Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: The Sound of Music

On certain days at Atlas HQ, there are five or six of us here at one time. We’re each doing different things—either shipping or designing or customer servicing or photographing or spreadsheeting (I swear to GOD that even though there are just six of us, eleven of us are doing nothing but making spreadsheets). We do those things when we are not eating doughnut holes in the kitchen. And we all listen to music while we’re doing whatever it is we do.
Atlas is a vast, echoing space, and six people playing six different kinds of music all at once does create kind of a fascinating cacophony. You don’t really hear six different good separate things; you just hear one really bad mixed-up thing and I regret to tell you that ABBA is involved a lot more often than I would like to admit.
We divined that problem quickly (the mixed-up one, not the ABBA one) and all of us now use headphones (or earbuds or earhole sticks or ear corks or iBud cobs or WHATEVER they’re called), but honestly (in my case) I think they increase the daily task error rate; one day I was listening to The Ballad of Sally Rose on my ear-Victrola and when I went to process the labels for all the packages, I had written “Emmylou Harris” on all twenty-seven of them instead of your names. So I guess you can listen a little too closely if you’re not careful. I hope Emmylou enjoyed the four hundred skeins of yarn I shipped out to her!
On Sundays I occasionally come in for “alone time” just to knock out some complicated tasks uninterrupted. Sometimes “alone time” is just fancy talk for “unwitnessed temper tantrum” but sometimes the dulcet tones of a good temper tantrum beat an opera aria any day and let me tell you: I can out-shout Enrico Caruso himself when I need to. No tape dispenser in this building has gone uncursed at; no lost box-cutter has ever even thought of losing its ever-loving self again, that’s for sure. They learned their lesson but good.
I always listen to music as loudly as possible when I’m here alone. It’s a spooky building with a lot of creaks and groans and look: if I wanted to hear creaks and groans, I’d just listen to, oh, the ’70s Sirius XM channel (ba dum bump! And I kid, don’t @ me). Lonely Sundays also mean I can sing along at the top of my lungs, and I do apologize to the estates of both Rodgers AND Hammerstein for that. Tra la la! I SAID TRA LA LA!
A Giveaway
To celebrate the sound of music, here’s a superspecial giveaway of a few of our … favorite things.
Our Skill Set Box of Joy.
How to enter? Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: Leave a comment letting us know which Rodgers and Hammerstein soundtracks and ABBA songs are getting the most play lately on your “earbuds or earhole sticks or ear corks or iBud cobs” or whichever knittertainments you’re enjoying these days.
Deadline for entries: Monday, July 5, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
If comments here are on the fritz, please leave your comment here.
It would have to be the ‘Sound of Music’ for me!
Although “O What a Beautiful Morning” is such a lovely song, there’s nothing better than ABBA for road trip sing-alongs!
I’d Do Anything. Oliver
The Sound of Music will always be one of my favorites; when Christopher Plummer sings Edelweiss, pretty much nothing in the world can stop me from bawling my eyes out. Lately I’ve been loving the magical songstress Aurora, who definitely takes inspiration from ABBA.
Sound of Music and Dancing Queen(maybe). I actually listen to Sirius instead of earbuds.
Oklahoma!!!! Where the winds keep sweeping down the plain….please sing along loudly. My spouse always thanks me as he is unfamiliar with most show tunes, a flaw I have to overlook continuously.
Dancing queen 🙂 of which I am not.
Earbuds gross me out, I never use them.
Oklahoma for sure…I was a “pick a little, talk a little girl” in our high school production (too many years ago to mention). ❤️ The sound track to Mama Mia (great to knit to) but #1 of course is Dancing Queen!
Shall we Dance from the King and I. ABBA’s Money, Money, Money
Hi, Michelle, Were you in your high school production of “The Music Man” where a group of women sing “Pick a little, talk a little, cheep, cheep, cheep …?” As a retired theatre teacher I contend that we always remember our high school productions, the power of arts education!
Sound of Music, for sure. Also love me some Dancing Queen.
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair…and send him on his way
I don’t sing well enough for public consumption, but one of the most fun things I ever did was participate in my high school’s production of Oklahoma. I still love the songs. It always makes me think of my friend Gayle, who played Ado Annie.
I danced and made costumes for our high school production of Oklahoma. My favorite dance number was Laurie’s dream when I was one of the cancan girls, but my favorite song is Oklahoma, and the most fun song is “I’m just a girl who can’t say no!” (I love Ado Annie)
I played Laurie in our high school’s Oklahoma production. Every song is hard wired in my brain but O What a Beautiful Morning is my favorite.
I love any R&H score, but my favorite song is “Some Enchanted Evening “. I’m a sucker for romance, what can I say?!
Dancing Queen ( the dog likes it too) and anything from The Sound of Music. I’m a sucker for that whole movie still!
Oklahoma! I nanny-ed my grandson his first 6 months in Norman OK and that’s all he heard from me in the rocking chair. It just seemed the right song at the right time!
In the winter time…classical music…in the summer…windows are open and it’s music from the birds, leaves and all. Love summer!
Oklahoma for me – but not too loud!
I’m not a huge fan of musicals, but I’m a sucker for The Sound of Music. Dancing Queen gets me singing (badly) and dancing (even MORE badly) every time!
Sometime ago I downloaded Capital sings Rodgers and Hammerstein. Not all the songs but some from most of the musicals. ABBA was on my phone from day 1. Great highway driving music.
Definitely The Sound of Music!
And, Dancing Queen
For ABBA, I like Mamma Mia, the.
The CD is in my car so I can sing along without critics! I like most anything from old musicals, so play me anything by R&H.
Sound of music forever! And ABBA Gold because a greatest hits compilation is never a bad thing! ❤️
I must say that I am an “Oklahoma” fan also! But my current knittertainment is the audio version of John Grisham’s “A Time for Mercy”. . .and while I have earbuds – I usually don’t use them!
Sound of Music
Waterloo was their best song, but I also liked that solo song by Anna, or whatever her name is, I saw Red. And western songs, sung by me, sometimes in my head…
Glad to know I’m not the only closet ABBA fan! Also anything by Emmylou! Alas, my R & H experiences are only with the movie versions, but I loved the music from South Pacific.
Climb every mountain!
“Chiquitita!” And there’s a recording in Spanish — although I cannot speak Spanish.This does not stop me from trying to sing it in Spanish.
I’m still listening to Hamilton — and Vivaldi. Love them both.
Anything Enya
All ABBA all the time for my husband! He LOVES them!
I was the weird kid in the 80s who had an Abba tape with her first walkman. Gotta go with Take A Chance On Me (which has also conveniently decided to earworm.)
For R&H – fyi we have a household of musical theatre nerds – I used to sing the entire soundtrack (loudly and with abandon) to Chess, the American and English versions, from the same aforementioned walkman. (Also, has an Abba connection through Bjorn) I’m Going To Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair from South Pacific is my favorite. I also sang it to all of my children (now teens) during bath time substituting all sorts of word for Man; dirt, gum, silly, etc.
thanks for a fun walk down Musical Lane!
The King and I……Shall We Dance?
I am the Dancing Queen! And when it comes to musicals…well, right now, I’m listening to ‘In The Heights.’
So sorry but no ABBA or Rogers and Hammerstein
Soundtrack to Murial’s Wedding.
Love Abba Take a Chance on Me. Will probably sing it all day long today!
I love ABBA – but those songs sure do get stuck in my head sometimes!
Ella Fitzgerald sings Rogers and Hammerstein.
I’ve been listening to Rodgers and Hammerstein forever! Oklahoma, South Pacific, The King and I, The Sound of Music…. ABBA -I had to look up their songs.
My daughter discovered the A team when she was 11 – a tween Abba cover band that still has a place in our family play list
Eric Clapton is my go to no matter my mood. If I want to change it up a bit I’ll switch to Neil Young. For the distaff, Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris, and Linda Ronstadt fit the bill either together or solo.
H! Thank you for the laugh and the earn worm, ear bud cobs or not. When it comes to Abba, I will admit to being one of the 2 or so people (the other being my daughter) who watched Mama Mia more times than one should (arguable zero, and we watched the sequel, too). Our favorite song is Super Trooper, and we have even given our pup a nickname based on it (don’t ask). In general, ST is best sung loud and often. Happiness inducing no matter your previous mood, for sure.
R&H = Sound of Music – “Maria”
ABBA = ABBA Gold — All Songs!!!
Wait, we’re supposed to choose one ABBA song and one R&H musical? That’s not easy! I suppose Dancing Queen is most likely to get me singing along. For the musical, I’m stumped, but I guess Sound of Music has the most songs that I love. (And from reading other comments, those seem like the popular choices!)
We have always decorated the Christmas tree to The Sound of Music. My dad started it and though he and mom are both gone, I continue. I also sing to it. Maybe why my husband doesn’t help much!!
I am assuming DG is curious about All The Music…While I love R&H (meh on ABBA), Sara Bareilles is my girl. Her most recent live concert album is number one on my current playlist, good for singing along in the car with the windows wide open!
