Atlas Insider: That Hat

Now look: we’ve talked about color and my problems with it before, and I found the commiserating comments heartening, really, I did. But they didn’t make me any less color blind! And while I’m very happy to know that there are so many of you out there who also can’t tell a red light from a green light, it absolutely scares the bejesus out of me that it’s not just me blithely running all the stoplights. “Sorry officer, they all look brown to me!” [cue insouciant wheel-screech-in-the-gravel noise]
I once worked for a company that offered a product in “plum.” We once got a letter from a very nice, very focused customer who went on (and on and on and on) explaining how disappointed she was to receive what was not a “plum” item at all but instead “wine.” For 34 paragraphs, she broke it down for me (and lemme tell you: I do suspect “wine” was definitely involved). After suppressing my initial impulse to reply by quoting Ring Lardner (“‘Shut up,’ he explained.”), I answered her at length with so much vague yet convincing jibber-jabber about the respective vocabularical taxonomies of both science and marketing that I was quite frankly shocked she didn’t have me brought up on harassment charges.
Anyway! MDK recently ran a fun little giveaway where if you sold us your soul, you got a free MDK “Knitter” ball cap (I think that was the deal; I honestly don’t know. I’m not really a fine-print sort of person). The hat only came in two colors: charcoal gray and cream. Or, if you were in a hurry, “dark” or “light.” They were intended to be randomly included in qualifying orders (we had a pretty hefty stack to give away) but exactly 26 of you requested “the blue hat, please.” One of you asked for “the nice green one, to match my favorite sweater!”
There were no blue hats—and there were definitely no green hats. Poor Chris up in the photography mezzanine literally spends 200 hours out of every 24-hour day color correcting photos. And we know he got the photo right this time because the non-blue-requesting balance of you asked for “the charcoal gray hat” and included notes like “I love charcoal gray!” and “Never have I seen a depiction of charcoal gray that was so accurate!” or “You have absolutely defined charcoal gray for me for alll of eternity.” So don’t even start with me on that. It was gray in the photo. Gray gray gray. Gray.
What that means is that this Christmas, approximately 26 of you should ask for your computer monitors to be calibrated. I know that sounds olden-timey—who bothers to calibrate their monitors these days?—but I tell you what: it makes all the difference in the world, especially (thinks of delicate way to say this) if you have an, uh, older model monitor. Does it say COMMODORE on it? ATARI? COMPAQ? Get thee to a calibration-er! Tools require maintenance. You sharpen your scissors, don’t you. Don’t you?
The charcoal gray hat will be back soon, by the way, in a regular-old-purchasable way. So if your hair is flying every whichaway, be ready to jump when we’ve got them. Ain’t gonna be any blue ones, though.
Plus! A Giveaway! Of THIS Hat!

No really, we’re gonna set some lucky person up with this MDK-exclusive, rare, adjustable hat.
How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for MDK emails, right here. External Link. Opens in new window.. If you’re already signed up, you’re all set. We have a new option for texting, so when you sign up for those, you’ll get a coupon code good for 10% off your next MDK order.
Step 2: What color is this hat? Leave a comment—nonliteral answers only, please.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, December 10, 11:59 PM Central. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Waterfallfoam white.
Snow and ashes. Love your givesways!
Winter white with charcoal letters
Linen dropcloth
Hoarfrost and carbon
The hat just above the giveaway paragraph is the color of the guest bedspread after the pets snuck in to sleep in “forbidden” territory.
This lovely heart is the color of a gorgeous snowfall on a cold, clear morning.
Darkest gray and bright white.
Dove White
Whipped cream
Not-Dark lol
Tall, skinny, vegan cream
White/cream. Love it
Milky Clouds
Vanilla icecream
Natural Beige
Peeled willow.
Creamy white.
Egg Nog
The color of this hat is Snowman Poop☃️
French vanilla white
I love your description!!☃️❄️
The hat looks cream to me. And I want one!!
Cream white
Emily Dickinson in a snowstorm.
Cream white is very accurate.
How about just plain “Winter White”?
Blank canvas
Paper white
Midwestern cuisine
Raw wool
Winter white
NOT gray (I’m done with the gray everything trend, y’all.)
The inside of scratch-back muffins
The color of the stuff I must have in my coffee- cream.
Belly white
Ha! I was thinking “Fish Belly, which is often how I describe my natural skin tone.
White/cream. Love it
After Labor Day White!
Eggshell. Perfectly designed to protect a knitter’s egg.
It’s anti-gray.
Dirty snow
It is the color of mashed potatoes – made with white pepper, of course.
Creamy ivory
“Jamaican sand”
Not blue or green.
Color is “milk,” for the milk&cookies I snack on while knitting!
Vintage Christmas white
This is hilarious! I looked at the photo and thought ” What a soft shade of blue grey – I love that shade for a ball cap! And it says Knitter” , even better!” And then to read about it’s gray, just a nice gray. Ah, the joys of putting color online. I work for the US’s biggest flooring company. We deal with ” What is the real color in that photo?” every day. Ya can’t win.
The color of dusk…after knitting late in the afternoon on a quiet weekend day…getting ready to knit into the evening…that would be charcoal grey…(or “light black”…lol)
Egg noggy white
Fluffy egg white with a sprinkle of gray (or blue, or green) bits above the visor!
Vanilla ice cream!
The very palest creamy gray ever, with black embroidered lettering.
Winter Wool
Love this! LOL
cream (or vanilla? )
This head covering is completely unsaturated nothingness with just a sprinkling of everythingness that renders it capable of blending with the universe.
[chef’s kiss]
Blank canvas
Paper white
Midwestern cuisine
Raw wool
Winter white
NOT gray (I’m done with the gray everything trend, y’all.)
Currently Cream (but NOT for Long)!
Just cream.
The color: whatever you want it to be.
The hat is as white as the pure driven snow
It’s like the fog on my pond
The yarn I never dare knit a sweater out of
The vanilla ice cream cone of summers past…
Egg cream
Oh I like the yarn I never dare knit a sweater out of. I so know that color!
And since I don’t wear caps I want one that says “knitter’s partner” for my always encouraging husband – who is never without a cap
Marshmallow fluff!
The very palest creamy gray ever, with black embroidered lettering.
It”s my favourite shade of green!! Haha.
Fluffy egg white with a sprinkle of gray (or blue, or green) bits above the visor!
What a great word!
The hat is cream color or maybe it’s gray/grey.
