Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: Supply Chain of Fools

I stopped at the grocery store earlier this week and there were only two things on my list: Clausen pickles and Topo Chico. My local grocery store isn’t the best grocery store in the world (which, if you have met me in real life, you know already since all I’ve done for twenty years is complain about it), so it wasn’t a complete surprise that they had neither. Two more grocery stores later, though, and I was still empty-handed: no bougie pickles, no hipster bubbly water. I used my phone to Ask Jeeves and found out that there’s a quite significant glass bottle and jar shortage that’s already trickled down to my crucial needs.
I bring this up because the preserved cucumber supply chain isn’t the only one that’s got some weak links in it these days. We at MDK HQ have been awaiting some geegaws for the looming MDK Holiday Shop launch (THIS COMING Saturday, October 30 for Snippets subscribers!) and to be honest, there are a few items that are going to miss the boat (or more specifically: are still on the boat). Supply chain issues are a real thing and they will play heavily into this holiday season—for us here at MDK and for you out there with your fingers paused over the “Complete Order” button; if we don’t have it, we can’t send it to you.
And look: we’re not trying to create too much FOMO, but if you see something in the Holiday Shop that you love and want in your life, don’t sleep on it too long or you will MO. Most of the Holiday Shop bibelots are limited in number and the current global situation (it sounds so James Bond-y!) virtually guarantees that it will be almost impossible to restock for the holidays in any sort of useful timeframe (there are also already dire warnings from all the shipping companies—including the USPS—about increased rates and slowed-down delivery times, so get your items ordered by December 15 (it’s sooner than you think, so put that in BIG LETTERS on your dog and cat calendars!).
In short, we’re buckling up for a season unlike any in recent memory.
Okay, that’s off my chest. I can breathe a sigh of relief. I’ve told you the news (and we’ll remind you of that shipping date—December 15—again in future posts).
All of that is very important information, of course, and while the fate of the Free World might rely on whether or not our boxes of whatchamacallits arrive in a timely fashion, the real question still remains: Where the hell am I going to get my fancy-ass pickles?
A Giveaway
The prize? A skein of pickle-perfect Laneras Yarn Secretos in Bayou plus a copy of Field Guide No. 11: Wanderlust.
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: In the comments, name your favorite pickles or fermented veg or food in a jar (has anyone checked the maraschino cherry supply lately?).
Deadline for entries: Sunday, October 31, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Mozzetta tamed jalapeños!
Bubbles pickles – like right out of the barrel
Dill pickles. The really briney/salty kind you get from a deli etc. Yum!
I’m a fan of homemade sweet pickles. And beet pickles.
Bread and butter pickles!
Bibelots! I learned a new word!
Ditto! Those are my favorite pickles, and I looked up bibelots!
Pickled beets. – put sliced pickled beets in a peanut butter sandwich for a really great lunch!
I love hamburger dolls on my peanut butter sandwich. Will have to try pickled beets as I like them too.
Go Team Calamata!
Sweet gherkins on a peanut butter sandwich is one of my alltime favorites. I love pickled beets, so I will definitely try them on a pb sandwich!
Dill pickle relish. It makes great tartar sauce.
Here’s my pacific NW fav: smoked tuna fish, Mayo & hot dog relish….mix tog. & serve with crackers . Enjoy!
I love Claussen pickles and have also had trouble finding them for about a year. My top fave pickle is Best of Texas’ okra pickles. Love.
Korean Kim Chi
Wow, yum!!!
Homemade sauerkraut (from s-i-l)
Love pickled Beets not sure about mixing with pb even though I like pb – hubs likes BP and sliced kosher dills ;).
Ooh – I love pickled beets, and I love peanut butter. I have to try this. Thanks!
I feel the same way – love pickled beets and I love peanut butter but I never thought of combining them.
Homemade green tomato and cabbage relish w lots of jalapeño peppers. Absolutely the best not-too-sweet condiment on EVERYTHING from crackers to burgers to grilled cheese sandies to huevos rancheros.
Cornichons with pate
I need your recipe! So many green tomatoes!
My favorite is pickled beets and sauerkraut
Dill pickle relish. Makes a hot dog sublime.
Pickled beets are my favorite.
I’m a big fan of Grillo’s kosher dills, which, by the way, come in a plastic pail. I also like Famous Dave’s sweet and spicy, which I haven’t been able to find recently. I won’t forget- December 15th!
Dill pickles for the win.
Grandma’s recipe for Bread and Butter pickles! Yikes. So good I rarely give them away.
Lime pickles by Nancy Mansfield Payne
Tough call … It’s Kim Chee or premium hot chocolate coco powder …
Yes! Oh my goodness Kim Chee with red pepper flakes! Oooooo.
My mother always made homemade pickled beets to serve with Swedish meatballs for Christmas dinner. I’m keeping the tradition. And every time we remember when my daughter, then about 3 years old, called them pickled beeps. Pickled beeps are the best!
Ok. LOVE “pickled beeps”
Kim Chee, the kind that warns you not to shake or it could explode!
Wake Robin brand fermented items
Going to have to go with my mom’s. We have a semi-regular picklepalooza and pickle anything that will sit still long enough. The okra was especially good.
My sister’s bread and butter pickles are the Best!!
If you do not have home made, I love Mt. Olive bread and butter pickles.
My fave: our own organic garden’s Japanese cucumbers, dill and garlic, which make great dill pickles in our treasured pint mason jars. Finding new one-time-use metal canning lids this year was impossible, so located reusable Tattler lids that I found at an online Amish business.
My cousin Kate’s pickled green beans. So good on salads!
Homemade fermented dill pickles- and I made a few crocks worth this summer. Yum!
Vlasic sweet gherkins!
Oh yeah! The Vlasic sweet gherkins are the best!
I loved dill pickles as a kid. I even drank the juice. But after meeting my husband from Iran my new favorite pickled and jarred veggie is torshi. I keep a jar in the fridge and a spare in the pantry at all times.
Add me to team kim chee. And my favorite pickles were made by mama. So I’ve been doing without for a few years.
Olives Olives Olives!!!
Last summer I pickled a few jars of cucamelons. Not only are the the cutest thing you’ve ever seen but a total game changer in a Bloody Mary.
Kalamata olives
Home made, lightly pickled carrots and cucumbers-great on sandwiches.
Pickled beets. Yum, yum, yum!
Pickled okra
I love all things pickled but if I had to pick just one it would be homemade bread and butter pickles followed by rum hot peppers which spice up any sandwich.
They have Clausen pickles on Amazon, not sure if they have your variety. I grew up with Heinz so anything (pickles, relish, etc.) from them works for me.
Pickled asparagus spears. According to my husband they don’t make pee stink.
I love sweet gherkins!
Kalamata olives!
homemade half sour dills … yum .. kimchi a close second. all or good due to probiotics
Aldi has pretty good sauerkraut
Mom’s recipe for mustard pickles as now made by this generation. Yum!
Strawberry preserves – yum!
Love the eggs that are pickled(?) In beet juice….the rich purple red, some white and then deep yellow!
staubs sour dills. Yummmm
Homemade sauerkraut!
My mother’s watermelon pickles
Clausen, of course. Amazed you get them in Nashville. Ours are in the refrigerator section of our Kroger’s or Holiday Market store in Michigan. Explains why we are seeing a limited number here. The best pickles.
Trader Joe’s sweet hot jalapeños, or bread and butter pickles. My family can’t get enough of either?
Dilly Beans. Open a jar and it doesn’t last very long!
Dill pickles …a lifetime of yumminess. Started with grandma’s homemade pickles brought up from the basement, and onward from there. Have sampled pickles from travels and never found one I didn’t “relish.”
I’m a kimchi fan. Can’t really believe it myself, but it grows on you, and it’s good for you!
We make our own pickles, sauces, salsa – nearly everything! It’s fun to fill those canning jars!
Yep – gotta be pickled beets – the ones you find in the old fashion diners. Yummy!
Pickled garlic!
All olives!!
I’m not much of anything pickled except Fanning’s Bread & Butter pickles, but I went to the local Navy commissary just yesterday to get Clausen’s for my husband and there were plenty! But not one head of lettuce. Go figure. And it seems Belgian endive is unavailable anywhere. If I could figure out a way to do it, I’d send you a case Clausen’s, spears, halves, wholes.
I certainly love this pickle color!
Sweet Gherkins!
I like the sweet gherkins! But I guess anything will do, right?
Clausen Bread and Butter chips.
And we snagged the last bunch of bananas at out local grocery store.
Kalamata olives — oh, no, you can’t take those away from me!
Grandma’s bread and butter pickles. The memories of helping her make them in the summers are priceless.
I like Clausen pickles but I think Boars Head’s are better My favorite veggies in a jar though are Mezzetta Giardiniera its in the name a vegetable garden in a jar (pickled of course,)
Any Maman product,and,uh,baked beans in the smallest size can
While I have not found a pickled food I won’t try, my favorites are usually found in cocktails, I have a homemade pickled onion recipe and a “luxardo” cherry recipe, both are wonderful. Thankfully we vacuum sealed them in bags for processing this year.
Made pickled red onions this summer…they go with almost everything!
Sauerkraut by a long shot. I love any kind of fermented cabbage.
I make my own spicy pickled carrots. (Habanero or Scotch bonnet peppers add an awesome kick!)
My favorite pickles are my homemade kosher dills using cucs from my garden. Everyone raves about them. No supply chain issues!
A red pepper jelly. Good over crackers & cheese
My daughter in law makes the best pickles with which ever veg she has a bit too much of! And when she puts those pickles out on a “snack tray” with cheese, meat, and crackers, YUM!
Sweet midgets pickles
My Dad’s homemade bread and butter pickles.
I love umeboshi, Japanese pickled plums. When I lived over there, I used to buy onigiri (rice balls) with umeboshi in the middle from the convenience store on my way to work. So tart and delicious! My mouth is watering at the memory.
My mom’s pickled watermelon rind, sweet, prickly and a beautiful blush color with a tinge of green. Used to help her make them….thanks for the memory
Little tiny baby gherkins. My parents would always put them out as part of a buffet next to the rolled cold cut platter and I love them!
Bread and butter pickles!!
Bessinger’s little dill pickles.
Half sour pickles – NY deli-licious! And, agree with all of the kimchi love in these comments.
homemade tomato chutney- no need to hunt at the store- and enough jars are in the basement- but lids. Do we have enough lids?
SO many fermented eats, so little time. I get yummy Bubbie’s pickles at Whole Foods or Sprouts. Love kimchi from the Asian market. Our farmers market guy makes great yogurt in a glass jar from milk from his cows. Various olives. Pickled veggies, hot peppers….
Pickled ginger!
I can eat a whole big jar of pickled beets in one sitting.
Clauses pickle slices for any sandwich or burger & homemade sauerkraut.
Have you tried SuckerPunch spicy garlic pickle spears? Oh yum! And, not to be left out, Bubbies sauerkraut. Two fermented goodies.
Homemade pickled apple habanero hot sauce.
No maraschino cherries? Damn. That makes sense, they have been hit or miss in my Manhattans lately. I bet oiives in my martinis are the next to
I truly love sour kraut! I’ve been known to order a Ruben with extra.
Luxardo cherries…for a luxo old fashioned! Yum!
Vlassic Polish dill pickles are my childhood favorite pickle 🙂
i love pickled asparagus–hard to enjoy a Bloody Mary, virgin or not, without a couple of spears.
My pickled sugared jalapeños!
My homemade dill pickles using cucumbers from my garden! Some year’s we do have supply chain issues! Family and friends request them faster than I can make them!
Being a Pittsburgher, gotta go with Heinz sweet baby gherkins. They were always a special treat in our house.
I’m with you on the Claussen picles.
Well, it would just about have to be my Mississippi-born momma’s bread and butter pickles. My favorite even though she made us pick the cucumbers (no seeds allowed, so those babies were *small*), and we never picked less than 200 lbs; we had pickles for the year and I haven’t had them in 40 and I still think about them.
She’d have trouble canning them this year — Mason jars for home-preserving are as scarce as hen’s teeth this season as well.
It’s a good thing I’ve already got jars! Just no time
Grandma’s pickled okra
My favorite pickle is the bread and butter. I don’t need the jar from the store. I have my really good recipe here at home.
I love ❤️ garlic dills! Lucky I have a couple jars on hand.
My father always asked for fancy stewed figs in a jar. I was never able to find a jar while he was alive. He”s been gone 15 years now . But every time I go to a new grocery store I look for them. I suspect They will be even more elusive now.
During the summer of 2020, I dipped my toes in the water of pickling things. My favorite thing was bourbon cherries. But I pickled everything from cucumbers (DG, seriously…if you can’t get your fancy pickles, you’ll be astonished at how easy it is to make your own fancy refrigerator pickles) to Japanese eggplant.
Pickled beets!
Good old bread and butter pickles; nothing fancy shmancy here.