The Sound of Music simply because it was such a big event for us to go see the movie when it came out—we got all dressed up and took the train from the suburbs into Chicago. It was my sister’s birthday celebration. Memories!
Carousel…you will never walk alone brings me to tears every time
I look love feed Dancing Queen!!!!
I love musicals. I had season tickets to the performing arts for years when I lived in Tulsa. Favorite musical of RH is Oklahoma. Favorite Abba song is Mama Mia. That might be my favorite musical thi its hard to pick just one.
I love Dancing Queen!
Put on anything ABBA and I’m dancing and singing along. How can you not??
I enjoy the songs from Cinderella and the songs from the Mamma Mia musical.
Well, I don’t usually listen to much, but now I’m going to be belting out ‘Oklahoma’ all day! I better go warn the animals…
Mama mia… here we go again …. My, my … how I want that box of goodies!! ABBA all day!!
Dancing Queen is a classic!
Speaking of the ‘70s, I LOVE T REX. It makes me feel like I’m still cool!
My mom and I have an ongoing debate over Oklahoma! She hates it and I love everything she hates about it. Not my favorite R&H, but the one I love to love because it drives her crazy.
The Sound of Music for sure. My alternative though any Rolling Stones!
Momma Mia is so good. So uplifting and always makes me feel good.
Sound of Music
I do think all R&H as well as ABBA songs are meant to be sung out loud with your whole self ie VERY LOUDLY! LOVE all of Mama Mia especially Dancing Queen and the Sound of Music songs are on my ready anytime list too.
Our grand-daughters love Abba and always listen to their record when visiting. Happy Knitting and thanks.
South Pacific — all ready humming “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair”
Shoot me but I’m not a fan of musicals. Perhaps it’s because I listened to Hair and Jesus Christ Superstar 11ty thousand times too many in the 70s.
Hair and Jesus Christ Superstar both have really singable songs. Love both of them. From high school the musical I remember best is The Pajama Game and something I start in with part of Steam Heat (I think that’s the right name). I was in choir, too, so at other times I’ll be singing or humming Ave Maria. But there is still nothing like Van Morrison and Werewolves of London!
Really no musicals for me. Give me some Motown and some Bonnie Raitt any day!
Two thumbs up!
Our local repertory is performing (I should say perfectly) The Sound of Music. Ever since I attended I’ve had no need of anything actually IN my ears as numerous earworms sing Climb Every Mountain, Sixteen Going on Seventeen, The Lonely Goatherd, Edelweiss, and The Sound of Music. Memories from when I saw the movie in a theater that actually have rocking seats! Then having the piano score and playing while I and my cousins belted out the tunes at holidays. Good music
I find myself singing to myself the songs of ‘Cinderella’, the only Rodgers and Hammerstein musical made for TV. I am most familiar with these words, and since I learned them in my childhood they will never be forgotten (whether I like it or not). No earbuds required.
I once wrote new lyrics for the songs from Cinderella for our Songfest skit in college. Thanks for dredging up that happy memory for me! So fun…..but I will withhold the year that happened…….lol
Well, it wasn’t through headphones (partly because I never use them), but my son was the bass guitar player in the accompanying student band for his college drama students’ final (and first) performance on Friday and they had a girl sing ‘winner takes it all’ as the child of a couple who were fighting over her custody. It slayed me, I’m welling up now just writing about it. So that’s the abba song. And the King and I is far and away my favourite Rogers and Hammerstein musical, also because it makes me cry. My kids once entertained themselves for about fifteen minutes by rewinding (old school, I know) the video over and over to test if I would weep every time at the King’s death scene. Of course I did.
Turns out I’m not finished explaining. My grandad and I used to listen to the king and I while we were drawing and painting together, and the tape recording he made me of it was the first tape that was mine. Whistle a happy tune has been my motto for life too.
I also forgot about Carousel. My mum took me to see that when I was about seven and I demanded the record afterwards. And I have never allowed Liverpool football fans to ruin my enjoyment of ‘you’ll never walk alone’.
I don’t know about Rogers and Hammerstein, but I can definitely get behind some ABBA (dancing Queen among ALL of the other classics from them). I typically find myself listening to the 80s channels on SiriusXM. 🙂
Re the giveaway…..
Oh what a beautiful morning from Oklahoma
Cinderella, but the one with Lesley Ann Warren. It’s the one of my childhood and has *the best* costumes in it. I’ll randomly start singing little bits of it throughout my day and my husband, bless him, says nothing.
Cinderella! Every version: Julie Andrews, Leslie Ann Warren, Brandy, Laura Osnes. I love every song, and Rodgers’ Cinderella Waltz is beautiful.
I just had a flashback…dancing around my friend’s living room in the 80’s listening to ABBA on an 8-track…and a 90’s era aerobics workout done to show tunes that I had on VHS. Those were the good ole days…sweating to the oldies, no ear thingies required.
Dancing Queen for the memories it brings back and South Pacific, I’m Gonna Wsah That Man Right Out of My Hair
(1) The Sound of Music and (2) Dancing Queen.
My knittertainment right now is Mumford & Sons…
love me some banjo
For Rogers and Hammerstein, I’m just a Girl Who cain’t say no; For ABBA, Dancing Queen
There are wide borders to my musical wasteland, but lately I am choosing a lot of David Bowie.
Dancing Queen. And the Hamilton soundtrack!!
Carousel!!! My husband grew up on it!! His name is Bill!
Funny you should mention ABBA. Yesterday in Clara Parks’ Daily Respite there was a version of Dancing Queen sung as a Folk song by a young woman named Stacy Ryan (on YouTube). Such a beautiful voice❤ of course I’m still singing it this morning!
“Getting to know you” from The King and I. Perfect for these days of reentry!
It’s gotta be the sound track to Little Shop of Horrors… fun to sing to!!
I’m an 80’s girl so I love pulling up an 80’s only station. Even better is that I can sing along with every song!
Everything ABBA!!
Wait, wait … South Pacific holds so many great songs written by Hammerstein, it must be must be considered here as well. So many times I have belted out Some Enchanted Evening wishing and dreaming the words or after my divorce I’m Gonna Was That Man Right Outta My Hair. And now Younger Than Springtime resonates as I sing it
Difficult choice between Guys and Dolls and Jesus Christ Superstar…. I can sing them both from memory.
Knowing me, knowing you….great fun song.
My Favorite Things from Sound of Music
Take A Chance On Me
Faves from R&H and Abba.
I’m always listening to something on air pods. Books on tape. Spotify. I think I’ve listened to the Hamilton soundtrack over 1000 times.
“Edelweiss” from “The Sound of Music” and “Fernando” from ABBA. Though I love everything from “Oklahoma”. I have those in my music library. It’s always interesting to hear what comes up when it’s on random and we’re driving somewhere. You never know what decade or genre is going to pop up.
“Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head” by BJ Thomas keeps playing in my “Skull Candy” earphones. a never give up song from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid film.
I’ve been revisiting music from the show ‘Nashville,’ and in truth rewatching episodes. I’m not a country music fan, but this show nearly converted me.
Somehow I forget about ABBA until posts like this remind me and I’m listening to nothing but Dancing Queen and Take a Chance on Me all week!
South Pacific, always.
“Dancing Queen” on my Alexa home device, which torments my children as I sing along loudly! So many “no Mom, please, that’s not cool” comments.
Well, no show tunes have been on my playlist for awhile, but ABBA-yes.
Dancing Queen, of course
Take a chance on Me
Oklahoma! Played this music in high school orchestra.
My favorite is The King and I. I rewind and watch the dancing scene over and over before I can watch the rest of the movie.
Always enjoy your column, DG Strong! My ear-Victrolas have been playing “Salt to the Sea” by Ruta Sepetys. It is historical fiction that tells the story of 4 WWII refuges in the winter of 1945. More about it
Sound of Music and SOS by ABBA!
It’s been a minute since I listened to any Rodgers and Hammerstein—oh no, now I’m going to be humming all morning!! Definitely Climb Every Mountain or You’ll Never Walk Alone for me.
The Sound of Music for sure. Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews are never far away.
Climb Every Mountain and Dancing Queen are my favorites and I hate ear buds!
Take a chance on me…. Please
Definitely Sound of Music or Cinderella!
Ultimately, it’s The Sound of Music; the hills are alive!!!
South Pacific is my favorite. It provides us with tunes that you can’t stop singing and addresses the issue of race head on. The song “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught” is a thought-provoking powerhouse if ever there was one! As for ABBA, it’s Waterloo!
The King and I is my favorite Rodgers and Hammerstein musical!
My family leaves air bud tyoe headphones on the kitchen table and also shares them. That grosses me out. I have my own air buds and I don’t share. Hamilton is a favorite musical, Can’t stop. Won’t stop.
Definitely The Sound Of Music!!
The original woman/man dilemma that pointed out the Venus/Mars issues- South Pacific. Wash that Man Right Out of My Hair (do I hear a shampoo commercial here?). And definitely Cinderella. We were thrilled as children to have our own musical (the others were for grownups!).
Oh my goodness – reading the comments was a walk down memory lane. No ABBA for me I’m afraid. But the Nuns singing Climb every Mountain-count me in.