Whispering snowflakes
Definitely cream (“creme”?)
Flat white. It’s one shade lighter than cafe au lait in the coffee color chart.
Sea foam on a stormy day
The color of my cat’s tummy.
Off White!
Winter white
Winter White
Non-dairy creamer; the stuff that never really dissolves completely. Available in many office settings, next to the brown plastic stir-sticks and packets of sweetener.
Just signed up 🙂 Blue colour is perfect! Thank you!
Cream colour)
The color of Grandma’s Irish crochet doilies
This is so funny as I did request the blue hat and not from my computer but my phone. Proud to be part of the “26”!!
The hat is shown in 2 yr old polypay white. 🙂
There’s a blizzard raging outside. Yes, I know that many people think that that is pretty common for NW Colorado in the wintertime, but it’s not very common where I live. Perhaps that’s why I’m awake and commenting at 4A.
The hat pictured isn’t nearly as white as the rapidly drifting snow. A soft creamy color would be wonderful for next summer in about 4 or 5 months.
Same color as my bedroom. White Heron by Benjamin Moore!
It’s a very pretty shade of Cream with the best embellishment embroidered on the front.
Knight cap knitting…
Winter Wonderland Cream
Snow (for the season)
I love the hat
Bluish gray
(Oh, I thought you meant the letters…)
Antique paper
It’s the colour of Lübecker Marzipan, of course!
Lübecker is the best!
That hat is is Natural – like undyed yarn!
french vanilla
Whatever color you want it to be!
Inside of a clam shell
Having just gone through this at the Benjamin Moore store, with my daughter-in-love. That hat is Simply White, which one would think is white-white. But alas, one would be wrong.
Peaches n’ Cream (minus the peaches).
Definitely blue.
Winter white.
Swiss meringue.
‘Oatmilk clouds in my coffee’.
Do I really want to wear the hat though? People would know my business and probably try to get me to make them something!
Pearldrops ™
Beautiful cream
The first hat is charcoal gray and the second hat is white. Love the font used to stitch Knitter on the hat.
crème de la crème
Dandelion seed
That hat is the color of my mother’s favorite, Ivory Soap. I shall think of her whenever I wear it.
Milk white is the perfect adjective. Although I like the kitty tummy suggestion best (but no photo to verify).
Cream…. With the tiniest hint of pale blue just for fun!
Sheep white
Milky White … and I loved reading this column … bravo! ❤️
(candy apple red heart)
Milkweed fluff!
Styrofoam #2
My favorite! Because it is might be free?
Dreamy. I mean creamy.
Benjamin Moore Antique White? Cameo?
Navajo white with ash embroidery.
It is the color that goes with everything.
Royal Icing.
Dense fog!
This hat is very clearly clotted cream, and it is darling!
In the first photo, I’d say it’s “slate”/dark and the second photo looks like “steamed milk”/light! Happy Holidays and tell your sister “hey” for me too!
Distressed charcoal gray.
Freshly-shorn Rambouillet
This color is somewhere in the khaki rainbow.
The last knitter hat shown here is cream in color.
Looks like good old white to me! Perhaps Snow White?
Bleached out.
Blue boat sail on a sunny day!
Why Atlas Natural, of course!
Someone will win hat-chicken whether gray or grey!!
Coffee creamer
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m going to call that hat an off-white with charcoal grey lettering
The color of potential; of unrefracted light; all of them and none of them at the same time
That specific white is called “Snow Queen”
Snowball white
Cappe-latte froth!
This hat is Februarysnow
Cream puffery, light mushroom, dry sand (as opposed to wet), sorta beige, ecru, biscuit, oatmeal, taupe, and the all encompassing “off white”.
The color is lampshade, with telephone pole wires embroidery. At least that’s what it is from where I’m sitting.
Storm, which is definitely a bluish grey. Knowing Kay’s fondness for blue, it’s not hard to imagine folks leaning that direction. And egret.
Mashed potatoes!
Refrigerator white!
This hat is the perfect color for the snowflakes in a wonderful and warm pair of warm Nordic mittens.
The color is vanilla.
Looks cream to me 🙂
Plleeease! The Emperor’s New Clothes Sir! There is no color in that hat, it’s White:)
It looks like a light color that would get dirty fast 🙂
Rita wins the prize.
Undyed, as in Fresh Off A Sheep!
It’s white.
Whitecap (see also Ocean wave, the other cap color; I swear I thought it was chambray)
Pasty Thighs
(Forgive me, I spent my Thanksgiving holiday someplace warm on a beach in a black bathing suit.)
The color of angel wings
It is the color that attracts tomato sauce. It will be stained somehow practically instantly.
Soot stitching on bleached whalebone canvas
This colour of the hat is definitely eggnog.
I would say “Cream” but it really doesn’t matter. I want that hat, in any colour!!!!
Navy grey is my choice. Live the hat.
A soothing soft white with, almost but not quite, charcoal gray lettering
Ooh, love this game! But what to call it?
Crisp Linen?
Grout Beige?
Banking Snow Clouds?
Snow Falling on Cedars? (Oh wait that one’s a book title…)
Stormy Ocean Foam?
Boat Hull White?
Ball Band Beige? (That most neutral of neutrals so that the color of the ball/skein label doesn’t effect your perception of the yarn color)
The same color as the Model Magic my kiddos love to sculpt with?
Baby bunny tail
Soon-to-be-dirty white
It’s Wonderful White– but not for long!
Coffee Cake Drizzle
I think the hat is Aran color
winter white
Ivory for sure, but I do like cat tummy.
Creamy white!
Y’know, Rangerstitch in Nashville could probably whip out a whole bunch of those for you, in lots of other colors! ( ❤️
The hat is cream
This hat is the color of my beautiful English Cream Yellow Labrador Retriever’s lightest fur, located on her soft ears.
Take that, Crayola.
The color is butter cream icing – ready to crown a moist chocolate cake!
Benjamin Moore White Dove!
I’m calling it antique white.
I-won-yarn-chicken eggshell
My teeth after a good dental cleaning.
Polar bear in the morning
La Crème de la crème!
The giveaway hat is the color of the gorgeous cabled sweater Chris Evans wore in “Knives Out”. 🙂
The hat is definitely a crisp, clean white….Sailor’s dress uniform white, I’d say. But I can’t be sure about the color of the letters: dark blue? Black? Grey? Gray? (Yes, there is a difference.)……please delineate and enlighten me here, DG.
