Bang Out a Sweater: A Celebration!

Dear friends who have knitted like the wind,
We need to mark the conclusion of what can only be described as a delirious, delightful, deep-digging funfest.
During the month of February, knitters went for it and took on the challenge of knitting a Main Squeeze Cardigan in 29 short days.
The results are pretty epic.
We encourage you to take a spin through the hashtag #BangOutASweater2020.
See the Main Squeeze Cardigans that 242 knitters cooked up on Ravelry—a terrific way to see different sizes, colors, and yarns. There are a ton of chunky yarns out there!
And if you’re suddenly struck with the need to bang out your Main Squeeze in March, the MDK Lounge has a long conversation, “Bang Out a Sweater 2020,” that includes construction tips, prouds and sorries, and general gibblegabble about the making of a speedy sweater.
Valedictory Thoughts
I guess my big takeaway is that a sweater like this is an opportunity for pretty much any knitter, new or experienced. It has some construction fun: a thing where you have to hook up sleeves to the body, and you get to make edgings. It’s all on giant needles, so nothing lasts too long.
Jen Geigley’s design deserves kudos for hitting that sweet spot of fast and fun. No furious! Mine came together so fast that I didn’t ever hit a moment of fatigue. It was a week, maybe.
For those who are still on their journey to a Main Squeeze Cardigan, keep at it! You’ll be done before you know it!
And for those who are currently snuggled up in their new sweaters, just dial up the air conditioning and you can wear it all year long.
PS Up in the gallery you’ll see Main Squeezes by Ravelers Angelkissknits, craftyjhawk, dbreidt, Eretting11, francieos, goldenhair1, idknitthat, ILoveMNStateFair, jennicupcake, judyinthedyes, Knittwins21, ladybugn, lazarusknits, lotsofhermies, mommabearknitter, Mvg165, nmicd, sabograd, Teenuh, ThePolkadotSheep, ThisSlimKnits, tralfleming, willsoma. And in our @mymoderndailyknitting Wall of Fame, you’ll find fresh Main Squeezes to inspire and delight. Way to go, y’all! So proud!
Beautiful sweaters everyone!
It is such fun seeing the sweaters in different colors. And the wonderful smiles on everyone’s faces show success! Well done!
Love all of the pics. I’m inspired to finish mine. I’m 3/4’s of the way through my cardigan.
Such a gorgeous collection of Main Squeeze squish! I’ve had a blast seeing everyone’s progress photos. Thank you all so much for knitting along!
Love, love, love all the awesome sweaters! Congratulations everyone! I did not participate this time but I feel inspired to finish the sweater on my #4 needles!
These are lovely. The variety of colors and mods are perfect. (Hello, periwinkle) You look like a collection of tootsie pops, bright and sweet. Congratulations!
THAT WAS SOOOOO MUCH FUN! Thank you ladies, for hosting the party. I loved seeing all of the photos: so many different versions and yarns. Looking forward now to March Mayhem.
Some much gorgeousness!! Trying to identify the knitter who worked the button bands as they went instead of picking up. Couldn’t track in in the alphabetical photo credits.
Absolutely thrilled to be in the gallery with all those beautiful sweaters.
Ditto! I love them all.
I would have loved to make the sweater….however, my hands ache when I use anything over a #9 needle…and then only for short periods of time with a nine.
This was a great KAL and I love my Lopi Main Squeeze Cardi Coat Thank you @jengeigley for designing such an awesome adaptable pattern!!
I managed to knit a baby sweater in February! All sewn together and ready to mail.
I wore my lovely new Main Squeeze sweater to the Sewing & Stitchery Expo in Washington State this past weekend. So many compliments. People loved the pattern. I was so proud to wear it. Thanks for the pattern and inspiration.
Thinking about you Ann and Nashville this morning. ❤️
Gorgeous sweaters…I started, but had to frogg it…didn’t like the yarn I was working with..just bought the Rowan yarn..can’t wait to cast on
Congrats to everyone! I’ve been participating in a peripheral way – enjoying watching the cardis materialize here, while knitting a hap for a baby due in April. I even feel a sort of shared victory, as I almost made the February deadline – took the completed hap off the needles last night 🙂
Mine still needs pockets attached and blocking. Hope to get that done tomorrow night. Maybe it will be dry by the weekend!
This was my third BangOutASweater and it is so much fun to participate! Thanks for organizing and supporting.
Congrats to everyone who finished (or is still working on) a Main Squeeze! This was the first time I’ve participated and I absolutely LOVE my sweater!