You never know what’s going to catch our eye. A compendium of wonders.
Elevate Your Gear
The totes and tools that keep us stylishly organized.
Of Stars and Hedgehogs
...or why there are chandeliers in the Holiday Shop.
Why There’s Hand Soap in the Holiday Shop
Small bottles that contain a world.
Barn-raising in the 21st Century
It takes a village—Part 37.
What Do You Do When You Cannot Knit?
On feeling the love and healing that come from handmade gifts.
Clifton Kirkpatrick Meador, Sr., M.D.
My dad left us last Monday.
It’s Here! Field Guide No. 19: Marls
Cecelia Campochiaro gives us a new world: knitting with multiple strands of yarn at once. Five designs to dazzle and amuse us.
Shelf-Care Modern Classics: Burnout
The antidote to stress.
Catching Up With: Jen Geigley
What has Field Guide No. 12 designer Jen Geigley been up to lately?
Announcing: The Designer for Field Guide No. 19!
If you've ever fallen in love with a yarn but wondered what to make with it, come sit by this designer.