Bread and Butter pickles
My mom’s pickled okra
My dear friend and fellow knitter- Mary Moe! She grew her own pickling pickles, and then would pickle them in Ball mason jars! Each visit we would get a jar or too! And of course, return the clean empty jars as a thank you! Quietly begging for more!
Mrs. Renfro’s pickled jalapenos!
picked okra – yum!!!
Daikin and carrot which I make myself. I also like my pickled green beans.
My homemade garlic and dill pickles, hot and sweet pickles and pickled onions!
All I know is “cornichon” is the third-best French word to say out loud, after “saucisson” and “pamplemousse.”
Homemade pickled onions on a hamburger just screams summer. Pickled beets, sauerkraut, pickled ginger, pickles are all in my pantry. Fermented veggies are good for you too. So we eat and enjoy our favorites and get health benefits too.
Kuhne Kosher Barrel Pickles
I’ll drive down there (we live north of your bit) with pickles and chi-chi bubbly water if I ever win ANYTHING!!! You guys rock!
I made zucchini relish this summer , very versatile. Also love hot pepper jelly. Thankfully I have a good bottle supply; had heard earlier in the summer there were bottle shortages in this area.
Good luck on your hunt.
Green olives are my favorite! Always have a jar in my fridge.
There have been two stand-out pickles in my life (so far): pickled okra, and cucumbers pickled in a crock with a rock holding them under the brine. Sadly, none were made this year because neither okra nor cucumbers survived the Summer of Endless Deluge.
Classic kosher dills
Grandma’s bread and butter pickles—better than cookies.
My own refrigerator dills made from cukes from my garden.
Well I’m knitting a sweater the color of pickles
Roasted red peppers marinated in garlic and olive oil
Yes! Yumm…
Aldi’s pickles and the accompanying pickle juice do very well for making DIY Chick fil A knockoff sandwich. On the subject of other supply chain stories, still waiting for granite stone to be put on ship from India to New England for parents. If you want to know why the stone wasn’t purchased locally, when your stone cutter tells you that the local stone quarry represented that a stone sold to him was black but had instead been tinted, thus resulting in the engraving not holding up, you must trust the stone cutter. And so we wait. But my mother loved pickles so I know she would understand.
I’m with you on Clausen – get outta here with shelf stable pickles! I also noticed a fancy ass olive shortage earlier in the year that seems to have stabilized – what’s even the point of making a bloody mary if there are no jalapeño stuffed olives for garnish?
Kosher dills and Kalamata olives!
Best pickles hands down……Lakeside pickles. Delist!
Pepper spread
Vlasic hamburger dill pickles are my favorite and they don’t only have to go on a hamburger! Actually any dill pickle is my favorite!
Luxardo maraschino cherries. You’ll never buy the bright red ones again!
Homemade quick-pickled red onions and jalapeños—so good on chili, curries, tacos, etc.
I have a SQ of yarn in colorway “Festive Pickle” in my stash. And I just bought a pair of pickle-print PJ pants. Clearly I need to make pickle-colored socks to complete this outfit.
Clausen as well. And BTW don’t settle for another brand! They won’t taste the same and then you’ll have this LARGE jar hanging out and taking up too much space in your refrigerator!
Have maraschino cherries and going for pickles. Thanks for the well timed reminder.
My favorite pickles are the spicy dills that I home can.
Le Maille cornichons, cannot have a sandwich without one thinly sliced !
The sweet and sour pickles that we put up ourselves, from cucumbers we grow in the garden.
Maraschino cherries.
Sweet Gherkins!
Every summer I order up 25 pounds of locally grown cucumbers, garlic and dill and spend a day (or two) making dill pickles the way my mother did. One dozen is for our house and the other dozen are carefully gifted to pickle-worthy friends and family (returning the empty mason jar each year is required for repeat gifting). That would include you DG, if we lived closer – but living in different countries means it can’t happen. But I could share my mother’s recipe and you could make your own – two jars is a recipe so you don’t have to devote a whole weekend to it if you’re too busy stocking shelves and filling orders 🙂
Bread and Butter pickles!!
Wickles Pickles!
I realized the powers of things in jars, which could be ordered for delivery, much more during the pandemic. A local company Zing! Pantry Shortcuts started up offering really excellent chile crisp Hakka-ish, as well as other items. I can’t be without it now. I should go order more in case the jar issues hit Canada soon (usually that kind of thing is earlier here!).
Thanks for the contest!
New dills from out local deli!
My Favorite pickles at the moment are Famous Daves Spicy Pickle Chips. I but them in a huge jar at Costco! But my favorite canned item of all time are my grandmother’s pickled beets. She grows the beets herself and we can them together in her kitchen. They are divine!
Clausen Sandwich Slices!
Maraschino cherries and dill pickle slices
Pickled Okra
Pickled anything.
I love home pickled beets, dilly pickled green beans, and fire&ice pickles.
Clausen pickles – husband’s favorite, now mine as well!
My favorite pickles are cucumbers, brined and fermented on my kitchen counter, with dill and lots of garlic.
Pickled beets with red onion!
Actually Clausen pickles are a favourite in our house too. We haven’t been able to find any for months. We asked why not, and got the same response as you. A shortage of glass jars
Kalamata olives! We but the big jar at Costco.
Very old school. Heinze Dill Pickles. Whole. In the big jar. Can’t find them anywhere.
Homemade bread and butter pickles made by soaking them in lime, which I couldn’t find this year. used Pickle Crisp instead, not the same at all.
Strubs baby dills. There was ever a jar in the fridge when I was growing up.
Every kind of olive.
Bread and butter pickles, and lately I’ve been eating a lot of kimchi (probably a side effect of all the Korean tv I’ve been watching).
I just noticed the other day…Plenty of marachino cherries out there! My pickled preference is jalapeño stuffed green olives. For the chunks of jalapeño and garlic.
My favourite picked food is homemade chili sauce…using my mother’s recipe. I use it on a variety of dishes to spice up and reminisce but always save the most important jar for my Christmas Eve tourtière.
My favorite pickles are my grandmother’s bread and butter pickles. As hard as I try, I can’t get the recipe right.
My favorites are Sweet ‘n Spicy pickles, if course with a bit if cheese and some Spicy Chili Bacon Jam on a cracker!
I can make my own pickles. I have pickled green tomatoes and sandwich peppers. But oh dear, I better check those cherries for my Manhattan!!!
Ba Tampte Half Sour Pickles
I also love the Clausen pickles.
Pickled beets for me!
I adored pickled green tomatoes as a kid in New Jersey, I think the brand was something like Bas Temple. Alas, I have lived in Texas most of my adult life and have never found any. Fried green tomatoes-yes but no pickled green tomatoes!
Good old green olives – I can eat them by the jar
Homemade bread and butter pickles are the best!
I love pretty much any vegetable pickled, but these days have been chomping on pickled cauliflower
and brussels sprouts a lot.
Sauerkraut, pickled turnips, mustard pickles. I could go on. Secretos in “Bayou”! All things green are wonderful.
Easy microwave sweet pickles from a favorite aunt’s recipe. Simple and stored in reusable canning jar!
Chile crisp!
Dill pickle slices
Definitely Clausen pickles! Our former babysitter once told us that she learned so much from watching us parent our kids, but one of the most important things she learned from us was there’s no pickle like a Clausen!
Trader Joe’s has sliced, pickled jalapenos that are a little sweet. Wonderful on any kind of tacos or sandwiches!! Speaking of supply chain no-shows; where is Trident Layers gum????
Homemade dill pickles. Make my own so have my own supply of glass jars.
My mom used to make pickled green tomatoes in 50 gal crocks that she would line up in the garage and have them covered with pieces of plywood. They were the best! And it was about this time of year that she did her pickling. The garage would smell so good from the spices she used in the brine.
My faves are my friends homemade sweet and sour pickles and Clausen dills.
I go for the Zesty Garlic, the zestiest and garlicyest I can find.
I love the most sour pickle I can find. If my eyes squint, it’s a good one. Husband however, prefers half sours. I can’t seem to bring him to the sour side.
I HATE pickles! But roasted red peppers are just fine.
Gherkins. I’m not picky about brand as long as they are crunchy and sweet.
Kimchi is my favorite!
Sweet gherkins-use them in ham salad!
Bonne Maman Raspberry Preserves.
Half done pickles bought from a local deli when visiting family out East.
Bubbies brand Kosher Dills!
Pickled beets…. love the colour and it doesn’t stain !
I love all things fermented, but my favorite is probably sour pickles. Yum.
That yarn is glorious. It reminds me of A few years ago I had some white Portuguese merino to spin and dye. I wish I could find was awesome, much nicer than what I have found here. It had more body and took color perfectly.
Love my friends frozen pickles Little cucumbers sweet pickle recipe so don’t worry about “in stock”.
Dill pickles with garlic all the way!!
Crazy what’s going on with supply chain all of the shortages in different areas it is mind boggling! We have shortages here too on Halloween candy, decorations and costumes, and was told that there is going to be shortages on toys … what the heck Santa! All laughing aside what a world we live in! As long as I can s too lol get some squishy yarn of golden goodness the world will still turn for me. Good luck on the fancy pickles and water!
I can my own pickles. My Granny’s Sweet Bread and Butter as well as one i jazzed up with Jalepenos!
I love Clausen pickles, too. But my very favorite would be the pickled green beans that we used to serve in Bloody Mary’s. They came in a round jar all standing up proudly. They crunched when you bit into them. Yum…
Grey poupon mustard
Dill pickles
Another vote for pickled red onions!
I love any mini dill pickle. They have great ones from Costco. Beet pickles are a must in my house as well!
Any dill pickle. While pickle, not spears.
One year I ran out of dill for my favorite pickle recipe. I substituted Basil since there was so much in our farm garden. Now Basil Kosher Dills are the FAVORITES among all the pickles I make.
My friend Kathy’s homemade pickles! And her salsa!
Homemade zesty bread & butter pickles and applesauce. (But not together.)
The dill pickles that I ferment myself. They’re a quick ferment. Also, the pickled beets that are in the fridge are quick to make.
Wickles….sweet and spicy.
10-minute pickled jalapeños made with homegrown jalapeños. Great with scrambled eggs and on sandwiches.
Bubbies…the finest commercial dill pickles ever anywhere!
Wickles Pickles!!!
I’m with you on pickles. Or garlic and jalapeño stuffed green olives from a local cannery!
I love the crunch of a ‘new dill’ kosher pickle. For my burgers it’s bread & butter chi pickles, And who doesn’t love sweet gherkins ?
I love German sauerkraut from Aldi’s.
Ba-Tampte Garlic Pickles yummy – 🙂
Bread and butter pickles!
Yum yum pickles
Kosher dill pickles
Horseradish pickles…yes!!!
I like good old vlasic dill spears.
pickled beets
Pickled white radishes YUM
My favorite is a homemade goodie called ‘Cajun Pickles.’ A little sweet, a little tart, a little hot, a little garlic-y. In short, they make everything better.
Second favorite: homemade pepper jelly. 🙂
Vlasic Stackers favorite pickle here, also only occasionally. Homemade a good option, but I think we ate all of those. available at present
I make a mean Bread and Butter Pickle and those are my favorite. I can slices of onion and pepper in those jars too. The green of the pickles with the onion and red peppers is lovely to look at and great on a burger!
You could try making your own fancy-ass pickles. COULD being the key word. Good luck.
Peanut butter. The natural kind you need to stir.
Vlasic baby gherkins or sliced( the long way) kosher dills for sandwiches. Nothin’ fancy here.
Blueberry preserves
My fav are bread and butter pickles with mustard pickles a close secoond.
Hmm, I like the ‘good’ pickles too. The kind in the chilled section, with lots of garlic, and a good crunch to them. But I also love Castelvetrano olives- so buttery and yummy!
Pickled beets are the best. Fortunately my son’s girlfriend makes them
Dilly string beans
Love the sliced pepperoncini (yellow peppers). Layer those on a ham sandwich with mustard, and yum!
When you talk ingredients in a jar, a staple at our house is jam for PB&J. Also jar tomato sauce. Hubby has pickle chips and I have banana peppers from Lidl in jars in the frig now.
Other posters now have me hungry for Kalamala olives and roasted red peppers!
Pickled okra!
Sweet gherkins are my pickle of choice.
I like things that are pickled, even ate pickled pigs feet once. My current fave is bread and butter pickles.
Love, love capers!
I’ve been eating Hex Ferments Miso Kimchi lately. Otherwise, the peach chutney I made this summer is my latest homemade favorite
Yogurt or any fermented vegetable, especially carrots and beets. I am intrigued about having a sock yarn that does not contain a synthetic, and I will believe the durability claims when I see it!
Home-made bread and butter pickles (made by my partner!)
I love pickled beets. Any brand is okay.
My favorite pickles were the ‘bread and butter’ ones made by my mother, who has been gone for 13 years. Current favorite food from a jar is banana peppers.
Clausen dill
Pickled red cabbage.
