Techniques in Depth: How to Attach Buttons
Let's go deep into a topic that gets startlingly short shrift in pattern instructions: how to "attach buttons."
Tips, tricks, hints and hacks for the knitter in search of a better way.
Let's go deep into a topic that gets startlingly short shrift in pattern instructions: how to "attach buttons."
If this is the worst knitting mistake you ever make, you're doing just great.
Such a perfect, concise guide—and the launch of a brand-new yarn that has us in its thrall.
The best designers will slip in a cool bit of cleverness. Three satisfying details discovered along the way.
The closer you look, the stranger it gets.
How to make holes in your knitting (on purpose).
In our never-ending quest to bring you the fun in knitting, this is going to be Big Fun.
A master class tutorial on how to pick up stitches, the tricky but necessary first step to adding edgings, bands, and other finishes to knitted garments.
Today we welcome 10 essential how-to videos featuring favorite knitting teacher Jen Arnall-Culliford.
It's our favorite transformation: blocking a finished piece of lace knitting. Using blocking wires makes a huge difference.
Keep track of any pattern that repeats across a row—stitch markers will keep you on track, especially when knitting lace.