A few lines of interesting jibber-jabber should clarify this, and amuse me at the same time. Thanks!
That hat is the color of my puppy’s tummy
Vanilla milkshake.
Plain Vanilla, definitely!
I’d call this hat Cream. Perhaps I’d go so far as to call French Vanilla Ice Cream. (But I must admit, I see blue undertones in the grey hat. Perhaps it’s time to upgrade my original iPad Pro?)
Looks like white to me!
Greek Villa.
That’s a Sherwin Williams paint color.
At least, on my I pad….
The hat is igloo.
Full moon.
And my father quoted that line from Ring Lardner to us ALL the time, generally when we were being annoying! Thanks for the memory.
It comes in handy, like all great literature.
A lovely cream color.
Achromatic snowy pallid alabaster
The hat is white with black letters
Burrata cheese
I’d say eggshell but eggshells actually come in colors from aqua to green to brown to every kind of ivory and then speckled
I’ll go with happy
Scandanavian Fog
Cream with black lettering – pick me please
That is the exact shade of the darkest suntan I’ve ever had.
Now, if you want to talk about shades of red, I could write a book! The Irish DNA Color Wheel was the inspiration for those round peppermint candies that shred the roof of your mouth.
Ha! I hear you, sister.
Last photo hat is Cream. Top photo is Charcoal Gray.
The hat is White
A lovely cream!
A robust steam!
The hat
Is a shade
That made
The grade
As an
No fuss.
The pictured hat is white, but won’t stay that way for long!
The person I worked for in my first post-college job was a walking Preppy Handbook ad. (The Lisa Birnbach edition, not the pre-official version published by some of my high school classmates on the school mimeograph machine.) Monday mornings found me fielding telephone calls from women asking to speak to “the preppy one who was wearing the whale belt.” Regardless of your point of view on the sartorial splendor of Top-Siders (bonus points if they are held together by athletic tape illicitly procured from the gym office) and whale belts, his wardrobe was always coordinated. Then came a week when every outfit was just slightly awry. Clothing was clashing in a way that was not usual. Sometime around Wednesday, I asked if his girlfriend was traveling. He asked how I knew. I said I guessed because his clothes had not matched all week. He explained that relied on her to choose his clothing because he was color blind. For him, most of the colors in the preppy palette were just shades of gray.
So Just Shades of Gray-in honor of color blind preppies (and, more broadly perhaps, color challenged minimalists).
A shade darker than Ship Lap! Vintage Lace?
If it’s a free gift, you can call it anything you wish!
However, when it’s mine, I shall consider it white with dark blue lettering, and enjoy it enormously! Thank you!
I cut about FIFTY sentences that basically said this!
The hat at the end of the article looks cream colored. The other hat was definitely gray. I know this as it matches many of my hair “highlights”
Rice pudding!
Sheep’s Wool!
City snow. The kind that’s fresh fallen, but still not white because of all the car smoke
I love a good hat….independent of color…..this one is natural.
The Good Stationery.
Dusty grey
Wool Washed
Actually with the bombardment of email links I have been getting for Christmas baking:
Vanilla Cake
Wonder bread, classic white.
That hat is white! Though I’d accept cream as a suggestion.
A lovely, creamy off white.
Paper coffee cup white
Creamy vanilla
Raw canvas
Sandy beige
White a While hat
The cap is a lovely shade of cream, possibly lactose free.
Milky white
Light but who the heck cares!
Milky white
It is the same color of Atlas Yarn Pebble
It does seem to be a warmer charcoal…
Of course, I answered, pre-coffee, about the dark one. The light one is the color of the almond milk I put in the coffee I’m about to go have.
I was hauling out the List of 26 to make an addition….
Both hats are nice. I’d say this one is white but I guess I just assumed the other one had to be on the blue spectrum if Kay was involved. I’m a blue person too so I see blue where maybe it’s not.
White Dove obviously.
Thanks for the laughs! “White adjacent “
This hat is any color you want to dye it!
Hat. It’s hat colored
Destin sand (the beach in Florida – prettiest sand in the world)
Paradise Beach Cove Sand
That hat is white…or maybe cream…perhaps snowball…or how about pale white girl….could be cotton….or possibly stone…no, wait, it’s cloud…or is it about foam? I’m sure it’s ONE of those!
I would love to win the Oyster hat! I don’t care much for cream or ecru, but oyster is my jam.
Cream…Most definitely! And D.G., wonderful to have a laugh first thing in the morning!
The color of the hat is “Book.” (I love books so this is a serious compliment.)
My favorite color!
Decker Deck Snow — that hat is the color of Decker Deck Snow. It is the freshly fallen snow on our Minnesota deck. A bit off-white from the dust that settles on everything after farm machinery rumbles down the nearby dirt road. You can see the tiny tracks made by the squirrels and birds running to and fro from the trees around the deck to the feeders. Oh, and there’s some dropped sunflower seeds … what do they spell???
Crème freche
Vanilla icing (without sprinkles, of course)
I like Ginny’s answer, the color of her cat’s tummy. It looks like the inside of my Le Creuset ceramic coffee cup.
Crème fraiche
Bone. Do NOT go check the Benjamin Moore neutrals color chart; it will cause another intergalactic star explosion.
Cream or ivory.
That hat is “cleaned sheep fleece” white, or cream!
This hat is definitely a Light Cream color. Or White or Light Beige.
Don’t really care….its too cute and I’d be proud as Christmas Punch to wear it on my walks with my MDK knitted scarf!!! Or around the house when I’m knitting but telling others I’m staying home to clean house. Which I frequently do!!!
Merry Christmas.
White but if you had this one you could dye it any colour you wanted
LMAO. It’s the light one – warm milk. The second best color for apparel (the first being black). Have a great holiday season.
Edelweiss weiss
White, the one color that looks absolutely horrible on me, so please send me the grey one if I win! BTW, DJ’s post is great, but the comments are hysterical. It’s like when you go to the paint store and ask for “white” paint and they ask you to pick “which white” from about a zillion samples.
Cloudy, just after sunrise. According to my dog.
Definitely the color of the dog hair I vacuum up from my Yellow Lab Louie. It matches perfectly!! So I’d call it……Louie White..
I’m not fond of that blank color and might have to dye it a lovely shade of gray.
cream with a little bit of coffee
Its “Louie White”. The exact same color of the dog hair I vacuum up from my Yellow Lab…..Louie. 🙂
Made me laugh out loud! Is this a test? You said the color was “cream”. I’ll have to agree…
Looks white to me; I want one whatever the color-not plum or wine though, please.
