Shifting Gears: From Small to Big
The heady thrill of going from a size 1 to a size 13 needle.
Tips, tricks, hints and hacks for the knitter in search of a better way.
The heady thrill of going from a size 1 to a size 13 needle.
Moving and shaping fabric with simple increases and decreases, and a fix for that un-twisting cast-on.
Here you go. This is the knitting that will make you feel so very clever. Five video tutorials, right here.
Riveting, we tell you! This is the most compelling writing about yarn you'll ever find. Read ’n’ learn, friends!
What do we do with color? We listen to Ann Weaver, that's what.
Customize the fit of your socks with handy solutions from a sock master.
Ever wonder why superwash yarns that?
What to do when the pattern tells you to do something, and it doesn't look good.
Hanging out with Felicity Ford and Jen Arnall-Culliford. Enjoy this conversation that will leave you with a new take on working with color.
Lorilee Beltman for President!
Share your sock-care secrets by responding to our exciting survey.
You'll be surprised at what happens.