Porch and Beach, Rinse and Repeat
What I'm doing with my wild and precious late-summer days.
You never know what’s going to catch our eye. A compendium of wonders.
What I'm doing with my wild and precious late-summer days.
Knitting wool in a heat wave is not only possible, it's fantastic. C'mon in, the water's . . . tepid!
A thrill for us to collaborate with this extraordinary artist, designer, and knitter.
A nice handknit present—from yourself.
Let’s make a list of everything we want to do before everything goes pumpkin spice on us.
Pull up a lily pad and rip without coming undone.
Julia Farwell-Clay's breezy shawl + Jill Draper's Mohonk + free ebook download = our special offer, very limited.
Exciting news: We're partnering with Alabama Chanin and The School of Making. Join us in the rabbit hole!
It's more of the thing you love to do. And you'll have an airy sweater you'll love forever.
Three magic words: Summery Sock Kit. Plus a juicy sale and all the week’s news.
"Weary of limitations," a legendary explorer relies on her knitting.
Sometimes a dishcloth is more than a dishcloth. A lot more.