Achromatic snowy pallid alabaster
The hat is the color of the snow that my pups bring into the house, released from between their warm paw pads.
Look again – it’s two colors!
It’s “It’s Gonna Get Dirty” white!
I’m a guilty “blue” person. Great article once again. You’re so very witty!
Off white…naturally!
Natural colored
vanilla ice cream was what came to my mind immediately.
French Vanilla
I had a really cheeky answer. Also very impolite. So I’ll go with Impolite White
I would say that the color of that hat is “Half and Half”.
Snow White
Old piano key ivory.
The color of my white towels
Fresh cream.
Dove wing white.
Denim white.
The hat in the picture on the lady’s head is white.
It’s white…
12th South new build
Under my hometown’s snowdome
It’s clearly Oxidized, Old Jar of Handcream Off White.
The hat is ecru. I want one. I’ll buy one if I don’t win
Lightly toasted marshmallow
Knight cap knitter
Well, if the gray one was blue or green, then this one is definitely yellow!
“Burn your socks” – the pale color of my Chaco foot tan after a winter in hand knit socks.
Ecru. I want a hat even if I don’t win.
It’s a very nice shade of puce. (Why is that even a name for a color?)
Soft white…..with a touch of blue……errr…..I mean charcoal grey.
Or is it gray? I never know which one.
Creme colored
Egg shell
Off white
Feather beige
It is quite obvious to me that the hat is unicorn colored. Duh
Cream…. Or perhaps oat milk?
Winter White
That color is “winter butter” ; as opposed to summer butter, which has a little creamier color.
The perfect color of winter butter, melting on hot toast, waiting for a touch of honey or jam or cinnamon sugar, before going out into the gray grey day and hoping you don’t step in a puddle right off!
the hat is blue and black! or is it white and gold???
Natural Beige
Whipped cream. Whipped cream on a mug of hot cocoa.
Off white.
I don’t wear baseball hats but the Husbeast does. His wearing it would be oh so funny.
inspired beige
Looks light a light cream …. I WANT ONE!
Auto correct did me in again.
Looks like a light cream. And I LOVE this hat!
Winter white, of course.
Knitter’s neutral.
Works perfectly with shale, seafoam, mallard, pear and all others in the Atlas palette.
Why, the tippy top color of a breaking wave–aka a white cap, of course.
The hat is the color of a sunbeam filtered through light clouds above a calm sea.
Cream thank you.
The colors are perfectly neutral. They will be ideal with any outfit or hair color or hand knit!! Love the hats!!
Color is Frosty
Cream. Just slightly off white
It’s the colour of an ideal, never-worn Aran sweater.
I’d like the bright red hat, please. And no excuses, DG Weak.
Ha ha! I just say it’s a beautiful, velvety gray. Or is it GREY? But now I see some people are looking at the marshmallow hat but whatever color it is it says KNITTER! And that’s the best part of it.
This hat is a creamy white!
The color of my cat’s paws.
The hat is yellow!! 😉
My favorite color: MINE
Milky white
Whipped cream, hold the cherry
“hat that has been worn too long without washing” color.
Obviously plaid. Can’t remember which Highland family it is, but it’s a winter plaid. I definitely recognize that tartan.
(Promise, if I win, I won’t TOAST it!!!)
Gray. Gray. Grey. Grey. Gray!
What colour is this hat…?
Oh dear, do I say it or is it too soon, too tender at this moment, but OOOH so timely…? Say it? Don’t say it?
((sigh)) Imma gonna say it (& face the wrath of some that I know will be coming, but doggone it, timely & funny, at least to me…)
I think it’s British Royal Whitewash.
There. I said it!
Oh my. You think “charcoal gray” is controversial? Naming white is crazy-making.
Now send me that prized dove-cloud-ivory-whitey hat so I can have fun dunking it in indigo.
Cloud white
This hat is bone.
Snow drift
That hat is Cremora, the non-dairy creamer preferred by Midwestern Aunts.
It’s a white hat!
I’m gonna say snow angel white. I do not understand the non literal part of the directions I fear!
It’s the colour of my soul when I finish my current project before starting the next.
off white, before I wear it
The hat is soft cream, with blue- gray lettering.
That hat is Ghost color, for sure!!
creamy vanilla
french vanilla!
Looks sheep-colored to me!
The hat is cream. Love the newsletters; they make me think, laugh and cry, sometimes all in the same email. Thank you.
Winter White, right?!? I mean duh
If it was fleece, it’d be natural, undyed. Even though sheep can be dozens of colours! I love the hat, which in this part of Canada is known as a cap!
Heat is cream!
Not Dirty Yet
That color that is not black.
HooRAY to be able to ORDER the GRAY hat! My year has been MADE! A faded denim-y blue WOULD be a very popular option, just saying.. THaNKS for making these available!
Oat Milk
Charcoal Gray
Definitely a Coffee cream!
mid winter snow!
The color of the sky outside my window right now.
This hat is cream!
Porcelain cream, if there is such a thing!
Ecru/eggshell…aka white. I need this hat!
I think one solution to the what color is which hat question might be “Before” and “After.” I am a New Yorker, and I am thinking of that first warm-ish day of the year when I foolishly venture out into the town wearing a pair of light-colored pants.
From the first snowy night of the year, it’s “Dang-I-Still-Need-to-Clean-Out-the-Fireplace-Ashes.”
Egg Shell White
Clean Sheep – except that sheep are NEVER clean. So maybe it is Fleece After Repeated Washings
. . .
Fantastic article!! Experience routinely!!! Thank you
This is why I love the Pantone matching system*. No descriptive Crayola color names for me! No arguing for 34 paragraphs, it either matches the printed swatch or it doesn’t. It’s still advisable to calibrate your monitor, but know that it will never be totally accurate.
*Don’t love that they removed the swatches from Adobe Creative Cloud applications this year though. Grr.
The color is the color of Tippy Cow my favorite rum tinged coffee add in.
That hat is CREAM color. Thankfully not white!
It is perfect,fun and neutral!
Used Play-dough white
The color of a puffin’s chest feathers
Cream or shaded snow
It’s cream! (?)
Looks white to me! I know I maybe looking at the wrong pic.
vanilla ice cream
The hat looks cream to me. And I want one!!