I love the dill pickles that our farmer friend Rudy makes and gives as gifts. (He makes a mean hickory nut cookie, too.)
KIMCHI !!!!!!!
Classic bread and butter chips to eat with a grilled cheese sandwich.
Kalamata olives, not to be confused with “black olives.”
Here in Portland,Or, the best pickles are by Moonbrine, You can buy direct from him at the Ford Building on SE Division Street or, if you’re lucky enough to find them, at the upscale grocery stores. More expensive and oh, so worth it!!
Dilly beans!
I’m a Clausen fan myself, although I do love my former neighbor’s kimchi. So, so tasty!
I love my homemade dill pickles
Guss’ Pickles “Imitated but never duplicated” on the lower east side since 1920, where you can select individual pickles to go in your jar, and always an extra one to munch in wax paper walking down the street.
My own refrigerator pickled cucumbers
Fried pickles
Oh, yes indeedy. I am Team Spears – which I found exactly once at the State Fair before the food truck selling them disappeared into a Brigadoon-like fog on a subsequent visit later in the week. But I’ll eat the ship shaped fried ones too.
I love dill pickles, but honestly salsa. My husband and I eat so much salsa. We’ve tried so many different ones, but he doesn’t like lots of chunks and I like it to not be just tomato flavoured. We like the Walmart Great Value best, although the Presidents Choice and Compliments brands are okay too.
Pickled onions are the best!
I adore any kind of pickled veggie, but cauliflower is my favorite.
In college, I used to shop at a food store that had a “ nickel pickle” bin-heaven!
Pickled beets and pickled turnips.
My favorite food in a jar is Salsa! Yummy.
I’m a dill pickle fan. Always dill. Never sweet.
Pickled okra followed by bread and butter pickles.
Clausen pickles are delicious! And that yarn is a great match.
Kimchi!!! Also Luxardo cherries are the best for cocktails. I’ve also been known to use the jar juice as grenadine in a pinch 🙂
Ba-Tempte, baby! Half sours, kosher dills, they’re all good! Grillo’s makes a nice pickle too.
Candied jalapeños. On a cracker with cream cheese, my little guy calls them candy poppers.
My favorite pickles, Grillos, come in a plastic tub. My favorite glass jar fermented food is kimchi!
Pickled beets
Oh, I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I loved pickles as a child but avoid them now. My favourite thing in a jar is homemade applesauce.
My Mom’s home-made pickles. The best!
Bread and butter pickles are the best!
Clause Bread and Butter or Boars Head Horseradish!
Wickles pickles! A little sweet, a lot spicy. And a close second are the pickles my sister-in-law makes. And third is the chilero I make from ‘Blue Zone Cookbook’
I meant to add, ‘The Daily’ podcast had a fascinating episode a couple of weeks ago on the supply chain disruption. Such a complicated situation
DelMonte kosher dill pickles. Sometimes they are hard to find even when there are no problems.
Pickled herring with sour cream in a jar. Good thing I’ve been saving jars-Mason and otherwise. I use them during apple season, knitting notions, drinking from. Looks like the empties will remain so!
Same for me on the jars… I have the crock my grandma used for making (and storing) pickled apples. So wonderfully tart, Yay for homemade pickles, and for wonderful memories of family and food!
Martini onions! Oh so lovely
While pickles aren’t my fav, I do love jarred roasted red peppers fir making pasta sauce!
Pickled chow chow to serve with greens
Boars Head Horseradish Bread & Butter pickles!! Makes my mouth water just typing this! My family LOVES them!!
can’t go to our farmers market these days sadly because of know but there’s a lady there that sells amazing pickled fermented foods, my fave is her ginger pickled carrots.
Clausen spears for my Chicago dog!
Bread and Butter pickles!!
Red cabbage with apples is delicious. Aldi would always have this stocked in late August through September in the olden days. You know, before the dreaded supply chain disaster. I look for them every time I’m in the store, but not in stock.
Dill pickles are my favorite.
My own pickles – a little jalapeño to add spice – a little sweet- extra good. Canning is not hard.
Kimchi! I love anything pickled, but kimchi is my favorite, then Vlasic pickles, and third, sauerkraut
Sweet minis! Luckily, not a family fave, so I don’t have to share.
Vlasic kosher dill stackers are so good on a tomato and cheese sandwich at the height of fresh garden tomato season
Batampte half sour pickles are the best!
Claussen Sauerkraut…..YUMMY!
And so good for you too.
claussen dills for me
Half Sour Cucumber pickles for me!
Homemade green tomato relish! It froze before I could get this years tomatoes out of the garden, and it is packed with cabbage, bell peppers, onions and goodies all sweet and tangy. Store bought favorite are the fancy Bubbies Sweet pickles for a splurge!
You can’t beat a crunchy dill!
Vlasic kosher stackers are my jam. They are great on a sandwich or chopped for tuna salad.
As an adult I now love sweet “bread and butter” pickles. But growing up I loved kosher half-sour, not the same as dill and not to be found in grocery stores.
Preserved lemons are the jewels in the crown of my pantry.
Mom’s home-made bread and butter pickles!
Mount olive dill pickles are my current favorite.
I’m not a big cucumber pickle fan, except candied dills but pickled beets, cauliflower & carrots are great!
Clausen Dill Pickle Spears are a must can’t find them here either. 🙁
Kimchi! With anything, on anything.
I love a reuban sandwich with sour kraut!
Old Farmhouse Chutney by Stonewall Kitchens
McClure pickles. Hands down.
Kombucha—not a food, but a drink. And love on all the indie organic kimchis out there!
Vlassic Bread and Butter Pickles rock my boat. I don’t indulge often, but when I do its hard not to eat them all in one sitting.
This is such a timely topic as we were just discussing this very thing at our last family get together. I picked my Grandmother’s beet pickles and her icicle pickles. The icicle pickles contained a dye that turned them a strange bluish colour but they tasted great.
Aunt Jane’s pickled beets. Buy them in the morning. Gone by supper.
Italian picked veggies (lGiardire , Giardineri ???) Whatever, my fav veggie. My SIL also makes sweet, spicy Dill pickles. Very small batches, I usually only get one jar. Boo Hoo.
My favorite pickles are the ones I make…famous throughout our extended family as Aunt Marla’s pickles. Treasured and gifted they are hoarded in pantries.
Oh shoot – I need to check on my cherry supply… My fave fermented food lately is beet kraut from local-to-me Olive My Pickle.
I like the tint sweet pickles. I’ll just stand and the fridge door wide open and eat them from the jar. Has anyone tried any of the tiktok pickles?
Tiller Farms Pickled green beans AND Kroger Bread and Butter pickles.
Ooh, food in a jar enlivens the dark months. I wait until a gloomy day and make small jars of apple butter. Canning tomatoes always coincides with the hottest day of summer. Apple butter makes the whole house smell warm and comforting on gloomy autumn days. Opening a jar of spice and good smells and spreading it on buttered toast is such a reward for shoveling snow.
Pickled sliced banana peppers! They add a nice pop to sandwiches.
Chile crisp. Red pepper flakes with other goodness fried crispy in a bit of oil. An interesting addition to anything from scrambled eggs to rice krispie treats.
Bourbon soaked cherries! Yummmm!
With you on the Clausen Dills!
Sweet pickle relish – I use this in just about everything.
Homemade Dilly Beans.
Mango pickle, I could eat it that with every meal.
Watermelon Pickles.
Homemade pickled green chiles – hoo boy!
Roasted artichoke hearts for me. Yum.
Dill pickles!
I’m also a huge Clausen pickle fan.
I was recently gifted with a tiny jar of pickled grapes, made by my friend’s son. Each bite crisp, succulent, sweet and sour. Refreshing. Exciting. Perfect.
I hear you! Trying to get pickles for an entire year has been Frustrating! Having delicious sweet pickles of ANY brand has been particularly disappointing! It is such A small thing I hate to complain but I really miss Clausen dill and mini sweet midgets pickles from Vlasic!!!!
Favorite picked – my grandmother’s bread and butter pickles which have not been available for more than 50 years thus making them all the more perfect to remember. I settle for trying all the bread and butter pickle brands I find so that I can inevitably say “not as good as grandma’s”. Just wish I made something my grandkids will remember so fondly.
Preserved black cherries.
Honeyed jalapeno peppers–sweet AND hot!
Bubbie’s bread & butter pickles!
Pickled wax beans ala Alice Waters. Easy and delicious to make yourself. Store in those glass jars you were right to hoard.
My local Kroger’s has both. Shall I send them along?
Also, I would be so bummed if I couldn’t get my fav green curry sauce that comes in a cute little glass jar. Should we be hoarding Mason jars for the coming societal collapse?
Chalkidiki Olives !!!!!
vlasic sweet gherkins
homemade bread and butter pickles!
I love horseradish pickles!
Mmmm pickles! I can pickle some stuff, but I usually buy Clausen which were hard to find for me earlier this year. I went with whichever one didn’t have dye added to make them look like the pickles that have turmeric added to make them bright yellow.
Pickle Licious – NJ local pickles at our town’s Farmer Market – New Pickles my favorite variety or Grillo’s Pickles we find in our Whole Foods store – their Half Sours make us happy.
Red RED pickled eggs and beets! Gramma’s recipe. Nothin’ better!
B&J Kosher Dill spears are my favorite.
Kim chew and half sour pickles for me!
Bubbles saurkraut is my favorite glass jar grocery item, though I could easily name 10 favorite glass jar items.
Is it still pickle season?
Boars Head dill pickle chips! Very thin sliced, excellent taste! Might be as good as Clausen but I have not had one of those in years. I’m very picky about pickles.
Dilly green beans!
Love love little cornichon pickles!
I have been very into pickled green tomatoes this year. Not the same as Chow-Chow. And pickled cherries, not maraschino cherries, but really sour cherries. Still haven’t been able to find pickled Watermelon rind this year.
I too love Clausen pickles! The deli section of Roche Bros has it here. As for Topo Chico only Whole Foods reliably has it. It comes and goes with waits in between, and that’s only from Mexico!! Now if only my cat food problem could be solved maybe I’d be able to sleep!
Homemade pickled red onions — they go on everything!
Growing up, our family enjoyed the little green olives with pimento’s. Never knew about black olives until I married (in the 60’s) when my husband ordered them on a pizza. Since then I’ve kept both in our frig. But….I still love the little green olives best. I can eat them right out of the jar! yum!!
Find the Pickle Man at your local farmer’s market or farm stand, his are the best where we live! Especially his Jalapeño or Dill pickles.
I love pickled beets. I use the liquid to make pickled eggs.
I am a fan of pickles — I make my own dill pickles if my cucumber plants do well.
My mom’s garlic dill pickles were pretty amazing. She doesn’t make them anymore though. Foster Farms pickled green beans are delicious!
I love a spicy pickled okra. They are crisp and a little fuzzy but I can’t stop eating them when I open the jar. I guess with the current shortages I am going to have to learn to make them myself. (It is on my bucket list)
My freezer Red Raspberry Jam, made from raspberries I grow! The advantage of freezer jam is that you do not really cook the berries, so they retain more of their fresh Berry taste. Yum! Every morning PB and RRJ on toast—yum!
Garlic-stuffed olives and dill pickles. Fortunately it is still Farmers Market season and there is always a Pickle guy with barrels of pickles and vats of olives.
Not to detract from all these veggie delights—and I love old-fashioned garlic-stuffed olives that come in a glass jar, unlike the olive bar olives in the supermarket—but my absolute favorite pickled thing is Matje’s pickled herring in cream sauce.
Murder Creek Distillery’s Dill Pickle Moonshine. Makes a good Bloody Mary.
love pickled beets
kimchi and pickles beets. always a little something sour. oooh, and some Branston Pickle with your cheddar!
my Mom’s sauerkraut. So good!
Amarena cherries, for beverages “spicy” and not
Vlasic Polish Dills are a family favorite.
organic bread and butter, wegman’s store brand
Every summer I make refrigerator pickles with cucumbers, onions, garlic, and heads of dill layered in a big pot. The broth is just salty vinegar water poured over. It’s something my mom has been making my entire life and now I took over as pickle master. The whole family looks forward to getting some refrigerator pickles every summer!
Mielle Cornichons, hands down. And I thought it was just my stores running out of Topo Chico!
Fermented ginger carrots! So good with a dollop of cottage cheese or sour cream on a salad, delightful on a sandwich
Vlasic Polish Dills are a family favorite.
Hilty’s Dill Spears, made locally near St. Louis. Also, at the same local City Greens Market, I am able to stock up on Top Chico.
I’m not a fan of pickled things, but I do love strawberry jam.
My homemade dill pickles!
I often choose a product because it’s in a glass jar; for example peanut butter, particularly because I like the size and shape of the glass peanut butter jar. I don’t throw away the glass jar because I use it over and over again.
I don’t like anything pickled of any sort.
peanut butter
One can’t beat PICKLED BEETS! The color rocks too.
Morse sauerkraut. Local up here in midcoast Maine!