I listen to books on tape constantly. My favorite in a long time was The Four Winds by Kristen Hannah! An amazing book. I recommend it tha any one who likes a real life story that’s told to us through fiction.
Oklahoma! never gets old, and Mama Mia. Of course!
Oklahoma … everyday all day!! I live in Oklahoma where the winds go sweeping down the plains (daily).
This week, Joni Mitchell’s “Blue” album has been playing a lot on Canadian radio…for its 50th anniversary! The other one that I enjoy a lot is Glen Campbell’s last album…sad but beautiful “Adios”.
I will sing anything from The Music Man and I will listen to Yo-yo Ma (actually he is a ‘Music Man’)!!
You know you now have me singing ‘The Lusty Month of May’ … in June.
Can recommend the book ‘Something Wonderful’ by Todd Purdum about R and H though. Saw him in conversation w Ted Chapin of the R and H organization w musical accompaniment by John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey. Great evening.
How about some Sondheim? Or Rodgers and Hart???
Sound of Music. Edelweiss was a lullaby for my kids. And Mama Mia. All the ABBA songs are catchy!
The King and I. Shall we dance? Don’t use the ear things because the dogs enjoy my singing.
Oklahoma! And Dancing Queen
Ear buds in, doing dishes, I could be listening to The Chicks, JudyCollins, Paper Kites, Emmy Lou, Yo Yo Ma and recently Joni Mitchell. Musical…Guys and Dolls. I worked on lights for a college production many years ago and still know the songs. “Marry the Man Today”. Spotify is my friend.
Abba makes you happy ALL the time! Don’t have a fav…..and always sing along!
“Oh what a beautiful Morning” from Oklahoma. Dancing Queen from Abba.
All Cinderella all the time
Hmmm Roger and a Hammerstein Do-are- Me
ABBA Knowing me knowing you
Cinderella! Hands down favorite since my childhood. In my own little corner, in my own little chair…
Any ABBA at all!
I love all the ABBA I can get, Neil Diamond, John Denver. I also have 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s music in the car. When I’m knitting I’m watching movies – Netflix, Acorn, Britbox, Disney etc.
I love listening to the k.d.Lang station on Pandora. Great mix!
Abba Take a Chance on Me! Love Abba!
I have gone to Th Blues recently on my sound system. I like them nice and loud. Great dancing. There are still no festivals so I make my own at home in my fiber She Shed. Love it!
The Blues are the Cure for whatever ails you. Guaranteed to pull you out of a funk for sure. Sounds counterintuitive but it’s true.
Gosh I’m a lover of the 80’s music. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, When Doves Cry, Hungry Like the Wolf, Another Bites the Dust, Wake Me Up Be You Go-Go. Give me some Queen and Prince and let’s boogie!
Dancing Queen is played at least once a day and In My Own Little Corner is what I sing when I sit down to knit.
Annie! The sun WILL come out tomorrow
How to save a planet podcast or be anti racist podcast while I knit these days 🙂
The “King and I” !! The musical is just lovely. The movie is a good watch too.
Dancing Queen is always my go too. Cheers me up every time!
My neighbor just put in a pool so I’ve been more into Summer Breeze by Seals and Croft…”a little music from the house next dooooor.”
Dancing Queen from Abba Gold
ABBA= Take a Chance
R&H=Oklahoma. and hoping for some rain and wind now that most of the wheat is cut
Dancing Queen! (And now it’s stuck in my head!)
I heard a folk version of Dancing Queen just a day or 2 ago
South Pacific?
I have loved Carousel, since the late 50s! These days, though, I’m finding myself singing, “You Have to be Taught” quite a lot…
(My mother played a LOT of R&H on our enormous record player — the kind that was a substantial piece of furniture. So, I grew up listening to all of them. Hard to choose, really.)
Carousel & when you mentioned Abba I immediately thought Waterloo. No clue why.
Thann no o you for starting my Sunday off with music! The Lonely Goatherd from The Sound of Music is in my head, alternating with Dancing Queen!
Take A Chance and How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria (or anything the nuns sing)
There’s a “Surrey with the Fringe on Top” somewhere for me in another life!
Sound of Music, Climb every mountain (Vermont camp counselor years ago) and Dancing Queen, theme song for a ladies fishing camp. We have at least one evening to sing loudly and dance. All enjoy the singing with abandon.
Dancing Queen is on our Road Trip sound list. In my head I sing “I am 16…” many a day. Lol at 63, it perks me up.
Anything from Sound of Music!
Apple playlists are my go to for the daily run and I am a huge fan of the shuffle magic. But knitting music is sometimes not music – it’s big delicious non fiction Bola read to me by brilliant folks. Most recently, The Code Breaker, by Walter Isaacson about CRSPR technology
Right now the music in my head—no earbuds required— is BTS all day long. But Waterloo for sure if ABBA could get some air time.
Yeaaa! Same!
Dancing Queen and Money, Money, Money presented a bit of trouble, because I kept getting tied up in yarn or feeling like I needed to get to my LYS to buy more yarn immediately … Anything from King and I or Cinderella seem to work much better for knit- or crochet-along companions. 🙂
I remember reading somewhere that ABBA had a “formula” that made their songs so very catchy. I think there’s something to this theory? I have too many favorites, but this minute “Dancing Queen” popped into my head.
No ear buds for me, but I do have a constant soundtrack of daily life. I listen to classical music on CBC FM radio every day. It begins at 9 am after the CBC news and plays through til 3 pm. No selections are needed. There are old favorites and brand new to me pieces punctuated by the hourly news, which acts as an hourly progress church bell. When I listen to anything other than the birds, interrupted by my neighbours’ shrill yapping barks, and the ostenato of traffic (perhaps I could use some noise canceling ear buds after all)I listen to Yoyo Ma or Jon Batiste’s ‘We Are’ album these days. I was weaned on Sound of Music and still love it but my favourite R&H these days are the clever versions that Randy Rainbow has concocted!!!
No ABBA, not ever! (Sorry)
Dancing Queen it is!
I did watch Mama Mia last night so I have a lot of Abba on the brain today!
I’m not much of a musicals fan, but I’ll dance to anything by ABBA on the radio! Mamma Mia! has to be my favorite.
Lol! Can’t think of ABBA without Waterloo!
South Pacific, I love the songs, especially the haunting Bali Ha’i.
Gordon Mac Rae has been singing “Oh, what a beautiful morning” to me IN MY DREAMS! I can’t get rid of that earworm!
The hillis are alive with the Sound of Music….you just have to bellow it out!
The songs from ‘Cinderella’ because I know all the words after watching it EVERY year during my youth. Boy does that age me or what?
This may not apply for this little contest but, I have to say, I really enjoy your little editorials/essays.
Aren’t earbuds great? Bluetooth ones – no strings attached. The ones you can hide under your hair, if you have long hair, so you can hide them and be alone in your own world. Then you can focus on what you want to, what you need to, what you can get away with . They take you to a “Twilight Zone” of your very own.
Edelweiss or Climb Every Mountain and Take a Chance on Me or Super Trouper
The King and I. I even read the book by Margaret Landon : Anna and the King of Siam
“Oh, what a beautiful morning”
While knitting or weaving, My constant companion is WQXR, the classical music station. Their stated mission is to promote peace and calm in a turbulent world. They’ve been a lifeline over the past year. A treasure.
I’m a book fiend these days. I think 2020 created the audible lover in me. People have told me I’m a good listener. I knit or sew and book listen. If there a preference, Sound of Music hands down.
Can’t go wrong with Sound of Music and Dancing Queen. You can then sing them for days with no device or soundtrack.
ABBA…SOS. Dancing Queen. Waterloo.
That is turn the radio up as loud as it will go music
When I was a kid I loved singing along with Julie. We had neighbors, the Douglases, whose sons were named Jan and Blair. I was a grown-up person before I knew the actual lyrics weren’t “..Tea, I drink with Jan and Blair..”
Love your writing and sense of humor! Anyone else love ABBA’s “I Have a Dream”? It’s beautiful with that children’s choir!
Sound of Music – I remember listening to my parent’s LP to learn the words before it was televised. ABBA was drummed out of my head by a college drafting prof who played it every single (evening) class.
Love to sing along to Dancing Queen!
My husband’s the audiophile in our house. He’s got pretty eclectic tastes, but ABBA is definitely up there in his playlist!
I don’t Do Re Mi a lot for my toddler
Anything ABBA and hoping for some new ones this year. Not really a R & H person but loving Grant Green “Sunday morning”
Okay, so I know I’m showing my age, but the song in my head (rarely trying to sing) is “Sunshine of Your Love” sung by Eric Clapton and Cream. Best bass line guitar for being creative in the kitchen!!
I have to admit, Oklahoma is frequently in my head….. probably because my dad always paid it because my mom is from Oklahoma. Dancing Queen from ABBA is frequently played for me. And while I am NOT a dancing queen, I do wiggle my hips and tap my feet, when the song is playing
i am more leonard cohen than either of those but lately the songs from south pacific have been stuck in my head off and on.