Winter White
Latte foam
the Ivory Soap of my youth.
The hat color is kinda like eggnog, or maybe sour cream or, wait, I know, Greek yogurt!!! That’s it. It’s Greek yogurt colored. But wait. Maybe it’s just regular yogurt color. Not Greek. Okay, I don’t know anymore, but it’s definitely a food color.
I like how you think!
Non-literally speaking, the hat is the is the color of the Asperitas Clouds……
The heavenly shade of this hat shall be “ethereal “ . Why you ask? Knitters have the patience of saints- particularly when faced with complicated patterns that family members have requested or when dealing with (dare I say it?) yarn barf! Yes- that dreaded presentation of delicate yarn strands that now resembles a toddler’s spaghetti dinner. Only a “yarn Angel” would sit tirelessly, carefully weaving the bundle over-under-through until it can again be carefully wound into a ball and knit into something magical. Yes- “ethereal” is the name of this colour in honor of all yarn angels ❤️
Pacific NW Winter Sky
The hat is ANYTHING but MDK orange!
It looks like Ecru to me. I’ve been working on a shades of ecru project in xstitch and I believe there is one close to that. My husband is in IT and we have currently a slew of “Red Hat” hats in the house, both cars, etc..
it looks like dark grey lettering on an off-white base; but that could be just my screen….
Faded snow
Linen white
This hat is the color of early morning rays falling across the formica countertop in the old diner, but only if Mildred was the one to clean up last night, not if Jasper said he’d do it, and did his usual slapdash job.
That’s an eyes watering with sentimental tears emoji
Compared to the other hats we have, the color of this one is “clean”
Clotted cream
The hat, of course, is white! Further, you are hilarious! But people are funny too. I’m not surprised that you got the kind of response that you did. Can’t wait for the gray hat to be available, because that’s definitely the one that I want to order. Happy holidays to everyone.
Creamy white!
It looks like it belongs on me!
Sourdough starter. Wait -is that literal? If so, then it is puce.
I would love the sourdough starter /puce colored hat please!
One has color, the other doesn’t.
Vanilla Meringues!
Whipped cream!
Half & Half
colour is Perfect!
Ennui Ecru
What is color, really? Who’s to say? It’s all subjective anyway, right? 😉
Dirty white.
Royal White Hair Sheep.
My first instinct is to say cream, however as I am currently working on a product marketing plan, my brain wandered – winter white, Creme Anglaise, Eggshell, Vanilla Ice Cream, Alabaster, Ivory, Meringue, Saltwater Taffy, etc. etc. etc.
I need to get out more! 🙂
It’s whatever color I want it to be because I’ll be wearing it forever!!!
Vanilla frosting
Vanilla frosting
White. Which will dye a nice blue or green
The hat pictured is vanilla bean.
This hat is white!
Vintage Christmas white
That hat is the exact color of all the dog fur covering my dark knits.
Looks like porcelain to me.
Ocean Foam Cream
Vanilla Cream hat with Dusky Stone lettering. Or, possibly, Pale Ripe Banana hat with Bad Storm Coming Get Inside Quick lettering.
I thought it was blue, too, so off to get my almost 10-year old iPad to be color calibrated. But maybe it was because I wanted it to be blue. I can now see that it is charcoal gray. My short hair is always askew so I would love to have a hat. Thanks very much!
That hat is off-white.
Perfection light
Cream with a sprinkle of finely ground cardamom.
This hate is Spring Snow.
Whipped cream!
Sourdough on Sunday
The hat is the colour of fresh milk from the cow
The color looks Snowflake white to me. Probably because I have been knitting a snowflake sweater.
No matter the color it says it all – KNITTER!
It looks off whiten to me.
The color is white. The ownership is mine. (I hope…)
Ambiguous White.
Navajo white. Antique white… otherwise known as creamy white! Thanks for all the chuckles!!
Eggshell white.
In this day and age the color is whatever you would like to call it, I just don’t have to believe it.
Natural tooth? Pasta al dente? Peeled banana?
Hahaha, those are great!
I hope you win!
The lovely color of the cream before it hits my coffee.
Color. That’s easy. The color of the tuft of fur on the left quadrant, right middle of Baxter’s chest the minute he leaves the groomer’s table, seconds before he hits the pavement in a run for the door and blessed freedom from the evil twins shampoo and blow dryer.
The color so fleeting, so rare that it can only be captured by the color experts (not DG hahahahahaha!) at MDK.
It’s definitely Rambouillet. Darker than Wensleydale, lighter than Masham.
Snowflake white
Oyster shell
Whipped cream with vanilla.
I would say crème de la crème.
Very glad we will have a chance to purchase the blue hat.
Slightly stale marshmallow
Beige? Cream? Off white? Yes yes and yes!
This hat is my perfect color!
Norwegian dinner
(I’m 100% Norwegian-American and old, so I’ve served/been served a lot of Norwegian dinners. And I like them.)
Buttercream frosting
That cute hat for giveaway? I would name that color “Dye Me”.
It’s clearly blue and white!
The color of laundered linen drying on a clothes line, on a hot hazy summer afternoon, the air smelling of fresh cut grass with faint traces of roses wafting on the breeze (I really want to win this hat )
Creamy white – boy would I enjoy wearing this hat!
Polar bear white.
The color of the ashes of those who interfered with my knitting.
Hilarious post! As for the hat, I’m on Team Cream…sounds much more pleasant than bone white.
Vanilla Sugar
Off white!
How hysterical! On my computer the color of the dark hat is a lovely flat navy color blue with grey undertones. And the light one is a creamy white or maybe ‘natural’? Like the undyed wool some of us just love. This is sort of why I prefer to purchase yarn when I can see it in person. Love everyone at MDK! Happy Holidays however you choose to celebrate.
Creamy ivory
It’s good to laugh at ourselves every once in a while! I’m definitely into December production mode and a bit of knitter foibles is more than welcome. My husband and I rarely see colors the same way. He sees green and grey all the time when I don’t. The color issue is bigger than monitors. Too bad we can’t get recalibrated too!
Clearly it’s blue. Or is it gold? Could be a dress, not even a hat
Seriously excited about the hat!!!
Hahaha! Loved your post! Laughed all the way through it, and although I’m sure I need to calibrate my Commodore 64, my hat colour choice is ivory.
lol it’s tan on my screen but then I know colors on my iPad are rarely true! Love the grey blue one!
