for another taste.
This fits the cute part of babies. When our first son was born, I was on maternity leave and wanted to do something special for my husband for his birthday. So I called my husband’s office phone and left a birthday message from our son – essentially a bunch of giggles as I was tickling him. My husband loved it so much, he has saved that voice mail at work for 20 years. Just goes to show you how a cute baby’s giggle can brighten someone’s day.
When my friend’s son was a few months old, she asked me to babysit. At a diaper change the little twit sent a stream of pee a mile high giggling all the way. What a mess.
My favorite baby story is the time I found my toddler on top of the refrigerator about to push the cookie over the edge to her waiting sister.
The first time a grandchild says “I love you nana” has been my all time favorite experience.
Getting to babysit our new great grandson
I love the baby giggles!
When my second daughter was 3 years old, I was pregnant with my 3rd child. I had to get my blood drawn and took her along with me. As the nurse was drawing my blood, my daughter asked her, “Are you changing my mommy’s blood?” The nurse had a horrified look on her face. I then explained to her that my daughter was “helping” my husband change the oil in our car the day before. I still tell this story every time I get my blood drawn. It always brightens the nurse’s day.
i knitted a hat and booties while waiting for the arrival of my only grandchild, all the time thinking “these are gonna be too big!” I put them on him the day he arrived home from the hospital, and they barely fit for the photo!
We will never forget our son’s first steps taken unexpectedly in New Orleans in front of the St. Louis Cathedral. We stopped to take a picture, put him down and he took his first steps.
Hatching baby ducks and chicks in my Alaskan Kindergarten, and the joy on my kids faces when we heard the first tappings and peep peep peeps.
We adopted our kids from Russia in 2004. We adopted 2 at one time. Our son, the youngest at 8 months, came back to the hotel with us that night. His orphanage was in the same city as the courthouse. So we laugh about our youngest being an only child for 24 hours.
The moment we realized our daughter was already manipulating us – at six weeks old, lying in her cradle crying and fussing, and then pausing to look right at us to see if we were paying attention
My favorite moments, unsolicited hugs and kisses!
Experiencing other people’s babies but not having any of my own! 😉
Fav memory: our oldest has been in charge since she popped out. When she learned to walk, she would wake in the morning, pull me to the kitchen to fix a bottle for her, walk me to the couch, choose a book from the shelf and climb onto my lap for her book and a “ba”. Sweet days!
Meeting my brother’s babies for the first time – like seeing myself in miniature!
Toddler story: teaching my 3 year-old niece that the magic word was not “please,” but “NOW!” We practiced so that she said it correctly: forcefully and loudly. I then left and drove to home 4 hours away, safely across the state. She used it exactly as I thought that evening at their dinner. When asking for something to be passed to her at dinner that night, my brother said “..and what’s the magic word?” she forcefully told him: “NOW!” I received a phone call moments after I arrived home (past their dinner time). My sister-in-law could not stop laughing retelling the event: she and my brother were Shocked! and Appalled! at first. As my brother started to correct and admonish my niece, my SIL realized that the actual perpetrator was me.
(I never gave her a drum set, but I did also teach her to say “Daddy, I’m SO disappointed in you” when he admonished her. He was crestfallen and near tears the first time the words came out of her mouth. My SIL knew it was my doing and couldn’t stop herself from laughing out loud.)
Ah, the first time I riflfled the pages of a big paperback for the baby. It blew her little mind.
My father was a physical education teacher. One day he started doing jumping jacks and my 4 month old daughter started laughing for the first time. It was such a joyous sound!
My son was about 3 weeks old when my mother was finally able to make an extended visit. We lived in a tiny house so the kitchen was the center of all activity especially baby bath time. Mom sitting at the table as I was getting our boy dried and diapered. I looked over at Mom and with her hands palm up, looking up asked “ does you roof leak”? Well, no. I just didn’t get the diaper on quick enough! I have 2 sisters and no brothers. Mom’s comment. I heard they did that! We shared that story often. The baby is now 54. Still a joy!