Salsa comes in jars!
Totally bread and butter. If you saved the brine put baby or Persian cucumbers in it for at least a week a close second in taste. Good luck to us all!!
Pickled zucchini
Learning to make my own sauerkraut was totally life changing. First I just used a baggie with salt water on top of the lovely massaged cabbage but now I went all fancy and have this special jar (hint, it’s just a wide mouth mason jar) with a spring that keeps my cabbage from floating and getting moldy.
Grandma Olsen’s Pickles (family recipe). Awesome!
vegan kimchi
Ah, pickles! I grew up in India so they will always mean something different to me. Oh, the intense, salty, spicy taste of Indian pickles! Get these to the nearest Indian grocery store and gaze upon the assortment. Mango pickle! Lemon pickle! Mixed vegetable pickle! Chill pickle! Tomato pickle! And on and on, dozens of delicious varieties that you should eat sparingly. A small $1.99 jar should last you a while.
No Indian grocery stores near you? Amazon has everything.
Homemade pickles! I use Smitten Kitchen’s Easiest Fridge Dill Pickles recipe. They’re amazingly good and super simple.
I developed a hankering for pickled bologna.
A wedge of snappy dill it rhe best 😉
Team sauerkraut all the way!
We like Bubbie’s pickles, but in the summer I always make some refrigerator pickles and those are the best!
My brother’s home made pickled okra!
While it’s hard to choose just one pickled food, I would say Kim Chee.
A good old fashioned hot Korean. One that is fermenting so much it almost pops open the GLASS jar.
I make candied jalapeños. They are to die for on a cheeseburger!
Goldbelly’s Pickle Delivery or BB Kings Blues Club!
Definitely kimchi!
I love pickles dill beans!
Golden state pickle works and belfare dill pickles bought at my local Sonoma county farmers markets
No, don’t take away my Luxardo cherries!
Sauerkraut. Crunchy fresh with just a sprinkling of whatever those seeds are.
My friend gave me some hand made spicy pickles I would be willing to part with for one of my favorite MDK friends! Just let me know! My favorite item in a jar are beets!
I used to pickle shaggy mane mushrooms I found by the side of the road — delicious!
Oooh……roasted red peppers. Or sour cherries. Or kosher pickles.
I’m a BIG fan of a borettano onion. Delicious with a cheese board. My usual supermarket doesn’t stock them so I have to make an occasional trip to the more upmarket one to maintain supply.
Watermelon rind pickles. Or Aunt Martha’s pickled spiced figs.
Vlasick Stackers dill pickles. Already sliced, great for sandwiches
I like to have jarred pimientos in the pantry when the mood strikes for for pimiento cheese sandwiches and my husband likes Pace chunky picante sauce for quick queso. Cheese in the fridge is a given at our house…
I grew up loving my grandmother’s pickled beets. Since my husband doesn’t like them, but does love burgers, pickles are a mainstay on my house. I can’t tell you the last time I bought a jar of them because now I just make my own.
My one true love pickles are these, ever since eating them at a neighbour’s festive dinner one year.
For when I’m being lazy, the Sonoma Brinery Bread and Butter pickles are pretty great too (they come in a plastic tub).
My grandmother’s homemade pickles. They were super garlicky and had lots of dillyness.
My fav pickles are vlasic ovals. They have the perfect crunch and great coverage! My second fav is sauerkraut. Yummy!!
My favorite pickle is a homemade one called Fire and Ice pickles. Easy peasey to make and you control the amount of heat you want.
Pickled watermelon, very delicious and pretty too!
Milwaukee Dills, always.
Banana peppers and also kimchi.
I would suggest the “I love Pickles” facebook page. It’s a network of pickle lovers around the world and they often post tips of where to find certain brands and what’s available where. That being said, my aunt’s homemade pickles are my favorite! Milwaukee’s Best brand if I have to get store-bought.
Milwaukee’s Baby Dill Pickles…the best!
Dill pickles and Pickled Beets. My grandma made the best beets. Whenever we visited her, I would hide in the basement and eat as many as I could before they found me. That was 65 years ago.
Green olives with pimentos. Oh, and marinated mushrooms.
Ume plum vinegar – makes extra special dressings for salads.
My favorite pickles were a revelation to me earlier this summer. My all time favorite dill pickle spears were the ones that I made myself with a quick pickle recipe from the “Food in Jars” website. They took all of fifteen minutes or so to make and the flavor and crunch of the Best Pickles Ever a couple of weeks later were literally life-changing! Mr. Strong, grab yourself a couple of pint mason jars and head on over to and you won’t even miss those Klausen pickles, I promise!
Clausens, no contest.
Mrs. Renfro’s pickled jalapenos. Because they stay crisp.
pickled beets are the very best, Safie Sweet Pickled Beets are the best
My favorites were the ones I made myself, real fermented pickles, done over several days, in mason jars with “pickle pipe” lids. If you are lucky enough to have mason jars (there’s a shortage), that could be your answer.
I love watermelon pickles! Especially on chicken sandwiches. Hard to find though, and I don’t can anymore.
My dad makes pickled corn, and it’s to die for!
Bubbie’s pickles are the ever lovin’ best, and Firefly sauerkraut…particularly Emerald City.
Yay, fermented foods!
My favorite food that comes in a jar: Paul Newman’s Mango Salsa following closely by Paul Newman’s Pineapple Salsa.
Pesto in a jar:) for a great, quick pasta dinner!
Pickled green beans. Yum!!!
Love me some sauerkraut! On hot dogs, Polish sausage, corned beef sandwiches, the list is endless. My grandmother used it for stuffed cabbage also. I just plunk it on top of stuff!
Both of those are on my grocery list, too! I really enjoy picked red onions. Totally changes a taco or salad. Eyeballing a pickled crabapple recipe today but not sure…?
While I love pickled beets (a greatly underestimated treat to my way of thinking), my very favorite is chow-chow. I grew up in Pennsylvania, and sadly this picked mix of veggies has not made it as far west as Michigan. Dang! I have to import it when I go back for visits.
Why don’t you just pickle your own cucumbers? I’m sure you can find lots of help on the www – and experiment with different spices to find the perfect one for you. Bob appetit!
Vladivostok Stacker Pickles.
Kosher dill pickles! My hubby came home with regular dill, and they just aren’t the same. My favorite brand has a Polish name, but I haven’t seen them in years, so I won’t try to spell it without guidance.
Pickled okra.
Classic purely pickles
Refrigerator dill pickles using up every empty jar in the house.
Not mine, but my husband’s favorite is Kim Chee. I love jam, maybe I need to get an extra jar…
Homemade pickles in my very own Bell Jars have always been my favorite!
Love a pickled carrot! We always have a jar of baby pickles in the house since my kids love them and are not connoisseurs. We typically get the biggest, cheapest jar, although I’ve been known to she’ll out for a jar of Bubbies pickles or a local pickler from Ontario.
Always Vlasic dill stackers. Sliced and ready to go. I will eat dill pickle spears if necessary.
I may be the only one to say this but I love pickled onions-the little ones used for cocktails. Minus the cocktail and straight out of the jar. Have loved them since I was young. Also love garlic stuffed green olives-when I can find them. No brand loyalty, just the “goods”!
Nothing, nothing, nothing beats those little baby gherkins. They’ve been a staple on our holiday table forever.
Claussen Kosher Dill sandwich slices…….gotta have them
I have to go with Marachino cherries, and on cherry ice cream!
That said, my mom’s pickled beets are great, too.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Pickled red onions!
Grillo’s Pickles — so wonderfully dilly and garlicky
I love Clausen dill pickles. In grade school I had a pickle (big and fat) along with cinnamon toast every day for lunch. My mom said I was going to chase away all my friends with my breath!
I am really PO’d at the Topo Chico delivery guy. First, he, in his gaudily painted panel truck, took my parking spot yesterday (on a no-commercial vehicles street!). Then a buddy pulled up alongside in a mini-van and they proceeded to unload cases of the stuff from truck to van. Should’ve hijacked some for you. Pickles? Hubby gets quarts of the Kosher Dills from our butcher, who has a pickle guy. Well their pickle guy got overwhelmed and now they get their pickles from The Pickle Guys on the LES. Not nearly as good 🙁
The best in the world were my Nan’s complete with dill flower heads and grape leaves. The big brine at my farmers market has the next best thing
Bubbies bread and butter chips
Pickled green beans using beans from the garden! Although this year it was tough due to supply chain issues for canning lids!!! Crazy times!
I live in Santa Fe, where there is an actual pickle store called Barrio Brinery. Excellent pickles. And at our local farmer’s market there is a vendor of kimchi. Oh my goodness! They also make kimchi breakfast crepes stuffed with stuff. I am a lucky girl.
Kim chee and kraut from Two Chicks Farm in North Carolina!
OMG hadnt realized about the jar issue! I love hot and sweet smackers for my pickles. But oh dear what will I substitute in my whiskey if I can’t get more cherries?? Now that’s a REAL problem!
Tell me why this site automatically makes my name the first part of my email address, and my website automatically I change my name, and try to put in my real website, but this doesn’t work. Are you receiving my comments? Pray tell.
Sauerkraut….I can get it locally. So if there are no glass bottles…maybe I can drive over with my own container and ask them to fill it up!
I just discovered Whole Foods organic green olives. In a small jar that costs a lot, it made me realize that olives could taste really good. BTW, the reason I resorted to them was that the regular grocery stores were totally out of olives!
Matt & Steve’s The Extreme Bean – especially the Sweet & Savoury. Great in a Caesar or just straight from the jar.
I’m with you…Clausen pickles! Oh how the snap and crunch of a Clausen pickle elevates a simple ham and cheese sandwich from mere lunch to a tasty bistro, al fresco lazy afternoon repast…sigh.
My absolute favorite “in a jar” tasty treats are Bread and Butter pickles. I would much prefer my mother’s homemade B & B pickles but she left us thirty years ago! Seems like yesterday.
Mmm pickled beets!
Smitten Kitchen pickled red onions are delicious & so easy to make!
I recently discovered some excellent kraut in a resealable bag-type package. Maybe pickles could go this route? Not sure who you call to make that happen…
My favorite sweet pickles were made by my mother-in-law. She passed recently and I am fortunate that she passed the recipe on to me. I look forward to making “Fran’s Sweet Pickles” again next summer!
I too, love Clausen pickles. Thanks for the glass bottle shortage alert.
Are olives fermented?
Love your spirit and your writing. You should try Wickles!
I love bread and butter pickles.
My favorite jarred pickle like food items are Spanish and Kalamata olives. If we get pickles, it’s always garlic dill. My family isn’t too picky about the brand.
Green olives stuffed with pimentos.
Mrs. Mathers’ Chili Sauce. My Mom got the recipe from Mrs. Mathers, the minister’s wife. Mom used to make it every late summer or early fall with local field tomatoes. I carry on the tradition.
The Husbeast is an academic economist. Nuff said.
Great post! Funny, I guess I don’t like stuff from a jar? I like half sour pickles from a “real” Jewish deli (not necessarily run by Jewish people, especially in NYC), so no jar, just a metal bowl. I guess Sarabeth’s preserves is what I LOVE from a jar. Love it even more when on Sarabeth’s scones. Kay, can attest, I’m sure. Pro tip/glutton tip – Fresh Direct sells both – scones are frozen.
1. Sweet Pickled Beets
2. Bread and Butter Chips (those are pickles)
OMG, with a grilled cheese, so yum!
Ba Tampte pickles are the best!
Half sour pickles (especially Ba-Tampte brand).
I love pickles! Slices, spears, baby, dill, bread and butter, sandwich peppers, beets! My brand of choice lately is Woodstock…no food coloring or preservatives, etc.
Wish I had Great Aunt Ada’s recipe for pickled peaches. Each one with cloves we had to pull out. Yummy!
Bubbies sauerkraut. Tangy, not salty.
Bread-and-butter pickles. Work in anything as well as just eating!
My favorite is pickled watermelon rinds. Kind of old fashioned, but delicious.
My grandmother’s recipe for bread and butter pickles(best of show at Riverside County, California, county fair close to a decade back) My own zucchini relish-the best stuff to put in my deli style potatoe salad-and cured collosal olives from my 2 collasal olive bearing trees(collosal olives are the size of quail eggs.) Low salt saurkraut by the jar.
Patak’s garlic pickle. LOVE that stuff.
I’m in the Topo Chico corner with DG.
Tony Packo’s Pickles & Peppers!
My homemade refrigerator dill pickles. I make and est them all year round
Luxardo cherries
Luxardo cherries!
Dill pickles. And my homemade Satsuma plum butter, fig jam and Lemon Meyer marmalade.
I’m not crazy about regular pickles (ie, pickled cucumbers) but I do love some pickled okra!
Cornichons. Perfect little pickled crunch.
Trader Joe’s bread and butter pickles, no high fructose corn syrup like some other brands, and pickled beets.
Pickled peaches. They’re unusual and delicious!
