Bang Out a Hadley: Danger Zone

Dear Ann,
As the final week of our Bang Out a Hadley knitalong strides into view, the situation is very simple.

We’re getting there. Look at this yoke; it’s practically knitting itself at this point. It takes many repeats of the 12 stitch pattern to go around, so you can really get into a rhythm on the Fair Isle pattern. Somehow it seems much easier than it did on the sleeves.
And those who haven’t yet gotten to the yoke? They are well on their way to the yoke.
All we need to do now is pull up our socks, keep our heads down, and don’t lose foc……


(It’s Dionisio Point, a cowl by Elizabeth Elliott.)
I will still get my Hadley done by February 28. No problem! What could be a problem?
I’m just going to take a teensy break and do a widdle bitty stretch of corrugated ribbing.
You know how I love corrugated ribbing, Ann.
Put the mini skeins down, Kay and back away slowly. Pick up your Hadley and knit like the wind!
Temptations by the dozen!
Well, I started a bit early because we were going to be moving into a new house and sure enough…I’m behind. Since I am knitting the largest size 17.5 inches sure takes forever! But going to try and put my head down and knit all week, watching Emerald City to catch up. Can’t wait to get to the divide and start the sleeves.
O, that way madness lies…..
Hi Kay,
Did you knit your left sleeve without the dk green color on purpose?
I can’t tell you what a comfort this is to me – I am pathologically incapable of getting close to a “finish-line” without stopping in mid- row to cast on for something completely different! Especially sweaters, it seems. (Soooo many sweaters missing just one sleeve … or just the buttons … or done with the blocking and just need the seaming … ) For a long time I’ve considered it a major character defect in myself, but I can no longer if even the mightiest knitter such as you can fall for it!
Olive, go take Kay for a walk. She needs some fresh air. The yarn fumes from those mini-skeins are getting to her. This is important. Otherwise, you may find bran flakes or something worse in your dinner bowl.
Jill Draper minis, corrugated ribbing, and a COWL? Forget it Olive; intervention is futile.
It all is lovely and very tempting.
Wondering whether the sweet “face” on the sleeve resolved itself….
I just got through the color work on the first sleeve, late last night. No way will I be done by Feb. 28! But those mini-skeins – very tempting!
Love. The. Mini Skeins. You go girl!
I was going to tell you to keep your focus, but then you might end up in my sorry state. I had to go somewhere today with NO KNITTING because I didn’t have a mindless project cast on yet, having finished the previous one. My only knitting required thinking in a quiet room. Not good.
So cast on, but don’t do too much! Just enough to get yourself established. Then SET. IT. DOWN.
BTW, I love looking out your window. It looks like Paris.
And I just saw the FO before reading this 3-day-old post! Wholly guacamole!