Video: Kitchener Stitch
The only tutorial you will ever need on how to work a seamless graft in knitting.
Hardcore how to.
The only tutorial you will ever need on how to work a seamless graft in knitting.
Correct mistakes in your knitting, without ripping and re-knitting. Jen Arnall-Culliford makes this vital technique so straightforward.
How to make a 5-into-1 decrease in knitting.
Sometimes you need to increase a bunch at one time. Here's how.
How to fix mistakes in knitted cables without ripping.
Solved! How to keep track of rows when knitting cables.
How to knit 1-over-1 cables without a cable needle—or removing stitches from the needles.
Clear and concise: here's the straight-up, basic tutorial on one of knitting's glorious techniques.
An ode to mattress stitch. Caution: deeply felt technique sentiment ahead.
We complete our course with the knitterly equivalent of bungee jumping: cutting a steek.
How to make that colorwork pattern dance.
Easier socks! We welcome the technique that can potentially banish the phrase "heel flap" from your vocabulary.