Every since I was a small child, my favorite pickles are polski wyrob, that is baby dill pickles. My mom said she used them as rewards for me like other people would reward/bribe their children with candy.
Spicy pickled green beans, I make them myself!
Marinated artichoke hearts in extra virgin olive oil. So far, so good on the supply side, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Oh…and baby gherkins. Mom used to buy them at Christmas, even though I was pretty much the only one who ate them.
I mean where to start. But there used to be a Massachusetts local small pickle brand called Moon Brine and I miss them dearly.
Love the fancy expensive kalamata olives. And hoarding my Luxardo cherries!
I can’t decide between olives or pickled lemons. Both. Both are my favourites.
Spiced apple rings, which I never buy, but always enjoyed at my grandma’s house
Pickled beets for the win. My husband won’t touch beets in any form, so they are mine, all mine.
Mama Lil’s spicy pickled peppers! They are the most delicious thing ever.
Pickled okra!
Farman’s Kosher Dill Pickles when they were bottled in Tacoma WA. Currently made in India (why???)
Bubbie’s Bread and Butter Chips!! But, when I lived in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn as a young child, it was great fun to pick a huge sour pickle out of a wooden barrel!
I also love Clausen pickles! I’m lucky to live where some folks make local sauerkraut and sell it at our farmers market— I like sauerkraut better than pickles …and the live bugs in the fermented fresh sauerkraut are good for my stomach biome…
Marinated mushrooms.
Aunt Nellie’s Pickled Beets
Chilled Clausen dills either whole or half spears cold crunchy tart and simply wonderful happily they remain in stock here in Miami
My grandmother’s green tomato pickles. Even with her recipe I struggle to get the wham of flavor.
Kombucha for the win! I used to make my own and absolutely loved grossing out my husband showing him how much the ‘mother’ had grown. Yes, I’m really a tween in my heart lol
Claussen for sure as my maiden name is Classen. No U
Love bread and butter pickles!
I make fiery pickles that are both sweet and HOT! It takes several days to make them, but I like to give them as gifts for my neighbors.
My aunt made the best bread and butter pickles in giant crock jars. She would can them and give them away at Christmas, and her friends would faithfully return the empty jars in hopes of the next year’s bounty.
Kosher dill pickles
My homemade Bread and Butter pickles with honey instead of sugar! Everyone loves them.
Love me some Mt olive. Dill pickles.
Trader Joe’s marinated artichoke hearts!
Did you try the Harris Teeter in Green Hills? if it’s still there, I bet they have your pickles.
Favorite pickles ever are my x mother in laws. Sad but true I cut myself off from that supply chain. (It was worth it)
My daughter had warned me about the situation with Topo Chico. Now I find out that the shortage is effecting pickles!
I really love Mt. Olive Simply Pickles Bread & Butter Chips. Alas!
My father-in-law’s dill pickles!
Dilly Beans!Chow-Chow! Pickled Beets! Kimchi! Honestly, ALL the pickled things!
Pickled beets, with lots of cloves.
Pickled beets. Actually a skein of yarn in pickled beet color would be great with the skein shown above!
I been kinda digging my stepson’s home-made kimchee
Milwaukee baby kosher dill pickles since Grandma’s are long gone. I see pickle making in your future
Watermelon rind pickles made by my mom.
If ice cream came in a jar, that would be my choice. Since it doesn’t, Hot Fudge Sauce would be my choice.
Bubbies dill pickles! The best。But also all the kimchis。and pickled string beans.
Those mini pickles – cornichon? – for sure.
I love almost any kind of dill pickle. My current favorite food in a jar is Collin’s Amaro cherries. Love them!
current ferment of neighbors various peppers
No Rum Runner or Hurricane is complete without Marachino Cherries! Being Swedish they are a must have on Tapioca pudding on top of a dolop of whipped cream. It’s a comfort thing because it reminds me of the holidays & my grandmothers cooking!
Homemade chow-chow
Oh my gosh. I just realized my kombucha habit may be in danger! And what about wine and beer?
Not wine, surely! The horror!
Wickles Pickles!
Well water and homemade pickles — yum! Cheaper, too, and leaves more $ for yarn.
I make zucchini relish in the summer with those “baseball bat” sized zucchini’s that appear overnight……a family favorite
I love Kimchi. I could eat it to every dish
I love chow chow relish and chutney. Local chow chow recipes are my favorite to make but Mrs Renfros mild chow chow is my favorite off the shelf variety.
My all time favorite pickle is the New York Deli style HALF-SOUR. Just writing about it here is mouth watering! I thought when I moved away from Long Island as a teen I would never see them again. Some 30 years later – now they seem to be more available at SOME local grocery stores. They are sold in big plastic jars now, usually made locally and shipped fresh to the deli refrigerated department. One of my best days was being able to now find them in New England.
The Church Brewing Company Sanctuary Hot
I love straight up quick pickled carrots. Had them the first time at my boyfriend’s parents’ house and it was AMAZING.
Fermented radishes are yummy!!!
Spicy carrots from Happy Girl Kitchen!
Cornichons, those itty bitty little cucumbers that I pickle myself. Ball jars are a mainstay here.
Spicy dill pickles!
HOT Pickled Okra
We continue to learn more about our wants v. needs…
My favorite fermented fruit/vegetable would have to be chocolate
I’m a picky enough eater that most fermented foods are not in my wheelhouse… Homemade jarred jam has to be at the top of my list… My husband’s homemade clotted cream is up there too…
Clausen mini dills!!!
hi DG, I adore Bubbies sauerkraut. There’s the regular and then there is the spicy version. They both make excellent side dishes, quick bite snacks, and are even a fantastic topping for a green salad or taco! I hoard empty glass jars and bottles the same way my mother does – like there’s a looming worldwide glass shortage! Thank you for the heads up.
The two fermented foods that I eat nearly every day are natto, a Japanese food made from soybeans, and fresh yogurt. But I also love pickled okra and a good cucumber dill.
Kind of a tie between sauerkraut, bread and butter pickles, and fermented red cabbage.
Branston Pickle. The best on cheese sandwiches.
I too love Claussen dill pickles. Maybe we are in the majority???
I LOVE spicy pickled green beans — yum! 🙂
Sauerkraut for sure!
Every year I make and can dozens of jars each – dill pickles, garlic dill pickle slices, bread and butter pickles, and pickled beets. Along with blueberry lemonade jam, blackberry jam, jalapeño jelly, tomatoes, salsa, tomato basil soup, applesauce, and a few jars of cranberry sauce (for Thanksgiving and Christmas but also for my Passover brisket). When I look at my pantry full of jars of things I made it makes me so happy. I wish I could attach a picture of my larder. Everyone who knows me knows that if they are getting a gift from me it either came off my needles, or it’s in a jar.
Definitely dill pickles (Clausen or Nathan’s). Pickled beets too (homemade are best). Didn’t know about the glass jar supply. Some of the shortages make sense in a dumb way, but jars? Last summer it was canning jars that were in very low supply. Thanks for the heads up and reminders on ordering and shipping. Move Christmas to March and tings should work out ok.
It’s hard enough being a progressive in TX. But living here without Topo Chico is getting seriously difficult.
Olives stuffed with blue cheese. Just missing the vodka!
Mrs. Renfro’s Hot Chow Chow! A Ft. Worth original and staple for tuna, chicken, and egg salad in my life. Also on sandwiches – great with crispy chicken, smoked turkey, and the Sunday night sandwiches of my childhood of the leftover roast beef from lunch. Also on hot dogs, of course!! I love it enough that when we lived in Tucson my mom would bring multiple jars on their visits, to make sure I was stocked up. However, my deep and abiding love does not quite stand up to my paternal grandmother’s – I remember on more than one occasion watching her consume an unaccompanied spoonful!
Pickled cherry peppers. Me and Peter Piper.
Both Claussen (yup, 2 ss’s) pickles and Topo Chico are available on Amazon, it appears.
Pickled cumin green beans!
I’ve canned hundreds, maybe thousands of pickles of various sorts over the decades. I make some darned good dill pickles if I do say so myself, but some of my favs include pickled tomatoes (excellent on a sandwich) and water-cured olives in lemon/vinegar and olive oil.
Since no one in more than five hundred responses has mentioned them, anchovies! A burst of fermented, salty flavour!
Peaches in glass jars seem to have disappeared lately, and now I know why! They seem to be better quality than the ones in cans.
Thank you for your very entertaining giveaway!
Mezzeta pickled vegetables art soooo good!
Pickled eggs in beet juice, of course!
Super spicy KimChi
Preserved lemons, closely followed by lime pickle.
My all time favorite pickle is the half sour variety from Ba Tempte Pickle Co. located in Brooklyn, NY
In Wisconsin it’s Milwaukee pickles. Spiced apples rings are my grandson’s favorite and I go for pickled beets.
Omigosh! How can I survive without maraschino cherries and Clausen dill pickles??
Sweet pickles because I live for a peanut butter and pickle sandwich!
I’m already signed up, however my favorite pickled item is KIMCHI. It’s like a whole salad by itself.
Mm, everything from Sobremesa! We get our kimchi and other deliciousness from them through Farmers to You.
Perhaps there should be a rule that glass bottles be reusable, like with glass milk bottles…
Picked carrots! By me via Cooking with Kevin’s great recipe!
Homemade sauerkraut made by my sister-in-law! Some secret ingredient in there that she won’t tell
Trader Joe’s Giardiniera
watermelon pickles, of course! ❤️
Pickled asparagus in a Bloody Mary is the bomb.
For me it would be Angelica’s Garden Red Cabbage & Ginger Ferment with my own pickled beets a close second.
Pickle guys half-sours on the LES of NYC!
pickled beets and corn relish
McClure’s spicy pickles!
My favorite thing in a glass jar was my Papaw’s homemade prickly pear jelly. Sadly I have not been able to get it for many years at this point, but I still have really fond memories of it! I guess my current favorite is hmm. Smuckers simply fruit blackberry jelly. I do like vlasic pickles, too.
My son’s favorite is definitely maraschino cherries! We usually get him a jar for his stocking every year. And now I need to go double check the maraschino cherry supply for this year.
My Zippy Relish – made with green tomatoes and all kinds of peppers from my garden. This is what I will be making this week. Put it on everything, can’t ever make enough to last.
Spicy filled green beans. Pickled okra runs a close second though. I can and both canning jars and lids are as rare as hen’s teeth right now.
Long gone but still my favorite pickles are the green tomato pickles I made as a teen and shipped south to my grandparents in Florida. There’d been an early frost where we lived, so we had lots of very green tomatoes, and pickles were to be their fate. Until I made them, I could not even imagine such pickles. My grandparents got nearly all of the pickles and took them proudly to their “Michigan picnic” gatherings, where they proudly proclaimed, “Our granddaughter made these!”
My friend Kate gave me a jar of dried figs. They are wonderful.
Mmmm.. fermented food is so yummy. I’m partial to sauerkraut and highly recommend Cleveland Kitchen Kraut (curry kraut is amazing!!). No jar needed, just sayin’.
Anything that someone has taken the time to pickle, jam, or jelly and offered to me as a gift. I’m always floored by their generosity and skill.
Kühne Sellerie Salat (celery salad)!
Vlasic “Stackers” Kosher Dill pickles
I am not a big pickle lover. Those I eat most often are the mini gherkins.
I love all the pickled things and try to eat something fermented each day. Make my own sauerkraut, pickled beets, and giardiniera! Favorite are garlic dills and bread and butter chips…
Doesn’t anyone else like pickled herring in cream sauce? That was always on the table at our family religious (Jewish) holiday meals!!! Yum!!!
I live those Claussen mini dills and the kimchi from Hmart.
My favorite pickles are bread and butter and I adore sauerkraut and kin chi
My favorite pickles are my homemade sun pickles.
Home grown and canned dilly beans are the most beloved canned item that I make. Sure the canned tomatoes are very useful and salsa is a popular item but it is the dilly beans that gets my family really excited. But I was wondering if anyone remembers pickled watermelon rind? My mother would make it probably because my grandfather loved watermelons and there was plenty of rind to pickle. I am thinking that modern watermelons now have much thinner rinds that are not worth bothering with.
Claussen half sours! Pretty hard to find in the best of times.
Kimchi, Kimchi and more Kimchi
I make my own
Kosher dills (with a tuna sandwich)
Wickles relish…… it!!
And that yarn! That color! Wow!
Mt. Olive Simply Pickles Kosher Dill Sandwich Stuffers
Homemade ferments! Pickled dilly green cherry tomatoes this year, super awesome!
Alton Brown’s recipe for Kinda Sorta Sours. Easy and delicious!
My favorite “jarred” vegetable are refrigerator pickles. Yum so good. Especially with fresh cucumbers.
Clausen are the best! Want me to ship you some???
My mother’s watermelon rind pickles were terrific.
Sweet gherkins!
Famous Dave’s Sweet and Spicy pickles!