Love the hat…no matter the color as it is dyeable. The greyish one is nice also. Well for naming the color….Cloudy sky over Trinidad; snowfall white; New England house trim white; snow fox; wooly white; pearl white ceiling;
Belly white
Eggshell white
A lovely cream with sharp indigo print.
White. Honestly, I’d probably buy that hat if it were baby poop brown. It’s that cute and where’s the matching t-shirt?
Dogwood blossom.
I’m voting for cream.
Snowy owl? Birch bark? It’s a great hat!
3 Day Old Snow
Definitely gray or cream. Prefer the gray
I am going for oatmeal!
All color or no color, depending on how you like your color.
I wear ball caps all the time. When I looked at the picture the caps looked navy blue & cream. The hat in your picture looks grey. I’m lucky because I got a cream hat in my order. I feel so lucky to get any hat. I’d buy a grey one though. Merry Christmas
Winter sky
Baby seal
This hat is Santa’s Beard White and I want one of every color. This is an awesome item to add to the MDK Shop.
Not dyed unbleached!
Not dyed unbleached.
Love your post…hilarious!
I’d love one of those opalescent, knitter caps.
I see one sky blue one with KNITTER on it in cloud white, and one done in the obverse of the first one .
Remember Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House? And Myrna Loy is picking paint colors? That’s this. And since I just pained the LR Calming Cream, so I’ll go with that, even though the paint color has more yellow. The other hat is Slate, which covers a range of murky colors. But let’s not open a can of worms here.
Creamy white
For sure: heavy cream whipped with nutmeg…
The color is perfect. Thanks!
Blue Grey, is it? I am looking on my phone though
The color of undyed wool of course!
Milky white with lettering the color of the sky just before the dark of night.
Color: sheep belly
The Best Hat Ever Made
Washed Navy Blue. Final answer
That color,my friend, is “my-Great-Pyranees-mix-rolled-around-in-something-slightly-dirty”.
I believe the color of this hat would be accurately described as: Snowman Poop.
This fabulous hat is the exact color of what I pour into my coffee cup every morning…
It’s vanilla. Like homemade vanilla ice cream. Which I sometimes float atop hot chocolate. And carefully do not spill on my precious knitting.
Deep Celtic Tan
That’s soft cozy flannel white.
White chocolate.
It’s sweet, not quite white and yummy!
Helllllp…helllp…help…I’m down here…in the darn rabbit hole… curious thing though, there’s a pile of hats down here. Look like they used to be white. But call the guys that get kitties out of trees… maybe they can get me out of here.
Ivory, but I love the bluish charcoal hat. Yes, calibration is in my future!!
Ecru? Regardless it’s a great hat!
Creamy vanilla ice cream. With candy sprinkles spelling knitter!
Winter white
In my hands, that colour is an Accident Waiting to Happen.
A light tone with darker stitching! Great article. Just be glad dealing with color only and not size too!
Vanilla ice cream, cotton ball, half and half, or book pages. Goodness y’all, my hair needs this hat.
The hat color is vanilla almond milk cream.
Or White.
The pictured hat is definitely an off-white perhaps better called ” lite-cream.”
The word “knitted” looks to me as if is embroidered blue. The blue is fairly dark but not navy.
I hope I win! My old hat is just about dead and badly needs replacing. I’d love to let the world know that I AM A KNITTER! Yay. Yes. Yah.
That hat – to me – looks the color of a nice béchamel…
Steamed milk!
That hat is creamy cream.
It’s the perfect color for me!!
Off white!
It’s gold or purple. It’s hard to tell. Is it a dress or a shoe?
Whipped cream topping
It’s hard to say with that shot… looks like a very light cafe au lait.
Bald eagle head white (adult eagle), white breasted nuthatch breast white, spots on a fawn’s butt white, clean white sheep white, possibly cream but Holstein cream and not say… Guernsey or Jersey cream which is more golden. Could be snowflake white or brand new Hanes t-shirt or unworn athletic socks white or 1950’s starched nurse hat white. Yeah, I guess it’s white.
I want to say white but on close inspection I would say it is very, very, very light grey.
Chalky McWhite
Creamy white
Which hat? 1 or 2?
One is dark and one is light.
I could be more specific,
But what would be the point.
(There is a Blue Hat, Green Hat book by Sandra Boynton, alas I cannot wear a book on my head!)
Queen Anne’s Lace
Opposite of dark.
Melted Marshmallow
Moonlight white
Woolly white!
The color that goes with everything hat !!! Yea!!
Whipped cream!
White caps on the water
#fff9eb Color Hex
The hat is ecru! Already get your emails.
Whipped cream
Whipped cream with Kahlúa instead of vanilla white!
Creamy white!
It’s beige, of course. And perfect for a knitter!
Denim blue
Unsweetened almond milk creamy white but not marshmallow white but close to melted marshmallow white with a pinch of pure vanilla.
Latte foam 1% white.
Plain vanilla!
I love the not dark color! As described by another….snowman poop!☃️❄️
Light with dark letters
Too funny. The first time I looked at it the hat looked dusty pink. I had to refresh my browser and it looks cream
Looks like cream to me!
Light with dark writing. And is says KNITTER.
The hat it the second pic is Cream color
Coffee creamer
It could be considered a blue- Gray, colonial blue, perhaps, or carbon blue! No need to really focus on the exact color because it’s neutral enough to go with just about anything… It’s perfect
Cream (and the other one still looks blue)
Puffy jacket white
Ivory cloud
Puppy’s paw
Kitten whiskers
A beautiful shade of off-white, neutral to match well with a variety of colors.
Purl of course!
A deer that was eating grass in the summer sun, after he’s eaten all the grass and walked away.
Stormy weather november gray.
Eggy Noggg
Egg shell white… unless, of course, your hen lays green or blue or brown eggs. Then it would be whipped cream.
The hat shown is cream. But I get those who said the charcoal one is blue. It is grey, but it does have a blue undertone. But I do not get green at all.
That hat is not blue!
A shade of white.
Gray day
It’s a gorgeous charcoal gray! 🙂
Blue? or gold?
We have trumpeter swans on our lake and they are snowy white. So I’m going with that!
Milk fresh from the cow
Lovely white snow drift
Off white
Fresh Snow
Snow on a warm-ish day, when it has just begun to melt.
Color is oyster
It will be teal after I dye it.
This hat is the exact shade of cool creamy buttermilk!
“Wedding dress that used to be white but has faded with time and sunlight exposure”white
I-don’t-sort-my-laundry white?
