Yarns to Love
Bang Out a Sweater: Hazy Dreams

Dear Kay,
Now that our Bang Out a Sweater knitalong is under way, I’m sailing along over here on a cloud of Rowan Felted Tweed in Treacle and Rowan Kidsilk Haze in Rose, my two picks for the yarns for this delectable Norah Gaughan design, the Bolin Cardigan.

In chatting with fellow Bangers Out, the question arose: would the Bolin Cardigan work using MDK Jane with Rowan Kidsilk Haze?

I can’t quite believe I hadn’t wondered this myself—what is wrong with me?
The short answer: yes!
Warning: Intense Swatching Content Ahead
Here’s how I tried it out.
I sat down with some nubbins of Jane and a random skein of Kidsilk Haze in the luminescent shade of Turquoise.

The more I swatched, the more obsessed I became.
I began with what seemed like the obvious, tonal pairing: Cameo + Turquoise. It is a slam dunk, beautiful thing.

Next up: Heather + Turquoise. Also lovely, a bit warmer.

Things got experimental when I tried out Scarlet + Turquoise. I actually think this is cool, if a little weird.

Marigold + Turquoise next. I am a sucker for gold and turquoise together, have knitted three things in this combination. Surprised at how dialed back the Turquoise gets here.

Peony + Turquoise reads too 1960s baby, speaking as a 1960s baby. Cannot handle the effect this is having on me.

And finally, the pairing that really got me: Shadow + Turquoise. This photo doesn’t properly capture the murky dimness, with blippy moments of vibrancy. Perfect for my mood!

When you see all the swatches together, you can see the overall haze cast by the Turquoise. I really love this effect, no matter what color Kidsilk Haze is at work.

We have five more colors of MDK Jane, but I’m tapped out on this swatch experiment and itching to get back to Banging Out my Bolin.
Meanwhile . . .
My Bolin Cardigan is working up deceptively fast. I’ve added a solid six inches to the length, rather than the cropped length specified in the pattern. This fabric is the ultimate in comforting. Tempting to do a bedspread.
The sleeves are going to be slower than this first part, given that they are generous, luxuriant, big sleeves.

I wanted to dial up the contrast between the Felted Tweed and Kidsilk Haze. There’s something pleasing to me about this mottled irregularity. Or maybe it’s just that mottled irregularity is the vibe of the moment.

Feeling very confident that on February 28 I’m gonna be wearing this thing. How’s everybody doing on your Bolins?
PS If you’re just this minute hearing about our epic Bang Out a Sweater knitalong, it’s not too late to get in on Lorilee Beltman’s superb three-session workshop. The next two sessions are Friday, February 14 and Thursday, February 28–Session 1 has been recorded so you can dive in right now. Sign up right here and you’ll have the video link with your confirmation email.
Having decided to knit mine in pieces I am now working on the back, 2 fronts done. I won’t be keeping the sleeves so lush as the pattern, as I just couldn’t handle them, maybe a bell cuff or just gentle taper. Using a warm grey brown with a strand of suri fluff 🙂
What a wonderful display of swatching using just one color of kid silk haze and different shades of Jane and how different the effect of using the one color made. It was very nice to see that you don’t need to match your colors or have them in the same family. Very nice
Beautiful!! I’m so surprised at the effect the Kidsilk haze had on the swatches! Inspiring….
Echoing Margo’s comments about the Kid Silk haze ( of which I have a whole bin of various colors and quantities). Just weanted to let you know I had already finished my Bolin, by the time your KA started. Mine is a light lime green in Wonderfluff, didn’t have to hold two yarns together. Fun knit and may do again in a fingering/ KS combo longer with slimmer sleeves in a cotton linen blend
Will the Kid Silk Haze be coming back to the shop?
I have always loved the combination of red and turquoise, but only you would think to hold them together. Your sweater is lovely and goes so well with the tablecloth.
You are adventurous!
Your sweater looks gorgeous, and I’m glad to see you’ve added a bunch of inches to the bottom. I can’t wait to see what it looks like. That was the one and only regret—I wish I’d done the same.
“Murky dimness, with blippy moments of vibrancy” tickled me because it closely defines my mental capacity lately, thank you for defining it Ann!
I’ve used a lace mohair held with stash yarns to knit about a dozen https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pembroke-scarf-2 and it adds that perfect je ne sais quoi. Thanks for your swatches, I love the Shadow + turquoise also. Can’t wait to see your finished Bolin.
These swatches make me happy. The original muted neutrals are elegant and timeless but make sad to knelt in the gloom of midwinter so I did not join workshop.
You changed my mind!
I’m curious about how much adding the KSH affected the gauge. Can it be considered a negligible carry along or does it take the gauge to a different level?
Me too – do tell!
WOW! Absolutely gorgeous!
I’m surprised how fast this sweater is knitting up. I absolutely love my color combination too.
I had a thought…what if those of us who made the sweater had a group picture at Nashfest? See you all there!
That swatching is beautiful, I think I would have kept on going and turned it into a scarf….lol ❤️
So much fun! I have some colors of Jane, and some odd amounts of KSH. May need to play with this. I do l like the Scarlet and Turquoise. Does that mean I am cool and a little weird?
Keep going on that Jane/Haze swatch and make a scarf!
About 7” in – and about to measure my petite body against the dimensions (again). Using Peony (kid silk haze) and Crown Jewel (felted tweed). Great tv knitting (All Creatures Great and Small, Gavin and Stacey finale.
One thing omitted – in the Field Guide pictures you can’t see the button placement … so when I read the directions I went ‘buttons’? There are buttons? Where?
Rav to the rescue. But it would be nice if there was a straight forward photo alongside the artsy one. It helps to see how the garment is meant to fit/lay.
I’ve finished the right front and I’m knitting briskly along the back. Holding the two yarns together has not been an issue (knock on wood) -the Crowberry sweater was much harder !
I considered making it longer but I wanted to finish it this month.
I’m glad you showed the gold and turquoise together! I hadn’t thought about that combination, but I love it.
It is thin, it is beautiful and the way it changes “ordinary” yarns is remarkable BUT it is the most frustrating yarn that I have EVER worked with
I think you should keep the “swatch” going and it will make a really cool/funky scarf!
Oh Ann! Those colors!!! Now I’m feeling a little envious that I didn’t choose something like that! I’m happy with my all pale pink with flecks of tweed, but yours is going to be SO glorious!!! I may need to make another one!
Love this! I pretty much mix mohair with everything and I have a skein of Jane left over from a sweater so I’m on it!!