Pickled asparagus
Love those tiny pickled onions! They really make you pucker!
And absolutely love Secretos Bayou – it’s such a luscious green!
I love all Bubbies pickles and kraut!!
We make our own pickles! By that, I mean–dill, bread and butter, cornichon, dilly beans, pickled beets, zucchini tumeric fridge pickles…the works! I recommend rinsing out a jar and experimenting on your own refrigerator pickles…but yes, Claussen pickles aren’t bad-for store bought!
PS: In second place, we recommend handmade pickles bought from a barrel in NYC, my husband’s childhood favourite.
I’d have a hard time choosing between dill pickles and sauerkraut for favourite fermented food in a jar. Depends on whether there are reuben sandwiches happening!
Steinfeld’s Petite Dill Pickles are constant in the fridge and 1 in the pantry. Also must have is Kulm’s Sauerkraut. Must go look at the store JIC.
Don Hermann Kosher Dills from Garrettsvlle, Ohio A good substitute for Clausen
I am not a fan of pickles in any form but it would be the worst if jam/jellies were affected by the jar shortage!!
That pickle color yarn is amazing though –
I love all things pickled and generally make up various combinations of spices and herbs – but a recent favorite was Alton Brown’s firecracker carrots. They bring the heat and the sweet!
Clausons dill pickle spears
Pickled asparagus, wrapped in prosciutto
Pace hot salsa – guilty pleasure!
Real Saurkraut. Hands down.
Claussen, absolutely! And Tassos Double-Stuffed Jalapeño and Garlic Olives. And kimchee. And… Might just have to make a grocery run RIGHT NOW to stock up on fancy-ass pickles, if it’s not too late!
I love Lidl’s sliced sandwich pickles; just the thing to liven up a boring sandwich!
Pickled Okra for the win in my household! All the way LOOOOOOOOVE.
kimchi is my favorite!
May I also make this suggestion, order NOW. You are going to have to send some of these presents onward and the mail is dicey at this moment.
I don’t care for any pickled veggies. But green olives! I ate them by the jar-full in the first months of my pregnancy.
Kimchi, pickled jalapenos, pickled banana peppers … can add one to anything to give a sandwich or meal some added zip
I am an adventurous person so like to try new things. My latest fave is kimchi – sort of a zesty sauerkraut. Oh yum!
Personally I love my own candied jalapeños in a jar but I also like full sour pickles, Vlassic or Clausen.
My own quick refrigerator dill pickles.
MN state fair blue ribbon pickles
Heart of Texas hot pickled okra! Or any pickled peaches.
Pickled beets are definitely my favourite!
Claussen pickles are indeed the best… and good Kimchi is also excellent! I love the green of the yarn you have pictured with the pickles!
I was given a jar of homemade dill pickles this summer. My friend made 42 jars so I’m hoping to exchange an empty jar for a full one!
Big fan of Kamboucha, Sauerkraut(especially with/on brats, and Milwaukee brand Kosher midget pickles
sauerkraut please!
Dijon mustard!
I make a sweet, hot pickle that is so popular that I have had someone I don’t know call me and thank me for them after he tasted them…
Love Grillo’s Pickles. Not sure if they are available anywhere other than the northeast, but they are freshly made and in the refrigerated section at the store. Their sandwich slicers are the perfect topping under the bread at lunch time. my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Goodness, we love our pickles, don’t we?! I’m going to say Ginger Pickled Pumpkin!
Pickles?! Any pickles as long as they are dill. Can’t do the sweet ones.
Cherries soaked in Makers Mark Bourbon…..easy!
Pickled peppers!
Mom’s homemade bread and butter pickles. Could eat an entire jar!
Asparagus that are pickled and crunchy.
Favorite fermented food…ah well, mine is really a drink: GTS Kombucha, Trilogy flavor. But I too am a fan of Clausen pickles. I like the spears.
Dill pickles are my favorite! Luckily I have a few jars in my pantry to get me through any shortage!
Here in Maine, we have Morse’s Sauerkraut. And they make amazing dill pickles too!
Orange marmalade!
Hard to choose, but I’d say kalamata olives!!!
I’m a Claussen dill pickles (spears) fan. My husband likes pickled okra…me, not so much.
how to pick between Wegman’s Sandwich Dills and Tony Packo’s Pickles and Peppers?
Pickled beets are my favorite.
Just learned about giant capers. So they’re my favorite right now…
I will always miss my grandmother’s bread-and-butter pickles. No one else can replicate them. But I also love a good kosher dill. 🙂
I am another fan of Bubbies Kosher dill pickles. I should have bought 2 jars that last time that they were on sale.
My favorite jar to buy is Trader Joe’s Hatch Valley salsa.
All the pickled radish, the ones the give you with Korean fried chicken
I love kalamata olives, I eat them straight out of the jar when no one’s looking.
Trader Joe’s organic kosher sandwich pickles.
Pimento-stuffed green olives.
Jalapeño and garlic stuffed green olives
I personally love the B & G Kosher Dill pickles. Sometimes I like to get one individual pickle in the jars at the deli counter.
dilly beans. or bread & butter pickle chips. but really dilly beans have my ❤
I love pickled beets right out of the jar!
I love Trader Joe’s Organic Kosher Sandwich Pickles and their Kosher Dill spears are delicious as well. Good luck on your pickle search.
It’s either hot pickled garlic, picalilli, or bread and butter jalapeños.
Pickle relish and sauerkraut in wine vinegar.
My mothers homemade pickled carrots.
Too many choices…but maybe pickled red onions or gingery pickled beets.
I like a nice crunchy kosher dill (not too particular about the brand as long as it’s tart and crunchy- NO LIMP DILLS!). I also love pickled red onions (my daughters make delicious ones- in a mason jar, of course) on a mixed greens salad with leftover chicken and a red wine or citrus vinaigrette (also mixed up in a jar). And although it’s purchased in a box, my daily favorite strong but mellow black tea is the slightly fermented Emperor’s Pu-ehr, which I often store in a blue mason jar in my cabinet. (Why yes, I do have quite a lot of mason jars in various sizes and colors, purchased and in daily use long before the pandemic.)
I friggin’ love pickles!!! My favorite from the supermarket is Ba-tempte half sours. They can’t be too green. But, they haven’t been available. Supply chain problems? Then I love the different one you get from the farmer’s market when the pickle man is there. I love pickled tomatoes. Amd my new favorite: pickled red onions. I habe actually made theae and are so delicious on a turkey sandwich.
Omg, I want a pickle now.
I’m a big fan of Kalamata olives and I also LOVE pre-minced garlic in jars. It’s just so dang convenient!
It’s gotta be sauerkraut!
Hawaiian Kim chee… the best, not too spicy.
For me, I was raised on homemade bread and butter pickles – the best!
Bread and butter cucumbers, caramelised onions, and sauerkraut are my absolute favourites!
I’m planning to make gift baskets filled with home pickled goodies, dry rubs and hand blended spices for our Aussie summer bbq season…providing I can get jars this year! Last year was impossible, so keep your fingers crossed for me xxx
Dave’s Famous Spiced Pickle Chips, the Best! and they have the best Corn Bread mix EVER. but that is in a box.
Sweet midget pickles are my favorite
Mt. Olive brand pickles are great!
I am a bread and butter pickle fan. It is my favorite dish at Thanksgiving.
My Grandmother’s refrigerator fills. She passed in 1972 but I am happy to say that my sister carried on the tradition AND taught my daughter how to make them!
Cherry peppers in oil. They are one of a few things that cause me to eat bread. Warm, crusty bread with peppers. Mmm.
Homemade bread and butter pickles 🙂
Newly retired husband recently made dill pickles, sauerkraut, and two kinds of hot sauce which are all “resting” or fermenting before tasting so maybe one of these could be my new favorite! 🙂
pickled cauliflower, so good!
I love cornichons, those little French dill pickles.
My grandmother’s bread and butter pickles… always trying to replicate the “crunch”.
Famous Dave’s spicy pickle chips!
Trappey’s sliced Jalapeños!
Pickled beets are the best.
Butter pickles! Yum
Bubbies Sauerkraut is the last fermented item I couldn’t find at the store.
you don’t have a local pickle person at your farmer’s market!?!
Cornichons and sauerkraut
Favorite pickles are the bread & butter pickles I make every year from the garden.
Too late to sign up for giveaway, and I really don’t need any more yarn (I want more yarn of course) but I’m considering this article.
The ‘hipster bubbly water’/Topo Chico I drank in the 1980’s, surely it can’t taste the same?
‘Geegaws’ and ‘bibelots’ – neat words, I had to look up one of them.
And ‘whatchamacallits’ – this is spelled correctly but beware of “whatchamacallititis” , it’s infectious.
Thanks DG Strong, your Atlas Insider articles are wonderful.
P.S. pickled beets
Mrs Whytes garlic dill pickles, forever.
Sweet Jerkins! No dill for me….never ever. I don’t even want that dill pickle juice to hit my sandwich if on the same plate!
Kalamata olives!
Grillo’s Pickles and Bada Bing Cherries
Relish… to use when making tuna salad. Only pickled thing I eat. I know, I’m going to an early grave because I’m not into fermentation. Although I will drink a few sips of kombucha.
i just bought a jar of pickled cherry peppers and I am putting them on everything for a hot zing. I love anything pickled!
Pickled eggs – I like them purple all the way through! And Mount Olive bread and butter pickles. I pickle the eggs in a gallon jar from Mount Olive.
Vlasic Kosher Dill…
I haven’t made pickles in a while but my favorite are Curried Bread and Butter pickles, those are delicious! And usually with the left over pickle juice I would stack sweet onions and pour over the curry juice and then I had the Curried onions too….sigh, I really needed to make those again.
Funny you should mention cherries… I have been on a quest to find Luxardo cherries for a couple of weeks now. Not only are they tasty on their own, they are a key ingredient in an infused bourbon cocktail I’ve been longing to make.
The jar shortage has been a real bummer. Our pear trees produced a really good amount this year and I wanted to use Mom’s recipe to make pear preserves for gifts this year.
Spicy pickled okra, preferably Talk o’ Texas brand. I have to restrain myself, though, because I could eat the entire jar in one sitting, and nobody needs that much sodium all at once!
I am not a fan of pickled things. But I love a good jar of peanut butter!
Cornichons! For their tiny adorableness and sandwich versatility.
I’m a fan of the good ole non-fancy usually-canned-but-I-think-they’re-considered-pickled black olive.
I just discovered Bubbies Bread and Butter Pickles. OMG!! So good and crispy! They are in the cold food case in the deli section of my grocery store.
Not a fan of pickled stuff, can I say marmalade is my favourite food in a jar?
Topor’s Natural Barrel Pickles are fermented dills. Yum yum yum. Made in Detroit.
Ha! I see I’m way late for this. Comment # 764. My favorite pickle is a Kosher Dill and believe it or not they’re hard to find, Clausen or Not. But we have a local pickler named Gizmo, and they have a great pickle.
Vegan Kim Chi. I was recently able to buy a huge jar, which I am going to save. I will use it when I try to make my own!
We’ve gotten really into the Grillo’s pickles when our home-made supply runs out (Catherine Newman’s blog has a pretty great counter-top dill recipe, and we like Alton Brown’s bread and butter recipe). We gave up the effort of canning, so we only have a few “refrigerator pickled” jars of our own, then we go commercial. The Grillos are pretty darn good though – they have them in the produce/refrigerated section of our local stores.
Wickles Wicked Relish! AMAZING on grilled sausages or brats, in potato salad, scooped over deviled eggs.
I LOVE pickled kohlrabi! BTW – Have you tried pickle flavoring on popcorn? It’s lip-smacking delicious. I bought mine at Weight Watchers!
Bread and butter pickles. Yumm!
My favourite food in a jar? Dried cherries, which I make every summer with my 40 year old food dehydrator. Yum! No added ingredients, very popular with my family. And I can re-use the glass jars.
sweet pickle mix is awesome!
My home made Bread and Butter pickles are a big hit with the family. We grow our own cukes and then pickle them with lots of garlic!
Sweet gherkins!!!!! They’re such perfect little pickles.
I also love Clausen pickles – bread & butter, and sliced the long way to put on sandwiches, or yes – a Field Roast sausage. Yum!
My favorite pickles are from my niece’s husband’s mother, who canned tiny cucumber dills. They would bring a jar of the yummy, crisp baby dills to our Christmas potluck.
My favorite pickles are Cains dill hamburger chips, but they are not available. So my current almost favorite are Market Basket oval hamburger chips. I think they cut the cucumbers on the bias so the pickles are bigger.
This is seriously the best way to announce “we don’t have the stuff” I’ve ever seen! My favorite pickles are the Vietnamese daikon radish and carrot pickles my mom makes to go with eggrolls…
I love the pickles our friend, farmer Rudy, cans and gives to friends as gifts. Rudy makes a mean hickory nut cookie, too. And he grows the best tomatoes you have ever tasted. What a guy.
