MDK Gems: Isabell Kraemer and Jill Draper
When we say "perfect pattern, perfect yarn," this is what we're talking about. Special offer through Aug. 31!
You never know what’s going to catch our eye. A compendium of wonders.
When we say "perfect pattern, perfect yarn," this is what we're talking about. Special offer through Aug. 31!
Christmas stockings now under way. We recorded our Zoom launch party, so come watch and glean hints, tips, tricks!
A meditation in knitterly time.
Three paths to bring attention into your body.
Our beloved pattern is back. A new yarn kit in 3 colorways. A quick knitalong coming August 19.
MDK Summer Camp: a lot of fun connecting while making crochet bucket hats.
On cleaning house, warehouse, and basement. Plus a GIVEAWAY!
A brand-new fall festival sweater has arrived, just in time!
Sometimes a book worms its way into your imagination. Plus: A giveaway!
French for Knitters 101 now enrolling.
On being grateful and open to learning.
Weaving, spinning, and generally blowing minds as a historical interpreter.