Creamy white
It will be teal after I dye it.
It’s the color of whipped cream with a bit of vanilla added. Or maybe I’ve just been baking too much lately…
It’s off white. I’d call it white mushroom.
Light, not dark
Creamy white
I would risk guessing that this is an ivory hat. It would look lovely on my non-ivory, more of a silver, curls
I’m already a subscriber. I would call this hat color cream.
That hat is white!
I’m gonna go with champagne bubbles.
Cobweb cream
This was so good. I don’t care about the hat.
it’s the color of oatmilk.
Well, if the hat is FREE, it can any color it wants to be. ROFL 😀
…can be any…
heavy whipping cream
What fun to read all the requests that were made. Who would guess that would even happen. I know my husband often will point to a house and refer to it by color. I look and look, and there is no house by that color!!!! Then when he describes it by location, as in the third house from the corner, at least I know which house he refers to. I began to think it was just a Male /Female discrepancy, then my female friend did the same thing. Guess it’s just me. LOL
What fun to read all the requests that were made. Who would guess that would even happen. I know my husband often will point to a house and refer to it by color. I look and look, and there is no house by that color!!!! Then when he describes it by location, as in the third house from the corner, at least I know which house he refers to. I began to think it was just a Male /Female discrepancy, then my female friend did the same thing. Guess it’s just me. LOL learn something new every day
The hat is clearly made from marshmallow fluff by a pot smoker who dropped a bit of ash in the fluff as it was being stirred into a cloud.
Cream, specifically clotted cream!
Literally the colour of fun, black and white.
It looks like Tillamook Malted Moo Shake to me! Now I want ice cream!
Color is
Never let a colorblind person go to match linoleum or buy his own clothes without a match monitor.
From the History of Accompanying My Dad
French Vanilla ice cream
Cream of wheat.
Clearly it’s gotta be Vantawhite
Whipped cream
Happiness …..
Happiness …..
Clearly whitish!
Marshmallow creme!
Storm cloud and giant puffball
The hat is the color of -Snowflake.
Light tan.
The color of the “knitter” hat is MDK banner background creamy beige.
Winter white
White hat, stormy gray lettering
Ivory with gray letters
The color is DREAM.
It looks cream colored to me.
Bread dough
Winter Wonderland!
Polar bearwhite
Bone white.
White Rabbit White Hat
Cream. Nuff said!
angel wing
The color of the sky just before the clouds open up.
Cookies and cream. Hold the cookies for now, please.
Cream with navy letters
Cream colored
Khaki white and blue jean
lol it’s my favorite paint color name: “accessible beige” (is there an alternative universe where there is “edgy beige”)
Most definitely the plumage of the male Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), flying over the remote frozen tundra of the Norwegian Svalbard.
(Also, vanilla ice cream, no sprinkles.)
From one color blind person to another, I say the light one is a light beige, and I’m sorry to say the dark one looks blue to me.
Cereal milk
Thank goodness snippets have found me. I recently had to change my email and it’s worse than divorce. No one invites me anywhere anymore.
Button ‘shroom.
This hat is the color of joy! I want one so much :-)!! I want to strut around farmer’s markets and festivals with my hat branding me a KNITTER, sort of like others where hats branding them SECURITY! Because, really, Knitters are just the security guard of joy!
Gray as the underfur of my favorite fluffy “black” cat, or as my outlook this solstice season
Snowbound sheep
French Vanilla
It is most definitely charcoal gray.. (is that gray with an ‘a’ or gray with an ‘e’) 🙂
That one that looks gray. Love it!
Let’s just say if I dropped this one on the sand in coastal North Carolina, I might turn around and not even see it. Thanks for the chance to win. Hope you all have a great holiday season as we soon usher in 2024!
New fallen snow on a cold winter morning!
It’s Plaid!
Pewter and snowflake.
The color of a snowman.
Malted milk ball cookie dough before the crushed candy pieces are added.
creamy white
Hat color is “cream” or “off-white” or “egg shell”.
Recalibrated plum!
Beloved-slippers white
That hat is Creamy Beige, the creamiest.
When I am out for my daily walk on yet another overcast day, I amuse myself by naming the colors I see in the clouds. Pewter, charcoal, sturgeon, kitten. Occasionally I see marshmallow, ewe lamb, cream and tofu. I would say the hat color is tofu.
Sand from a beach in San Diego
Mmmmmm, it’s the color of my coffee in the morning using International Coffee Sweet and CREAMY!
Cream. The color of THAT hat is cream.
Cream. The color of THAT hat is cream….
Cream! The color of THAT hat is cream….
The hat is Magnolia white or perhaps marshmallow. Either way, a great hat!
I’d love this not-dark hat to wear golfing…when I’d much rather be knitting. Pale beige?
Please enter me in the giveaway for the Cream / Natural /Light hat. It will look GREAT on my natural colored hair……
Winter canvas
The hat is pretty much a blank canvas so it’s any color you paintbox contains.
Lion mane mushroom
Just plain ‘ole perfect white (you could always dye it…!)
Cloud, or magician’s rabbit, or sugar for making Christmas cookies!
This hat is the color of kitten milk replacement, that which is fed via tiny bottle to neonatal orphan kittens.
I’d be delighted to win this KMR hat.
The hat color as stated in the article is cream. It could also be off white or winter white.
“A perfect grey, like the sea after a storm.” – Princess Buttercup
This hat is cream!!!
Cookie dough before the chocolate chips are added
Well-loved jeans!
Well-loved jeans! And snow on a cloudy day
It’s a lovely sand, ecru, mushroom, biscuit color. Cute cap!
The hat is off white….I think. My computer is from the stone age and words and pictures are fuzzy and dark. But still, I think it is off white. Maybe.
Leek–the end you don’t throw away
The hat is natural —naturally
Definitely cream. Not ecru, not eggshell, not snow. I would love to wear this hat to my knitting group.
whipping cream waiting patiently to be made into luxurious caramels
The pictured hat is an off-white or “cream” color. I love it. Please, please make me the random winner. If I’m not, I shall just have to break down and buy one.
RED… definitely RED
Sorry… couldn’t resist
The giveaway hat looks like it’s in the … Light / Ivory / Cream / Bone / Off-white colour group
The sky today is only a little lighter than the color of the hat. 🙂
Kitten saucer cream
The Other One
The hat is a khaki color
light interupted by dark letters.