Pickled beets! Hot crisp pickled okra! Sauerkraut! And crisp dills. And tomorrow I will be trying my first ever PB and pickled beet sandwich.
Don’t hate me. My mother-in-law canned beautiful pickles and shared and they are SO GOOD.I am set.
Wickles. I love spicy hot sweet pickles. I also love that the yarn looks a good bit like a pickle
Clausen kosher dills on a peanut butter sandwich! The Best;)
Bubbies sauerkraut! Yummy
Wine sauerkraut!
Piccallili delicious with everything
We have a few local farms that offer wonderful jars of homemade pickles, jams, mustards, and fruit butters. This time of year, I’m yearning for pumpkin butter, but having no luck. Guess I’ll have to make my own.
Pickled cauliflower!
Spicy corn relish!
The chow-chow my mom used to make.
Trader Joe’s organic bread and butter pickles (hands down!). Oh, I shouldn’t forget half sour pickles (legacy from my grandpa.) I can’t have the bread and butter pickles in the house or I binge on them. 🙂
My favorite pickles have always been my parent’s dill pickles, put up in jars every summer (with much joking about Pickle Packing Mama). There would be a trip to the farmers market, then cucumber washing, next boiling brine, and finally packing pickles with strands of dill, all covered with brine, then sealed. I have never been able to duplicate them.
Sweet pickled beets- delicious in a salad or added to a savory dish!
No pickled stuff _ am allergic to dyes and preservatives. Used to make pickles when I was able to garden. But I do like cabbage, either raw or stir fried.
I love homemade dill pickles and dill carrots. Not alot of garlic.
And canned dill beets
Honestly I love dill pickles on almost everything. Even in peanut butter sandwiches.
Maille Cornichons, I enjoy yhecombinationof sweet-sour pickles and pickledonions. The pickles are small and great to add crunch to a sandwich.
Kim Chi from our local maker!
My home canned dill pickles! Love them by themselves, on burgers or sandwiches, or in salads!
My favorite jarred item is preserved lemons. Fortunately, I live in AZ and can use lemons I grow and jars I already own to make them.
Bread & Butter Pickles! I’m pretty sure I saw Clausen pickles recently. Now I’m going to have to go look for them…
Homemade bread and butter pickles
I love banana peppers
Whiskey dill sauerkraut and homemade dill pickles
Pickled okra and cucamellons are tasty. And also these scary yellow pickled radishes that my friend gets me from the Asian market.
My favorite pickles are Milwaukee Dill pickles with whole garlic cloves and dill sprigs
Talking about Supply chain and Shipping – those of us in other countries note that the US Postal Service has stopped posting to 21 countries including Australia & New Zealand. A postal service that doesnt sent the post onto its sister organisations in other countries!!! Means any online shopping with MDK is out of the question unless you choose to ship by courier.
Green tomato relish – that made by our local restaurants / CWA / bottom pub in Cygnet in Tasmania. Everybody has stock in early summer… then the tomatoes ripen and no more green tomatoes!
Tomatoes, fresh from the garden, peeled and diced into canning jars. In deepest darkest coldest February when the sunlight has forgotten to shine and the snow it w-a-y above ones eyeballs and the taste of summer is a very distant memory or in a future that is hard to imagine, the tomatoes canned during the blazing August heat bring the warmth of summer to a myriad of senses and nourish the very will to continue onward.
My favorite pickles are Bubbies Kosher Dills and I also love my homemade sauerkraut
M favourite pickles are actually my homemade ‘bread and butter’ pickled cucumbers. I love them and it’s a sad day when we run out until the next cucumber season.
Crakovia Gherkins—the jar never last long at our house!
Pickled asparagus
Vlasic zesty bread and butter pickles
Dill, always dill.
Homemade chowchow.
red cabbage in a jar is my favorite food in a jar, followed by sauerkraut
Castelvetrano or Bella di Cerignola olives. Preferably glamming up an icy martini.
Sweet gherkins
Pickled watermelon rind
Pickled Herb Cauliflower
Horseradish and peanut butter on Ritz Crackers with my favorite cocktail for Happy Hour.
Oh my, I love Kim Chee… never tried to make it myself, but I’ve had some great versions from our local farmers market. And one of these days I will try making mincemeat – the real, historical, thing. I’m the only one in my family that loves mincemeat pie (my dad was a fan!) so I don’t make it very often, but it really is wonderful, and I’m very curious about mincemeat with actual meat in it.
And thanks, DG, for your great column and the weekly give-aways… it is such fun reading!
Claussen’s dills, all the way!
Sweet baby gherkins
No love lost between me and anything pickled. However, now you have me totally freaked out about the cherry supply for a good Old Fashioned. I do love to knit with green.
I made my own pickled jalapenos this year. I had an overabundance of hot peppers. I’d have to say those are my favs.
Sweet gherkins and pickled beets–mmm!
Kimchi all day!
Bubbies pickles forever, amen. I do have a thing for luxardo cherries, but the trader Joe version is just fine, no wild brand loyalty from me. The best advent calendar of all advent calendars in the history of advent calendars forever was last year’s Bonne Maman jam calendar. And the best (only good) vodka martini was a filthy martini made with pickled okra.
Maybe all the jars are at my house?
Nalley dill pickles, a Northwest brand. Or if I have some, my homemade sauerkraut. Yum!
Orange marmalade. May head out to pick up an extra jar just in case…
Bread and butter pickles-
Homemade dill pickles! My father used to make them with garlic, dill and tiny hot peppers we grew tucked between the cukes in each jar.
Yes, those maraschino cherries are a big thing. I use them in a cookie receipe, a cookie that is so important that we can’t have Christmas without them!
My favourite fermented food in a jar is kimchi.
My pickles come from Aunt Mina!
My Mom’s pickled dilly beans. So good!
Sweet jerkins
Heinz dill sandwich pickles. I put them on everything.
Can’t really answer that, because in France, pickled food is really not a common thing ! Though friends of mine made some pickled zucchinis this summer, and that was delicious !
Citron Tea in a jar. Make tea from it or use it like marmelade.
The favorite fermented items in my fridge are my homemade bread and butter pickles!
Chopped salad, a family recipe made for Thanksgiving,
Milwaukee Petite Dill Pickles are the best hands down!
I too love mini Clausen pickles, lately have been eating marinated artichokes ,and olive salad is a must for muffelettas.
I quite like Branston Pickle – great on homemade bread with good cheddar cheese and apple slices.
Favorite: kimchi, least favorite: natto
I love garlicky dill pickles. Crisp and tasty! But old fashioned picalilli is good too. I have a great grandmothers recipe. Delish!
Fermented sauerkraut
My favorite food in a jar is olives. I love some salty, green olives in my salad. Now I’m going to be hoarding olives along with my toilet paper if i can find either. Luckily, yarn does not come in glass jars!
My favorite pickles are my moms homemade bread and butter, but I also love Farmstead Ferments (local here in VA) bahn mi pickles. Yum!
Pickled garlic from the Rhinebeck, NY farmers market. Not too sweet and just garlicky enough. And crunchy too.
Griottine cherries! The best for anything from manhattans to vanilla ice cream. Probably good on Cheerios but I haven’t tried that yet.
Without a doubt, CherryFire pickles from Carver’s Orchard in Cosby, TN.
My daughter makes the best pickled beets!
My Grandma Ingrid made the best dill pickles – Trader Joe’s come close.
Mustard pickles, tomatillo relish from SmallBatch Preserving
Unfortunately pickles aren’t my thing. Sometimes I like pickled mushrooms from our local deli though.
Bread and butter pickles!!
Locally made dill pickles from the farmer’s market.
I love bread and butter pickles!
My go to is kosher pickles straight from the deli counter. I think they are Boar’s Head brand. Nothing is better, well, maybe chocolate, but not mixed with pickles.
maraschino cherries, please, are so last year. dirty cherries baby….that’s what your manhattan longs for
Homemade saurkraut. Best part: you reuse the same jar!
My mom’s canned peaches are the best.
Bubbles sauerkraut or my own homemade!
Jeff’s Sliced Perroncini
Pickled beets, boiled eggs, mixed greens, country cornbread
Aunt Bette’s Harvard beets made with pineapple chunks, combine the juice from the can with enough vinegar to make it tangy, cook and thicken with a little corn starch dissolved in a little water; finish with a pat of butter. A favorite holiday dinner vegetable.
Bread and butter pickles with jalapeño or banana peppers to add a bit of a kick
Bread and butter pickles! Love them on a grilled hamburger!
I love olives. Do they count? Half sour pickles are pretty good too.
Pickled watermelon rind! I have gone on some epic grocery store hunts for this delicacy.
My favorite food in a jar is olive salad (for muffulettas and adding to regular salads).
Mmmm… hubbies homemade tomato chutney!
As a child my grandmother would send me to the basement for garnishes or relishes depending on the type of get together. To this day I serve dill pickles, pickled onions, gherkins, and beets. They look like jewels sitting on my shelf or in my fridge.
Bread and butter pickles is all your turkey sandwich needs!
Give me a good old fashioned bread and butter pickle any day!
Pickled butternut squash from Pitchfork Pickles, in Burlington. Sooooo good!
Knockout Pickles made by Opportunity Knocks in River Forest, Illinois.
One picked item? Just one fermented veg? Selecting a single favorite is like naming your favorite child: possible, perhaps, yet totally unfair. With that, I share my maybe top three: Claussen dill pickles, sauerkraut, bean salad.
I make my own freezer pickles. Will trade for yarn.
Homemade bread and butter pickles!
Pickled red onions!
Homemade pickled red onion slices!
My own Hot Garlic Dill pickles. They are a hit with everyone….
Olive tapenade from Trader Joe’s.
I save Clausen juice when it is close to fresh cucumber time. Put cukes in in a jar, boil Clausen juice, pour over my homegrown cucumbers, seal jar, Refrigerate a week…Clausen Clones!
Fig jam. Love a dab on my warm morning multi grain English muffin with almond butter and banana slices. Add a steaming latte, my morning newspaper some knitting wip and I am ready face the world.
Beet Kvass which I am moved to make a few times each year.
I am on Team Claussen, too. Kosher dill with every sandwich.
my Dad’s homemade sauerkraut. and , if there are no more Mason Jars we can scoop it directly out of the crock! I miss my Dad and I have not been able to duplicate the taste of his famous-to-his-family sauerkraut.
Pickled watermelon rind was a nice surprise.
Green tomatoes are the best!
Dill pickles on a burger cooked on the grill at home.
Pickled watermelon! Just had it served with our (29th) anniversary dinner and remembered that I love them!
Not to make you drool but I had Clausen dill strips alongside my peanut butter, Mayo & lettuce Thursday lunchtime.
Not to make you drool, but I had Clausen dill sticks alongside my peanut butter, Mayo & lettuce sandwich for lunch Thursday
Bubbles pickles- just like out of the barrel
Hands down homemade dill pickles are the best!
DG, you can have ALLLLLL my pickles!!! I’d rather have plain cucumbers — which I love!
Our family loves Vlasic pickles. My son loves the Baby Dill and my fav is Bread and Butter. I love that pickle-coloured yarn
Mine is also Clausen pickles! During the first year of COVID there was already spotty supply of them in my area.
I rarely met a pickle I didn’t like but one I have been thinking about lately is the pickled mix my grandmother always had, it is a sweet pickle mix with things like cauliflower and carrots in there and so good. I haven’t had it in years.
My sister loved pickles so much that every year she gave them up for Lent and she always got a jar of pickles in her Easter basket! I can hardly eat a pickle without thinking of that.
I can’t pick one favorite so it’s dill pickled cucumbers, pickled beets, and gherkins
My favourite is mandarin oranges in maple syrup, just heaven!
Half sour pickles
I don’t like too much that’s pickled! It usually tastes like the pickling brine… That said, a good French ‘cornichon’ is one of the few pickled things I will eat!
Pickled beets made by my mother-in-law.
Not a big fan of pickles…or any fermented foods. But I have a granddaughter who absolutely loves pickles! As a small child, she always ordered a side of pickles from McDonald’s drive-thru. She has more discerning taste as an adult and prefers Clausens.
Spicy pickles!
Pickles are my favorite as well. Though my favorite brand of spicy pickle chips come in plastic quart tubs. Second favorite is the Clausen ones as well.
I too am a Clausen pickle fan, especially since I can no longer have my Mom’s Bread and Butter pickles.
Mt. Olive Kosher Baby Dills 🙂
Bread and butter pickles are my favorite.
Watermelon rind pickles my grandmother made. She had many picking crocks and I loved to visit and help her check if they were ready to jar.
Pickled three-bean salad! Always a treat.
Hearts of palm!!!! Yummy
This one is Christmasy, to me anyway: Hatch green chiles and roasted red peppers! Thanks for the heads up on glassware.
Pickled beets and 1/2 sour pickles
Ba-Tampte half sour pickles.
My favorite is Sweet Pickled Fiddleheads (made in NH)
My husband’s grandmother made what she called 7 day pickles that were awesome.