Baby sitting my nephew as a newborn
My son, now an adult, decided one day when he was about 2, that he was the BIONIC DOG. He then proceeded to run, IN SLOW MOTION, I KID YOU NOT, into the wall next to the TV. He of course, bounced back off the wall and landed on his tushie. Not hurt, but the look of surprise? I’ve never forgotten that and thinking about it now still makes me laugh!!!
Holding one of grandchildren in my lap while reading a book is such a joy.
My son spent the first 10 days of his life in a noisy neonatal intensive care unit. He slept very poorly and not much. When we brought him home to his quiet bedroom, he slept…well, like a baby!
My little one teetering along the side walk with leash in hand while his “vicious” pitbull walked along for moral support.
Babies will sometimes have the most adorable little smiles when they sleep. My mom used to say they were “playing with the angels”.
When my second baby had just come home and her big sister was meeting her for the first time, she started to cry. Big sister (only 2-1/2) said “I get her avocado!” and ran to get one. No idea why she thought that was the solution!!!
Falling off the back of a sled in soft snow, all bundled in a chunky snow suit, couldn’t move but was grinning when dad came back to get me!!
My grandson, our first, just learned to walk. While babysitting recently, he toddled over to me, put his little chubby arms around my neck and put his head on my chest! My heart did some serious pitter pattering! 🙂
We were teaching my youngest grandson to call me “Grandma Sue” but what came out was “Ga-ga Sue” and that’s my new name. I love it!
I loved when my older son at 4 years old rubbed the top of his baby brother’s bald head at only a couple of weeks old and said “I love his head.” They are now 31 and 26 respectively and thinking of this still puts tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.
I don’t have children, but I’ve loved helping in the first year of my nephew and nieces’ life. Just holding and swaying with them, so their mom’s could get a break was comforting for me.
I was watering some irises by just letting the hose soak the ground. My baby was about a year old. He picked up the hose to play with, getting completely wet, and he was so delighted.
My son was born weighing over 10lbs and a friend nicknamed him Bam-Bam -Flintstones son. He bought him a plastic blowup club. First time he picked it up he hit the coffee table and hollered Bam-Bam. Friend rolled on the floor laughing.
Seeing that first (or one of the first) smiles from this new little person. Makes my heart full every single time.
Favorite baby moment? Well, my oldest son called everyone he loved Dada, until he was almost a year old. He thought it was hilarious to stymie my attempts to get him to say Mama. He said our next door neighbor’s DOG’S name before he said Mama. So my favorite moment was when my youngest child, at a mere 5 months old, said his first word: Mama. VINDICATION!!!
I was a baby nurse for over 30 years. I have taken care of hundreds of babies and their moms and dads. My favorite thing was to show the dads how his new baby would grab his finger and hold on and that his baby would turn his head to his dad’s voice. created huge smiles every time
My favorite baby experience is having an infant asleep on my chest and shoulder.
Recent baby moment- seeing my new grandson wearing knitted things I made for him.
My son announced his displeasure of entering the bright, noisy, great big world by peeing everywhere immediately after delivery!
Over 70 years ago, my baby sister preferred me over our mother to hold her. She is still just about my favorite person.
I was leading a parent teacher choir. One person was a new parent and brought the baby with to every rehearsal, which all of us loved of course. The baby lay on her blanket on the floor where we could all see her. Week after week she heard us rehearsing every song. By the time she was about 8 months old and had graduated to lying on the blanket stomach down, propped up on elbows with head up scanning the singers, one day the choir sang a melody incorrectly. I pointed it out and sang the correct melody. That baby sang out loud right after me the same melody perfectly in tune! Everyone burst into laughter and the baby’s parent stood there stunned and proud. Imagine the look on that face!
My freaky verbal toddler spoke in their sleep one night, “perhaps you prefer yellow.” {Shrug}
Baby’s first smiles!!
My sister and family don’t live in the area, so when they’d come to visit her children/babies didn’t actually KNOW any of us. My favorite ‘baby moment’ was my oldest niece allowing me to hold her/sit on my lap while we watched “The Lion King”. I didn’t dare move for fear of losing that momentary acceptance that I wasn’t her mom.