Weirdly, I’ve always loved R&H’s flop: Flower Drum Song! (Sunday, sweet Sunday…”). When I was 10, my mom or dad would drop me off at the old cinema in Madison NJ. I watched it – by myself – 5 times…my parents befuddled by this.
I am Team Flower Drum Somg also, though we’ll probably never again see it staged. I also love their TRUE flop, Pipe Dream, based on Steinbeck’s Aweet Thursday
While I often listen to quite a bit of 80’s pop, there may have been a fight I’ve the ABBA collection when we cleaned out my dad’s things. I am happy to say I won and it does get quite a bit of play around here. Is there a bad album?
Tra la laaaaa … I love The Sound of Music, however I don’t listen to music when I work because I get distracted and start to dance and be bop around. A bit more on the gruesome side I suppose – podcasts like Crime Junkie, The Vanished, and Dateline play on my retro looking JLab headphones. Remember the headphones that came with Walkmans? Yessss, they come in Bluetooth now!
I’ve been switching between 70s funk, & Last Podcast on the Left
Funny you should ask! Just night before last, I burst into bits of “So Long, Farewell” in lieu of saying “good night, see you in the morning.”
Decisions, decisions!! Whichever I’m hearing at the moment!!
Carousel because we will be attending the Central City Opera production in Denver in a few weeks!
Definitely The Sound of Music and then there’s Dancing Queen.
I am mainly a hard core folkie; I grew up belting out with the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem. I did go twice to Fun Home, and, since I’m currently reading Alison Bechdel’s latest memoir, “Ring of Keys” is running through my head.
Ella Fitzgerald singing R& H for sure!
No R&H or ABBA for me. My go to mood lifter is John Coltrane’s Lush Life album. I never get tired of it!
My favourite R&H song would have to be ‘Shall We Dance’ from the King and I (Yul Brenner)…. and Abba… well, I can’t think of one that I don’t like… but you asked for my fave… Gimme! Gimme! …. And I would add ‘Please’ to the request for the ‘Skill Set Box of Joy’. I have a grandson who is just learning to knit. Thanks ever so:)
I can’t seem to stop listening to Fiona Apple’s “Fetch the Bolt Cutters” but I do live Sound of Music. Did you know you can visit the lonely goatherd at the MacNider Art Museum in Mason City, IA? And while you’re there, stroll the footbridge and visit Meredith Wilson’s childhood home?
Definitely The Sound of Music for R&H. I still have the cassette tape that my family sang along at the top of our lungs to (except for my angsty “I’m too cool for this” just turned teen oldest brother ) in our old VW bus with the windows and sun roof cranked open on the way to the beach through Kolekole Pass when we lived in Hawaii in the early 70’s.
As for ABBA, it’s the Mamma Mia soundtrack all the way through. It’s a road trip sing-along staple from when my now grown kids were little. It ranks right up there with Carly Simon, Carole King, James Taylor, John Denver and the soundtrack for whatever Disney movie my kids were in love with at the time. I rarely wear music in the ear thingies as they even more rarely actually stay in my ears so I use old school headphones or my truck’s stereo or just enjoy the sound of silence (actual silence, not the song although Simon and Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits is also in our road trip playlist).
ABBA s Take a Chance on Me is likely to be playing in my head for the rest of the day.
Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella has been a favorite since it came on TV once a year in my childhood. And after 14 or 15 months sitting in “My Own Little Corner, in My Own Little Chair,” I am really ready to be off to the ball. (this is a lie – I could stay home from most balls, forever)
But on my earbuds, it’s an album called Justice Songs by Porters Gate — that’s how I roll lately.
Oh, what an ear worm I have now, but it’s Lerner and Lowe’s Camelot, ever since it popped into my head while my daughter and I were noticing how the rain has been falling at night lately. (I have lots of L $ L stories but until about 5 minutes ago I thought Camelot was R &H. Now I know why I never hear Richard Burton extolling the virtues of the rain when I ask Siri to play Rodgers and Hammerstein soundtracks. I’ve actually only done that once as I prefer random shuffle to album order.)
One of my best internet finds was a DVD of what is known at our house as “real people” Cinderella. (The version with Lesley Ann Warren.) The VHS tape was pretty much worn out the day we recorded it.
When Abba first came onto the music scene we were fairly isolated. We didn’t have our own television or radio, so I had no say in listening/watching decision. (Since I was THE science teacher at the K-12 “in town” there wasn’t much time for entertainment anyway. I spent so much time in one spot occupied with class preps the dog once rushed right past me as he dashed through the kitchen to my usual location when he and DH came in from the corrals.) I only discovered them by name when a friend who owns one of our LYS introduced me to Mamma Mia. I realized I’d been enjoying their music on the car’s radio for a while, not knowing the artist name.
Mama Mia for sure. And really want r&h… but love the score of Cinderella most – in my own little corner…
The Sound of Music from Rodgers and Hammerstein, and The Dancing Queen and Chiquitita from ABBA
I’m going to be honest, I don’t listen to either. However, one of my favorite bands, Jamestown Revival, came out with a new album. It’s called, inspired from the Works of Louis Lamour. I love the whole album, but I have the song, Bound for El Paso seriously stuck in my head.
I work on my own in a law library on Sunday, and I love to sing loudly along while I go about my work.
It would have to be the Sound of Music. I remember the excitement of going to a movie theater in Montclair, NJ to see it when I was little. We were not a big movie going family, as my mother was raised in a religion where movies were considered sinful. A big group of us went, aunts and cousins. I guess the dads were all working. My husband would be the ABBA fan, and he is teaching our grandsons to appreciate them right along with him.
Totally Sound of Music, and since it was the name of my high school in Ohio, I’m partial to ABBA’s Waterloo.
It’s not Rodgers and Hammerstein or ABBA, but I went through an intense Les Miserables period for a few weeks. Pity my family…
Waterloo! Definitely Waterloo and socks. Life doesn’t get any better than that.
Anything from Mama Mia!
I watched “Hamilton” yesterday and it is pretty darn amazing, but FAST! I am now listening to the soundtrack hoping that the nuances I missed will seep in as I knit.
I have been listening to, singing along and humming Joni Mitchel songs while knitting my Debut Pullover. On the Spiral rib in the NW heatwave.
Carousel! One summer YEARS ago Fairfax county Va. hired a pro director and choreographer to work with high school teens to put on a production of Carousel. I painted scenery among other things and loved it.
Dancing Queen and the hills are alive- the sound of music!
Gotta watch Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan in 70s drag and having the Time of Their Lives in the film, “Mama Mia”. As for R & H, definitely Oklahoma. LOVE Poor Jude is Dead for some odd reason.
I love the one about Judd too!
We listen to the Corpse Bride soundtrack a lot per request from our kiddos. It helps pass the time on road trips to and from the cabin.
While I might look the part of a gently middle-aged woman knitting, my headphones obscure my long-standing love of rap. It’s always good for a laugh to reveal this fact because it’s just so incongruous and unexpected.
In heavy rotation right now is Eminem’s Music to Be Murdered By, which pays homage to an Alfred Hitchcock album of the same name. At one point on the song These Demons, he makes a particularly funny rhyme with “roadway” and “crochet.”
Just about anything from Oklahoma, The Lonely Goatherd from Sound of Music (can’t sing it but love to try…when nobody else can hear). Alternatively, JS Bach is my go to.
Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess, “Summertime”. (which sounds great on the mountain dulcimer, by the way.) On youtube, Willie Nelson’s version of “Rainbow Connection”. And on Monday mornings, The Marmoset Song (also youtube). Also, “Pardon Me, I didn’t knit that for you,” by you-know-who. Really.
Sorry, no show tunes or ABBA here, as I’m a child of the 70’s. Give me Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin, Cream, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, David Bowie, Melissa Etheridge, U2, Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith. I know as soon as I post this I’ll want to add just one more, but you get the jist.
I love Wonderful Guy as sung by Nellie McKay. Her Normal as Blueberry Pie tribute to Doris Day is fabulous. I dare anyone to not grin all the way through every one of those songs!
While I put my headphones to good use, its not ABBA or R&H I’m listening to. I knit to thd sounds of whatever audio book I’ve downloaded.
South Pacific is what I’m listening to
I read this like two hours ago, but said to myself, “I haven’t heard any ABBA songs in a long time. Do I even own any?” Now I have take a chance, take a chance, take a chance, take a chance on me stuck in my head!
Not gonna lie, I owned ABBA’s greatest hits. In my defense, I was in middle school and it was the 70’s … but still. However, I was a big fan of Waterloo!
Rogers & Hammerstein I can still get behind though! I was, and am, a musical junkie and I could sing EVERY song on the Oklahoma! LP, but I’ll confess I’ve always been more of a Lerner & Lowe girl, especially Camelot, My Fair Lady and (believe it or not) Brigadoon.
Also, I SO want to get the Skill Set Box of Joy for my daughter. She’s restarted knitting again and is loving it, but while her very basic skills are ok, this would be a super present for her <3 Love you guys!!
I know the soundtracks from Camelot and West Side Story by heart. I’ll be interested to see the new version of WSS and hear the music.
Little known fact – many of the Shakeragettes sang “GoodBye, So Long” from “The Sound of Music” as people departed for their journeys home.