Oyster mushrooms
It is mascarpone cream color!
Waffle batter white
That hat looks “pearl” to me.
Tuxedo Cat Chest Fluff
Latte foaminess
Fluff before it becomes fudge
Back car seat glare preventer.
Biscuit color
The last hat is cream, as in what goes into coffee cream. The first hat is washed out black. The color old hats only achieve after a lifetime of ball games, lawn mowing, and late summer afternoon trail hikes with a best friend.
The hat is white. And the dress is..oh, never mind.
Since I live out west, I cannot say y’all but I can say this California girl LOVES pearls, sooooo the hat looks pearl white to me!!! P.S. One simply cannot have too many pearls!
Pocket lint
Your comments to all of us was a great read this morning. Made me smile!! Some people just need to vent!! Have a blessed holiday!
Winter White. And just in time!
Off-white almost cream color but not quite.
Off White
Not gray.
Hat is the color of a clean palette, waiting for a drop of paint.
Beigy white
the hat is a lovely shade of beige
It’s a close call. Could be either kitten fluff or dandelion fluff. But that could just be how it looks on my screen.
Snow in winter with a hint of road dirt that spells “knitter”
Definitely Cape Cod grey–reminded me of the weathered cedar siding on a beloved family retreat.
Definitely Cape Cod grey–reminded me of the weathered cedar siding on a beloved family retreat. Or if we are referring to the lighter one, seafoam white.
Buttermilk. Now where are some warm biscuits.
The color of this hat is perfection.
Oatmeal, or maybe eggshell or how about Martha’s Vineyard?
It’s the exact color of my dog. I think Izzy would be a good name!!!
Creamy cappuccino foam on a cold winter day!
Vanilla. As in ice cream. Colors should always make us think of afavorite food. (Or Wine.)
Plain yogurt.
True homemade vanilla ice cream!
Darker Hat color: What’s on your rag when you polish silver. I didn’t realize until this post there is also a lighter version: natural sheep.
I love to win this hat that is the perfect shade of milkiness.
That hat is soft cloud, also known as fluffy marshmallow.
Fresh cream, like the top layer in the milk bottle left on the porch by the milkman.
Some of color interpretation is in the eye – and the mind- of the beholder. Hubby and I can look at the very same item – IRL no less- and each of us describe it differently. What he sees as bright red, I see as orange. But the color I see as red is rosy-pink to him. – True story, were trying to choose paint colors for a old car. I finally said you decide, as we clearly weren’t labeling or seeing the same color in our minds as the other one was. Of course add in monitor differences, then all bets are off – you are right on that for sure.
The color of the sand along the panhandle of Florida.
Polar bear is appropriate for the season!
Cream, until I wear it in the garden. Then dirt brown and shades of green.
This hat is cream, which is much better with my pale complexion than dead white. I love it and would love to wear it and announce to the world that I am, indeed, a knitter.
Dryer lint with a whisper of dog hair.
It’s a beauteous cream
Itc is a white hat, possibly cream color (light). I would love to wear this with my identity stamped right on it. I already get emails and love them! Sorry I missed the great black Friday sale. I was busy that weekend and didn’t get to read the at email until Tues. I will not miss them now!
Had my very first scone in Ireland this year with clotted cream- that is definitely clotted cream.
Vanilla Fudge
The hat is cream
Heavy cream for my coffee Cream. Please!
Knitter hat colorway? Good Gravy
I would love that winter white cap!
Sand on the beach on a sunny, sunny day……
Frosty Fingers
The hat pictured is The Presence of All Colors. For a shorter name, my vote would be Snowwoman (very seasonal), or perhaps, Untoasted Marshmallow?
Vanilla milkshake
Scalded milk, mmmmmm.
The hat color is kitten white which sounds classier then off-white.
Not a potato creamer
Hat is cream
The hat is white.
Fluffy snow cloud
Lacey negligee
The hat is cream or ivory with gray lettering
Not quite white with navy blue lettering.
WOOD SMOKE (when your chimney is drawing well).
I would call that color fluffy kitten
My husband says, dead grass. He even dared me to take my phone and hold it up next to said grass.
Palomino’s mane
This hat is all the colors that knitters see!! Let’s here it for creativity.
Coconut milk!
Whipped crème on top of the hot chocolate
How about whichever color you have the most of?
I am an artist, so I could go on and on and on and on with color names and descriptions. Like cloud, marshmallow, cream, milky cream, milky white, milky beige, etc. LOL
How all of you have a wonderful holiday season!! Megan
Empty Quarter! Buttermilk! Heavy Cream!
sauce beurre blanc
Since we’re yarn people, would I be out of line to call the color “Aran”??
The hat color is vanilla cream
French vanilla ice cream.
Whipped Coconut Creme
Cream? Even better, Condensed milk.
Emily Dickinson in a snowstorm
Nice meringue hat!
Thanks for the giveaway
( Check out definition in Austria!)
Summer cloud
Blue gray or steel blue? How to know the difference? For some of us it can be fuzzy!
I have no solution but I find it endlessly fascinating!
It is definitely a classic off-white snark, lol!
The hat is Snow White.
Looks like DMC 3865 to me.
I’d be dead chuffed to add this jaunty chapeau to my small but excruciatingly carefully curated cap collection. The subtle tones of Cornish clotted cream really make the letters pop.
I would don it while knitting in the sun and doff it to passing yarn bombers.
Snowman poop
A beluga named moby
The not quite white leather seats in vintage Chevy.
Color—Cream atop my latte…
Needleme White
Oh dear. This is a colour quiz? That hat is like one of those paint chip charts where the names range from linen to ivory to stormcloud and all refer to something we might call “off” white.
It’s cream – although you could describe it as dreamy cream!
It’s winter white of course.
“virgin white”
Can’t find how to sign up for texts. Would love to win or buy the hat.
Seriously! I have this debate with my sister all the time. She says Gray and I say Blue…. We will never agree.
Here’s what you do, Option A or B. No debates, everyone wins!
Not Black.
Whipped cream, heavy on the vanilla!
Plantation blind dusty cream
The color of wind on a deserted beach on the coldest day of the winter.
Wind. As in, I need this hat to control my hair from wind while walking and knitting. Using my new, gifted, green & blue knitting backpack. Spring green and ocean blue to be exact, so wind is also appropriate!
That color is OBVIOUSLY Venus on a clear night during the dark of the moon. I mean, honestly, how could it be anything else?
Painters hat