Multiple walks through the zoo in New Orleans with two babies in a side by side tandum stoller ( a 2year old and a new born). Happy times!
The first smile my infant granddaughter gave me. She is now 14 going on 20, lol!
My newborn daughter was rolled into my hospital room in a Plexiglas bassinette, and she was trying to push herself up to check things out.
I came home Wednesday and heard wild giggles as I got out of the car. Gramps had the greatgrandboy swinging and twirling in his new swing in the backyard. Hard to decide who was smiling more.
First baby steps, toddling along with delight!
My baby is graduating from college- it goes so very fast- hold them all you can!
My daughter loved her rocking horse toy and could rock on it for hours before she could barely walk. When she was maybe 13 months old, we were driving down a country road in Pennsylvania and, never having seen a horse in person, she yelled out, Look … Rocky, as we drove by a pasture where horses were grazing. I knew then she was a genius
A memorable moment: when I first held my youngest sister (she’s 19 years younger than me). Although full-term, she was (and remains) so bird-boned that the premie diaper she was in was too loose… and she leaked on me!
Ahh, the baby years. I miss them so much. They were the best of times and the hardest of times. I do miss the hours of holding and nursing my sweet daughter.
Naps with my infant son asleep on my chest are among the sweetest memories I possess.
Waiting for news of a new baby in the family any day now, have lots of tiny knitted things in the queue!
The best thing about babies is snuggling up with them and smelling that awesome new baby smell.
I love being an auntie and holding happy babies, and even more, I love giving crabby babies back to their parents.
My favorite baby experiences are too numerous to count, but I did especially enjoy the “newborn scrunch” that contented newborns make between feeding and sleeping.
My favorite baby memory is my 2 year old special son “helping” me to fold laundry by taking each piece I folded & tossing it over his shoulder. I guess he might have been thinking about putting it away?!
My current favorite baby experience is grandchildren!
Holding my daughter in the hospital for the first time.
A hug from a then 18 mo old who would grow up to be my wonderful stepson!!
Getting my first kiss from my first granddaughter!
My most memorable newborn experience is visiting my best friend at the hospital right after her first child was born. He was in an incubator with tiny baby sunglasses on! He had jaundice and I can’t recall if there were other complications, but he quickly got well with the artificial light and the diligent care at the hospital. He now is 21 and working in HVAC, happily living on his own. We are so proud of him!
Baby? Well, I spent a fair amount of time babysitting in my youth. One of the few times I sat with an infant, she started screaming. After diapers we’re changed, dinner bottle was done and she had been burped before mom left. That baby was just MAD because mom and dad left. So I screamed back at her. That calmed her right away; she had no idea what a strange creature her parents had left her with. We were great “friends” after that.
PS My first experience with Silk Haze was after a trip to MDK during Knitopia. Now I’m obsessed!
This may not sound “cute”(?), but my son told the story of our 11 mo old granddaughter being found in the bathroom with a toilet brush near her mouth
I love love snuggling my grandsons and my daughters when they were babies under their neck while telling them I am getting their sugar bowl. The belly laughs that follow are so precious!
Hearing each of my children laugh for the first time. Who am I kidding any baby laugh is the best! It’s my favorite thing to hear. Cures any bad mood instantly.
Our first baby was born in Germany. . .dual citizenship . . . a unique memory of her birth!
When my oldest nephew was a baby every time you took off his diaper, he would get up and run off with just his shirt on.
My mother loves to tell the story of how I was a toddler who loved playing quietly by myself, but my brother, who is not quite 18 months younger than me, was extremely social & always wanted to be with me. It took her several months to realize that I was breaking the rules a lot more frequently, resulting in my being sent to my room for “timeout”, during which my brother would stand outside my closed door & cry until I was allowed out again. I was misbehaving on purpose for those precious timeouts! She had to come up with a new punishment, one that actually was a punishment for me, & not for him. Apparently my behavior improved immediately.