Then Dancing Queen will always be a fav for kitchen dancing
Sound of Music…never ABBA.
I’m listening to traditional Irish music the most lately (I play traditional Irish flute and tin whistle). Ny newest faves are The Lilting Banshee + Scatter the Mud, both jigs.
Dancing Queen All day for me
Just finished watching a new version of “Sound of Music” on Great Performances (PBS) It was very well done and Julian Ovendon as Captain von Trapp is very easy on the eyes. I sang along of course. The two earworms that keep repeating are the theme ” The hills are alive . . .” and Doe, a deer, a female deer . . . Love R & H!
“Something Good,” from the Sound of Music, and “Dancing Queen” for me. I have headphones – not the big heavy 70’s ones, but the nice light just-big-enough-to-cover-my-ears ones. My daughter is like “WILL YOU GET SOME EARBUDS” and I’m like “No.”
I like Some Enchanted Evening. I can hear my father playing it on the piano even now.. I love Dancing Queen as it is happy and energetic.
Cinderella on Tv!!
I, too, am the proud owner of the ABBA Gold CD. I can sing along to the whole thing and it makes cleaning more bearable. I think “South Pacific” is my favorite R&H musical with “Flower Drum Song” also a favorite.
Sound of Music….These are a Few of My Favorite Things. I am on the mower A LOT and occupy my time by making up additional rhyming verses. The neighbors love it….I think.
Shall we…… sing every word of the King and I ? Such “Wonderful” love songs! However, I don’t knit along to music, bc i have to sing along. Rather, I need audio books to grab my listening-only attention, and there’s nothing better than Grisham and Cussler.
Ooh, I had South Pacific, the studio cast from 1986 back when, you know, I had a record player (okay, boomer). Thanks for the write-up; clearly I need it on my iPhone
Dancing Queen, Waterloo, Super Trouper.
Sound of Music, esp. Do, Re, Mi and So long, Farewell….
I’ve been listening to the Erasure ABBA-esque album so much lately. It’s so good.
Climb Every Mountain and Dancing Queen
Enya. I picture her in her Scottish castle creating beautiful music.
Waterloo and Dancing Queen for me!
My sisters and I would dress up in our slips and whatever and dance around the living room to South Pacific, Oklahoma, and Flower Drum Song. Now that we are grown up we frequent piano bars where we can sing along loudly! Dancing Queen is my ABBA favorite.
LOVE musicals, and LOVE ABBA….Mama Mia, Dancing Queen.King and I, etc.
But, listen more to audio books…. Just binged Louise Penny…anxiously awaiting her new release! I’d love to win the Box
Shall We Dance? from the KING & I. I always wanted those fabulous dressses that Deborah Kerr wore, and a guy with eyes like Yul Brynner — what a great pair!
LOVE musicals and ABBA….Mama Mia, king and I….
But listen more to audio books. Just binge listened to Louise Penny series, and waiting for newest release
I love Oklahoma, Sound of Music and South Pacific …all of which our local community theatre on Vancouver Island has staged and I was involved with costuming.
I swear to god I read that as “Still Sex Box of Joy,” and I’m not even listening to “Dancing Queen” (again) on the ear worm insertion devices. Yeesh.
Cinderella was the first R&H musical I heard as a child. I thought Lesley Anne Warren was the most beautiful princess I’d ever seen. And Stuart Damon was so dreamy. I also loved South Pacific, and my mom would sing “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair” when we washed my long hair.
I have enjoyed most musicals and even had the role of Mother Superior in a small town community production, the song that’s popped up most often is from South Pacific-You gotta have a dream. If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?
“Oklahoma” – but mostly “I’m Just a Girl Who Cain’t Say No”. And “Waterloo” on repeat. Happy music!
Although I love R&H, I’d have to say Lerner and Loewe own my two faves, Camelot and Gigi
I recently heard Dancing Girl played on hundred+- year-old circus organ
and it gave me earworm. Love.
R&H, almost anything goes, but Oklshoma and SouthPacific are tops.
Oklahoma will always put a smile in my heart, no matter how grumpy I start out.
I’m stuck in the ‘60’s, still in love with Joni Mitchell. But reading the comments reminded me that I used to love O what a beautiful mornin.
Dancing Queen and take a chance on me! I’m a hugeeee fan always have been 🙂
Dancing Queen and Take a Chance on Me for ABBA and Younger Than Springtime and A Wonderful Guy for Rodgers & Hammerstein. (Why are there so many comments with songs that are NOT from ABBA or R&H?)
I love Sound of Music’s “Do-Rae-Me”, and ABBA’s , “Waterloo”.
At least for a little while longer, I’m enjoying “June Is Bustin’ Out All Over” from Carousel 🙂
I grew up on MGM musicals and was involved in several musical productions in my day. I’ve sung the part of Molly Brown in the Unsinkable Molly Brown and met my husband (who is a professional musician and was in the orchestra) while singing the role of Nimueh in a production of Camelot (to name a couple).
Although it’s not a Rogers and Hammerstein tune I have a funny story. My husband and I had just bought our first house and boy oh boy was it a fixer upper. We had a contractor coming to give us an estimate on cutting some concrete for us and when he arrived both my husband and I were singing Oom-pah-pah from Oliver at the top of our lungs and did not see or hear him at the door until the song was over, only the screen door separating our impromptu production from the contractor’s ears! I think we made his day… he was certainly amused!
I also grew up listening to ABBA dancing around the livingroom pretending I was performing the songs in concert… yes I did use my hairbrush as a microphone! I still listen to them sometimes when I’m working out.
Mostly these days I listen to audiobooks so I can multitask reading and knitting.
ABBA Take a Chance on Me
How to pick just one? A couple weeks ago I caught the last half of The King and I starring Yul Brynner and I’ve been singing “Shall We Dance” ever since!
I love “Flower Drum Song.” I remember having to learn all of the songs in Glee Club when I was a wee lass. I still remember all of the lyrics today and especially love A Hundred Million Miracles and I Enjoy Being a Girl.
Fun fact, the Mamma Mia movie starred Amanda Seyfried who is a knitter!
I’m not a big fan of musicals, but have to admit that the lyrics and melodies of R&H are a beautiful gateway to the land of romance and make believe soothing to the soul when the real world is anything but.8
Rodgers and Hammerstein !!!!!! Oh, my gosh! What memories! I remember when I was little, maybe 8 or around that age, playing the whole set of records of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals, or were they operettas? I would sing along and dance around the living room! What a fun memory!
Thank you for reminding me of that wonderful time in my life. Which brings along with it the memory of standing on my daddy’s feet and dancing with him in the living room, to Mantovani, another of my life long musical loves……. sigh…. And I will gladly admit that I like ABBA, but can’t remember any of the song names!
Oh DG, You always make me laugh. I’ve not been listening to music but to comedy! Found a wonderful comic I had not heard of named Sarah Millican from the Northeast corner of England, where they are known as Geordie’s, and she has been making me laugh out loud.
Well, the American Songbook is our soundtrack almost every day, so of course we hear lots of Rodgers and Hammerstein. My own particular favorite is South Pacific, which I especially love in some of its jazz variations (Chico Hamilton’s is particularly special).
But what made me smile in today’s post was the comment about “Emmylou Harris on all 27” package labels. It reminded me of a time, about a thousand years ago, when I was involved in the folk music scene in Chicago. I was on the phone with the sound man at the famed Gate of Horn club during a performance of Ian and Sylvia (you can see where this is going, right?) — not really a good idea, because we were talking about upcoming shows, one of which was the Israeli singer Shoshana Damari. And darn if he didn’t announce the next set as “Shoshana Damari.” That would teach us both to flirt while he was on the job….
I won a ticket to see Sound of Music in a coloring contest when I was in elementary school. I was so thrilled! So those songs hold good memories for me.
No disrespect but neither.
“People will say we’re in love” from Oklahoma. So sweet. Shirley Jones and Gordon MacRae have such wonderful voices.
Ix nay on Abba and no musicals, please. I’ll take Ms Emmy Lou Harris singing the phonebook before the other choices.
Ten Minutes Ago from Cinderella and Dancing Queen.
As for Oklahoma, I recall reading in Our Hearts Were Young and Gay, I believe, that all of the promotional materials were recalled and reissued-with the added exclamation point.
And I am recommending Our Hearts Were Young and Gay for summer reading. Two naive college students embark on a summer tour of Europe. What could go wrong? I was asked to leave the library because I was laughing too much.
I am old enough that when I was young, Flower Drum Song was trying out in Boston. A friend’s mom got us tickets, and as we left the show, there was Oscar Hammerstein in the lobby! He signed my program. Alas, I can’t find it. But the memory stays, and thereafter, Flower Drum Song has been my favorite! I know the words to EVERY song!
Music is my thing with my little 1.5 yr old niece. So, Do Re Mi from Sound of Music and Dancing Queen have been new songs (& sounds) to capture her attention and dance to!
I can listen to Hamilton or West Side Story all day, every day!