When I was a child my mom served pickled peaches on Sundays at lunch. Yum!
I like kimchi myself. Have you considered making your own pickles? It’s really easy and delicious.
Boar’s Head Dills beat Claussen any time! But my homemade fresh Swedish cucumber dill slices are even better.
Pickled baby beets! Sauders in Seneca Falls, NY is a Mennonite store that is amazing. AND I love that color too!
Pickled okra
Sliced, pickled jalapenos!
Sauerkraut and Clausen dills. Best ever dill pickles.
Cherry salsa
Pickled cauliflower – yum!!!
Well..I’m on Team Claussen when it comes to pickles…can’t beat their cold crispness, for sure!
Homemade Pickled Beets or Pickled Asparagus
I’m mostly a condiments in jars person as opposed to proper foods. I love my gochujang, which is fermented, and Vegetable Better than Bouillon is my cheat code for quick soups.
Make your own refrigerator pickles! So easy, and so delicious, and nothing more bougie than making your own. There are tons of recipes online, but I’ll share mine if you want.
Pickles in moonshine!
Running out to check the status on maraschino cherries now!
I’m not a huge pickle fan, but if its a good one, I’m willing to try. Your comment on maraschino cherries has me worried that we will run out of Luxardo and then what will we do without Manhattans and Old Fashions this holiday season. Running out to stock up…………………
Dill pickles, heavy on the garlic!
Pickled okra. I grew up where okra was just a thing everybody grew in the garden but now that im in Colorado (by way of Seattle) it’s a rare thing. So whenever i find it at a fancy kitchen shop im willing to pay the ridiculous price of both arm AND leg to get me some.
I was never a pickle fan, but when I had the house made pickles at Cochon Butcher in New Orleans, I turned a new leaf. I am daring myself to try pink eggs pickled in beet juice—not brave enough yet!
I’m so basic but a classic cold dill pickle spear in the summertime alongside a hot dog and wavy potato chips is heaven!
Hi! We LOVE Refrigerator Pickled Beets. The simple ingredients are vinegar, sugar, whole cloves, and whole allspice.
It’s fun to see that deep rich beet color in a clear GLASS jar every time you open the fridge!
My favourite is Bick’s Baby Dills with Garlic
We make a tomatillo salsa that is amazing. And my sauerkraut is divine. But for purchased fermented foods, I’m all about olives. Garlic stuffed if possible
Pickled watermelon rind, which is getting harder to find where I live. I usually look on vacation o in Amish markets.
bread & butter pickles
Pickled Vidalia onion relish
Branston Pickle
Mount Olive Kosher Dills if it has to be pickled. And Bonne Maman apricot jam in the most beautiful glass jar! Now that you mention, they have been out of my favorite pickles for a while…
Kimchi!!! Can be purchased in many grocery stores and if you are up for making it yourself here is a recipe that looks promising.
Sweet pickles! Love them and the family get togethers they remind me of.
Pickled garlic cloves! Yummy! Great alone or sliced up and used in salads and sandwiches (like burgers)!
My favorite food in a jar is peperoncini.
Maraschino cherries or sweet pickles/relish
Pickled onions! On all the things.
Food in a jar: Mom’s homemade wild raspberry jelly (not jam–she makes jelly). The. Best. Ever.
Pickles: Mt. Olive organic kosher baby dills. An absolute must with grilled cheese, especially if no Branston Pickle is available (a close second for favorite pickle AND food in a jar).
I love pickled carrots and pickled red onions — can’t choose a favorite!
Local market pickled carrots. Forget various vendors’ names. Does this mean my husband’s vast collection of saved glass jars is our ticket to fame and fortune?
Castelvetrano Olives! Buttery, salty goodness in a Bloody Mary, salad or all by themselves.
Hot giardiniera.
bread and butter pickles 🙂
I ❤️ Best Maid Pickles. The best!!! Their pickle museum is in Fort Worth. Come see.
Sauerkraut. Sauerkraut. Sauerkraut forever.
Is it too late to make your own?
Homemade bread and butter pickles & I just stocked up on maraschino cherries. Thanks for the heads up on that potential shortage nightmare.
I love pickled jalapeños. Now I wish I had bought some extra supply. I’ll head over to the store now to make sure I get some before they run out? (I hope they are still some on the shelves.)
My favourite fermented item would be sauerkraut. So good on salads as it adds that extra crunch.
Quick pickled red onions! There is always a jar in our fridge, because even the toddler loves them.
Dill pickle relish!
I love the hot spicy pickled carrots my sis makes. Soooooo good!
Any form of olive! Currently loving the feta-stuffed one.
Dill pickles but my favorite jarred staple has to be natural peanut butter. Love that green by the way.
I think my favorite fermented vegetable is kimchee, and my favorite kimchee is made by a friend, but my second favorite(s) is(are) at a local Korean/Chinese restaurant where the family recognizes my husband’s service in Korea (not during the war) and brings us tastes of whatever is going on in the kitchen.
Pickled red onions, so good with tacos!
Have you not tried Bubbies?! Best dill pickles ever!
Spicy PIckled Carrots
Wickles pickle relish is what I have been using lately.
Pickled Herring
I am Russian, so anything pickled is great! Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, beets, cabbage….
Not so much a pickle person per se, but pickled mushrooms, pickled asparagus, ‘dilly beans’ (pickled green beans) are awesome. Also, years ago I’d had a brand of olive called “Old Fred’s Fine Sex Olives” … no idea who Old Fred is/was, but he had some incredible olives (very garlicky).
Chalkidiki olives!
Zucchini bread and butter pickles!
Pickled beets. Lots of pickled beets fans here!
Pickled baby beets!
Grillo’s Dill Chips! Locally made and so delicious!
Asparagus spears
Bread and butter pickles. Home made, if I have time!
Amareno cherries from Trader Joe’s
My favorite is an Indian Mixed Pickle by Pachranga International.
Does Kombucha count?! I do love a good, crisp, Clausen pickle myself! Yes, put it on my Wysocki Cat Calendar..I get them evey year!
While pickles for me are rarely interchangeable, if I can’t get my faves, Vlasic Kosher Dill (preferably the pre-sliced Stackers that save time when making a sandwich) I then turn to Clausen. I’m never happy when I have to resort to that but have learned from the past and now have a suitable stock of Vlasic on hand at all times. As for a fermented veg, Kimchi is at the very top of the list. It can be used in a whole lot of recipes but my favorite way to enjoy it is straight from the jar.
Mini sweet gherkins by far my favorite. From my childhood when my mama’s vision of a fancy party was setting out a crystal bowl of gherkins.
I just made pickled candied jalapeños- recipe from Cook’s Country. Amazing.
I love a good dill pickle and usually enjoy one with a sandwich or hamburger. Lately I’ve been buying jarred pears and fishing one or two out, sprinkling with cinnamon sugar and enjoying as a fall breakfast treat.
It was nice to read in the article that American glass companies are running at full steam and the shipping delays are just that – shipping. The global supply chain needs some help!
Dill pickles cold and oh so crispy. Ann Arbor Zingermans Deli is definitely at the top!
My very favorite are the very small sweet gherkins. I used to can all sorts of pickles and those took about a month of fermenting, if I remember correctly. But they were tasty!
Grandma’s zucchini pickles!
Pickled Beets
My favorite fermented product is Kitchen Garden Farm’s (Sunderland, MA) Giardiniera, spicy pickled vegetables in a jar.
Amazing pinky purple fermented cabbage and beats, kind of like mild kimchi, made here in Vermont!
Crunchy delicious Clausen pickles are my favorites as well. I didn’t know they were bougie. Does that make me one of the cool kids now?
My homemade bread and butter pickles and salsa. Love them both.
Definitely pickled beets! My husband makes them.
I really like roasted red peppers in the jar but they’re not fermented. Does Stonyfield Yogurt count?
Bread & Butter pickle chips, pickled onions, pickled beets – Yum!
Kimchee Harvest (cabbage) from the greenmarket on 97th Street in NYC. Mix in the sautés pan with rice and a scrambled egg. Delicious for lunch but probably good for breakfast too (if I had that much energy in the AM).
Local company makes a Tumeric Kraut! Casper Fermentables Tumeric Kraut
Pickled beets.
I like pickled beets. I’m the only one in the house that likes them to
Vlasic Oval Dill Chips with a burger.
Red beets
Pickled baby carrots and capers have been difficult to find. They’re a must for salads – they perk up a dull salad.
I’m a sucker for sauerkraut,
Bread and butter pickles!!
If I had some Clausen pickles I would gift them to you!
Pre-minced garlic in a jar, so much easier than chopping tiny pieces of garlic! Thanks for the giveaway!
Grillos hot pickle slices for sandwiches
Clausen, and we have forgone specifying spears, whole or quarters. It’s whatever is there.
pickled beets – it’s gotta be pickled beets. Now I need to check the supply of dried cranberries and currants and plan the Christmas baking!!
Pickled peaches! My Mom used to make them every summer and we didn’t get to eat them until Thanksgiving.
I love pickled beets which I can make at home so I don’t have to worry about glass jars. I also love sweet pickles, you can keep the dill ones.
I am really into pickled onions lately, so good on almost everything!
I’m just not a pickle person. Love me some sauerkraut, though. I read a comment about kraut from Aldi (or Aldis, which is how I will always say it LOL). Definitely going to check that out!
Does it have to pickled or can it just be in a jar? Nutella wins hands down for me– even if my entry gets eliminated 🙁
Pickled beets sliced or diced on top of my salad.
Love picked beets! I’m also a sucker for Branston Pickle. Great with a sharp cheddar or Stilton.
Favorite pickles, Strubs old/ full sour Kosher Dill Pickles, almost as good as they were from the barrel!
I love picking up some pickled veggies at the local farmer’s market. This week, I bought asparagus! Yummo!
Pickled okra—hot!
Granny’s bread and butter are the best.
Kalamata olives…and any kind of pickle or briny thing that’s out there (capers, anyone?).
Bread and butter pickles
Clausen Bread and Butter pickles. YUM!
Real Pickles — all kinds of raw fermented veggies, from Greenfield MA. Their pickled carrots are amazing!
I love those wrinkly, oil cured olives! Not sure what they’re called?
Kimchi is the best fermented food!
Favorite food in a jar? While pickled and/or fermented are good, my favorite is all-natural peanut butter made with dark roasted peanuts.
ISH Beet horseradish- I love the name and the beet color and flavor spices up everything!
Old South Pickled (I know it sounds strange) Brussels Sprouts!! Amazingly good! They make other pickled things too, like beets, mixed veggies…
I think I’ll make a Bloody Mary right now!!
probably my favorite store-bought jar item would be cocktail cherries…
You’ve reminded me to make Christmas Texas Pickles this week for holiday gifts! Thanks! They are so good!
1 (24-ounce) jar whole kosher baby dill pickles
1 medium jalapeño
1 tablespoon pickling spice
1 cup granulated sugar
3 cloves garlic, smashed
I’m off to get the pickles now!!!
Anything Cousin Whitney makes, cans, and sends—pickles or jams, it’s all wonderful and a surprise.
Claussen kosher dill halves
Fav? Well, duh, my daughter’s refridgerator pickles of just about anything from the garden. Cabbage, green beans, peppers, and, you betcha, cukes. But since I live a 24-hour drive away (oh, for my former air travel habit!!) — I’m going to have to go with Clausen Mini-Dills. No other. The perfect amount of fresh crunch.
Dill pickles and pickled beets
Mezzeretta olives…the best in my weekly egg salad!
Doctored up dills with Tabasco and sugar!
They may not be bougie, but I love the classic Bonne Maman jams in their perfect glass jars with, as the website says, “a white label that simply indicates the brand and the flavour, and closed, of course, with that familiar red-and-white gingham lid, like our grandmothers used on their own jam jars.” I save the jars (one might say, I hoard the jars) and re-use them as vases, dessert coupes, etc. To me, they are perfect.
Famous Dave’s sweet pickles!
Heinz Hamburger Dills, a must for anyone from the ‘burg!
My favorite pickles are my homemade bread and butter pickles. Three years without a garden and I haven’t been able to find any that are quite the same. Time to buy cucumbers and make more
Capers! Capers! In every food I can semi-reasonably put them in!
I am a sweet pickle person myself, but I do enjoy a good pickled garlic clove. Sounds strange but very delicious!
Half sour pickles from my local farmers market!!!
I personally don’t like pickles of any kind. However, recently I did some canning with my mom and made salsa and pasta sauce with tomatoes from our gardens. They both turned out pretty darn good. Now I’m thinking those glass jars are more valuable than we thought!
Glow kraut — cabbage, golden beets, tumeric, salt.
Bread and butter pickles any brand
Don’t like pickled foods, but I do love a good sourdough loaf. In the ballpark, I’d say.
oops, i missed the deadline for the giveaway.but i want to represent for Kimchi! i make it–super easy, and the flavor can be varied.