Behind the Scenes at Nash Yarn Fest

Nearly 22 years into this MDK journey, one of my favorite things is when Ann and I ask ourselves: did you ever think we would … ? And then we fill in the blank with some unbelievable thing that has happened, from “get our own yarn spun in Yorkshire” to “work on two books with Kaffe Fassett.” And then we laugh and laugh. Life is full of surprises.
It’s not all Yorkshire dales and Kaffe Fassett, though. Last night I was cackling about the latest thing I never thought we’d get involved with: drayage!
Until recently I don’t think I could have told you what drayage was, but thanks to MDK’s Ashley Balding, event manager for Nash Yarn Fest, I now know that drayage is the transportation of shipped goods by truck to a final destination, often as part of a longer overall move. In other words: short hauls. Local delivery of goods that have come from afar. The final leg, short but crucial.
Why do we need drayage? Although some Nash Yarn Fest vendors are local, and some are driving their wonderful wares to Nashville themselves, a subset of vendors are shipping their goods to Nashville ahead of time by common carrier. These vendors had a need, and the need was drayage.
So Ashley went in search of Nashville’s finest drayage services. If you know Ashley, you know that she was looking for folks who know what’s what, have excellent communication skills, and are nice to people.
That’s how I found myself on a Zoom on Monday with Jacob from Midnight Logistics.
Jacob knows a lot about keeping things safe and dry and getting them where they need to go, when they need to be there. He was so kind and informative. It was fun to watch him in his element, fielding questions from vendors, setting concerns to rest, just like that.
My point, and I do have one, is this: when you’re strolling around Nash Yarn Fest on March 14-15 and a wonderful feeling comes over you, and you don’t know what it is—it might be drayage. Drayage is the wind beneath a yarn festival’s wings.
Other Things We’re Really Looking Forward To

Drayage aside, we’re in high gear behind the scenes, cooking up fun for Nash Yarn Fest. Right now, we’re focusing the sunshine beams on plans for our sit and knit area, where the main stage will feature music, talks, and demos. This will be a place in the midst of all the vendor action, where knitters can take a load off their feet, knit or wind yarn, hang out with friends old and new, and see some of our favorite yarn-world people in action.
The list is definitely very much in formation as we confirm the lineup, but here are some of the friends we’ll be welcoming for demos and talks on Saturday, March 15.

Dana Williams-Johnson of Yards of Happiness

Teacher, designer, and pickleball prodigy Lorilee Beltman.

Natalie Chanin of Alabama Chanin and The School of Making
Sally Holt of Knit Companion

Kim McBrien Evans of Indigo Dragonfly

Amy Swanson of June Cashmere
And one more tantalizing tidbit: Madelinetosh will be putting on a very special fashion show about which we can say no more. No more I tell you!

Will We See You at Nash Yarn Fest? We Sure Hope So!
For details and tickets, visit the Nash Yarn Fest website.
I’m chuckling…based on your description, I’M actually pretty good at drayage, too! Have a great time at “the Fest!” Waaaaaaaa, I am also good at jealousy…
You had me at drayage. What a hook, and another fab mdk letter. So wish I was going to see you all. If I fly in maybe Jacob can work his magic on me. Hah!
As my father used to say “you learn something new every day” and he was an English teacher so I’m happy to learn a new word today.
OMG! The hits keep coming! We. Can. Not. Wait. !!!
Sounds so fabulous. Looks like so much fun and learning. I bought a ticket fully expecting to be there but events have conspired…I never expected in my seventies to have so many commitments! Crossing my fingers for next year!
I was in Nashville last night for a concert at City Winery (they offer a cocktail named Knit One, Booze Two which was tasty). I love Nashville and NYF will be so much fun.
Drayage….leads to bailment and other arcane concepts about safekeeping of property. Thanks for bringing that word to mind!
Thanks for a good laugh, Linda! And thank you for a fun letter, Kay! I haven’t needed to think about drayage or bailment in years, and yet they are both important concepts when you need them. I’m thoroughly enjoying these behind the scenes details about NYF.
Cannot wait to be there and enjoy Nash Fest. Fun to hear the behind the scenes experiences.
This was perfect timing for a Nash Fest
When I hear the word drayage, I think of work horses. So I’m visualizing some cute little Belgians pulling wagons full of yarn!
It is wonderful that you’re giving a shout out to the unseen, unknown people behind the scenes. Most things in life wouldn’t happen without them, but they so often go unrecognized and unappreciated. Thanks to MDK for reminding us to appreciate all the people!!
So sad I’m unable to attend the first yarn fest 🙁
Oh joy! Oh rapture! So pumped for this. I’ve made my reservations and am feverishly knitting my Copenhagen Calling cowl in Jane to wear. Thanks for the speaker announcement! #evenmoreexcited
Drayage! Holy smokes, haven’t thought about that in decades! I’m so glad you found a brilliant human being in Jacob to help with that last bit of getting stuff to NYF!
I love the speaker line up, it looks amazing!
Now I just need to not chicken out on going. Introverted introvert here, and this is looking to be a huge gathering of people, but I want to meet people…
Another double introvert here Mitzi, but I can say that fiber gatherings are the least stressful of all groups! More than a few people makes me twitchy, but I can handle Rhinebeck fine. Just be sure you leave some decompression time every day. Go! Have fun! Wish I could be there!
Thank you! I had the jitters this morning and hit a panic button. My beloved husband is coming with and reminded me that he is coming, I will have fun, and everyone will understand if I need time alone to knit and meditate.
Thank you for the lovely note. If you can handle Rhinebeck, I can handle Nashville!
Wish I could be there
I cannot imagine the amount of work you all are putting in to make this event! I am so looking forward to being there!
I’ll be wearing my recently finished Rosemary cardigan in barn red Atlas.
On fire is a poor metaphor considering we, here in So. Cal, have been through hell and are still rising from the aftermath. Please choose your descriptors with more empathy and care for others.