Impossible- I love the zanies and I loved the Mana Mia when it came out but have heard those songs a few too many times
While I love Oklahoma and Sound of Music, there’s something about Cinderella’s “In My Own Little Corner.” That song takes me anywhere I want to go and to be anything I desire (including a good knitter, which I’m knot!). But, in my own little corner, I can dream!
Take a chance on me!
My daughter introduced me to the musical Hamilton last July (on Disney +) and I’ve knitted to it a couple times. Probably will again this summer. So very well done!
Nothing beats the Sound of Music, I’d Climb Every Mountain for My Favorite Things! One of my favorites is knitting! So Long, Farewell!
I’m almost all K-pop these days, not just BTS but definitely a lot of BTS! All old school here, still prefer curating and fine-tuning my own playlists so I can include Abba and BTS and Lizzo and Madonna and Funkadelic…
An old CD from college with lots of 90s “rock”!
Dancing Queen!
Cinderella – the Brandy and Bernadette Peter’s version.
Dancing queen by ABBA
I cannot watch Mamma Mia. When my sister and I went to see it, she got sick and was throwing up…we had to leave
The Sound of Music is the first movie I remember seeing in an actual theater and I loved it! I still do.
Dancing Queen, all the time, every time.. just gets me going & lifts my mood…
Anybody could be That Guy
Night is young & the music’s HIGHHHHH
Dudes is there even a question here?
Oklahoma gets stuck in my head from time to time because of “Watchmen”.
The King and I
My fave. is South Pacific. As for Abba song- like many others here, Dancing Queen can roam around my head for days at a time.
I love the Cinderella musical. Ever since I was a little girl.
Ha! Thanks for the laughs. Victrola earbuds
Classic rock, classic 70s, classic country… detect a pattern?! I’m a classic alright
How do you pick a favorite ABBA song? I play their greatest hits over and over and on each one say this is my favorite.
I’ve actually been listening to … really popular pop music on the radio! I haven’t done this in years. It’s fun.
I listened to the Mama Mia soundtrack recently, but mainly listen to audio books and knitting podcasts. However, my brand new ear buds will increase my listening opportunities!
Sorry, but absolutely NO ABBA! I could join you on EmmyLou though. Usually, I knit to Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. My current binge is In Treatment. I loved it so much that I circled back to Season 1 before enjoying the newly launched Season 3. I also heard a new season of Bosch has been released.
It must be the soundtrack from Mama Mia!
No ABBA for me but the Sound of Music is hard-wired into my childhood!
Dear DJ, Thanks for getting DANCING QUEEN stuck in my head all day. I couldn’t get anything else to stick and as I write this note I can feel it creeping into my mind again. LOL!
My children give us much with the obligatory rolling of eyes, but we made them watch Zepherelli’s Romeo & Juliet followed by West Side story, and I *have* caught Mr. 13 listening to West Side Story soundtrack. I love ALL the old sing-along stuff, esp Rogers and Hammerstein, but also Gershwin, Hoagy Carmichael, Simon & Garfunkel… The most popular musical in our house by a mile has been Singing in the Rain, popular song is “Good Morning.”
For modern moments of house cleaning in an entirely different vibe, I recommend Sylvan Esso.
Oh, and the hubs set up a playlist that makes me really happy during the evening chores sometimes – 70s-80s tv themes. MASH, Taxi, Cheers, Mary Tyler Moore…
We are an eclectic music family, and my husband and I take great pride in the breadth of music our children enjoy. Current favorites include Nat King Cole, ELO, and Billy Eilish, depending upon the moment. Also – the Waitress soundtrack – love that one!
I don’t often listen to music when I’m knitting. Audio books are my favorite thing. I always feel like I’m multi tasking. I gave up reading years ago because it always put me to sleep. When I discovered audio books I was thrilled because I could still enjoy a novel and knit at the same time. Best of both worlds for me.
However, I love to listen to Morgana King when I’m doing housework, especially vacuuming. Also, I love most musicals and watch TCM frequently.
“Take a Chance on me” and right now, I would say “My Favorite Things”
The soundtrack from Phantom of the Opera is my favorite. I wore out several cassettes of it and now have it on CD and ipod. My kids learned the songs while riding in the carpool every day. I also love Annie Get Your Gun and Guys and Dolls to belt out in the car. Everything sounds better when singing while driving!
It has to be the King and I for me.
My ABBA gold cd from th ‘80s. There’s a good reason it’s a time-tested classroom.
*classic. Darn autocorrect.
Sound of music is a fav
Boy honey there’s everything from the current pop (hellooooo, guilty pleasure of Olivia Rodrigo and Harry Styles) to Vampire Weekend and company (indie alternative nonsense) to WQXR (my local classical station). It sure is an eclectic mix!
Oklahoma & Take a Chance on Me
ABBA!! Take a chance on me!
Abba, always Abba. It’s also the first album alphabetically on my ITunes so my system is predisposed to play it first. I did listen to the Brian Setzer Orchestra this morning for a little rock-a-billy/jazz vibe to knit to. It’s good to venture into the “B’s” sometimes…
Have to go with the Sound of Music, never get tired of those tunes!
Favorite Rodgers and Hammerstein? No question, it’s Sound of Music. ABBA? Dancing Queen, of course….no listening on ear buds for me….cranked up to 11 on the big speakers, when the mood strikes. Dancing and singing out loud included!
Carousel, for sure. “Soliloquy” is just gut wrenching.
Carousel and South acific are most common for my in-car karaoke though almost any R & H can make the mix. ABBA? Knowing me Knowing You, Gimme gimme gimme, Super Trouper, Waterloo… always good for kitchen dancing!
At present, I am fixated on Amtrak-related travel videos. I know that is both a watch and a listen, but I am multi-tasking so it’s actually background noise until they start talking about scenery or the dining car.
Shall We Dance and Some Enchanted Evening. Waterloo for ABBA
Love Emmylou Harris! She has such a wonderful voice.
My choices would be Chiquitita and Sound of Music.
Where I work has overhead music on 10 hours a day. So I enjoy peace and quiet at home. I do love the sounds of the wind through the trees and rain on the roof.
Oh hey it’s Dolly Parton lately!!! But only when my WFH home office mate is not home.
I completely love The Sound of Music and Dancing Queen
R&H – The Sound of Music; ABBA – Dancing Queen!
Going to Wash That Man Out of My hair
Oh what a Beautiful Morning
And last but not least Dancing Queen
Why would anyone listen to Rodgers & Hammerstein when the good lord saw fit to invent Gilbert & Sullivan? I don’t apologize to anyone for singing them out loud, unless it was some innocent pedestrian who walked into the acoustic zone without warning. I’ve got earbuds, bluetooth speakers, headphones and an earhorn.
And then there is Gershwin… Embraceable You… Lena Horne singing Someone to Watch Over Me… classics!!
I remember that vinyl South Pacific album as a kid and “One enchanted evening “ along with “Gonna wash that man out of my hair “ ABBA always “Dancing Queen “ to lift the day
Definitely Edelweiss! My all-time favorite!
Sound of music is wonderful! I adore Abba! But all you here at my house lately is my screaming “Don’t hump that!” And ” Stop peeing on her/him” Summer makes 3 dachshunds and a Chihuahua weird!
The first is still the BEST in my book. I’ve never been there, nor do I expect to go there, but OKLAHOMA! is my choice for Rogers & Hammerstein. ABBA’s Dancing Queen always gets me moving.
I listen to a lot of Eurovision. On the one hand, I find the often-non-English lyrics help keep me from getting distracted while working… On the other, it leads to more dance breaks and bopping about than usual. My absolute top #1 of that esteemed genre is Dadi Freyr, who entered for Iceland in 2020 and 2021. Also, what kind of word is “headphones” anyway?
Edit – just realized that this doesn’t strictly fulfill the prompt BUT ABBA did win Eurovision with Waterloo, which ties it back. So I suppose my real answer is that I’m listening to ‘Waterloo’ ?
Voulet-voux….a ha! Love me some Driving Disco
Edit: I DARE you not to dance!
Dancing queen!
My husband was watching Carousel this morning! But his favorite Rodgers & Hammerstein song is by far, Some Enchanted Evening. I love You’ve Got to be Taught, also from South Pacific, and Shall We Dance from the King and I. And then there’s all the songs in The Sound of Music… and State Fair! (It’s that time of year, getting ready to enter my felted tweed Moderne Baby Blanket at the county fair.) But I also like ABBA, especially I Have a Dream. Thanks, DG, for putting so much music in my head. I love imagining the sounds of music while you and the gang fill our orders!!
Dancing Queen or a Calm sleep story.
Oklahoma would be my top choice (though Sound of Music a close second) to play in my car alone, and belt out tunes in my less-than-stellar voice. But Abba also quite appealing, and I know the words!
Dancing Queen and Afternoon Delight
I love the soundtrack from Sound of Music, Oklahoma, South Pacific and the Flower Drum Song.
South Pacific! It was the first movie I ever saw and my parents played the album constantly on their hi-fi.
Mamma Mia FOREVER!!
Mama Mia. I can get through the entire soundtrack 5 times driving from here to Montreal. And “Some Enchanted Evening” by H & H. So romantic. B
Always “Super Trouper”
Any and all show tunes EXCEPT NEVER Any and all show tunes but NEVER Andrew Lloyd Weber!
