Techniques in Depth: Knitters on the Edge (Slipping Stitches)
My mother slips the first stitch of every row. I don’t. A spirited debate.
Tips, tricks, hints and hacks for the knitter in search of a better way.
My mother slips the first stitch of every row. I don’t. A spirited debate.
Looking for a fix for color jogs and texture seams when working in the round? Avoid them in the first place! Sheer cleverness from Arnall-Culliford Knitwear.
Questions? Our new columnist, Patty Lyons, brings advice and counsel for the knitterly problems that plague us.
Tips for seaming up a batch of squares, one of the more profound experiences I've had recently.
In which Kate tackles another controversial topic: how to join in a new yarn. (Warning: there may be knots.)
Help your knitting by understanding your yarn. And laughing.
Even a garter-stitch shawl requires Moments Of Skill. A bit of wisdom from the field.
Building a tidier toe: Kate Atherley has practical advice that just might work for you. (Bonus: applies to mittens, too!)
Slip-and-flip intarsia: Julia Farwell-Clay's newly "unvented" technique might be your new favorite way to take your ease.
Learn this simple calculation to improve your success when substituting yarns.
When the knitting part is done: how to weave in ends.