Meet the mother of Swedish-style fiber craft
The seeds of this multi-craftual mother's work still live on.
You never know what’s going to catch our eye. A compendium of wonders.
The seeds of this multi-craftual mother's work still live on.
A legend returns. Please help us welcome the creative genius we admire so much.
Jane is here! Join us on Wednesday, August 28 for a free Zoom to celebrate our brand-new special thing.
Oh the places you can go when you have a curious mind and a willing spirit.
What can make a little bit of self-care go a long way? Consider this force multiplier.
A cool shawl is at the heart of this brand-new virtual experience. With a beautiful kit option too! Sign up now for Oct. 11.
A very special deal: a free ebook of Dee Hardwicke's designs is yours when you order our beloved, exclusive Atlas yarn.
Excellent advice from an opinionated pal.
There's a lot of memories riding on her stylishly slim shoulders.
When there's something new on the horizon, we get really excited.
There are some questions you should say "yes" to.