“Food, Glorious Food! from Oliver!
Love Dancing Queen, but I actually love the 70s channel on Sirius even more! And I hate to admit it, but I also listen to several true crime podcasts!
Waterloo and Dancing Queen
there’s a brand new album of showtunes by a sometimes nashville resident, jennifer nettles, who’s decamped to broadway with her latest, always like new, and it definitely deserves blasting, through whatever headphones or speakers you desire.
Years ago, the man I was falling in love with courted me with a series of iPod mixes (remember mixtapes? remember iPods?). They were composed by random selection of the shuffle, but he kicked each one off with ABBA’s “Waterloo”. And so, dear reader, I married him.
I’m terribly unfamiliar with what all R&H wrote, but I do adore Sound of Music.
ABBA’s Dancing Queen! Such a happy song that makes you want to sing along and dance.
Dancing Queen, mama Mia are faves
Off and on between Oklahoma and Sound of Music. For ABBA Take a Chance on Me or Dancin’ Queen are playing frequently.
For ABBA, Take a Chance on Me or Mama Mia or Dancing Queen. Nothing on R&H though.
My mom hated musicals.she said the whole town knowing the song was ridiculous. She tolerated the Sound of music because Maria was teaching them to sing.
I usually knit outdoors to audiobooks and 70’s soft rock and indoors to utube knitting videos. My favourite Rogers and Hammerstein number would have to be “The Hills are Alive” . I think that was the first album my mother bought. My Abba favourite is Momma Mia. Playing in my head now!
The Sound of Music and Super Trouper!
I love that Sound of Music had been mentioned by others as well. I just had a cry-through during a live performance of Climb Every Mountain. It’s one of my mother’s favorites as always reminds me of her.
My brother insists that ABBA isn’t real music but how can you resist those voices together – and “Our Last Summer” sends me into a weeping mess (“and your name is Harry”); but what I’ve been listening to lately are ‘60s protest songs. Talk about a weeping mess. We thought we would change the world…
OK, I have been avoiding making a comment all week out of fear that even writing this down would ensure that it never goes out of my head but… dancing Queen by Abba plays over and over and over without benefit of earbud or any other device. Wish it wasn’t so, because it also tends to make me swish through the house and bumped into the corner of the dining room table.
I whistle a Happy tune
Watching Lewis on Brit TV! If it’s music that would be Sirius Symphony Hall!!!!
Christopher Plummer singing Edelweiss
My Favorite Things! Always makes me smile when I hear that song.
One of my best childhood memories is dancing on the front lawn in a rainstorm with my bestie and I belting out “Gonna wash that man right of my hair” (we were 8 and 9, tops). I’ve been on a “Bali Hai” since then. Love every single song and that the story line addresses such big content too.
This was a LOL article. So relatable! I hope Emmy Lou enjoys all those skeins too! Love all her music. I grew up on Broadway/movie musicals. I am partial to the Sound of Music but can sing all the songs from Oklahoma. Just the mention of Dancing Queen will have me humming the rest of the day.
I seem to have the same answers as most of the posts: Sound of Music and Dancing Queen. I lived in Oklahoma for a few years, so I can belt out that song, too. Oh, What a Beautiful Morning is lovely, too!
ABBAs Thank You for the Music; and R&H “My Favorite Things”, but check out “I’m Not There Yet” from the a cappella musical In Transit. Worth an ear organ or two.
Carousel! ABBA? Dancing Queen ❤️❤️
I enjoy Oklahoma! where the wind comes sweeping down the plain…but Dancing Queen works as well. Both are great sing along songs to keep you moving.
Waterloo is my favorite ABBA song and I’m always up for a loud rendition of Do-Re-Mi from the Sound of Music!
I mostly listen to podcasts and my favorite lately is called Haptic and Hue and it’s all about the world of textiles!
ABBA: Dancing Queen.
Rodgers and Hammerstein: Some Enchanted Evening
That would be Surrey With The Fringe On Top for me!
Mamma Mia! Followed by Dancing Queen. ABBAlicious.
Berres Hammond
My Favorite Things and Waterloo
Wow! Tough assignment! Okay probably You’ll Never Walk Alone from Carousel because as long as I have my knitting I’m not alone. And as far as ABBA goes that would have to be Waterloo.I’ve finally had to admit that
Knitting is my Waterloo.
Love Abba.. money,money, money
Always Carrousel! Not much ABBAin my life at present.
Love R & H songs but Some Enchanted Evening has to be fav and who doesn’t love Dancing Queens!
Still love the music in Ma Ma Mia and the crazy Dancing Queen scene. A real mood lifter.
Not playing anything but “It’s a beautiful morning “ today
How to choose?! ‘Something Good’ is probably my fave R&H song ever, but ‘Getting to Know You’ and ‘I’m Gonna Wash that Man Right out of my Hair’ are both right up there. And as for ABBA… ‘Super Trooper’ and ‘The Name of the Game’ are next level favorites! Hoping I win Skill Set for my daughter who FINALLY wants to learn to knit!
There is no better Rogers and Hammerstein to listen to than Oklahoma!
My favorite R & H musical would be “The King and I” and my favorite ABBA song would be “Dancing Queen”.
Dancing Queen; hands down.
I know its a lesser known one, but Cinderella. I remember watching when I was little and I can still sing most of the words to “10 minutes ago”. BTW the prince, Stuart Damon, passed away this week. I was so handsome to a 6 yr old girl.
I like ABBA fine, but can’t stand the movie Mama Mia. Talk about wrecking a good thing!
Waterloo is a favorite on my headphones. Getting to know you from the King and I and pretty much anything from the Music Man.
Making art and listening to the Medhi station on Pandora… oh ya
I’m an Okie, so Oklahoma has to be my first choice. And, Dancing Queen is the first ABBA song that pops to mind. I don’t use earbuds either (does that date me &/or mean my hearing is still intact?) except when I fly. But truth, if not just the quiet of the outdoors through my more-often-than-not open windows, I mostly I listen to singer-song writers like Joni Mitchell or James Taylor. (That dates me, for sure!)
I’m an Okie, so Oklahoma has to be my first choice. And, Dancing Queen is the first ABBA tune that pops to mind. I don’t listen with earbuds either. (Does that date me, or tell you my hearing is still intact?) Truth be told, if not the simple quiet of the outdoors through my more-often-than-not open windows, I listen to singer-song writers like Joni Mitchell or James Taylor, (That does date me!)
Oklahoma holds a special place in my musical heart, with Hamilton next door. And Dancing Queen!
Love both! Dancing Queen from ABBA, the Sound of Music from R & H (among a lot of great music that they produced!)
ABBA’s “Dancing Queen”, all the way!
Unless it’s “I could have danced all night” from “My Fair Lady” (which is, of course, Lerner and Loewe, not Rodgers & Hammerstein, but isn’t it wonderful?)
I’d go for The King and I and Mamma Mia!
I love “Bali Ha’i” from South Pacific and I could dance all night to “Dancing Queen”
It would be “Here we go again” with Abba. I can see them all dancing on the peer in the musical!
Oh what a beautiful day and loving me loving you
Sound of Music and South Pacific are my favorites.
I recently accepted my fate and became a BTS fan. (It really started last year with Telepathy and Dynamite, but I was I denial. Then they came out with Butter, and now they are my Go To for dance breaks.) For musicals, it’s Ella Fitzgerald singing the Great American Songbook; I have the whole set so I can listen to her sing not just R&H but also Jerome Kern and Gershwin among others. I have eclectic musical tastes, and what I listen to depends on what I’m knitting. Garter stitch is perfect for when I want to pay attention to the music like in opera (or when I’m listening to baseball- not music but still good for knitting); complicated patterns require instrumental music so I’m not tempted to sing along. Much. I’m also a devotee of Wynton Marsalis – both his jazz and his classical recordings as well as the music he composed.
Sounds far removed from Dunder Mifflin!
South Pacific — Wash that Man Right Out of My Hair!
Unpopular opinions coming up: I’m not an ABBA fan. Give me Brandy and Whitney Houston’s take on R&H’s Cinderella any day.
Honestly, neither plays in my earholes unless they come up on my Sirius XM radio! However, I can belt out Oklahoma with the worst of them any day. Spent a couple of years in Lawton, OK growing up and it was required in school. I will also admit to going to the movie theater and watching the sing a long version of Mamma Mia with my friends, and singing along poorly, but with abandon throughout the entire movie.
No R&H but anything ABBA. I think I can sing them all from memory. Not that my husband enjoys that at all but who cares? I’m having fun!!
Loved Dancing Queen back in the day and still do!
My grands are singing “Do, a Deer” fairly constantly! Thus, I am also …
I’ve been listening to the soundtrack for the 2nd season of “A Discovery of Witches” on repeat for the last 2 months. Seriously! The redo of “Time in a Bottle” gets me every time.
Oklahoma & Dancing Queen. I’m going to knit and watch Muriel’s Wedding this afternoon. Too hot to do anything else.