I’m not a mom so not a lot of baby stories, but my cousin’s little boy is an absolute firecracker. Now that he’s toddling about, he’s obsessed with vacuum cleaners, brooms, and cleaning the floor. I keep telling his mom he’s welcome to visit anytime
When our second child arrived, the camera was in rapid fire mode. There is a photograph of a proud papa holding the hours-old newbie with a first born onlooker scowling beside him ..such a funny, candid of a two year old meeting her sibling
My first baby had to be held to go to sleep and would often cry when put down. Imagine my surprise when baby number 2 would actually fall asleep on his own!
One of my favorite baby moments was my brother making my four-month-old daughter laugh for the first time.
Not many babies in my life, but playing peek-a-boo with a very energetic ?18 month old? in the Ikea returns line for 15 minutes while their caregiver and I waited. And waited. And waited. was fun! Especially when a neighboring three year old got into the game!
My baby is a 4 footer. He’s ever so helpful when I’m trying to knit! I have discovered that I can get a lot done when he’s gone to sleep in the evenings!
When I was pregnant with my oldest more than 50 years ago, my teen-age sister knit a poncho for the upcoming baby. Two rectangles sewn together, a bit of edging and a crocheted string tie. The yarn was a flecked wool and probably only took a ball for the project. The surprise was that this little poncho was the handiest item in my daughter’s wardrobe as I didn’t have to squeeze little arms into sleeves, just pop the poncho over her head. And she was able to wear it over a dress until she was 2 years old. I have the pattern and I like to make it for my friends who have just given birth. Of course, I need to find the right yarn for the project but all of those speckled sock yarns work perfectly.
We went to a beautiful baby christening in a gorgeous regal cathedral & right as the priest went to bless the baby the sweet beautifully dressed cherub let out a very loud——you guessed it—-fart. Everyone froze & then laughter ensued. The priest commented-“the baby is healthy!!!”
I am a big fan of nursing my kids, so I was devastated when my 14-month-old daughter, Quinn, looked at me and said ‘no more nummies’! She is now, at 39, about to become VP of a multi-national company…I guess I should have known!
Both my babies were born as scheduled ceasareans so on Thursday night we looked at each other and said: Tomorrow we’re having a baby. Then my husband said: I’ve never put diapers on a baby! Good thing we had a cabbage patch doll for him to practice on!
I loved reading to my sons and rocking them in the rocking chair before their naps or at bedtime.
Going to the Museum of Natural History in NYC with a friend and my three small children—one walking herself, one in a stroller, and one strapped to my chest in a Bjorn.
The smell at the back of a baby’s neck. So nice. And an infants smile.
My favourite baby experience was when I went over to my daughter’s house to help her with her children and being as I had a key for the house i let myself in. SHe was so tired from trying to get her youngest to fall asleep that I found her in the crib sleeping with the baby. I should have taken a photo!
When meeting my Great Niece for the first time I didn’t want to jump in, all excited, and make her nervous. I sat on the floor next to her. There is a series of photos that show her little arm reaching out – closer and closer to me. So dang sweet!!! Love that little girl.
I’ve been able to knit baby blankets for all of my 8 nieces and nephews, save the one who arrived before I was proficient. May have to make hers a college graduation blanket instead!
The first time my daughter smiled. That just lit up my heart unlike anything I had ever experienced before!
A story related to me recently: a young father heard his baby laughing for the first time. Dad’s eyes lit up in wonder, he picked up the baby and hugged her and said, “Oh man, I can’t wait to take you to Disneyland.”
When happy, my infant son would squeal and work his feet back and forth. We called it “happy feet” – and it is a very happy memory!
My grandsons love to hear me count their fingers (usually in French) and name and point to a body part—perfect attitude adjustment for wiping a protesting child’s sticky fingers.
My favorite baby experience right now is receiving new photos of my nephews baby. She looks just like him when he was that age.
Two day old baby waking mom and dad up in the middle of the night because he was laughing. A great belly laugh at two day old. Still a funny guy at 37.