Skill Builder: Fixing Mistakes
Into each life a few (or many) mistakes must fall.
Tips, tricks, hints and hacks for the knitter in search of a better way.
Into each life a few (or many) mistakes must fall.
Adding space to the long-tail cast-on—video tutorial included!
Tips and tricks for marls par excellence.
An illegal early bird shares simple ways to enhance your marvelous Marlogram knitting experience.
How a lapsed knitter got her groove back, in 9 lessons.
Create complex-looking colorwork by working ... stripes!
A smorgasbord of decreases ... coming right up.
Keeping track and splitting up—video tutorial included!
To slip or not to slip . . . and how and why. And that's not all—video tutorials!
A winning combination: garter stitch and short rows for extra stretchy heels.
A knitter's notebook full of notes and whatnot about making Karida Collins's cool pullover.