Sadly, there were no ABBA songs in my head until I read this. “Take A Chance on Me” was the first that popped into my head, and seems determined to reside there indefinitely, though I would have expected more of a Mamma Mia vibe.
Rodgers and Hammerstein opens a whole vista of entire sound tracks starting with the Sound of Music itself (please, not the Goatherd yodeling song…nope…here it comes…will it win out over Take a Chance? We’ll see!)
Oklahoma! My parents were fans of musicals and had records of the music from a bunch of them, including Oklahoma, Sound of Music, South Pacific. Thinking of this really brings back memories.
Dancing Queen seems to be running through my brain as I block one finished sweater and prepare to 3-needle bind off a cardi. Then a complicated collar and it’s done. Well except for blocking. It’s gray, cool and rainy here in RI, “Oh What a Beautiful Morning” was sung walking the dog. A relief from the recent heat. Carousel and Oklahoma are both R&H soundtracks that I regularly sing through. Sometimes out loud!
I have loved the score from Rodger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella since I was a young girl and watched it on the black and white TV. I am not a huge fan of ABBA, there were other music styles I was exploring at the time. Thank you for always offering listening and watching ideas. They have helped me relax and focus this past year and a half.
I’m not big on ABBA or Rodgers & Hammerstein. But I do listen to music a lot while crafting. Mostly early 80s alternative music.
ABBA Gold and Hamilton are both part of my permanent rotation!
Dancing Queen of course!
“Carousel”!!! My favorite since childhood. I remember singing ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ in grade school. And…I watched the movie again just this morning! It never gets old and the tunes are happily in my head right now. Great music and memories!
For Abba, it’s the version of Dancing Queen that we did for last year’s Purim Spiel. And, The Sound of Music is never far from my brain…
“Impossible” from Cinderella is playing in my head today. Whitney Houston did it best!
Oklahoma! That’s where my husband is from and whenever our family drove there to visit his parents, as soon as we crossed the state border we all started signing the song.
The Sound of Music, South Pacific, The King and I – I have to choose one?! The Sound of Music and anything ABBA. I would love to win this kit. I am planning on giving it to my sister who is going through a hard time right now and could use some knitting therapy. Good luck all.
ABBA – Never! Rodgers & Hammerstein – always!
My best earwirms lately have been the jaunty “Gasolina” by Daddy Yankee and “Butter” by BTS! I’m babysitting my grandson lately snd he’ll wiggle along to either!
Is is bad that I’ve never been a fan of Abba? Most listened to lately has to be Dire Sraits/Mark Knopfler. Which together make a nearly endless play list!
Might have snuck some Steeley Dan in there somewhere!
Right now, its Cinderella. I learned it in grade school and 60 years later, the sheer lyrical ballad style carries me along.
The King and I. At 9 and 10, my sister and I played the royal twins in a local production. 63 years later, I still remember every song lyric and every word of dialogue!
Ohhh … tough call on the music! Fave Rodgers & Hammerstein soundtrack is probably “The King & I”, but what’s not to love with any of the musicals?
As for ABBA: torn there too, but the track I’ve tended to listen to most over the years is “The Winner Takes It All”.
none. I am enjoying the peace and quiet.
Ah Vius Dirac Je, Maman
I’m a podcast listener, TIg and Cheryl’s True Story has been my binge listening love this summer. So funny and joyful. A balm for these times.
Have always loved the first line from “A Wonderful Guy”. Can’t even think of an ABBA song. Oh, dear…
Sound of Music and Dancing Queen.
Well recently it was “June is Bustin’ Out All Over” from Carousel. Not sure what July will bring. 🙂
Waterloo – what fun! Oh what a beautiful morning was my immediate thought as I sat in my sun room this morning.
I believe Mamma Mia and Dancing Queen are on the music rotation at work (songs from the 50’s to 80’s) but they don’t come up as often as other tunes.
OKLAHOMA, loved the song Mariah so much we named our first daughter the same! Long before that other famous singer was named.
There is no funner live show to see than Abba, one can blow their uvula (that piece of skin that hangs in back of ones tongue) out during the song along. I’ve updated my sing along and while I can still somewhat dance it is more appropriately called the Knitting Queen… “See her knit, see her pearl she is the knitting Queen”
ALL ABBA music is wonderful…it is “happy music”! As for Rogers and Hammerstein, my favorite is South Pacific.
Oooo sorry. No ABBA —I lived through it once. But, O, What A Beautiful Morning….that’s a good one.
Oh What aBeautiful Morning. And Dancing Queen
Only ABBA tune is Dancing Queen.
Like all the musicals especially Oklahoma
I veer towards christian or country music when by myself. However, I did one road trip in high school that ended up being an 18 hour round trip. And the only music I’d brought along (other than the radio, which got intermittent signals) was a tape that a relative had meticulously recorded the soundtrack from Sound of Music on. When my girlfriend and I got home, we burst out of the car singing the songs and her mother had no idea what to do with us! Having such a limited listening choice became more fun the longer we listened. Find me a car with a tape player now though…
The Sound of Music and from ABBA, Knowing Me Knowing You.
The Sound of Music. No matter how many times I see it, the passion for freedom and the escape from Nazi Austria will capture my heart. ABBA song: Dancing Queen because in my imagination that’s me.
Gimme gimme gimme! Love that riff ❤
The soundtracks from South Pacific and Sound of Music gave me a lot of pleasure as a kid, and I’d probably be able to sing along even now. Maybe I should watch those movies again?
The Sound of Music! Thank you!
The King and I, Getting to Know You! Dancing Queen is always fun
I just recently learned that ABBA recorded their songs in multiple languages. So I have been rocking out to “Dame, Dame, Dame!” which is “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!” en Español (and no, I do not speak Spanish).
I like the Country Pop playlist that Spotify puts together for me, I must say I’ve been listening to a lot of Shania Twain lately!
Well literally we listened twice today, back-to-back to the Cinderella broadway musical soundtrack. I played in a pit orchestra for a production this spring, and my three kids (11, 8, 4) all fell in love. Bless them. They are awesome and I will keep them and continue to brainwash them.
Definitely, the Oklahoma soundtrack….I’m always singing ‘O What a Beautiful Morning.” And if I really want to move and groove, “Dancing Queen”.
My favorites are Waterloo by ABBA and If I Loved You by R&H, although as a musical theatre person it’s hard to pick on show, let alone one song!
Waterloo but mostly because I have been listening to the Eurovision movie soundtrack on repeat…
I am not sure I should admit this here, but musicals aren’t really my thing. I can get behind ABBA tho. And some good old fashioned country music. Statler Brothers, anyone?
I’m enjoying a lot of The Sound of Music and Waterloo.
Dancing Queen, of course. Fake it until you make it. Best motto for COVID pandemic.
Ohhh the most airplay for me while knitting is a popular french singer Jean-Jacques Goldman – specific song is Bonne Idee, = Good Idea! It’s about good things in life.
The Sound of Music— we have a book of the tunes for piano— and anything on ABBA Gold. I’ve made sure my Gen Z kiddos are familiar with both, and my daughter’s sweet but judgy coworker at the bakery this summer, who was born in 2001 but won’t listen to anything recorded after 1992, has declared my musical taste very “basic.” (She has declared his musical taste very loud and full of screaming guitars and screaming humans. De gustibus non est disputandum.)
For ABBA, it’s gotta be “Waterloo”. I mean, how can I not mention their Eurovision Song Contest winner that brought them international fame?
For R&H, there’s so much to be earwormed by in the “Sound of Music” soundtrack, it’s hard to pick just one, so I’m not even going to try.
I loved watching OKLAHOMA on TV and singing along with my mom and grandma way back when.
Sound of Music “Edelweise” is my favorite!!!
R&H: I’m just a girl who can’t say no by Ado Annie in Oklahoma! ABBA: Waterloo! Both are just fun to sing along to!
South Pacific for me and the soundtrack from Mama Mia, especially “Slipping through my Fongers”
I love South Pacific and would love to dance to Dancing Queen.
One of Us
Admittedly, I have been listening to neither Rodgers and Hammerstein nor ABBA lately. Instead, I’ve been all about the latest Lucy Dacus release. However, if I do listen to ABBA, it is Dancing Queen all the way, and it would seem an excellent choice for work in a warehouse alone on a Sunday.
It’s Seasons of Love from Rent for me right now. Pentatonix just sang it on A Capitol Fourth and reminded me how much I wish I could have seen Rent on Broadway.. ..
The Sound of Music will always be a favorite (I played Brigitta in the high school production). But I also had a blast singing Food! Glorious Food as one of the boys in Oliver!
Take a Chance on Me from ABBA!!!
Recently did a “Walk at Home” YouTube video to 30 minutes of ABBA (Mama Mia!!!)
“Dancing Queen” all the way! (and “Take a Chance on Me”)
Bon Jovi
I read that Stuart Damon had passed away this weekend and I immediately started belting out “In My Own Little Corner” from the Leslie Ann Warren Cinderella musical where he played the Prince. (And Mama Mia for ABBA)
Oklahoma and Dancing Queen. Nothing better to get the party started.
Sound of music always!